Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Ivy Frye flies the coop! Today's Palin camp rumor du jour.

Sources have revealed that Ivy Frye has decided to pack up her Sarah Palin girl crush and leave the Palin family circus yet again.

As many of you remember this is certainly not the first time Ivy has jumped ship. (From Vanity Fair's Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury: Her Wasilla social circle has narrowed practically to nothing. People who know Kristan Cole and Kris Perry, her closest local friends and advisers of longest standing, say that the relationships have deteriorated. Her former aides Meg Stapleton and Ivy Frye are said to have parted with Palin on bad terms.)

After that time of course she was cautiously brought back into the fold but demoted to Bristol Palin handbag carrier, Tripp babysitter, and of course Grizzled Mama spy.

The scuttlebutt is that THIS break happened right around the time a certain leaked manuscript, co-written by a certain Palin insider, found its way onto the internet.

If my sources are accurate it may be that Sister Sarah was none too happy with the obvious girl on girl infatuation that Bailey's manuscript revealed, and when Frye wanted to tag along on an upcoming trip she was given the cold Palin shoulder. (Better watch out Ram!  You're next.)

Ouch, girlfriend!  That has to sting!  Especially after you spent all of those long months following Bristol around in California during DWTS, slapping fast food out of her hands, and trying to make sure her pregnant overfed stomach was not protruding out too far when cameras were present. (By the way you sucked at that.)

So what is a former Palin-bot with very few marketable skills supposed to do out in the cold unforgiving wilds of Alaska?  Hmm, that is a puzzler.

You know I do believe I read somewhere, I can't remember where now, that Frye had some experience writing letters to the editor and signing other people's names to them. Hey, I have an idea!  Perhaps she could write something for profit!  Like, and I am just brainstorming here, a book about her recent employment by, and experiences with, a certain Wasilla celebrity?

What do you say Ivy?  Just say the word and I can find you an experienced and willing co-author in ten, no make that five, minutes.  Just think about it, that is all I am asking.


  1. The woman is a glutton for punishment. Wouldn't surprise me if she goes back...for an undisclosed huge salary...just so she won't spill her guts...

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The most shocking revelation in Frank Bailey's book is that Ivy had a boyfriend. Ew, someone would sleep with that?!

    How do those wheels look from your new viewpoint Ivy? haha! Becky, get ready, you're next!

  3. There is a new Huffpo article today....http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-j-elisberg/in-defense-of-sarah-palin_b_829666.html

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Not sure why $P would be upset about Ivy from Frank's book. Seems like she was a boot-licker of the first order which explains why she lasted this long. Maybe Ivy wasn't too happy about what was revealed about $P's lack of love for her. I hope she saved e-mails, voicemails, & pictures! She doesn't love you Ivy ( & never did), and the truth deserves to be revealed. Why not get paid for your years of service! Call Gryphen ASAP!!

  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "You're" not "your," Gryphen. I love this post and probably would have done a similar typo in my rush to put up something so juicy.


  6. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Speaking of Bristol there has been no comment for a while on the is she pregnant watch. What's up?

  7. Anonymous8:58 AM

    And regarding Bristol - this from Huffington Post:

    NEW YORK — It's official: Bristol Palin has a book deal.

    The daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has signed with William Morrow to publish "Not Afraid of Life," to come out this summer. Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins, announced Tuesday that the memoir would provide "an inside look at her life."

    "Bristol gives readers an intimate behind-the-scenes look at her life for the first time, from growing up in Alaska to coming of age amid the media and political frenzy surrounding her mother's political rise; from becoming a single mother while still a teenager to coping as her relationship with her baby's father crumbled publicly – not once, but twice," according to Morrow.

    A listing for the book briefly appeared last month on Amazon.com and on an online HarperCollins spreadsheet. HarperCollins has published two best-sellers by Sarah Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate in 2008: "Going Rogue" and "America by Heart."

    Bristol Palin, 20, has become a celebrity in her own right, through her broken relationship with her child's father, Levi Johnston, and through her time as a contestant on "Dancing With the Stars."

    "Bristol talks about the highs and lows of her appearance on ABC-TV's 'Dancing With the Stars,' including the aching hours of practice, the biting criticisms, and the thrill of getting to the show's finals," Morrow announced. "She speaks candidly of her aspirations for the future and the deep religious faith that gives her strength and inspiration.

