Thursday, March 24, 2011

Donald Trump goes full Birther on the View.

Most of the interview is impossible to watch as this arrogant prick spends virtually the entire time stroking his own ego like some sad little exhibitionist with his fly undone. However the pertinent part begins at the 5:26 mark, and lasts for approximately three minutes.

Donald Trump is a self promoting, overly glorified, used car salesman.  He is both a pimp and a whore, and NOBODY in their right mind would trust him to run this country.


  1. Anonymous5:50 AM

    And, on a funnier note, someone actually put up a post on about Trig! Please, go there and help them get the right info!!!! You need to read the exchange they had, which has been made into a post. Comments most welcome.

    PS. they guy who runs it has a 'no ban' policy. there are a few C4P die hards on there, a handfull of Romney folks, some anti-palin ladies and others. The owner encourages the free exchange of ideas and conversation, without the banning. Just don't dog the kids of the palins, alhtough some are deserving so. THAT's his only rule, and his only motive to remove a post. Otherwise, it stands.

  2. Anonymous5:52 AM

    bahahaha Whoopis face in the intro is priceless. Trump is....Trump. One of a kind and I would not be shocked if he were bankrupt right now

  3. Anonymous5:58 AM

    For a guy who has $600 million (in cash) to squander on a losing election, he sure makes a big effort to promote a silly tv show.

  4. WakeUpAmerica5:59 AM

    Right! The Donald is so FABULOUS and such an astute businessman that he has stiffed his creditors and declared bankruptcy at least FOUR times. You betcha that's the kind of guy I want running our country...into the ground. The Alaskan Pinhead can be his running mate. He's a caricature of himself. BTW, love his extra broad shoulders in his power suit. Reminds me of Dubya.

  5. We're not doing poorly as a country because of Obama we're doing poorly because of jerks like him in this country.

  6. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Is the birth certif for obama that was submitted a fake? Why didn't any of the ladies mention that one was provided?

  7. Anonymous6:29 AM

    If it's absurd to question or to ask to see Obama's birth certificate, it's equally absurd to ask to see Trig's. You can't have it both ways. Same thing

  8. AKRNC6:32 AM

    As one of my friends said to me, "Trump won't run for President, if he won, he'd have to stay in a home that is just not up to his standards." That's not to say she or I think he and his wife have good taste. I think their home shown in magazines is garish and overdone.

    The salary won't work for him, either. He wouldn't be able to run his own businesses from the White House and there would be such a conflict of interest if he was President.

    As for the birther issue, Donald, it's been settled. You need to get some better researchers. You can certainly afford to pay them.

  9. AKRNC6:32 AM

    As one of my friends said to me, "Trump won't run for President, if he won, he'd have to stay in a home that is just not up to his standards." That's not to say she or I think he and his wife have good taste. I think their home shown in magazines is garish and overdone.

    The salary won't work for him, either. He wouldn't be able to run his own businesses from the White House and there would be such a conflict of interest if he was President.

    As for the birther issue, Donald, it's been settled. You need to get some better researchers. You can certainly afford to pay them.

  10. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Sarah is almost as arrogant as Trump. She said she would run it no one else will and it looks like that may be the case. Obama announced his candidacy in Feb '08 and he won. Here it is almost the end of March and only one GOP has signed up. Will there be any April fools?

  11. Anonymous6:37 AM

    This man is such an embarrassment, that if I were on the board of the University of Pennsylvania, I'd be horrified every time he mentioned his graduation from the prestigious Wharton School of Business there. One lesson from Wharton...shameless self-promotion is tacky. Trump IS a whore, with apologies to all the whores out there.

  12. Anonymous6:39 AM

    How DUMB are the women of The View?
    Why don't they cite, that HAS examined his birth certificate and found it to be real and legitimate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Is Donald Trump an American? I mean really, he looks more like an Oompah Loompah to me.

  14. 10catsinMD7:07 AM

    So, why does he do the fake hair thing to look like he has some?

