Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Jon Stewart asks the question: "Is Sarah Palin a Russian spy?"

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
From Russia With Gov
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I guess he makes some good points, but I am certainly not willing to put the Grizzled Mama in the same company as Russian spy Anna Chapman.

After all THIS is Anna Chapman.

And THIS is Sarah Palin.

Any questions?


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Yep, Sarah's a regular 007.

    (That's her IQ.)

  2. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Could it be true?

    Jon Stewart gathers up the evidence:

    First, Sarah Palin criticized Obama when he said this was "our generation's Sputnik moment," because the Soviet Union's space race (according to Palin) ultimately led to its collapse.

    "I guess that's one of those WTF moments: Where to start?...Who would purposely twist around historic facts in order to put out such a willful misunderstanding of the president's words? You'd almost have to actually...be...a soviet...agent...OH MY GOD. Sarah Palin may be a Russian spy."

    Then, there was that whole North-South slipup, when Palin accidentally referred to "our North Korean allies"

    At this point Stewart starts hyperventilating into a brown paper bag: "We've been worrying about Kenyan-Islamo-Socialism this whole time! We forgot about a good old Russian Communist Sleeper Agent."

    Plus? When Glenn Beck asked last year who her favorite Founding Father was she couldn't pick one: "You are totally a (NOT) super-hot Russian spy!'"

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Anna Chapman? No! Natasha and Bullwinkle? Hell yeah!

  4. So glad you showcased TDS from last night. Hope you can grab the graphic they used. The clips of her trying to bluff her way through questions in 2008 was priceless. "Favorite Founding Father? Er - ah all of them!" The clips remind me of an ill-prepared high-schooler trying to fake it through a civics class. And that's Sarah's MO: act like you're a president and it will happen. You betcha.

    I also agree that she's not spy-worthy. But the bit was funny.

  5. Anonymous6:29 AM

    OT. For those who doubt the validity of NE stories, read the article from the former editor of NE in Huffpo. He explains how they doggedly pursued Edwards for two years, used a psych evaluation to determine his next move, etc. If I was Sarah, I would be a bit worried. The psych evaluation of Edwards sounds exactly like Sarah!

    "That's when I brought in a mental health expert to psychologically profile Edwards and predict his behavior in certain scenarios, a desperate move that I hoped would provide some type of advantage.

    The mental health professional does not want to be identified but he specializes in diagnosing and treating personality disorders and how they affect family dynamics. It took weeks for the professional to construct a detailed profile of Edwards. There are no notes or written reports. The following quotes are constructed from memory of the briefing:

    "John Edwards believes what he says," the professional said. "He says whatever he can to make people like him. He turns it on in public. In private he's abusive and selfish. What kind of man asks his friend to take ownership of a human being HE fathered? That's unheard of.

    "Edwards looks at himself as above the law. He has a compromised conscience -- meaning he will cover up his immoral behavior at whatever cost to keep his reputation intact. He believes he is who his reputation says he is, rather than the immoral side, the truth. He separates himself from the immoral side because that person wouldn't be the next president of the United States. He overcompensated for his insecurities with sex to feed his ego which feeds his narcissism."

    The most important part was the absolute certainty of the mental health professional that Edwards would continue to deny the scandal -- almost at all costs.

    "He will keep denying the scandal to America because he is denying the reality of it to himself. He sees himself only as the image he has created." I was told.

    The message from the professional that changed everything was that while it would be nearly impossible to make Edwards confess, he would offer a limited version of the truth if that was the only way he could maintain control of the scandal."

  6. Anonymous6:30 AM

    LOL .. Sarah is way too dumb to be a spy.

    But she has used two dozen talking points to make millions

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Stewart did exactly what Beck does every single day. The difference is that Stewart's audience laughs hysterically, while Beck's audience becomes enraged and believes the schtick!

  8. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Do you think Todd is up for a Sarah Palin-Free February? I think he'd be all in...

  9. Anonymous6:35 AM

    You made me laugh with the pic comparison. Sarah thinks she is so HOT! Like I have said Sarah Palin is a "Porn Star Politican".

  10. Anna is running for a seat in the Russian Parliament.

  11. Anonymous6:57 AM

    You are a funny guy! thanks for the laugh. please keep things funny!

