Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Palin-bot throws tantrum that his idol did not make Newsweek's "150 Women Who Shake the World" list.

From something called Opposing Views:

The current issue of Newsweek is dedicated to "150 Women Who Shake the World.' The usual suspects are on the list -- Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, German Prime Minister Angela Merkel. Then there are several entertainers noted for their charity works -- Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Shakira, Meryl Streep.

There is one name noticeably absent -- Sarah Palin.

Agree or disagree with Palin's views, she is certainly a force in our national dialogue. The mere title of the piece warrants Palin's inclusion on the list. She can't open her mouth without the entire world "shaking." Everything she says or does is closely watched and reported by the media ad nauseam. If she is not earth-shaking, who is?

Okay here's the thing, up until this point Mark Berman and I are on the the same page.

I ABSOLUTELY believe that Sarah Palin should be on this list.

Of course I disagree with her, and obviously don't care for her very much, but I have to admit that she has an impact on politics and current events that really cannot be ignored.  While I agree that her influence is rapidly fading, it is clearly still powerful enough to have warranted inclusion on this list.

But then Berman did the unthinkable. He decided to attack those who WERE included instead of his beloved Sarah Palin. And since he was a Palin-bot he made the attack as ugly as possible.

Gabrielle Giffords? Her story is tragic and everyone wishes her a fully and speedy recovery, but with all due respect and not to be insensitive, she was just an anonymous Congresswoman before being shot. What did she really do to shake the world? The same could be said for CBS News reporter Lara Logan, who likely would not have made the list had she not been beaten in Egypt. (And raped.  Don't forget that this brave journalist was brutally raped and sexually assaulted by her attackers as well. Or were you afraid that letting your readers know that might make you look like an even bigger piece of shit?)


Now for most thinking people nobody has to defend either Gabrielle Giffords or Lara Logan, but I am going to just in case there are some who actually believe that this idiot has a point.

Gabrielle Giffords was in her third term as a Democratic Congresswoman in the reddest of states, stood up to both Sarah Palin and a Teabagging opponent chosen specifically to defeat her. She was also gaining national attention as a possible candidate for an Arizona Senate seat even before the shooting.  While it is true that the attempted assassination made her name a household word, she was already "shaking" her part of the world even BEFORE Jared Loughner put a bullet in her head.

As for Lara Logan...Jesus, I cannot believe I even have to write this.

Lara Logan is a well respected journalist who has been embedded with the troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan virtually since the two wars first began.  She has reported on some of the harshest fighting in those war zones, and taken some of the most dangerous risks imaginable to bring the news of what it is like to be a soldier in those extreme environments to the people back home.

She also received quite a lot of attention when she criticized Michael Hastings Rolling Stone article because she felt it would keep commanders from providing access to reporters in the future.

I did not always agree with Logan's take on the two wars, but I certainly believe she earned her place on the Newsweek list of "150 Women Who Shake the World."

And you know THIS is exactly how you differentiate between somebody who is a regular commentator making a salient point about how Sarah Palin might have been treated unfairly, and a flying monkey.

The flying monkey seems to channel the darkness and venom that broils inside of the Grizzled Mama and to use it to attack and demonize her critics or those seen as possible competition.  A true Palin-bot cannot simply say "This is unfair!" They have to say "This is unfair, and THAT person does not deserve what my Queen cannot have!"

It is almost as if Sarah is some kind of Palin-poltergeist who invades the psyche's of her supporters and uses them as a vessel to launch an attack on those who dare to take what is hers, or who reveal something painfully true and purposefully hidden that she does not want others to see.

In fact sometimes her sycophants sound so eerily like her (Or her emotional doppelganger RAM) that if you close your eyes you simply cannot tell the difference.

Politically Palin is finished in my opinion, but her poison is still working its way through the veins of our national discourse, damaging the process and scarring innocent bystanders as it goes, and the sooner we figuratively cut off the serpents head the better for all of us.


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Brace Yourselves, Arizona. Here Comes Sarah!

    ...And how do I feel about losing Sarah? About perhaps bidding farewell to the subject of hundreds of posts, and great fodder for this blog?

    I feel like eating cake. Or perhaps throwing confetti. Oh, I know… she’ll probably keep the place on Lake Lucille, and the snowmachining cabin on Safari Lake. I don’t delude myself that she’ll be gone for good, but even the thought of her being a ‘snowbird’ who comes for the summer and then hightails it out to warmer climes as soon as the first flakes begin to fall makes me smile a little – like when you’ve been listening to a test of the Emergency Broadcast System, and then it stops.

