Monday, March 28, 2011

Arizona Republicans incredibly are using the idea of fighting racism as excuse to pass law to criminalize some abortions, and punish the doctors who perform them.

From Verde Independent:

PHOENIX -- State senators voted to make race- and gender-based abortions illegal, but not before adding provisions that could send doctors and others involved in these acts to prison.

Monday's 21-5 vote came amid charges and counter-charges about whether girls and blacks are being targeted in the womb. Lawmakers from each side cited figures designed to back their contentions.

The only clear thing is that the bill, which already has been approved in similar fashion by the House, is likely headed to the governor's desk, possibly by the end of the month. And Jan Brewer has signed every measure restricting abortion that has been sent to her.

HB 2443 does more than make criminals out of doctors who terminate a pregnancy knowing the woman's reason is to select the race or gender of the child. It also imposes criminal penalties on anyone who solicits or accepts funds to finance abortions based on race or sex.

Violators would face a presumptive prison term of 3.5 years.

That latter provision is aimed at Planned Parenthood. Proponents of the measure, citing undercover videos, say organization representatives have taken money from individuals interested in limiting births to African American women.

That these Republicans are hiding behind the idea of protecting minorities by outlawing abortions is laughable at best. The only evidence they produce for making the case that Planned Parenthood is accepting donations to fund some kind of "In Utero genocide" are these highly suspicious tapes made by James O'Keefe and his lackey Lila Rose.

You remember James O"Keefe and his fact free and fraudulently doctored anti-Acorn videos don't you?

Yet based on this kind of "information" Republicans in Arizona, and in other places across the country, feel justified in making abortions a criminal offense if it can be suggested that the reasons for the procedure are based on the race or sex of the fetus

Fortunately for the people of Arizona at least, there are some smart, no nonsense Democrats in the State Senate as well.

Sen. Linda Lopez, D-Tucson, said that's just a cover for a new restriction on abortion.

"This is one of the most offensive, odious pieces of legislation I've ever seen,' she said.

"It's sexist, it's racist, it's paternalistic, it's disrespectful of women's decision making and moral agency,' Lopez continued. And she chided the Republicans for pushing this legislation in the name of preventing discrimination while they have cut funds for health care and ignored "institutionalized poverty.'

"It seems that the proponents of this legislation only believe human life is valuable when it's in utero,' she said.

I could not have said it better myself.

There is at least one Republican in Arizona not afraid to just tell it like it is, without even bothering to hide behind the idea of standing up against racism as practiced by Planned Parenthood. (An idea so stupid, by the say, I cannot believe my fingers allowed me to type it.)

But Senate President Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, said he sees the bill as a means to that end.

"We have an obligation to protect the most innocent among us, the unborn,' he said. "Whatever we can do to limit the number of deaths of these unborn children, I'm always a 'yes' vote.'

Pearce said the only time a woman should have a choice is when the decision is saving the life of the mother or the unborn child.

"Now you have a real hard decision that a family must make,' he said. "But until then, it is our responsibility to save lives.'

That last part was just in case some of you were actually buying that whole "fighting racism" malarkey. This is all about taking a woman's rights over her own body away from her, plain and simple.

Apparently to be a Republican politician in 2011 is to have absolutely no shame.


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    While Okeefe is a little crazy, what he did was hardly wrong. He exposed employees who gave illegal information to people seeking info.

  2. Anonymous6:32 PM

    If some Republicans had it their way, people of color WOULD be exterminated...

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Gads these people have no shame whatsoever... First they covertly attack the president with racial slurs and then find the reasons to deny Hailey Barbors past as a Klan supporter then place a black childs face on a billboard as an endangered species, albeit they don't say what species that is. Surely not one of the whitey tighty species. I am so sickened and I dont know which state is the most putrid, Alaska and its Spawn or Arizona. Where has my country gone to?

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    What assholes! I cannot believe what goes on in that State beginning w/John McCain and their horrid governor.

    I'm beginning to think that might be the perfect place for Palin and family afterall - she'll fit right in w/their idiotic beliefs and ways.

    Personally, I'd stay as far away from the state as I could. Sorry for all the folks that spend winters there and own property.

