Saturday, February 05, 2011

"Bristol the Pistol" is writing a book? Oh you have GOT to be kidding me!

I wonder how many lies per page this will have in it? Perhaps she is in some kind of contest with her mother to see how big of a fantasy they can create concerning their lives and the number of children they have given birth to. Well in case you need to know just what in the hell a book written by this poor uneducated, unsophisticated "abstinence spokesperson" might look like, you can go here to pre-order your very own copy. (Crayons not included with purchase.)

You know I guess we should have expected something Ike this after we learned that she and the Grizzled Mama were taking steps to protect their brand.

And these savvy women are taking all the prudent steps a brand holder does to protect an asset. In the last several months, Politics Daily has learned that the Palin family lawyer, Alaska attorney Thomas Van Flein, has filed applications to the United States Patent and Trademark Office to trademark "Sarah Palin®" and "Bristol Palin®."

Personally I don't have a problem with Sarah trademarking her name. You know just in case there is another failed Governor, with poor diction, and a propensity toward lying and faking childbirth out there who might attempt to pass herself off as the real Sarah Palin®.

It looks like one of the first things Bristol can market will be chin implants.

I have to say that is a pretty striking difference from her old look.


  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    four chapters on "rent me a baby"

    four chapters on "I considered abortion"

    four chapters on "evil mercedes"

    four chapters on "my mother will save the known universe from Obama"

    one chapter on all the other times I've been victimized by every single human being on this planet (except by my sainted mother).

    Post Script: how to become a millionaire before age 20 by exploiting your vagina.

  2. WakeUpAmerica2:01 PM

    Oh puh-leeze! What kind of memoir can an uneducated 20-year-old have? I wonder if it will have her trademark "ummmm" and "what not" in it.

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Title will be

    "the BIG middle finger"

  4. Anonymous2:04 PM

    HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAhhaahaha...hack, wheeze, cough....who's gonna buy this ghost "written" swill ?

  5. Wait. When is she going to start "working with" Michelle Obama? Or maybe that's something like her mom's invitation to visit Margaret Thatcher. Or something...

  6. womanwithsardinecan2:06 PM

    There reaches a point when somebody like Bristol becomes a caricature of a caricature of a caricature of get the picture. We are so far beyond "you can't make this stuff up" that it is NOT funny anymore.

  7. linda2:07 PM

    i can only laugh at the thought of ANY 20 year old writing a "memoir." there are suckers born every day. and people to take advantage suckers also born every day. whatever!

  8. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Let me guess, it will be dedicated to "teh
    haterz who suck and are just jellus" and have
    made her, like, totally an awesome strong woman.

  9. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Bristol and Sarah are running circles around your ass.


  10. WakeUpAmerica2:11 PM

    And by the way, Alaska WTF is once again down.

  11. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck2:13 PM

    P S Y C H O

    the publisher is also an idiot

  12. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Like mother, like daughter. It's truly scary.

    It's all about the benjamins, and these grifter gals know how to keep 'em rolling in.

    It will be all about her fine upstanding fake Christian Republican lifestyle. 'Cause she's a role model, you know.

  13. Maybe she will tell us all the things Levi was too much of a gentleman to. These are the type of things young girls need to know about
    and plan ahead for.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I see that it will be 304 pages long. Other than a lot of whining and lying, what can Bristol Palin possibly have to say?

    She's isn't bright. She isn't articulate. She isn't well educated. She isn't experienced.

    She is only 20 frigging years old with a track record of behavior that makes most parents shudder.

    I had expected it to be put out by Harper Collins, but I see it is the William Morris Co. Any nexus between the two?

    Ye gods and goddesses, will this family ever go away? How much more shameful and tawdry things must we be exposed to thanks to their endless soap opera lives?

    Will the Murdoch-backed nightmare ever end?

  15. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck2:16 PM

    of course the publisher is William Morrow -- aka Harper-Collins...

    big surprise

  16. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I think the title has already been taken: The Vagina Monologue.

    It seems to be only part of Bristol responsible for her celebrity status. She has nothing else to offer.

  17. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I hope she doesn't spend that advance. If a book flops, the publishers often request that all or part of it be returned.

  18. Olivia2:18 PM

    I wonder who they will get to buy up thousands of copies so that it becomes a best seller. I guess they can make the pbots go buy them, but it won't be as easy as when they voted for her multiple times on DWTS. They will have to fork over actual cash for the books. I guess they can use them to level their trailer houses.

  19. Florida Mom2:20 PM

    Memoir? Surely you jest. This will be in the bargain bin before it hits Amazon's site for purchasing. There just ain't no 'there' there.

  20. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Title of the book -

    Fuck you haters, shut the hell up, you're just jealous.......

    Another title -

    "How to screw everything in pants and deny, deny, deny"


    "Making lemonade out of Lemons"


    "Who's the New Baby Daddy"

  21. ManxMamma2:21 PM

    I don't know what to say. Couldn't she start with a very short story? Or a Facebook posting? Why on earth is it available on Amazon?

  22. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Well, no one knows her. I think it'll be good for her to get HER story out. There's so much misinformation and odd rumors

  23. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Who in the sam heck would buy a book from this uneducated high school drop-out?

    Guess RAM will be the ghostwriter.

  24. I knew it was coming, but not this soon! Who wants to read the ghostwritten memoirs of a hillbilly? I cannot imagine what kind of brain must inhabit the reader of this sort of drivel. Please read the story the MSM does not want you to know in The Palin Matrix.

  25. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Did you see the pub date? June 2011! And they don't even have a title yet? Wow, is that book being rushed into print.

