Wednesday, February 23, 2011

McGinniss lawyer responds to the leak of Frank Bailey's book.

From All Around

Dean Steinbeck, an attorney for Bailey and writers Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon, alleged that McGinniss received a copy of the manuscript between Feb. 16 and Feb. 18. In a letter to McGinniss, he said the matter "appears to be no more than that of a jealous author sabotaging a competitor via unlawful and unscrupulous means." A copy of the letter was posted on Devon's blog.

The Anchorage Daily News has reported that it received copies of the manuscript from multiple sources, including McGinniss.

McGinniss' attorney Dennis Holahan, in a letter to Steinbeck dated Tuesday, acknowledges that McGinniss sent a copy of the manuscript "to a few people and media outlets in Alaska, advising them that they should not reproduce any of the manuscript before contacting the authors for permission."

Holahan said the manuscript McGinniss received by e-mail had already been widely disseminated within the publishing world. He said the book agent for Steinbeck's clients, in sending the manuscript around, included no request for confidentiality. Holahan balked at any claim of copyright infringement or alleged attempt by McGinniss to derail a rival project.

"Mr. McGinniss is one of the top investigative journalists in the United States," Holahan wrote in the letter, a copy of which was provided to The Associated Press late Tuesday. "He does not waste time trying to eliminate the competition, especially in this case, where the competition does not appear to have the right to publish the material that forms the strongest appeal of the manuscript."

This is not my fight, especially since I have friends on both sides of this conflict, but since I posted the Ken Morris article from Mudflats the other day I felt that I should give both sides the same opportunity to explain their position.

Personally I want all of this resolved so that we can move forward on revealing the truth about Sarah Palin to the widest possible audience.  After all, the true enemy of the Grizzled Mama is not liberals, the media, or book authors.  Her true enemy is simply the truth.

P.S. BTW I want to give a shout out to Regina over at Palingates for demonstrating the kind of ethics that make me so proud of my fellow bloggers.  Thank you Regina!


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Seems to me that there is no reason that the emails can't be made public and that Bailey still can't have a scintillating book. I'm sure his experiences and anecdotes NOT listed in email are just as interesting and revealing as what is found in emails. Even if he has to paraphrase emails, who cares? I'm sure he has lots more to say than what's in the emails.

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I am so glad that you & Regina are not going to print any of the leaked material.

    I am almost positive (99.9%) that if the situation was reversed that they would definitely do the same for you:)


  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Yay for presenting both sides - the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But you were able to read the 'leaked' manuscript and so are not ripping your hair out like me. I just wanna read the book and those emails.

  4. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Bailey should put emails on Wikileaks ... let everyone read them.

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Bailey, Morris, and Devon should fire their attorney (for writing such an unprofessional C&D letter that included the Palinesque word "jealous"--why not use "haters" and get it over with?) AND their literary agent (for scattering around a full copy of the manuscript as an attachment to an e-mail).

  6. Anonymous7:55 AM

    OT. Sarah Palin has a kindred soul in dumbass, Walker. It seems that Walker fell for a fake phone call just like Palin. This is hilarious.

  7. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Gov Walker, like Sarah, has been punked with fake call.

    I wish a fake Koch brother call was placed to Sarah.. she would fall for it.

  8. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Well I hate to say it, but manuscripts usually don't go out with confidentiality clauses; it's kinda understood in the industry. Joe stepped over a line, sending it on to as many people as he did. The truth is, people in the publishing business do slip juicy manuscripts to each other all the time. I've done it; people have done it to me. But Joe got carried away.

    That said, the Bailey & co attorney's letter was way out of line. First of all, Joe didn't violate copyright because he didn't publish anything anywhere. Secondly, to attribute a nasty motivation to him is libelous. He sent the manuscript to people he knew not out of malice because those emails are beyond delicious.

    You'll notice the news outlets talking about the book are quoting the emails. Bailey & Co don't own those emails; they are simply quoting from emails themselves. In fact, the whole issue of a governor using a private email account to avoid public scrutiny is something that is going to have to be legally addressed in this country.

    Then again, from what I've seen, these emails have nothing to do with governing the state of Alaska and everything to do with promoting Sarah and attacking her enemies. No wonder Alaska fell apart under Palin. The entire state bureaucracy was running around covering up Bristol's pregnancy, getting a trampoline for Piper, and propping up Sarah's popularity ratings. Is that what your taxes are supposed to be paying for? Where is the outrage?

  9. Anonymous7:58 AM

    All this gives me great hope that one day in the near future, after Obama has finished serving however many terms, someone will accurately portray HIM the same way far left goons are trying to portray Sarah. People are not "black and white". People have their professional sides and personal sides. It's not a secret that politicians are ambitious, ego-driven, vindictive assholes who don't allow anything to keep them from accomplishing what they wish. We've seen this with Bill, Hillary, Bush, and Obama. Shady dealings happen. Illegal dealings happen. Behind the scenes smearing will always happen.

    I ask, why jump all over this woman when she has exhibited no new or unique personality traits of a typical politician? If anything, she IS different for the sole reason of not trusting the establishment, and successfully helping millions of people (yes millions) to NOT trust the establishment in DC.

    How is this a bad thing? I've seen people here write, we shouldtrust the people in DC. We shouldn't question Obama's motives, despite not knowing one thing about him and denying the fact his whole life is a fabricated piece of shit lie or embellishment. We ignore his huge gaffes, we ignore the fact that he can't recall the names of his colleagues. We ignore the fact that he backstabbed Hillary when she became his mentor. We ignore the reason he even became senator and the shady dealings that went into that.

    We don't attempt to discredit male politicians for drinking too much, have a temper, having a meltdown, but when Sarah (a woman) displays (or is perceived to display) the EXACT same behavior, she is crucified. When in reality, she has the ability to keep herselfeven keeled (despite closet runblings), to channel diplomacy, to get shit done, to channel Americans and not desire to pass bullshit legislation that only affects/helps illegals

    The truth is, no one will ever know the REAL truth because her friends see that even if they do go on the record, their story and view of her will be twisted to make them and her look bad. This has been documented numerous times.

    To sum up, there is no difference between Sarah and Obama and Bill and Hillary and Newt and Bush and whomever. Sarah just possesses the balls the above crew are jealous of and she has the fortitude from weathering the nastiest rhetoric against her imaginable. EVERYONE else would crumble. That should prove she is superhuman, that her family is way above the fray. They don't unnecessarily play victim, they just vocalize the unfairness in the media and unjustness in critical statements. In truth, we need Sarah. Not necessarily as President, but we need her as inspiration. So many of her fans are college students, high school students and recent grads who have accomplished significant things by age 22: radio shows, teacher of the year, member of their state govt. .And they do it all without the notion that govt COULD help them out.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Baily lived it and he has a right to tell all, even if the emails cannot be published.

    If they sue him, the emails prove his case. Done and done.

