Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Al Sharpton expresses his opinion of Sarah Palin being compared to him in recent Politico article.

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I love that Sharpton says that he has a lot more on his mind than Sarah Palin.

By the way I disagree with John Heilemann's discomfort with the GOP establishment ostracizing Palin and essentially pushing her out of their clique.  Sarah Palin has done that exact same thing to enumerable people over her lifetime and as they say, "payback is a bitch." So I feel zero sympathy for Palin while watching her get a taste of her own medicine.

Sharpton's remarks about Palin having been on the inside and now finding herself on the outs is certainly supported by the new ABC poll.

As you can see though she still has a fairly impressive 58% approval rating, her unfavorable rating is by far the highest one among the potential GOP candidates.  And this is a poll of Republicans!


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Sarah Palin Actually Believes That Obama Controls The Price of Gas

    ...Sarah Palin has a three year old’s grasp of the nation’s energy woes, yet she thinks of herself as an energy expert. Palin is so intellectually deluded that she actually believes that Obama is intentionally causing the price of gas to go up, and that all of America’s energy woes will go away, not if we use less, or turn to alternative fuels, but only if we drill more. Palin’s solution doesn’t address the problem because the combination of her lack of intellectual curiosity, and her marriage to pop conservative ideology won’t allow her to acknowledge reality.

    With her latest Unabomberesque Facebook manifesto, Sarah Palin has proven herself more equipped to star in a Proactiv infomercial than be President of the United States.

  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Looking at the line graph made me think of the first "Ghostbusters" movie: very important - don't cross the streams! Time series analysis shows that at this rate, her favorable/unfavorable numbers will intersect in a few more months. Probably about the time she stops teasing the Teatards about running for President. Too much work, too many "gotcha" questions like "what did you have for breakfast today?" Poor old Ian Lazaran is going to have a major conniption when that happens.

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    O/T Shailey Tripp has evidence of one of Todd's emails to her (on SOA server) from December 10, 2006.

    He didn't waste anytime.... a Sunday no less.

    Sarah Palin 9th Governor of Alaska
    In office December 4, 2006

  4. Olivia7:25 AM

    It will be like an avalanche. There are more Republicans who loathe Sarah Palin than will admit it. Once a few start going public, as they are now, it will increase until the only ones left to support her are the rabid pbots. I predict many of the flying monkeys will smell the scent of decay in the wind and bail.

  5. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Compairing Sarah Palin to Al SHarpton, is an insult to Sharpton.

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    sarah better not think about calling out Al Sharpton. He just swatted her around like he would a gnat off his forearm.

    sarah is an Al Sharpton wannabe.

    Also, too, Kathy is bitch slapping sarah all across the morning talk show demographic. She was on Rachel Ray this past Monday.

  7. Anonymous7:52 AM

    ...And former Bush aide says Sarah's got no chance

    Read more:

  8. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Poll: The incredible shrinking Palin...

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Smack-Down by Sharpton...excellent.

    Cue requisite impotent rage tweet in 3...2...1....

  10. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Big difference between Al Sharpton and Sarah Palin, Al Sharpton focuses attention on civil rights grievances while Sarah Palin focuses attention to personal grievances. It's all about Sarah and no one else.

  11. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Al Sharpton's right pinky finger is smarter than Sarah Palin's entire brain.

  12. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Nice that they linked the "I'm a victim too!" video to her narcissism. Boom, Scara, taste your own nightstick.

    The next time she was on air, she was saying over and over "It's not about me". Sorry, the verdict is in. Only an N would use the day a child was to be buried as a occasion to whine about how rough their own life was.

    By the way, I think her gasping breath pattern is a good indication that she meant that sorry video clip to be the unofficial kick-off of her run for POTUS (in her own mind).

    Also, good for Al Sharpton for pointing out that SP was the Republican pick in 2008. This woman they are laughing and scornful of now. She would have been president, if their party would have won. (I don't think McCain would have lasted long.)

    Thank you god, for Obama. The alternative is too awful to consider.

  13. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Speaking of Corey Booker (as Joe S. brought him up), I've been a fan since I saw a PBS special on him. I'm hoping to see him in 2024, or sooner.

    With his intellect, looks, fire and drive, he's "everyman's" Obama.

    Also, too, somehow, I suspect his experience (even thus far) as Mayor of Newark already completely eclipses Palin's combined city council/mayoral/gas commission/gubernatorial "experience." And by "experience," I mean what passes as work for someone who phones it in from their couch at home.

  14. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Al Sharpton has better looking hair than Sarah, is a nicer person, a better American and has a brain.

    Al Sharpton is NOT an idiot, Sarah Palin is an IDIOT.