    You know all the little Palinbots will buy this, along with all the fundie crazies and the rightwing nutjob milking outfits.

    As a real author who probably gets 10% of this idiot ho's advance per book, pardon me while I go throw some cans at my refrigerator.

  26. According to the Amazon page, the pub date is June 21, 2011.

    I can't imagine what she'd have to say and who, other than some Palin-fans, might want to buy it.

  27. Anonymous2:28 PM


    "Tales Of Awesome And Whatnot"

  28. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Revirginization, MiddleFinger to teh Haters, This Sucks and Whatnot: Bristol's Story.

  29. Anonymous2:35 PM

    June 2011???

    OMG - she's going to spill the babygate info

  30. Anonymous2:36 PM

    gryphen: is that pic of Bristol dated and verified? not a photoshopped trick?

    oh, J M J
    (as we used to write at the top of all our school work..)


  31. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I'm already embarrassed for her. Does she realize that Paris Hilton's book was a flop?

  32. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Picture of old look chin:

    She used to have a big dimple in the middle of her chin (looking straight on)

  33. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Hi Bristol! What chapter is Bristol and Sarah are running circles around your ass.


  34. Warrior892:40 PM

    Hunh. Do you suppose Bristol's going to write a book that will answer the questions that will surely be coming down the pike after her mama's "iceberg" hits?

    I'm Trig's babymama, anyone?

  35. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Customers Viewing This Page May Be Interested in These Sponsored Links
    Bristol Palin Wore - Our I am Perfection Hoodie While on Dancing With The Stars

    I read that wrong the first time.

  36. Anonymous2:42 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Well, no one knows her. I think it'll be good for her to get HER story out. There's so much misinformation and odd rumors

    2:21 PM"

    Yea, like she is going to tell the real truth, and not
    her made-up truth. She is a Palin, we don't expect
    the truth. It will be about settling scores with
    the people who didn't root for her on DWTS,
    and those who tried to get her to abort poor
    retarded Trig., and all the jealous girls from
    high school, who are eating their hearts out
    now that she is rich & famous.

  37. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Whoa....Jay Leno called, he wants his chin back!

  38. I agree with Floyd. Spend your money and time on Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix to get an understanding of the forces behind the craziness that has been leading our country on a downward path for decades.

    I can only feel sorry for Bristol. Why did she do that to her face? She looked fine before. That chin looks witchy.

  39. Anonymous2:46 PM

    @2:09 pm: if you are not just some idiot trying to be funny, please link to your next statement at least three sources that support your point of view.

    Many here are always willing to try and understand why we and our neighbors are now seeing the world so differently.

    My belief is that there are, literally, millions in this country who have a similar wish for healing, prosperity, integrity for our nation...
    we differ in how to accomplish this goal.

    What is repulsive about Ms Palin and those she enraptures, is that there are NEVER any positive suggestions/alternatives proposed; only harping shrill negatives that feed a mind set of fear...

    Why is that? why do neo-cons foster fear-mongering?

    Please give this query respectful thought, and honest reply.


  40. Anonymous2:46 PM

    You're shitting me, right?

  41. Virginia Voter2:50 PM

    The chin is dramatically different, isn't it, and that's not from weight loss. I went back thru Getty Images (thanks Anon from prev thread)to look at Bristol's fat profile pics from DWTS, and you can see it is completely resculpted, not even the same shape as before, even with the fat underneath, yikes!

    She's angling for a spot on the Real Hillbilly Housewives of Maricopa for sure, she's got all the standard dysfunctions: plastic surgery, boyfriend who is not her baby daddy, delinquent siblings, crazy mother, and a Daddy who frequents hookers. Bristol's the total package y'all.

    Title of the Book: Media Whoredom for Dummies

  42. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Thanks, 2:37. As I am not blind, it is glaringly obvious that Bristol is packin a chin implant. Sad, because what she really needs is a brain implant....

    Did she pay for that thing? Uh, I think they "saw her coming", as my dear grandma used to say.

  43. Anonymous2:55 PM

    She's trying to hurry. Everyone knows the Palin stuff has a short shelf life. They are so yesterday.

  44. Anonymous2:55 PM

    That chin looks terrible. Isn't it amazing that even the smallest slight about the Palins' appearance and they run out and "fix" things. They are both just becoming cartoon characters.

    As for her home, it clearly looks unlived in. They threw a couple photos in there and a few clothes in the closet.

    As for her outfit at the Reagan Ranch event....old worn out cowboy boots? This entire family just always dresses inappropriately. Keepin' it classy, as usual, Bristle. Get a can afford it.

  45. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Is that Bristol in that photo? It doesn't look like Bristol? A look-alike cousin?

  46. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Looks like Bristol got some chin fat and neck lipo done. She really does look better; still vapid and ignorant, but those chins were pretty out of control for someone so young.

  47. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Maybe this is the 'confession' - my mother tried to spare me, but.....

  48. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I am a little hesitant at even venturing a guess at how well a bristol book could do

    Meghan mccains tanked. And most politicians books tanked incl bidens. But go her. That's what americas all about. Telling your story. I'm sure she's pissed at all the heinous rumors

  49. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Bristol looks different from the double chins 8-9 weeks ago.

  50. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Bristol and Sarah are running wild and free and making big bucks while you stare at a monitor pimping for pageviews.

    Oh, and there's $adie selling her tits to Playboy.

  51. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Bristol (soon-to-be-registered trademark) already gave us a heads up that she would be writing a book (having someone ghost write a book for her so she can tour the country signing books just like her mother). Her hint was given to all of the people who already hate her. They will hate her even more in 2011.

