Although Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, and Sarah Palin lead the field of potential Republican presidential candidates among all Republicans nationwide, there are significant differences in candidate preferences when Republicans are divided by the issue they think is most important.
Former Alaska Gov. and vice presidential candidate Palin does slightly better among those focused on national security and foreign policy than on values issues and business and the economy. She performs much less well among those focused on government spending and power, despite being one of the leading public supporters of the Tea Party movement.
"Palin does slightly better among those focused on national security and foreign policy." Does THAT make your head hurt as much as it does mine?
I have asked this again, but I guess I need to ask it again, "Just HOW stupid, are GOP voters?"
Foreign relations? This woman did not even realize that Africa was a continent (I actually used to think this was fake, but I just learned recently that it is for real.), believes she has foreign relations experience based on the proximity of Alaska to Russia, and frequently insults the worlds second largest religious group on Twitter, on Facebook, and on NATIONAL TELEVISION! If Sarah Palin has foreign relations experience based on these examples than I should be able to teach a class in animal husbandry based on the fact I once turned the hose on to dogs copulating in my front yard.
However if you are actually so incredibly desperate that Klondike Kardashian rises to the top as an expert in foreign relations and national security then, for the good of the country, perhaps y'all might want to sit this next one out.
I mean seriously!
ReplyDeleteNow you haters are just being so mean and unfair to Sarah Palin because she's understanding Americans and what this great country needs which is national job security and stuff! She says what she thinks and I really think we need more leaders like that, otherwise. Plus also she's a good Christian mother of four--uh, no, five kids, and she has experience as an Oil and Gas director and other stuff which I can't remember right now but I'm sure it was important. Sarah is a true patriot and we should be proud to have her representating this great nation of America too, also!
ReplyDeleteI know...I read this yesterday and just shook my head in disbelief. Of course, if you look at the chart and ignore the names, no one polled very well on any issue. This is one messed up political party, and growing more divide by the day. That's what happens when you rely on Fox News to tell you what to think. One minute they are lying about Palin, so they think, "yeah, she's OK, it's the media that are getting me confused about her." The next, they hear these rumors about her temper and her vindictiveness, so they look for someone else. It does suck to be a member of the sorry!
ReplyDeleteAnd then, I look for comments (I'm first!) and see the smiling mug of she hero , Reagan, with "The most trusted man in America" underneath your post. In the past year, Palin has managed to make me dislike Alaska, Reagan, and Arizona. She is toxic.
ReplyDeleteDoes the GOP know that RR is dead?
ReplyDeletethe findings make total sense if you consider which GOP might be MOST concerned about foreign relations..
ReplyDeletewhat if "foreign relations" had an asterick next to it that said "Israel and End Times"? - SARAH IS YOUR GAL!
Likewise- if the asterick said "i'm an islamaphobe" again-- who's your GAL?
lastly REMEMBER- this poll question is among those who are concerned about Foreign Relations- who do you support... NOT.. why do you support person X..
this poll is not about who people think is best prepared on issues on national security /foreign relations..
the low information voter is what they are hoping for.
ReplyDeletePoll results like this one is why we, your best friend and northern neighbor, fear for the future of your great nation. Why any of these weird & wacky characters populating today's American political landscape are given one iota of credibility is truly baffling to us, and to be honest, very sad.
ReplyDeleteSo it turns out the GOP is as stupid as most democrats. Yeah,we're screwed as a country
ReplyDeleteYou know seeing those stats make Romney's butt hurt.
ReplyDeleteWell, it certainly does. They are in the state that I am the government of
ReplyDeleteWhen Putin rears his head, and comes into the airspace of the US, where do they go?
I shake my head. I sip some morning coffee. I wonder what the loose cannon will allow out of her mouth in India. I sigh and remember:
ReplyDelete-- Demands to secure the Canadian border.
-- Saying Putin's jet uses Alaska air space. Really, he travels east out of Moscow to go to Europe or U.S.?
-- The visit to Hong Kong in 2009, when the Brand insulted China by swatting Obama for having the audacity to look at the defense budget. "Our strong defense posture in Asia has helped keep the region safe and allowed ... this area to prosper," Ms. Palin said. "Our Asian allies get nervous if they think we're weakening with security commitments." Who does she think governs Hong Kong? Brits handed it over to the Peoples Republic of China in 1997, well before she arrived to shoot off her mouth.
If she'd been vice president, China would have called the bonds, I'd be truck gardening on the Chena, and she'd be fishing in the dead lake.
I've got a fourteen month old niece who knows more about foreign policy than Sarah Palin. She also speaks better english and knows when its time to stop whining and just take a nap.
ReplyDeleteThey figure she'll do her wink, wink, shimmy, shimmy routine, and then male foreign leaders will do her bidding. Right?
ReplyDeleteInteresting that if you add up the percentages, it is clear that there must have been a 'none of the above' category that scored the most in almost all of these categories. Not even the Republicans are impressed with the potential Republican nominees.
ReplyDeleteNo real sure who they actually polled for this. I know it could not have been amoung the breathing GOP.
