Monday, February 21, 2011

The next time somebody tells you that Obama is destroying the economy show them this.

Most of us with half a brain know that George W. Bush did just about EVERYTHING in his power to fuck this country up so bad that not even the most amazing intellect in the Democratic party could fix it, but sometimes it helps to have a little graph at your disposal to convince the Teabaggers, paint chip eaters, and Fox News listeners of that fact. (Yes boys and girls I do realize I used a profane word.  However I used it in a sentence to drive home an important point, so Miss manners gave me a pass on this one.)

To learn more please visit Political Correction.


  1. Gryphen,

    The so called profane word you used to drive home your point (and it was used very well) is actually the most versatile word in the English language:

  2. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Nothing, even Sarah Palin's lame record of 'accomplishments' and box full of fact-checking - gets through to the people you speak of Gryphen.

    They want to be happy and secure in their hate and distrust, and believe it when FOX, Sarah, Rush and Glen tell them the sky is falling.

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    5:01, I agree. They are either too ignorant to understand and refuse to get educated, or they'll think it's propaganda. They will not believe you - you're paid by Soros, remember?

  4. FloridaDem8:06 AM

    Great chart.

    And keep in mind, this is a Democratic recovery only, because they got zero GOP votes for anything.

    If only we had real news, real journalism in this country to talk about it.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    It's the folks in the middle who need this information. The Kochotpus has all kinds of front groups out spreading lies.

  6. Yes. You're absolutely right about everything.

    All economic problems can be traced to conservatives, and whenever something good happens, it's because the government followed the ideals of people like you and me.

    It's the most obvious thing in the world.

    Oh yeah--Sarah Palin is a crazy bitch.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.