Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's not that Sarah Palin CAN'T get elected President, it's that being President of this backwater, sorry excuse for a superpower is BENEATH her, don'tcha know?

From TPM:

Pop quiz: you're a right-wing commentator looking at a string of polls showing Sarah Palin's poll numbers sinking to new lows even as the weak field of GOP presidential contenders continues to thin out. But a large chunk of your audience would sooner eat glass than hear Palin's chances maligned by one of their own. What do you do?

Here's one answer: claim that Palin is even more powerful outside the White House and that the presidency would be a step down for her.

It's a line gaining some traction among pundits on the right. Take conservative media guru Andrew Breitbart, who suggested in GQ this month that Palin would be truly unstoppable if she only didn't get bogged down by, say, being President.

"I think the presidency is beneath her," Breitbart told GQ. "There's more power in being Oprah Winfrey than in being Barack Obama. It would be my goal for Palin to become Oprah and be the ultimate kingmaker for twenty-odd years. Oprah anointed Barack Obama."

Seriously? Sarah Palin is too powerful and important to settle for such an inconsequential job like President of the United States of Freaking America?

Clearly that is a HUGE pile of mooseshit!

So what is your theory? 

Are her supporters trying to lay the groundwork for her to eventually drop out and claim the process is broken so she can save what little shreds dignity she still has left?

Or are they trying to use some ridiculous GOP version of reverse psychology to convince Palin that she is too good for a job that nobody in their right mind would ever elect her for in the first place, so that they can get her the hell out of the way of the REAL Presidential hopefuls?

"No, no Snooki!  You don't want that silly old job!  Remember, you are a star!  And stars don't have office jobs, they stand in front of the multitudes and let them throw money at their feet until the red Naughty Monkey Pumps they are wearing are covered in beautiful green non-taxable cash.  Now doesn't that sound SO much better?"

And you know, she just might be stupid enough to fall for it!


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    I guess we now know what passes as patriotism on the Right.

  2. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Andrew Not-So-Breitbart is an idiot. Oprah's job would be too difficult for Palin, she would have to ask intelligent questions. What people seem to completely forget is that Alaska's population is smaller than a lot of US CITIES. Palin could not handle that, so how could she ever deal with multi-millions of people? Surely her laughable reality "show" convinced people of her lack of intelligence? If not, they are as deluded as she is. I wonder how much Toad's "take" will be when they finally divorce?

  3. A little of both - they are laying the groundwork for her not run and make it a good thing - while keeping her uninformed followers hanging on her every word and sending money; and I think they are laying the groundwork to have Sarah go along with their plan (her on the outside stirring the pot of hate and fear) - she is being used and doesn't even realize it or more likely she doesn't care - as long as she is rich and famous she is also in turn using them.

    The thing is - Sarah probably didn't need any convincing at all - they are just supporting what she already was planning and propping up her delusions for their own purposes.

    It's her "quitting being the govenor" speech routine - she can do more for Alaska by not being govenor.

    All she has done is make a ton of money for herself - and doesn't even help out any DS charities.

    Her ego is so huge I'm sure she believes this nonsense and I'm sure that has been the plan all along. Her cult followers can continue their fantasy and smug attitudes that "their leader" is more powerful then any old president of the USA.

  4. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I choose option #1 -- the machine is laying the groundwork to give Snooki an excuse to drop out.

  5. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I want her to run and get destroyed. I want to see every sordid detail about her exposed and I want the stupid bitch brought to her knees and kicked onto the dung heap.

    She got it right after the elections when she said "we'll never be good enough for America."

    BTW, did you know that even some of the righties are having doubts about her giving birth to Trig.

    "Calling out a Trig-truther
    I was disappointed today, to find out that Right Speak has a resident Trig-truther (and possibly a second one, but I'm only going to focus on one at this time). I normally wouldn't give this the time of day, but since it occurred on a right-leaning blog where I spend a considerable amount of time (probably too much time), I feel obligated to call her out.

    Martha: Sounds crazy, but after reading about it for a long time, and carefully examining the evidence/photos, I find it hard to believe she was pregnant with Trig.

    Martha: So, go ahead with the firing squad. But, maybe people shouldn't discount it until after they have seen all the photos and evidence. I know it's crazy, but the pictures don't lie.

    Martha: Yeah, I don't know anything about who's baby it could possible be. I only know that the pics of Palin don't match the story. Not at all. Dated photos from newspapers don't lie.