  11. Erica from Dallas8:00 AM

    I do't get it.Why would Joe M.send the manuscript around to bloggers and news reporters?I want to believe Joe is an ok guy.
    Who sent the manuscript to Joe M?
    And why does everything that touches Sarah seem to be so complex?

  12. Anonymous8:02 AM

    If I decided to become a ¨source¨ on information about the palins, I would go to you, Regina (who has proven she can be trusted), or any of the bloggers listed on the left.

    There would be a tacit understanding that screen captures of my e-mails would never be posted in a pissing contest between bloggers.

    Only someone who is for sale would do such a thing.

    BTW, Iḿ buying both books.

  13. I'm happy to know he has replied and while I don't find his explanation of the reasons for his actions completely satisfactory, I will just deal with it in my own way, may buy his book, may not, but villifying him is not going to change anything.

    Best thing I think is for the team to work very hard at editing and improving the ms. With the leak I think they will need to rethink/change some of the material so the it is different enough from the leaked version as to be attractive to customers. I am confident it will find a publisher, and I hope their agent is working hard contacting publishers about their concerns and passing that info along to the team. It just slays me that the leak will push back a publication date by at least a few months.

    Would not be surprised if Palin-bots are responsible for at least some of the passing on of the book. It's very easy to call an unpublished draft a 'pack of lies' and that's all they need to do.

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Sarah is her own worst enemy, but the Truth shall set you free!

  15. I don't know what the legal status of those emails is, especially in light of Andree's complaint, but I can't believe that the 3 co-authors didn't have MANY conversations with lawyers about those emails. Maybe that's why there isn't a publication date yet. What we do know is that many of those emails are the same ones that the administration has been dragging its feet on for 2 years. We can also guess that most of the information that has not been released really doesn't have much to do with the day to day administration of Alaska that involved the Governor's office. You don't get private emails to hide normal day to day legal, ethical emails. At some level, given that most of them should have been released by now, and most of the people involved are long gone from positions inside State administration, that there is a compelling ethical reason to release them.

  16. McGinniss did Bailey a favor. Now the MSM has evidence from $P's own hand to work out the questions.

    Bailey will get a publisher, somehow, somewhere, because it is just too important to let $arah Palin be loose out there anymore.

  17. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I think the writers and their agent are the ones at fault here. The writers were too stupid to keep most of the ms hidden before a contract was made. The agent was too sttupid to do the same. Someone sent out a 500 page ms for "review." Stupid, stupid, stupid. And not at all how the industry actually works. You'd think one of the four could figure that out. Even Bristol can google.

  18. Anonymous8:22 AM

    What Gryphen said plus wouldn't the blogs that printed excerpts be the copyright "infringers"? At this point I don't care as it's a lawyer thingy.

    I want to read some Books, any of 'em, all of 'em, more of'em!

  19. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Note that the former Half-Governor has just casually proposed starting a war with another Islamic country by invading their air space. Just like that. From a quickie facebook post. This woman just has no sense for geopolitics, no wisdom, and no self-control.

    I'm sure it's frustrating for Obama wanting to do more but not having a way to interfere without causing a huge conflagration or blowback elsewhere (Pakistan, for one). But so far, the "horrible-awful-uncaring" restraint you have been decrying Sarah, has been about the right stance. Thank you for your suggestion though. It's helpful to Americans to see the kind of reckless leadership they would be getting with you.

  20. Anonymous8:25 AM

    @ Anonymous said...7:43 AM
    I tend to agree with you somewhat. But, if they were my emails, of any kind, they are my personal "property" and I would like to have jurisdiction of how they were being used. It's like having your personal mail, journal, or diary open for other's to use how they want. OK, I guess I should get real, emails are in cyberspace exposed to any hackers. Where do we draw the line? I hope all is resolved and we can move on.

  21. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Anon 7:57 Give it up RAM, the woman is an Idiot, Petty, and Divisive; not even close to being an inspiration.

    She's also a Liar, Fraud and Quitter!

  22. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I was just watching your live feed - very interesting!

  23. Anonymous8:35 AM

    anon @ 7:57

    Dead on analysis, thanks. But I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that Joe helped Bailey et al--deliberately or not--by making the emails "public." Were they not public, Bailey would not have the right to publish them.

  24. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Hey, 7:58, fuck off.

  25. Anonymous8:37 AM


    Yeppers, you are correct. sarah is different from all the other ¨insider¨ politicians in US political history.

    sarah is the only politician to ever stuff a pillow up her dress and fake a pregnancy.

    sarah is the only politician who had the ¨balls¨ to mess up her hair and smear her make-up in an attempt to get out of a national TV interview.

    sarah is the only politician to prove she was a true frontier woman by showing the world how her daddy had to load the gun for her.

    sarah is the only politician....

    You see where this is going?

  26. Anonymous8:41 AM

    It sounds like the literary agent sent this out as part of a blitz to find someone to publish it. That's highly unusual and stupid. My guess is that Joe McG received (or was forwarded) the manuscript with the message "feel free to send this to whomever might find it interesting."

    The very idea that Joe McG leaked this out of jealously is as ridiculous as a so-called professional attorney using the word "jealous" in a C&D letter in order to discredit the perceived "bad guy."

  27. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Anon @ 7:58- "In truth, we need Sarah. Not necessarily as President, but we need her as inspiration."

    Oh fuck me. The bots are just as irrational as she is.

  28. FEDUP!!!8:51 AM

    Looks to me like both RAM as well as $arah are here...

  29. Anonymous8:55 AM

    McGinniss' attorney Dennis Holahan, in a letter to Steinbeck dated Tuesday, acknowledges that McGinniss sent a copy of the manuscript "to a few people and media outlets in Alaska, advising them that they should not reproduce any of the manuscript before contacting the authors for permission."

    Did McGinniss contact the authors for permission to reproduce manuscript ? hmmmm

  30. Anonymous8:58 AM

    7:58 AM - "When in reality, she has the ability to keep herselfeven keeled (despite closet runblings), to channel diplomacy, to get shit done, to channel Americans and not desire to pass bullshit legislation that only affects/helps illegals"

    Wow, what rock are you hiding under. If she "got shit done" why did she quit being a governor. If she "channels Americans" so well then why is she only on Fox news. If she is so great at "channeling Americans" then why is she one of the most hated people around by ALL Americans.

    And what rock have you been hiding under regarding males not getting as much runaround for their "sins". EVERYONE is put under a microscope today. That happened in the past but not so much anymore.

    Once again, I am not jealous of her because of her looks, her wealth or her so called success. I do not like her because she relies on NOTHING to get where she is. She has NO brains and it is a mystery to me how she got elected for anything.

    I would LOVE to see a woman in office. However, I want her to have worked hard to get where she is. I want her to be educated. I want her to KNOW what is going on around the world & our own country. SP knows nothing about anything.

    And for the love of poop, please name one common sense solution she has ever given for ONE problem we have been facing.

