Saturday, February 05, 2011

E! visits Bristol in Arizona.

From E! Online:

Well from the video I cannot tell if Bristol is pregnant, or post partum, or just overweight.  But to me she looks thinner than the last photographs we saw of her.

However I did notice that she still kept holding Tripp in front of her stomach to block the camera shot.

By the way this "pretty serious," picture by the bed, boyfriend of Bristol's just happens to be one of Sadie's cast offs

And not the first one that Bristol has swooped in to pick up ether from what I have heard. (Aren't there any other guys to date  in Wasilla?)

(BTW, just for clarification, I talked to Sadie yesterday and she says that this story, while accurate, was NOT given to Star magazine by her but rather a friend of hers who has been selling info to the tabloids behind her back.)


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    There are two pics of Bristol at the Reagan100 speech-fiasco. They are pics of Bristol's face, which looks slimmer and quite pretty.

    Bristol was in the room with people at the dining tables. So I think probably NOT visibly pregnant at this time.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Seriously ET? Isn't there some drama with Halle Berry or shouldn't you be covering Mariah Carey's upcoming visit from the stork?

    Why does anyone give two flying fucks about anything Pigstool Palin is doing? This kinda scrapes the bottom of the 'celebrity' barrel...

  3. Anonymous8:05 AM

    A much SMALLER Bristle here. Take a closer look at her midrif in those last pictures of her and the kid.

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    At 20 seconds it is pretty obvious.

  5. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I really couldn't tell with her carrying the kid all the time. One time the camera caught her at an angle and it looked like her stomach but I believe she has had the baby already. It is probably at the palin mansion.

    That house looks a little strange and not lived in, no pictures or decor anywhere around. I don't believe she is really staying there.

    Also, why ET did this interview, Bristol is a nobody.

  6. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Bristle's house looks as cold as she acts.

  7. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Photos shopped arms or an old picture. Tripp isn't seeming to age....

  8. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Its E!, not ET. Just fyi.

    She looks quite pretty in the video. But you're right, the tummy is covered up.

    I'm still not sure why she's worthy of talking about to entertainment television. Is she paying them to cover her?

  9. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Do these people ever let their kids walk - hold their hands and walk beside them?

    Both female's are constantly carrying their kids. Very strange.

  10. Anonymous8:34 AM refresh my memory here. During the custody battles, didn't bristlebitch say she didn't want Tripple going with Levi because he would use him to make money. If you make a list of all the times she has sold him to the media, it would be quite long.

    I continue to wonder why these people thing this idiot is worth covering. Her only claim to fame is getting pregnant..again and again and again.

  11. Anonymous8:34 AM

    This won't end well for $adie.

    What a slimy sleazy world you wallow around in.

  12. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Toad seems to be missing in everything!

  13. Where does she get her interior decorating tips? From La Quinta?

  14. Anonymous8:38 AM

    What Anon @ 8:16 said. Also look at 21 second mark.

  15. Anonymous8:40 AM

    So bristol is a nobody? Then why do wasilla teens feel the need to sell bs stories about her? Oh that's right. They're desperate for attention and money. I find it interesting that sadie falsly accuses people of using bristol for fame when every penny she's made in 2 years has been due to selling a bs bristol story. Hypocritical much?

    I don't see gino selling stories or doing interviews. Who's stalking who now? Who does sadie think she's kidding? She doesn't even know bristol (via levis admission) and she's never liked her.

    I hope after playboy she goes about her own life. I hope all the sad wasilla teens do. Peoples pasts come back to haunt them. So do past associations. No wonder sadie wants to go to college out of state

  16. Anonymous8:45 AM

    At 10 seconds and especially at 20 seconds she looks pretty big in the stomach area. But other parts of her do look slimmer to me.

    I noticed that she has no "stuff" in her bedroom. There's furniture and a tv and only some pictures on the nightstands. No living type stuff: no lamp on nightstand, kleenex, etc. The living room has NOTHING but some pieces of furniture. Looks staged. They brought in a handful of pictures is all.

    R in NC

  17. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Good the see Bristol uses the same decorator as her mom...

    Ray Charles Interior Designs.

  18. Anonymous8:45 AM

    That poor baby looks just like Chuckles. Poor kid. All babies are cute but this does not bode well for his future.