    Martha: As a person who has been preg 5 times, I can tell you that there is no way she could hide it for 8 months. No way at all. It's very weird."

  6. Anonymous4:22 AM

    The future I see for Palin is more along the lines of Aimee Semple McPherson. And I hope it ends as scandalously for Sister Sarah as it did for Sister Aimee. Hallelujah!

  7. No, Sarah, don't listen to 'em! You've got brains, beauty, and loads of executive experience! You're a flippin' energy and foreign policy expert! Only you can save us! They're all just jealous!

    Would a Mama Grizzly back down and fail to protect her cubs? No! Would a pitbull with lipstick and a still spine let some other loser run our fair country? No! Don't go with the flow! Don't retreat - reload!

  8. Anonymous4:35 AM

    And it is much easier for a joker like Andrew Breitbart to 'play' a "media guru" over a journalist any day.

    It's nice to be a conservative.

  9. AKRNC4:38 AM

    Palin would be unstoppable according to Breitbart, but just what would she be unstoppable at? Unable to be stopped from continuing to make a fool of herself? She's already proven that! Unstoppable at pretending she knows what she's talking about when it comes to policy matters? Been there, done that, still there. Unstoppable as a kingmaker? Do you recall Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Carly Fiorina and last but not least, in her home state where she once had an unexplainable 80% approval rating, there's Joe Miller. He was unstoppable due to Palin's support, right? Sure he was until out of the blue, came Murkowski to win an unheard of, never before been achieved victory with a write-in vote.

    The Presidency is far from beneath Palin, she's beneath the American people and their level of intelligence far surpasses that of Palin....for at least 75% of us. Who cares about the delusional 25% remaining? They have always been around and are not worth worrying about.

  10. Anonymous4:41 AM

    This is my favorite thing the GOP has done to her so far. They are desperate to get her to announce or not. That is my theory. They want to force her to declare so they know what they are dealing with.

    By saying she isn't up to it or above it, it will poke a stick in that nest of advisors.

  11. Anonymous4:44 AM

    "A belated farewell, our coverage cut short and this might seem a few days late and a dollar short to Palin aficionados but IRTV held back further coverage on her India visit for a reason. That being - our coverage had begun to impact Ms. Palin's visit to India and while we don't mind the subjects of our coverage running for cover, most of our coverage would rely (almost entirely in this case) on our subjects actually running, or at least moving.

    Looking back, the first few hours of the India Reloaded TV live blog had effectively reduced Palin's visit to India to a two-day, hotel-room-bound conference, which we would like to reiterate, was not our intention.

    Here is how it went down."

  12. Anonymous4:45 AM

    None of this is new: by quitting, she was going to do more "for Alaska" than would have been possible had she remained in power.

    Everybody knows the grifter isn't running- pretending she'll be an Oprah-like kingmaker is more about saving embarrassment for McCain and the GOP.

  13. Anonymous4:46 AM

    They know she's a raging narcissist and want to flatter her out of running. She's going to run, perhaps only long enough to suck the SarahPac funds into her own accounts, but she's going to run.

  14. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Sarah can't even play a politico on the picture box. Fox quickly removed her "analyst" moniker for her appearances on their programming and changed her to the more appropriate title of 'contributor,' because the research and effort involved in detailing a policy move was too much for her. Apparently, her crack team of Google searchers consisting of Bristol, Track and Todd wasn't paying off in in depth knowledge of matters of the day.

    The Globe and Mail brilliantly outline how her attempts to continue her media 'savvy' through her reality show backfired in showing that the only reason why she was a compelling figure was that she was a Reality Show train-wreck personified rather than a competent individual worthy of world power consideration.

    She tried that television hostess job in a Fox Special - Real American Stories - some heartland bullshit cobbling other peoples interviews and re-purposing it for an authentic Sarah Palin package. That show still around?

    How about that comedian gig on Jay Leno? The 50 year old bully couldn't even become a has-been in that genre.

    Sarah quits before she fails, or her supporters repurpose her purpose before she can plain fail.

    How on earth can she have a staying power if she doesn't announce a run for the White House?

  15. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I love this explanation. Going with that theory, I'll bet she deliberately lost the crown of Miss Alaska because she could do more good as a runner up, playing her flute randomly around the state to promote peace.

    She also too quit as governor so she could spend her time going around cleaning up the dead fish trying to get downstream.