    Before you say anything Arizona… I do feel your pain. I get it. You’ve got your share of wingnuts and you’re not looking forward to any more. But I submit to you that my state still houses Joe Miller, Don Young, Sean Parnell, Dan Sullivan, and a host of other lesser demons. It’s not like we don’t have enough to go around. The 49th state has carried the water for a long time now. And by “the water” I mean the agonizing burden and humiliation of claiming the most vapid and divisive figure in modern politics.

    I’m sure she’ll tire of you eventually. When it gets over 75 degrees Alaskans start to get really uncomfortable and sweaty. And we don’t have to contend with things like scorpions, or snakes, or fleas, or ticks, or poisonous lizards or whatever you guys have down there. Here, if it’s going to kill you you’ll see it coming, and chances are it weighs several hundred pounds more than you do.

    Rumors are also swirling that she’ll be using Arizona for the purposes of launching her upcoming presidential bid from Scottsdale. Oh, joy.

    All we ask is that when you’re ready to hand her off, please do NOT return to sender. Alaskans encourage you to pay it forward. I’m thinking Oklahoma, or Utah… Maybe Alabama or Arkansas. You decide.


  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Honestly, Sarah Palin was just a paid corporate shill--like an advertisement. Her contract is over. The media is acknowledging it. She was last year's Koch midterm advert. She is not going to run. Some celebs wear & hawk brands as part of their deals; $P hawked "Teabaggerism" for the Kochs, so people like Walker could get into office. That's it. Her contract is up, and I guess it worked. Shame on us for letting a corporate shill ruin our country.

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    From a comment to the article:

    Why should Palin be on the list? As I understand the Newsweek article that was referenced it is about things that women are doing to "shake the world". Not necessarily important women but women doing important things.

    Giffords was shot. the reason why she "shakes the world" is that the Tucson shooting will have a impact on the gun control debates.

    Amy Chua wrote a book sparking huge debate over parenting methods.

    All the people on the list are doing things (charity, policy, etc) or sparking debates.

    What exactly is Sarah Palin DOING at the moment? A few speeches here and there and a reality show....that's it. So should Sarah Palin be on the list? No.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Newsweek rocks!

    Newsweek made the most absolute correct decision in leaving that nitwit off the list. Just because the media hangs on Sarah's every work - does not make her relevant! (At least no more relevant than Fox News often made up stories.) She is a woman who was govenor and QUIT to make money. I think that she is a horrible role model for young women - and only succeeds in shaking her boobs - not the world. The media created her - now the media needs to reign her in - and ignoring her is the best policy.


  5. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Palin shouldn't be on this list - she has done nothing of importance and does not deserve to be recognized for anything. She belongs in the same category as Snooki - and has no more influence on world events than does Snooki.

    It is so funny to watch Palin supporters heads explode every time you mock their golden girl. I would challenge any Palin supporter to come up with one relevant piece of legislation that she passed when she was HALF TERM govenor of Alaska....


  6. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Newsweek was Exactly Right!!

    Leaving Palin off the list was exactly the correct decision. The only reason Palin is still in the news is because the media keeps her name in the news. She doesn't perform any service except to be a mouth piece for negative debate and she usually doesn't do that very well. She's an undereducated, opportunistic, selfcentered person who has wasted every opportunity to do good works. The best thing that can be done for everyone is for the media to do exactly what Newsweek has done and ignore her, maybe then she will quietly slip away. She has a family that is in much need of raising, that's where she should put her energy .


  7. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Can you be an anonymous congresswoman? Last time I checked nobody who ran for office anonymously was ever elected.

  8. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I'm glad Palin didn't make the Newsweek list. That indicates that the press has begun to quit pushing her. The BS, lies and hype put out by the McCain camp started all of this. It's been carried on ad nauseum for 2 1/2 years because of the press.

    So SP is a household word...so what? The Loughner freak is a household word now too as are some other names such as Bernie Madoff, Charles Manson. Doesn't mean that any of those three belong on a list that is talking about positive influences on the national or world scene. Palin belongs in the negative category as do the three above.

    If they do a list of destructive, uninformed, dishonest or mentally unbalanced people who have created chaos, then I'll be the first to scream Palin should be on the list. And she's also, too, a "flipping" bore.


