Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jon Stewart points out the ridiculous, and comical attempts by the GOP 2012 Presidential nominees to attract support from their base.

Part One

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2012 - Base Race - Bachmann, Cain & Gingrich
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Part Two

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2012 - Base Race - Santorum, Barbour & Trump
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Apparently the folks at the Daily Show did not hear about the very last, and VERY comical stupidity that followed the Donald's attempt to show how simple it was to produce his birth certificate.  Too bad because I can only imagine how much fun they would have had with that!


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    The Chump was just on MSNBC morning show after Joe, and they just let him have it. It was brilliant and he just kept talking and making his case look even worse. What an idiot. Me thinks some one forgot to give The Donald his meds this week. He and scara should hook up and do a comedy tour.

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    BTW I called his blog number and his offices to give them a piece of my mind. Based on how I was treated, the phone lines must be swamped, poor peeons having to deal with their boss's delusions. I bet his own mommy wants to wash his mouth out with soap. His poor kids.

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Gryphen -- you're getting wider distribution!

  4. wakeUpAmerica6:36 AM

    The birthers are idiots for two reasons (but you knew that). First, even if President Obama were born in Kenya, he would still be American. It's a non-issue. Second, if he were born in Kenya there would have to be a record of his mother leaving America before his birth and returning with a baby. You can't go through customs without it being recorded. The birther idiots are clinging desperately to a life-raft made of concrete.

  5. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Someone needs to create a chart that lists all the ways both parties have been running for president/reelection for the past 2 years.

    Because everything Obama and the GOP has done is only for 2012. No one cares about the country

  6. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Sarah was noticeably absent from this piece. Interesting.

  7. Anonymous6:56 AM

    $arah Paylin™, the relentless pursuit of the lowest common denominator

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Lawrence O'Donnell is on fire!

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Michele Bachmann, Tea Party ‘Sometimes Inhabit Cloud Cuckoo Land’

  10. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Trump needs to be FIRED!

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    O/T- It just occurred to me again, when thinking of SP this morning. Wasn't it an absolute juvenile reaction, when SP and Tawd had Gryphen escorted out of Costco when he was at her book signing?

  12. AntiBirther8:14 AM

    Not to worry Gryph. The Donald has given the Daily Show weeks worth of comic material. One day at a time.

    In the meantime, just wanted to share with you the best anti-birther site on the net: I have NO ownership interest in it, there is no advertising. One does need to register to post there (it's free)but you can read a lot of stuff without registering. I am not here to pimp that site, but many of the members are real lawyers, and there is a plethora of good information, analysis, and hilarity, all at the birther's expense, of course. :)

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Any news on the ratings of Celebrity Apprentice?

  14. Trump is only doing this for publicity just as he's done in past presidential campaigns and the stupid birthers are eating it up.

    They are claiming this was all a clever trick by Trump to show how easy it would have been for the President to release his long form bc, whatever the hell that is. Apparently they think it's the hospital keepsake Trump released first.

    The bottom line is nothing will ever convince them Obama was born in Hawaii. Even if a "long form bc" for him exists and he released it, that would not do it.

    By the way, anyone that believes that any person can get to the presidency of the USA without having been vetted by numerous agencies and groups is a complete and utter moron.

  15. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Log onto Dependable Renegade. They have a package of instant soup called "Soup for Sluts" One of the comments was "Oh, CALISTA, lunch is almost ready"!! Calista is Gingrich's latest wife, the one he was committing adultery with while screaming for Clinton's impeachment.

  16. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Because GOD KNOWS if I was trying to inject socialism into the US system, my plan would start with giving birth to a BLACK baby 40+ years ago and planning on him becoming the FIRST non-white president! It's such an EASY plan to execute!

  17. likala said

    By the way, anyone that believes that any person can get to the presidency of the USA without having been vetted by numerous agencies and groups is a complete and utter moron.


    if anyone truly believes that a someone can make it to the presidency of the US without the intense vetting I mentioned above, and it's not simply a case of racism, then they have every right to be afraid...very afraid all the time. I know I would be if I believed such a thing.

  18. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Among Obama's great assets is his ability to let his opponents self-destruct without even lifting a finger.

    Let them keep going! The far right has devolved into such thick hatred and their fellow pols feel they have no choice but to pander to them. They're just digging their own grave for 2012. If they want to trade the middle vote for the hate wing, let 'em have it! Trump is just looking for attention anyway, and very few reasonable people would vote for Slimeball Newt.

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Hmmm, why isn't Sarah chiming in on the non-issue?

  20. Someone needs to create a chart that lists all the ways both parties have been running for president/reelection for the past 2 years.

    Because everything Obama and the GOP has done is only for 2012. No one cares about the country

    Total bullshit as far as Obama is concerned.

    He's been kind of busy, you know, getting things done like cleaning up the steaming pile he inherited from Bush and the GOP.

    Here's your chart

    What The Fuck Has Obama Done

    and just for good measure, here's another one

    Obama Achievements

    Does that look like all he's been doing is running for re-election?


  21. Gryphen:

    last night on Daily Show:Palin's Squirmish



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