    And she made no attempt to raise her children to be good honest people so that she could provide other people with something to point out to their children as examples..."if you don't study hard, you might end up on DWTS"; "if you cut brake lines on a bus, you might end up a war hero"; "if you screw every boy in the town you could end up paying cash for a house in Arizona".

    This all makes sense in the world of Palin where up is down.

  16. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Brietbart is an idiot - as big an idiot as stupid palin is.

    I never knew that before now, but that comment (which I heard last night on Chris Matthew's show) PROVES that he is an idiot and can not be taken seriously, ever.

  17. Anonymous5:08 AM

    wonder what Oprah thinks of that....

    the woman has brains - and Brietbart thinks SP could replace her. She couldn't even handle being a guest on the show - remember the giggling and the Nellie Olson hairdo.

    Plus she'd have to learn how to read.

  18. London Bridges5:11 AM

    Jeremy Morlock pleads guilty and will be eligible for parole after 7 years. Seven (7) years! After all those people in Afghanistan are not real people!

    In sharp contrast, Bradley Manning tried to save thousands of lives and he is being tortured and isolated, and may never be released from his torture chamber.

  19. Gryphen,

    Does Andrew Breitbart go out with Arianna Huffington?

    The Huffingtonpost is allowing this piece of shit to racebait.

    Sign this petittion against the Huffingtonpost to stop this BS.

  20. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Ground work/shreds of dignity intact theory. And here's why:

    When she gave the Fox interview in which she was asked point blank if she could beat Obama, she blinked. Literally.

    While saying "I believe I could" her body language was saying something entirely different. She turned her head slightly to the left, and closed her eyes/blinked rapidly for the bulk of the sentence. CLASSIC Neurolinguistic signs of lying.

    She knows she doesn't have a rat's chance but has gotten herself so far in, she needs an "honorable" way out. Don't think her advisers haven't sent out a few hints to the susceptible. Look for something big on Drudge, too.

  21. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I think they're trying to give her an out because they don't want her to run.

    The problem is, I don't think telling Sarah not to do something works out too well.

  22. No, due to all the drugs they do they are in an alternative reality.

    Quitters do not move onto bigger & better things.

  23. Anonymous5:34 AM

    I feel the same way as 4:21, the first PARAGRAPH.

  24. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:38 AM

    Dinky P. @ 5:18am--

    Breitbart was one of the founders of HuffPo, along with Arianna. I had always wondered about the often negative Dem/Obama coverage on HuffPo; it suddenly made sense when I found that little factoid out. I guess now with the new RW spin introduced with the aol merger, they're using Breitbart to further appeal to that group.

    As far as SP--she may not run for POTUS, but I'm sure her dull minions see other brilliant plans in her future--such as bringing on the Rapture through her "connections" with God and Jeeeebus. I forsee Aimee Semple or Jim Jones in her future, however.

  25. Anonymous5:41 AM

    If Mama Grifter takes a spanking in the primaries, she certainly won't support the winner and her fans, in protest will note vote in the main elections.

    Pretending she's a kingmaker gets her fans out to vote!

  26. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Oprah reads books and stuff. She even has a book club.

    With books, Palin reads any of them, all of them. Imagine her book club--it would consist of her two books, and Bristol's little coloring book for tea parties.

  27. Nan (aka roswellborn)5:47 AM

    This makes me think of the story about the kid who was trying like mad to get to the cookie jar. After trying one thing after another, he finally makes it to the top of the fridge where he finds an empty cookie jar.

    "Oh well, I didn't really want a cookie anyway" he says as he looks for the way down.

    Y'want it, y'make noises about it, ya almost go into tantrum mode, then find out the cookies aren't there for you after all.

    "Oh well, I didn't really wanna be Prez anyway" (as she looks for the way off that perch).

    "Saving face," pure and simple.

  28. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Why are we placing her in the lime-light again...I thought she has slowly dying off somewhere in BFE..The more press and News time she gets...the bigger a__ she makes of herself...and the more some people love her back on the shelf somewhere PLEASE

  29. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Did anybody watch her Greta interview last night? She was out of control on so many levels....talking a mile a minute, screeching more than usual, crazy rhetoric on Iran....

  30. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I'm sure the Palin-tards would buy this horseshit.

  31. Anonymous6:07 AM

    The first stage of the media blackout was under way when the Washington Speakers Bureau, the organization that traditionally organizes speakers for the Conclave event, had promptly dispatched an aide to serve as a conduit between the Palins and the rest of the world - quite literally. Sources confirmed that the Palins had no direct interaction even with room service and that for two whole days (the entire duration of her visit) Sarah Palin confined herself to her room.

