Tuesday, February 08, 2011

How Palin deals with the media ignoring her for a month.

Warning! Not safe for work, or young impressionable ears.

So of course the Palin kids can watch, no problem.


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    HAA!! Thanks for that!

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    That is the FUNNIEST thing I have seen in a long, long time...FLAWLESS! I keep playing it over and over again, and keep laughing even harder.

    "Of course Trig wasn't mine, it was Track's or Bristol's, one of them."

  3. I can see Russia from my vagina?

    I think this may be the best Palin spoof ever.

  4. I liked that one, I bet she acts that way too, also.

  5. laprofesora8:12 AM

    LOVE IT!!! Boy, did I need a laugh today; you can always count on Scarah! Thanks, Gryph!

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Sarah Palin needs her own wake-up call

    "CBS Sunday Morning" aired a profile of Aaron Sorkin yesterday. The peg was his best screenwriter Oscar nomination for "The Social Network." But it was his spot-on comments about Sarah Palin that piqued my interest. "I have a big problem with people who glamorize dumbness and demonize education and intellect," Sorkin said. "And I'm giving a pretty good description of Sarah Palin right now." As if on cue, the queen of the Tea Party movement and half-term governor of Alaska emerged this past weekend (after the debacle of her response to the Tucson tragedy) to prove Sorkin right.

    ...Whoever advised Palin to say this should be fired. Oh, wait, she heeds her own counsel and that of her husband, Todd.

    Palin doesn't make much sense either when asked whether she wanted to make the mainstream media irrelevant.

    ...Yes, the cornerstone of our democracy is a free press. But implicit in that is the expectation that journalists will hold people in positions of authority and influence accountable and responsible for their words and actions. An expectation that Palin thrives on flouting. How can the American people trust what the media say about her when she won't allow herself to be subjected to intense scrutiny? Palin happily resides in the safe bubble of Twitter and Facebook. And when she does answer questions, she does so from sympathetic inquisitors or from the comfort of her Fox News security blanket.

    At festivities Friday marking the centennial of Ronald Reagan's birth, Palin gave a dark speech that was at odds with the sunny optimism of the 40th president. Slamming Washington for doing nothing to promote responsible domestic oil drilling, Palin said, "This is not the road to national greatness, it is the road to ruin." The same could be said of her actions on the national political stage. Pity Palin can't see that.


  7. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Ok, here’s my laugh of the day, Sarah Palin’s eldest devil-spawn has ‘penned’ – cough..snicker – a memoir to be released this summer.

    Reportedly it’s a whole 304 pages! It probably would have been less, but as it was scrawled in crayon, it took up more room.

    Seriously though, I hope she got someone decent to write it for her, at least someone more coherent than her mama’s speech writers.

    I guess she’s got stuff to write about, namely her under-age drinking, pre-marital sex, teenaged pregnancy and failed stint on Dancing With the Stars. It could actually make for a decent read – if she actually wrote about any of that stuff with any measure of honesty. Of course, it’ll be some white-washed nonsense, thrown together by one of her mother’s crew.

    Man…these Palins are the greediest, most opportunistic family of dipwads since…well…the Kardashians! There’s a reality show for you, get that whole lot together, put em’ on an island, provide weapons, and only enough food for one week. Then let the carnage begin! I tell you, once they were through cannibalizing eachother, the world’s collective IQ would be raised 10 points.


  8. Love it!! hahahaha

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    OMG. Loves this, I do indeed.

  10. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sarah Palin Blasted For Suggesting She Supports Gay GOP Group GOProud At CPAC

    Social conservatives are demanding former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin clarify her position on whether she supports gay GOP group GOProud's presence at CPAC.

    Palin suggested as much in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).

    In the interview, Palin is asked her position on the decision by social conservatives to skip this weekend's annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) convention because of GOProud's sponsorship of the event.

    Several Republican lawmakers, including South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint and Ohio Representative Jim Jordan, and a smattering of socially conservatives groups – the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), FRC Action and Concerned Women for America (CWA) – have joined the boycott.

    “The concern of conservatives is over the participation of a group whose stated goals run at odds with that of core conservative principles, not over debate over those issues,” Cannon said in a statement. “Governor Palin should clarify her comments by letting us know whether in her definition, traditional marriage is a core component of conservatism.”

    Bryan Fischer of the Christian-based group American Family Association (AFA) expressed his displeasure with Palin on his radio show.

    Fischer blasted conservatives who support “the normalization of homosexuality” because everywhere “the homosexual agenda” advances it does so at the expense of “religious liberty, speech and freedom of association.” “The constitutional rights enshrined in the First Amendment are too valuable to be sacrificed on the alter of political correctness.”

    “If Sarah Palin continues to send such uncertain signals on moral issues, they [liberals] may just start leaving her alone,” Fischer added.


  11. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Palin Abandons Plan for Early Visit to Israel.


  12. California Dreamin'8:24 AM

    To quote Larry the Cable guy:

    "I don't care who you are, that there's funny!!"

    Thanks for the posting that, Gryph! :))) I loved the nod to Apocalypse Now!

  13. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Palin’s Neocon Path


  14. Anonymous8:29 AM

    OMG--That was sooooo good.

  15. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Now we KNOW Palin has no chance in '12

    ...Bill Kristol, the influential Weekly Standard editor, is a famously opportunistic pundit. So it's very bad news for Sarah Palin that even Kristol appears to have given up on a Palin presidential campaign this year.

    Kristol went out of his way on MSNBC this morning to express disappointment with Palin, a striking shift for a man who has been Palin's most prominent champion in the press since he met her on a cruise in Alaska in 2007.