  5. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I wish I were drinking something much stronger than tea. The way I see it, you believe abortion is wrong or that it is not. If you believe it is wrong, then you believe it is unacceptable in ever single solitary incidence -- and you do not have one and/or try to keep someone else with a differing belief system from having one. If you do not believe it is wrong, then you believe it is acceptable in every single instance up to the point of viability or possibly later due to complications and you make up your own mind based on discussions with your physician without interference. You can't pick and choose your wrongness. Unless you're a Republican.

  6. Arizona is such a racist state that I find this just another republican lie. They will be sending women of all races -- teenagers and other women of child bearing age -- to the back alleys where they get their abortions in a filthy room by the sleazy guy with the metal hangar. This is no longer a democracy! There's no separation of church and state and we're now experiencing religious persecution, the very reason why people left England. I don't want these fundamentalist forcing their form of religion on me by making laws that will persecute me and many others. We are no longer free--we're now being persecuted by the far right because we don't believe the way they do.

  7. angela6:40 PM

    Those Arizona legislators have become everything putrid in the bowels of hell. Racist bastards wouldn't really care if every black or brown child died, period.


  8. Anonymous6:49 PM

    The Republicans do not care about the already born, whether that is a one-second old baby or a 99 year old senior.

    They know that if they use the anti-abortion rallying call, they can always stir up the fundamentalists and other so-called religious types to vote for them regardless of their stand on other issues.

    One-issue voters are voters who are easily manipulated. If the people who are anti-abortion, did their research, they would be shocked to find that the statistics do not indicate a dire situation.

    As for women using abortion as birth control, gender or race control, then why don't these folks support sex education and contraception?

    I still cannot believe these folks say they are pro-life and righteous when they are ready to condemn young girls and women who are victims of rape and incest.

    Why should the family be involved in deciding who dies - the mother or the fetus? Shouldn't the woman's wishes be foremost? Otherwise, it is murder by committee, even if the committee is the spouse and family. A woman is still a person with rights senior to the fetus simply by being alive and viable.

    Good grief - these people are scary and disgusting.

  9. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Trust me, as an African American, the LAST thing these folks care about are little black babies. Assholes.

  10. Anonymous6:54 PM

    to 6:32, what are you talking about? That's pretty out there, even for a crazy far-lefter.

    Gryphen, I'm sorry to go so far off topic but I was curious if Levi has tried to see Tripp in the last several weeks. I know Bristol's back in AZ as of a couple days ago but she was in AK for awhile and in the valley for most of her stay. Levi is busy doing his errr, work? but did he see Tripp at all

  11. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I highly doubt that a majority of women seeking an abortion do it to control the gender or race of a child. I also doubt that most doctors who would perform abortions would consent to that as a viable reason.

    The Republicans obviously have no respect for medical professionals and seem to think they are as lacking in ethics as the politicians.

    Why are Republicans so eager to control what women do? Why are Republicans so willing to expand government intrusion into our bedrooms and bodies?

    Why is it mostly men who are railing against women? Until they carry the fetus for months, endure the dangers inherent in pregnancy and childbirth, they should allow women to decide what happens to their bodies and the fetus they carry.

    It's not as if women can get abortions at any stage of pregnancy, after all. Roe v. Wade limited that choice from the get-go but you will never hear the anti-abortion crowd admit that.

    Why is it we do not hold a funeral or a fetus for an aborted fetus - whether the abortion was a spontaneous rejection by the woman's body or via a legal procedure within the parameters of existing law? We don't do that, you know.

    Hospitals dispose of fetal material as hazardous waste - usually. Some don't even bother with that.

    The argument that life begins at conception is not a scientific fact; it a metaphysical argument. No one can agree when life begins or even when death occurs. There are still court cases where fights over the time of death rage. Goodness, let's back off the things we cannot prove.

    A fetus must be viable - able to support itself without artificial means. At least that has been the threshold until premmature requiring life support stretched that limit. Technology can extend "life" beyond brain function. Technology can also enable "life" when it cannot support itself after delivery.

    It isn't so cut and dry but these people are convinced that they hold all the answers pure and simple.

    Live and what it means to be alive is a mystery and its definition can be subject to debate.

  12. Chenagrrl7:03 PM

    O'Keefe exposed nothing. He falsely presented himself, hid a camera and then cut and pasted a false version of the truth.

    In all cases, including ACorn, he should be sued for slander and libel.

