Saturday, February 05, 2011

Palin cancelled as keynote speaker in Colorado due to "onslaught of personal attacks."

From the Denver Post:

Citing an "onslaught of personal attacks", a Colorado nonprofit today canceled a scheduled May appearance in Glendale by former Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, according to a press release.

Palin was to be the keynote speaker at the Patriots & Warriors Gala at the Infinity Park Events Center in Glendale.

The event sponsored by the Sharon K. Pacheco Foundation was announced Friday but was canceled today due to "safety concerns resulting from an onslaught of negative feedback received by the organization," the press release said

"Due to an onslaught of personal attacks against Gov. Palin and others associated with her appearance, it is with deep sadness and disappointment that, in the best interest of all, we cancel the event for safety concerns," the release said.

I don't think that "personal attacks" sound like a reason to be have "safety concerns" about this event.

It sounds more along the lines of people saying "I cannot believe you people are so ignorant as to invite Sarah Palin to be your keynote speaker!" or "Sarah Palin?  What, are you a retard?" or "You know I thought you had a half a brain, but if you actually pay that woman to stand in front of you and give one of her hate filled, horribly written speeches you are clearly a moron!"

However if somebody DID direct threats of violence toward the people who are scheduling this event, or to Sarah Palin herself, they should be ashamed of themselves and if discovered dealt with by local law enforcement.  Because that kind of a response to Sarah Palin coming to your town is unacceptable. 

Understandable yes, but still unacceptable.

Update: It looks like nobody REALLY got threatened after all.

According to Fox 31 in Denver:

No direct threats have been made against anyone, but the foundation says the recent increase in negative rhetoric against the former Alaska governor "raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America," following the tragic Tucson shooting.

It appears to me that the people of Denver are beginning to realize that Sarah Palin is a key reason for the uptick in violence in this country and they do not want her anywhere near their families and community.

You know what?  We Alaskans felt the same way.  That is why she is no longer our Governor.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    my, my, my, Sarah chalks up another victim scenario

    oh the wailing and the moaning

    poor, poor little picked on Sarah

    (bet she gets a hefty cancellation check)

  2. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck4:20 PM

    now she can go to the republican primary debate and tell us what she really thinks.



  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "No direct threats have been made against anyone, but the foundation says the recent increase in negative rhetoric against the former Alaska governor "raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America," following the tragic Tucson shooting.",0,517968.story

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    so does this mean she'll show up at the republican debate?

    or will she quickly find a new excuse, i mean other engagement?

  5. honeybabe4:28 PM

    wow! do you think this is the start of a trend? people are so turned off by all they have heard from her that they protest any event she comes too. too interesting.

  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I heard that this event was to be held on the same date as a GOP Presidential primary debate. If this is true, then maybe that is the REAL reason she's not doing this event. And that would mean she's planning on running. :::shudder:::

  7. Anonymous4:29 PM

    "Patriots & Warriors"

    Huh? What do repubes--and $ayruh, most of
    all---know about being either of those?

  8. Olivia4:29 PM

    Well, if someone is threatening someone, I sure hope proper authorities have been notified.
    Good thing those "libruls" don't like guns. You only have to worry about being attacked by snark and the truth.

  9. angela4:30 PM

    Uh oh. Now Sarah doesn't have an excuse not to go to the Republican candidates presidential debates that night. Oh my—whatever will she do? I guess she can call it in by twitter.

    Or I'm sure some wing-nut group sponsored by Koch will pop up needing some speechifying that night. She can screech at them and they can be her alibi for punkin' out of the debates.

    Run, Sarah, run.

  10. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Does this mean that she will show up for the Republican debates that she was going to miss because of this speaking engagement???

  11. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This seems like a sham of an operation as they have no website, only a Facebook presence. Thought they could afford Palin, then found that they couldn't. Not everyone is adept at grifting the public as Palin is. I seriously doubt that this organization has done a single bit of outreach for any wounded soldier or military family. I bet they all thought they were going to get rich off the Palin name.

  12. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Reaping what she sows...reaping what she sows.

  13. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Just one little Saturday in February, and so many posts re: the grifting family.

    Are they doing all this weird crap because they think there is such a thing as a Palin free month, or is Sarah so clever as to actually taunt the media with her idiocy?

  14. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Gryphen----as a Coloradoan, I groaned when I heard she was going to darken our lovely state with her presence here but now I heave a sigh of relief & will sleep well tonight!

  15. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Yeah, the big tough mama grizzly can't take the heat, huh? She stirs up the pot of hate and fear, divisiveness and rage and then cries when the result is directed at her. What a dolt.

  16. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Maybe they are trying to force her to the debate.

  17. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Listen to the blather she's spewing on Egypt. She just can't give our president credit on anything, can she? It's oozing out of her everywhere what a sore loser she is. By referencing the campaign from 2008, she really shines a light on her vindictive, hateful, meangirl character.

    Palin: Obama's 3 a.m. call went to answering machine

  18. Anonymous4:50 PM

    And just Wednesday their Facebook page was advertising 50% off tickets to meet the Grifter. Guess they couldn't find enough marks to pony up, thus, the poor picked on Sarah cancellation copout.

    Who the heck is this outfit, anyway? Never heard of 'em.

  19. Where would these threats come from. We are lead to believe that words do not lead to actions so how would the threats originate surely Sarah can't be wrong about how words have no meaning

  20. Anonymous4:54 PM

    That sounds like a half assed excuse dreamed up so all parties could "save face".

  21. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I think it is shameful that the organization first announced it was canceling due to an "onslaught of personal attacks."

    Guess everyone who is or wants to be associated with Sarah Palin is into the victim mentality and hyping the situation to maximize their sense of victimhood.

    They need to understand that "negative feedback" is not synonymous with "personal attacks" in the sense of there being a real safety concern.

    If there were real threats, make them known. If it was "negative feedback," why hype it other than to get sympathy.

    I don't know what the Pancheco Foundations raises money for, but honestly, making mountains out of molehills is not going to help their profile any.

    I agree, if someone actually threatened to do something, then law enforcement needs to pursue those threats, but if people are merely registering complaints about Palin or that the organization would bring Palin into the community, then there's nothing they can do --- you know, that special Constitutional free speech and all that Sarah is always blabbering but knows nothing about.