    Just ONE!

    "and not desire to pass bullshit legislation"

    Sarah is this you?

  31. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Is it possible that Bailey's literary agent is incompetent?

  32. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Why don't you have a position on this Gryphen?

    Knowing people on both sides doesn't make both sides right or both sides wrong. It means you need to stand up for someone who is right, and denounce someone who is wrong.

    Time to take a stand on this issue.


  33. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Time for a online petition for the release of Palin's Emails!
    And shame on those writers for withholding emails that may reveal more of Palins ethic violations for their own financial gains, sounds like their taking lessons from the Paylins!
    I will not be buying their book!

  34. Anonymous9:13 AM


    Boy, I bet you think stolen cars are the owners' fault. Shoulda locked it!

    Taking advantage of someone's mistake--whether that mistake was a forgotten click of the key fob or sending out a manuscript--is wrong.

    Frankly, I would think that Joe--being the totally swell, supportive guy everyone who defends him thinks he is--would have contacted the agent and said, "hey, did you mean for this to get circulated around? Because there was no confidentiality clause attached."

    That's what *kind* people do. Self-centered, unkind people say, "oh well! You snooze, you lose!" and then proceed to take advantage.

    Sending the manuscript to the media was flat out wrong. No excuses IMO. To do so is a deliberate attempt to undermine the marketability of the book. Or are we supposed to believe this "fabulously smart and talented journalist" thought he was doing the authors are favor by making sure everyone got to read it for free?

  35. Anonymous9:13 AM

    It is unfortunate that the blogsphere and MSM have shown such a lack of professional integrity and mutual respect.

    As a reader and commenter on AKM's site for over 2 years it has been very painful to watch the shark feed in the MSM and blogsphere with her work treated like so much chum.
    It is quite disgusting.

    Palingates took the absolutely correct action and hopefully will be honored by her fellow Alaskans for that.

    Sarah Palin is laughing her head off at the way MSM and other bloggers have treated one of their own.
    And that is also quite disgusting and was totally avoidable with a little mutual respect.

  36. Betsy S9:18 AM

    Looks like Karl Rove sent the mss around....

  37. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Anon 7:58 Crucified? Give me a break! Me thinks you have selective hearing.

  38. I considered McGinniss may have shared the draft in the nature of see....I told you so....

    Heck, this is Sarah's personal mud revealed and straight from her emails and Todd it would be hard to resist sharing.

  39. Anonymous9:26 AM

    7:58, You forget the matter of sarah palin's gross ignorance and incompetence. Many politicos may indeed be vile, but at least they are competent. Pray tell, what did sarah "get done?" Saved the dairy, the gas pipeline?? Her overpriced rec center in Wasilla is a money losing $20mill albatros.

    Far from being a victim, sarah enjoyed too much attention and coddling from the media and those who should have known better. Your energy is wasted, I'm afraid. And quit making stuff up about people just because they actually worked hard to get where they are. Your ignorant spitefulness only serves to discount every positive thing you say about sarah.

  40. Anonymous9:26 AM

    7:58, You forget the matter of sarah palin's gross ignorance and incompetence. Many politicos may indeed be vile, but at least they are competent. Pray tell, what did sarah "get done?" Saved the dairy, the gas pipeline?? Her overpriced rec center in Wasilla is a money losing $20mill albatros.

    Far from being a victim, sarah enjoyed too much attention and coddling from the media and those who should have known better. Your energy is wasted, I'm afraid. And quit making stuff up about people just because they actually worked hard to get where they are. Your ignorant spitefulness only serves to discount every positive thing you say about sarah.

  41. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It seems to me that JM hasn't violated any laws. I have no idea if he violated the culture or protocol of the industry.

    I have a hard time believing JM distributed this in order to hurt the publication of another book. Too risky with too little benefit.
    Why would he risk his reputation?
    It might even help his book sales to have another related book on the market - whets people's appetite.

    It seems to me that the C&D letter went beyond what was wise in impugning JM's character. There's always time to impugn someone's character later after you have the goods, rather than on assumptions - right now the primary issue is to stop the publishing. Impugning his character is likely to just make him mad and want to cooperate less.

    It seems JM's response had it's own little gratuitous dig in it. That disappointed me.

  42. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Do the bots really think that Obama was not investigated the minute he finished the speech to the convention on 2004? IF there were anything about him to find, the GOP would have found it.

    Troll at 7:58....we know everything about him and nothing in his books has been found to be lies, like the mountain of lies in her books.

    The GOP would have anything there was to find. So, nada.

  43. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon @ 7:58- "In truth, we need Sarah. Not necessarily as President, but we need her as inspiration."

    Oh fuck me. The bots are just as irrational as she is.
    8:50 AM


    But she Has inspired people from all over the country and all over the world to come to blog sites like IM,and Mudflats,and Shannynmoore,and celticdiva, and,and...
    so that we were forewarned of what quality leadership and ethics we could expect form the Queen Sarah.

  44. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The book was leaked due to inexperienced people writing it and inexperienced people trying to sell it. As far as reproducing it, damn, nobody had to, all they had to do was click forward. I am sorry, but no one who knows anything about publishing EVER sends out a manuscript, the authors are saying it was a draft... they sent our a 500 page draft? What were they planning, a 10,000 page book? 500 pages is THE freaking book! An experienced author would never write 500 pages without a contract. Sell first, write later. I'd buy the book, yeah, unless I get to read the rest of it online. Who can resist? nobody!

  45. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Anon @7:58: So, Sarah Palin's corruption and lies show us that she is just like all the other politicians, but she is a special, just-like-the-others politician because she showed the American people that they shouldn't trust corrupt politicians, like...her?!

  46. Ratfish9:37 AM

    And the self-proclaimed fiscal conservative small government supporter Sean Parnell aka Palin Lite is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars having lawyers scrutinize every email- even though the lowest paid worker in state government could clearly tell from the sample we've seen that many have nothing to do with privileged state business and are therefore subject to disclosure.

    Instead, Parnell is trying to hide as many as he can for as long as he can.

    I wonder why. Don't you, also, too, ya betcha'.

  47. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Shailey Tripp is being followed, I wonder by whom and why? From her blog:

    ++++Under surveillance
    Posted by Shailey on Wednesday, February 23, 2011
    The funny thing about being under surveillance is I think the people doing it actually think you don't know they are doing it.
    Maybe it is just my infamous Murphy's Law that this keeps happening to me.
    My first experience happened in high school. Someone came up to me and let me know my Grandfather was in the Secret Service and asked me how I felt about that. I thought this person was insane and kicked him in his balls and walked away.
    And no I wasn't in the habit of randomly kicking people in the balls. The same person stayed in my life for about a week and finally they got the hint I wasn't believing anything that came out of their mouth. Why shoudl I? How shady is that to go around and follow someone and try to talk to them in that way?!

