Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mike Huckabee talking about America's recent rise in approval ratings around the world: " “I’d rather us be feared than liked.”

In this clip Huckabee goes on to say, “I don’t want everybody to love us and like us if they’re still going to pick on us and kick sand in our eyes.”   Which essentially is the problem with the Republicans. (Huckabee gets another chance to address his statement at the 4:30 mark but sticks by his statement and tries his hand at a little GOP style humor as well.)

The Republican party seems to be filled with those kids who got picked on during gym class,  who then grew up with giant chips on their shoulders and the desire to use the American military to deliver a little payback on their behalf.  Isn't that why insecure mama's boy George W. Bush went around picking fights and having the most powerful military in the world fight them for him?  Wasn't he really only trying to prove that he was a bad ass, in the hopes of getting his mother to love him more than his wimpy father? (If he had seen a psychiatrist for his Oedipal complex just think of how many lives might have been saved.)

And isn't that same Republican exhibitionist desire to display the American military cojones to the rest of the world behind the tough talk that comes from John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Sean Hannity, and Sarah Palin?

After all only women and pansy ass Democrats, want to talk through a problem or use diplomacy.  The REAL men and Republican women want to beat the shit out of you and THEN ask you, "Have you had enough, or would like to 'talk' some more?"

Don't forget that Huckabee is supposed to be a MINISTER!  Can you imagine going to THIS "Man of God" for counseling about your domestic problems at home? ("Well clearly Bill, you are not smacking the bitch hard enough! Perhaps if you close your fist next time it will earn you a little more respect!")

And speaking of things that separate the progressives from the conservatives, did you all get a load of what passes for humor with these idiots?  I swear I have heard funnier jokes coming from mentally handicapped five year olds. (And yes, before you ask,  I have worked with mentally handicapped five year olds.)

You know I am beginning to think that the difference between myself and the Republicans not just ideological.  I think it might be biological.

(You can read more over at Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I don't care for Huck...he does short minute things on a radio station I sometimes am tuned into and I've noted he stretches the truth quite often - he who says he is a 'christian' and on top of that, a 'minister'.

    He is another Republican that will not be able to stand up against President Obama when election time comes...should he run.

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Hey "Huck," you country's more LAUGHABLE than anything else.

    How do you like them apples?

  3. Anonymous5:23 PM

    If Huckabee were paying attention, he'd recognize that USA is neither liked nor feared. We lost our superpowers when we threw ourselves head long into the Middle East without an exit strategy. In terms of real security, the terrorist threat is so diffuse, there's no where to drop "the bomb" as they are likely to want. This is just red meat talk. These guys (and women) are sad choices.

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I bet Huck has a really, really, really small weenie.

  5. Olivia5:25 PM

    People generally don't want to kill people that they like. Often they do want to kill people they fear.

  6. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Mike Huckabully. What jerk.

  7. Anonymous5:31 PM

    it's a pity he says things like this because is quite possibly the only honest politician out there today

  8. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Didnt know where to post this, but you need to watch the Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump. In it, the two female comediennes make Sarah Palin jokes.



  9. Anonymous5:55 PM

    “I don’t want everybody to love us and like us if they’re still going to pick on us and kick sand in our eyes.”

    This to me is the most fascinating quote. It's amazing to me how conservatives manage to be in positions of power and victims at the same time. Most of these people, including Palin, are dealing with some unresolved daddy issues and could use some therapy instead of trying to dominate minorities, animals, women, the poor, and the rest of the world to feel better about themselves.

  10. angela6:03 PM

    Huckabee is now officially rancid. I never liked him but I did hold out that he wasn't as uncouth as the rest of the GOP panderers. But with the Obama raised in Kenya shit and now this. He's playing a birther and a fucking warmonger like the rest of them. Except he isn't. He's saying it 'cause he knows what the wingnut creeps want to hear. I do believe he and his fellow belly sliders have overplayed their hands and showed their asses too much.

    He's turning out to be the worst one and that's saying something. Christian my ass. These people would whore their own mothers to get face time on television and talk shit—shining for a candidacy.

  11. honeybabe6:09 PM

    olivia 5:25 p.m., i agree. it seems that the repubs deal in fear, anger and a dash of hate. not a recipe for working well with other countries. unhappily they like to deal with our citizens the same way!