  32. Anonymous6:10 AM

    To AKRNC @4:38 A.M.
    " The Presidency is far from beneath Palin, she's beneath the American people and their level of intelligence surpasses that of Palin. for at least 70% of us" Let us hope and pray this is true.

    If Palin is not completely destroyed, she will, destroy this country. She and her church.(dominion-ism) this has already started, with many States passing very harsh, unchristian, almost early European in fashion laws. Considering only the rich. After all, reducing taxes on the rich, brings jobs, deregulation brings jobs, etc. However, with all the taxes reduced in the past, all the deregulation in the past, all the jobs sent overseas,( which I,can not see how this creates jobs) we should be awash with jobs. But, are we?
    The Republicans want two classes of people, the rich and the lower class, they can use as it pleases them.

    I AM 77,and am so glad I have no grandchildren. For these I feel great sorrow and sadness, If the 70% of us do not take command and win, our future is not going to be so filled with contentment and pleasure but, only work for little wages, with no respite, no education, no medical and no retirement. With Leaders like Bachman, Palin, and others, all home schooled, that do not know where the REVOLOUTION war was stared.

  33. @ Love and Kindness

    Check this out read the message:

    This is my blog

  34. Anonymous6:21 AM

    According to Sarah Palin and the GOP, there's no job that she's not qualified for, right? She could just about do it all! President? Well, that's beneath her. Media moguls more like it!

    But she will never be Oprah! Oprah is a compassionate humanitarian who shares her wealth by helping people less fortunate than her! WTF has Sarah Palin done for the American people besides cause fear, hate and misery?

    Hey, Brietbart (or whatever the F your name is!), let's not minimalize Oprah's accomplishments by saying Sarah Palin could be Oprah! To make such a comment that Sarah Palin could possibly aspire to be half the woman Oprah is, is really insulting the Oprah, who is a self-made woman and is the real deal in her authenticity! Sarah Palin, authentic? Never! Nope, not gonna happen! Oprah is LOVED and too many people HATE Sarah Palin, plain and simple!

  35. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Sarah is no O.

    Sidenote- just happened to read that Dan Quayle lives in AZ. Made me laugh...

  36. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Just shows how desperate the GOP is to get Palin out of the race and that even they think she has a brain the size of a pea.

    The whole GOP field is waiting to declare until they know for sure whether she's running or not, and she's well aware that she has that entire party by the balls and is giving them a good twist every now and then to remind them all that they're her bitch. She's not going to declare until she's finished squeezing every drop of cash out of her fans and Fox. Why would she announce now and turn her back on all the attention and money she's getting pretending to be relevant without the responsibility, especially if it means releasing the republicans she hates from her greedy little grip?

    No, she is going to drag it out until the last possible minute. The thing they don't realize is whether she's running or not, they're screwed. She will either 1. declare she's running to save face and then turn her followers against the mainstream candidate when she loses, or if there's too much scandal after the books/emails are released, she will 2. endorse the craziest one of them still standing and turn her followers against the mainstream candidate when they lose.

    They are never getting rid of her. It's like inviting the devil in your house and expecting him to just bug the neighbors.

  37. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Haha! They are seriously worried that she might run, and ruin it for the rest of the GOP candidates.

    I hope they lay awake nights, terrified of the monster they have created.

    The monster that ripped them off for $150,000+ in clothes during the 2008 elections. Whose makeup artist was the most highly paid "staff member" during those two months.

    She will haunt them for the next two decades, or more.

    As for her being the next "Oprah", please. That takes empathy, and a lot of hard work.

    No, after Murdock learns that he has a wild animal on his hands, with no intention of honoring her contracts or taking advice ("Blood Libel!") he will drop her.

    She will turn the charm on her next victim, Franklin Graham, and persuade him that she is a christian lady that he needs to build a special studio for, so she can whip up the masses with her preaching.

  38. jadez6:40 AM

    what has happened is exactly what i predicted would happen.
    palin was told she will not be allowed anywhere near power.

    and everyone knows it.

    what is going on is the parasites are trying to figure outa way to stay in the good graces of her nit wit supporters because thats all they have too.

    will it work?

    lol of course not.
    but it might allow her supporters to still come out and vote and THAT is the real strategy.