    Also why did he not carry his birth certificate on the show with him. Sounds reasonable. I believe though that Obama has shown his certificate through the state of Hawaii. So what's the deal.

    Trump is a dirty old man.

    As other have stated, hasn't he declared bankruptcy a few times? What a business man!

    Watched the oscars online and he was there with his latest wife. If she smiled, her face would crack! I guess that's what he does to women.

  15. Anonymous7:16 AM

    WOW - can we block all the GOP primary contenders?

    This new app released Tuesday for the online reader has eyes looking at current events on Google News and elsewhere without the celebs.

    “We block Sarah Palin and today we definitely blocked Chris Brown – what a nutcase,” Michael Surtees shared with us.

  16. Don't you just wish that Joy would "accidentally" lurch to her left, and disturb that straw nest on top of Trump's head? I'd love to see his combover uncombed...

  17. Anonymous7:23 AM


    Buy the Todd emails to Shailey on Ebay and make a post.

  18. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Thanks Gryphen for picking up on my previous post of this Trump appearance as Trump has been exposed as a 'full blown Birther'!! We already knew it but he has exposed himself further as 'stunned and stupid'

    The whole issue that it is not a 'long form' birth cert is totally stupid. Like those morons in their own states, each state is allowed to make the laws/rules for themselves as to what form but that would require a seed of intelligence and we know the morons are devoid of that.

    As for someone mentioning Trump's numerous bankruptcies - he covers himself by using that the bankruptcy filings were corporate filings and not his personally. But, in order to have a corporate bankruptcy, a person had to run it into the ground - voila - TRUMP. He, much like Romney, is responsible for numerous people loosing their jobs in that many companies closed due to his many bankruptcies. He in fact 'SCREWED' Americans - not Kadafi. I wish when MSM speaks of his many bankruptcies they would make this a fallout issue as when a bankruptcy is filed, there is a trickle down effect. The CEO's rob the company and pocket it and let the company fall.

    When I mentioned Romney above, people have to remember he was put in positions in companies to 'streamline' them - aka - fire a whole lot of people - which he did. The same as Carly did at HP.

    What is going on in WI with Walker - this is not new to Rethugs. They've done this forever. It's just been hiding in sheep's clothing under banners of bankruptcies, the Romney/Carly game and must be recognized by people as for what it really is.

  19. Anonymous7:31 AM

    5:50 AM - The anti-Palin folks on are Romney folks. The anti-Palin ladies are also Romney folks. Anyone who would like to leave comments to set the facts straight on Trig are most welcome!

  20. Anonymous7:33 AM

    "Obama announced his candidacy in Feb '08 and he won"

    My mistake.... It was Feb '07. (Typing too fast!)

  21. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Can we see Trump's birth certificate? I mean after all, that hair of his is so unearthly...

  22. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Donald's thinking about going full Meg Whitman.

  23. Anonymous8:09 AM


    FOR YOUR EYES - found this surfing the web - you might already know about this

    Jeremy Morlock - I got this off a blog from last year by using google

    Court records Jeremy Morlock

  24. Anonymous8:16 AM

    New law: One cannot be President of the United States if one is married to a spouse who was not born here!
    How 'bout that, Donald?
    Sorry, Melania (for more reasons than I can count!)

  25. Anonymous8:16 AM

    @Anon 6:29

    Sarah Palin has publicly stated that Trig's birth certificate was private and nobody would ever be allowed to see it. Then she went on a radio show and told the nation she HAD PROVIDED Trig's birth cert and in the same breath accused Obama of hiding his - and that was a flat out lie.

    Pres. Obama has provided his birth certificate. The hospital in which he was born in the state of Hawaii has provided his birth certificate. School photos, class photos, family pictures in Hawaii and even a newspaper clipping of his father in Hawaii have been made public.