  19. Anonymous8:46 AM

    What an ugly house.Not a home.A house.

  20. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Oh wow, if you time a screen grab just right, just after the 20 second mark (before 21 seconds?), you can see a VERY pregnant Bristol.

  21. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I agree at 20 seconds - pregnant.

  22. Typical McMansion. Decorated by Peg Bundy. Bristol is, to me anyways, postpartum. Her face is no longer bloated and she looks good, although she is still carrying some extra weight. Normal for having just had a baby in early January, which is my guess. Suddenly, Bristol is everywhere. And I still say that her house in Maricopa is a front. She is probably living in her mother's Winter Palace.
    I found this great quote in the article by Joe McGinnis from 2009:
    I came back from Alaska with the sense that the further Palin goes, the more she resembles not Joan of Arc but Eva Perón. In their book Evita, Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarro wrote of Perón that “the only people with whom she felt totally at ease were those who accepted what she was doing unconditionally” and that eventually “there was no one left around her capable of criticizing anything she did.”

    Read more:

  23. Anonymous9:02 AM

    HEY GRYPH, did you see the article about the palins trying to trademark their name. that would eliminate people publishing bad things about her and profiting off it. so everybody better put all their bad information out . somebody needs to get her domain before she trademark her name.

  24. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Ratings--Bristol is on the phone and wants to know if you want to interview her, it will cost you 100K. Her bank account must be getting low. Does that kid not have any toys, playmates? Poor little guy should be in a structured environment where he learns some social skills and has some peers his own age. Probably not possible due the the family's unfortunate fame. Wonder how long that chair swing will last in his bedroom??? Not smart, Bristol. That could be very dangerous, you idiot. He is going to climb up unsupervised, fall off and snap his neck. Here we go again. Stop talking trash about my family, but come in side and see how stupid we are. Blah, Blah, Blah.......At least she has some exercise equipment for herself.

  25. Anonymous9:13 AM

    We don't hear about Willow. Even if she acts out with teenage shenanigans from time to time, maybe there is hope for her to be a compassionate human being and her own person, unlike Bristol.

    The Menards hopefully are protecting Track from all the Palin nonsense. Even though he has troubles, I think he is the only one in that family who "gets it".

  26. Anonymous9:14 AM

    This is a comment from Anon 8:00 am's link:

    "What a contrast this scheming Leftist snake Obama provides to towering success and time-proven principles of Ronald Reagan… he’s pretty much everything ole Dutch ever warned us about"

    Trying to fool us, or yourself? I'm not fooled,
    you ostrich!

  27. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Why do these people show off their kids? Splash their image all over the airways? In a state where kidnapping is an art, you would think they would not endanger their children. What an irresponsible piece of work.

    Does she have a personal bodyguard?

  28. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Both Sarah's house and now Bristol's look barren, cold, and impersonal. I've seen cheap hotels that look homier than either house.

    Where are the photos, paintings, books, et cetera? Surely both can afford the services of a decorator or go to a furniture vendor who has designer assistance.

    Goodness, a home should reflect the personalities of the people who live in it.

    Oh, wait, maybe these two houses do.

  29. WakeUpAmerica9:28 AM

    Look at Bristol's tummy at the :20 mark. But judging by the absences of extra chins now, I would say she is post-partum.

  30. Anonymous9:32 AM

    It's not ET (Entertainment Tonight) - it's E Online doing this. ET is bad enough but E Online is more like one of the Walmarts of the entertainment gossip shows - bottom feeders.

    E Online with Giuliana Rancic was the one that did the interview with Bristol in November 2010 during DWTS wherein Bristol said she would like to do interviews and Rancic/Palin reversed roles & had Bristol iinterview Rancic - the opening by Palin as "Heeeeyyyy" - that duh stunned and stupid sounding opening.

    I posted this link last night to a story in the Nat Enq where it sets out that Bristol was in DC with the First Lady this week which was also posted on Bristol_Palin twitter page, which may be verification of it (2 references on 23rd & 24th):

    "Michelle Obama, 47, has signed up teen anti-pregnancy advocate Bristol Palin to join her new public service council, the details of which have not been disclosed." Just gotta say, it's one of the few things Michelle has done that I see as a huge failure. I know the teen pregnancy week is in May so whether this council is related, I have no idea. Candies Foundation has nothing posted for their 'One event per year' on their website but we should anticipate seeing Palin's mug appearing everywhere once again. I know Michelle is smarter than this and I question what she the hell she was thinking as this only gives Bristol added street cred for keeping her in the public eye and addition to her bio and speech fees.