    Bristol, what we HATE is the fact that like many other teens, you had unprotected sex which resulted in a child. You and your partner are too immature to realize that your personal squabbles are not good for the kid. You pushed the father out of the picture, and cashed in on your mother's celebrity and connections. All that you do is glamorize single teen pregnancy. Yours is not a cautionary tale. It is an example that other young girls will want to imitate, especially after seeing your pretty son and pretty home all over the place. You are not a good example for young girls. That's what's wrong here.

    Most single teen mothers are not lucky enough to get on Dancing with the Stars to sock away a nice nest egg. Most single teen mothers do not have the luxury of ghost writers and book tours, a swell condo which financed the swell house, and a ready made job and nanny. And, sorry, Bristol, I'm not being mean, but you just don't have the personality for the job. You smile sweetly enough, but it's your mother who cornered all of the charisma.

    I don't care what you write in your book, and what advice you give to kids. But please consider that your own son will read whatever you say and write. You are leaving him a terrible legacy, unless you envision the same kind of future for him.

  52. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Looking at this pic from DWTS timeline, seems someone has had some facial work done. Note the extra chin and lines that run down from outerlips down chin and under as compared to the pic that Gryphen has posted

  53. "My Life as a Functional Illiterate, No Talent or Morals, Unwed Mother"

    Now there's a story I want to read! NOT!

    I've written to Candies, explaining why I will never buy anything from their company and how innappropriate their spokesperson is.

  54. emrysa3:22 PM

    rofl cue seth myers... REALLY?

    does bristol leno think that new chin looks good? how many surgeries has she had now at 20 years old? that chin is ginormous. maybe all the swelling hasn't gone down yet. I guess I shouldn't be making fun... something tells me that this isn't going to turn out well for bristol. she's blowing through her dough, and the gravy train won't last forever.

    what does a 20-year old who grew up in a town of 6500 people really have to write about in a book? my guess is that she didn't get an advance for the book - her cut is probably based on sales. ya think lecy (the woman who posted the pics of her 10 minute speech in tx) will be her ghostwriter? bristol can only speak for 10 minutes but has enough material for a book? lol I bet they won't even be able to give those things away. bet sarah pac buys most of them.

  55. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Grift Grift Grift

  56. Anonymous3:23 PM

    As I said, like mother like daughter.

    I cannot believe that chin plastic surgery! A perfectly beautiful girl decides she needs to change her face?

    These people are so lost, so hopeless.

  57. Lynne3:31 PM

    If you hadn't told us it was Bristol, I never would have guessed. She looks strange in that photo. Maybe it was just liposuction and not a chin implant. I can't think why she would need one, but getting rid of that fat would make sense. She really does look strange.

  58. London Bridges3:36 PM

    Sarah PAC has already bought 100,000 copies to give away for every $5K donation. It will make the NYT best seller list without anyone ever having read it.

  59. Anonymous3:40 PM

    @Anon 2:02--that's perfect!

    And you know her book will be full of "getting even" just like her mother's was.

  60. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Oh Gryphen, your story has loosened my jaw...I have been wanting to blab this SO much! Bristol did NOT get a chin implant...she got liposuction on her neck. She had a procedure usually reserved for much older women who have what is referred to as a "turkey wattle".

    Bristol had severe bruising on her chin/neck area and I am sure she had to hide out for at least two weeks.

    Before anyone blasts me for breaking confidentiality...I don't care. Bristol was rude, condescending, and acted like she was royalty or something- using bodyguards and insisting on arrivals and departures in the back which is usually reserved for our medical supply deliveries and the occasional actual famous person.

    The most pathetic thing is not a 20 year old having a completely elective, out of pocket expensive cosmetic surgery. The most pathetic thing is that she could have gotten rid of it on her own with diet and physical fitness...not anything hardcore, just the most basic of self discipline.

  61. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Comment @ 3:07 pm - Bristol, is that you? You are really jealous of Sadie, cause she really is beautiful.

  62. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's bid to trademark her name and that of her daughter, Bristol, ran into trouble at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office because the application forms were unsigned, government records show.

    Applications to trademark the names Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin, both for "motivational speaking services," were filed on November 5 by the Palins' longtime family attorney, Thomas Van Flein, but were quickly slapped down by a trademark examiner.

    "Registration is refused because the applied-for mark, SARAH PALIN, consists of a name identifying a particular living individual whose consent to register the mark is not of record," the patent agency said in an office action.

    "Please note this refusal will be withdrawn if applicant provides written consent from the individual identified in the applied-for mark," the patent office said.

    The office also said Palin's application failed to show that her name had been used in commerce and could also be rejected on those grounds.

    Bristol Palin's application also will need to be redone, according to a similar office action filed in her case.

    The applications will be fixed, and the trademarks are likely to be granted, said attorney John Tiemessen, now handling the trademark process for Palin.

    "We're working on it," Tiemessen told Reuters.

  63. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Guess Bristol can make copies of her writings on other's facebook wall, such as, you are so gay, you are jealous, you suck, fuck you, you talk shit, leave my idiot family out of your conversations, I"m preggers again, Mom is so stupid, etc, etc.

  64. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Will Sarah's PAC buy books to boost sales?

  65. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Who really cares enough to drop money to read about Bristol Palin?

    I hate to say it, but I understand why a certain percentage of the population might buy her mother's book (the first one, not the second one). She was, after all, Governor of Alaska for a short time and the first republican candidate for VP.

    Now, we all know Sarah's book was poorly written (but not as poorly as if Sarah had actually written it herself) and was filled with lies, half truths, and her trademark nastiness, but at least she's done some stuff, however badly.