  9. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The sycophants who write their idiotic rants and her fans who comment on stories such as the one Politico posted about Paylin being the Al Sharpton on the right, illustrate exactly what the Politico article has asserted, that Palin practices a Victimology that will do more to harm her than help.

  10. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Meghan McCain: Sarah Palin Not As Qualified For President As Mitt Romney

    "I think there are more qualified candidates," McCain said, according to the Marietta Daily Journal. "I just don't agree with the moves she's made since the election. If I was advising her I would have told her to go away, stay silent, read up on everything, then really start campaigning hard. The reality shows, it's just not what I believe in for the White House."


  11. Gasman9:17 AM

    Why the hell would this odious little turd go after Giffords and Logan because they are on the Newsweek list and Palin is not? THEY didn't put themselves on the list nor did they lobby for their inclusion. Attacking them is beyond ridiculous. That is akin to attacking the stars in a constellation because they have the audacity not to assume the shape of Sarah Palin's face. "Stupid" doesn't even begin to cover this one.

    Palin attracts morons the way shit attracts flies.

  12. Chenagrrl9:19 AM

    Could be a definition of cancer, too.

    "It is almost as if Sarah is some kind of Palin-poltergeist who invades the psyche's of her supporters and uses them as a vessel to launch an attack on those who dare to take what is hers, or who reveal something painfully true and purposefully hidden that she does not want others to see."

  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Sharon1943 +1. Well said.

  14. Anonymous9:31 AM

    So. This could be a hilarious mess, with reviled outsiders like Palin, Huckabee and Paul running roughshod over the party insiders all the way from the beginning of the year through the August convention ... or Mitt Romney could get this it all sewed up by Memorial Day.


  15. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I do not think Sarah should have been on this list. If she was on this list, it would be like the media giving her one more free pass.

    Since the failed 2008 campaign of McCain/Palin, Sarah has done nothing to make this world a better place. Her divisiveness and hatred spewed are not solutions to problems facing us today. Her infantile and bully tactics are a disgrace to all women.

    It is past time that the media look at her for what she really is and say "thanks, but no thanks".

    As I look at some of the women chosen, I see they are making a difference, not seeking recognition. Sarah Palin has never done anything except stick her hand out for $$$$'s.

  16. Anonymous9:37 AM

    he Quitter gets absolutely savaged by Republican insiders in the GOP/Village Daily today.

    The Republican Establishment Declares War on Sarah Palin

    ...Oh, it’s on.

    How long before The Quitter runs on a conservative/Teabagger ticket — just to screw the party?


  17. Yet, if you tell them that they worship her, they'd adamantly deny it.


  18. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Jesus H., there’s just no pleasing this woman, is there? How is it that you can have a knock-out like Julianne portraying you in a movie and still manage to be a snobby bitch? Just be thankful they didn’t go with the original plan of digging up Bea Arthur, slapping a pair of glasses on her and pupeteering her Weekend at Bernie’s style.


  19. Anonymous9:40 AM

    @9:12 Sharon1943

    "flipping"--you have to drop the "g". It's "flippin"--also,too.

  20. Anonymous9:40 AM

    The Fall of Sarah Palin

    I think we can safely declare the era of the potential Sarah Palin presidency officially over. Not that she'll disappear, but she has become a factional leader within the Republican Party, nothing more. She'll be something like what Jerry Falwell was in earlier years: a figure whom Republican politicians find it necessary to woo during primary season but whom they'll want to get far away from during the general election. Someone who can get attention, but not someone anyone outside her faction thinks should be running things. An important person, yes, but not someone anyone thinks is going to be president.


  21. So does this mean, with Sarah moving to Arizona, that Wasillans will begin to speak out because the Palins won't be able to intimidate them anymore? Pretty please?

  22. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Lengthy, but hugely worth the read!

    “Turbulent Times” for Sarah Palin

    Thank God Sarah Palin was not representing the United States during this catastrophic disaster. Thank God we are not relying upon Palin’s “common sense” to determine the appropriate reaction of the United States. Thank God the President of the United States didn’t send Japan a Twitter comment saying they should make lemonade.


  23. Anonymous9:51 AM

    She doesnt belong on the list. She doesnt do anything but give cheap speeches in short skirts and randomly shouts offensive disconnected phrases when given an opportunity. What has she done?
    Set back women perhaps but basically gamed the system. Watching her age has been unbelievably creepy. She is as much a force to be reckoned with as any leader of a subordinate cult.