  12. Anonymous7:14 AM

    WTF Sarah. Sarah is squinting her eyes so tight because she has NO f'in idea what she is saying. Sarah Palin truly talks out of her ASS WTF Sarah!!!

    Sarah is the rambling WTF queen of retards. Yes Sarah Palin is a Retard. All people that truly were born with a physical or mental disabiliity are not retarded.

    A retard is someone that tries to fool other people of who they really are. They try to be someone they really are not. Sarah Palin is a retard and her speech is retarded. Truly a KOOK!!!!

    "Porn Star Politican"-- Sarah Palin

  13. Beldar McConehead7:28 AM

    Gryphen, for crying out loud, man! Please choose your images with greater regard for your readers' delicate sensibilities! That shot of the screetchy wretch in this entry made me throw up a little in my mouth!!! The Russian tart is hot, tho, in a hot Russian tart sort of way...

    (see what I did there?)

  14. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Of course Sarah is a Russian spy. The proof is that Jon withheld the most damning evidence of all. Alaska and Russia share a narrow maritime border, according to Sarah. In Todd's airplane, Sarah can quickly hop over the islands and water to meet up with her Russian counterpart and be back in time to shoot a caribou for dinner.

    She plays dumb so we won't know how smart and crafty she really is. Todd went to the massage parlor, but the part of the story that you don't know is that he was there to pass undercover information to the guy in the next room, the Russian agent. That's why the matter was denied so quickly.

    Expanding on the evidence, Track was placed in the army to spy on troop movements and weaponry. When Sarah praises the troops, she does so to gain access to army bases, where she can complete her important assignments, collecting information. As for Bristol's house in the middle of Nowhere, Arizona, it's the drop for agents who come across the unguarded Mexican border.

  15. I have a new respect for the NE - I can only hope they are going after Palin with the same intensity and dedication

    Story on how they broke the Edwards story

    I hope they are consulting the same mental health consultant as well - I sure would like to know what was said! Perhaps months from now there will be a similar article about how they got Palin to confess.

  16. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Looking at those two pictures, who do ya think Tawd would want to hook up with.

    One picture, he wonders how she ever got pregnant.

    The other picture, he would ride her like a snowmachine.

  17. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Just want to add that it wasn't even the Arms Race that imploded the USSR but more that when they could no longer fund their military at the levels they needed to in order to keep all the occupied countries in line (like the Eastern European countries, among others), those countries immediately slipped out from Soviet control and declared their independence, and the USSR decided not to stop them (because they no longer wanted to spend the amount needed to keep them in line.)

    These countries had waited, suffered for 50 yrs (since being forcibly occupied after WWII), and they finally saw their moment for independence and rushed to take it.

    That's a little different than "the arms race bankrupted the USSR," although there is a lot of truth to that spin also.

    Of course, no one expects SP to know or understand ANY world history, and certainly not its subtleties, and she assures us she does not at every turn. --Amy1

  18. London Bridges8:14 AM

    Having a shrink try to analyze Sarah Palin could put the shrink over the edge. Cruel & unusual punishment!

  19. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Todd is looking at the pictures of that beauty and Sarah and is just imagining where he would park his snowmachine.

    Time to trade up.

  20. Dammit Gryphen !! A little warning from you not to have a mouthful of food or drink while reading this would be much appreciated !

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Hey Tawddd, can you see Russia from where you are? Betcha you can get lost in that.

  22. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I think Jon left out one of the biggest giveaways, English is not her first language.

    That explains her word salad speech. She is having to change the Russian words to the most equivalent English words. lol

  23. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Please! All those who are interested in psych disorders relevant to $P should look into Executive Function Disorder. Google it. She has that in addition to NPD and (evidently) bi-polarity.

  24. Such an iconic pic of the Wasillabilly wash-out. I'll bet she hides in a closet every time someone posts that one. What a horrible little piggy she is.

  25. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Look at history and what happens to proven spies!!!!! But, I think she really is too stupid to be a spy. Who would want her?

    Loved reading about the analysis the prior editor of NE had done on Edwards when they disclosed his affair and the baby for which he denied. Wonder if they had it done on Palin too? Wouldn't that be a kick? Have to admit though that Palin sounds very much like the Edwards profile.

    Palin denied and denied recently about the disclosure of Todd's hiring the services of prostitutes. (We were just suppose to ask him or her directly if it was true! Yea, right Sarah who never lets anyone ask her questions!)

