Friday, March 25, 2011

Keith Olbermann's first "Worst Person" video since leaving MSNBC.

This comes to us courtesy of Olbermann's new Fok News Channel.

Ahhh! That's the stuff.

Man  have I missed those.


  1. I've been keeping up with his blog site, but when I saw yesterday that he is now posting videos, I was thrilled. My evenings just aren't the same anymore without Keith. Waiting not so patiently for May.

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    That was so cathartic (and fun).

    What I miss about seeing Keith every weeknight is that sense of shared outraged, and the humor or context he helped me see. That outrage is rooted in a deep and abiding sense of compassion and a sense that there there is no need to inflict more cruelty upon one another.

    Keith is more than a commentator. He is someone who is able to remind us all that we need to stop and consider our views and actions in the context of how those views and actions affect the lives of those around us.

    When someone intentionally or in a fit of unawareness says or does something that is cruel or stupid, we can count of Keith Olbermann call them out. By doing so, he helps each of us review what we believe and how we should live our own lives.

    I am so glad he is coming back.

    Sarah, baby, this is what you have been preaching, you know. Keith didn't retreat and hide in obscurity licking his wounds with his big payout from MSNBC. He simply spent his time reloading.

    Be careful what you wish for, Sarah, because I believe Keith is coming back fresher and stronger and ready to take your kind on when necessary. You are no match for his compassion or his intellect, Sarah. No match at all.

    (Besides, Granny Grizzly, Michelle Bachmann is already taking over your shtick and doing it more effectively if her fundraising record is any gauge. Bye-bye, Granny, goodbye.)

  3. I couldn't hear the audio but that's so funny - he's obviously filming it from his apartment! The view of the city is from an area that is only residential.

  4. Anonymous5:05 AM

    More good stuff:

    From Garry South, 03.23.2011
    Principal, The Garry South Group:

    "Numbers don't lie -- the average American voter has concluded that you could walk through Palin's deepest thoughts and not get your feet wet, that she is basically the Paris Hilton of would-be presidential candidates."


  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I miss the man.

  6. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I see more reason why Palin associates herself with AK and AZ. Between Cox, Miller, et al in AK and Apraio, Brewer et al in AZ - other than the weather, she sees no difference.

    AZ appears to be taking the lead with the Arpaio/Segal tank ride and have upped their ante for a firm hold on 1st Place.

    Glenn Spencer, Nativist Anti-Semite, To Lecture Arizona Senate Committee.

    Here is the link from Phoenix News Times - it's unreal

    With Arpaio and the AZ Senate Committee & Spencer - Keith is going to have to expand his Worst List as 3 is no longer enough!!

  7. wakeUpAmerica6:08 AM

    I've missed them too. What a stupid move on the part of the new owners of MSNBC.

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    So if Olbermann says it's Beck, it's time to take another look at what Father Gino Sarducci tells Colbert about Beck. --Amy1

  9. Anonymous6:29 AM

    IMO Olbermann was fired for LOL at Bristol's multiple pregnancies when she preaches abstinence.

    Nobody is supposed to notice that she was pregnant in 2007, possibly pregnant in 2008 and pregnant again on DWTS.

  10. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Without watching the video, my first impression from the still image is a guy dressed up in a suit, sitting in a hotel room on a high floor, reliving his glory days. And I've been a fan of Keith's for many years. Toward the end of his show, he was getting a bit over-emotional (in my opinion). And I'm finding Lawrence O'Donnell's cool, measured delivery is every bit as satisfying. But that's just me.

  11. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Has anybody done comparisons on Palins face? It sure looks like she has had some work done recently. Looks like chin implant.

  12. Upstate New York7:38 AM

    Kitty Share - not sure where the hilarity is in filming from one's own residence. This looks professional to me. Here's the bias test: Do you find it equally funny, less funny, or more so to see Sarah transmitting from her home while seated in front of her faux outdoor scene and looking like she hasn't washed her hair?

  13. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I could hear him just fine, but the picture is what I couldn't get. There was a bare hint of him in the black video, but that's all.

  14. Anonymous8:11 AM

    so what is happening late spring? Little late to the party here and I want to know what's goin on!

  15. honeybabe9:33 AM

    bless keith for all his good work.

  16. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Welcome back Keith!

    Looking good and I can't hardly wait for your needed return.


  17. I guess "Worst Person" segments are what the left was aiming for when they said they wanted a "new tone" and "civility."


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