  24. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Why call her a girl? she is a grown-up woman in teen clothing for God's sake!

  25. paywhore quits almost every time. that is the difference between her and Congresswoman Giffords. Oh, and being a nice person too. paywhore aint even fit to tie her sneakers.

  26. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I think it was about women who have done good for others, what has sarah palin done for anybody except sarah palin?

  27. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Palin supporters are dangerous. I have lived a long time and have never seen so much hate spewed in politics. She has divided this country like no one else ever has in my lifetime. I hope they put her in prison where she belongs for all the evil things she has done.

  28. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I'm surprised he didn't say if it wasn't for Sarah Palin nobody would know who Giffords was. OOPS! Guess he better not say that.

  29. Anonymous10:12 AM

    This is just a "geographic divorce" IMO. All it costs is separate maintenance, keep the illusion going.

  30. Anonymous10:13 AM

    How does Quitty Pants move to AZ and establish residency and still draw from the permanent fund, or even Bristol, how does that work?

  31. Anonymous10:18 AM

    To take a page from Faux News playbook, "some people say" that Sarah Palin was definately involved with the potential murder of Gabby Giffords. The motive was that Sarah wanted the next Senate seat from Arizona and Gabby was potentially in her way. Again, I said this was from Faux News playbook - it's ok to say because it is opinion. Facts be damned!

  32. Anonymous10:27 AM

    He said there are elements of Palin’s persona that he found appealing — including a “gameness to do just about anything.”

    But, Labash added: “The downside is her gameness to do just about anything — including co-starring with Kate Gosselin on a dopey reality show. And when she does such things, and is inevitably attacked for it, that’s when you see Palinism really fall down as a political approach, as the cocked-fist self-pity and whining set in.”

    Wehner, while calling Palin’s carping about some of her media treatment “understandable,” said: “The concern for me is this culture of aggrievement.”

    “She seems to me to be extremely defensive and embittered,” he said, contrasting Palin with Reagan.

    “He was not a person who seemed to harbor resentments,” said Wehner of the 40th president. “But she strikes me as a lot more Agnew than Reagan.”

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/51218_Page3.html#ixzz1Gh66vhqy

  33. Anonymous10:27 AM

    10:13....shouldn't be an issue since the director of the PFD is one of $carahs BFF/bots

  34. Anonymous10:30 AM

    In my opinion, though the slide has been relentless, THIS is what REALLY cooked her goose...or should I say KILLED the golden goose. You DO NOT fuck with Barbara Bush.

    --The media and Hollywood, of course, are familiar conservative targets. But Palin swerved into what has more typically been liberal territory when she took a shot at the Bush family. It was the late Ann Richards, for example, who in 1988 said that George H.W. Bush was “born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

    When former first lady Barbara Bush recently observed tartly that she thought Palin would be happiest staying put in Alaska rather than running for president, the former Alaska governor responded on Laura Ingraham’s radio show that the Bushes are “blue bloods who want to pick and choose their winners instead of allowing competition to pick and choose the winners.”

    This comment raised eyebrows in GOP circles. According to tradition, the politics of class warfare is supposed to be something that Republicans accuse Democrats of practicing. The reality, of course, is that Republicans, too, have long practiced their own brand of class warfare — usually on cultural rather than economic grounds.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/51218_Page3.html#ixzz1Gh6adRzp

  35. Anonymous10:30 AM

    but with all due respect and not to be insensitive, she was just an anonymous Congresswoman before being shot. What did she really do to shake the world?

    omg lmao.

    Substitute Sarah Palin and governor for Gabby Gifford and congresswoman....and add....faked a pregnancy for what did she do to shake the world.......and it gets sorta funny!!!

  36. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Now THIS would be the ultimate irony!

    Can you imagine if she goes for a senate seat? She’d have a good chance in Arizona but what if her opponent ends up being Gabby Giffords?


  37. Anonymous10:34 AM

    OT, but what happened to MediaInsider?

  38. Anonymous10:35 AM

    “Thanks a lot, John McCain,” wrote Mac Donald at the time. “With his selection of an unknown, two-year female governor as his running mate, he has just ensured that the diversity racket will be an essential component of presidential politics forever more.”