  12. What in the hell is wrong with the host of this show?

    I've never heard of it... Is it some unholy concoction of the Daily Show, Chelsea Lately, Bill Maher, and the View thought up by the class acts at Fox?


  13. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Yes, the conservative leadership would rather send troops to conflicts around the world to settle zoning issues rather than utilize diplomacy - that's what happens when you have Joe the Plumbers, Joe Miller and Sarah Palin join their elite counterparts Bachmann, Huckabee, Rove and Cheney. They feed on shed blood and call it Patriotism.

  14. Anonymous6:26 PM

    George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Mike Huckabee, all stellar soliders that put their lives on the line in defense of our country. . .oh right. . .

  15. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Huck's starting to put the weight back on again. Bwahahahaha. I can hardly wait until he tips the scales at about 300 again. Huck is a mean spirited slippery bastard.

  16. Gryphen,

    The only point of contention I have with this article is the reference to George H. W. Bush as "wimpy."

    I grew to dislike the man when he was in office and I detested his politics.

    That being said, Bush senior was not the draft dodging chicken hawk that his son turned out to be.

    The youngest aviator in World War II at the time he received his wings, he flew 58 combat missions and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals.

    He is one of the few Republicans now living with a record having defended his country, and as they say "walked the walk."

    As a fellow veteran, (two tours in Vietnam) I must give credit and respect when it is due.

  17. angela7:07 PM

    Anon 5:31
    Are you kidding. Huckabee---honest?
    That boat sailed a long time ago and it's a possibility it will never be seen again on shore.

  18. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Except that getting those ungodly Muslins to fear us- with the exception of that sand-kicker, Bin Laden, who's not particularly scared- has put us in the poor house.

    But that's ok, we can stick the poor and the middle class with the bills for God's wars- millionaire Republicans like Huckadoodle get tax cuts!

  19. Anonymous7:35 PM

    He's an idiot just like Palin.

  20. Anonymous7:44 PM

    The Huckster is smarmy and slippery with his soft drawl and coaxing, cajoling ways, but don't kid yourself, he'd just as soon stab you in the back with a big grin on his face. He's the worst kind of worse, the smooth talking, southern 'gentleman' who has bodies buried in his back yard.

  21. Anonymous7:46 PM

    It's most likely anthropological, Gryphen with the Neanderthals that are called the GOP of today.

  22. Chenagrrl7:47 PM

    Was just reading about Dwight Eisenhower. I can't help but think he'd be mortified at his party's 'tude. I think you explained it pretty well.

  23. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I think it's pretty telling that in France, the Libya exercise has a 60 percent approval rating, while here people are skeptical and most people are unhappy about it. Meanwhile, in 2003, 90 percent of Americans were in favor of the Iraqi invasion.

    The difference is obviously not based on logic, or law, since this isn't OUR action, but a UN/NATO thing, and the Iraq invasion was, most likely, illegal. It's based on the media. The media were sooo excited for the US to invade Iraq. They relished it, you could tell. Now, because the whole exercise has proved to be such a suckfest, the media are skeptical and not doing a very good job and presenting what the president said about it. He said like nine times what the intentions were yet....because the GOP controls the media and their current talking points are: He hasn't been clear, the meme is that Obama hasn't been clear. It's so fucking upsetting. Also it's rather annoying that NONE of reporting includes the basic fact that Qaddafi had called a ceasefire...and then started shooting people. That's...pretty...basic of a no no.

    Pardon my French.

    Ha ha ha.

  24. If this were a true Christian nation, as Huck claims, we would be universally loved. Dear Mr. Huckabee, Christians are supposed to love our neighbors and our enemies and do good unto them. We are supposed to care for all of those in need. If we did even half of what we are supposed to, we wouldn't be feared, we would be loved. So, by my impeachable logic, we are NOT a Christian nation, and you, sir, are not a Christian.

  25. Anonymous8:44 PM

    anon @5:55-
    I totally agree, but think it's more about having been bullied or not fitting in with peers. The "picking on us" and "kicking sand in our eyes" is classic.