  22. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Maybe they saw this and decided against hastening the end of times:

  23. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Damn, that was the best speech that Sarah had lined up this spring. Now what's she gonna do with that new trademarked copyrighted patented brand name of hers?

  24. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I agree that progressives rarely resort to violence so I suspect that the negative feedback they got was probably snarky comments or people telling the organization that they didn't want Sarah anywhere near their community.

    The real threat to Sarah should it ever materialize will probably come from one of her disillusioned "fans." You know, the ones whose saliva dribbles down their cheeks whenever they hear her name, who follow her naughty Monkey shoes wherever she goes, and who believe every single word she has ever said.

    When one of those people learn the truth about Sarah, it will be heck to pay because those people don't suffer being proven fools.

    I think that's why Sarah always has such heavy security around her. She's not afraid of liberals; she's afraid of her own followers but tries to use liberals as scapegoats.

  25. Anonymous5:04 PM

    This nonprofit demeans veterans and their nonprofit purpose by using this cancellation as a means to pretend Palin has been victimized.

    No one threatened Palin, therefore there should be no worries about anybody's safety. Really, that's almost a slanderous statement. Palin's speech at the Reagan event was met, by what, 6 measly protesters. Nobody cares enough about this vapid woman to incite violence.

    The incompetent person making these poor decisions, beginning with the Palin choice, just can't bring themselves to admit that they've been getting negative feedback about the Palin pick.

    Truly pathetic.

  26. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I can tell you exactly why the rightwingers and their puppet Sarah Palin are trying to drum up some conspiracy theory about "marxists and muslims" behind the riots in Egypt and Tunisia: it's because they want to distract from the fact that food shortages, probably caused by climate change, are why those people are rioting.

    It's been a few years in the making. Check out this article from 2008 that hinted of what could be coming:

  27. Anonymous5:05 PM

    OK, here's the real story. They saw Sarah's speech at the Reagan thing, and they realized that she doesn't prepare or rehearse her speech, she just reads it. They were also hoping to get a couple of rich backers to pony up the cost of Sarah's private jet travel, five star hotel rooms, bendy straws, security force and $100,000. speaking fee, and, again, anyone who saw her recent performance backed out.

  28. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Anon 4:49: "Listen to the blather she's spewing on Egypt."

    I read it. She's complaining that Obama isn't telling us who's behind the rioting. She's a fucking idiot. All she has to do is Google "Food shortages in Egypt" and she'd learn that Egypt has been about to boil over for close to two years now. 40% of the country live on $2 a day. These people are basically tired of being told to eat cake.

    The rightwingers don't want their sheeple to understand all this, of course. Thus, out comes Sarah Palin to throw more feces around and distract, distract, distract.

  29. The REAL reason - below (?????)

    Article Discussion: Local group cancels Palin visit

    Postby balanced rock on Today, 4:26 pm
    I call BS.
    From an earlier Denver Post story about Palin's appearance:

    "The event time conflicts with the May 2 NBC/Politico Republican Presidential Candidates debate scheduled at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California."

    Her staff screwed up.

  30. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Maybe they found out from reading your blog that the Republican debate was scheduled for the same night and they used this excuse to get out of that speaking gig. I wonder if they could be that disorganized.

  31. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "It appears to me that the people of Denver are beginning to realize that Sarah Palin is a key reason for the uptick in violence in this country and they do not want her anywhere near their families and community.

    You know what? We Alaskans felt the same way. That is why she is no longer our Governor."

    Gryphen, I depend on you to report the truth. The reason $he is no longer your Governor is because $he quit.

    Long live QUITTUS! Or maybe that should be QUITTAK.

  32. Janet Carter5:15 PM

    Ha! Looks like Ms. Twitty Bitch had a rope-a-dope pulled on her. Her sorry ass can't back out of the NBC Debate now. She'll have to commit to running one way or the other and that is NOT what she wanted to do. She wanted to grift and milk her idiot followers as long as possible before announcing that she's too damned ignorant to run for President !

  33. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Sarah Palin enrages with fear

    ...Of the many answers offered, Sarah Palin's now infamous crosshairs map has been a target of speculative blame. Were the crosshairs too much? Did they serve as Loughner's guiding light – the Queen of Diamonds in a Manchurian Candidate-style assassination attempt? No.

    ...Perhaps more dangerous than some euphemistic violent imagery, is coupling it with fear. Few things have proven more consistent in history than the triumph of irrational fear over logic.

    Identify a vague and ubiquitous entity. Tell Americans they want to take away our rights, and you'll pique curiosity. Don't explain anything, don't back it up with facts, just give it a spooky nebulous quality. Threats of tyranny and loss of freedom with ideas of violence and revolution create both a problem and a solution – albeit a violent one.

    ...Palin's map was a mere fragment of a larger problem; a splinter off the Trojan Horse that is American conservative punditry; machine that positions itself as the voice of the people while infecting its victims with the idea that this democratically elected administration intends to take away their God-given rights, (those bestowed by their God and no one else's). It has become so efficient that it spawned the Tea Party, a movement that is significantly rooted in unsubstantiated fear and lies, but nevertheless is gaining clout due to this very machine.

    Sarah Palin has played her part, but when set against the backdrop of her peers, she is only one in a sleuth of fear-mongers. Almost nightly, you can see Glenn Beck's obsession with tyranny, as he scrawls incessantly on his chalkboard of oppression; which somehow always manages to have a swastika on it and links George Soros to the devil.

    ...The study, Mobilizing Aggression in Mass Politics, conducted at the University of Michigan, found that while many people are adverse to violent metaphors in politics, there are the trait aggressive – people more likely to engage in aggressive behavior regardless of the situation – who do respond to violent imagery. As one of the few studies of its kind, it cannot be taken as the final word, but it is an important insight to the possible effects a constant smattering of vicious language can have on people.

    After the shooting, much of this par-for-the-course violent hyperbole was criticized. Palin's response to critics was just as expected: a disjointed mess of empty, accusatory statements tied together with phrases like "what the people want" and "greatness of our country." In a single breath, she contradicted herself indicating that her words could not incite violence, but the critique of her words could.

    It was an insight to her vapid irrational thought process. She lacks empathy and does not understand. She makes statements about oppression and taking the country back, but I have to ask, "From what?" This is an elected administration. Who are we taking the country back from? The people? Yes, employ violent means to get your ideological way.