    Over two years later, Mac Donald, a scholar at the Manhattan Institute, said of Palin: “She is living up to the most skeptical assessment of her.”

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/51218_Page2.html#ixzz1Gh7xuqZD

  39. What's so fundamentally stupid about this meme is that the Swag-Hag has done NOTHING for the people in her life or for anyone else in the WORLD. SO, to make this list, she would at least have to make an impact on something?? She hasn't - and won't. Even stupid folks are starting to get he message that she's an empty vessel...

    As they say on distant shores...All hat - no pants.

  40. Anonymous10:42 AM

    AKPetMOM over at Mudflats is brilliant today!

    AKPetMom says:

    What tickles me is that Palin is 90% defined by this Alaska Frontier Image that she has carefully crafted. I’m pretty sure that being a “wussy snowbird” (I’m figuring that’s what Palin would call them) is not in character with the Tough Frontier Woman persona. Part of that persona is based on surviving the Alaskan winter, in Alaska.

    Perhaps now we will have a new reality show in which Palin redefines herself as the “Desert Demagogue” (except the “gogue” in Demagogue rhymes with Rogue). She will capture Gila monsters with her bare hands and roast them in the sand using fire that she starts with heat of the sun. There will be a desert camping outing that does not include adequate water or sunscreen. Sarah laughs when Kate Gosselin and her children get 3rd degree burns and heatstroke. In this show we will marvel at the fact that Palin speaks flawless Apache, who knew!?!. Throughout this travelogue, for laughs, the Palins will continually stalk the McCains from one house to another and show up uninvited for supper. (Cindy has a nervous breakdown and has to go to “The Spa” for a bit, John decides to spend a lot more time in DC). Sarah will go to the Arizona high country and teach the residents how to survive the mountain snows. She will bring them winter clothing and gloves and teach them the way of the Snowmachine and Snowshoe. (Just some vestigial “Alaskaness”, lest anyone forget)

    America will fall in love with her all over again. She is more than a Snowbird, she’s an Arizonan now (at least part-time, it’s that commitment thing, ya know, nothing personal, Arizona)

    March 15, 2011 at 10:10 AM

  41. Anonymous10:43 AM

    The good news is that in Arizona, she won't need a tanning bed...she'll just dry right up on her own.

  42. Anonymous10:52 AM

    All the names on that list shake the world for the better. Big difference.

  43. Anonymous10:59 AM

    The Palin -bots have way too much time on their hands . Not to mention their desire to be a Palin gang member .

    If Palin was ranked last on the "most hated vermin in the world " they would be outraged (palin-bots), yes outraged . Because she was not ranked #1 on the list .

  44. Anonymous11:11 AM

    That photo shows that Palin's bottom teeth are rather crooked. Perhaps Juliane Moore can give Palin some money for some braces for herself!

  45. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Sarah and Brisdull... could care less about chump change check for living in Alaska.

    They be grifting for much bigger sums of money.

  46. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I think it was about women who have done good for others, what has sarah palin done for anybody except sarah palin?

    10:06 AM

    BINGO, We got a winner!

  47. Anonymous11:25 AM

    How does Quitty Pants move to AZ and establish residency and still draw from the permanent fund, or even Bristol, how does that work?

    Toady stays in AK - and Trig remains in the institution.

  48. I can think of many lists that Sarah should be on.The Infamous List,The Quitter List,Liar of the year,(She won that one once already)The Indifferent List,I'm sure there are many more your Readers can think of.You should have a contest?The Number one list Sarah Palin most deserves to be on.

  49. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Last year, Time Magazine included Sarah in their list of 100 important people. Last year, Sarah was in the media on a non-stop basis, influencing an election, heckling the government, promoting herself and Bristol, and she had the backing of her powerful friends.

    Since the Arizona shootings, Sarah's popularity and influence are dropping fast. Roger Ailes told her to "lie low," and she couldn't follow instructions. She had been criticized for those cross hairs and RAM had to excuse them as surveyors marks. Blood libel. This time, her powerful people wouldn't be as happy with Sarah.

    Sarah's influence consists of heckling, mean-mouthing and calling names. She is not a leader. She tries very hard to stay relevant, and she is losing her appeal, even to Republicans. Unfavorable rates are at 60%. There are women who inspire other women, work with disadvantaged people to improve their condition, are fearless reporters from a battle scene, or work to find common ground in forming political solutions.