    Bristol on the other hand has done NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. Not only that, but nobody in the world believes that she has the intelligence, patience, or talent to write anything more than a shopping list.

    As for that chin implant, it's horrible.

  66. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Guess Sarah will use her PAC money to buy up copies of Bristol's book. Sarah's book bombed and this one of Bristol"s will bomb even worse.

  67. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Gryphen, FYI check this out...
    Denver Post - just posted

    Local group cancels Palin visit, citing "personal attacks"
    By Jeremy P. Meyer
    The Denver Post
    POSTED: 02/05/2011 04:12:31 PM MST
    UPDATED: 02/05/2011 05:17:47 PM MST

    Citing an "onslaught of personal attacks", a Colorado nonprofit today canceled a scheduled May appearance in Glendale by former Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, according to a press release.

    Palin was to be the keynote speaker at the Patriots & Warriors Gala at the Infinity Park Events Center in Glendale.

    The event sponsored by the Sharon K. Pacheco Foundation was announced Friday but was canceled today due to "safety concerns resulting from an onslaught of negative feedback received by the organization," the press release said

    "Due to an onslaught of personal attacks against Gov. Palin and others associated with her appearance, it is with deep sadness and disappointment that, in the best interest of all, we cancel the event for safety concerns," the release said.

    The same information was featured on the Sharon K. Pacheco's Facebook page.

  68. Anonymous3:52 PM

    So (and this is from my husband, who doesn't pay much attention to this sort of thing).... Since there was a problem with the original copyright application, can someone else jump in and copyright the names? I suppose not, but it's funny to think about.

  69. O/T: Saw the Enquirer at the grocery. An Oprah story is the main one. Boehner is a small block at the bottom. The inside story mentions the lobbyist but talks more about another woman in DC. I don't think this expose' will get much attention.

    I also read about Bristol saying she would be on a panel for Michelle Obama and Sarah wouldn't like that. I saw in another thread that this story is not true.

  70. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Yup, chin implant that's waaayyy overdone. Lipo on the triple chins and it looks like she gave at least two of them to her mother. SP's cheek implants are SOOOOOO obvious and look at those chins.

    Book name suggestions:

    "That Sucks"

    "You Also Too Can Have a Clown Car Vagina"

  71. hauksdottir3:56 PM

    Anonymous said...


    "Tales Of Awesome And Whatnot"

    2:28 PM

    Oh, that's great! :D

    "The cartoon story of Awesome 'Possum and Whatnot Weasel discoverin' the Gloryhole Mine: a pair of griftin' gals doin' the best they can in the rugged West until they tripp over gold and glory."

    Can I find a publisher before June?

    :very wide very evil grin:

  72. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Does this mean people can't have their names (Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin) on TITLES of their BOOKS that they are selling??

    like Dunn's and McGinnis' ??????

  73. Anonymous4:03 PM

    To Anon @3:07 as to Sarah and Bristol running wild and free.

    Just because they don't charge a fee it doesn't make them anyless the whores when they constantly change bed partners. Sarah may not do it anymore but her past speaks for itself.

    I would rather be poor than sell my soul to Satan and rest in hell for all eternity. But whatever, money is the be all end all right??

  74. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Is that Bristol in that photo? It doesn't look like Bristol? A look-alike cousin?

  75. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Anon RAM 3:07

    You only wish you had TITS to sell!! You best apply your PECKER to Playgirl!!

  76. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Slightly off topic, but it just occurred to me why Bristol only let Levi see Tripp something like three times in five months: she needed to be careful that levi didn't see HER, because he would have known right away that she was pregnant again, being very familiar with her two previous pregnancies. Any idea if it was Bristol who handed Tripp to Levi those few times he did see the kid, or was the transfer made by Bristol's nanny?

  77. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anon 3:51 posted re Cancellation of Palin article in Denver Post. Here is the link:

  78. Anonymous4:18 PM

    It's pretty fnny that the bots will keep spending their money on ghostwritten fictional tales of the Wasillies.
    How much do chin implants cost? Isn't she a hardworking single mom?? Who canafford chin implants? Somehow I can't really blame her though. I mean ,she did inherit chuckles receding jawline, and that is VERY unfortunate.
    I wonder if she had lipo also ,too?? My vote is YES.

  79. indy_girl4:19 PM

    Is Brisket's book going to go directly to the $1 blue light special bin at KMart?

  80. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Pic of Bristol looks like she had liposuction of excess chin/neck fat AND a chin implant at the same time. I've worked as a nurse in a cosmetic surgeon's office - this is a standard procedure to correct a receding chin and excess fat. Unfortunately, this chin implant is too large for her face/bone structure. The result is way too stark - neck profile is fine, but chin too prominent - profile out of balance. Also highlights the configuration of her nose, which is not necessarily a good thing. I ALMOST feel sorry for her. Really, I do.

  81. hauksdottir4:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gryphen, FYI check this out...
    Denver Post - just posted

    "Citing an "onslaught of personal attacks", a Colorado nonprofit today canceled a scheduled May appearance in Glendale by former Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, according to a press release."

    3:51 PM

    Palin couldn't make the first Republican presidential candidate debate because she was to be the keynote speaker at the Patriots & Warriors Gala, choosing sure money over an opportunity to slam and slime the other likely candidates.

    Since NBC is to broadcast it, there is a strong possibility that her gaffes and ignorance would be widely viewed AND preserved for posterity... too risky to chance... especially if they don't give her the questions in advance.