    In fact - Pres. Obsama's birth certificate has been release so mqany times without successfully convincing people that he was really born in the U.S. that in sometime between the election and his first months in office the U.S. Congress decreed Pres. Obama's birth certificate legitimate in some sort of congressional ceremony or proclamation to finally put the birthing rumour to rest.

    Why did Barbara Walters or Joy Behar who both have access to full research teams not once mention any of these?

    Silly open id error plaguing me :P


  26. wakeUpAmerica8:24 AM

    Everybody remembers Donald Trump because he was a jackass from birth. We all remember the assholes who cross our paths in life.

  27. Watching this made me angry that no one asked Trump what was wrong with the birth certificate Obama has released and posted online, the only one to which he has access, and the one that the state of Hawaii has declared valid.

    If you didn't know better, listening to this discussion you'd conclude Obama has a birth certificate he hasn't released.

  28. Anonymous8:36 AM

    If this guy blew anymore smoke up his own ass, he'd float away. No comb overs for President!

  29. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @7:33 - None of the GOP want to announce because none of them can beat Pres. Obama. He's the incumbent and he's a fantastic campaigner. They will all lose. The birther celebnutjobs like Palin, Trump, Huckabee will lose. The serious politicians like Romney and Pawlenty will lose. All of them will lose.

    Just explaining why none of them are declaring. They aren't waiting for pitiful and loopy Sarah Palin. They know they cannot win.

  30. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Loved that Keith O. recognized Franklin Graham on his Worst Persons of the Day list on Wednesday:

    Number two on the list:

    "Franklin Graham. He is continuing his father Billy’s ministry of divisiveness, condescension, fear-mongering, and cash in easy to carry packets. Per “Mother Jones,” the evangelist has now insisted that on instructions from President Obama, the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ has quote “infiltrated every level of our government,” unquote. Graham also contends that Obama is more concerned with helping American Muslims than American Christians. He, of course, offered no proof and no further explanation.

    In the great baseball book ‘Ball Four,’ Jim Bouton recounts how his 1969 Seattle Pilots teammate Steve Hovley sidled up to him before a game one day and announced “Billy Graham Is A Cracker.” Who could have guessed, 42 years later, that Graham’s son would be even dumber and more racist?"

  31. Anonymous8:46 AM

    This guy wants to be president? He can't even be trusted to comb his own fucking hair.

  32. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Google "Eleanor Nordyke". Her twins were born in the same hospital the day before Obama. Same birth certificate. Nobody's going birther on them.

    If you shaved Trump's head, you'd have Lex Luthor.

  33. majii8:56 AM

    The View received a lot of push back for allowing Trump to go birther on the show. It's being reported on some blogs that this morning the show led with a showing of President Obama's bc and pics of him when he was young. It is being reported that one of the hosts asked why GWB wasn't asked to show his library card!

  34. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Romney never streamlined companies. His vulture capitalist firm went into healthy, small businesses and bought them. They striped them of their best assets and then junked the small company, thereby ensuring job losses by the hundreds in smaller communities. One small very GOP-ish town in Indiana HATES this man with white hot fire for ruining their town and economy.

  35. Anonymous9:12 AM

    G-man, loved your description of Trump as a "self promoting, overly glorified, used car salesman.:


    He used to be just smarmy - i.e., greasy, oily and tawdry. He's gone way beyond those descriptions now.

    He is a full-blown egomaniac, bordering on the need of an intervention. He's even out-Charlie Sheened Charlie Sheen.

    If I were the mother of any of his children, I would run, not walk, to the nearest mental health center and see if The Donald's condition is hereditary. Good grief, I still cannot imagine why any woman would go to bed with that man - oh, wait, money, money, money.

    Well, money didn't get Meg Whitman or the wrestling empire lady elected. Our country may have a lot of low-information voters, but there is hope that we haven't sunk so low as to embrace Donald Trump. I mean, if Sarah's poll numbers are dropping, maybe logic, reason, and sanity is once again emerging in our land.

  36. Anonymous9:26 AM


    I think you were too kind in your comments about Mr. Trumpet.