  39. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I'm going with the reverse psychology gambit myself. But Sarah isn't smart enough for any kind of psychology to work on her. If she thought it up herself, she might go with it, cuz that was her excuse to quit the Governor's office. But Sarah's not one to take anyone else's suggestions, so this may backfire on them.

    She's so far gone now, I seriously wish she'd run just to embarrass herself, her party, and her flying monkeys. (not that they are smart enough to be embarrassed by anything)

    I really haven't believed she'd run. I think it's going to be like the trip to Bethlehem. She'd gonna get right up to the part where she has to commit, and turn around and walk away. If she's not already in jail by then.


  40. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Millennial generation the next big thing

    -- They don't admire what the TV channel TLC, which runs Sarah Palin's reality show, wants you to think. When asked to name a figure who personifies the type of leadership needed for the 21st century, only 9 out the 1,057 young leaders, of whom about a third were young Republicans, identified Palin.

  41. Anonymous7:20 AM

    'Just read the article on India Reloaded about Palin's India trip (, and was struck by several things:

    * "we got information that a trip to Agra to visit the Taj was being planned for the next day. Sources inform us that the ex-Governor was keen to visit the Taj and experience first hand one of the true wonders of the world. However as it turned out, Ms. Palin changed her mind at the last moment."

    Just like she changed her mind about seeing Bethlehem at the last moment...??? Curiouser and curiouser.

    "Sources confirmed that the Palins had no direct interaction even with room service and that for two whole days (the entire duration of her visit) Sarah Palin confined herself to her room."

    She goes all the way to India -- a country she's never been to before, full of fascinating art, culture, museums, and historic sites -- and confines herself to her room?????

    Is this woman on drugs? Having a mental breakdown? Both?

    And why does the media persist in presenting this clearly unstable person, who holds no elected public office, as a prominent political figure worthy of any kind of national coverage?

    The Daily Mail nailed in in their recent article on Palin:

    "The other week, while on Fox News attacking Kathy Griffin, she had all the political heft of some batty lady calling into the phone-in radio show from remote Alaska and braying about things that made sense only in her own head."


    This woman is a walking textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and people with NPD tend to implode at some point, since they never actually have the skill, experience, and judgement needed to sustain the grandiose fantasies they weave around themselves. It's just a matter of time before Palin implodes....if she's not in the process of doing so already.....

    I'm still curious about these "icebergs" that are supposedly heading her way, Gryph. Any updates on that?

    (And thank you again for all you do.)

  42. Anonymous7:31 AM

    There are some other good reasons why being the President of the United States isn't the job for Sarah:
    1. The Constitution actually does spell out the duties of the three branches of government. Nobody, not even the Founding Fathers, can tell Sarah what she can do if she became the president. If she wants to start a war, tax her enemies or pass a couple of laws without Congress, that's the way she rolls.
    2. In order to run for President, Sarah would actually have to debate some of her fellow Republicans, and Sarah doesn't do that studying thing. Bristol has a busy schedule, and she isn't always free to google stuff.
    3. It is a federal requirement to disclosed a detailed financial statement. Someone will be able to figure out that at the time Todd built that big house on the weekends, they didn't make the kind of money that could pay for that house. Uncle Ted got caught for accepting a reclining chair; the Palins accepted much more.
    4. The people who put Sarah in her present position have been telling her what to say. (Chuck Heath said that Sarah does not make her own decisions). Roger Ailes told her to shut up following the Arizona shootings. Sarah does not take orders from anyone, not Rupert, not Roger, and certainly not any of those Republicans. Unfortunately, Rebecca A. Mansour is a failed screen writer, not a high powered political adviser with years of background working for other politicians.

  43. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:31 AM

    Dinky P @ 6:11am:

    OMG. Completely bizarre, but I believe there are too many cult members out there who subscribe to this Sarah, Queen of the Rapture crap and how the "unprepared" will rock, roll, wither and die in her glowing, anointed presence. "Rapure-Centered foreign policy"? Gahh! Hope other posters caught the link as well. Gryphen, might be worth a post to expose this ongoing insanity. Thanks for passing it along! BTW, cool blog, too!

  44. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I think the Republicans want her to sit down and shut up; they know she is steadily destroying the republican base and that she is a mental case. Before, I think they thought she was not informed enough but now they know she is totally ignorant and has mental issues.