  26. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I become more and more convinced that the GOP and the conservative wing of that party are bullies. The men and the women. And victims, the men and the women. And whiners, the men and the women. And blowhards, the men and the women. And red meat bomb throwers, the men and the women. It seems the more outrageous and over the top they are, the more they get their 'base' to salivate like Pavlov's dogs. It is so predictable, and yet they just keep doing it and the idiots keep voting against their interests. I'm not saying that there aren't some members of the Democratic party that engage in some of these antics, but by and large it's the GOP and right wing tv and radio.

    This kind of thinking, and behavior is so foreign to me that I just have to shake my head and be grateful that there are enough people left in this country that are not ideological idiots and that they voted in an intelligent, well traveled, well educated, bright, honorable president and an impressive First Family who will occupy the White House for many years to come. And thank the American people and God for that!

  27. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Please tell us about the diplomacy used in Libya.

  28. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I was thinking about that beotch Sarah Palin. She talks a lot of shit about stupid shit and complains about stupid shit, but has anybody heard Sarah say anything about Shailey Trip? Shailey has told the world that on a good day, Todd Palin may reach 4 inches and yet Sarah and Todd does not say anything about that. Shailey has put Tawd emails to Shailey on EBay and still no response from the Palins.

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to believe something did happen between Tawd and Shailey.

    So Sarah, do you think Shailey was Tawd’s first extramarital affair? If you do I got a Bridge To No Where to sell ya.

  29. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Didnt know where to post this, but you need to watch the Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump. In it, the two female comediennes make Sarah Palin jokes.



    5:35 PM

    SCREW Donald Chump! He is trying to start crap about President Obama's birth certificate.

  30. Anonymous8:55 PM

    How ironic it is that these "tough guy" schmucks swagger and proclaim how they don't take sheet from nobody. Then, they fall on their knees in front of a crappy little outlaw state of murderous sociopaths in the Middle East and eagerly deep throat its weenie while throwing our money at it. Repugs and Dems alike--including the current President.

    How refreshing it would be to hear him say that the "innocent civilians" in Palestine have to be protected from sadistic, kleptomanic interlopers. Fat chance.

  31. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Huc, the Minister Thug!!

    My Canadian friends joke saying they want a zipper for a border so they can separate from the U.S. for two reasons - Safety and to keep the Rethugs from crossing the border. Guess it could be compared to what the Rethugs want for the southern border of Mexico and U.S. Give the Rethugs a taste of their own medicine!!!

  32. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Huckabee - Honest - Are you kidding me.

    This is about the Presidential election 2012 not 2008. Huckster has done the same as McCain - flipped out to where he is not recognizable. He's a Bagger Thug now.

  33. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I think he is another one of those Republican 'assholes' - who cannot be believed. He strikes me as as insincere and assuredly does not appear to be a christian in the manner in which they profess to be. Either in thought, word or deed AND he is a supposed minister! Give me a break! Keep him away from our government as his religious ways don't mix with it.

  34. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Check this out.

    "I first heard about Palin in 2006 during her run for governor. I confess to being a fan of Tony Knowles, on a personal level, so I was pulling for his victory. And I also liked the moderate candidate Andrew Halcro. I also knew people in the Mat-Su who knew Palin during her term as Mayor in Wasilla, so I didn't buy any of the hype of her being a "fresh face." When she was named McCain's running mate in August of 2008, I made a single call to Irl Stambaugh--who was a friend of a friend--and whom Palin had fired as Police Chief when she became Mayor of Wasilla. I did an interview with him then and he told me her governance was based on "fear and retribution." I did that interview the day she was nominated and posted a day later. It took me a single phone call to vet her more thoroughly than the McCain campaign ever did before selecting her."

  35. Anonymous4:21 AM

    You know what, Canada is liked more than feared and let me tell you, I would rather be a Canadian travelling abroad than an American. As a matter of fact, during the Bush 'reign', American tourists were wearing Canadian flag pins in an effort to be more welcomed.

    President Obama's efforts to tame the image of the U.S. is to be commended, not criticized.