  13. Chenagrrl7:05 PM

    A little girl who had posed for an ad agency in NYC was used on a poster that appeared in uptown.

    Her mom forced it to be removed. The family got $150 for the pose.

  14. Anonymous7:06 PM

    When anti-abortionists use these arguments, you notice they don't come forth with facts or discuss the percentage of abortions. They make broad statements and wild accusations.

    The other argument being currently made in several states is that the fetus suffers pain during abortion.

    Really? That's it. How do you know?

    What about the premmies who are hooked up to needles and have tubes inserted in various parts of their bodies - no pain there? Anyone who has suffered a severe accident or illness will let you know how painful those procedures can be? Ever had IV's inserted time and again? Do they really have no concern about those premature babies - many of whom still do not make it out of the hospital? How do they know that those babies don't suffer because of the adult wishes that everything be done to save them?

    I am not saying that those things shouldn't be done, but what I am trying to say is that they cannot say "of, Lord, the pain" in one instance and not in the other?
    They would not hesitate for fear of causing pain in a premature birth, why the fetus - particularly when there is no definitive proof of suffering.

  15. Anonymous7:13 PM

    6:38 - I essentially agree with you, but I would clarify one point: if someone does not believe in abortion, then they should not have one.

    Their belief does not entitle them to stop other people from having the procedure, particularly in cases of rape, incest or risk of the mother's life.

    Abortion is legal. It is a medical procedure, not a religious ritual.

    Opposition to abortions is almost exclusively based on religious beliefs. The government cannot and should not give preference to one religious belief above all others, not should it impose religious beliefs on those who do not subscribe to any religion.

    End of argument. Either we follow the principles in the Constitution or we do not. We cannot bend them to fit a particular religious viewpoint.

  16. Anonymous7:14 PM

    6:39 - you said it all and said it well! Thank you.

  17. Anonymous7:15 PM

    6:51: I agree!

    They are just trying to trick the gullible and low-information voter.

  18. emrysa7:17 PM

    these people know damn well that there are more white people getting abortions than black people... this is a twisted effort at something. trying to get blacks to become republicans? 'oh we care about you, and we care about your aborted fetuses' really I bet that if every aborted fetus had been born, these same people would be demanding sterilization. they are stupids who really should not be making policy.

  19. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I find it odd that they pick black babies as an endangered species.

    Are they trying to get blacks and whites to have more babies so they won't be threatened by the dreaded Hispanic/Latino birth rates?

    After all, birth rates are declining amongst all racial and ethnic groups except Hispanic/Latino.

    So, are the Republicans just trying a backdoor attempt to make black, white and Asian women have more babies to counter the rising Hispanic/Latino percentage in our country?

  20. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I wonder how this legislation would apply to serious genetic conditions that affect only one sex.

    Would it make it impossible for a woman to terminate a pregnancy that will result in a severely disabled child or a baby that dies during or shortly after birth just because that fetus is a particular gender?

  21. Anonymous7:41 PM

    6:40 you are right on. There is some thought the right to life campaign began when people realized young white females between the ages of 15-25 chose to abort their unplanned pregnancies and all the white babies for adoption dried up. They just can't handle they are racist idiots and so this is just a new spin on their bigoted anti-choice antics. They will do anything!

    And 7:13 p.m. you are absolutely right.

  22. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "He exposed employees who gave illegal information to people seeking info"

    What an ignorant idiot you are. "Illegal information." No such animal exists. For example, I can obtain all the information I wan ton how to build a bomb in my backyard - until I actually attempt to build it, having the information is not illegal.

    And yes, O'Keefe falsely edited the tapes. In some cases leaving out entire sections, in others adding to make it look as if the employees knew they were dealing with over the top white guys playing pimp in a blackploitation film.

    An din some, it is clearly an employee trying to humor the crazy guy and get him out of the office before he hurts someone.

    O'Keefe is slime and his acts are criminal slander - he should be behind bars. I hope the workers who were fired sue his and Breitfart's ass into bankruptcy.

  23. Anonymous7:45 PM

    "then you believe it is acceptable in every single instance up to the point of viability"

    You miss the more nuanced argument. There are quite a few who would claim - ability to survive outside the mother, and/or an average cognitive/mental development milestone.