    My next experience with survellaince was my x lover had me followed and tapped my phones. And everytime I went somewhere or made plans I couldn't figure out how this person kept knowing my whereabouts. After I left this person I discovered that through the cell phone company he had all my conversations recorded and sent to his messages where upon he could listen to everything I said. So by the time my own parents had me under surveillance I was a pro (have no clue as to what I am talking about? purchase my short story).
    They went all out, video taped me, followed me, tapped my phones, sorted my trash, recorded everything I did from eating to peeing.

    So when all this crazy stuff about my life starting to come out in the open, of course I now have my own detaill. Actually it is quite a compliment. They come and go and record me. They have really nice cars and always come in a 2 person team, one man and one woman. Nicely dressed. As they take pictures of me and video tape me I take my cell phone out and take pictures of them. Sometimes we even nod heads at one another. I just wish they could give me a ride somewhere or help me with the damn wheelchair when I walk to Wal-mart.

  48. Anonymous9:42 AM

    7:58 a.m. Lay off the hard stuff. You just made a fool of yourself by drinking the tea of Palin. For God's sake, get yourself some help.

  49. Lou Sarah9:49 AM

    I agree with 7:58.

    Sarah is an inspiration to everyone.

  50. He's using the "nobody told me that I shouldn't shave the kitty" defense?

    If he's as hoity toity as he claims, he of all people should have know that just because they don't say it's confidential and shouldn't be published doesn't give you free reign to send it all over the place so others can publish it.

    Geesh, what a maroon.

  51. Anonymous9:52 AM

    @ ann. 7:58

    Haaa! Ha haaa haaa ! OMG - I think I hurt myself when I fell off the chair laughing, especialy at this part:

    "Sarah just possesses the balls the above crew are jealous of and she has the fortitude from weathering the nastiest rhetoric against her imaginable. EVERYONE else would crumble. That should prove she is superhuman, that her family is way above the fray. They don't unnecessarily play victim,"

    The only balls Sarah possess's is maybe Todd's, but they're really small, so they're hard to see in her clenched fist.

    That you Sarah?

    - Hedgewytch

  52. Anonymous10:00 AM

    8:21 am

    Bristol can google?????? Maybe, but doubt very much if she can figure out what she googled as she is uneducated and illiterate.

    She is just like Momma, Sarah, making up tales to get rich and blaming everyone else for her own faults.

  53. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Well, I see RAM, Bekkki has entered the room. Sarah makes her visit all of us before she pays her. Poor stupid Palinbot RAM....

  54. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Thanks for the LOL 7:58

    RAM-U R Fuctarded...

  55. i want to ask you the same question i asked at palingates.

    you thing there is so much ethics there so, "will you now end your attempt to prove palin was not pregnant since the bailey book clearly states he saw her give birth in the hospital:?

    and should palingates close up since that was there only mision, now proved wrong??

    you guys know i am no fan of palin .
    its easy to check the ips with the comment.

    just want to see the ethics you talk about.
    seems fair to me.

  56. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I am so tired of people who don't know what they are talking about spouting nonsense on this subject.

    For example, Anon at 9:37, I'm sorry, but you are a loudmouthed ignoramus. Publishing is my business, and I can tell you that 1) I email entire manuscripts ALL THE TIME; everyone I know does. Yes, they get forwarded. 2) A manuscript is considered a "draft" until it has been edited, finalized--and, in this case, vetted by lawyers. 3) Yes, authors prefer to write a proposal, get a contract, and then finish the book, but even multipublished authors frequently write on spec, finishing the book and then taking it to market, knowing that in certain circumstances and in today's climate they will likely earn a much higher advance that way.

    I've published over 20 books, fiction and nonfiction, in a career that has spanned decades. Those of you who don't know what you're talking about, STFU.

  57. Anonymous10:18 AM

    this is hilarious, NYposts take on palin's attire in long island:
    "There's a reason I'm wearing these fancy shoes. It's because Bristol said to me, 'Mom, you're going to be seen in New York. You've got to look like New York. You have to appear fashionable.' "

    Sarah showed me the simple jewelry that complemented her suit. Hanging scrimshaw Inuit earrings. "It's our local ivory," she said, wiggling what looked like walrus tusk. Simple gold wedding band. Big, wide red white and blue stars-and-stripes cuff bracelet, "which was given to me."

    "Really Screech, someone gave it to you? you sure you didn't whip up the beaded wonder woman cuff yourself?" (my comments)

    Her advance team had pre-prepped everything . . . except maybe for the fact that she'd be seated on a raised platform. The short, tight skirt crept up. Nice knees up to nice thighs smack at our eyeball height.

    Read more:


  58. Anonymous10:26 AM

    IMHO, this whole mess could have been avoided if only their literary agent (LOL) had NOT SENT THE ENTIRE MANUSCRIPT TO ANYBODY!!!!!! What a freaking moron.

  59. Virginia Voter10:28 AM

    Hey look y'all, heads up to 7:58 Lou Sarah 's here to talk about how great Sarah Palin is!

  60. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Yes, blaming Joe was ridiculous IMO and also in poor taste. It sounds like the blame lies with the AGENT.
    Now Bailey may be prevented from printing any emails
    and all of this makes that more obvious.
    I usually agree with Andree, but not in this situation.
    At this point, the authors may have to self-publish the book at Amazon or elsewhere.
    I still can't believe they had the audacity to call Joe McGinnis " jealous." I love AKM and perhaps she had nothing to do with that, but it sounded childish and petty.
    I'm surprised an attorney would recommend that.

  61. Anonymous10:31 AM

    7:58....aka Lou Sarah? owe me $9.58. I just got home from eating a wonderful lunch and your fullofshit post made me sick to my stomach!

    How can anyone be so delusional? Even RAM could not be that had to come straight from the WGE. The convoluted reasoning is beyond a teen ager telling their parents it's okay, cause everyone else does it (which makes sense, since you seem to mentally be stuck at that age mentally)

    I don't dislike you because you are beautiful (actually, I don't think you are that good looking any more)...but because you are stupid and have clearly made no attempt to learn. Also, too, because somewhere in your pea sized brain you still think that fancy pageant walking is enough to get you whatever you want. Also, too, because you lie about every single thing in your life to the point that you can't even keep track of your lies and tell new ones.

    Face it dear, you are not an "inspiration" to anyone but that crazy person who looks back at you from the mirror (do you even recognize that person any more?)

  62. I say kudos to Joe for sending the manuscript to the media. Bailey was complicit in this farse known as emailgate. The people have the right to read these emails done on their dime without purchasing Bailey's book for profit.

  63. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Anon 7:58,
    ROFL you are seriously delusional about SO many things, I wouldn't even no where to start. I won't try to show you exactly how many falsehoods are in your post because you clearly don't care about facts.
    I will just say that I will pray for you. I don't know where you get your information, but 98% of what you wrote is simply inaccurate.