  36. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Excellent synopsis of the Rise and Fall of Sarah Palin by Joe McGinnis:

    Let me note that Palin HAD a decent shot of winning the GOP nomination, but she blew it. She was gifted with the instant celebrity that went with her selection by McCain--and celebrity now plays a role in the election of a president--and she had a solid brand that stood squarely in opposition to Obama. She is the anti-Obama, if you will. But she has blown it both tactically and strategically over the past two years. She can't put an organization together. She is absolutely dysfunctional. And she is a pathological liar, so she can't keep her story straight. Palin had it all handed to her--and her various pathologies have brought her down. It would be a Greek tragedy if she weren't such a farce and a lightweight. Her fall is a Shakespearean comedy. And she has fallen.

    One of thing my book does is re-examine as "text" some of her more infamous verbal moments -- the Katie Couric interviews; her gaffe believing that the Canadian radio comedian was actually French President Nicolas Sarkozy. It was funny when it happened, but if you go back and read the text of that interview, follow it closely as it were, you see what an absolute imbecile she is, how ridiculous and fatuous she is to the point of being moronic. Ditto for her Katie Couric interviews. Ditto for her first Farewell Address when she resigned as governor. I view her as an embarrassment to the grand traditions of American democracy.

    Read more:

  37. nancy5:36 AM

    What the hell is wrong with these people? Seriously?
    "I'd rather us be feared than liked" is a dog whistle to his base (ie: home schooled teabaggers) which he already has on his side in the first place.

    Everyone else (democrats, independents, moderates and anyone else with half a brain) realizes who is pandering to and is even more horrified with the thought of him in a position of power before this latest gaffe-tastic rant.

    Give it up Huck, you're about as electable as President as The Queen of the Grifters. In other words, not in this lifetime. Or the next one.

  38. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I think there is good evidence for a biological/brain chemistry difference in the right vs the left, but it is externally reinforced and becomes a psychological difference, too, when authoritarian Christianity gets involved. These folks have a view of how the world works relative to God that is nearly identical to fundamentalist Muslims and they are just as scary.

    It is also sort of a perpetual immaturity, like little boys playing 'man of the house' or something. They seem not to get that there is a difference between acting tough and actually being tough--which requires sacrifice and the willingness and ability to make difficult decisions. It's all playing at war, playing Mr. Businessman, playing elected official, without the hard work and 'toughness' required to actually succeed at any of those roles.

  39. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Well, his view is why we are constantly at war and the world is more dangerous than ever. Fear is a very strong motivator to do harm. Maybe if more people liked us than feared us, the terrorists would have a harder time recruiting new terrorists.

  40. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Thanks, Huck. You're gonna make a heck of a president. Can't wait to see the results of your "fear-based" tactics. Because really, people who like you are far more prone to become your enemy than people who fear you.

    You fucking idiot.

  41. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Ok, Huck...I don't like you. I fear what kind of president you would be. So take a wild guess: do you think I'm more likely to vote for you, or more likely to work tirelessly for your opponent?

  42. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Huckabee is confusing "fear" for "respect." I want other countries to truly respect us again. Hell, I want to respect us again. But we have some work cut out for that to happen. For one thing, we've got to start being truthful with ourselves. And that's a challenge because the conservatives in this country specialize in dishonesty. As usual, they're holding back our ability to move forward.

  43. emrysa8:12 AM

    “I don’t want everybody to love us and like us if they’re still going to pick on us and kick sand in our eyes.”

    so huck is stating that those who are loved and liked will get picked on and sand thrown in their eyes. man that's a nice worldview.

    I agree with 5:55, but to take it a little further, I think it really comes down to authoritarianism. I think most of these right-wingers were brought up in authoritarian households where they were taught to fear authority (daddy and to a lesser extent mommy). just like fearing god - well what a coincidence!

    these people were manipulated as children to adhere to the authoritarian structure/pecking order.

    the idea that the us should be the authority in the world (and therefore feared) comes from how they were raised. subconsciously they remember how they reacted to authority when they were children; they were scared of authority and therefore wouldn't do anything to piss off authority. because of that fear they would actively seek approval from authority. they are equating their childhood reaction to authority to how adults in the world react to authority. and it's just not based in reality.

    unlike 5:55, though, I'm not so sure therapy would work. the pathways in their brains have been etched and reinforced on a daily basis and are most likely permanent for most of them at this point.


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