Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No nonsense 5 year old girl has her future all figured out. Hysterical!

Boy I did not have my stuff together this well when I was twenty five years old, much less only five years old.


  1. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Unfortunately, Malia put a new post up before this one got much attention: "Clarification by Anchorage Police Officer". Worth a good look.

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Great! Hope she drives home that excellent message to older girls who might be contemplating marriage and a family.

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Part II of the amazing little girl.

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    It is sad. Way too much angst and way too little dreams. A 5-year-old should be talking about her trip to Mars, being president, being a scientist, being a teacher, being a dog groomer. "Having a job" isn't a dream, it's just pitiful.

    And, of course, it'll be a rude awakening when she finds out "some man" probably won't be asking her to marry. Guys don't much care for the smart, decisive type.

  5. Cute little girl. But of course, we all realize these are not conclusions she has come to herself based on her wide ranging life experience. She's in a household where adults obviously include her in conversation; she's very well spoken, a sign of a child whose presence is honored in a healthy way. I'll be she's a ton of fun 24/7.

  6. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I think she's adorable. She could have been my daughter at five. As it is, my little girl is now 27 and is waiting to get married until she (and her boyfriend) has a job. They're currently in grad school. I'm so proud of her, and I'm sure this girl's parents are extremely proud of their little one too.

  7. I just don't find this amusing in the least. You know her mother is likely pumping her full of this at too young an age. This strikes me as simply sad.

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    @ 1:16 PM said"

    "Unfortunately, Malia put a new post up before this one got much attention: "Clarification by Anchorage Police Officer". Worth a good look."

    Well, Andrew Sullivan has two new posts up at the Atlantic:

    and they are linked and driving traffic to both IM and Malia.

  9. WalterNeff3:23 PM

    Some five-year-old boy is going to be very sad in 25 years. Probably a half dozen of them.

  10. emrysa3:36 PM

    oh yeah she'll change her mind by the time she comes of age and sees there's no jobs around. she may not have any other option.

  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Cute. It does make me wonder what she's overheard to give her such strong feelings on the matter.

  12. I hope she isn't always this serious. What happened to play? Imagination? Wonder?

  13. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Sweet, but the child could be talking about a CAREER not just a job. Having a JOB like at Walmart or the MALL only gives a woman her own income not an identity.

  14. Anonymous3:32 AM

    BUllshit ANON @ 1:33PM
    She sounds exactly like my daughter 16 years ago. She asked me then what I had done with my life. I told her I did well in school, got a scholarship to a good college, got a job, went for an advanced degree, got that and then got married.
    She's set to graduate a year early from college and is raring to get out there in the real world and do her thing. My hope is that this little girl stays true to her young dreams and doesn't let some moron like you change them.


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