  64. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Gryph all the blog links of Sarah's least favorite blogs cannot be accessed. I get all kinds of gobbly gook or a notice that it is not available. What's going on.

  65. Anonymous10:48 AM

    sorry just refreshed and blogs are all back weird!!!

  66. emrysa10:51 AM

    @ 7:58 am:

    sarah palin is CORRUPT and INSANE. that is why people go after her.

    there are plenty, plenty of people who are not corrupt and not insane who do not trust the establishment. try looking to one of those people for your "inspiration."

  67. Aha. There we have it. Bailey has no right to publish certain parts of his manuscript, so really, the only way to make it public is to "publish" it by throwing it to the wind. Looks like that's what happened. Attempts to pin publication on McGinniss are just scapegoating moves. He wasn't the first to receive it, and apparently understood immediately the bar to publishing it in the first place.

  68. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Interesting when they finally release the redacted emails....Frank will be able to tell us what is missing!!

  69. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Anonymous 7:58 AM says: "I ask, why jump all over this woman when she has exhibited no new or unique personality traits of a typical politician?"

    Sarah Palin proudly recounted the tale of risking the life of her (supposed) unborn child. She said that after an amniotic fluid leak she did NOT get a medical check, avoided NICU equipped hospitals, boarded a transcontinental flight during a high risk pregnancy with a premature DS baby (previous miscarriages, over 40 years).

    This behavior is NOT normal behavior. Either Palin risked a baby's life OR she was not pregnant. Neither scenario is the product of a sane mind and disqualifies Palin from public office.

    BTW the phrase "far left goons" is a trifle trite.

  70. Anonymous10:59 AM

    7:58 am... (Oh, how I wish we could directly hit 'reply')

    Off the top of my head, the biggest reason why we are treating Palin differently from Obama (at least speaking for myself) is that

    - He may be imperfect, even "crooked" (to sum up your comment), and QUALIFIED and INTELLECTUALLY CAPABLE.
    - While she is imperfect, even "crooked", and totally UNQUALIFIED AND INTELLECTUALLY UNABLE to lead this nation.
    * also, there's that little thing about HER running on a platform of ethical authenticity, while HE runs on more.

    that only scratches the surface.
    Because I ardently favor Obama over Palin in my assessment or vote does not mean I advocate BLIND LOYALTY. Yet, I think the reverse is true of your suddenly 'antiestablishment' stance.

  71. emrysa11:00 AM

    "Sarah then added, ‘Heck, I don‘t even believe in Click-it or Ticket seat belt laws, and I filmed the damn commercial for ‘em.’”"

    and 7:58 sez we need this person as inspiration! 7:58 you are seriously f-ed up.

  72. 7:58, get a grip. You are one step away from needing a chalkboard. Don't get me started on how many male Republican men have been called out for their unethical behavior only to get reelected by the likes of you. You've got the crazy written all over you.

  73. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Disappointing display of ineptness by some quite bright people. The monetary loss might be partially recoverable but the legal wrangling will wear them all out.


  74. Anonymous11:10 AM

    @9:13, Sarah Palin is most likely not laughing about the leak of this manuscript. It is now readily available online and it is NOT flattering to her.

    The handling of the manuscript/draft/whatever was bungled. To those who are patting themselves on the back for not downloading it now that it's available: how silly. Your paragons of morality, Gryphen md Regina, read it. Just because it was emailed to them makes no difference. I suspect that some of you were either unable to figure out the site that offers the free download (the navigation is awful) or were afraid of getting a computer virus.

  75. Anonymous11:14 AM

    At least Joe's lawyer knows how to use spell check.
    OT Lou Sarah deleted her Facebook account. Wonder if she knows that if she logs in any time during the next two weeks, it is reactivated. Keep checking back, I bet she'll log on again since she can't seem to keep anything straight.

  76. Anonymous11:28 AM

    jadez - He did NOT see her give birth. He saw her at the hospital.

    I have been reading these blogs since I found out SP was running with McCain. They are not only here about proving she gave birth for crying out loud.

    Thank someone for that because I wouldn't have known anything about the rest of her craziness. Well I guess I would have through the lame stream media who have NOT done a very good job at all reporting on her.

    P.S. - when the words you spell have red lines under them that means they are not spelled correctly. People don't take you serious when you spell more than a few words incorrectly. You might want to keep that in mind.

  77. Anonymous11:35 AM

    @ 7:58

    I suspect you are spoofing us, Right.

    If not, you seriously need to run, not walk, the the nearest mental health facility.

  78. Anonymous11:39 AM

    The thing that kills me about how the right are trying to smear Obama and paint him as a Muslim are the ludicrous cliams of 'proof' that they have--which are total lies:

    1. He went to a madrasa when he lived in Indonesia as a child. First of all, he went to a CATHOLIC school in Indosesia!!!!

    Plus his mother was an academic--had a PhD, and an atheist. And she was working in Indonesia helping woman to get funding for their small businesses--helping women get independant and educated...Uh, somehow, if she was a Muslim--and raising her son as one (not!), she was a very BAD Muslim--educated, independant and putting her kid in Catholic school.

    2. Obama went to Punaho school in Hawaii. This is the best private school in Hawaii, he went there from years in grade school and high school. He was the poor kid, but it's a school with the best education and for educated upper income whites (and Asians/Hawaiins). He saw his 'muslim' dad twice in his LIFE? How, pray tell, did he become a Muslim?

    He went to Occidental College in Calif for Fresh and Soph year. Very exclusive, private liberal arts college, mostly white.

    The irony is, Obama is more white than many white people He barely spent any time with blacks until his late 20s when he met Michelle! Up to then he was in all-white environment, and non-Muslim environments.

    And if he's Muslim now he's breaking all the Muslim rules--from eating pork to having a wife that doesn't do anything that Musliim women are supposed to do. So, yeah, nice try. Why not just admit his a solid, good President and father and husband and highly educated with much integrity. And he was handle a country on the brink by GWB! Thank the Lord he is there, not many people would have been able to salvage the mess he inherited.

  79. Anonymous11:39 AM

    The Parnell group is to release many emails in a few months. These emails will be able to be compared to disclosures in Bailey's book.

    7:58 You are an asshole and it is obvious you don't know the innards of Toad and Sarah as we do here in Alaska. She is a master manipulator among many other negative traits.

  80. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Wow, Jadez, Frank Bailey says he was there when Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig? They must have been really, really close friends.

    Nope, I believe what he wrote was that he saw in in the hospital with Trig. Big, huge difference.

    And, by the way, why does it matter so much to you that some people strongly believe (or even know) that Sarah Palin didn't give birth to Trig? You seem to be on some kind of mission here.

    Very, strange...

  81. Anonymous11:42 AM

    OMG, this is a hoot! She is SUCH a joke.

    The Best #LouSarahStatusUpdates (TWEETS)

  82. Anonymous11:46 AM

    "The Anchorage Daily News has reported that it received copies of the manuscript from multiple sources, including McGinniss."