    Let's not pretend that Sarah's book is inspirational. It's a load of crap. One trip to Haiti is not charity. If Sarah had worked for charities associated with Down syndrome, brought awareness and worked to raise donations, that would be a contribution to society. Sarah's favorite charity is herself, and everything that she does is self-serving. She may be the center of her own world, but she's not even important to her fellow Republicans.

  50. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Why should Sarah Palin make that list? What does she actually do? Really. Take away all of the window dressing that the media hype surrounds her with, and what do you have left? A twitter and facebook poster? Nope. She doesn't even write those. So what does she do? Give speeches? OK, who can't read a prepared script? Nothing there either. Repeating the same talking points over and over on Fox? Nope. Not any reason to make such a list.

    Take away any surrounding hype and what do you have left? Just an immature woman seeking attention. That's it. Why she isn't on this list is obvious.

  51. Anonymous11:46 AM

    She's so over.

    Bye Bye.

  52. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I don't think Sarah should have made the list. She's done nothing really - quit as Gov of Alaska - left Wasilla in debt as Mayor - it has been shown Toad did more of the governing than she - she lies and is a racist. The women that made the list accomplished things and were smart. They donated - gave of their time in charitable dealings/actions. Palin has a child that is retarded and she doesn't even provide her time or efforts in roviding for other children that are also so affected.

    Palin is a friggin farce!

  53. Anonymous11:51 AM


    2nd Highest Debt Per Person: Alaska

    Most of the states with high debt to population ratios are found in the Northeast, but Alaska is the exception. According to census data, most of Alaska’s expenditures go to education and public welfare programs, and indeed, Alaska spends more on public programs as a proportion of its overall GDP than all but one state in the country, which may go some way toward explaining how their debt has gradually increased.

    Total State Debt: $6,589,698,000

    Total Population: 694,640

    Debt Per Resident: $9,485.81


  54. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I think she belongs on the list @ #151.

  55. Great article Gryphen. You hit everything on target!

    Yes Sarah's star is fading, but she still has a loonie cult.

    Thank you for keeping her accountable and in the open.

  56. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Just imagine that Sarah Palin has "BIG OIL" branded on her botoxed forehead, and then you can really understand what she's been all about.

  57. I'm sorry, Gryphen, but I have to disagree with your belief that SP belongs on the list.

    1. The world she shakes is only in the USA, only among a very small segment of Neocon fanatics, and is almost entirely USA media-driven (particularly by Fox, but most other media outlets are complicit).

    2. She's a laughing stock outside the USA -- hardly anyone was impressed by her speech in Hong Kong in Sept. 2009; she's regularly reported on in the UK, but their message seems to be "bwahaha", laughing at her. And the visit to Haiti was transparently a bid for attention, not a true humanitarian effort (especially when you consider it was A YEAR AFTER the earthquake, and Samaritan's Purse had been there for nearly the whole year).

    3. If she were on the list, she would likely be the only woman with a consistently juvenile, negative message.

  58. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Is it possible Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin are planning an appointment to Gabby Giffords' position in the event the Congresswoman is not able to resume her duties? Even Arizonans must be too smart to elect such a nitwit as her, the epitome of nitwits! . . . and an appointment is a sure thing as opposed to having to actually run against an opponent who can actually articulate the issues - especially since Sarah Palin is too afraid to have an actual dialogue with anyone about anything - unless hiding behind Twitter and Facebook! By the way - thanks so much for exposing who Sarah Palin is to the public - your message is getting out there. Far too many dangerous people are being elected into office, and/or have been given the bully pulpit to foment racism and violence in the guise of patriotism, Christianity, family values, etc. It is absolutely horrifying what passes for being a patriotic, Christian American these days.

  59. Anonymous said...10:34 AM

    OT, but what happened to MediaInsider?

    She chose to delete her blog after someone commented that her last interview with an actor friend was boring...

  60. Anonymous12:26 PM

    i'll keep this succinct; $carah and her brood are an absolute worthless piece of toxic trash, always has been, always will be....

  61. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Sorry but I don't nor can agree with Gyphen that Palin should be anywhere on this list at all.

    She's done nothing WORTHWHILE for anyone let alone Alaska or the USofA that would qualify her to make the list.

    And so glad she wasn't on it even if it were the bottom of the list.