    ...Fear can be a powerful weapon. Like a child with a gun, Palin wields it with reckless abandon, and may never understand the potential consequences of her words or actions. A call to violence is one problem, but by itself will often succumb to reason. If however, those invoking violent rhetoric connect it to fear via stories of tyranny, and declare that they want to take your freedom, and remind you of noble revolutions, there will inevitably be an alarming number of people who will – as the poster goes – become "enraged with fear until they feel justified in their violence."

  34. Sounds more like an excuse to back out and cut losses.

    When was the last time anyone besides Sarah Palin made money on one of her appearances? If they're looking to raise money, they need a different keynote speaker.

  35. Is it wrong that this made me smile?

  36. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anon at 4:30

    Not sure what, if any, accomplishments the group may have, but they do seem to have a website here -

    It seems really odd that they are canceling the entire event,as initially the Foundation indicated there would be other speakers as well as Palin. Now they say they are going to hold the event at some future unspecified date with a different speaker.

    Also there is this on the website:

    Additionally, we must protect the emotional safety of military families. "Military members and their families have been through a lot due to the wars. We have a responsibility to protect their emotional safety just as well," says Founder Leo Pacheco. "And unfortunately, some have overshadowed the purpose of this event by concentrating on their personal hatred of Sarah Palin, which is truly sad."

    What I find sad is that anyone would think that military families, especially those that have lost loved ones, would want to hear the hatred that spews forth out of PALIN'S mouth at every speech she gives. Or that it would be in any way appropriate. Especially since much of her venom is directed at the POTUS -- who is, after all, the Commander in Chief.

  37. I have to ask: what the heck are the "Patriots and Warriors" and why do they need a gala? Sounds pretty right wing nut job-y to me. Wow, Scarah, getting thrown under the bus by your own must sting a little.

  38. It appears to me that the people of Denver are beginning to realize that Sarah Palin is a key reason for the uptick in violence in this country and they do not want her anywhere near their families and community.

    You know what? We Alaskans felt the same way. That is why she is no longer our Governor.

    Okay Gryphen I have to argue with that statement just a little bit here. She is no longer the Governor of Alaska because she QUIT! She is a quitter! And WOOT for Colorado. I hope it gets to the point where she can't even get a job as a waitress! Where's Todd? Did he jump ship?

  39. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I think the news that Sarah and Bristol are trying to trademark their names is waking people up to their game.

    They've undone themselves by trying to too clever, by trying to cash in on their names like, I don't know - some celebutard.

  40. wasanontilnow5:27 PM

    Have you seen this one yet?
    i think that I threw up in my mouth a little. SP discusses Egypt.

  41. It's simple.
    They got the bill.

  42. I agree with anonymous @ 5:05 p.m. They realized that Sarah's star is dropping like a lead balloon. The speech isn't for three months, yet they bailed because of "onslaught of personal attacks?" More like: cancel the bitch, she costs too damned much and she's toxic. Also, they probably just received Sarah's Rock Star List of Demands. I think we are seeing a trend. More and more are seeing that Sarah's not worth the money or the aggravation. I'll also bet that the people at the "young-at-heart" old codgers group she spoke at in Santa Barbara didn't make any money either. Plus, all the Colorado group had to do is see her woeful screech. Sweet schadenfreud.

  43. angela5:31 PM

    And anyone who thinks her staff screwed up and just mismanaged her schedule . . . No.
    If anything they ferreted out a group and offered her services on that particular night so she couldn't go to the debates.

    This is why she gets out of CPAC every year. She doesn't want to actually have to speak where others with 99% more brains than her will speak. She would be judged against them. She's a moron who needs a captive audience who have at least paid half the ticket price to hear her heckle from the sidelines. And the rules? Can you imagine this woman with any kind of real power? She'd shut down newspapers and only have FAUX on the air.

  44. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Color me stupid, but I failed to realise her importance.


  45. Anonymous5:35 PM

    First BRistol, now Sarah, and the world takes another step closer to sanity.

  46. Anonymous5:37 PM

    The event was being sponsored by the Sharon K. Pacheco Foundation. The founder of this organization is Leo Pacheco. Here is his release regarding the cancellation. His own wording ramps up the BS about the cancellation making it sound like threats and making him sound more like a Palin panty sniffer. Link to his release:

    Founder: Leo Pacheco
    President and Executive Director of Beacon of Hope Outreach Center
    Leo Pacheco is an award-winning philanthropist, author, radio talk show host, business consultant, and the Executive Director of the Beacon of Hope Outreach Center in Denver, Colorado, a faith-based non-profit organization “reaching out with the Beacon of Hope” to those in need by providing various resources and programs to the at-risk population. In 2005, Watermark Publishing signed Pacheco to a five-book deal, and released his highly-anticipated first book, Joy Comes in the Mourning, a detailed account of surviving sexual abuse, depression, and grief following the tragic death of his mother and grandmother in a tragic 1991 car accident. For his philanthropic endeavors, Leo has been featured on a number of local and national television programs including CBS’ Qwest Spirit of the Season, Pentagon Channel, Fox News, among others. In 2004, Denver ABC news affiliate, KMGH, awarded him the prestigious 7Everyday Hero Award for his humanitarian efforts to aid Colorado’s homeless and low-income population. In addition, Leo Pacheco is the recipient of two presidential awards, the President’s Volunteer Service Award and the President’s Call to Action Award, both presented by President George W. Bush in 2004 for his lifetime commitment to the betterment of the American citizens.

    Now, reading his bio makes it confusing as to WTF does he see in having Palin as a speaker as a number of things he has been involved in appears to be everything she doesn't believe in. Unless - they both are members of the 'grifter association' - Hmmmm???? Makes you wonder.

  47. Anonymous5:38 PM

    There was outcry, but I bet they couldn't sell enough tickets to cover the cost -the real reason.

  48. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I don't know about the double scheduling, but there are some curious things concerning some people and some organizations connected with the event.

    Various financial filings, and so on.

    I did see that just a few hours prior to the cancellation that a reporter was apparently provided some information so that the right questions could be asked...

    Give it a day or two and there might be some very interesting information about this event and the organizations and people associated with it. The event was just announced in a February 4 2011 post at Texas4Palin.

    I wonder if the questions being raised were the attacks given as a reason to cancel.

  49. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Oh, my! Sounds like SOMEBODY is just not getting enough ATTENTION!