  24. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Anonymous 6:38 very well stated,How can the TP and fundies far right claim one thing and do another at the same time????

  25. Anonymous7:52 PM

    God Damn it. I hope Todd Palin starts an AIP party in Arizona (Arizona Independence Party) and they succeed in getting Arizona to secede from the Union. I'm embarrassed to have that state as part of the US. Let them go and they can take all the ultra right winger teabag nuts with them. And they can have all the militias in America to defend themselves. I'd rather have them all herded together in their own State, than spread out amongst the whole nation.


  26. Anonymous7:52 PM

    "When anti-abortionists"

    Please use the correct term. Most people are anti-abortion - as in, it should be safe, legal and rare. These rightwingnut fascists are anti-choice. Unless, of course, it is them or someone in their family.

  27. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Didn't obama recently meet with mark zuckerburg? I sincerely hope (but I doubt it) that facebooks recruitment of gibbs isn't a political ploy. Obama is way too sly and devious. Slick man. We are on to you. As long as fox exists there will be non koolaid drinkers who see you for who you are.

  28. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Hey! Arizona Republicans,
    Get Your Rosaries Out of Our Ovaries!!

    These mysogenists are pathetic, who voted them in anyways? I foresee plenty doctors leaving Arizona for more enlightened states. Good luck getting healthcare, octogenarians.

    I read about a similar ad in NYC, it came down so fast.


  29. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "ENDANGERED SPECIES"????????????? There are no words...

    Like these children are somehow different from the rest of us humans, or like animals?!?!

    These people make me so, so sick. Absolutely correct, poster above - the last thing these racist bastards give a shit about are African American children. They legislate against them over and over again.

    I am actually looking forward to the 2012 campaign to see if the GOP accidentally shows its white supremacist nature. Some of them are bound to slip up and out everyone else.

    Most of these people are Republicans primarily because they are racist. It informs most policy platforms, and their general attitudes. They aren't going to admit this publicly, but it's the truth.

  30. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Do not group all registered and voting repubs as racist. That's like grouping all dems as welfare junky, hash smoking morons

  31. Anonymous9:11 PM

    6:38 - "I essentially agree with you, but I would clarify one point: if someone does not believe in abortion, then they should not have one.

    Their belief does not entitle them to stop other people from having the procedure..."

    That's what I thought I said: "If you believe it is wrong, then you believe it is unacceptable in ever single solitary incidence -- and you do not have one and/or try to keep someone else with a differing belief system from having one."

    The fact that we're talking about a legal procedure seems far less important now than restricting access by whatever means, and the most convenient means is religious hysterics.

  32. lwtjb9:23 PM

    "There is some thought the right to life campaign began when people realized young white females between the ages of 15-25 chose to abort their unplanned pregnancies and all the white babies for adoption dried up."

    I know it is commonly thought that Roe v. Wade caused babies to be aborted that otherwise would have been placed for adoption. No doubt that perception had an effect on the "right to life" (and I use that term loosely) movement.

    I worked in adoptions before, during and after all that happened. It's true that the numbers of white babies available for adoption dropped precipitously overnight. That happened the summer of 1973. No doubt some of those babies were aborted.

    However, there was a simultaneous precipitous rise in unwed women and teenagers who decided to have and raise their babies. There seemed to be a sea change in attitude toward out of wedlock and teen age pregnancy at that time. It became acceptable, and the thing to do in some cases, to raise your baby by yourself. I spent the next 7 or 8 years dealing with unwed teen mothers. At that time their numbers were rising fast.

    Now it seems like marriage is no longer a consideration for many couples deciding to have children together. What that means in future legal consequences for the child, I don't know.

  33. If Republicans really cared about black people, then they would have to change their opinion on just about every other issue.

  34. Anonymous10:34 PM

    9:23 p.m. I also remember this uptick in teen pregnancy. My husband and I attempted an adoption about that time. It was immediately clear to us that the agencies were quite shocked by the sudden lack of adoptable Caucasian babies.