  37. Erica from Dallas9:35 AM

    Good news!
    If Donald runs I imagine he will pour billions and billions into his race.Just the stimulus we need to get our economy going!!
    I look forward to the Bachman/Palin/ Trump/Romney etc debates.
    Debate number 1.... Who is the more Christian,Christian.

  38. Anonymous9:39 AM

    A couple years ago, I was at the Wynn, in Las Vegas. All the sudden, a group of security guards cleared a very large path for an entourage. All the common folk had to step to the side, and were not allowed to continue on their way. After a couple minutes waiting, guess who appears? Donald Trump, his wife, and various other hangers on. He looked like a puffed up self important little troll. He had a smirk on his face as he slowly strolled through the casino. He really got off on looking important, and having everyone look at him. BTW, his hair looks worse in person. Any American who wastes their vote on this narcissist, is a fool. This man is nothing more than a used car salesman.

  39. Anonymous9:43 AM

    You know, I'm no Gaddafi fan, but even I thought
    it was incredibly distasteful that Trump bragged
    about "screwing him" by getting him to pay to
    stay & then wouldn't let him stay. That shows
    his mind--and I wouldn't stay at any hotel
    associated with the Trump name. Trump is tacky,
    a blow hard, and a goon. I'm so glad he isn't a

  40. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I swear to god that this man should be put in a room with Glenn, Rush, Coulter, Bill O, and SP.

    These people are crazy!

    And yet again I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone.

  41. Ya know, perhaps it's time for Mr. Obama to step up and tell SP that he'll show his birth certificate if she'll show Trig's.

  42. Anonymous12:10 PM staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

    Update, Nov. 1: The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health confirmed Oct. 31 that Obama was born in Honolulu.
    United States Department of State. "Application for a U.S. Passport." Accessed 20 Aug. 2008.

    State of Hawaii Department of Health. "Request for Certified Copy of Birth Record." Accessed 20 Aug. 2008.

    Hollyfield, Amy. "Obama's Birth Certificate: Final Chapter." 27 Jun. 2008.

    The Associated Press. "State declares Obama birth certificate genuine" 31 Oct 2008.

    Nakaso, Dan. "Obama's certificate of birth OK, state says; Health director issues voucher in response to 'ridiculous' barrage" Honolulu Advertiser 1 Nov 2008.

  43. Anonymous1:51 PM

    What does Palin and Trump have in common?

    Palin is me, me, me.
    Trump is I, I, I.

    What about POTUS Obama? He is busy trying to get America out of the hole the last 8 years has put us into. Prsident Obama is not into me, me, me or I, I , I.

  44. Anonymous3:11 PM

    This pisssed me off so much, I've never seen a more useless group of adults. I can't believe the producers couldn't intervene and put Obama's birth certificate up on the huge screen behind Trump, plus his kindergarten class picture in Haiwaii, his high school basketball team, etc.

    Why couldn't those bimbos be more knowledgable and prepared, for
    God's sake, Barbara Walters has interviewed world leaders, has her brain gone to mush???

  45. Beldar "The Beldar" Conehead8:44 PM

    Sir! You have just referred to Mr. Donald Trump as a "whore", a "pimp" and "an arrogant prick"! This is HIGHLY insulting to Mr. Trump! Only the intrinsic truthiness of your insults protects you from the STRONGEST possible retaliation from Mr. Trump! In the future, please refrain from referring to The Donald as a "dickwad", a "douchebag", an "asspimple" or a "twathead", also, too. Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

  46. Anonymous1:57 PM

    He is a morally bankrupt P.O.S. It looks like the dumb bimbo aka Hasselbeck agreed with Frump. Why is she on that show again?

  47. Anonymous5:22 AM

    The problem is that Trump has historically not been a credible source. He has a history of making disputed claims about his net worth.He wouldn't have dime if he would pay off his debts. People are tired of slick talking liars. He will never be elected unless he runs for flamboyant whore monger.


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