    The speech before veterans would have given a graceful escape. If it is canceled, what excuse will she use now?

  82. Anonymous4:23 PM

    These people are whores. I wish I could think of another word but HOW RIDICULOUS!!! My life has been far more challenging and successful than Briskets! I can't just write a memoir, snap my fingers and have it published. Truly it's revolting that this little spoiled brat gets a memoir so easily published. It's nonsense. Before a Palinbit says I'm jealous, that is not it. I just feel the Palins represent the STUPID of America. This kid has no accomplishments - it's a joke!

    And the chin? Is that real?? Come on, that must be photoshopped. She looks like the wicked witch on the Wizard of oz. It's so unattractive!! Please tell me this is a Photoshop. What 20 year old has surgeries like this for no reason. She was chubby but so what! This looks BAD!

  83. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Thanks for the neck lipo information anonymous poster! Very interesting!

  84. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The Palin cancelled speech in the Denver Post. Sounds fishy in that it was only announced on Friday and cancelled on Saturday by a non-profit organization holding a gala in May.

    Sounds like someone has screwed up in that it would not be up to one person to make a decision on a matter - it would be more like a Board of Directors of a non-profit.

    Sounds more like Palin is paying them to make it sound like she's being 'threatened' - you know that old 'victim' play she habitually complains about. She's been playing that card since the Tucson shooting and it hasn't worked for her so she is trying to ramp it up some.

  85. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Bristol and Sarah are running circles around your ass??

    ROFL!! WTF does that even mean anon 2:00?? Its a meaningless statement that a 14 year old illiterate white trash punk from Wasilla might write! Or is it Tawd??
    Toad, how is that drug cocktail workin for ya'

  86. MadCityKaren4:29 PM

    I'm amused that it's intended to be written in "English". Bristol knows English? Although that's a step up from Grizzled Mama's "word salad English", I suppose.

  87. WakeUpAmerica4:32 PM

    Definitely has had some work done. I would say nose, cheeks, chin, and removal of all that fat under the jaw. It is amazing that the triple chin she had has disappeared completely.

  88. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Anon 3:07! You are so classy! Are all Palinbots such elitists?

  89. WakeUpAmerica4:34 PM

    I think the title will be from that wonderful poster, "Vagina: It's Not a Clown Car!"

  90. Anonymous4:39 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    That chin looks terrible. Isn't it amazing that even the smallest slight about the Palins' appearance and they run out and "fix" things. They are both just becoming cartoon characters.
    2:55 PM"

    It is like they are here reading all the mean things
    we write about them. ;-)

  91. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Every time I see a comment that WTF is down again, I go check, but I have no problem.

    Chrome is my browser.

  92. Anonymous4:41 PM

    2:09, haha the joke's on you, cause I'm not sending her any money or buying her crappy books.

  93. Anonymous4:43 PM

    @3.52pm, Anonymous said:
    "Since there was a problem with the original copyright application, can someone else jump in and copyright the names? I suppose not,..."

    You suppose correctly; no one can trademark the name without the written consent of the named person. That's why her own application was rejected.

    On another, more positive note, I'm happy to see that cancellations for her speaking engagements are starting to take place. Maybe more people are beginning to wake up.

  94. Anonymous4:44 PM

    2:21, we found out everything we need to know about the Brizzly when she gave America the big fat middle finger.

  95. It's coming out June 21.

    I suspect she'll use the same ghostwriter as Sarah's last book...someone who doesn't want their name on it.

  96. Anonymous4:53 PM

    AP release regarding cancellation of Palin.

    Sounds like the organizers are embellishing the wording as 'there are no direct threats'

    Checked the Foundation site and can see that the Founder must be a Palin panty sniffer as he does ramp up the BS in his writing.

  97. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Yum! A 304-page memoir from the porcine princess...

    The very idea is enough to gag a maggot.

  98. The whole book will be it is sooooo hard, I am such a hard worker.

  99. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Anonymous 4:20pm

    She didn't have a chin least, not at the same time she had liposuction. She conned/harassed the operating physician into removing more than the typically "allowed" milliliters of fat from her neck so that combined with her original recession did make her look quite severe. She tried to strong-arm her way into getting fillers in her chin and truly seemed not to grasp that we couldn't put fillers designated only for lips...into her chin. She must have started a hundred sentences with "why can't you just ..." and would respond with LITERAL huffiness, as in she would actually intake her breath and then huff obnoxiously when we explained what she asked for was simply not possible.

    I can't say with absolute conviction or specificity that she did not have a chin implant at a different facility. However...given the timeline I know to be factual, it's unlikely she could have had the implant in the window of time between when the liposuction-related bruising healed and now. Then again, she was clearly turned off by our rules and finite procedural guidelines (which are in place to protect the patient) and might have gone to a shady, non-certified cosmetic surgeon who would violate ethics and general patient concern by inserting a chin implant before her bruising healed. Unfortunately there ARE malicious quacks out there who see a cash patient, a completely elective procedure...and they will risk life and licensure to squeeze as much bank out of the patient as possible.

    I think I'm going to have to say now, as much for myself as anyone else...that I can't talk about this anymore. Bristol was so horrid to myself and those I work with (even though we went out of our way to make her comfortable and at ease, as we do with all our patients), it felt great to vent my total disgust. But I hate Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin for their 'the rules don't apply to us' attitude...and here I am, violating the rules.

    So I'm committing myself to honor the rules and regs of both my place of employment and federal privacy guidelines...I wish I could say I'm sorry for breaking those rules today but the truth is I'm not! Not even a little. THAT is how horrible and entitled Bristol behaved.

