Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frank Bailey and babygate.

I have just finished chapter twenty in the Bailey manuscript, which covers Palin's "pregnancy" and the "birth" of Trig and I am sorry to report that Frank was convinced by Sarah's performance enough to believe that Trig really is her baby.

He admits that NOBODY in the office knew she was pregnant, but then believes he saw a baby bump once she announced that she was.  He also paid a visit to her in the hospital and, though he is not very descriptive about what he saw, came away believing that she had indeed just given birth.

I am not terribly surprised at this since I had already heard that Bailey did not buy into the Trig Truther conspiracy.

It is still my policy to not reveal the contents of this book, but I felt that all of you deserved to know that the big babygate revelations will probably not come from anything that Bailey might say.

Of course now with Shailey's testimony, and some new photographs in the hands of the "lamestream" media, I still have hope the story will be fully revealed in the near future.

By the way just because the babygate question is not answered in the manuscript do not believe for an instant that it is not worth buying.  Literally TONS of scandals are revealed, and you will be amazed to learn just how much of what we all believed was happening behind the scenes turns out to be factual.

Both Todd and Sarah are revealed to be completely dishonest, and their criminal and unethical behaviors are laid out in a very compelling manner, most of which is backed up by their own personal e-mails.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Not shocked he will not touch babygate...

    Would love to ask if he ever saw a prenatal doctor appointment on her schedule...

    Frank will hopefully lead more insiders to come out and tell what they know.

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    So, when are Sarah and Todd going to jail?

  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Frank Bailey- Thank you for coming forward. The American public applauds you. Well, I certainly do!

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Well ,as Bristol wolud say: "That sucks!"

    How could he have been fooled? Did he "Come to this conclusion" because he tried to wite about babygate with his first book and no one would touch it? So he changed his tune so that publishers would tounch it? Actually this scenario is way more preferable to me than for him to honestly think that Palin birthed the Tri-Gster from her vajayjay.
    If he was a woman he would not have been fooled. If he was fooled.

  5. The only book about Babygate is The Palin Matrix. It's here now; no waiting. Thank you.

  6. DAMN! This is a REAL bummer because I thought maybe this guy was the answer to the truth. Everyone knows that the palins are dishonest in business, etc. and no one in the media or world seems to care. They will always get away with those things...Just sounds like a lot of the same ol' same ol' and WOW! Just really disappointed!

  7. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Which hospital? Well, we all know that babygate is a huge travesty, but would be treated more as sensationalism, whereas, criminal charges are much more viable for a real smackdown.

  8. Ripley in CT9:03 AM

    Baby-gate is interesting and scandalous, but it is NOT what will bring her down. It's been too long. The contents of this book, and others, will be the things that put her away; provable paper trails and electronic mail detailing her illegal activities are what is needed to bring her down.

    Well done, Mr. Bailey and Ms. Devon. H/T to you and whomever helped you. Get this thing published ASAP!

  9. Olivia9:10 AM

    Not to be sexist, but he is male and I think that a lot of men(not all men) aren't terribly interested, involved or observant about pregnancies that have no relationship to them. Unless he had reason to think at the time that there was something fraudulent going on, he probably would pay much attention to any of it, including the size of the baby bump.

  10. Olivia9:12 AM

    One more thing: That pregnancy coverup was 100% designed to fool people like him and it worked.

  11. Anonymous9:13 AM

    That is disappointing about babygate. Maybe Bailey was not yet disillusioned with Sarah at that time and so was fully receptive to a fairytale that only fed his blind allegiance to this woman. In any case, I certainly hope this manuscript finds a publisher, and quickly. Is there a big chance it can be smothered by litigation before it sees the light of day?

  12. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Frank... was "juicy" the nickname Curtis Jr called Sarah?

    Felt that when Todd used it on SPAlaska he was getting even with Sarah...

  13. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I am not surprised one bit. I can't imagine his collaborators signing on if Babygate were in the book - at this point it seems impossible to prove and at least one of them hasn't touched it in the last 2+ years. I think the key to Babygate is 1) a family member 2) the hospital (or lack thereof) 3) the doctor. Sarah doesn't put her kids in school so the birth certificate w/the wrong date and hospital will never be produced.

  14. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Let's hope in the journey from draft to published book (which I do hope will be short [for our sake] and profitable [for the authors!]!) Bailey et al. will read up on babygate and maybe revise their opinion.

    Or at least include a few of the totally flat-profile photos of SP just before and after the Gusty watermelon photo, but before "giving birth," as she called it.

  15. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Pam Pryor, a longtime Alaska GOP operative, is now the 'spokesperson' of SarahPAC - she says she doesn't believe Sarah will 'respond' to such untruths in the Bailey book.

    LOL. He's got evidence, in their own stupid words and thinking, in thousands of emails - but she's already working to discredit her and Todd's own emails.

    Must be nice, to have all of the liberal media, the internet and 3/4's of the country making stuff up and believin made up stuff about you all the time. Poor poor Sarah. You horrible, horrible person. And your family also too.

  16. SME1319:23 AM

    Chances are he simply felt no need to not believe her about the pregnancy and so he didn't pay attention. No doubt he had far more on his mind with all her other BS. But just because he didn't believe she wasn't pregnant sure as hell doesn't mean she was.

    I think the reason so many people have a hard time believing she didn't have trig is because of all the Bristol rumors. I have never and will never believe Trig is BP's child. BUT.....I will also never believe he is Sarah's either.

    I respect your choice of not divulging the contents and would expect nothing less from you. But can you at least tell us if there will be enough to actually prosecute her and the toad for their shenanigans?

  17. Good question: which hospital did he visit her in : Mat-Su or Anchorage? Remember she changed her story recently about where Trig was born.

  18. Anonymous9:28 AM

    What Ripley said.
    Also too, Bailey is a man and I'm not surprised he didn't notice anything amiss. Palin obviously kept this one close to her chest (belly). However, once the shit starts hitting the fan, I'm sure all will be revealed.

    I'm loving what has been revealed so far - I just want to see the woman in jail.

  19. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I guess that I am late to the party. Exactly why was an entire manuscript leaked to the media? Are the authors looking for a publisher? Do they want the material to get out there to scare Palin? Was the leaker McGinniss? Was he trying to protect his own book or get attention for some friends? And where was Frank Bailey when Palin could have been Vice President and a real threat to the country, not just Alaska? Where was Frank Bailey when Sarah quit to cash in big time?

    And, if Bailey has copies of all of the emails that have still not been turned over, let's have MSNBC and Mother Jones have a look at them. They are suing for the release of the emails with the hopes of a May release.

  20. Anonymous9:32 AM

    In re the last paragraph.

    Hee Hee

  21. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I feel a whine coming on. Who wants to take this, Greta, Glenn, anyone? Or FOX could just run an old story and take out the words "blood libel" or any number of clips they have and insert "leopard print, flag bangle, Bristol googling, breast milk". Budgets are tight.

    BTW, Sarah, I know to you "Facebook" sounds like being face-to-face because they both have the word face in them but they really aren't the same.

  22. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Like I have said for years on this blog (and others) - Sarah gave birth to Trig. I know it isn't as sensational as her creating some crazy adoption thing - but it is the truth (sorry, all).