  31. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Yeah, She's just a regular struggling single mom....NOT. Most young single mom's live at home with their parents or in a shitty apartment (the size of B's living room)in a shitty part of town because that's all they can afford.

    Once again, B shows that teen pregnancy pays well.

  32. Mrs. M9:47 AM

    Bristol's "home" doesn't look lived in at all, especially since there is supposedly a toddler living there. The house looks like its staged for a real estate open house. And if Bristol actually does live in that house, why is it not baby proofed? I didn't see anything indicating that that house is safe for a toddler... I didn't even see a baby gate on the stairs. If Bristol does live in that house with Tripp, she is negligent and ignorant for not putting any safety measures in place. I hope she doesn't have a pool!

  33. Thanks for the correction folks. Yes this is E!, not ET, providing this platform for Bristol to play up her "independence" for American audiences.

    Sorry for the confusion but I really don't watch the entertainment channels very often and am always mixing up these two.

  34. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The sudden weight loss is astounding, considering that she was gaining while on DWTS.

    Maybe that hot Arizona weather just causes her to sweat it off?

    I was never really totally convinced that she was pregnant, but I'm thinking that the girl actually may have pulled off something Incredible. Dancing on television until she was seven or eight months pregnant, in full view of the public, and then slipping off to Arizona to secretly give birth. But if so, what did they do with the baby?

  35. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Does Bristol look thinner? Nah, she still eats lard with her bare hands.

    I bet her cupboards are packed with tubs of Crisco.

  36. Erica from Dallas10:00 AM

    I believe famous people loose some of their rights to privacy,libel and slander.I am not sure that trade marking your name will help keep her out of the news.The constitution insures freedom of speech.Now,if she wants to make a Barbie Doll or GI Joe doll the trademark might help.Who out the in Immoral Minority can give us the facts...please?

  37. So is Bristol 'shy' or is she 'fearless'? I don't believe someone can be both.

    The house tour seems intended to prove that Gino and Bristol aren't living together, hence we see the photo of Gino by her bed.

    It's sad to think she may be making decisions about her life based on her mother's presidential aspirations. When those hopes go down in flames, what will Bristol have given up for naught?

  38. Anonymous10:06 AM

    No, this is the real, natural Bristol - particularly in the face. She is not naturally heavier, I have been saying that over and over.

    She was pregnant before.

    My guess is she is post partum now, hence the bit of belly left over.

    Compare her face to how she looked at the end of DWTS, when she was dancing every day for hours and hours...

  39. Anonymous10:08 AM

    When she's walking out of the bedroom, those are not the hips of the slim and trim young woman I saw in pictures of her before her first pregnancy. I don't know how much the hips expand and contract between/after pregnancies. I don't think the hips go back to pre-pregnancy form, but I don't think they stay at wide enough to squeeze out a human being either. Any midwifes around to explain further?

  40. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Yes, very cold and impersonal house and what gives with no toys for Tripp?

    And with all due respect to Mercede and I am certainly NOT a fan of Bristol's but there does seem to be a double standard here. There have been several different (Mercede) boyfriends referred to though these couple of years on the blog and even this post refers to SEVERAL that Bristol took up with after Mercede.

    And for small town teens with nothing much else to do we know what "date" means. So how is it that Bristol is a tramp and Sadie is a paragon of virtue? But at least Mercede is wise enough to use birth control.

    I know Sadie is a friend of yours but this double standard is odd. Just like its odd that she says that she has no idea about things that it seems like anyone with two eyes would notice -- like two babies with very different weights and eye characteristics...

    You and Mercede both seem like good people, but sometimes the "Saint Sadie" thing is a bit too much.

  41. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Is it just me, or does Tripp's growth arc seem strange to anyone else? It would be interesting to see photos of the child in their supposed chronological order. Sorta reminds me of Katie Holmes's weirdly fluctuating pregnancy, probably for the same reason (it's called a lie).