    Sarah's denial was about Toad being involved in a prostitution ring - when, in fact, NE said he hired the services of prostitutes for which they had proof.

    Miss smarty pants (she thinks!) from Alaska continually puts a 'spin' on everything she tries to cover up if you go back through the records in Alaska. She did it on the campaign trail too w/McCain. "Liar" should be her middle name!

  26. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Given her association with the Saudi owned Fox network shouldn't it be that she is a Saudi agent. The USSR is so last century.

  27. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Licking index finger and making big score mark in the air.

  28. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Not Stewart's best.

    It is a good thing that her most stupid moments, reads not papers or magazines, never even heard of Washington, Jefferson, or Franklin, doesn't know the name of Brown v.the Board of Education. or of Roe v. Wade, the Dred Scott decision, or Marlboro v. Madison which is the biggie; those moments of total breath taking ignorance should be replayed over over and over just so her bots cannot delude themselves that her stupidity isn't boundless.

  29. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Anon 5:57 - you put the period in the wrong spot, it should read .007


  30. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That is funny! Should be on Glen Beck's black board LOL

  31. Anonymous11:47 AM

    What the difference between the two ladies in the pictures?

    One has an ass and the other one is an ass.

  32. London Bridges11:54 AM

    The pic of Sarah reminds me that tomorrow is Groundhog DAy. If Sarah sees her shadow(Bristol)tomorrow, we will have 6 more weeks of winter.

  33. Anonymous1:04 PM

    YEah, and I am will to bet that the REAL Russian spy is more intellegent and better educated the hick from Wazilla.

    Beside the hick shot bullwinkle.

  34. Anonymous1:08 PM

    That picture always reminds me of a braying ass. Oh wait...


  35. onething2:07 PM

    Regarding the National Enquirer and their personality expert - those things he said about Edwards are not unique to him. They are predictable characteristics of people who function differently than the rest of us - people with little or no conscience.

    I had a paradigm changing, light-bulb-going-off evening yesterday. I started reading the book reviews and interviews with the author of a book called Political Ponerology. It's the study of how evil works in politics. The author lived through WWII and the nazis, and also the takeover of his country, Poland, by communists.

    Ultimately - and part of us already really knows this - there is a small percentage of the population that are pathological in lacking a normal conscience, and they live differently inside than the rest of us do. It is somewhat hard for us to spot because it is difficult to imagine someone looking at gaining someone's trust for example, as an opportunity to take advantage of them. (Madoff)

    Now, we've discussed at length the characteristics of this disorder as regards SP many times, but some other characteristics are a tendency to live in the moment and not deal with the future too well, a dislike of steady, hard work (no such thing as satisfaction from a hard day's work) a very shallow inner life (no deep emotions) and yet a desire to acquire things, status, and power. These are things that a shallow personality can appreciate, as can the rest of us - but with the difference that they feel no qualms about stabbing people in the back and stepping over them to get what they want.

    Now - the human condition. The strange persistence of misery and suffering despite the more or less goodness of the average person. The infiltration of religion by charlatans out to make an easy living off their glib talkativeness and reap the reward of status and power. It all begins to make sense. These people often gravitate to positions of power and authority, talk the talk but don't walk the talk because they are playing a very different game than we suppose.
    Of course they tend to be hypocrites! They are playing a different game than the one they pretend to be playing.

    This is why Sarah herself is just a symptom. Because these types have gained significant strength in our nation. It's time for the bulk of humanity to become more aware and sophisticated. People without a conscience should not govern. If it is so that a small percentage of the population has this disorder, and it thrives in all socioeconomic levels of society, well then where are they? What are they doing and why? Hadn't we better learn to spot them?

  36. Anonymous3:00 PM

    No, I dont think she is a spy. But that picture explains why Todd goes to hookers.

  37. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anon @ 7:31

    I love your spoof!! It was a spoof, right? :)

  38. cjumper6:01 AM

    Gryphen, please. There is no reason to compare SP's body to anybody else's. What, we are supposed to vote for a woman with a rounder bottom instead?

    Her looks have gained her some fans. But her looks are NOT the problem I have with her.

    You don't need to sink to this level to discredit SP. Comparisons between men don't get this treatment.

    It hurts my feelings and my intellect when you do this. Please stop it.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.