    Now, just take a second and reflect on how truly insane and non-maternal her actions were during her pregnancy:

    1. At a size 4 or 6 (Sarah is not a large woman. She is short and very thin - you don't get that perception b/c of her high heels, bumpits, hair extensions and square jaw - but she's not large. I know her personally, I'm around her - it's one of the things people are surprised about when they meet her - how small in size she is -- and how beautiful she is). For someone so small to pull off being pregnant into her third trimester - and NO ONE knew - except CBJ, Todd and whomever did the amnio. That's amazing. She was basically starving herself. We've all seen the picture of her and Sally standing on the Heath deck looking at Pioneer Peak when she was preggers with Track. She was huge - like most women are. Can you even imagine the kind of psyche that would intentionally not eat the amount of calories her baby and her body needed? And she's a right-to-life paragon? Please. This is the real scandal.

    2. The truth will finally come out when CBJ comes out and explains that neither Todd nor Sarah, when they called her from Texas, mentioned she was leaking fluid. CBJ would have immediately sent them to the nearest hospital. They probably just said something like, "Sarah's Braxton-Hicks have increased." I know CBJ - she's just one of the thousands under the bus (Jeanne - can you please write a book called Under the Bus?) and her national reputation has been so unfairly maligned. Thanks, Todd and Sarah. But the truth also is CBJ needs to have an attorney help walk her through Hippa law so she understands she's not obligated to cover for the Palin's lies by her silence.

    3. Once it sinks in that a 44 year old woman with two prior miscarriages who was carrying a Down's child with an assumed serious heart condition started leaking fluid at 4am Central time, chose to give a speech - to help her political creds - then flew for hours back to Alaska, drove for an hour and finally admitted herself to a hospital - once the truth of that sinks in, I think her base will have their wake up call.

    4. Sarah and Co. love, just LOVE that so many around the world are convinced she didn't birth Trig. It's the cross she carries. So hated by the liberal left, baby-killing progressives. Such a crusader for the unborn, she is. Taking her lonely stand while evil folks continue to question her parentage. You're only playing into her I Am Victim, Hear Me Screech meme.

    5. I will throw the biggest party (in my head - because to do it here, literally, will get me tarred, feathered and run out of town by those who still believe she's all that) when she has finally been brought to account for her many lies and for her extremely vicious behavior. But, please, please, please - she gave birth to Trig. She wasn't happy that she was pregnant. She thought for sure it took her out of discussion for the VP slot.

    -- and on a side note - thanks, Gryphen, for all the work you've done on this blog. You have become the go-to guy - and I, for one, appreciate it. In the past few weeks your writing has become even more pithy and punchy. You're a good writer.

  23. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Babygate will just showed that she lied, something that you need to know about a candidate. But we all know that it will be spun into
    "the selfless st. sarah protecting and helping a women(or teenage) in need.
    The only way Babygate could really hurt palin is if this was done to cover a pregnancy for her sister Molly, whose husband caused the Troopergate scandal.

    But I would love to hear how the failed pipeline was handled and what happen with the take over of the MatSu dairy. And his take on all those ethic violations.

    But Mr. Bailey and the other authors to be congratulated on their courage.
    This will have those little heads screaming and spinning.

  24. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Palin Matrix

  25. Anonymous9:43 AM

    He visited her in the hospital. Which one?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Ratfish9:44 AM

    The Palins are dishonest? Unethical?

    You dont say!

    Can't wait for the emails, especially if they show that, when Parnell releases many of the same ones in May (or refuses to release some), he is acting illegally to prevent political damage, not withholding or redacting emails that are exempt from disclosure under the law.

    If Parnell was smart, he would release all of them now and do the modified limited hangout perfected by Nixon.

  28. Lisabeth9:47 AM

    Do you think the leaking of the book will prevent it from being published? I sure hope not!

    This part about babygate doesn't surprise me.
    I do hope the truth is revealed but I agree with others that all of her lying, unethical and illegal activity is what will bring her down. I just hope someone buys the book. It was really wrong to leak an entire book like this.

  29. Anonymous9:47 AM

    hmmmmm...which hospital did he visit her at? Mat-Su or Anchorage. SP has claimed both as the birthplace for Trig.

  30. Bailey does not mention which hospital but I would assume that it must have been the Mat-su hospital which is the same one that Levi visited that morning,and where the Anchorage Daily News captured that photograph of the Heath's holding the baby identified as Trig.

    The only reason we even talk about another hospital is because of that slip Palin made in one of her speeches identifying the hospital as in Anchorage, but for all intents and purposes the birth story has always identified the Valley hospital as Trig's birthplace.

  31. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Maybe I'm just dumb, but now that the entire manuscript is available, who will pay for it? What publisher will think he can make any money by publishing it when it's all over the internet already? Bailey and his co-authors got boofed by whoever leaked it. Joe McGinnis? I just don't get it and sorry for being a dummy. Can someone explain?

  32. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Anon 9:37- how do you know this??? Is this just your opinion? Because you make it sound like fact. And that is wrong of you to mislead people!
    Also you are wrong. Sarah did not give birth to Trig and this IS a fact.

  33. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "The only way Babygate could really hurt palin is if this was done to cover a pregnancy for her sister Molly, whose husband caused the Troopergate scandal."

    I've often suspected this is what happened. SP complained once that she hated the idea that Molly had children with different fathers. It is exactly her style to take Wooten's child born after the divorce...

  34. Anonymous9:54 AM

    As much as I hate to say it I have to agree with Anony 9:37. There is no babygate. Too much time has passed and someone would have stepped forward to grab the money for the story.

  35. Anonymous9:54 AM

    @9:37 - concern troll masked as "anti-Palin." No, people do not think she is beautiful in person. She is dinky, haggard, and always inappropriately groomed. She smells. She should wash her hair. But nice try. She did not give birth to the child known as "Trig." Game Over.

    And by the way, it's not the liberal left who "hates" her. It's a lot of conservatives, too--basically any decent person who's against bigotry, corruption, hate speech, and phony "evangelicals" posing as Christians--especially after they put targets on a representative who was shot, resulting in many deaths.

  36. Anonymous9:56 AM

    "She thought for sure it took her out of discussion for the VP slot."

    I find it hard to believe that she was even hoping for that.

  37. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Anon 9:37 screw you-- you a troll and full of crap! Your comment that Sarah is hated by baby- killing progressives gives you away. You are a stupid woman who is very uneducated! No woman on earth approves of " baby killing" and how dare you accuse women who are pro-choice of that. Just because we believe in a womans RIGHTS over her own body and we do not want the government interfering, does not mean we endorse baby killing. WTF is the matter with you??

    Your long rambling make-believe story isn't based on fact nor are you convincing. Try not insulting other women who have a right to different beliefs, and maybe you would get somewhere.

  38. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Bailey probably wanted to stick with facts, & not dampen credibility with something like babygate. That's fine.

  39. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I totally agree with anonymous at 9:37. No research is needed about the endangerment of the life of a special needs baby; all the proof needed is in Sarah's own words over and over as she changed her details to fit her audience.I think the babygate people would get much further in exposing her if they concentrated on the WILD RIDE. If someone who read this account in Sarah's words knew nothing about Sarah they would be appalled by her reckless actions .