    Back to my "just an observer" seat...:)

  100. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I wonder if the Pistol will get her own book tour and if $P will try to steal the spotlight every chance she gets like she did during DWTS.

  101. Hannah5:10 PM

    Bristol Palin is the epitome of everything i DO NOT want my daughter to become. Spoiled, drug and alcohol imbibing, sexually promiscuous, vindictive, and so totally NOT something a mother could be proud of. Well, not a sane, rational mother.

  102. WalterNeff5:11 PM

    Too bad "Me Talk Pretty One Day" is taken

  103. angela5:13 PM

    There aren't enough crayons in the world to color the lies that are going to be in this ghostwritten piece of trash from the illiterate
    teen mom from hell.

    Another instance of wing-nut welfare from Murdoch.

  104. No way is that Bristol Palin. Are you sure she hasn't gone into hiding and they've found some lookalike to use for a while?

    And if it really is Bristol, is she gonna add a body image segment to her talk about abstinence? What's she gonna say now? I got knocked up and all I got out of it was a pile of money and some plastic surgery?

  105. If they trademark their names, can they then sue anyone for using their names in any but a flattering manner, claiming that doing so damages their trademark, property or whatever the hell excuse they come up with? I'm thinking that this is another attempt to muzzle the lamestream media and any bloggers they hate.

    I suppose someone has already bought all versions of, .net, .org, .fam, .tv, etc.

  106. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Perhaps her chin looks so big because the swelling just hasn't gone down yet. the swelling would be enhanced if she had the lip and then an implant done too soon afterwards. Ironically, it makes her funny nose more obvious. People sometimes don't realize that when you tweak one thing it can radically alter the way something else looks in ways that are often not good.

  107. Anonymous5:39 PM


    "I think I'm going to have to say now, as much for myself as anyone else...that I can't talk about this anymore. Bristol was so horrid to myself and those I work with (even though we went out of our way to make her comfortable and at ease, as we do with all our patients), it felt great to vent my total disgust. But I hate Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin for their 'the rules don't apply to us' attitude...and here I am, violating the rules.

    So I'm committing myself to honor the rules and regs of both my place of employment and federal privacy guidelines...I wish I could say I'm sorry for breaking those rules today but the truth is I'm not! Not even a little. THAT is how horrible and entitled Bristol behaved.

    Back to my "just an observer" seat...:)

    5:02 PM"

    Why did she have anything done? She is
    what, 20? Her face won't be "set" for a few
    years, so she could have outgrown the baby

  108. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Unless it's her memoir of how she had two illegitimate children before the age of 18, I'm not interested in ANYTHING this know-nothing has to say.

  109. Anonymous5:50 PM

    eh, if the facial alterations make her feel better, then who cares. She didn't look that bad before. But this is pretty recent. Over xmas she didnt look like that

  110. Anonymous5:53 PM

    What is up with Wasilla teens and plastic surgery? I don't disrespect anyone for their personal choices but it seems to be pretty common up there. Could it be the harsh weather conditions? That really ages a person. We have SAdie getting breast implants, botox is uber common and Bristol and her chin implants. I hope no one pulls a heidi montag because thats sad

  111. "Shameless" (stolen from the hit TV series about a dysfunctional family.) Thanks, Aurora for the blast from the past. I too put "JMJ" on all my papers in grade school. Can you just hear the Spoken Word edition? Oy Veh!

    Gryph, you should have a contest to see what clever names we can come up with for Bristol's book.

  112. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Holy moly, look at that CHIN! No question the girl has been sucked on!

  113. Molly6:10 PM

    Anon at 5:02

    Thanks a bunch; this doubly confirms my belief that B is just as much a useless b*tch as her mother.

  114. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Yes the Palins are sooo yesterday. That is why GRyphen's Bristol and Sarah related threads garner the most comments. Admit it, if this family ever goes under the radar again, you will all die of boredom.

  115. Anonymous6:25 PM

    And the new chin makes her face look slimer?

    At this rate she will look like Cher when she is 30.

  116. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Just a reel Amurkan family.

    Except for all the fake parts.

  117. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Thank you, 5:02 for that account.

    I guess there's really no way for us to know for sure if really have that inside knowledge, but WOW! it has the ring of truth to it.

    Seems the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the rotting tree.

  118. Anonymous6:44 PM

    So how many chin operations does this make for Bristol now? Didn't Mercede say that Bristol wouldn't come over to their house to pick up Christmas presents and Levi finally broke down and told her that she was recovering from chin surgery? (She was referring to Xmas 2007, when B was rumored to be pregnant - the first time.)

  119. Anonymous7:02 PM

    But you know, it'll be interesting. She's not writing it herself so unless it's complete fiction, she's going to be talking to a ghostwriter. And like Sarah, she's not smart enough to shut her trap. Every time Sarah talks about herself, she contradicts something she's already said. (When she talks about generalities, such as politics, she makes no sense.) I'm betting that Bristol's not smart enough, or ambitious enough, to cross-check the book for previously given lies. "Fat and lazy" describes her perfectly.

    There's going to be a lot of cross-checking done on this book after it's released. Kind of like finding out that Sarah got pregnant with "Tad" at a time when Todd was away... because Sarah was too dumb to keep her stories straight.