    "Plainspoken and disarmingly down to earth, Bristol offers new insight and understanding of who she is and what she values most."

    Morrow did not disclose how much Palin will be paid in the book deal.

  8. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Ivy was with Sarah in Nome last week and again in Fairbanks on Saturday.

  9. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Might already be too late: 3 books in the pipeline, Bristol's just signed. Blog commenters getting bolder. Time's a wastin'!

  10. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Forgive my lack of understanding of subtlety or nuance or whatever this is. But I don't get what you're trying to say here. Could you clarify or amplify what you're saying. Thanks.

  11. Anonymous9:10 AM

    If this is true, it supports another assertion in FB's Book. Sarah loves to push people away and then try to bring them back in. She goes from being a bitch to being as sweet as pie when she wants something. She did it to FB multiple times. Although if she's getting the "freeze out", she may no be returning. Apparently tough SP doesn't "have the balls" to actually fire people, she just "freezes them out" until they quit. In my eyes, Bailey is getting more credible by the minute.

  12. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "Sister Sarah was none too happy with the obvious girl on girl infatuation that Bailey's manuscript revealed"

    Are all of Palin's flying monkeys lesbians
    who are lusting for the Good Sister? Ram,
    Bruce, etc, etc....Ugly middle-aged women hot
    for a middle-aged mother of 5? Hmm...

  13. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Ivey loaded up everything the Palin's have ever given her and dumped it all on the front porch of the Palin's house. Evidently Tawd told her that she had left them twice before but this time the Palin's were leaving her. Comedy Gold.

  14. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Perhaps she could write something for profit! Like, and I am just brainstorming here, a book about her recent employment by, and experiences with, a certain Wasilla celebrity?

    "But but I can't Gryphen. I was forced to sign a confidentiality agreement if I wanted to keep my job with the barracuda."

  15. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I hope Palin does have to shell out the bucks to keep her quiet.

  16. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Bristol's handbag carrier?

  17. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I wonder if Sarah will fire expensive uneducated Bristol next? All she can do is google, have sex and eat and eat and eat. Did I forget to mention she has sex and sex and sex?

  18. Hopefully she will call you Gryphen. There is a group called Left Action that is asking for another Palin free week this week.

    You cannot totally stop paying attention to Sarah. She is a termite that needs extermination. I don't mean harmful tactics.

    For her to be exterminated the media would need to start reporting on her lies, abuse of power and scandals. Not how great she is!!!!!

    Extermination would be telling the TRUTH about who Sarah Palin is!!!
    Then and only then will this termite be exterminated for GOOD!

  19. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What did Sarah say about Ivy behind her back?

  20. Start blogging Ivy, Start blogging right now!


  21. Enjay in E MT9:43 AM

    How interesting ....

    Is this another public sign of a "run" for 2012 - getting rid of the one's who know?

    Am not seeing the QuitterQueen jumping in the ring - I would believe fundraising is down with recent exposures as well as tanked poll ratings.

    BTW - how is Track doing these days? Just because we dislike his mothers politics doesn't mean we don't wish him well.

  22. Rats always desert the sinking ship. Could it be that she,s getting out before the emails are released?

  23. Juicy!

    I doubt Ivy has inside knowledge about Trig but she could dish the goods on Bristol who has a book coming out in a few months and needs someone to keep her honest. Bristol's book by itself won't get much interest but Ivy could strike gold!

  24. nancy9:59 AM

    Any other person Palin pulls into her ever dwindling inner circle (ie: vortex of hell) are probably made to sign a non disclosure agreement. Ivy probably saw the real Sarah one too many times and decided she couldn't live the lie any more. Or maybe she just got tired of doing one too many Mickey D runs for Bristol.

    Either way, the rats are definitely scurrying off the ship.

    The SP Titanic is sinking.

  25. So thaaaaat's why $Palin has to grift Her$elf: she has to pay off all these people to keep their mouths shut.

  26. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Maybe she is just down at the local church of scientology getting a tune up.

  27. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I wonder if she is moving to Arizona?