  40. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The baby was never going to be the thing that brought her down. It is just anecdotal. If she DID give birth, then she's incompetent and selfish for putting her child's life at risk. If she DIDN'T give birth, then she's even more a fraud. I have always believed that the baby story isn't what matters most but rather the seasoning in the ebola-rich stew that is $arah Paylin.

  41. Anonymous10:06 AM

    $arah is thinking "too bad he isn't a truther" because she can't paint him with that designated brush. No indeed not, this is much better a narrative without muddying the waters with what he either did or didn't "see" in regards to Paylin. She's just a neglectful, irresponsible mother to have put her child's life at risk like that. Her neglectful, irresponsible behavior is just more evidence to support the narrative that she doesn't care about anyone or anything but winning.

  42. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I have never totally bought into the babygate thing but that's because a couple of thoughts crossed my mind that I've never been brave enough to mention to anyone, but I'll do it now. Because if I'm wrong this is a terrible thing to say about someone... but considering she knew she had a Down's syndrome baby, could it be that she was starving herself and remaining thin and unpregnant looking because she was hoping for a miscarriage? Or the "wild ride" would also result in the same outcome? A narcissist would have a very hard time dealing with a baby that would not be a perfect reflection of themselves. In other words a narcissist would not have maternal instincts, so to speak, about a baby that would be so unlike them.

    I know this is terrible to say, but considering the lack of empathy so apparent in her other actions, it would carry over this way as well.

  43. Anonymous10:14 AM

    He just admitted that her wild ride is true in all its gory, life-threating, idiotic details. Wow this woman is a institutionalized dingbat that got loose.

    Not only that the hypocrite in the first order didn't want to really "choose life" as she proclaims.

    No wonder she doesn't care about any one's life.

  44. Such a deep and hearty guffaw issued from my small body after reading your summation in the final paragraph, that I surprised myself.

    I could not be happier!!

    Thank you for being instrumental in the effort to reveal what the she-devil really is. So please that some traction is developing on a national scale now.

    It will be great fun to watch her devolve ( further? Is that possible?)... or should I say dissolve?

  45. laprofesora10:27 AM

    It's disappointing, but let's remember that faking a pregnancy is not illegal. If he can prove she's guilty of criminal activity, who needs babygate? I'd be happy to have it proven AFTER she's in jail.

  46. Anonymous10:30 AM

    If Sarah really was pregnant, but STARVED herself (as alleged above), then how to account for the fact that her face during her "pregnancy" did in fact often appear fuller. My assumption is that she let herself pig-out a little more during this time.

    No starving woman would appear (in the face) to be so well-fed even if she were PG.

  47. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Men are a little sensitive when it comes to discussing personal female matters. Women understood immediately that the Wild Ride story was an exaggerated, over embellished story spun by Chuck Heath, and Sarah foolishly stuck with it rather than say, "Oh my dad, he's always telling such great stories about me."

    The whopper grew as Sarah added too many details that were not accurate about amniocentesis and genetics testing. (She sneaked in through the back door and used her maiden name so no one would know who she was. She was the very well publicized governor of the state! Medical facilities always ask for ID.)

    Sarah has a habit of saying the most outlandish things, and few people call her on her remarks. Bristol had to google statistics about the economy. Is Sarah that dumb? A girl with a high school education is her economics adviser? Women have to breast feed because the price of milk is too high? Babies don't get store milk, even if it is selling for ten cents a gallon.

    The only things in Bailey's book that are troublesome to me is the fact that he was a willing accomplice. If Sarah committed crimes in office, abuse of power, using the Republican Governors Association for campaign purposes, then he is involved. All the self-confession and religion won't make he less of an accomplice.

    Maybe Bailey had better reread that leaked manuscript and make sure that he isn't liable for aiding and abetting criminal conduct. He might also want to turn over those emails to the people who want to read them if this is really about getting Right with God and Cleansing his Soul. Do the right thing, Frank. Better late than never.

  48. Prove Me Wrong10:33 AM

    Prove. Me. Wrong.

    Sarah Palin 100% absolutely and categorically did NOT give birth to Trig Palin. This is fact.

    I'll pay $50,000 cash to anyone who can definitively prove that Sarah Palin was pregnant in 2008 and actually gave birth to Trig Palin.

    After a child is born in America the burden of proof is to always legally prove that a child was born - and not to prove that a child was not born!

    I mean come on, how hard is it to prove that a sitting United States Governor gave birth?

    50 grand says that you cannot.

    So far, no one in the history of the world has ever proved that such an obvious and provable thing as Sarah Palin giving birth to Trig really happened. No one.

    Prove. Me. Wrong.

  49. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I won't be happy until the Palins are indicted. I'm saving my popcorn for the trial. THAT is what will make me happy. Until then it's all just so many uncomfortable moments to them, with no real consequences.

  50. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Personally, I think her behavior if she WAS pregnant is much more damning than the wackiness of a faked pregnancy- wilfull negligence and endangerment, inconsideration of fellow passengers. $carah is NOT someone I want answering any 3 a.m. calls, except the ones that inform her Toad was caught as a John, Track and Willow as vandals, Bristol as the unfit mother she is, etc and needs bail money.

  51. Anonymous10:34 AM

    To tell the truth, I am almost glad it doesn't deal with babygate. The other revelations are damning enough.

  52. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Bailey says he visited Sarah while she was in the hospital. If she wasn't there to give birth to Trig, for what other reason would she be hospitalized? Did he visit her in a private room in the Maternity Ward or was her room located in some other wing of the hospital?

    The whole pregnancy scenario is bizarre to say the least. From the magical inflating & deflating belly to the insane wild ride back to Alaska; totally bizarre.

  53. While I have always found Sarah's whole trek from Texas to an Alaskan delivery room troubling, I have a hard time believing Trig is anyone else's but hers. Other explanations have too many moving parts.

  54. Anonymous10:43 AM

    No woman in that office was going to go to Sarah's trusted assistant and say, "I think that's bullshit." We all know what happens to people Sarah thinks aren't loyal to her. If you have a job and a family to support: you're not going to risk being fired over something as unimportant as a flakey crazy governor claiming a pregnancy.

    After all, everyone there had already heard that Bristol was pregnant and probably figured that Sarah was planning a coverup to protect her kid, which would have been viewed rather sympathetically, even if people thought it was stupid. Because in Wasilla, having a slutty daughter is apparently pretty standard.


  55. Anonymous10:44 AM

    All I care about is that emails that she and Todd wrote with their own grubby hands, are proof of unethical behavior. If this were just a book from a "disgruntled" former employee, it would be ignored. But with the email evidence, this one cannot be dismissed.

  56. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I agree with Olivia. It was women that first called BS on the "Wild Ride" story and women who saw her cross her legs and bend forward at 7 months and we know it isn't true.

    Men don't know and frankly, it skeeves them out to think about it!

  57. Anonymous10:47 AM

    "...believes he saw a baby bump...."?

    ...every day from the announcement until the miraculous birth?
    ...once a week?
    ...and the bump grew?
    ...and she developed the "pregnancy walk waddle"?
    ...and she was more tired than usual?

  58. emrysa10:53 AM

    sorry 9:37, that tactic won't work. sarah palin did not birth tri-G, and that is a fact.

    it doesn't surprise me that bailey thinks palin birthed trig. he probably didn't pay very much attention to her pregnancy - why would he, he had no reason to.