  120. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Chapter 1: The Vagina is not a Clown Car
    Chapter 2: A Big Middle Finger to All the Haters
    Chapter 3: The Waltz Is Not for Pussies
    Chapter 4: Momma Can't Dance, but My Daddy Sure Rocks and Rolls
    Chapter 5: How to Name Your Children after Planes, Trains and Automobiles.
    Chapter 6: Cage Dancing for Dummies

  121. lwtjb7:18 PM

    Don't you have to have a life before you write a memoir? How about my husband's title for this thing: "How to Get Pregnant for Fun and Profit"

  122. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Unless you are a Wasilla young adult who knew Bristol back in the day, why would anyone buy this book? Will the bots buy it as it is just 1 degree of separation from the one they devote themselves to? The queen's latest book had dismal sales.

    Regardless, let's hope that it provokes more truth telling from the underground in Wasilla.

  123. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I don't know if the person who posted about Brisdull's lipo is the "rill dill"...but how many of you can totally picture her "huffing" in anger?! I sure can. She is lazy, entitled, and bratty. all know what her "book" will be about:
    The Bristol Palin Story:
    All the ways Levi done meh wrong, btw it was MY decision and mine only to have Tripp, and no my mom is not making me say any of this. And also too, my mom is rilly great, she's like my bff and totally inspires me".

    "BRISTOLLLL!!! You forgot to say NATURALLY THIN!"

    Seriously. Can't you hear it now? It'll be just like Going Rogue...a hit piece on everyone who ever dared cross the grizz cub.

  124. Anonymous7:59 PM

    did you know this was out there? They say its you

  125. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I heard it is going to be titled "How To Spread Your Legs For Money And Fame".

  126. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Yes, the Palins are so yesterday. Brand decline!

  127. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Brisket's book is titled, "Untitled Bristol Palin Memoir [Hardcover]"

    Is Brisket writing a porno book of her life?

    Hardcover? I guess Bristol likes em hard? Figures since she has her daddy's DNA for whoring around. Bristol also has her momma's and grandmother's appetite for premarital sex.

  128. "I think the title has already been taken: The Vagina Monologue."

    Then I vote for:

    The Clown Car Vagina Monologue

    You know cuz that vag has been very busy.


  129. Anonymous9:22 PM

    So is this a procedure one can have done while pregnant? Or does this mean Brisket has given birth or had a wite-out?

  130. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I had a recessive chin that was corrected by a jaw surgery in which my jaw was broken and extended forward, then set in place. One of the Anchorage doctors I consulted suggested I do a chin implant in conjunction WITH the surgery. The picture of Bristol makes me so glad I did not take that road! In the end, I flew out to a Seattle doctor to have just the jaw surgery alone. Best decision I ever made.

  131. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Hopefully the Iceberg will hit soon and they will decide not to publish this rubbish. Her face is a lot skinner and she has lost a lot of her chins.

  132. Enjay in E MT9:58 PM

    I too remember someone mentioning Bristol "the Pistol" having plastic surgery a couple yrs ago. Chin & nose jobs - and the chin was the excuse for her not visiting Levi's family (according to Mercede) if I remember right

  133. Anonymous10:00 PM

    While it sounds plausible and realistic, how likely is it that a staff member at a plastic surgeon's office will violate HIPAA rules by posting that account on a board that the Palins presumably read?

    Shouldn't be too hard to find out which staff member it might be out of a dozen or so. Can Blogger be subpoenaed for the IP records of posters on this thread?

  134. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "No one knows her". Your kidding.. right?

    We have watched video and listened to the comments of all these media whores for several years now. Ms. Jr. Palin has already shown us who she is. Just because she writes down what she considers to be her version of events does not mean anyone will disregard what we have seen and heard.

    These hillbillies need to come up with some new ways to get people to give them money because very few people are interested in reading about their victim hood.

    In case these narcissistic woman
    have not noticed, there are single woman struggling to get by without a paid for house, a new car, and help with childcare. They also need to take note that there are people with DS children who do not have generous government sponsored health insurance, child care assistance (nanny) and the financial resources which take much of the stress out of providing for a child with special needs.

    We know everything we need to know about this girl except maybe how her mother has convinced her to sell her soul for the almighty dollar.

  135. Another good title: True Grift.

  136. Anonymous10:41 PM

    So is the copywriting of their names a ploy by Van Flintster to keep the blogs or the National Enquirer from writing their names? They wouldn't be thinking they can keep people from discussing them and their shennanigans would they?


  137. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Funny thing is...I started out liking Sarah Palin, and her family. But that was before.

    I have a hard time believing that if Sarah was actually practicing what she preached her kid would not have come out as obviously a spoiled rotten little snot. Bristol really gets my goat. The only thing teen pregnancy got my mom was on subsidised housing and welfare, but it got Bristol famous. She didn't even do anything. These people are really far out man. The biggest laugh I have gotten yet is reading about how mamma palin talks about how hard Bristol works, um most young mothers with no college education don't land jobs on dancing with the stars, they work at mcdonalds. I'm thankful my eyes have been opened!

  138. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I think she had liposuction under her chin and her neck ...having had this procedure myself, it makes a huge difference in a profile shot especially.

    Bristol's had that double chin thing going on especially when her weight goes up and lipo fixes that pretty well. The younger the better the chance the skin will adhere and firm up to fit the newly contoured neckline without the sagging that an older woman might get.

  139. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Ok, so when is she going to do something about her nose?

  140. Anonymous12:01 AM

    How can Brisket write a book if she never read a book?

    This dip shit's teachers must be laughing their heads off because they know Bristol was a below average student in high school who missed a lot of school due to, I think they referred to it as 9 months of mono.

  141. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Did Bristol get a chin job? I guess too many teabags has been banging against her chin which required surgery.

  142. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Book titles?