    And this house is a stage. It's obvious she doesn't live in it. So who's the clever reporter who's going to get the scoop on where she really does live? Aren't there any of her friends who are sick of her prima donna BS and could use a wad of cash from the tabloids?

    And why does nothing ever make sense with this family? It's all a big lie, for show.

  42. London Bridges10:41 AM

    Fake long hair makes her look thinner. Don't forget Sarah feels she has fooled the world with her fake pregnancy and feels she is an expert in the area. (Good she has one area of pseudo-expertise.)

    So Bristol uses all of Sarah's tricks.

    This video could have been filmed in November or December.

  43. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Still with the pregnancy stuff? She was just fat, not pregnant. If she had been pregnant, she would be showing a lot by now.

    Unless you think she had an abortion and I don't think she'd do that.

  44. Anonymous11:02 AM

    "Crystal Sage said...
    Typical McMansion. Decorated by Peg Bundy.
    8:59 AM"

    No way! Peg Bundy's house was "tacky" but
    it was cozy--filled with personal touches, photos,
    collections, dogs, and more love than the Palins
    will ever know. ;-) Peg Bundy is a style icon,
    Sarah Palin can only look decent with the
    RNC paying her bills.

  45. Wow.....Anonymous at 8:40 sounds uncannily EXACTLY like those facebook posts of Bristol's that were posted. Your poor grammar and spelling, combined with your passionate defense of yourself give you away, sweetie.

  46. Anonymous at 8:40:
    Your post reads UNCANNILY similar to Bristol Palin's recently published facebook remarks. Your poor grammar and spelling, your use of obscenities, and your passionate, angry defense of yourself give you away, sweetie.

  47. Anonymous at 8:40:
    Your post reads UNCANNILY similar to Bristol Palin's recently published facebook remarks. Your poor grammar and spelling, your use of obscenities, and your passionate, angry defense of yourself give you away, sweetie.

  48. Virginia Voter11:15 AM

    Ok, Bristol's face is certainly not as bloated, but what is with her large gut? If she's not pregnant or post partem soemthing is still wrong...looks like she still isn't wearing real pants, and is sporting those same God awful black leggings and long loose sweater vest from her DWTS days. Why is she always covering up, but wears tight clothes? Jeans and a loose black sweater would have looked so much better.

    I hate to burst everyone's bubble, bit the Bristol_Palin twitter is not proven to be the rill dill. It is most likely a fake account. That tweet was sent Jan 24:

    Bristol_Palin Bristol Sarah Palin
    Nervous about meeting the First Lady this wk. Met her b4 but under diff circumstances (lol)... talk about an awkward situation. o__O

    No real news reports about Bristol being here in Washington, DC the week of 1/24.

    Today, this person twittered:

    Bristol_Palin Bristol Sarah Palin
    In response to @NatlEnquirer NON-news story about a tweet I made, it's a total fabrication. There's no beef.

    This twitter account uses a publicly available image of Bristol, and lists herself as Bristol Sarah Palin, which is not Bristol's middle name. I think the twitterer got nervous that the tweets were making it to press.

  49. Anonymous11:23 AM

    That looks like a house that was staged by a real estate agent who's trying to sell it, not like a house that anyone (especially a young woman with a 2 year old) is actually living in.

    I agree with many of the previous's a very cold house with no personality or warmth. Certainly not welcoming at all.

  50. Anonymous11:25 AM

    At 20 seconds: definitely pregnant, and the baby's dropped. Any day now....


  51. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I may not have been happy to see the endless coverage of Bristol and the rest of her dysfunctional family when she was on DWTS, but at least I understood that she was front and center in the public eye at that time.

    But WHY is E! covering her now???

  52. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Have been reading everywhere and from everything I have read, the story about Bristol and Mrs. Obama is false and the twitter account adressing it is also made up.

    Comment 9:32 am

    All comments are from blogs, no news stories.

  53. Around 21 of that video you can see her pregnant belly.

  54. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Is she is pregnant or what?

  55. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Just like her mother there are absolutely no paintings or photos on the wall. Why so boring? I don't get it.

  56. Anonymous12:24 PM

    If she doesn't like the negative comments of the "haters" why would she invite cameras into her home? Doesn't she get the connection that with publicity you get negative comments as well as positive ones.