  28. Anon 9:25 - If Ivy talks, Sarah may think she can simply demonize her as a disgruntled ex-employee and might not feel the need to pay a bribe. Anyway, Ivy would never take a bribe if she felt she had something important to say.

    I wonder what offensive nickname Sarah will slap on Ivy.

    Syrin - Priceless!

  29. Anonymous10:23 AM

    "Ivey loaded up everything the Palin's have ever given her and dumped it all on the front porch of the Palin's house. Evidently Tawd told her that she had left them twice before but this time the Palin's were leaving her."

    These people are all stuck at the mental age of 13. Pathetic.

  30. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Syrin - ROTFL

    What will $arah do without Ivy's vast e-mail contact list and powers to get people to sign their names to pre-written editorials and trump up online polls?

    Commenter said Ivy left everything the Palin's gave her on their front porch. All she left was a T-shirt that said "I kissed Sarah Palin's ass for years and all I got was this dumb t-shirt". On the back there were tire tracks.

  31. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Where´s Trigg?

    Bristol ate him.

  32. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I am going to make a suggestion to Ivy, Meg, Frank, and any other former Palin associate who really needs to cleanse their soul, find redemption and put an end to the fear that other Alaskans live under (for fear of saying something about Sarah).

    I suggest that you guys, either alone or together contact the National Enquirer who is know to pay big money for stories. They will require proof so that what you tell them will not subject them to a suit.

    The story that we are all waiting to hear is who gave birth to Trig, and we know that it wasn't Sarah. But, what do you have that would be considered rock solid proof? The Federal authorities want to hear about all of Palin's scams while in and out of office. They are the ones who can neutralize Sarah and her enforcer, Todd, so that the cloud of fear can be lifted from other Alaskans who are currently afraid to talk.

    Get a good lawyer before contacting the National Enquirer. In fact, have your lawyer make the contact for you. And make sure that part of the deal protects you from any nondisclosure contracts. The grounds would be that you have knowledge of a crime, and as a good citizen you can no longer act as an accessory to the crime by keeping silent.

    You saw what happened when Bailey tried to release a book based on emails that he shouldn't have had, and couldn't use to enrich himself. If you do the right thing, then you will be free to make all of the TV appearances you want, write books, sign autographs, even think about producing the documentary that should be aired on TV, "The Truth Behind the Myth of Sarah Palin."
    Please, be good citizens, and think of serving the public good.

  33. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I guess I am getting denser and denser...I don't understand Aonymous at 9:20. A joke? Not a joke? What????

  34. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "Ivey loaded up everything the Palin's have ever given her and dumped it all on the front porch of the Palin's house. Evidently Tawd told her that she had left them twice before but this time the Palin's were leaving her."

    These people are all stuck at the mental age of 13. Pathetic.

  35. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Doubtful that Ivy will ever yield useful information. Her prolong tenure in the Palin orbit rotted her brain, her morals and her spine.

    Bristol will probably grab Ivy on the rebound. The women works for peanuts, sucks up abuse, keeps her mouth shut, worships her master/mistress. Ivy is the ultimate gofer.

    I do think Ivy was never considered a "friend" by anyone in the Palin/Heath mafia, just a useful nobody.

  36. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I bet a term of employment is a confidentiality agreement. Ivy, contact Gryphen, he'll get the truth out there!

  37. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I think SP feels she can just deny anything said about her and call the person names and discredit them, and people will believe her. Isn't it wearing a little thin?

  38. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Sarah sure does keep unattractive women (physcially) around her, doesn't she?

  39. Anonymous11:08 AM

    More Republican inappropriate gun related speech. From RawStory.

    Boehner: Public employees have ‘machine gun’ at heads of local officials

    House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) used gun imagery Sunday while discussing public workers' collective bargaining rights.

    "In some of these states you've got collective bargaining laws that are so weighted in favor of the public employees that there’s almost no bargaining," he told CBN's David Brody.

    "We've given them a machine gun and put it right at the heads of the local officials and they really have their hands tied."

  40. Anonymous11:15 AM


    Fox News has been making a lot of hay about one of their reporters allegedly being "punched" by a protester in Madison, Wisconsin.

    Turns out, that didn't happen.

    Even better: the scene was filmed by someone else other than FOX.