    "I have a high regard for Sarah Palin, but I will say I've been disappointed since she resigned as governor," Kristol said on "Morning Joe." "I thought she had a real chance to take the lead on a few policy issues, do a little more in terms of framing the policy agenda. I don't think she's done that."

    ...It's the history between Kristol and Palin that makes his remarks this morning -- on hated MSNBC, no less -- so striking. As a matter of realpolitik, Kristol's criticism of Palin makes more and more sense. New polls out this week show President Obama beating Palin in two states that McCain won in 2008.


  16. omgosh very funny and so her

  17. Anonymous8:48 AM

    As if Sarah Palin’s weekend comments on Egypt weren’t confusing enough, Palin appeared on Fox Business to tell the American people, or the five Americans who watch Fox Business, that Obama isn’t really moving to the center. He is moving America towards Socialism. Palin said Obama needs to get away, “from his far left policies that are going to lead to some European-style socialist agenda that is going to destroy the economy.”

    The one thing that emerged from Palin’s Fox Business appearance is that she now thinks that she is some kind of presidential medium. She believes that she can see into the psyche of President Obama and she is going to reveal his true motivations to America.


  18. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Oh good god, here she goes again!


  19. Now that was funny! Glad to know that someone other than us has been paying attention to the little details, too.

  20. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Bill O’Reilly Claims His Obama Interview Proves Fox News Is Fair and Balanced

    ...There is a huge difference in the two questions. In his question to former President Bush, O’Reilly asked him why the press hated him, thus furthering the myth that the liberal media is out to get a Republican. In contrast he asked Obama if it bothers him that the American people hate him, and just to make sure that Obama got the point O’Reilly added, “They hate you.” When each of the two questions is put together, you can see the O’Reilly and the Fox News bias at work. The message is simple. The American people love George W. Bush, but they hate Barack Obama.

    The trick is that the questions are framed with inherent bias. Most liberal guests on Fox answer the question as asked, and perpetuate the Fox News world view. The most intelligent of guests, like Obama yesterday, is able to see and exploit the bias in the questioning in order to further their message.

    Non-Fox News viewers did get plenty of eyewitness data that they can use to make up their own minds with. What they saw was an extremely biased set of conservative questions asked to a President who kept moving the discussion to the center.

    Instead of proving that Fox News is not biased and out to get the administration, the interview did the exact opposite. It provided tens of millions of people with glowing proof of the Fox News bias, and their agenda to bring down this president. The politics behind Fox News are not a liberal lie. They are on the airwaves at FNC every day, and no amount of spin in the “No Spin Zone,” can change the bias that put on full view for all of America to see on Super Bowl Sunday.


  21. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Education and Sarah Palin

    But there's an enormous difference between words and actions and in the case of Sarah Palin and her attitudes to education, some of her own words come to mind: She doesn't walk the walk.


  22. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Gryphen... do us all a favor.. drop the iceberg on her soon.

  23. Anonymous9:10 AM

    OMG! That was friggin hilarious! I can see Russia from my vagina!!!!! Cracked me up!

  24. I have always been a fan of Gina Gershon and this is hilarious.

    "I can see Russia from my vagina" is the best line EVER

  25. Anonymous9:21 AM

    You know, she probably would go into some sort of stupor if she wasn't in the news cycle 24/7. She is an addict.

    She's so mentally unbalanced that it is almost criminal the way that she is given the platform that she is given.

    It's cynical, at best, that she is propped up for ratings that take advantage of people's irresistable urge to watch a train wreck in motion.

    I'm just so grateful that time is running out on the Grifter Mama and I can't wait for the final nail in the coffin of the mythologically created Sarah Palin to drop off the radar all together and take her opportunistic spawn with her. It disgusts me speechless that Bristol is being given the attention she is for doing nothing but getting knocked up, when there are young women who are making enormous differences in the lives around them, and they may never be celebrated. Just inside out and backwards, it is.

  26. Enjay in E MT9:30 AM

    Great clip - I needed something to lighten my day.

    Did she ever make it to Great Britian? I realize the M. Thatcher photo-pose was tossed - but I don't recall hearing anything ...

  27. Anonymous9:41 AM

    This is worth the read and bookmarking in one's personal history of the Rise and Fall of SP:


    thanks to anon @8:26 for suggesting it.


  28. Anonymous10:27 AM

    That was terrific. Too bad the actress toned it down a bit. Hehe

  29. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:36 AM

    OT--alert! Run, don't walk:


    It's a BFD! ;-)

  30. Since IM hasn't run a teaser, can we conclude the NE isn't publishing an installment of Todd's scandal in this week's issue?

    Sincerely & obsessively yours,

  31. BREAKING - Julian Assange has been in hiding from...(drumroll)...Sarah Palin!


  32. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:51 AM

    This is one of the best Scarahvids I've seen yet! "Oh Taahhhdd! C'mon Tahd! I'm not gonna hurt you..."

    BWAHAHA!!! Thanks for posting!!

  33. London Bridges10:53 AM

    Videos like this are exactly why Sarah & Bristol want to trademark their names. However, you would have to even be told that the bizarre behavior represents Sarah and Bristol.

  34. Anonymous1:05 PM

    @ 10:53--"Videos like this are exactly why Sarah & Bristol want to trademark their names. However, you would have to even be told that the bizarre behavior represents Sarah and Bristol."

    LOL, LOL. Bristol too?

  35. ManxMamma1:08 PM

    Thanks to your disclaimer I waited to watch until I returned from work. Hysterical!

  36. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Now, that was FUNNY! Still laughing.

  37. that was wonderful - I had to wait all day to see it but it was worth it - thanks!ngo55


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