    They _received_ copies? How? FedEx delivered? At the post office?

    "...McGinniss sent a copy of the manuscript "to a few people and media outlets in Alaska..."

    He _sent_ copies? Of a 500-page manuscript. To a handful of people. How? By FedEx? Zeroxed and packaged up at the post office?
    10 copies = 5,000 sheets of paper = more than $1,000. Add in shipping costs. Hmm. That's a big project. Time-consuming and expensive. That didn't just happen accidentally. It wasn't "leaked."

    "Holahan said the manuscript McGinniss received by e-mail had already been widely disseminated within the publishing world."

    Received by _email_? What, in his Hotmail account? A 500-page manuscript is a sizable file, no matter what format.

    No way. Here's what happened that no one is telling.
    Someone put the entire manuscript in FTP (File Transfer Protocol), available and accessible by anyone on the internet.
    Not an accident. Not a "leak." Planned.

  83. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Jadez, lots of people (including Regina, herself) replied to your post on Palingates. I notice you haven't bothered to post again in response.

    Sigh, just another hit and run with nothing to back it up.

  84. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I think we've all been gloriously punked.
    First Todd's hooker, now this book.

  85. Quetzalcoatl11:47 AM

    While we're all scratching our heads wondering who sent what to whom...or who was FIRST!...

    astroturfing, kinda like the Lou Palin shit, isn't done by mere po' folk, shall we say... big corp has been at it for some time...

    THIS, this is what should concern us more. Way more.

  86. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Anon @7:58: WClinton, HClinton, Obama, and even GWBush have more intelligence and street-smarts than Sarah. That's why they are treated differently. If Hillary threw a hissy every time a magazine posted an unflattering photo of her, she should not be Secretary of State, would she? Also, note that no Clinton, Bush, or Obama children have been on reality television shows. They have shielded their children as much as possible, not thrust them out to the world as proof of their outstanding multitasking skills.

    Now, as for the manuscript: unless the emails were prepared as part of SP's work product as a government employee, they would be her copyright. Some quotes may be fair use, but extensive reprints would be a violation of HER copyright, as I understand it. If they were prepared as part of her job as a government employee/elected official, then they are public domain, again, as I understand it.

    Bailey and his co-authors don't know much about publishing, because in general, people do not submit a completed manuscript to sell a non-fiction book. They submit a detailed proposal and a sample chapter; the manuscript is developed with the editor after the project has been sold. I suspect that if they had had better advice, they would not be in this mess. McGinniss, on the other hand, has been around the block.

  87. Anonymous12:01 PM

    10:08 am comment

    So you are saying that Bailey saw Sarah give birth in the hospital. REALLY????????

    Gee, you mean to tell us that Bailey was allowed in the Delivery Room while Sarah was birthing?

    IS THAT YOU BRISTOL OR WILLOW? Your ignorance is astounding and you can't spell worth shit so just STFU.

  88. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Appears that the whole Palin family down to Piper is commenting on here today. Gryphen, you have stirred up a hornet's nest.

    The truth always stings, doesn't it Palinbots?

  89. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Can we all focus on what's important here?! Lou Sarah has deleted her Facebook account. I will sorely miss that special lady, Lou Sarah!

  90. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Sorry for the O/T post, but this is just beyond unbelievable and disgusting! She's Day 2 Keynote Speaker at the India Today Conclave|2002-2011|A Decade of Thought Leadership. THOUGHT LEADERSHIP? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! Check out others who are scheduled to speak. She is so wwaaayyyy out of her element it's not even funny. No doubt she'll take the 'entourage' et al and turn this into another press op like Haiti. Remember when Jackie Kennedy was photographed riding the elephant? Just wait until pics of this trip start surfacing mid-March... She's not beyond that.

  91. Anonymous12:15 PM

    7:58 Am comm.

    Rebecca Mansour, Bekkky, RAM -

    Do you really get paid to post all that drivel or do you do it free because you and Sarah are partners?

    Does she return all your love, Bekkky?

  92. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Anon 7:58 is obviously from a P.R. Firm hired to write so-called rational arguments about Sarah that HOPEFULLY diffuses all the negative things written about her. This person has neither true knowledge of her record or really cares what he is writing about. His job is to write something in hopes that he can convince another person to go her way. The sad part is that it really is a losing battle. All I do is mention the name of Sarah Palin to random strangers (something I have done often because I want them to know her record), but now before I have to say another word, that stranger will invariably say, "She's crazy!" Or, "Ugh." I think that really says it all. For Sarah to think that she still has a chance at a political life means that she will do anything for attention - even when that attention is given by people who laugh at her. Sad. Media. Whore.

  93. for laughs:

  94. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Malia has accomplished in two days more than you have accomplished in two years. Don't interfere and fuck it all up with your cheap media whoring.

  95. FEDUP!!!12:48 PM

    Has anyone else had trouble finding Lou Sarah on FB today? She also, too, doesn't show up on the 'friends' list of her friends anymore...

  96. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Amusing anecdote, 7:58 AM. Now you can take the rest of the day off, RAM.

  97. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Worried much, RAM? Don't spin so much that you'll fly apart. Anonymously endorsing your own comments ala Sarah and her fake (I love me) facebook account? Not only is Sarah corrupt, everyone she hires is.

    But it's hilarious that all this controversy will make book sales soar. Sarah's emails will get out there via Bailey's book, WikiLeaks or just be put on the web for all to read. Your princess is doomed along with your job. Amen.

  98. Anonymous1:07 PM

    IDK this whole thing bothers me and I don't know what to think anymore.

    Does anyone else find it disturbing that we found out about this book the way we did?

    I am now questioning EVERYONE''s ethics!

    It may not have been ethical for JM to do what he did (it also may have been totally innocent in nature IDK) but was it ethical for them to even write this book in the first place? IDK! But profiting off of crimes, and NOT reporting them to the proper authorities is hardly ethical. Should they profit off of that?

    What if they had never sold the book, and it wasn't leaked? Would they have just sat on all this info? Possibly letting her become the next POTUS even? All cuz the price wasn't right?

    This whole thing seems to be a bad decision after bad decision. I for one, am disappointed, and kind of disgusted in EVERYONE!

  99. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Not being privy to the all the communications that has occurred between Jeanne and Company with Joe McGinniss, I find it a waste of energy to pick apart each of their lawyer's letters much less take a stand at this time. With that being said, I do concur with Bretta that the leaked emails can serve a valuable purpose and IMO that is to keep the soon to be released May emails under a big, glaring spot light and if Parnell doesn't deliver, all hell should break loose. The tasty sampling of Bailey's emails now has people's mouths watering for more. MSM, blogs and many news outlets may now have the upcoming FOI emails of $aint $arah on their brain and it puts alot of pressure on Parnell ... You Betcha!