    As to more mothers choosing not to let go of their babies? I believe Roe v. Wade empowered women in more ways than the right to choose. Women were able to go to school, their earning potential increased and they found they could afford to raise their own children if they wanted to. As to teen pregnancy? I have never understood this. It is absolutely retrograde and self destructive. But, really, teenagers' brains are hardly considered rational. And we must ask ourselves: Are reproductive services really that available? Perhaps for big town kids, but in my little town in Alaska it takes a parent to guide their children through the birth control minefield. It is fraught with a great deal of bad information and there is no Planned Parenthood in most small communities. Public health clinics are sometimes intimidating.

    I went with my daughters to our local physician and they were armed with clear and frank reproductive information. This is actually quite a normal rite of passage most mothers don't advertise as our culture is so stuck in the "good girl" "bad girl" meme. We really still are a pretty conflicted culture when it comes to sexuality.

  35. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I don't know, I guess if I was a progressive, I'd probably seriously consider moving to another state at this point.

    Perhaps their plan to fill all of those empty, foreclosed houses is to entice conservative wackos from all over the country who want to live with the government in their bedrooms and doctor's offices?

  36. FloridaDem2:05 AM

    Republicans, or Christians for that matter, don't care about human life, or helping anyone. If they did, they would be the biggest supporters of health and social services for women and children. And if they were pro life it goes without saying they would be against war and capital punishment. They are pro-death.

    So then, why are they anti-abortion? Because it controls women and puts more believers in the pews, that's why. If you can do those two things, you'll be able to control poor families of any country. Unfortunately for the religious right, family planning and education for girls around the world has blossomed into an entire new generation of empowered young women. Things are changing. Not in America, but all around us. Even women of the poorest countries in Africa are finding ways to climb out of poverty by organizing, creating businesses, and using birth control. The birth rate for developing countries is declining and the quality of life is increasing.

    Meanwhile, in our country, we're moving backwards. And if you want to know my opinion, I think the reason the Right pushes for Sarah Palin, even if she's unqualified, is because they want to show that their putrid policies, their war against women, is not having a negative effect on american women at all, and in fact, women are prospering from them. You see? This is why Sarah and Bristol are so important. The Right has to, in the words of George Michael,..take these lies and make them true.

    And this is why any progressive woman, or any educated woman, automatically has a gag reflex with Palin. It's why she cannot represent women.

  37. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Ok far right cult members,which is it?All black women are welfare moms having as many babies as possible to get more money,or all black women are getting pregnant over and over and having abortions so they can't be welfare moms?

    Im pretty sure that the girls and women having abortion who even mention the race of the child are white women who are afraid of having a black child for what ever reason.I doubt if many black women go for an abortion because they are having a black mans baby.And as far as gender goes,how soon do they know if it is a boy or girl?Wouldnt they be too far along after they find out?

  38. Anonymous2:55 AM

    easiest way to get Republicans to back off abortion is to scientifically link it's cause to global warming.

  39. If black babies are an endangered species - due to their risk for abortion - why are they also the least likely to be adopted?

    If Republicans really wanted less abortions in black women, the best thing they could do would be to address the economic and social issues surrounding poverty, particularly in the African-American community. Or at the very least help encourage the adoption of black children. But the abortion issue is never really about what it pretends to be about.

    I find this ad offensive on so many levels. To compare black children to animals on an endangered species list is to dehumanize them. Most ironically of all, aren't Republican's against putting animals (i.e. polar bears) on an endangered species list?

  40. Anonymous3:42 AM


    oh such concern for Tripp....

    but none for TriG who NEVER sees Sarah Palin - oh yea, she's not his mother...

    Tripp sees his 'father'.

  41. Rick Hill4:23 AM

    I find the conservative's coalition interesting especially with this issue. I know my own mother's views would be that they should abort all black children if their mothers are on welfare. One less for her to pay to take care of.

  42. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I am sorry, I do have to group all Republicans together as racists. I feel bad about it, but there it is.

    There is no other possible explanation for their stances on financial legislation, social issues, the list goes on and on.

    At the very least, there is a total disregard for those who are of color.

    That's racist enough, in my book.

    Anyone who is not, deep down, motivated by racism, needs to join the Dems. There's no excuse for supporting the GOP.

    They hide it, don't you see? They pretend they aren't racist, but if you had an in-depth conversation with any of them you'd find out they are. I have had this experience many times. I do think a bunch of them believe they aren't racist, but they are in denial about who and what they are supporting. That's the most generous interpretation.