  45. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I predict that if she does make a run for the presidency, it will look much like her plans to visit Bethlehem...a big build up of hype right before she pulls a hasty u-turn.

  46. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Plummeting Palin says 'I'm through'

    (CNN) - Sarah Palin says she's done.

    Done with whining about the media, that is.

    In an appearance on Fox News, where she serves as a contributor, Palin shrugged off a recent sexual slur directed her way from comedian Bill Maher, saying, "I'm through whining about a liberal press that holds particularly conservative women to a different standard, because it doesn't do any good to whine about it."

    "Nobody ever promised life was going to be fair," Palin continued in what appeared to be a departure from her usual pattern of forcefully responding to critics, especially those in the media. "And politics really isn't fair, the scrutiny, the double standards, and all that. I'm dealing with it I guess in a different way than others who want to bring more light to it and demand that Bill Maher apologize."

  47. dizipoo7:45 AM

    It's like that old adage --

    "When a mob is trying to run you out of town, jump in front of them and pretend it's a parade."

  48. Anonymous7:46 AM

    She could never win any political office again, so I predict she'll become a televangelist. One who "preaches" a frightening hybrid of hardcare rightwing politics and brimstone and damnation religion. As the kind of people who would be susceptible to such garbage are typically half-crazy and stupid as hell, it's a natural market for a grifter like Palin.

  49. deebee7:54 AM

    Yeah 6:07, I watched the Greta screechfest SP interview last night. It was hilarious. Like 2 crack whores interrupting each other as they talked faster and faster as their voice pitch got higher and higher. At the end Greta asked if the door to running for Pres. was opened more now. $arah's answer was very telling: "I want to be sure there is someone outside of government to hold their feet to the fire like I do now before I make that decision."
    She is definitely laying the tracks for not running and maintaining her position as paid hack criticizer-in-chief.

  50. Gasman7:56 AM

    Andrew Breitbart: "There's more power in being Oprah Winfrey than in being Barack Obama."

    Yeah, Gaddafi was overheard saying, "Who cares about the NATO air strikes! What I want to know is what about Oprah Winfrey's forces? Are they planning to invade!?"

    Breitbart is a moronic prick with shit for brains. So, by not winning the presidency, you actually wield more power? I guess that's why Fred Thompson and Mike Gravel are such dominant forces in global geopolitical circles these days.

    Sarah Palin can't even distinguish herself among the most insipid, vapid, and uninspiring group of milquetoast clods that the GOP has ever trotted out. She is narcissistic, stupid, vindictive, and stupid, stupid, and STUPID! Palin as kingmaker? You might as well say, "Palin for Secretary General of the U.N.."

    Not-So-BrightBart has a record of monumentally stupid fuckups in his recent past. Additionally, he is so fetid and nasty that even those within the conservative movement seem to view him with disdain and hold him at arm's length, as if he were emitting some foul odor. He is a worthless piece of excrement totally devoid of humanity and any merit whatsoever. He is mean, loud, stupid, and dishonest as all hell. He is the "brain" power behind that odious little turd James O'Keefe.

    Fuck Breitbart and anybody that looks like him.

  51. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I think the GOP cannot let her run. The amount of dirt that would come out detailing the complicity of the GOP in putting forth so supremely unqualified a candidate for VP would be devastating. They must know now, after Arizona, that they can't even let her introduce/campaign for other GOP candidates. I keep thinking that just before she would need to announce her candidacy, she will [bring out the hankies] announce that her darling Trig needs her so much [tricky, that, since she's never been home with him, but doable if her wonderful nanny disappears] or some other family tragedy, even a mysterious illness of her own, that she must turn the country over to the care of the lord who is, of course, GOP. Failing that, the GOP will dope her up into a complete public breakdown (remember that vp's wife, was it Martha somebody?) and just put her away somewhere until after the election. She may then be brought back and rewarded with an innocuous tv show for which she'll be paid amply for doing nothing and a warning of worse to come if she keeps opening her clueless yap.

  52. OT - Keith Olbermann posts his first video since leaving MSNBS!
    (and it's a worst person segment)

  53. Anonymous8:22 AM

    They're giving her a way to save face. It's all about perception for SP. The only reason she will run now is that people would sneer and say she didn't have the guts, the goods or the brains. The enemies would win and that would make her the loser. Simple view of the presidency, but this is SP in a nutshell.

  54. Enjay in E MT8:24 AM

    This is so telling isn't it?