  100. Anonymous1:14 PM

    RAM and Sarah, since you obviously are sooooo upset by this turn of events as shown by your rants here, why don't you take your blanket denials to Sarah's Facebook page? Yep, some nice tidy lies tied up with a bow.

    No? You'd rather fight with some behind the scenes bloggers than deal directly with Sarah's many failings? So high-school, so not presidential, so cowardly, so Sarah.

  101. everything else she attempts she up and quit, imagine that

  102. FEDUP!!!1:35 PM

    How does Palin get to address people in INDIA??? (Thanks anon @ 12:47!)

    Also, too, why has she not twittered about this? This would be a HUGE step for recognition, if she REALLY were to address them. SHE, who has barely ever been out of this country and who most likely does not even KNOW where India is (or that it is a country, not a continent, for that matter...)

  103. Anonymous1:47 PM

    To: jadez

    If you think Sarah Palin birthed Trig in April 2008, you must accept the consequences of that scenario. Palin risked the life of an unborn child with her "wild ride".

    Palin either faked a pregnancy OR risked a life. There is NO option which makes Palin appear anything other than INSANE and unfit for public office.

    Maybe you should consider whether "birthed Trig" is really the scenario you want proved, because it does indeed cast Palin in the worst light.

  104. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Anomys @ 1:07 pm

    You say they should have turned over the e-mails because of Sarah being corrupt - well, those in power now in Alaska have the e-mails and they are Palin loyalists and they have done nothing about what Sarah did. So why in the world would the 3 authors contact the crooked people in power in Alaska?

  105. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Off topic but - check out Malia's post about dwts - the picture is worth a million dollars she has shown.

  106. Anon. @1:07, with appreciation for you passion, you specifically say " But profiting off of crimes, and NOT reporting them to the proper authorities is hardly ethical."

    Problem is two-fold - (1) we cannot be sure if what Bailey is holding on to is proof of criminal behavior; and (2) we know that past attempts to hold SP (and TP and other involved in TravelGates, TrooperGates and SlushFundGates) has resulted in exactly ... nearly no consequences whatsoever.

    If I were Bailey in the same situation, I would have no confidence that handing my information over to Alaska authorities (as we have no proof he has anything the Feds can prosecute her on) would lead to any consequence whatsoever, much less criminal ones.

    My thought has always been that the (unredacted) e-mails will not reveal anything actually criminal, but will reveal her to be the petty, immature, vindictive person we have always maintained she was, and will cement once and for all the fact that she is mentally not the kind of person who should even be considered for a job as important as POTUS.

    Handing over a bunch of unrelated e-mails to a state or even federal agency is not going to get the story out there. The story has to be researched and framed, crafted, and to be believed must have the evidence. The Bailey e-mails will be an important part of that evidence.

  107. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck2:06 PM

    anon @ 11:46 has a good point - the manuscript was probably not an attached file to an email but a link to an online file with access codes or something.

    7:58 am (guess that is alaska time) post is really sad. now how is palin going to entice hillary supporters if her fans trash hillary? and that is not even addressing the idiocy of the other comparisons.

    palin = T.O.A.S.T

  108. Anonymous3:12 PM

    1:07 - I agree! This is all just a little too dramatic and even the good guys won't tell us what the heck is going on.

    trainwreck - it was posted somewhere with open access. Something happened that nobody's tellin' and I don't have the time and energy to suss it all out.
    But here's my understanding: a link to an ftp site was posted in the comment section of one of these blogs in the middle of the night. Maybe more than one blog?
    I haven't bothered to try to find it; just reading the backwash of the "event." Apparently the ftp site was open-access. We could have all read it.
    That's what all the fuss is about.

    So the journalists and bloggers who were "sent" a copy, didn't actually "receive" anything. They must have gotten an email with a link to the ftp site.

    All of this defies common sense explanation. There's something happening by design, here.

    A few facts -
    Authoring: when you write a sentence, it's yours automatically. You don't lose ownership by failing to put a copyright symbol on it.

    Emails: when you write an email, it's exactly the same as a paper letter. You are the author of those words and the thoughts they convey.

    Copyright, ownership, and usage are all different matters. What I write is my intellectual property, automatically. If I sell it, or an employer paid me to write it, they own it. I retain authorship. I may or may not retain copyrights, depending on what was agreed on.
    If it's something I authored on company time as work product while I was on salary, but not specifically being paid for an identified work, it's a bit of a gray area, but it essentially belongs to the company.
    Emails at work fall under this.

    Think about photography. A photog might sell to and be published by National Geographic. The photographer still "owns" it.

    The State of Alaska "owns" the emails authored by state employees and generated on its internal systems and servers.
    They do not own emails authored by a state employee that exist outside of the state's identified system.

    Where it gets sticky and convoluted:
    Email containing state-owned pieces that have been forwarded to, and added to, by an independent email address outside the system.
    I believe this materially changes both the copyright and ownership.

    Then there's "Public Domain". If something is repeated (or used) so often that it becomes common vernacular (or common-place image), without knowing who originally said it or made it (like the variety of American flag images), it's said to be in the public domain and therefore without copyright.

    This is oversimplified, it's all far more complicated than this, and I'm sure I can be proven to be wrong. But this is how I understand it.
    In the end, it comes down to a "test", or what gets taken into court and proven out.

  109. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Example: "How now brown cow."
    This phrase is public domain. No one knows where it came from and who originally said it.
    I cannot copyright this phrase.

    I can, however, use this phrase in original materials that I author and copyright.
    The material containing this phrase would be copyright-protected, even though these specific four words don't belong to me. It would not be considered plagiarism, nor copyright violation.
    I could use MY copyright material for commercial purpose, sell it, gain financial benefit from it.

  110. Publicity stunt. Hope it works!

  111. Screw the book. Start a website, have people pay to read the emails, protect it so they can't be copied, are password protected, etc. and let's get them OUT HERE.

  112. Anonymous4:07 PM

    MarvinM, thank you for the well thought out responses. I truly appreciate it.

    I also can agree with much of what you said, however I am an only going on what's been reported, and what has been reported is she broke the law with the RGA! Bailey never reported that to anyone. I guess if he didn't have absolute proof though...

    I understand that the state prob. would have done nothing about it, but to protect himself both ethically and legally he would have had to at least report it! You can't complain that the state does nothing about it, if you never make the report. And an insider report such as his, would have been hard to ignore.

    IDK I just think back to troopergate and all and remember how desperate we were for someone, ANYONE to come forward, and Bailey sat silent. It infuriates me.

  113. Anonymous4:10 PM

    that is rich coming from McGinis - "doesn't appear the competition had the right to publish"...what gives him the right to publish their work? others were doing it too? bad move, joe. hurts bailey, hurts you, and gives sarah support in her "Joe McG is a creep and a liar" campaign. Nicely done, jackass.

    OT - griff...Feb is almost over and the 'bergs seem to be bouncing off. the Club Foreplay (you guys ever google "C4P" - that's the first hit)folks are as ignorant and happy as ever.