    How dare those people in Egypt clamor for democracy and destract all attention fron HERSELF!

  50. Anonymous5:45 PM

    If you go to their Facebook page, you can see that they were practically begging people to buy tickets. They were discounting them 50% off.

    And their website Sponsors page was blank except for the prices of sponsorship.

    Looks like there aren't enough takers for this event. She just doesn't draw the kind of crowds that her celebrity would seemingly warrant. The only times she speaks to a really large crowd is at established events that people have been showing up to for years. She's no Obama, and that's why she's constantly snarking against him. I find it hilarious that when he asked, he simply said he doesn't think about her.

    Guess not many in Colorado do either!

  51. Anonymous5:47 PM

    People are immature. Organizations should be able to invite anyone they want as a speaker. If you don't like, then don't buy a ticket.

    People are stupid.

  52. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Going back to your quote from RAM ordering the NYT to correct their story, not the first time she has ordered a publication to correct their story.

    It got me thinking. Some of the dynamics of Sarah goes beyond just her perpetual martyrdom, which would soon turn most people off, but RAM and her predecessor defended Sarah instantly, aggressively and offendingly, as does Todd, and her two daughters.

    I'm wondering what kind of personality(s)(her and theirs) are linked that way.
    Most friends will defend a friend but not attack the way RAM does, and most husbands would have told their wives to chill instead of running off and building a 14' fence on the justification of a recognizable lie.

    Some of you readers have expertise in psychology, what's the deal with Sarah's voluntary slaves.

  53. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Wow, this country is fucked. Dems are immature and Reps are gun happy anarchists

  54. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Educating Sarah Palin is a lost cause. Just like Glenn Beck, she lives in an alternate America. Her speech “honoring” Ronald Reagan was just her latest foray into fantasy land.

    According to half-Governor Palin, America is being ruined by high debt and taxes, government regulation and rising spending. She claimed that the rush towards green energy was undercutting the nation’s oil and natural gas reserves and will cost jobs and drive up prices. In her view, Reagan would have shouted “drill, baby, drill” right besides her.

    Funny, I remember the Reagan years, obviously better than she does. Reagan did lower taxes, AND doubled the national debt, shifted around Federal funding to the point where every state had to raise taxes to compensate and drove us deeper into the arms of OPEC for our oil. His “block granting” to states caused massive cuts in funding for social programs, put the mentally ill on the streets as homeless persons, destroyed subsidies for day care that allowed welfare mothers to find jobs and cut Federal employee benefits to the point where they have worse benefit packages than most states. He forced single-mother veterans to go on welfare if they wanted to attend college by denying them access to Pell grants with their veterans’ benefits. He set out a policy of destroying labor unions that has resulted in the death of the American middle class and setting unions up to take the blame for jobs being sent overseas. He brought this country the idea of “trickle down economics,” an economic policy his own vice-president called voo-doo economics in 1988.

    But, according to Palin, we should be going back to the days of Reagan because he understood small town America and its values. The question is, does she? Wasilla, Alaska, is a four-lane divided highway with big box chain stores on either side. There is a paucity of small businesses left in Wasilla because of those chains. She doesn’t live in what’s left of that small town, but in a large lakeside house whose construction was the subject of one of those ethics investigations she thwarted by quitting the governorship.

    Is it any wonder that Ronald Reagan, Jr., wants this woman to stop invoking his father’s name?

  55. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Now that S$ARAH and Bri$$KET have patented their names, I simply can't wait to see and smell the upcoming fragrance and fashion lines! How exciting! I can only image - "essence of virgin" cologne. Or 'Abstenence Only Undies"? How about "Perfect Abs Girdles" for the "I am not really pregnant crowd"? I am sure there will be a special line of "come hither" clothing and eye glasses also too and in addition!

    This is so exciting! I am sure that Paris fashion designers are quacking in their boots!


  56. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Palin Says U.S. Not in Step With Reagan Values, but Is She in His Mold?

    ...Stylistically, Palin differs from Reagan, too. Self-deprecating humor, Reagan's stock-in-trade, doesn't seem to come naturally to her -- and the Friday night speech had little of anything resembling Reagan's wit. Her rhetorical hyperbole is not Reaganesque, either. At the Reagan Ranch, she suggested that the Obama administration's skittishness about off-shore oil drilling is not only "dangerous," but "insane" -- a word President Reagan reserved for events such as the suicide attack on the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon. Moreover, Reagan would never have employed a crude and jargony phrase such as "WTF moments," which Palin did last week.

  57. Anonymous5:58 PM

    They probably are realizing after her WTF TeeVee moment and her Reagan speech they they can do a whoooooole lot better with their high school valedictorian at a fraction of the price.

    And can probably have a no guns allowed get together

  58. Why would anyone hire her if they watched any of that crap she gave them last night? That's reason enough to back out.

  59. Anonymous6:09 PM

    As you sow, so shall you reap.

  60. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Patriots & Warriors? Give me a break.

    Could it be that this is another RWNJ push to try to gin up claims that those bad, bad "libruls" are really the violent ones?

  61. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I have to wonder if a couple of these last minute cancellations have happened as a result of the organizers realizing that Sarah's fans have a tenancy to show up heavily armed, and what their liability would be if say somebody dropped a large book on the floor and one of the brainless AK-47 packers started blazing away thinking they had heard a shot.

    Even if the building were a no guns allowed building, by the time you put up metal detectors, and hire people to run them and to search purses, and pat people down, and add all the extra security personnel, that Sarah thinks she needs, a big chunk of the money raised would have been used up.

  62. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I don't believe Granny Pee's going to show up for an *actual* debate, no way, no how. She'd be annihilated.

    I'll bet they're just not moving any tickets. It seems Palin's box office draw may now be in full nosedive. :)

    Sarah Palin: Electric Boogaloo

  63. Interesting comment at the Denver Post:

    "Drlady wrote:I'm not sure of the validity of the event, to begin with:

    "The Sharon K. Pacheco Foundation is not registered with the Colorado Secretary of State to solicit charitable funds in Colorado.

    "Its business filings with the Secretary of State have been habitually delinquent since it was incorporated in 2001.

    "Its 2009 IRS Form 990 EZ (the tax return required of very small nonprofit organizations) showed) reported zero contributions in 2009, and only $1,000 in 2008. Its total assets in 2009 were $2,204."