  59. Babygate; who cares. Judgegate? Now that will be a good one!

  60. Anonymous10:55 AM

    So the pillow worked for him?

  61. Anonymous10:58 AM

    "She thought for sure it took her out of discussion for the VP slot."

    She was so convinced of it that she announced her pregnancy the day after McCain won the nomination? I don't think so.

    [CBJ] was so busy and over scheduled that I had been in to see her only once during those 18 weeks she had had to reschedule one appointment. She was 2 hours late for another and I saw her rush out the door for a delivery as I sat in the waiting room.

    Wow, and here I've always heard that CBJ didn't do many deliveries.... only three the year before Tri-g was born. What incredible timing that you'd arrive just as she had to dash off.

    "Maybe I'm just dumb, but now that the entire manuscript is available, who will pay for it?"

    Well, I would- even if I could find it online. Reading online is NOT the same as turning pages in a book, marking the pages you want to return to, or flipping back to check on something on a previous page.

    "It is exactly her style to take Wooten's child born after the divorce..."

    I've never thought it was Sarah's style to do anything that might inconvenience herself.


  62. hauksdottir11:06 AM

    Look... multiple babies, white-outs, adoptions, borrowing, etc., are disgusting to us if done under a blanket of lies and solely for political reasons. HOWEVER, that will not bring her down politically. Egads... Newt Gingrich is a viable candidate!

    Murdoch and the Koch Brothers and the other king-makers do not care about social issues or Family Values. Her true-believers do not care, either. They blather, but they do not care. They will continue to make excuses and Sarah will continue to play the victim card.

    David Vitter can wear his prostitute's diapers and waddle through the Senate halls, but the Republicans won't care. As long as he brings the pork into the state, his shit won't stink, and the electorate will keep him in office.

    I'm not sure that the breaking of election laws will bring her down, either, although it affects her electability.

    The only sure thing that can bring her down is financial shenanigans of the criminal sort. When millions of taxpayer dollars flow through her administration and vanish without accounting, when dairies are run to siphon money from taxpayers, when her PACs and Trusts are run as money-laundering scams, they leave a trail. A team of forensic accountants could sink their teeth into her finances and find red meat.

    Whether it's RICO or tax evasion or grand larceny, or all of the above, if Sarah goes to jail, her political career is over.

    Mishandling money isn't quite the problem. Being vain and clumsy and GETTING CAUGHT is what makes it unforgivable.

  63. Anonymous11:08 AM

    @9:37: I agree with you that the wild ride story is much worse than faking a birth (although the reasons for the wild ride AND for taking a birth might be equally bad). And if she faked the birth to protect her daughter, I think it's honorable. She isn't the first mom to have done that for her daughter.

    Assuming she really was pregnant, and gave birth to a child - who did she give birth too? The first Trig with the cauliflower ear? or the second Trig with smooth ears?
    And why did she pass off two different babies as Trig? And why doesn't she produce a birth certificate?

  64. Anonymous11:13 AM

    corporate-media and republican influences in recent weeks finally allow Palin to be dismantled...
    no longer sacrosanct.

    her large negative polling numbers,
    outside a small GOP base, facilitated this...
    CPAC demonstrated this

    so dis-associating her from a political party probably damage control, and control might be unmanageable if the fraud babygate, if true, would surface and be investigated as to the association of that party.

  65. Anon 10:06 -
    Those are my thoughts as well.

  66. Anonymous11:18 AM

    What she was sure of was that Bristol's pg lost her the VP win. So, she needed to cover for the first Bristol pg, which I am convinced happened and is most likely Trig or a FAS baby that didn't make it.

  67. Anonymous11:24 AM


    Please ignore the attacks regarding your well written and well thought out post.

    Obviously some people do not understand and comprehend what you are conveying, and that much of it was written as conjecture with a bit of sarcasm re: Palin's perceived victimization thrown in.

    I believe you are NOT a troll! Please continue to share.

    Thanks. Sorry for some others here that can simply not see things objectively. Yes, we all hate Sarah Palin, but blindly hating her is just as bad as blindly following her. Critical thinking skills and examining all the evidence is what will take her down.

  68. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Anonymous at 10:06

    I agree and I don't think you're a bad person for suggesting it. And, if true, it seems to me that Sarah's desire to lose a baby (if she was indeed pregnant), including taking steps to actively endanger a fetus's life, is even WORSE than faking a pregnancy.

  69. Anonymous11:30 AM


    Sarah was never pregnant with Trig, someone else's baby and is on loan to Sarah at certain times.

    Read it and weep.

  70. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I am very conflicted with the 'rumors' that Joe McGinnis sent copies of the manuscript out. If this turns out to be true, my feelings about McGinnis may change. It is so underhanded. By early release, doesn't the overall value of the book to a publisher diminish? But in the Palin arena, it may well create a scenario where the book will never see the light of day.

  71. Anonymous11:32 AM

    If Bailey was led by the nose and duped all those years then that would not exactly make him look like a paragon of perception and astute observation. Therefore, until proven otherwise, whatever he says in the babygate matter I would take with a grain of salt.

  72. This morning I realized the babygate story won't be revealed for decades. If revealed it will make the GOP the biggest laughingstock in the history of politics, ever. They don't want that, not even Schmidt, Wallace, or Romney. The Dem leadership will keep it a secret because it is a useful tool against those currently in the mid and upper ranks of the GOP, who actively supported her candidacy for VP. Both parties will marginalize her in other ways, until she is no longer a threat.

    At this point I'll take anything that neutralizes her power.

  73. Anonymous11:44 AM

    First, I certainly hope you are not treading on thin ice by making revealing statements about the contents of the book. I would not be too pleased with you, if it were my book. Just think of the many,many hours the authors have spent doing research on this book. Others will take advantage of having access to the manuscript, friends should not.

    Second, I would have bet money that he did not notice or think twice about the pregnancy. Because he is a guy, there is nothing that would have triggered his suspicion unless he saw her putting a pillow in her pants. A lot of men don't give a moments thought about such things.

  74. Anonymous11:48 AM

    It doesn't sound as if he definitively asserts Palin did indeed birth Trig. More like he didn't see anything that alerted him. However, with everything else he was dealing with, I doubt very much he was paying much attention.

    I believe once the book is out and people have confirmation of Palin's arrogance and deviousness, believing that she also lied about Trig is a foregone conclusion. Suddenly, the circumstantial evidence will have a lot more weight.

  75. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I heartily agree with Olivia that as a man he probably wasn't interested in examining her tummy. He just trusted that she was telling the truth. She wore clothing to deceive the eye, and there was no reason for him to stare closely.

    I had told my boss that I was pregnant at three months, so he could plan to get a replacement for me. I was NOT tiny and wore maternity clothing. But he really didn't pay attention till I was about seven months along.

    I walked into his office reading a document and heard him exclaim, "Wow, you ARE pregnant!" The file folder hid my face so all he saw was the baby bump.

    Most guys aren't interested in a pregnancy when it isn't their own wife.

  76. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I agree with everyone who said that Babygate isn't what will ultimately bring Palin down. Her followers are much too forgiving when it comes to anything connected with babies, and Palin has shown tremendous skill at spinning her lies to somehow make herself look good. After all, she's the one who's told the story of the Wild Ride, and her fans actually applaud her for what we find horrifyingly negligent.