  43. Anonymous4:55 AM

    When pressed, one of these white, Christian lawmaker men said, "Why aren't you women grateful we are watching out for you?"

    The Great White Hope for the brown little babies. And us poor foolish womens just don't know when to be thankful.

  44. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Anon @ 6:21 p.m.

    O'Keefe was not given illegal information, he was clued into loopholes in tax codes that the rich and the corporations employ every single year. And what O'Keefe failed to disclose to viewers of his largely edited clip in the most damning way was that the ACORN lady giving him information had called the police to report the ridiculous White Huggy Bear pimp as soon as he left.

  45. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Have we been going about it the wrong way? Should we start a pro-abortion movement and preach from every corner the virtues of zero population as opposed to responsible family planning?

    How about we introduce legislation in every State that every boy that hits puberty are to undergo a vasectomy. It is minimally intrusive and can easily be reversed once they show their birth certificate, selective service registration and marriage license?


  46. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Fucking authoritarian bastards. Two things: One, there is nothing in any law in any state that compels a woman to discuss her "reasons" for an abortion. If there were, she can just make up an excuse (if it really comes down to playing games in order to get the safe procedure that is federally mandated) so their whole justification for this new "law" is ludicrous. Two: They hide behind their concern for the "most vulnerable among us" when in fact it is at the moment of their BIRTH and thereafter that they are MOST vulnerable. The uterus offers as safe a dwelling as possible with all of the unborn's 'needs' being met through the blood supply of the mother until birth. They seem to forget that someone has to feed and shelter that newly born being, yet they have absolutely NO problem with those "most vulnerable" among us literally starving to death. I am beginning to wonder if these people aren't, at the deepest part of their core, masochists. We have the largest number of throw away children on the planet and yet none of these "christians" are concerned with adopting THOSE children unless they are white and free from the effects of drug abuse or any abuse for that matter. This is about controlling women. Always has been, always will be. I stand before you committing myself to the cause of pushing back against the rising tide of misogynist laws intended to take away the rights of women.

  47. teutonic135:23 AM

    Yo Gryph-

    Very graphic- Morlock pics-

  48. Anonymous5:29 AM

    It is so funny that wingnutters can only see as far as their hand can stretch. They are already freaking out that whites are becoming the minority, especially in the southwest. This stupid legislation will create a generation of poor unwhite kids who will be born of parents who weren't capable or willing to have or raise them. Since for the righties, life is only precious in the womb, they have no plan to provide for these children or help their parents in any way to give them a nurturing home. What kind of result do they think the result will be in 10 to 20 years?

  49. Nan (aka roswellborn)5:52 AM

    This has nothing to do with racism but everything to do with getting a toe in the door to further regulation of abortion (with an eye to the end of abortion at all, ever).

    IF they can say "abortion is illegal" in this circumstance, it is merely a stepping stone to the next prohibition, whatever that might be.

    You get enough blockages, sooner or later you're going to have them all covered, and wow, no one can have an abortion for any reason whatsoever. Even if you've only scared the medical community into denying one out of fear of gov't reprisal, it's still a means to the end of abortion, no matter what their so-called reason.

    They claim to want to keep gov't "out of our private lives." They can start by keeping that same gov't out of its citizens' "privates."

  50. Anonymous5:54 AM

    It's not because Bill O was rude Sarah, it's because you have no idea how to answer questions on policy, any policy. Your swinging dick can only buy you so much screen time with words falling from your mouth.

  51. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I use to be an independent/undeclared voter (30 years). I decided to register as a Democrat when The Reality TV Star (SP) got on the Republican bandwagon. After watching the GOP embrace the Tea Bag "Party" and jeopardizing our middle class system, etc., I plan on "being" a Democrat indefinitely. Why should other independents do so? For me, it's a principle/solidarity decision. It gives more credence to what real Americans think of the likes of Palin and her ilk. Being independent is helping the wishy-washy status quo.

  52. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I live in Arizona, and all I can say is "it's embarassing". And getting to be more difficult each day.

  53. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Republicans are so short-sighted. If people -especially teenagers - were educated about birth control there would be less abortions. If people were taught responsibility. My daughter took her teenage son to a Planned Parenthood clinic, so a third party could counsel him about STDs and birth control. If there was a huge wave of birth control/sex education, we could be teaching people responsibility. But no, the Republicans would rather put people in jail. I am despising the Republican party more each day.