  57. Anonymous12:27 PM

    If you stop the video at the :20 point, look closely at The Pistol's belly. Either Bristol has the worst ever posture in the world or she might be about 7.5 to 8 months into a bad case of mono.


  58. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I think Bristol has shed a few pounds since last fall.

    She probably signed up for a dance class.


  59. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "I grew up independent..."

    In other words, I was neglected and no one ever paid me any attention. That's how I was able to get pregnant at 16...and again at 17.

  60. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Looks to me like Bristol and Mama are trying to make an E! reality show happen...

  61. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I liked Bristol's comment that she's "...independent and fearless...". Well, except maybe when she's home alone "way out in the woods", there's Secret Service guys in a boat on the lake, kids on the phone and she doesn't know how to plug in the landline to call 911. Then she's afraid, very afraid. Remember her D. Kernell testimony.

  62. Anonymous12:44 PM

    She's either lost an enormous amount of weight or had chin augmentation. I'm entirely confident in asserting––based on the Getty images–that she's lost some weight, but definitely had an implant put in place to obfuscate Chuck Heath's unfortunate genetic contribution.

  63. Anonymous12:46 PM

    You're kidding about the weight, right?

    Her upper arms look like whole hams.

    And then, there's that 20 sec shot...

  64. Anonymous12:47 PM

    You all do realize Bristol was spotted around Wasilla/anch quite a bit during xmas festivities. She's not big in any xmas pics at the house. She's always worn hoodies as most people there do. Was that an elliptical in the living room? She's wearing a coat at the reagan thing but there's no protruding. People just want her to be pregnant because of whatever reason.

  65. Are there some man shoes stored in Bristol's closet?

  66. Anonymous1:12 PM

    If you do screen grabs starting at 20 seconds as the camera pans from "ham" arms Bristol towards Tripp, there is a very protruding belly. However, at the end of the clip, whoever is holding Tripp has her face away from the camera and has thin arms. And no noticeable belly. Just an observation.

  67. Robin in NJ1:22 PM

    Is it WILLOW? In comment #67 a poster claims that it is, and you know what? I think it really is Willow, not Bristol. Look at the video again, and consider that maybe it could be Willow, not Bristol.

    Itsanimposter Sat, Feb 5, 2011, 1:30 PM

    That absolutely is not Bristol Palin, it's her sister Willow. Compare recent pictures known to be Bristol, like DWTS. The teeth are a tell, the nose, the chin. Even when Bristol loses weight, she has a distinctive shape to her face that is different from Willow's. I don't expect anyone will look into this, but it's true.

  68. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Let's see: Bristol moved to Arizona but she doesn't have any friends there. She picked a remote town, not a busy city like Phoenix metro area where there would be more chances to meet people and enjoy all of the things that a big city can offer.

    The house looks cold and uninviting. It doesn't look as if they spend much time there. It looks more like a showplace for visiting TV crews. Looks like Sarah has either banished Bristol to Arizona or is trying to land her that "film the unwed mother as she raises her child in real American" reality series.

    There is nothing exciting, sparkling and charismatic about Bristol. And, it's a good thing that she wants to patent her name. I don't think that anyone else has put in a claim on it.

    (I don't think that swinging white chair is child safe. I see it as the sort of thing that Samantha Brown would enjoy more than Tripp).

  69. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The Palin group is the biggest f---farce I've ever seen! Does Toad still have a part, or has SP dropped him publically due to the press he is receiving currently?

    It is amazing to see what our media gives the Palins! We are down to Bristol and Sarah and trademarks? This is going to be fun! Toad is now out of the picture because it can be proven he is not into this relationship in any way, shape or form. $$$$ is what motivates this group from Wasilla!

  70. I wonder if the house she really lives in looks this much like a motel? I see others have noticed the total absence of personal items, art, books. . .oh, wait. She IS a Palin.

  71. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I googled Bristol on Getty images and looked at the pictures of her at the Reagan dinner. Ummm, oh my goodness. The double receded chin is gone. Weight loss plus surgery - that's a chin implant!!!

  72. Virginia Voter1:42 PM

    Here's pics of Bristol from Sarah's screech yesterday, doesn't look preggers, and the double chin is gone. There are6 total pics

    Amazing how she's lost weight now that she's not dancing 6 hours a day.