    As much as I would like the truth about Trig's birth, whatever it may be, to come out, I prefer to have her taken down by actions that are clearly against the law. I also think it's more effective to have the scandals related to her job rather than her private life. Even if some of the theories about Trig's birth are true, there may not be enough that's prosecutable. However, some of her actions connected to Dairygate and other scandals, and backed up by her own emails, may be enough to force her out of the public eye once and for all. And if it's also enough to send her to jail, that would be icing on the cake!

  77. Anonymous12:03 PM

    ""It is exactly her style to take Wooten's child born after the divorce..."

    I've never thought it was Sarah's style to do anything that might inconvenience herself."

    let's face it, it still hasn't inconvenienced HER,Heather OTOH.....

  78. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Well I'm sure you're all headed there:


  79. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "So the pillow worked for him?"

    Looks that way.

  80. London Bridges12:09 PM

    Baby Gate is like 9-11 Gate believing it rubs against all the we think we believe in. No one, particularly an American, could have done that!

    HA ha!

  81. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I think showing Sarah to be a liar, totally lacking in integrity in all she did, will be sufficient.

    She's really already made herself totally irrelevant by over exposure and by never coming up with any viable solutions to anything, Those who liked her for president have since lost interest.

    I also am not buying the babygate thing because I don't see how Bristol could have had two pregnancies so close together and if the motive was not to cover for Bristol, what was it?

  82. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Gryphen, have you read Blade's interview with Shailey Tripp:

    It seems there are clues there as to why Palin denied that Tawdster was involved with a "prostitution ring" instead of "prostitute."

  83. Anonymous12:29 PM

    So the gist of all this, the big reveal, is that Palin is a politician and she acted ... like a politician.

    I wonder why no one wanted to publish this shocking expose.

  84. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I am trying to resist my feelings of "we have been here before." Thinking that the game-changing iceberg was imminent. So many times. Believing it each time.

    And here we are again. After all the excitement yesterday, it now occurs to me that Bailey et al. might not find a publisher. Sure, they could put the book on the Internet on their own, but what if no law enforcement entity cares (as has been the case so far)?

    I guess we just wait while nothing happens until (maybe) Mon or Tues. Or later.

    By the way, if it were possible to starve one's way out of a pregnancy, women would historically do it when they must or so choose. But they don't, because it is not that easy. And SP did not lose weight until way after the "birth" -- until she was well on the campaign trail in the fall.

  85. "...believes he saw a baby bump...."?

    ...every day from the announcement until the miraculous birth?
    ...once a week?
    ...and the bump grew?
    ...and she developed the "pregnancy walk waddle"?
    ...and she was more tired than usual?

    did he see her feed the baby?
    she brought him to the office at 3 days old so the story goes, someone had to see the baby be fed whether she excused herself or gave him a bottle of expressed milk, since she claimed to have breastfed him, and there's all the signs of breastfeeding such as enlarged breasts, potential leakage, complaints of soreness, breast pumps, etc. that even a man couldn't miss. He was her chief of staff and surely saw her each day when the baby was in the office.

  86. god love you, flyod, but i can't be the only one who occasionally tires of your endless self-promotion.

    at least pretend to care about the intellectual work product of others before plugging your tome.

  87. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Why would he even mention babygate if there's any doubt? He seems smart enough to know when the truth comes out, he will look retarded after those statements of being in the hospital

  88. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Prove Me Wrong I have to ask you after this much time has passed don't you think someone would have taken the money for the story. Too many people would be involved in a cover up of a baby being born in a hospital. I agree she is going crash soon but the babygate isn't what's going to do it.

  89. Anonymous1:15 PM

    @9:51 Doesn't Sarah have children with different fathers, also, too?

  90. Anonymous1:16 PM

    My take is the fake pregnancy is validated, or at least strengthened by the material in the Bailey manuscript.

    You've just got to read the whole thing to see. What is between the lines is ever so much more important.

    Modus operandi. Bailey nails it.

  91. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck1:21 PM

    9:37 ---- the photos say it all.

    nice try though.

  92. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anon @9:37: Why were there rumors, that Sarah Palin acknowledged, that Bristol Palin was pregnant just before Sarah Palin announced she was pregnant with Trig ? Why did Bristol Palin tell Jay Leno she couldn't go to her prom because she was pregnant? She gave birth to her son, Tripp, in late December and proms are generally in the spring. She would have been very, very early in that pregnancy or not pregnant yet during the spring. Why did Levi Johnston say that Sarah Palin was pressuring them to adopt their baby, when it makes no sense for her to do so with newborn Trig already there? It just doesn't add up.
    Either she lied to cover for her daughter or she successfully concealed her pregnancy, gave birth to Trig herself much earlier than she claimed, and then lied about that for unknown reasons.
    I don't think the "wild ride" is just Sarah Palin embellishing her delivery story or not correcting her dad's detail about leaking amniotic fluid because they did produce Trig for the media soon after she arrived back from Texas and neither the airline personnel, nor the man who wrote her a letter after seeing her in the airport lounge that night in Texas, could tell she was in labor.

  93. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The fact that he didn't see a pregnancy until she announced it actually proves a lot, since it wasn't till she announced it that she started wearing the padding's.

    Also too,it is possible for a pregnancy not to be seeable in a women who is obese even at 9 mths, and not show up till very late in a woman who is large ie., large pelvic girdle, but Sarah is petite and slim. Her weight gain would be immediately visible.

  94. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It's like Frank Baily is giving Sarah and Todd the finger, like Bristol would have if she had won DWTS (Don't Watch This Show.)

  95. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I'm honestly not surprised that Frank has nothing to add about Babygate for a couple of reasons.

    1. He's not a woman.
    From my experience, men are rarely interested in pregnancy and birth, even when it is their own wife that is pregnant, so I doubt he paid too much attention to anything pregnancy related.

    2. More importantly, I honestly view those who buy into the whole Sarah Palin mythology akin to cult members. While this may seem crazy, I genuinely believe that she is charismatic enough, like so many cult leaders, that those who are weak-minded or looking to believe what she is selling, are ready to accept whatever she says as gospel, without second thought and for those who were part of her daily life as Gov, wouldn't have questioned anything until they were no longer with her or speaking to her on a daily basis. In my opinion, it makes sense that Frank Bailey, once out of her sphere would come to these conclusions about things that he could prove, with emails, but something like Babygate is too much to comprehend for a former lieutenant without his own evidence, especially since her victimhood at the hands of the media, evil liberals and angry Republicans, was constantly reinforced. I genuinely believe that it is a level of deception and honestly evil, that someone who was a faithful servant, couldn't believe unless he was hit in the face with overwhelming proof. Additionally, I believe that he has gone out of his way to remain ignorant on the Babygate evidence, because it would be too much for him to have worked for someone capable of this level of deception.

  96. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Since I first found Audrey's "Palin Deceptions" I've believed that $P did NOT give birth to a child in 2008. Period.

    But if we follow Bailey's "belief" that $P did give birth and she "starved" herself while pregnant ... what about $P's teeth?

    There is an old wives tale (at least in the South) that with every baby you bear, you loose a tooth.