  64. Anonymous6:34 PM


    Jennifer Lopez, two U.S. senators to watch Super Bowl with Obama

    The White House announced its Super Bowl party guest list and it includes over 100 people, ranging from pop stars to a bipartisan group of government officials to people who sit next to Steven Tyler on "American Idol."

    Sleazy Sarah and her piglet were NOT ON THE LIST! smirk....snicker...HEHEHE
    YOU BECHA!!!

  65. 'G' please get your girl.


  66. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Here's a random observation. I know there has been much talk about where Sarah's interviews take place based on fireplace etc.

    In the people mag article Todd and Sarah did recently, that fireplace photo is from the big red house. It's their new fireplace that was installed along with all the other renovations, including the yellow paint color. The other interviews are from the studio house. Anytime she interviews from AZ, it's outside. In the red house, the fireplace in indeed made of fossils.

  67. lwtjb6:50 PM

    She is once again the victim. If this choice has anything to do with the current climate of violence, I suspect this is a way to distance herself from causing the problem. Instead she makes it generic - or from the liberal commie pinko Nazis or whatever - and out to get her.

  68. Anonymous6:53 PM

    When I copy something from the 'intertubes' to share, I engage 'control' and 'c'; if I were not a convent educated woman of a certain age, I would expand that 'c' word to end with a hard consonant that rhymes with 'b':


  69. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I would be interested in the true story behind this cancellation; I doubt very much there are really any "safety issues".

    My bet is that a group of investors wanted make a quick buck, and once they factored in $$$ for Quitty's speech, travel and fancy hotel lodgings, and looked at how many tickets they were selling they saw they would lose money so they put out this "victim of threats" excuse.

    (Ha! I am imaging a scene where they call Quitty and beg her to "come rally the troops" for a discounted speaking price and being told to go to the hot place.)

  70. Anonymous6:58 PM

    The YAF in Santa Barbara also tried to spin a need for a big increase in security for WGE. Of course, only a few college kids with some signs showed up. Seems like they are working hard to make her a victim and that scary socialists are out to get her. What nonsense and was of taxpayer dollars to close the streets.

  71. Anonymous7:11 PM

    from NYT column reporting on SP comments to only network (CBN) she addressed, after Reagan 'speech':

    This is a transcript, provided by the network, of Ms. Palin’s response to Mr. Brody’s question about how she believes the president has handled the situation in Egypt:

    “And nobody yet has, nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and no, not, not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And, in these areas that are so volatile right now, because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And, we do not have all that information yet.”

    Gotta love how they let her damn herself with her own (lack) of words!


  72. The whole "As ye sew, so shall ye reap" stuff aside (it's not my religion, after all) I'm left flabbergasted because, instead of just telling Sarah they're worried about security and would she mind terribly not showing up... they cancel the entire event!

    Does that mean there weren't enough sponsors to carry the cost?

  73. Anonymous7:14 PM

    This is a way for both parties to save face for not selling enough tickets to cover her costs, let alone make a profit.

    I'm just happy that Sarah Palin won't be fouling up the clear air of my lovely state.

  74. Anonymous7:14 PM

  75. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Shame on them for using the Tucson shooting to garner sympathy for Palin. It's obscene the lengths this woman and her crazed supporters will go to spin the reality that people are tired of seeing her on the national stage.

  76. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Just a reminder, Reagan administration holds the record for the most corrupt administration. 138 indictments alone. That's 16x more than Nixon.

  77. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I bet the people of Egypt wish Sarah Palin were their President. She would have quit years ago.

  78. Anonymous7:26 PM


    Palin Criticizes Obama on Egypt

    "She spoke exclusively to Mr. Brody in a 10-minute interview following the speech. Asked what she might do differently if she decided to run for president, Ms. Palin said: 'I would continue on the same course of not really caring what other people say about me or worrying about the things that they make up, but having that thick skin and a still spine.'"

    Too funny! Intentional?

  79. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Rush Limbaugh gets schooled on the actual record of Ronald Reagan on his own radio show. He can't even answer the question as to why conservatives hail Reagan as a tax-cutting genius, and is reduced to railing on Media Matters and spouting other gibberish instead.

  80. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Reagan Celebration Hides Brutal History: Many of today's catastrophes traced to Reagan's presidency

  81. Boosheet. She's no longer your governor because she quit to make money.

    Cancelations due to threats, I don't think so. Did Gabby Giffords ever cancel for that reason? Obama? Rand Paul? Anyone you can think of?


  82. will $arah finally star in the Mat-Su candidate?

  83. Anonymous7:34 PM

    May is 3 months away. Yet the event is cancelled because of security concerns right now?


    On another note: Palin from the NYT article: Asked what she might do differently if she decided to run for president, Ms. Palin said: “I would continue on the same course of not really caring what other people say about me or worrying about the things that they make up, but having that
    thick skin and a still spine.”

    Hilarious. Transcribed "steel spine" as "still spine".

  84. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Here's my theory:

    Of course the excuse is B.S.-- I suspect that there were no threats against SP. Apparently, this event conflicts with a debate between Republican presidential aspirants. Well, if SP is scheduled for something else on the same date (May 2nd, I think), then it becomes more obvious that she is not serious about running for POTUS. BUT that is a problem for Sarah & CO, Grifters INC. because she can't use Feb-May to "fundraise" for her campaign!! Sarah & Co. Grifters INC. has a short shelf life and they need every moment to squeeze the cash out of the poor fools who still believe in SP.

  85. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Oh Great. The idiot has spoken. The Egyptian crisis can now be settled.

  86. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Dumbass is back with a vengeance. First her the shot at the White House about Egypt and now this bullshit...

    Someone needs to stop this heinous creature.

  87. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Denver Post has two stories going on this and both of them have been updated:

    This one by Jeremy P. Meyer who was late to the game writing the post initially (4:12 pm) and keeps trying to drum up sympathy for Palin as at first it mentioned nothing of auction. Updated at 8:44 pm.

    Second article in Denver Post initially posted 10:27 am. It too was updated at 5:01 pm.

    I think Denver is giving far too much to this.

    I also agree with a post by Curiouser at 6:29 pm as trying to search info on this organization has not been very fruitful. The Founder of this Pacheco Foundation is the President & Exec Director of Beacon of Hope Outreach Center,
    another non-profit. Seems he has a 'grifter' mentality too.

    The financials of Beacon of Hope should be searched too.