    And now the video of what really happened may be seen. Fox News caught again? Like that's a surprise.

  41. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "Not Afraid of Life"

    WTH does that mean?

    Good thing Bristol wasn't TOO MUCH of
    a Christian, or else she wouldn't be getting
    $$$$ for birthin' them babies.

  42. Anonymous11:38 AM

    She still has Sarahpac listed as her employer. and she's still friends with the family

  43. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Everytime I see the photo of Bristol taking a pic with her cell phone of the person photographing her- It CRACKS me up!!! So funny, because it so juvenile, and reveals her stoopid-ness. (I mean, can you see Princess Di, or even.. Megan McCain doing that?!)

  44. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Ivy is not yet 30 or just turned 30. She also just took the bar. She's fine. She's still friends with the family and palin supporters

  45. Reepicheep11:50 AM

    I would not be surprised to find Frye working for HarperCollins.
    Since it would be illegal for SarahPAC to fund Bristols book tour and the security around it, they may have arranged for Ivy to be hired as Bristol PR attache, thus saving Bristol the out-of-pocket expense and ensuring the inner-circle stays closed.

  46. As I remember Ms. Frye was Todd's personal assistant while Sarah was Gov. The back and forth of their relationship reminded me of something I had read on Shailey's blog where she spoke about her relationship with Todd and I will quote a portion:
    No I don't think he wanted more out of the relationship but I think he liked to think I was hooked on him. I think he liked to believe he was my friend and that I thought the same of him. Yes I think he wanted me to fill any emotional needs that validated him. Some "things" happened and another layer of "business" was brought into my life and as this started to happen I started to pull away and the harder I pulled the more "leverage" was used to keep me in my place. that is all I will say on this line of questions at this time.

    So could there have been leverage used on Ivy to keep her in her place on the Palin team? Because this makes sense to me....the manipulation of inner circle members. And I believe it is all Todd's doing.

  47. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Ivy never left the camp previously and she still has sarahpac and harper collins listed as employers. She's great friends with the kids and the Heaths. I highly doubt this is true

  48. laprofesora12:01 PM

    Ivy is not yet 30 or just turned 30. She also just took the bar. She's fine. She's still friends with the family and palin supporters

    11:45 AM

    Oh, okay, well if Anonymous says it, it must be true. Yeah, right.

  49. Virginia Voter12:12 PM

    11:45...Ivy is a law school grad? I didn't know that they gave out JD's (Juris Doctor) online these days.

    BTW if she's 30, she's done some hard living...the face and body are those of a 50 year old. Maybe Sarah and Bristol can refer her to their plastic surgeon.

  50. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Wait, who is Ivy Frye anyway? I seen the name before, but have no idea who she is or what she does for the Palins.

  51. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Bristol has to hurry up and get that book out...

    New DWTS cast has been announced.

    Ancient history Bristol!

    BTW I saw her mom's second book at the supermarket, it was way down in the corner and had DUST on it.

  52. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Sure are a lot of sudden anonymous posters with totally unverified denials all of the sudden.


    /waves at Sarah

  53. Anonymous12:36 PM

    To 10:31 A.M.
    all I can say is WOW!!!
    These people have "Lil Sarahs" future in their hands. They can(if wanted) destroy her. Bring her down,to the level she belongs,that being an uneducated fraud from Wasilla.

    That picture of Bristol sure is showing a PG belly and she does not seem concerned about it. Showing the height of self-rightousness,the palins own.

  54. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Sarah was known for having her own Bar stool.

  55. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Did anyone else see old chin Bristles' candies ad last night during Letterman?

    Cant seem to find the ad anywhere online

  56. Anonymous12:45 PM

    There is no law school in Alaska, so where exactly did Ivy Frye get her law degree? Last I checked, the Alaska Bar doesn't allow students to sit for their exam unless they attend an ABA accredited school and no online law schools are accredited.

    I call bullshit on anonymous unless she wants to fill us in on Ivy's academic history (since graduating from University of Idaho in 2003 according to her facebook page).

  57. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Thanks for the coordinated message bots:

    She's still friends with the family and the kids and the Heaths
    She still lists SarahPac as her employer
    She's gonna be fine

    Got it!