  73. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Bristle didn't look pregnant at Christmas photo ops, etc, etc. She just loves to wear hodies, yada, yada, yada.
    Everyone supports her, blah, blah, blah.
    You'll just want to make up stuff about her being preggers, ha ha ha ha.

    OKAY, now she definitely looked pregnant, wore jackets in 90-100% weather outside on street of dwts. The pictures put out of her after dwts were old photos, not recent ones. There were 2 different girls for Texas speech, Bristol was not the one in photo with the young girl.

    She was definitely pregnant and this E article is just another PR stunt played out by RAM and that Flea bag lawyer of hers in Az.

    Why show a house that no one lives in and pretend Bristle is living there?

    RAM had the story put out before of Bristle moving to Az to attend college and the college thing was a lie. She also put out a story about the band in Alaska, saying that Bristol being hooked to the band made them famous and that Bristol was having a love affair with that band guy also.

    All smoke and mirrors with lots of lies.

    RAM must be trying to ruin Bristol as well as Scarah. The three are idiots.

  74. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Comment 12:47 pm -

    Here's Bekkka - aka - RAM - aka AnninCa at Huff Post - aka Rebecca Man-sour.

  75. Anonymous1:54 PM

    That twitter thing about Bristol and The First Lady is fake. Thank Becky for that also. She is so jealous.

  76. Anon 9:02:
    Saw that article about the Palins wanting to trademark their name. The thing is, we can say the The Quitter, The Wasilla Whores, Snowdrift Snooki, The Wasilla Twittering Fool, Tundra Tart, Barstool, the Heffer, etc. and EVERYONE would still know that we would be talking about the Palins.
    I guess that proves that $arah won't be running for Prez. Kind of hard no one will be allowed to use the name.
    Guess the trolls can't deny that the Palins are NO longer one of Real Amurika. Too funny.

  77. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The bird's eye of Bristol's house:

    What a nightmare! Why would anyone choose
    a Levittown development if they could have

    What is that field on the left? On Google
    it looks like there is a shanty town between
    the field & the subdivision.

  78. Anonymous2:20 PM

    " Virginia Voter said...
    Here's pics of Bristol from Sarah's screech yesterday, doesn't look preggers, and the double chin is gone. There are6 total pics

    Amazing how she's lost weight now that she's not dancing 6 hours a day.

    1:42 PM"

    Oh, Lordy! Pic #5---WHAT HAS SHE DONE?
    Is that really her? She looks like Jennifer Grey
    before the nose job.

  79. Ratfish2:42 PM

    And Bristol, while shacked up with her Wasillan boyfriend in Arizona, was going to try to make beaucoup dinero by telling intelligent educated students at Washington University that THEY should be abstinent.

    What a lying hypocrite, just like ol' what's her name....oh yeah.....her mother.

  80. Anonymous2:45 PM

    That is not Bristol with mother Sarah at the Reagan speech.

    That is Willow again. Someone just keeps trying to confuse everybody because Bristol was preggers.

  81. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I guess Scarah must be pregnant again.. by some posters logic that her face looked fuller meant she was pregnant.. have a look at this pic..

  82. Ratfish2:55 PM

    Speaking of the plains trying to patent their names, the patent work was done by the inept Tom Van Flein.

    Someone should find out:

    1. If he is a member of the Arizona bar . Since he has moved to Arizona, he can't use his Alaska license to practice law.
    2. If he is complying with outside employment rules for congressional staff ie did he jumpnthrough the hoops to get approval before doing the work for which he was undoubtedly paid.
    3. If he applied for an Alaska Permanent Fund dividend this year, since by the time the application period opened he knew that he was leavidng the state for employment elsewhere.

  83. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Gryph, I don't think that the person in the video with Tripp is Bristol, lots of fast moving around so the camera doesn't catch much but the girl looks more like Willow. Notice the quick jerks so that there is no really full on facial pictures , the hair from behind looks strange too.

    Willow it is and also Willow at the Reagan speech.

  84. She's all alone--except for her mom in the local McMansion?

  85. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Why do people think that is was Bristol at the RR event? Was she introduced as such, cause I'm thinking it may have be Willow, too?

  86. Anonymous5:02 PM

    What is wrong with $P's décolleté:

    Is that pimples?