  62. The only shaking that $arah provides is the shaking of uncontrollable laughter whenever she opens her mouth. $he never has anything of substance to say, just the same old stupid, hate filled, ignorant, non factual remarks.
    I guess that's what her bots don't get: WE are laughing AT her, and not with her. You would think that after 2 years, $arah would learn that she needs to get off the junior high school act. Her "I'm always the victim" act is old and tiresome. NOT the qualities of an adult, let alone a leader.

  63. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Sunshine 1970: Wow, Mediainsider has thin skin? Surprized. It was boring tho.

  64. Anonymous12:30 PM

    in reality i'll laugh my ass off if the people in arizona elect/appoint $carah to anything, the fallout'd serve 'em right

  65. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Tea Party Nation: 'Anonymous' Attacked Us With Porn

    "Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips is claiming that the hacker collective 'Anonymous' is attacking the Tea Party Nation website by getting supporters to pose as Tea Party members and post racist pictures and porn."

    Racist pictures and porn on a rightwing website? It MUST be a plot.

    The evidence that TPM was provided by Tea Party Nation is "questionable proof" according to the post at TPM. Spelling errors?

  66. Anonymous12:33 PM

    12:00 pm...better yet if Aldo Raine were the tatoo artist

  67. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I thought the Media Insider blog was a good idea. Put those posts all in one place.

  68. @ Anonymous said... 12:31 PM
    The evidence that TPM was provided by Tea Party Nation is "questionable proof" according to the post at TPM. Spelling errors?

    lol. The Anonymous collective has a higher IQ than all the members of the Tea Party put together.

  69. She can't open her mouth without the entire world "shaking."

    Oh yes...I shake with laughter, or just shake my head and roll my eyes every time she opens her mouth.


  70. Being a media whore is not the same thing as shaking the world. Sarah has done nothing significant except make politics more polarized and ugly. If the list is going to include people whose impact is extremely negative, then there should be numerous people of that sort on the list. But if the list tends toward the inspirational, toward people who have actually DONE something, then Sarah doesn't have any reason even aspiring to the list, much less being on it.

  71. DetroitSam1:28 PM

    Perhaps the article was intended to only include "150 Women Who Shake the World" in a POSITIVE WAY.

    just saying.

  72. Anonymous2:29 PM

    For Media Insider info, see comments to this thread:


  73. Anonymous2:35 PM

    If Lindsey Lohan didn't make the list, why should Sarah Palin? The Media follows both of these train wrecks with rapt attention. The only thing Sarah is shaking is the change from her followers' pockets.

  74. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hell NO Sarah doesn't belong on the list, she has contributed nothing of good to this country. In fact, she has pushed the women's movement backwards by trying to get by with a wink and sexy clothing. She is totally ignorant about any issue except holding out her hand for the almighty dollar.

    She has put herself and her children right in our face 24/7 and tried to tell us how to live. She has promoted Bristol just like a pimp does his whores on the street. We have had enough of this silly stupid woman along with Bristol and Todd just continuing to muddy the American people all for their love and greed of money.

    They need to be run out of town and banished from this country.

  75. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Palin has absolutely zero impact on the world.
    Her three overseas trips served no world purpose.

    She sits on the boards of no organization, nor is she a spokesperson for any organization that has any world wide impact.

    Except the Republican party that likes to invade other countries, depose their leaders, kill their citizens, and steal their wealth.

  76. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I have seen the list of palin's enemies .
    In fairness to scarah $$ .Is their a published list of her friend(s).
    Bock /Bic /Breck ?
    Limburger or whatever (the fat loud guy)
    Lori Ingrum
    not Asians
    There may be lots more .
    Just saying

  77. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I agree that Palin should be number one on the "150 Women Who Shake the World" list.

    Who else can beat Sarah when it comes to "shaking down people for money". Sarah not only perfected the art of grifting, Sarah has passed the skills down to her daughter Brisket.

  78. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Gasman said...
    Why the hell would this odious little turd go after Giffords and Logan because they are on the Newsweek list and Palin is not? THEY didn't put themselves on the list nor did they lobby for their inclusion. Attacking them is beyond ridiculous. That is akin to attacking the stars in a constellation because they have the audacity not to assume the shape of Sarah Palin's face. "Stupid" doesn't even begin to cover this one.

    Palin attracts morons the way shit attracts flies.

    9:17 AM

    Gasman you forgot something, Palin attracts morons the way shit attracts flies and Palin is also an expert in raising morons.