    During this "pregnancy" did she take the (horse pill) prenatal vitamins (even though she was "starving" herself)? Even 40+ years ago when I was p.g. with my first children, those were prescription. Who'd the pharmacist think they were for? Who's name was on the Rx?

    As demonstratably vain as $P is, was she going to the dentist (Curtis Maynard?) more frequently? What were the condition of her teeth?

    IF $P was pregnant in 2007-8, her teeth would tell the tale!

  97. OK-- Let's get a few things straight here:

    ****Todd Palin WAS NOT sleeping with Sarah Palin in the relevant time period for the supposed "Trig pregnancy." Remember, now we know that he had other "interests."

    All of these crafty commenters here are going to extremes to try to convince us that Sarah actually gave birth. We are SO past that you foolish and deluded BOTS.

    We have extensive evidence, photographic and otherwise, to show, conclusively that Sarah did not give birth. You are all wasting your time and we are amused by your desperate and shall I say LIMP and IMPOTENT attempts to deny what we know.

  98. Anonymous2:23 PM

    OT for this post but Shailey Tripp just did another interview and stated that Todd paid her for services for some of his "business associates"! HE paid her for them not just referred them to her. WOW. I hope she has some proof.

  99. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Willow... the pillow mom used to fake the pregnancy will bring big money on Ebay..

    You will get enough to party for many months.

  100. Surely Frank Bailey knows that pregnant bellies steadily increase in size, and don't suddenly fluctuate in size and shape. And I'll bet he's never before seen a flat rectangular baby belly like the one Palin sported in a few photos.

    My fifth child was born a little less than four hours after the first trickle of amniotic fluid, and that's fairly typical. My contractions didn't start for another hour. I wonder if Mr. Bailey addresses the "wild ride" story at all.

    Lastly, I agree with the commenter who noted that very large, heavy women can conceal pregnancies right to the end. The smaller and slimmer a woman is, the more obvious that growing baby will be. I'm 5'2" and weighed 102 pounds at my first prenatal checkup. There is no way on earth I could have concealed any of my pregnancies, even if I had wanted to.

    I'm just thinking out loud here. Frank Bailey isn't the first close Palin associate who has come to dislike her, yet who still maintains she did give birth to Trig. The other one is a lady named Kilkenny, if I recall correctly. She is adamant that Palin is Trig's biological mother.

    And I'm going to put in a plug for Floyd's book, too. It's Paradigm Shift, and it's fascinating reading. Floyd, Gryphen, Syrin, Celtic Diva, etc. have all done those of us in the lower 48 a great service in exposing the reality behind the Palin facade.

  101. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Did he mention which hospital he visited her at? Didn't she mention two different places where Trig was born?

  102. Anonymous4:14 PM

    If Toad paid Shailey for his business associates for sex,doesnt that make him a party to the prostitution?

  103. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Trigg could def[nitely be Bristols. I have 2 children born 11 months a part. So Trigg and Tripp could both be Bristols.

  104. Anonymous4:42 PM

    To the poster who didn't believe Bristol could be Trig's mother, it is fairly common for women to get pregnant soon after giving birth. Hormones are still surging while the body struggles to adjust to a non-pregnant state. Before wide availability of birth control, many families had children 10 or 11 months apart. If Trig was born a month earlier then reported and Tripp a couple weeks later, there'd be plenty of time for 2 births.

  105. emrysa4:44 PM

    anon@ 11:08 am sez:

    "And if she faked the birth to protect her daughter, I think it's honorable. "

    honorable? to strap on an empathy belly and lie to the world proclaiming you are pregnant is honorable? to then tell the birth lie for almost 3 years repeatedly to the world is honorable? making a family live a very public lie is honorable? making a child believe that his mother is someone that she is not is honorable? you've got a seriously fucked up idea of what "honorable" is.

    and to support 4:19 pm's statement: in high school and several years after I was friends with 2 sisters who were 11 months apart. so yes it does happen.

  106. Anonymous4:48 PM

    What were the circumstances of the hospital visit-Did he see her in bed? Did she look like she had just delivered? Did hair and make-up look perfect? Etc., etc.

  107. AJinAK5:13 PM

    To all of the people on this post maintaining that Sarah DID give birth to Trig:

    No, she didn't. At least, not in April 2008. The apparent concern troll who "knows" Sarah and CBJ is telling a whole big mess of lies. CBJ rarely delivers babies, and the times of birth for the FEW babies she has delivered in the last few years all happen to be night time or middle of the night/very early morning babies. Which means that unless CBJ has the only 24 walk-in OB clinic (and she does not)...your tale of her "rushing out to deliver a baby" is not only's IMPOSSIBLE.

    To the others who say that Sarah successfully covered her "bump" and starved herself to remain thin:

    HOW exactly do you explain the ten days during April 2008 wherein Palin appears with a completely flat abdomen...then a few days later with a GIANT "nine months pregnant with twins" belly in the "Gusty" photos...then a few days after THAT, she is not visibly pregnant AT ALL to the flight attendants on four different flights nor any of the other passengers?

    It simply is not possible. PERIOD. If 9:37 really and truly knew Sarah and CBJ, she would know the truth which all of us who have kids that went to school with Sarah's kids know to be absolute factual gospel truth: Sarah Palin had a tubal ligation after her last baby (Piper) was born. She took several days off work- more than she took when she "had" Trig. She bitched at Todd afterward saying HE should have gotten the snip since it was so much easier for men.

    CBJ knows she can't say anything because she would Lise her license. Think about this- when the ADN asked CBJ to simply confirm that Sarah gave birth to Trig, she said she was "unable to do so". Sarah said on camera that she had released the confidentiality so that CBJ could "quash these ridiculous rumors". But CBJ wouldn't lie on the record for Sarah.

    For anyone else who remains unconvinced or on the fence: I refer you to the video from October '10 where Sarah says that she had Trig at 7.5 months. That is 30 weeks, a whole 10 weeks premature. A poster at Bladecat's blog said to google 30 week babies and compare them to Trig's "newborn" photos.

    You will be stunned at Sarah's audacity when you see what a baby who was REALLY born at 7.5 months looks like. 2 and 3 pounds (if that) tubes and wires and machines won't find a single baby born at 30 weeks that went home the very next day after birth. It's NOT POSSIBLE. The only instances I found of babies born at 30 weeks who left the hospital within 24 hours...went straight from the hospital to the funeral home.

    Trig may actually have BEEN "born at 7.5 months"....but he wasn't born in April 08 and he sure as HELL did not issue forth from the tied and cut fallopian tubes of Sarah Louise Heath Palin.

  108. Anonymous5:20 PM

    @ 12:20...

    My brother and sister were born 10 months apart. If Scarah lied about the birth date of Trig (that was not a premie baby in the pics that were presented!) then it is entirely possible that both of the babies are Bristol's

  109. Lidia175:43 PM

    Check out my videos, which incorporate virtually all the pertinent available photos and videos of Sarah supposedly "pregnant" collected by Audrey, Palingates and their readers.