  88. Anonymous8:02 PM

    ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck said...
    now she can go to the republican primary debate and tell us what she really thinks.



    4:20 PM


    If the debates will have her.

    Palin is at home trying to come up with another excuse to miss the debates, she is in panic mode trying to come up with an invite for some where else.

  89. Anonymous8:03 PM

    "This suddenly gets canceled after people start asking question about a "charity" that shows $2,200 in assets on their latest tax return with a phone number that is the Director's real estate sales agent's cell phone. Even the web site was suspect (check out wix,com). Sure."

    Comment at HuffPo. Just FYI, in case someone in Denver, or elsewhere knows how to follow up.


  90. Anonymous8:07 PM

    A Palin got dumped again? What a hoe to do?

  91. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Make sure you read the post of:

    curiouser posted at 6:29

    It sets out excellent information about registration and business filings - the lack thereof - of the sponsoring foundation which sounds more like a scam operation.

  92. Anonymous8:11 PM

    It is going to be weird at the Republican presidential debates. All these wanna-be presidents standing up there and at Palin's podium will be a monitor showing Palin's facebook responses to her questions.

  93. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Ummm, Sarah will be at the debates and within 10 minutes after starting the debates, Palin will excuse herself because Willow, I mean Sarah's water is leaking and she has to jet off to some country clinic in Alaska where Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson is waiting in a delivery room lighted with kerosine lamps.

  94. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Oh come on. People were getting close to exposing the sham org that invited $arah Payme, drawing attention to its tax status, lack of filings, the self-ordained "Reverend", etc.

    Grifters, all of them, who would be flipping burgers if some people weren't so damned willfully ignorant.

  95. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Well, well, well. As Gabby Giffords said "words have consequences".

    Hey Sarah, how's that "reload-y" thing working for ya?

  96. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I live in CO and I'm claiming baloney publicity stunt on this one. She would have been in Rightie Christian territory.

  97. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Translation = no sponsors to cough up money for Palin, can't sell tickets because of the choice of Palin as speaker.

    Instead of being honest about no interest in Palin, well they just make up BS and cancel the event.

  98. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Oh shit, what is Sarah going to do? If she goes to the debates she will have to let the press into the debate room and there will be voice recorders and cameras. Oh shit, it is coming down and she can't stop it unless she becomes a no show.

    SarahPac is currently writing checks for consultants to educate Palin's dumbass self and trying to prep her for the debates. They brought 1st grade teachers and eventually maybe they can reach 5th grade by debate time.

  99. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The event was canceled the day after it was announced at places like Texas4Palin and so on.

    That is not long enough for a lack of ticket sales to cause the cancellation. The organization sponsoring the event may have been the cover for the actual organizer/moneybags behind the quitted speech. Maybe something went wrong between the money parties.

    I suppose a scheduling screwup is possible what with the tight ship that is run there ;-).

    In any case- make up something and BLAME it on someone else. SOP.

    BTW I found the Sharon K Pacheco Foundation listed here on an IRS List of Colorado Tax exempt organizations. See Page 149.
    Its a hint when any organization is on the IRS list of "Exempt Organizations At-Risk of Revocation- Colorado". Which is what that list is.

    Not sure if they've caught back up with the paperwork yet- the various online filings are years out of date and many are missing completely. Both for SKP Foundation and for at least one other connected operation. What is on file seems to make little sense, when looked at in detail, and when compared to typical charitable organizations.

    Something happened, but I doubt it was lack of ticket sales OR security concerns.

  100. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Sarah Palin demystified by a phrenology chart of her skull

    Dear reader, being the fine and educated citizen that you are, I'm certain you're familiar with the venerable art of phrenology. But just in case — it's a precursor to neurology which posited that mental conditions and characteristics can be diagnosed by the shape of the skull. And it's a great way to make fun of conservative politicians.

    Now, phrenology, of course, is hogwash — claptrap, mumbo jumbo if you will — and utterly discredited by the modern scientific establishment. And that makes it a very fitting treatment for Sarah Palin — enemy number one of science and book-learnin' the world over.

    Ben Greenman, author, New Yorker editor, Nerve interviewee, and apparent phrenology expert applied the archaic art to Sarah Palin's skull. This is what we get:

  101. Anonymous 5:47 asked: Some of you readers have expertise in psychology, what's the deal with Sarah's voluntary slaves?

    That's part of The Palin Matrix. You won't find a more detailed answer to your question than in my book the MSM does not want you to read. Thank you for your support.

  102. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Here is a transcript of the interview with Sarah Palin, released by the The Brody File Show on CBN News, which got the exclusive interview"

  103. Anonymous9:14 PM

    She runs away from everything. What a President Sarah would make. Matriarch of quitting and blaming.

  104. Anonymous9:15 PM

    From her latest interview:

    "Sarah Palin: I think much of the mainstream media is already becoming irrelevant. Because there is not balance in many cases, david, there is not truth coming out of the mainstream media and I know that first hand, I live it everyday. And what would give me great joy is if what would become irrelevant is just the untruthful the misreporting out there. I want the mainstream media, and I’ve said this for a couple of years now, I want to help ‘em. I want. I have a journalism degree, that is what I studied. I understand that this cornerstone of our democracy is a free press, is sound journalism. I want to help them build back their reputation. And allow Americans to be able to trust what it is that they are reporting. We’re so far from being able to trust what so many of the mainstream media personalities, characters, feed the American public that it scares me for our country. What would give me great joy is what would become irrelevant is the misreporting that comes out of the mainstream media."

    If she runs for President, what might she do differently?

    Sarah Palin: "I would continue on the same course of not really caring what other people say about me or worrying about the things that they make up, but having that thick skin and a steel spine, knowing that what is needed in America are those things that Ronald Reagan did espouse and what he lived and not worrying about what the critics are going to say about me or my family or what it is that I stand for because I do believe, David, that there are more commonsense conservative Americans on our side on the issues that we stand for than there are those who oppose the idea of individualism and God given liberty and opportunity to work hard and to progress according to our own work ethic and our own merits. I would continue to believe that there are more who are believers in those values than there are not, so I would continue down that same path."

  105. Anonymous9:16 PM

    On the attacks in the media:

    Sarah Palin: "You know, I’m reminded so often of 2 Timothy 1:7 knowing that God does not give us a spirit of timidity or of fear, but he gives us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. A sound mind so that we can keep things in perspective. We can stay grounded, we can know what is real, we can know truth, so just calling on that verse, reminding myself over and over again what’s God promises, that gets me through the tough times."