    "Withering Lows"
    "A Journey to the Centre of My Crotch"
    "The Odyssey" (oh wait, that's already taken)
    "All the Queen's Minions"
    "The Quitter Who Came in From the Cold"
    "War and Piece of Ass"
    "The Scammer's Guide to the Galaxy"
    "I, Bristolius"
    "Low Expectations"
    "Little Petty Women"
    "The Disapproval Rate Also Rises"
    "The Age of Impurity"
    "Go Blame it on the LSM"
    "Palin's Complaint"
    "From Here to Obscurity"
    "The Palinbot Always Votes Twice"
    "A Farewell to Condoms"
    "A Room With a View of Russia"
    "A Tale of Two Babies"
    "Madame Ovary"
    "The Unbearable Lightness of Being Sarah's Brain"
    "Thousand and One Nights of Unprotected Sex"
    "Memoirs of a Grifter"
    "All Speaking Fees Great and Small"

  143. Anonymous4:16 AM

    This sounds like a tax dodge. Do Ms. Palin's advisor's think for one second this book will be a best seller? Nope. Palins are starting to listen to others, albeit grudgingly. Especially if the advice concerns grifting at a higher profit.

    What will be the next step? Become a corporation! Palin Inc. Cool beans, right Sarah? lol


  144. Anonymous5:01 AM

    The ABC Book by Bristle Pailin -

    ABC = Asses Become Clowns

  145. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Now would be a really REALLY good time for Levi dump his entourage, hire some peeps with brains and SPILL BABY SPILL with the truth about these snowbillies!

  146. Anonymous6:20 AM

    2:13, I am actually having to drink my coffee with care this morning, as your book titles are hilarious! Ditto to the person who submitted "True Grift"...LOL!!! I smell a "design Bristol's Dustjacket" contest coming about...

  147. 10catsinMD6:44 AM

    The chin somehow makes her look like Pinocchio to me. So funny, even if it is swelling that will go down. She has a Richard Nixon nose and now the chin matches up. Ski jump nose and landing strip on the chin. Sorry to be commenting like that, but she looks so funny.

    I's not like me to make these kinds of comments, but she is out there pushing herself in the public eye. Inviting TV into her home and life consistently, so she is open for comments.

  148. Anonymous7:27 AM

    STFU Losers UR So Gay

    by Bristol Palin

  149. I shouldn't comment on her looks, but it seems like that chin was always's just been "uncovered" by some liposuction...

  150. Carol8:41 AM

    Hmm the title "The Hypocrite"

    Here's a little excerpt:

    See Bristol. See Tripp

    See Bristol speak about no sex.

    See Bristol sex partner Levi.

    See Bristol sex partner Ben.

    See Bristol sex partner Gino.

    Bristol speaks on abstinence.

    See Bristol pregnant again.

  151. Mrs. M8:45 AM

    Anonymous 2:42 PM, you beat me to it! That was my reaction, too...

    Nice chin, Bristol! If you're trying to channel the Wicked Witch of the West you're doing a stand-up job... maybe one day you can have an army of flying monkeys just like your mommy...

  152. Anonymous9:13 AM

    More Book Titles for Bristol:

    Dancing Machine! My Days on DWTS

    Reflections of a Huge Goth Death Moth

    The Bible According to Bristol

    A Tale of Two Babies

    Tripping To Destiny

  153. Anonymous10:42 AM

    If we believe anon poster that all she had was lipo- that's still a surgery that would NOT be performed on a pregnant person. So,now in regard to that, are we abandoning the fact that Bristol was pregnant on DWTS, or is our story that she must have had the baby?

    If we are going with that, where is it? We can't go "white-out" because she would have been too far along.

    Does this mean she just became an overweight cow during DWTS and because the weight gain was so rapid and abnormal, it only appeared as though she was pregnant? Rapid, abnormal weight gain WILL go directly to your abs and face and we already know she's an "apple", so weight gain will be in upper body.

    The one thing I always doubted about her being preggers again was the fact that I could NOT reconcile how she would NOT be on birth control after Tripp. There is no way she would chance it. I do not believe for a second she's been abstinent.

    What this girl has become has been a major disappoint for me, having played a very minor role in her early adolescence. I don't portend to have influenced her in any way, but I suppose the possibility was there considering my job.

  154. FEDUP!!!10:42 AM

    Ok, no time to read much today... How can a barely TWENTY YEAR OLD write a memoir???? She hasn't seen/done ANYthing yet, besides getting pregnant multiple times!

  155. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Suggested book title:
    Gone with the Chins

  156. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Oh, Gryph, if that picture hasn't been photoshopped, then her surgery was truly unfortunate. Whether there was an implant or just lipo, it certainly made her chin too prominent and out of proportion to her face. So sad.

    WRT the idea of her writing a memoir, it's ridiculous. It's not just that she's young, Justin Bieber just wrote a memoir and he's younger, but that she's done nothing. Plus, she is completely inarticulate. What a travesty!

    I was giggling at all of the proposed book titles, but I especially liked "Madame Ovary" and "Farewell to Condoms." Good job!

  157. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Poor girl, the new chin doesn't go with the rest of her face...

  158. onething5:55 PM

    That isn't Bristol. Doesn't look like her.

  159. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Wow, keep publishing photos of Bristol and her chin! She had all kinds of surgery, not just neck. Look at her cheeks. And, like her Mom, botox. Can those guys ever do without botox?

    I have learned to love the Republican's opening comedy routine.

    But, I want to give a hearty thanks to John McCain. You were treasonous at the Hanoi Hilton, you pooped all over veterans, and now you have provided us with prostitutes! What a guy!

  160. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Another picture from May 5, 2010:

    Nose tweak too?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.