Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rachel Maddow explains what is happening with the nuclear reactors in Japan. And it is NOT good.

As many of you may have noticed, Rachel has become my go-to person to explain what is happening in the world.  To my mind NOBODY breaks the information down and makes it as easily digestible as Rachel Maddow.

And this is extremely horrifying information, so having somebody as clear headed and well informed as my favorite MSNBC host explain it to us, may not make it less frightening, but it does allow us to know exactly what we are facing.


Officials say dangerous levels of radiation were detected after a third explosion rocked a nuclear plant damaged in last week's earthquake.

People living within 19 miles of the facility are being told to avoid drinking tap water, and keep their houses air tight.

This reminds me of the instructions children in the US received to hide under their desks in the event of a nuclear attack.  It does not seem like sufficient protection to keep families safe this close to the reactors. They should evacuate these people in my opinion.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Her brilliance and level headedness is apparent. i love when she explains complicated items in such a fashion.
    And then I get REALLY MAD AT HER for NOT explaining all the anomlies of Palins faked pregnancy in just such a brilliant and level headed way.
    Come on Rachel. Jeesbus!! We need you!!

  2. Wow!That's not good at all! I pray to God to stop this catastrophe!

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I have read a few articles about the N-plants in Japan. Some saying it's OK and there is nothing to worry about and others describe how bad it could/will be.

    I think in reality no one knows what exactly will happen.

  4. If my government was telling me to stay in my house and not drink the water, I'd be in my car and driving as fast as I could AWAY from that reactor. I would't stop until I was at the other side of the country or 500 miles.

    Sorry, I think staying inside your house isn't adequate protection.

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    this is way o/t but I just went back and watched all of Levi's interviews in sequence and, gotta say, this boy is an idiot if he does not see why 1) Bristol hates him 2) why he doesnt see Tripp often these days

    he started the media blitz for no real reason. First time mothers have issues letting go of their baby. I don't know how awkward it was for Levi being in their home after the birth but he's an idiot if he thought it'd be less awkward if he started threatening them.

    He has written his story, made his bed and now must lie in it. Good going dipshit.

    I hope he realizes any show he may or may not be filming will be an epic fail, as people don't give a fuck about him anymore. Most never cared. He's a grifter. There's no reason he couldn't have gotten a real job. NO REASON. The biggest, most legit stars are able to walk down the sidewalk in NYC everyday and not be bothered. Levi needed an excuse to be lazy. and now he's paying for it

  6. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I've been thinking the same thing - telling folks to stay in their house is about as much protection as hiding under the desk. Most likely the government doesn't want to start a panic - where would they put all those people if they all go in their cars and drove away as fast as possible (which is what I'd be doing) - a lot of the country is in ruins and chaos, and 1000s without homes, so having folks who do have homes leaving and heading out on the road adds to the chaos. However in my opinion it's worth adding the choas to keep those folks safe and tell them to leave their homes.

    Keeping all affected by this disaster in my prayers and hope a meltdown can be averted.

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    People are being asked to stay indoors (aka shelter inside) so they can avoid falling contaminated debris - i.e. fine particulates from smoke. One of the biggest reasons Chernobyl was so bad was due to the burning graphite - the smoke was highly radioactive, and once airborne, travelled for thousands of miles. By remaining indoors, you have a good opportunity to avoid being contaminated by this fallout.

  8. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Blogger Fined $60,000 for Telling the Truth

    wonder if there was more to , i find this pretty sad though.

  9. "To my mind NOBODY breaks the information down and makes it as easily digestible as Rachel Maddow."

    --- you might consider getting familiar with the Alyona Show on RT TV. Unlike Maddow, Alyona Minkovsky doesn't turn white as a ghost whenever somebody characterizes Palestinians as - God forbid! - people.

    When it comes to covering the Middle East, RT TV is head and shoulders above MSNBC.

  10. Anonymous8:03 AM

    They should evacuate before something worse happens and they can't get out. Get those families and their children to a hospital far away from those reactors and treat them for radiation poisoning now because staying will only increase exposure.

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    TEPCO has a history of lying about their nuclear incidents EVERY TIME.

    Japanese officials are downplaying the tragedy to avoid mass hysteria. Unfortunately, everyone should be leaving the area.

    there is no truth coming out of Japan from the Japanese - the UK and other nationalities have more news and info that is correct.

    the death toll does not even begin to compute - less than 2,000 when 88,000 people are missing and more than 2,000 people have washed up on the beaches alone.

    Fukushima is in full meltdown at this point - there is no stopping it. When the steel container melts, the toxic mixture will be in the ground and airborne.

    Love Rachel....she knows the truth about Trig and laughs every time someone brings up SP's pregnancy and lol's even harder when talking about Little Big Hair and her 'accomplishments'.

  12. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I'm sorry that all this had to happen. American always run to help. This is really really bad -radiation. The Goverments never say exactly how bad it is.(I'm thinking of going to get my plastic and masking tape.)What is going to happen to all those good hearted people going over there to help with this disaster? When they have health problems from this? Japan has National Healthcare. The Republicans and teabags don't want ours to take affect, want to repeal before we get it going. Are they going to treat them like all those 9/11 responders? Praised for a day,and then disrespected, help yourself with heathcare.YOU BETCHA

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It seems to me the problem with this nuclear accident is that it will be an ongoing release of radioactive particles for a long time. The previous ones were single events that were stopped or stopped of their own accord.

  14. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Seriously, I wonder if the elite have headed to their bunkers by now. Watch their movements.

    If you don't see or hear from our elected officials for while (Palin & tribe for that matter), that means they KNOW the radioactive fallout is heading their way.

    There are many underground bunkers throughout the world and we have not been invited to go there when TSHTF - which it is.

    Oh, and load up on potassium iodine pills if you can find them. There are some thing Rachel is prevented from stating as to avoid panic. Think Chernobyl.

    Seeing how just about every single politician or government offical lies to their people on a daily basis, it is time you start thinking for yourself - remember Katrina, remember 9/11, Haiti, etc. and where depending on the government to 'take care of you' proves to be an epic failure every time.

  15. Anonymous8:11 PM

    How can they be pumping seawater with no electricity, no diesel generators, no batteries (all three failed).

    Continued pumping of seawater seems essential.

    I think we are not being told everything.

    Stay inside? When one's house is gone?

    Evacuate with no car, roads littered with debris, no gas, no money?

  16. Anonymous6:28 AM

    "I hope he realizes any show he may or may not be filming will be an epic fail, as people don't give a fuck about him anymore."

    hopefully Scary will realize the same thing. Levi is much prettier and sexier than she ever will be. No reason why he couldn't be a star or on DWTS - he's much more attractive than either Big or Little Big Hair.


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