    Ivy must have sent all of her Facebook friends to infiltrate the comments like she used to do for idol Governor Quitter.

    Or is that you Lou Sarah back to your old tricks of sending coordinated messages out under different names? Isn't it easier when you don't have to use real names like those Newspaper editorials!

    Or is it you RAM sitting in your basement in a leather jacket, beehive hairdo and leopard print shoes pretending you're Queen Esther? Muttering "She'll never throw me under the bus" over and over

    Or are the buffoons who'll be "Parking" along highways on the 13th coordinating the message?

    Maybe the Prayer warriors - let us pray that Ivy doesn't spill all of Sarah's secrets. Amen

    Or maybe it's those who drink from the C of Pee. Maybe they've posted a 2000 word post prooving that Granny P and Ivy are still great friends and it's just those darn liberal bloggers paid by Obama trying to stir up stuff. I mean they're still Facebook friends so they MUST still be real friends.

  58. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Having stuck with this petty, vengeful, delusional woman this long, Ivy may just be one of those broken people that feels that abuse, uncertainly and chaos is a more exciting way to live than peace and harmony.

    Like a battered wife, she may feel that SP "really" loves her, but just "has bad days".

    I once spoke with a woman who had welts and bruises all over her legs and back. "It hurts when he beats me" she said, "but he is so sweet to me afterward."

  59. Isn't Ivy the one we call "The Babysitter"?
    Time for an oldie but goodie.

  60. Anonymous12:56 PM

    LOL... okay, a couple of anonymous people think this isn't true just because Ivy Frye still has SarahPAC listed as an employer on Facebook, and is still friends with some of the Heath/Palin clan on Facebook? I just find that especially hilarious for some reason. It always cracks me up when people confuse Facebook with real life.

  61. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Ivy Frye didn't exactly get rich off of SarahPAC. She was paid $7500 in 2009 and $20,000 through April in 2010. Her last check was April 2010, almost a full year ago.

    Bristol must have paid her for the chaperone and babysitting gigs during DWTS. She was earning $5000/month off of the PAC. How much do you get for carrying a purse or a baby. Somebody should ask Todd.

    Tells me there was truth in the VF article. Out of desperation, they entrusted her to tote the bags during DWTS. How many secret pregnancies could Miss Ivy be privy to??????? Just asking.

  62. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Seriously, folks, I just did a people search and it appears that Ivy Frye is 29. Holy Moses, what is she going to look like in 10 years?! Damn, girl!

  63. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Virginia Voter- could it be that she really did graduate from law school?

    She might intern with D'oh,Wewe,Cheetem and Howe.

  64. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "If this is true, it supports another assertion in FB's Book. Sarah loves to push people away and then try to bring them back in. She goes from being a bitch to being as sweet as pie when she wants something."

    Gryphen, could you please explain more about this personality type? I think I know someone like this. We all have Sarah Palins in our lives, please tell us how to get them out.

  65. @1:28 p.m. PLEASE read "The Sociopath Next Door." It will help, I promise.

  66. Jane of Palmer1:52 PM

    Ivy found out that Sarah really did fake Trigs pregnancy. She didn't know before and always believed what Sarah told her. She feels betrayed.

  67. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Jane in Palmer - Thanks for dropping that bomb! How did she find out?

  68. Jane of Palmer - I can't tell if you're kidding but I like the concept. Finding out about the Trig fraud would be unsettling for Ivy, indeed.

    She should contact Gryphen and get together for a beer or three and maybe even a chaser. I'd love to buy the two of them a round.

  69. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Former palinbots should create a 12-step program to help each other detox from the Quitter's dominion of their lives. P.A. (Palinbots Anonymous)?

  70. Anonymous2:58 PM

    anon12:56...well it's gotta be true, it's on the internets 8)

  71. Jane in Palimer - To clarify: I like the concept of people coming into truth about Sarah not the pain Ivy would feel from the betrayal.

  72. Anonymous3:07 PM

    anon12:43...$carah indeed had her own barstool at the old Hoopies bar in Wasilla, now known as the Mugshot Saloon.......i'm an old Rainbow Lake guy, that's located between Wasilla and Big Lake

  73. Anonymous3:10 PM

    about the barstool at Hoopies, i meant to address anon @12:43 instead of 12:53

  74. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I don't if what Jane of Palmer says is true.