    On her devotional life:(Video coming after 9pm ET Sunday Night)

    Sarah Palin: "Time is our most precious resource. How we choose to spend time I think is a reflection on what’s most important to us. I am going to read my Bible every day. I am going to dig in there and seek God’s wisdom and direction in every step that I take so I prioritize time to make sure that that daily devotion is available. And I will participate in that. But it’s not just carving some time out of the day to read the Word and to journal what you know, I believe I am gaining from the Word, but it is ongoing minute by minute asking God for the strength, for the direction for, He says we can ask for favor, I ask for favor in situations so that I can continue down the path. And it’s the most important thing in my life, my faith, so I prioritize to make sure that I’m spending the time that I need to stay all geared up."

  106. Anonymous9:17 PM

    On President Obama’s handling of the crisis in Egypt:

    Sarah Palin: "It’s a difficult situation, this is that 3am White House phone call and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House it it seems that that call went right to um the answering machine. And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and I’m not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from DC in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And in these areas that are so volatile right now because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And we do not have all that information yet."

    "Remember, President Reagan lived that mantra trust but verify. We want to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in Egypt, that it is a true sincere desire for freedoms and the challenge that we have though, is how do we verify what it is that we are being told, what it is that the American public are being fed via media, via the protestors, via the government there in Egypt in order for us to really have some sound information to make wise decisions on what our position is. Trust but verify, and try to understand is what I would hope our leaders are engaged in right now. Who’s going to fill the void? Mubarak, he’s gone, one way or the other you know, he is not going to be the leader of Egypt, that that’s a given, so now the information needs to be gathered and understood as to who it will be that fills now the void in the government. Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood? We should not stand for that, or with that or by that. Any radical Islamists, no that is not who we should be supporting and standing by, so we need to find out who was behind all of the turmoil and the revolt and the protests so that good decisions can be made in terms of who we will stand by and support."

  107. Anonymous9:17 PM

    On the attacks in the media:

    Sarah Palin: "You know, I’m reminded so often of 2 Timothy 1:7 knowing that God does not give us a spirit of timidity or of fear, but he gives us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. A sound mind so that we can keep things in perspective. We can stay grounded, we can know what is real, we can know truth, so just calling on that verse, reminding myself over and over again what’s God promises, that gets me through the tough times."

  108. Anonymous9:18 PM

    On her decision not to attend CPAC this year:

    Sarah Palin: "Well, I’ve never attended a CPAC conference ever so I was a little taken aback this go around when I couldn’t make it to this one either and then there was a speculation well I either agree or disagree with some of the groups or issues that CPAC is discussing. It really is a matter of time for me. But when it comes to and David, perhaps what it is that you’re suggesting in the question is should the GOP, should conservatives not reach out to others, not participate in events or forums that perhaps are rising within those forums are issues that maybe we don’t personally agree with? And I say no, it’s like you being on a panel shoot, with a bunch of the liberal folks whom you have been on and you provide good information and balance, and you allow for healthy debate, which is needed in order for people to gather information and make up their own minds about issues. I look at participation in an event like CPAC or any other event, along, or kind of in that same vein as the more information that people have the better."

  109. Anon 8:08 - I want to add that I haven't researched the info about the Pacheco Foundation that I copied from the Denver Post comment section and don't know if it's accurate.

  110. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Anon @ 8:02

    "The Founder of this Pacheco Foundation is the President & Exec Director of Beacon of Hope Outreach Center, another non-profit"

    See my comment at 8:33. The Beacon of Hope Outreach Center also appears on the IRS list of "Exempt Organizations At-Risk of Revocation- Colorado". See Page 22 this time.

    I checked the filings and the previous statement from 8:33 P.M. definitely applies to Beacon Outreach center also.

    Its a hint when any organization is on the IRS list of "Exempt Organizations At-Risk of Revocation- Colorado". Which is what that list is.

    Not sure if they've caught back up with the paperwork yet- the various online filings are years out of date and many are missing completely. Both for The Beacon of Hope Outreach Center and for at least one other connected operation. What is on file seems to make little sense, when looked at in detail, and when compared to typical charitable organizations.

    No need to jump to conclusions, but at the very least the required nonprofit paperwork is sadly out of date.

  111. Anonymous9:36 PM

    "Sarah Palin: "It’s a difficult situation, this is that 3am White House phone call and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House it it seems that that call went right to um the answering machine."


    What kinda calls does Palin git at 3am?

    Sarah ken yu pick up your husband Todd at the Anchorage Police Deptartment? He's down here screwing prostitutes again.

  112. Anonymous10:08 PM

    To hear Palin say she has thick skin - ROFLMAO!!

    That's pure Bullshit on a Platter!!!

    If she had thick skin, BLOGGERS and Levi wouldn't get a rise out of her!!!! But WE DO!!!

  113. Palin - Just like Bush

    Bush trip to Switzerland called off amid threats of protests, legal action

    Yay Switzerland!!

    Hopefully not that long until Palin is threatened with legal action.

    Also too, you betcha!!

  114. Anonymous10:44 PM

    The Pacheco Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources to military families and at-risk youth.

    Tax records show the organization has had meager support over the years — raising only $1,000 in 2008 and reporting total assets of $2,204 in 2009.

    Moreover, the organization originally announced the Palin appearance on its Facebook page on Jan. 10 and began selling $185-per-person tickets Jan. 16.

    On Jan. 30 the group offered $15 discounts, and on Wednesday it slashed ticket prices in half before announcing the gala to the news media on Friday.

    The event was to have served both as an awards banquet and a fundraiser, providing financial resources to military families in need and raising money for a grief camp for children who have lost loved ones in combat, according to the original Friday announcement.

    Friday's announcement said the event was to have featured a silent auction, a concert and other speakers to be named later.

    The announcement said Palin would speak to military personnel and thank them for their service.

    Saturday's announcement said the group hopes to host the event at some time in the future but with a different speaker.

    Read more: Local group cancels Palin visit, citing "personal attacks" - The Denver Post
    Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content:

  115. Anonymous10:45 PM

    video of the CBN interview.

  116. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Rather timid warriors,aren't they?