    My take - GOP wants her out without pissing off her bot's since they will need ever single vote (plus a few million from Diebolt Machines) to take back the White House. So they are offering $arah a window to crawl out of.

    On the other hand - as a rogue GOP/T-Bagger pundit for Faux Noise - she rip apart EVERY
    candidate? The only way to do shut her up is destroy her credibility.

    Note to $arah:
    Those who can - DO
    Those who can't -
    Criticize those who do
    from the sidelines.

  55. Anonymous8:35 AM

    What the heck!!! This shit has to be stopped in our state government! Parnell is moving in an extreme right direction. Check out the Palin comment. She appointed Millers wife to select judges??? Koch suckers!!

  56. Anonymous8:35 AM

    wonder when the gop/reich wing is gonna go full on book depository building/grassy knoll on shit fer brains lou_$carah ?

  57. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah has another problem as far as her "candidacy" goes.

    If she declares, she loses her FOX TV gig. Then instead of money coming in, she has to start spending what's left of her Sarah PAC. I don't think they outside money is rolling in for her now like it was. I think she's been busy spending like the money tree will never die. But I think it is starting to shrivel up. She has been busy alienating just about any important group of supporters and voters there is. And the nitwit hard core flying monkeys aren't all that rich and the Republicans have been busy sucking them dry anyway. I predict bankruptcy in Sarah's future among other things.


  58. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Think Sarah got a tummy ache eating all that foreign Indian food? Or did she need someone who spoke "Indian" to translate the room service menu?

  59. Anonymous9:44 AM

    My guess is they want her out of the race. They also think that since some people bought the bullshit story Sarah gave when she quit her job as governor, they'll try another bullshit story to explain why she isn't running for president.

  60. Anonymous9:51 AM

    If Breibart thinks Sarah should be the next Oprah, he's delusional. First off, Sarah has zero curiosity about other people or the world. She would never be able to fill an entire hour asking other people about their lives. It's all about her, and she already did a show all about her. Oprah is successful because she actually acts like she is interested in the people on her show, and does much good in the world. Mrs. Palin's show would consist of her bashing everyone who isn't like her, talking about her petty grievances, and asking for money instead of giving it away.

  61. Well of course this makes sense, just like her quitting being Governor allowed her to do more for Alaska. For those of you who have not read '1984', go read it - "War is Peace", "Hate is Love".... Orwell had it down.

  62. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Gasman, have I told you lately that I love you?

  63. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "I'm through whining about a liberal press"

    So does that mean she's going to sit down and shut up?
    If Sarah isn't whining, she'd have nothing to say.

  64. Anonymous10:47 AM

    This is nothing but a defense mechanism intended to help Simple Sarah save face. They know as well as the rest of us that she is not presidential material, or even vp material. The fact that they would even dare to compare her with Oprah Winfrey shows that they are a bunch of idiots in denial about the reality we and they are aware of. That is that Sarah Palin is a total and complete fool, whose stupidity is irredemable.

  65. carrieoki10:50 AM

    Palin, the predictable train wreck. Thanks for 15 minutes of amusement speculating about that hollow shiny object.
    Now back to the real world to work on the 2011 and 2012 elections. Includes checking up on how GOP/big business plans to screw us next. Multitasking is good. If we all can turn our talents, even for small chunks of time weekly, to political involvement, we will make a difference.

  66. I didn't watch Palin on Greta's show. I can't stand it because I remember when I used to think Greta was smart, back when her show featured a panel of attorneys discussing legal issues. Now she's such a Palin toadie it's disgusting.

    I did lurk at the Gretawire thread about Palin's appearance. The comments were bizarre. One poster emphatically wrote that Palin has the best insight into the Middle East of anyone in politics today. Another commented that Palin alone could save the economy, just as she had rescued Alaska from corruption, and had sacrificed her job as Governor in order to save the state thousands defending herself from frivolous ethics charges. One sad Palin cheerleader even said SP had "helped build" the natural gas pipeline.

    There were 250 comments when I looked at the thread, and I could only stand it for a few minutes. Truly, these are examples of Fox viewers who watch and read nothing but the most limited right-wing crap, and buy into all of it without question.

  67. Anonymous10:51 AM

    You are definitely a good writer. The AK school system should have kept you. You should tutor at least.

    repugs should give it up. This doesn't make sense at all but coming from those two assholes it sounds about right.

    The top job in the US is the Presidency. PERIOD.

    repugs should spread shit on their toast because they believe it's honey.

    palin couldn't win even against a ham sandwich.