    Photos shown chronologically and with attention to standardizing photo size/appearance in comparison to actual pregnant ladies including Sarah herself:

  110. Anonymous5:46 PM

    OMG 5:13 ajinak!! I was wondering when someone was going to start talking about Sarah's tubal!!! She acted like it was open heart surgery or something. After 2-3 weeks she was still clutching her tummy and pretending to get Teh Vaporz anytime she was supposed to actually be doing WORK, LOL

    That's how I knew, whoever gave birth to Trig, it couldn't be Sarah. Remember, she had said that she didn't have her tubes just tied, she had them cut and the ends burned or some such measure to make SURE she wasn't going to be having more babies. Didn't she have it done during the delivery of piper??

  111. AJ in AK, Concerning your comment below, can you get affidavits from people whom Sarah told she had her tubes tied? Although I have known women to get pregnant with tied tubs, it's not common.

    AJinAK said...
    all of us who have kids that went to school with Sarah's kids know to be absolute factual gospel truth: Sarah Palin had a tubal ligation after her last baby (Piper) was born. She took several days off work- more than she took when she "had" Trig. She bitched at Todd afterward saying HE should have gotten the snip since it was so much easier for men.

  112. Anonymous7:29 PM

    In one of the Alaskan newspaper articles on the announcement of TriG's birth, there was a woman [whose named was cited] from some agency or organization on DS births. And this woman had [supposedly] been to the hospital after the birth of TriG and she gave Sarah some information on Downs Syndrome.

    Whether this woman actually physically saw & spoke with Sarah or just gave the info to a 3rd party to give to Sarah still remains to be verified.

    --Gypsy Girl

  113. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I had a sudden horrible thought last night about CMJr and his confrontation with then-Gov Sarah at her office. The only thing anyone has ever said is that Curtis questioned the way Sarah's kids were being raised, etc., but no real specifics. That criticism should not have posed any threat to Sarah, since she could have brushed it off with any number of excuses, just acted more attentive toward her family until Curtis was reassured, etc.

    However, it would have had an ENORMOUS impact on Sarah Palin's political career--and probably doomed it, in fact-- if Curtis Menard Jr had told her, "either you start being a decent mother to Track, or I'm going to sue for custody of him." I think that kind of a threat would have been enough for Sarah or someone close to her to arrange CMJr's unfortunate airplane "accident."

  114. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Sarah has involved Bristol now and she may end up joining them in jail.

  115. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Hey...what happened to SP's "company" pie eyes or whatever? And Bristol's "I'm so clever I'll use my initials as my biznass name" BSMP LLc??

    I know when you hear of a company's incorporation or existence on an expense or income disclosure and then NEVER hear about the "company" again...doesn't money laundering have to be considered as a possible reason for Bristol "one syllable" Palin to have a "marketing firm"?

    Just thought it was relevant considering all the finance related juicy bits in Bailey's book.

  116. Anonymous9:42 PM

    It's about time! now can someone with "cojones" please prosecute these Palin "con men"?

  117. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I think Frank Bailey has no clue about pregnancy. The damning photo to me is the Gusty photo....a woman who looked like she was 7 1/2 months along who got on a plane both ways and the comment from the flight attendants?....her pregnancy was not apparent. Methinks SP was a bit nervous going through security was an empathy belly strapped on.

  118. Anonymous10:51 PM

    @10:03 PM says:

    "Methinks SP was a bit nervous going through security was an empathy belly strapped on."

    Why would she have to worry about about going through security with a strap on belly that was in another belly ........... in the hold the airplane?

  119. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "Conscious at last," just because Todd was having sex with Shailey once a month or less -- that certainly does NOT prove that Todd was not sleeping with Sarah, also. Even if he had additional interests -- that does NOT prove that Todd was not sleeping with Sarah. It just takes once to conceive a child.

  120. Anonymous11:42 PM

    10:06: It is such a demonic and sick scenario I can't wrap my head around it. But unfortunately, I think this is what happened.

  121. onething11:52 PM

    Well, now that he has "come out" so to speak, it would be good if you could interview him, and bring him up to speed on the absurdity of the wild ride, and some pictures, and have him rethink whether babygate might be plausible.

  122. Anonymous3:00 AM

    AJinAK@5:13 -- Pls add to your info that the medical letter that SP released hours before the election said Trig was born at 35 weeks.

    This letter looks fake to me for a variety of reasons that have been discussed elsewhere. It is "signed" by CBJ (with a signature that changes color at the right edge of it and is obviously a xeroxed signature -- lots of white spots within the pen strokes).

    You are so right about the perfectly flat profile photos just 4 weeks before the huge Gusty photo, followed by the plane ride where no one saw a pregnancy. Audrey called it "shape-shifting."

  123. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Faking a pregnancy is not illegal, but the endless lying and posturing re "family values" make it the hoax of the century, and yes the GOP would be hugely embarrassed by it and is therefore surely enabling its cover-up to this day.

    But as a political hoax that affected a presidential election, it is worthy of investigation and full disclosure.

    I too would be okay with a faked pregnancy to protect a daughter, but I am not okay with the use of this DS baby as a prop, for political gain, his being shown off at every opportunity (without socks or warm clothes, without glasses or hearing aids).

    Yes SP must answer to illegal doings re the various -gates. Yes they are the ones that will land SP in jail. But it's not either/or. Babygate has been a huge travesty. It says a lot about today's political process that the MSM and GOP allowed its cover-up.

    Let's remember that we do not have to untangle the enormous jumble of lies, or weigh every piece of circumstantial evidence re the hoax. We do not need to determine who gave birth to Trig. We need only to look st the flat-profile photos of SP 5 weeks before "delivery" to know that she was not pregnant with him and therefore hoaxed a nation. Including Bailey.

  124. There is no way that Trig was born at 71/2 months and was sent home within a few days. I have a son who was born premature. It was 9 weeks early and he weighed 31/2 pounds and had to stay in the hospital for weeks. His lungs were not at full potential because he was so premature. Trig would have been even more premature than my baby. In fact, the hospital would not let us take the baby home until he weighed over 5 lbs. and that took a while.
    I have to say that I don't think sp will go to jail over what she has done in the past, even though she probably should be fined and jailed, but I do think the exposure of her illness and pathology will shut her down. Wasilla Trash bucket aka worst gov. ever, trademarked!

  125. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I know CBJ - she's just one of the thousands under the bus (Jeanne - can you please write a book called Under the Bus?) and her national reputation has been so unfairly maligned. Thanks, Todd and Sarah. But the truth also is CBJ needs to have an attorney help walk her through Hippa law so she understands she's not obligated to cover for the Palin's lies by her silence.

    Anon 9:37 nice try. Very compelling!
    CBJ needs to man up and get her little lawyer and speak up. Is shethrown under thebus? No, I think she willingly laid under that bus for Sarah. CBJ should lose her license then if, as you suggest, she really did deliver "Tri-G at MatSu and not Anchorage where there is a NICU. If, as you usggest, Sarah was starving herself, then explain the Gusty photo and the spongebob squareTri-G pillow.? Gusty is fake then, right? WHY??
    Again, valiant effort. Not buying it.

  126. Anonymous4:55 AM


    Gryphen said...
    Bailey does not mention which hospital but I would assume that it must have been the Mat-su hospital which is the same one that Levi visited that morning,and where the Anchorage Daily News captured that photograph of the Heath's holding the baby identified as Trig.

    The only reason we even talk about another hospital is because of that slip Palin made in one of her speeches identifying the hospital as in Anchorage, but for all intents and purposes the birth story has always identified the Valley hospital as Trig's birthplace.