    But think about about every insider that did not know the truth about a faked pregnancy. It would be a really bad idea to tell anyone that did not need to know. There can't be very many who have been told the truth. If they haven't been told that the pregnancy was a scam they have been lied to. After they realize this, the question they will struggle with is why. Not all of the answers will be pleasant for them.

    Excessively controlling people keep their power in part by controlling information. By doing that they can control the actions and thoughts of those close to them.

    It will suck for those who thought they were in the trusted inner circle to find they have been lied to about something like this.

    Particularly since the 'miracle birth' is one of the examples used by Sarah to show how 'deluded' those who oppose her are.

    As soon as a cult member realizes they have been lied to once, they begin to search for other lies they have been told.

  75. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Great photo, no way Bristol is ot pregnant.

    I keep telling you border states are next to Mexico where the abortions are.

    That if that belly doesn't make it to 9 months and a baby shower, then where would it have gone?

    Humming chorus of "South of the Border Down Mexico Way"

  76. 10catsinMD4:18 PM

    Anon at 3:10 - about the barstool. Was this while she was married? Where was Todd? Fishing or on the north slope?

  77. Anonymous4:50 PM

    If Bristol is still pregnant would a reputable Md. perform a face lift? Granted it is not invasive surgery, but it would require a good deal of pain relief afterwards, unless ripping the skin off destroys peripheral sensory nerves, and probably total unconsciousness during the surgery.

    There is always the potential for cardiac arrest during surgery of any kind, (it is not all that rare for people getting blood drawn to pass out, stop breathing, and sometimes go into cardiac arrest, called going vagal, or vasovagal response) and hormonal reactions to even minor levels of shock can, in rare cases, cause spontaneous abortion.

  78. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Commenter said Ivy left everything the Palin's gave her on their front porch. All she left was a T-shirt that said "I kissed Sarah Palin's ass for years and all I got was this dumb t-shirt". On the back there were tire tracks.
    10:24 AM


  79. Anonymous5:28 PM

    This is the ad that aired on CBS during letterman

  80. Anonymous5:40 PM

    anon 4:18...i guess you could call it the "todd era" but big picture it was/is wasilla, depending on the moment and where they might be, boyfriends / husbands don't matter

  81. Anonymous6:24 PM

    If Frye has proof on babygate, she can convert it into a lifetime income from Sarah Palin in bribes. No need to take any more of the stuff the Palins/Heaths shovel out. No need to write a book. No need to even work at all.

    Frye has hit the mother lode.

  82. Anonymous6:40 PM

    We are all acting like this is truth,when Gryph said it was clearly rumor. I am not going to get all worked up over this because if it ends up NOT true, we look like idiots gloating over it like it was and she uses it against us when she whines to Fox about the bloggers. And I can't stand a smug Sarah Palin. It pisses me off to no end.

  83. She likes it when they leave her circle disgruntled b/c if they ever do spill the beans, Palin just says they have an axe to gring and pay them no mind. If Ivy says anything, that's exactly what she'll do- discredit her- as she did FB.

  84. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Check KTUU's Iron Dog finish coverage, videos are online. You can see Ivy with Sarah, Willow and Bristol in Fairbanks on Saturday.

  85. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Cheeeez, if Ivy Frye is 30, then I'm 50, and I haven't been that for 20 yrs.

    I hope the Grifters and all those associated with them go straight to hell.

  86. Anon 8:44 - I checked KTUU coverage. Sarah and Piper were at the Fairbanks finish. No Ivy. No Willow. No Bristol. Sarah's boobs weren't there either.

    Also, there isn't anything that shows Sarah was in Nome.

    If you saw something different, please link to a photo or capture a screen shot.

  87. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Notice how Sarah's & Bristol's toadies
    are always chunky frumps, unkempt hair, sloppily dressed to guarantee
    S & B "look good," because whatever toad their with looks 10x's worse.

    Sharon TN

  88. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Curiouser, check this from Nome:


    Willow, Bristol and Ivy were all at the finish along with assorted other family and friends.

  89. Is this not becoming prurient?

    I am not a troll, frog, lizard, grouper!

    Can't we wait, again, for some real scoop?



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.