  68. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sheen: Duh, Winning!

    Palin: Whining, d'oh!

  69. Anonymous11:07 AM

    If she doesn't run isn't she shutting up and quitting?

    palin can't comprehend the mayoral duties let alone the Presidency. It way above her.

    Gawd can you imagine her presidential speeches ragging on comics, dissing dems and talking about her, her, her.

    Her State of the Union address would be more like a roast.


  70. Anonymous11:12 AM

    The Palinbots are going call for protests of India...

    India says no to US request on Sarah Palin

    New Delhi refused American request to elevate Palin’s visit to ministerial status

    In an important snub, India last week cold-shouldered Sarah Palin, former Republican US governor and possible contender for the 2012 presidential election, refusing a request for ‘adequate protocol’.

    Palin was here for a conclave organised by a media group. The American Embassy in New Delhi sent a request to India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) basically for an elevation in the status of the visit.

    The Americans wanted the MEA to treat Palin’s visit at par with a senior ministerial visit. This would have mandated the MEA to depute an official-in-waiting on Palin and arrange for other things like hooting escort vehicles and guards.

    But, the MEA did not upgrade the protocol during Palin’s visit.

  71. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Puttin' her in her place! Yeah, India!!

    The snub in New Delhi was unlike the reception given to her in Israel, where she flew to from India. In India, Palin was not granted audience by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Even External Affairs Minister SM Krishna did not meet Palin.

    But, during her two-day visit to Israel, Palin had dinner with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his official residence in Jerusalem.

  72. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Somebody please tell me what has this dingbat done constructively since quitting and running for her easy gov job?

    If she was doing so much the sorry repugs would be for her running.

  73. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Of course she is that stupid...haven't you been watching her for that past two years?

  74. Anonymous11:36 AM

    SOur grapes!

  75. Anonymous12:15 PM

    That party absolutely amazes me in what they come up with on a daily basis. They are a horrible party. To put out there to Palin that the office is 'beneath' her, I'll wager she falls for hook, line and sinker!

    Have to tell you that I'm getting prett sick and tired of all the negative that is hourly put out there about our President. Even MSNBC is doing it constantly now and there appears to be no difference between their shows and Fox News. Makes me sick.

    I've stopped watching MSNBC, haven't watched FOX for a long, long time and am going to outside media (Europe, etc.) They are not as emotional and speak the facts...
    and, they don't talk about Palin, the idiot.

  76. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I think it's not such a bad thing if she stays "the voice of the Republican/Tea Party". She's a nut. She'd never make it past the early primaries. If she stays out of the race no matter who she supports will bear the taint of her support. Go Sarah! Get your snark on and attach it to every viable candidate! Make the rest defend themselves from your asinine insults. Please, please, please keep yourself in the public eye, no matter what the cost! You'd make a GREAT political commentator!

  77. emrysa3:06 PM

    jude @ 10:50 am sez:

    "I did lurk at the Gretawire thread about Palin's appearance. The comments were bizarre. One poster emphatically wrote that Palin has the best insight into the Middle East of anyone in politics today. Another commented that Palin alone could save the economy, just as she had rescued Alaska from corruption, and had sacrificed her job as Governor in order to save the state thousands defending herself from frivolous ethics charges. One sad Palin cheerleader even said SP had "helped build" the natural gas pipeline. "

    don't forget that according to bailey, sarah & her staff used to write letters to the editor when she was governor and sign other people's name to them. I won't be surprised if that's what's happening on greta's blog. and elsewhere.

  78. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Dear Rick @8:45 A.M.
    love the way you think. The last sentence, tells all. if only that would take place, what a joyous day for celebration that would be. Palin's bankruptcy.

  79. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Oprah anointed Obama?

    That sounds just a teeny bit racist.

    It is nice to know Brietbart is that stupid. It increases one's hopes that he will soon over play his hate the left roll and alienates a couple of million rill Amuricans.

  80. TruthSeeker7:59 PM

    Anon Rick @ 8:45 am

    Enjoyed your comments, especially "I predict bankruptcy in Sarah's future among other things."

    Perhaps Palin already has a head-start on your prediction, since she is so bankrupt in other areas of her life: lack of human decency, lack of self-responsibility, lack of kindness, lack of respect for the oath of office that she took, to name just a few. Financial bankruptcy will be the icing on the cake, won't it?


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