    9:48 AM

    Then they shuoldd be in big shit trouble, along with CBJ for dleivering a high rish Governor their sans NICU, pediatric intensivist, etc etc etc.

  127. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Anyone else complaining of problem with your site Gryphen? My computer freezes x3 when I open your page, then it is fine.Like someone if trying to discourage me from reading lol. N other site giving me fits!!

  128. Anonymous5:08 AM

    To everyone who blithely thinks that babygate is no big deal, really, PLEASE factor inthe complicity of MatSu in perpetrating the fraud. And CBJ. This kind of crap doesn't go down well in the lower 48. What kind of mutant state you got going up there? People of MatSu demand a fricking investigation into the hospital board back then. There is a "there " there. The MatSu website has changed in the last two years, and the words "we ar e ethical" are now there and ethics are part of there mission. LOL. Guilty much??

  129. Anonymous6:30 AM

    To Anony @4:56 Mine too.

  130. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "People of MatSu demand a fricking investigation into the hospital board back then."

    it'll never happen. Linda Menard, on the board of MatSu, is a Senator.

  131. Anonymous8:18 AM

    4:56 and 6:30, that's why I switched to Chrome.

    But even Chrome has weird glitches. Sometimes I get a page error, but all I have to do is reload.

  132. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "It is still my policy to not reveal the contents of this book, but I felt that all of you deserved to know that the big babygate revelations will probably not come from anything that Bailey might say."

    Uh, you just did reveal some of the contents of this book!

  133. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Found it. Well the woman who supposedly gave info "to the Palins" that is.

    From the ADN artile on April 21, 2008.
    "...Judy Waldron, president of the Alaska chapter of the National Down Syndrome Congress, a support and education group that delivered a parent packet to the Palins in the hospital...."

    Read more:

    -Gypsy Girl

  134. Anonymous9:02 AM

    No way would Palin bring the empathy belly back to AK. Her luggage would have been examined by the TSA. Nobody gets a pass on that. She would have had to leave the belly in a garbage can in Texas. The real question would be who supplied her with the belly in Texas? When I look at all the problems she would encounter pulling off the ruse, I just see so many ways it could go wrong. And, so many people would have to lie for her. It just doesn't add up.

    I do believe she gave birth to Trig. Her crime was the negligent way she treated a developing baby. It is beyond sick.

  135. Most 'reasonable' people can't even come close to wrapping their heads around the idea that someone would fake a pregnancy. Seriously, has it ever occurred to YOU when you see a pregnant woman -- a relative or a stranger in the Mall -- that this woman 'might be faking' ??

    Of course not. It is just too OUT THERE to be a possibility.

    HOWEVER, a few years down the road, once we know Sarah Palin better, her lies, her willingness to just 'make up stories' ... then take the time to really examine the circumstances surrounding Trig's birth, any reasonable person would pause and say HMMMM there is something to this fake pregnancy idea.

    Bailey's book, exposing Sarah's lies and ability to overlook any facts that might collide with her 'view of reality' MIGHT make MSM journalists re-visit the story.

    I have posted on Shailey's blog that she should contact Kitty Kelley with her information, if she is leery of the NE or other tabloids. Kelley isn't afraid of digging/revealing/interviewing people, and she has taken on bigger fish than Sarah Palin.

  136. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Anonymous 9:02 AM -- Whatever are you talking about? Of course the TSA x-rays luggage. But, that's all. They don't sit and ponder what it is that they've x-rayed. They're just looking for dangerous chemicals and weapons. They don't care if it's a lot of stuffing. They don't open checked luggage very often.

    $arah could have easily taken her own empathy belly to Texas and back again with no fear that the TSA would guess what it was, and without involving an additional person.

  137. "Visiting' someone in the hospital after you believe they gave birth is proof of nothing.

    You are told they gave birth, you believe it... sheesh .. who wouldn't?

    And then you look at the mother and think WOW she looks great! Moving on ... it's not in anyone's radar to 'doubt' a pregnancy, in the real world.. this is why Sarah got away with it isn't it?

    NOBODY would seriously think anyone would FAKE A PREGNANCY .. any 'clues' would be ignored, because the BIGGER THE LIE, THE EASIER IT IS TO GET AWAY WITH IT.

    My daughter had a baby this past week, and I saw her within 10 hrs of the birth. She looked like herself, in a hospital. That's it .. there is no 'just delivered a baby look' that PROVES a recent delivery. WE ALL BELIEVE THE MOTHER because who would ever lie and fake a pregnancy and think they could get away with it?

    Sarah Palin that's who. Deluded, Narcissistic and an accompished LIAR who is accustomed to being believed.

  138. Anon 9:02 says;

    No way would Palin bring the empathy belly back to AK. Her luggage would have been examined by the TSA. Nobody gets a pass on that. She would have had to leave the belly in a garbage can in Texas.

    Wrong. Checked luggage is checked for explosives or drugs. People carry all kinds of 'weird' things in their checked luggage, and the TSA couldn't care less what is in your luggage, as long as it's not a threat. If there was a fake-belly in there, they wouldn't have had any reason to investigate anything.

    EVEN if she's been wearing it through security AND it raised a 'flag' the most she would have had to endure was a secondary check, in private ... and the officer would have had a chuckle and let go on her way, because SO WHAT??? It's not a threat to the aircraft. I doubt she wore it on board though, simply because she wouldn't have taken the chance to be found out ..

    BUT .... your idea that she would have had to ditch the belly is way off. There are thousands of suitcases that go through minimal examination, and it wouldn't have interested anyone enough to even be an after thought.

  139. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Let's get real folks - how many here think Ms. Priss is going to sit around on an airplane for several hours wearing that contraption? Would you?

    Former flight attendant here telling you that no one, looking that pregnant, would get by the gate agent without being thoroughly questioned about said pregnancy and when she was due, Dr's note to travel, etc. And then if she did make it onto the airplane, the FA's would have been notified of "very pregnant" passenger onboard.

    No one, including FA's noticed she was pregnant because - like I said earlier - the "belly" was in the belly.

  140. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I agree that transporting the fake belly in airline luggage is not a problem. But if one thought it MIGHT be a problem, what could be simpler than mailing it to yourself at the hotel, mailing it back home to yourself.

    But the fake belly she had on in the group photos at the podium at that TX meeting was a different one (a smaller, flatter one) than the big round one in the Gusty photos. I could imagine it was just bath towels padding her in the TX photos.

  141. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Archivist, Kitty Kelly is a GREAT idea for Shailey! Wouldn't that be something! She'd write a great account.

  142. Lidia172:05 AM

    "...Judy Waldron, president of the Alaska chapter of the National Down Syndrome Congress, a support and education group that delivered a parent packet to the Palins in the hospital...."

    Read more:

    Good find, Gypsy Girl. I remember reading that earlier, too!

    But there's no there there, either, because—while the writing is clever—It's not Ms. Waldron WHO delivered anything.

    The statement makes it sound like Ms. Waldron *could* have met with Palin and given her materials personally, but when you read it closely, it's merely "the group" THAT delivered (by mail? by FedEx?) an informational packet to "the Palins" c/o the hospital. Big whoop.

    Another wisp of smoke in the smoke-screen to be blown away.

    Thanks for digging that up again, GG


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