  15. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The only way Sarah is a gas expert is because her stinky gas outlasts everyone else's and everyone knows Sarah is just a bag of gas.

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    What's priceless is how C4P is playing this:

    "Huckabee's Net Favorability Among Republican Primary Voters Has Fallen by Fourteen Points in the Past Two Months."

    It's always what they don't talk about that tells you when they're freaked out.

  17. Looks like See 4 Pee has revamped their site to make it a bit harder for those who have opposing opinions to create an account.

  18. Anonymous10:18 AM

    OT: Shailey has managed to keep her blog interesting. So far she seems to have benefited from encouragement that has been given to her. I'm glad for what she's come up with so far.

  19. Al Sharpton was very good in this video. Mika seems like a dolt however.

  20. Anonymous10:55 AM

    10:13, are they going as far as TeamSarah, where you had to give your telephone number so they could call and interview you?

  21. Anonymous10:57 AM

    @ 8:59, what is up with her gasping breath pattern? I've noticed she does it on camera literally all the time. Is she nervous or is it an indicator she is lying?

  22. Actually Palin could have learned a lot from Sharpton, but it is too late for her now. When Sharpton first came to national attention during the Tawana Brawley fiasco, he came across as a complete idiot, poorly dressed, mangling the English language and demonstrating a poor command of the facts. He's learned a lot in the intervening years but I just don't see that happening with Palin. She has squandered a golden opportunity.

  23. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Even with all those elitist GOPers criticizing Palin, she can't pretend that she's "taking on her own Party." Ever since she emerged on the national scene, Palin has been the darling of the GOP.

    Now she's not, but it isn't because she's taking on the GOP on the issues. It's because over the last 2+ years they've gotten to know who she really is and the GOP is experiencing severe buyer's remorse.

    Sarah Palin only looks good for a short, sweet honeymoon. The long game does not suit her.

  24. Anonymous11:25 AM

    OMG. The Wonkette does not hold back. At. All.

  25. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I'm amazed she has that much favorability! We have our work to do should she run for anything...i.e. national office or a position in AZ. She is toast in Alaska!

  26. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I've grown very fond of Al Sharpton. He is wonderful when on a panel on TV. Very, very sharp, careful with his words and responses and has a life full of experiences that I've heard him share. I pay attention to him when he provides his opinion.

  27. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I watched this, and Al Sharpton pinned the Palin tail on the GOP elephant. They can say and do whatever they want, but Sarah Palin the Alaskan dimbulb wingnut was the Vice Presidential nominee of the Republican Party in 2008.

    They were loving the Sarah Palin nomination back then. Wake up in the morning with a bad feeling about who you got into bed with last night? KARMA Republican party KARMA. And by the way, I haven't heard any come to reality confessions about your 2008 Vice Presidential nominee. Is the excuse that she was incompetent and batshyte crazy when she was nominated, and the party just missed it? Or has the stress of recent events just made her stupid, incompetent and batshyte crazy?

    The Republican party is beginning to select the 2012 nominees. There is still bad hangover and a nasty smell in the room. Will they go for the hair of the dog fix?

  28. meena1:21 PM

    Even Fox's Stuart Varney Can't Endorse Palin's Claim That Obama Is To Blame For High Gas Prices:


  29. Anonymous1:34 PM

    FWIW, I've thought Al Sharpton was pretty intelligent, other than that whole Tawana Brawley hoo haa.

  30. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I thought it was really unfair to label Sarah the Al Sharpton of the Republican party. Unfair to Al Sharpton.

    It is nice to see that he has had a chance to make clear the differences between himself and Sarah. I'm not really a fan of Al Sharpton, but he is intelligent, unlike Sarah who clearly is not.

  31. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Just back from the Wonkette site. Haha! They have some choice words of advice for Scara. My favorite comment: "Don't kid yourself. It's going to take a wooden stake and holy water to put her down for good."

  32. Anonymous3:22 PM

    It looks like she is headed for the same types of ratings she ended up with in Alaska.
    That is not surprising since she has learned nothing.

    It will be interesting to see if she sets up residency in Arizona to run, how that will go because she does not have the coterie of back stabber and bullies in Arizona, to intermediate and punish people who oppose her, that she had developed in Alaska.

    I predict her Icaruss act in Arizona will take at most 1 year as she will basically be flying solo, with no overt support like she had with McCain and with her her network of now alienated supporters and mentors in Alaska.

  33. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Al Sharpton is too smart and too soulful to be on this panel of nattering nabobs. Listen to his speech from the 2004 Democratic Convention, and his eulogy for Michael Jackson. The man knows "what's going on" and is a tireless campaigner for truth and social justice. He's on Twitter @TheRevAl -- Keepin' It Real


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