  54. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Anonymous said.@ 6:21 PM

    No he used highly edited video that his pals at fakenews gladly used over and over.

    He is a liar and fraud. Oh and now he is also a credit risk-asking for money because he used CC to fund his frauds.

  55. Anonymous7:09 AM

    It's laughable that racist Arizona would position it this way.

  56. Beldar Y. Cohnehead, LLC7:29 AM

    Hey, Teabaggers, here's an idea for you: pass a law requiring women who seek elective abortions to NAME the fetus before the procedure and require them to write a letter to the fetus apologizing for killing it! Then require the letters to be posted on the internets 5 days before the procedure WITH the woman's street address, phone number and email address, also, too. Great idea, right?

    Afterall, you rat bastards, hasnt Jeebus appointed YOU to inflict the greatest possible emotional and hopefully physical torment on the fallen women who fornicate amongst?

  57. Anonymous8:17 AM

    It is so unbelievable what these crooks are doing to this country. They want every pregancy to go to term, no birth control, or even let these dummies to have information. They are on a war against any kind of employee input, like with unions want to lower minumin wage,want child labor laws to be weakened. These things are not only happening Alaska and arizonia. most every other state. Michigan just put through a laws to make adultry a crime. Now they won't use it for everyone, only those they want to club over the head, for speaking up against them.BigBrother , they say they want less Goverment but at the same time investigate every miscarriage. Rich are not supposed to pay any tax , and many corporations pay no tax. Instead of making the jobs they keep teasing us about, they are using the money to buy lawmakers.( on both sides)Making sure we can't change anything. That is why no one is screaming about the injustices happening in this country. They don't want to improve roads, bridges, healthcare, now the next boggieman is the speedrail - we can't do that. Even China is investing in this. Japan's Corporations have given their tax cuts back to the ppl , to go to the worse affected area for rebuilding. These Govenor nuts will sell every town, road, bridge(to the rich and Corp) and expect us to pay tolls, pay to work for them, Pay accordingly whatever they want our children to learn. I'm sure it will be bases on what you can afford.While the rich and Corporations will just rake in the money. Less regulations so they can do all the sloppy and cut corner work they won't be held accountable. One state is making it a jailable offense for someone on any kind of aid or disability to have more tha $20.00 in their pocket. I can see them finding that the poor can't take care of all their children, or to keep the parents out of jail, they will to turn over their children, for child labor.

  58. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Anonymous said...Being independent is helping the wishy-washy status quo.
    6:00 AM
    The ultra-liberals and liberals (people who really do care about people's rights and the future of the planet where we all co-exist) - need to choose sides NOW!!

  59. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Contact Gov. Jan Brewer with your opinion and thoughts. You know the right-wing evangelicals are urging her to sign away women's rights.

  60. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Thank you Gryphen for writing about this.

  61. Anne In DC11:32 AM

    As a black woman, I deeply resent the Arizona GOP's use of racism against blacks to further their anti-abortion agenda. If they really cared about babies regardless of race, they would be supporting policies that benefit both women and children. For example, comprehensive sex education programs mean far fewer abortions. Then they wouldn't be trying to defund Planned Parenthood, which provides many other services, other than abortion, that are federally funded. I can't remember who said it but they summed up the thinking of these ignorant zealots best:
    For them, life begins at conception and ends at birth.

  62. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Wouldn't this actually be counterproductive to what the GOP/Baggers are trying to do? I though their mantra was to kill all minorities?

  63. Anonymous7:29 PM

    You know what's startling? This billboard campaign, along with one in Chicago right now which features a picture of President Obama, are being done by African American anti-choice activists (don't know if they are Republican or not, kinda think so).

    This is beyond sick, and exploiting a very real issue for the African American community.

    One group is called the Radiance Foundation, another Life Always, 2 of whose 4 members are contributors to FOX news. I am sorry, but any time I see a person of color on FOX, I just think, shame on them!

    These kinds of groups apparently ascribe to "abortion as genocide" conspiracy theories. The idea that some sort of conscious racial eugenics is at work is just madness, obviously. Planned Parenthood has statements available about the damage done by these groups, who prey on the doubts of women for whom having a choice is imperative.

    The sites are That' and, I believe.


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