  79. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Now I would be upset if Sarah Palin did not make the top 2 list of women in the world who raised uneducated retarded morons.

  80. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    in reality i'll laugh my ass off if the people in arizona elect/appoint $carah to anything, the fallout'd serve 'em right

    12:30 PM

    Somebody needs to ask John McCain if he endorses Sarah to represent Arizona in the United States Senate. I wonder how McCain would feel if Sarah was the Senator in his dstrict?

  81. Being infamous is not a qualification.

  82. Techgnome5:47 PM

    While this is a very red state the district Gabriel Giffords represents is very Democratic. Giffords is pretty much your standard Blue Dog Democrat. Very strong on "national defense" for example and generally well liked by the military people who are a major presence here. Unlike the rest of the state Pima county and Coconino county, up around Flagstaff are relatively liberal areas. Before the shooting there were two things that stood out about Giffords. One of them was that she's a fairly accurate representation of her district. The other is that she sends out a lot of junk mail. Because she's very liberal by this state's general standards there wasn't much chance she could get a Senate seat before the shootings. Now she could probably have it by just nodding in that general direction.

    The only thing Palin moves and shakes is her little cult and they've yet to accomplish anything of lasting note.

  83. Techgnome6:09 PM

    For Anonymous right at the top. I welcome Palin and her soap opera with open arms. She's bringing a good part of a successful money making business with her. It should provide a nice small boost to the local economy. Not only that but the reminder that we're here should give the tourism business a badly needed little boost what with some of the political hits we've taken lately.

    Here's a little Palin and AZ related irony for you. Last year the wingnuts were clamoring for more "border security" and more money was authorized. We're supposed to have hired and be training around 1,500 new Border Patrol people. This year, under the influence of the Tea Party, the GOP claims they want to cut spending on border security. It will be fun to see where "for it before she was against it" Palin will comes down on this topic when she lands here.

  84. Anonymous6:14 PM

    If Palin flees to Arizona will she rename herself
    the Iguana Mama or the Mama Gecko
    or the Lizard Lady ?

  85. Amy R7:38 PM

    All I have to say is she has nothing of value to say. She's not worthy of anything since she's just a whiny blamer! Why does that make her shaking up the world? I think most people are just appalled at what she says and how ridiculous she is. The women on the list have done a lot of difficult things with wisdom, intelligence, and professionalism. Palin doesn't hold a candle to any of them and her childish, bully behavior and unintelligent mutterings, whining and blaming is what is keeping her off the list.

  86. Anne In DC9:55 PM

    She definitely does NOT belong on that list, and all the rantings of a typical Palinbot will never make a case for her name to be listed. After all, these women have made a difference for the better, touching many lives. Palin, on the other hand, has made her mark by being shrill, negative, and fault-finding. She has done her part to add to the toxicity of the current political environment. Now, if there was a listing for the women who have done the most to create hate and division, her name would be at the very top.

  87. FloridaDem3:01 AM

    Good article gryph, and I have to go to work and can't even read the comments, I'll post later, but I just want to say that I have been more than fair to Sarah Palin over the past couple years and acknowledge what she HAS accomplished and how she has redefined politics, but in no way is she a woman of value who has shook the world and moved us forward. That's what the list is for, even though there are celebrities on it, the focus are women in different countries who are making a difference. Sarah had her chance and she chose not to take it. The fact that she gets a lot of attention and controls the news cycle does not equate to value. Just like Ann Coulter wouldn't be on the list, same reason. Sarah quit. Sarah abandoned women, even while succeeding as a woman herself. And even if we look at her side of the fence - to see if she became a force in right wing politics enough to make something happen in this country, we find nothing there either. Did she make her mark as other right wing women in the past did (ex: stopping the ERA amendment) and outlaw abortion, or stop Obama from tossing DADT? Did she put bible study in public schools? Did she start the tea party movement? No. And for a while, the press were looking to see if she would change the political landscape by electing her mama grizzlies, but that fell flat as well. She just hasn't made enough of a mark. A black eye, yes, but not a mark on the world worth noting. It is Hillary the women of the world are embracing and being inspired by, not Sarah. And that is sad for her.

  88. Anonymous3:02 AM

    While Angelina Jolie is not formerly very educated, she is a humanitarian , she literally gives away MILLIONS every year for infrastructure in impoverished countries. How much has Palin given away?? 0.00001% of her income this year.


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