  117. The REAL governor of Alaska should really contact the people behind this press release. Sarah is NOT the governor of Alaska. She is the ex-governor. She is the quitter governor and the failed vice-presidential candidate for the GOP.

  118. Anonymous12:43 AM

    ...Palin tries to be a Reagan crusader when she said the "era of big government is here to stay" when speaking at the centennial gala.

    Palin herself brought the era of big government to her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, and then to the Frontier State itself when she was governor. Politifact reports Wasilla had a long-term debt of only $1.12 million when Palin first took office in 1996. When she left in 2002, Wasilla's long-term debt $22 million. The population increased 13 percent in the same time frame, but spending far outgrew the population trend.
    Alaska also suffered under Palin. In terms of the state's debt as a percentage of GDP, Alaska is now one of the worst in the country at around 20 percent, according to a chart from the American Enterprise Institute. Future shortfalls balloon the debt to around 26 percent thanks to pension fund obligations. Those figures came out in March 2010, less than a year after Palin resigned the governorship.
    The debt Reagan incurred in the federal government was equally appalling. When he won the election in 1980, Reagan inherited a budget deficit of around $75 billion. By 1983 it was over $200 billion before settling to $155 billion in 1988, Reagan's last year in office, according to the Washington Post.
    Palin isn't exactly being Reagan-like when she said the government should spend less money.
    To top it off, Reagan's own children are aghast Palin is using their father's image to further her own agenda. ABC News reports Ron Reagan Jr. called the Palin show "a soap opera." Patti Davis, Reagan's daughter, said "you're kidding me" when she was told the former Alaska governor would speak at her father's ranch.

    Palin even told Joe Biden "There you go again" in a blatant reference to Reagan's offhand comment to Jimmy Carter in a televised debate.

  119. Anonymous4:09 AM

    There have been stories before of organizations getting Sarah to speak and then afterward when one goes to check up on background then the name of such place paying Palin has disappeared.

    It's almost as if a dummy account has been set up to pay her and then whoosh it is gone, gone.

    Strange goings on in la la Palin land.

  120. Anonymous4:11 AM

    It was all the "you will never see another penny from me if you have that damn bitch speak" messages that did it...

  121. Anonymous4:24 AM

    that's about 1 block from where i grew up! my old neighborhood was ALMOST TAINTED!!!

    bill in belize

  122. London Bridges4:28 AM

    I guess after the name Trademark TM, we'll have to refer to Sarah as Mrs. Todd Palin.

    The newest Trademarked Sarah Palin product: Introducing the Ronco Sarah Palin TM Chia Head. Just water and wait! After 10 days luxurious chia growth emanates only from Sarah's eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, just like in real life.

    And, if you call right now and use your Bank of Ameriturd Credit card, we'll provide absolutely FREE, the Bristol Palin TM Chia doll. Water and wait! Chia growth grows from under both Bristol's chin and midsection. Cut some off to use in your salad and it keeps growing back!

  123. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Some of you readers have expertise in psychology, what's the deal with Sarah's voluntary slaves.

    5:47 PM

    As a nurse I'd say it is to "keep the peace"...keep SArah from going into a downward spiral that makes everyone's life a living hell. Just keep placating her and enabling her and she will not decend too deeply into the maelstrom of her severe mental illness(es).

  124. Anonymous5:02 AM

    First, I don't think Sarah has a journalism degree isn't it a communications degree?

    Sarah is fastly becoming the STD-ridden prostitute and even her morst ardent fans are having trouble with the risks involved by being with her.

  125. "No direct threats have been made against anyone, but the foundation says the recent increase in negative rhetoric against the former Alaska governor "raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America," following the tragic Tucson shooting."

    Then, why lie about it???????

  126. Anonymous7:13 AM

    The check didn't clear, so she plays the death threat card.

  127. Anonymous7:15 AM

    If she starts blathering about her first amendment rights being violated by "haters," someone should remind her she can always use some street corner to snarl and spew. I hope that's where she's headed.

  128. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I thinks "negative feedback" is really code words for "slow ticket sales."

    Really, who would want to spend $200 to hear the same recycled crap she spews everywhere else?

    It's a lot cheaper to stay at home and read your own refrigerator magnets and just as enlightening.

  129. Anonymous7:57 AM

    LOL at the 1 Timothy quote. Guess you forgot to read that one the day you decided to go apeshit over a Letterman joke, huh?

    She's the most thin-skinned person ever. She thinks she's some kind of leader when all she does is hide and cower.

  130. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I get a headache when I read the long, disjointed stuff Palin either write or says. It's like a bunch of
    electical devices in a confined
    space all mis-firing at once - bells,
    whistles, buzzers, jangles, you don't know which button to push first -
    you just want the din to stop!! Any minute you expect a nurse to appear & escort her back to her room.

    Sharon TN

  131. Anonymous8:16 AM

    um, is this not a complete admission to the FACT that hostile and violent rhetoric actually DO influence some people to actually ACT OUT the hostile and violent rhetoric??

    golly gee, internal contradictions are a bitch, eh? i do believe that's the definition of hypocrisy.

  132. Anonymous8:43 AM

    re: the questions about the psychology of a group that protects its leader in this way:

    cult think. sarah palin is the head of a cult. all you need to know. explains everything, including her astonishing ability to ignore reality, and all her little minions running aggressive interference for her. being isolated within a cult allows all the crazy talk to be reinforced with minimal consequences.

    anybody up for an intervention? heh heh.

    (i'm a phd psychologist, by the by)

  133. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Sarah Palin, you say. Who now?

    Oh yeah, is that the crazy uneducated woman from Alaska that used to give paid speeches to ignorant folk? Yeah, I vaguely remember her, was she the one who talked like she was on speed and her words made no sense.

    Wasn't she also the one who was so jealous of educated Americans. Now that you mention it, I remember her as being spiteful and un-american.

    Wonder where that old mean women went? Her family was all screwed up too, weren't they?

    Dang, that was really a rough time in this country when ignorance was spouted daily on facebook and twitter.

    Glory be, isn't it wonderful that that Palin person is no longer fouling up the clean air in this country? Glad she is gone.

  134. "If they bring a knife to a fight, we bring a gun" Barack Obama 2008 campaign stop in Philadelphia

  135. Leadership is very important in any business to achieve our goals. I want to hire one Funny Motivational keynote speaker who is very humorist and corporate comedian. I also want a leadership between these keynote speakers.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.