Sunday, February 13, 2011

The President's Weekly Address: The Budget.

If the President follows through on his promise to veto any bill that contains earmarks I wonder how far that will go toward diffusing the Teabagers complaint that he is trying to grow the government and bankrupt the country.  Unless of course they are a bunch of hypocrites.

Personally as a blogger and an internet junkie I am very excited about THIS investment in our future.

President Obama recently said that what he wants to see get done is having 98 percent of Americans that have 4G within the next 5 years. Obama goes as far as saying that it’s necessary and can help our country stay afloat internationally and allow us to “win the future”. The President was speaking in Michigan on a snowy day at Northern Michigan University about his administration’s proposals for rural areas to receive this high-speed Internet. The President thinks that we can stay among the most advanced countries with this “super-fast” internet.


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Love this man...progress for America..

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Yesterday, I saw comments that BHO increased taxes. After all that publicity in December about the Bush tax cuts...I think they're willing to cling to their ideas about Obama forever.

  3. Anonymous5:38 AM

    That is just lovely but I need a job and my unemployment is run out and I am being forclosed. What good will it be for those who are homeless or about to be?

  4. Anonymous6:24 AM

    @5:38 - So sorry to hear about your situation.

    I am so angry at the GOP members of Congress now who do nothing to help people in need in this country like you. The GOP basically lied to the American people in 2010 to get elected, just so they could fiddle while Rome burns, and make grandstands on abortion and healthcare (wasting our money), bowing to their corporate masters as they pass legislation only for business.

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM

    what the heck is with HP lately ?
    BS headlines that the articles doesn't support

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    7:23 Maybe you didn't get the news last week (or the week before)that HuffPo is now a wholly owned subsidiary of AOL so no more objective reporting. All the stories have to tow the corporation line. Arianna sold out. Before we know it there will no longer be two sides of a story only one and there will be no dissenting voices out there. How long before some brave souls "Egypt up"?

  7. I think that expanded access to high speed internet is one step on the road. However, cruising around what the internet has to offer will more than demonstrate that access to information does not confer an ability to comprehend that information. We also need to address the issue we have with inhibiting critical thinking.

    We have (mentally) lazy theists and lazy atheists; lazy students and lazy parents and lazy teachers; lazy liberals and lazy conservatives. It's easy to adhere to a dogmatic view, but it is hard work to consistently and constantly question your personal dogma.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.