  87. Anonymous5:36 PM

    12:47 ... That's quite a bit of disconnected rambling there. Is that where Sarah gets it from or do you get it from her? None of that makes sense.

  88. Anonymous6:22 PM

    If thats Gino, he looks completely different. Now, he looks like Ryan Cabrera. I was fb friends with him until his name got tossed around during the discovery that he and B were dating and he freaked at the publicity.

    About the dating scene. It doesnt shock me that Gino was a partier. Back then, Mercede was quite the heavy partier herself so that makes sense. BRistol has always been a homebody, not that she didnt engage in average teen activities.I dont know if I believe a friend submitted that interview.

    ok mag is Sadies choice tabloid. She was the first one to run to the tabloids once Tripp was born and THATS a HUGE reason Bristol dislikes her. Bristol's friends definitely have her back and Sadie's ex friends, who sided with Bristol, agree that Sadie needs a life. I hope all these people grow up and find their way

    Immaturity is definitely in the water in Wasilla. I do know that Bristol doesn't start drama unless she feels threatened. She's not someone who wastes time on trivial things. I gleaned that from this past summer when I hung out with her for like a week straight.

  89. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Maybe Todd gave Sarah herpes

  90. Anonymous6:28 PM

    wow- why does everyone confuse Bristol and Willow. Bristol is a carbon copy of Sarah with Todd's eyes. Oval face, small chin (or former small chin)

    Willow has Todd's "flat face", heartshaped, and slightly stronger chin. THey also have different voices so that would make it hard for Bristol to pass Willow off as her.

  91. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Who is her ghost writer? That silly little twit doesn't have it in her to write a book.She is just kind of a blah nothing person.I blame Sarah,she sucked the life right out of the poor thing.

  92. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Anon 10:22, one big difference between Bristol and Sadie is that Sadie isn't making a ludicrous amount of money claiming to be abstinent while shacking up with various boyfriends. I think the hypocrisy in Bristol's behavior is a major reason why people call her a tramp, a slut, etc.

  93. Ferry Fey9:18 PM

    Why does someone like Bristol (who claims she's celibate until marriage) have a honking great king-size bed?

    Odd table setting at the Reagan do, with those long orange cloth things. There are no napkins, so are you meant to tuck these into the top of your shirt like a bib?

  94. Anonymous9:40 PM


    Hi Bristol. Nice to see you have time to join us in between gestating, getting plastic surgery, and being wicked jealous of Sadie.

  95. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Can someone pleeeease screen cap the 21 second mark or wherever in the video she looks pregnant? I'm on an iPad and can't load flash videos but I am dying to see!

    The Haiti photos clearly showed at least the halfway point of a pregnancy. At least. So she either is postpartum...or about to pop.

    Also too...Gryphen, why has NO blogger mentioned the fact that two different girls were at the speech in Texas? One girl's purple dress had a print...the other was solid purple. And I notice in all the pics where people are saying it could be Willow...the hair is "swept" in such a way that it would hide Willow's distinct "widow's peak" hairline.

    Just saying!

  96. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I think she got lipo in the chin area.

  97. That poor girl. How can she live in that tiny, cluttered, falling apart studio apartment. Wherever will her child play?


    How on earth is she supposed to convince anyone that her decision to have Tripp in any way negatively affected her ability to support herself or acquire an education?

    What the hell did I waste my time attending college and successfully avoiding pregnancy for?

    For a 2nd federal Unemployment extension, a Food Stamp card, and an apartment I struggle every month to afford. Irony, thy name is Palin.

  98. Anonymous11:13 PM

    @9:55 PM

    Here you go:

    Bristol, very pregnant

    Not Bristol, not pregnant

    Two different girls, just like the other day.

  99. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Arizona is next to Mexico where girls can go for abortions.

    Instant thin.

  100. Anonymous5:44 AM

    11:13, thanks for doing that.

    All I can say is...holy moly, something is rotten in Denmark.

    That looks like a no doubt, 100% ready to pop any day now, third trimester belly.

    Except for the third photo...where she is totally trim. WHAT is going on here??? Gryphen, anyone?

  101. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Just looked at the photos closely. Look at pregnant Bristol's arms...then look at not pregnant Bristol's arms.

    I do not care what anyone says...there is no camera angle or lighting trick which can turn hams into toothpicks.