  114. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It's fun now to read comments knowing that the palinpalooza inner circle is well practiced in skewing online polls, in assuming various identities to support SP, and in making massive counter-efforts to put out fires that SP herself lit.

    Jabez. Jadez? Interesting. (Let those who have ears to hear...)

  115. Ted Powell5:25 PM


    Anonymous 12:07 PM wrote: She's Day 2 Keynote Speaker at the India Today Conclave|2002-2011|A Decade of Thought Leadership. …

    In the Day 2 column, down at "20.00-21.30 DINNER KEYNOTE ADDRESS" you'll find:

    My Vision of America
    Sarah Palin, First Female Governor of Alaska (2006-2009), 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee and Author

    What you will ALSO find is a white-on-red button, "Ask Speaker"
    linking to a page with:
    Enter the Code Shown:
    (the last item is a CAPTCHA)

    Can anybody think of a good question to ask the speaker? I'm sure you can!

  116. hauksdottir5:29 PM

    Holahan is definitely digging the hole deeper for his client. How can he have not the faintest clue of what Copyright Law protects? McGuinness deliberately distributed an unpublished manuscript. Distributed!!! Duh!

    Also the snipe that Bailey's emails can't be published, and thus the book is valueless, is legally WRONG... and supports Steinbeck's statement of twisted jealousy.

    If I write a letter, even if it is in response to someone's letter, I have the right to make that letter public. Someone who is not a party to the communication might have substantive problems, but Bailey was a key communicator, passing on instructions.

  117. I guess my only question here is why isn't Mudflats posting this letter as well? This is an answer to their legal parlay towards McGinniss and after publishing that letter is it not in their best interest to publish his legal response?

    Color me confused.

  118. Anonymous5:43 PM

    inside edition interviewed shoshana walsh from daily beast and she said the only good thing was the book confirms sarah gave birth to trigg..i almost fell off my chair laughing!

  119. Anonymous5:45 PM

  120. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Gryph: tell us that there are more things coming because she keeps going, to India now to look all International.

  121. indy_girl6:22 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    7:58 AM - "...[Sarah] has the ability to keep herself even keeled (despite closet runblings)"

    First of all, Quitty's last few appearances have been anything but "even keeled." If anything she is more hysterical and out of control than ever. She looks like she's using speed, and in one interview wiglets were even falling off her head on one side. Add a silver jacket and a helping of Word Salad™ with WTF Dressing™, and the total effect is Manic: Needs Med Check ASAP.

    Oh, and the closets are rumbling because the skeletons Sarah has been hiding in them for years are finally tumbling out. :-D

  122. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I hope frank bailey realizes he'll probably never hold an important position again

  123. @hauksdottir at 5:29

    You're missing a big big piece of the controversy. The Palin emails are not Bailey's property. Or at least some portion (of unknown size) are not. Any emails by or to Sarah Palin or other staff while she is a public official and having ANY connection to state business (or sent on state accounts) are public records and can (or rather, should) be subject to a FOIA request. (As SHOULD any emails relating in any way to state business that are sent via "private" back channels.) Now, admittedly the Alaska courts have tried to screw up what's settled law (and handled quickly and cheaply) in other states and corrupt Alaska officials are doing everything to avoid complying with public records laws but--BUT--Frank Bailey doesn't own these state-related emails any more than ol' Joe Miller owned those North Star Borough emails (which Miller illegally destroyed). Those emails are state records, not Bailey's work.

    It's the emails that make the book interesting at all (at least to me) and it's the emails that are the subject of stonewalling by the state that's now gone on longer than Mrs. Palin was in office!

    I hope the emails are released. I hope the Bailey book is published.

    But I don't need to read those emails--or anyone's book--to know that Sarah Palin is a corrupt, unethical grifter whose actions have done nothing but cause harm to humans, animals and the environment. There's a mountain of evidence of her malevolence and her misdeeds out there already. (If one wants to be scared to death, just read the Branchflower report, for starters.)

    But why, I wonder, didn't the authors join forces with (and contribute dollars to) all the parties who have been fighting for the release of the Palin emails for almost three years?

    Of course, the state is going to claim that portions (and I bet they will be HUGE portions) of these emails are privileged--by attorney-client privilege or (my favorite--NOT) "invasion of personal privacy." The state can redact the "privileged" parts of the emails it finally releases, and then someone can decide to challenge those redactions and so it's possible--who knows???--that the controversy over Sarah Palin's emails could continue long enough to rival Bleak House.

    It's a mess. And (just my guess) this mess is a large part of why Bailey's book still didn't have a publisher as of last week.

    And who knows what the facts or the legal status re: the emails really is. I don't have access to those emails. All I'm sure of is that the water is very muddy and I hope to goodness someboday has EXPERT lawyers and deep pockets for their fees.

  124. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I strongly suspect that Parnell is purposefully covering for Palin and did while she was in office.

  125. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Ted Powell @ 5:25, did you read the description of Sarah (which I am very sure she supplied as her bio) closely:

    My Vision of America
    Sarah Palin, First Female Governor of Alaska (2006-2009), 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee and Author

    Look's like Sarah's using the ol resume trick of stretching out a span of time by using years only. 2006-2009 makes it look as if she was gov for 4 years instead of 2.5. Palin's inauguation was in mid December 2006, and she quit in early July 2009.

    However, as everybody knows, Sarah stopped performing any gubernatorial duties in August 2008. And by performing gubernatorial duties, I mean sitting at home collecting per diem and sending the kids out to pick up Taco Bell.

  126. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Re: Womanwithsardinecan and Anonymous at 7:35:

    Your "opinions" pertaining to the matter of the publication of Palin's emails suggests you know nothing about the legal realities of the matter.

    First, the author of any message has "implied copyright and while the messages become the property of the recipient with all the rights commensurate with physical property right. The messages can be sold but the right to publish remains with the author.

    This is why Bailey is having a hard time shopping his book to a publisher: the bulk of his book is the emails and inferences drawn from them. A book without the emails would be nothing more than just another tell-all by an obviously bitter former employer.

    Bailey's legal position and consequently the appeal of the book to a publisher is even more problematic
    because the emails were doubtless sent by Palin with
    an "expectation of privacy" that the emails would not be shared with others or published.

    This is clearly NOT an ethical issue and the idea that
    Palin's emails would be admissible in court as a defense for Baily's invasion of privacy doesn't pass the laugh test.

    That book quite likely won't see the light of day and if it does it will have the same impact on Palin's prospects as the much anticipated expose in vanity Fair by Levi (Where is he Now?) Johnston.

    As I recall the omniscient Gryphen promised devastating consequences for Palin when Levi pulled back the curtain on the Palins.

    ...And now you're all casting your lot with Bailey and /or Joel McGuiness to drive the stake through Palin's

    The more things change the more they stay the same and in the end Captain Ahab's obsession always destroys him.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.