ReplyDelete40 + million people voted for Grandpa McCain in the 2008 election knowing the Alaskan Khardashian was one old heartbeat away from propping her naughty monkeys atop the desk of the Oval Office, so NOTHING surprises me anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe whole GOP is nuttier than the proverbial fruit cake grandma bakes at Christmas. No one wants one, no one eats it, and it eventually becomes a doorstop for the barn.
ReplyDeleteYou know. This is totally off topic, but if the Brand was VP, it would be close to quittin' time.
ReplyDeleteThere must be a literary name for using the past which is to predict the future which isn't.
For the Brand, though, this is common sense.
She's the head of a culture that embraces and celebrates stupidity. Of COURSE she scores big with them.
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah would just dig up Ronald Reagan's corpse and carry it under one arm and Trig under the other arm... then she would win all the polls.
ReplyDeleteThe republican party is a screwed up mess, with birthers, religious freaks and teabaggers. No common sense people in the lot.
ReplyDeleteThey are owned by Koch Brothers.
Palin may not know where Africa is or the difference between North and South Korea. She does, however, know where Israel is, and among the Christianist GOP base, support for Israel is the only foreign policy position that matters.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin says what's easy and what people would like to hear: create jobs! national security! protect our borders! But she doesn't actually have a clue about how to get there. She's just a walking bumper sticker.
ReplyDeleteShe gives the illusion of not being a quitter only because she doesn't ever quit blathering and shut up. The reality is that she quit the only two jobs she's had that could have taught her something: the position on the Oil & Gas Commission and the governorship. What's ironic about her stint on the O&G Commission is that Murkowski gave her that job as a consolation prize for not getting his senate seat. NOT because she was qualified. She doesn't even have the self-awareness to be grateful and instead takes out her resentment on Lisa Murkowski. Instead of demonizing the Murkowski's she should recognize that they gave a know-nothing like her an unearned opportunity.
She would also have quit the mayorship of Wasilla had she not been able to pawn off the hard work on a city manager.
And yeah, trolls hear this: Sarah Palin was NEVER a city manager. That is a HUGE LIE.
Palin's forgein policy consists of bomb, baby, bomb. Now who supports that? Besides Dick and Rummey of course.
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:41 I like your reference to a walking bumper sticker:) Palin is relentlessly vocal repeating her slogans. While she blows her horn repeating the same phrases she spins her targets do not care positioning they are against or do not care. It is her verbal tactic whether about desserts, fences, war, education, Christian values or groceries.
ReplyDeleteShe has no actions nor accomplishments to validate credibility. When she quit the governorship I understood the tactic to campaign for her and destroy others . That is her job to serve Sarah at the expense of her kids too.
It involves Palin.
ReplyDeleteProbably a fake poll.
Either that or lots of fake people responding.
Security and foreign relations?? More than Gingrich (whom I loathe)????
ReplyDeleteShe has no intellectual curiosity.
She has no cultural curiosity.
She has never had any meaningful time outside the US.
She probably cannot spell strategy.
She thinks a wink is appropriate during a national political speech.
She dresses like the slutty PTO mom who admired Flo from Alice as a child.
She couldn't find Iraq on a map of Iraq.
Most of the industrialized world leaders think she is a vapid, lippy dingbat.
And these are some of her more positive traits in my book
Lou Sarah @ 2:41 AM
ReplyDeleteLoved your satire. And remember, Palin's greatest skill on her resume is her push-up bras, you know, to reinforce her unobtrusive assests.
Hey Palin, better pack a suitcase or two just for them there push-ups when you go to India. You never know who you may want to impress while you are over there.
Oh, and while you are over there, don't bother coming back here. We don't need you; won't miss you.
The Republicans are seriously 'dumb and dumber'!!
ReplyDeleteObviously haven't really dug into the facts about the idiot!
My dad has a cousin in Minnesota who is a Palinbot. He recently has been having misgivings about her though. Says he doesn't think she's presidential material anymore, but believes that she'd make a fabulous Secretary of State.
ReplyDeleteHe goes to a retirement community in Arizona every winter and says "we all love her down here, think she's the bees knees".
I hate to say it, cause I'm part of the tail end of the Baby Boomer generation, but it will be a good thing for the country when the Millennials replace our space on the planet.
don't worry, this was one of Palins fake polls that Frank Bailey told the public about. as fake as she is...
ReplyDeleteLOU SARAH hows that Todd hooker thing working out for Ya!!
The GOP is getting nuttier and nuttier each day. They WANT ignoramuses like Palin and Walker in power to do their bidding. Everyday, we see evidence that they are trying to destroy the middle class with the insanity of the House rulings to defund the NLRB and Planned Parenthood, as well as the efforts of some GOP governors to end collective bargaining. Therefore, this kind of poll doesn't surprise me, because it was obviously taken among the most ardent Palinbots.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone heard from the "stud boy" since he began the iron dog? Probably meeting hookers at the rest stops.
ReplyDeleteI think it might go back to her dumb ass comment about "not blinking." For many goppers that ability to avoid discussion before reacting to a conflict really appeals to them.