    I say with absolute certainty:
    Either Willow or Lauden or another family member is being used as a stand in, once they saw how pregnant Bristol looked...or part of this segment was filmed weeks and weeks ago- before she had the baby.

    I mean there is "an unflattering blouse" and "a bad angle"...

    And then there is what you have in the first two photos: the end of gestation for a an eight-pounder.

    Gryphen, please at least show these photos...this is making me crazy! How do these Palin witches get away with pulling all these tricks right in full view of everyone??

  102. Anonymous6:13 AM

    @2:20 p.m. Take your coat off Bristol, sit down, stay awhile. Here, let's hang up your coat - why are you so afraid to take off your heavy wool coat - INDOORS?

  103. Anonymous8:24 AM

    If you blow up the pic of Brisket in Haiti, you might notice what appears to be some discoloration of her neck. Maybe this explains the stupid scarf with a t-shirt.

  104. 10catsinMD9:44 AM

    Checked out the pics of Pistol at the Reagan speech. The coat could be hiding the spanxed middle. Who knows?

    She was always wearing flats (attractive for her) during DWTS or Nikes. At Reagan she was wearing cowboy boots that are way too big for her. The boots make her feet look about as big as the guy she is standing next to. He is much taller than her.

    Whatever has happened since she left DWTS in November, there have been several changes, plastic surgery, no pregnancy, new house, boyfriend, and I don't think that was her at the TX speech. I think it was Willow. Check out chins, Gryphen. Compare Willow's to hers. You have the photos.

    The intrigue continues. Where is the iceberg?

  105. Anonymous10:56 AM

    If she's postpartum, where the hell is the baby? There is no way they can hide an infant up here in Wasilla- at least for very long. Someone in that family is going to be seen with it and questions are going to be asked. Did she give it up for adoption?

    It KILLS me to go there, but could she just have been fat? Rapid weight gain does NOT go on the body well. She looked bloated and that is what rapid weight gain looks like. Maybe she's on HCG and that explains how quickly she lost the DWTS weight. That shit works and one her old classmates was on it (also had child) and lost a bunch of weight really fast.

  106. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Can't see that 3rd photo for some reason 11:13...

  107. Anonymous11:58 AM

    11:13 here

    I'm sorry 11:00 AM. I was able to see it by copying and pasting the link, so I don't know what the problem is. I've uploaded it again, I hope this link works for you:

    (or the direct link

  108. Anonymous12:29 PM

    For anyone who thinks they couldn't hide a baby...remember, Tripp was (allegedly) born in late December 2008...yet nobody saw ANY indication that child existed until almost two months later on Greta van Suckup.

    No late night diaper tired but proud new mum bringing the little tyke to his first well-infant checkups...nothing.

    And that was in wasilla- where they are well known and extremely visible.

    In the Arizona desert where nobody knows or cares WHO Bristol is or what she does...she could hide an octo-mom sized litter and we'd never know.

    I think she had cosmetic surgery immediately after giving birth. I don't know when or how they'll roll this new baby out...but it will have to happen sooner or later. Right?

  109. Robin in NJ1:02 PM

    One more big difference between Bristol and Willow, in additin to the widow's peak - You can see from the close-up that Bristol has two very obvious moles on the left side of her face, one on her cheek on line with her mouth and her ear and the other lower, directly below it and just on her jawline. I agree with others that there was definitely a switcheroo during the E!Online video. Just how stupid do the Palins and the lamestream E!Online think we are?

  110. Anonymous1:49 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    It KILLS me to go there, but could she just have been fat? Rapid weight gain does NOT go on the body well. She looked bloated and that is what rapid weight gain looks like.
    10:56 AM"

    Betcha she is a heavy drinker or pot smoker. She
    was doing something & it caused her to eat a lot, people started saying she looked pregnant, so
    she started a diet, and did whatever she did
    to her chin & neck.

  111. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Anon @6:22:
    If Bristol Pain is a "homebody" what's with her magazine stories, television interviews, and appearance on Dancing with the Stars? Why did she announce her engagement to Levi Johnston in a magazine? Why is she allowing her little boy to be filmed at home? It doesn't make sense for a homebody who doesn't like drama.

  112. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Can you update us on why Sadie is no longer posting on her blog?


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