Monday, March 21, 2011

Palin-bots supporting Bristol last season so badly broke the DWTS voting system that they are now making it much harder to engage in voter fraud. In other words this season Bristol would not make it past round two.

These were NOT the guidelines during last season.


3. What do I need to do to vote online?

A username and a valid email address are a must. We've hopefully made the process pretty easy for you. In fact, if you already have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can sign in with one of those accounts, connect it to an ABC account and you're ready to go. If you don't have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can simply sign up for an ABC account at

4. I have an existing ABC account, why do I need to validate my email address?

The short answer is that we've changed our registration system for the better. When you log into your ABC account, you will be sent a confirmation email. Just click on the link inside. Once your account is validated, you're all set to vote for the season. We recommend you validate your account now so you're ready to roll come Dancing premiere night. You can click here to sign in and validate your account.

5. I didn't get the email to validate my account. What should I do?

Please be patient! Sometimes it may take a few minutes for the validation email to be delivered. Also, be sure to check your "spam" folder to make sure the email didn't land there.

That is an awful lot to go through just to vote for your favorite celebrity to keep them on a third rate reality show.

I have said it before, but it bears repeating, the Palin family damages or destroys virtually EVERYTHING they touch.  As if we needed another reason to keep them out of Washington.


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Last season wasn't damaged. And you still havent explained why her dial tones scores were ALWAYS one of the highest. Keep trying though. It's called move on. Or are you still bitter that you lied to your faithful followers and got them to believe Bristol was recently pregnant?

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    The Palins are a tsunami leaving devastation in their wake.

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM

    yeah, btw, it would still take A LOT of people (enough to still put her through to the finals) for "voter fraud" to even work. Face it, people like Bristol.

  4. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Please. With your logic, you could say Obama broke America. Didn't the rioting and intense outrage start immediately once he was elected?

    No different. Grow up man

  5. Anonymous1:54 PM

    What exactly has turned to shit from the Palin touch? Last I checked, people live their own lives and happily so. Maybe it's time to, uh, get a life of your own. The Palins are happy. Their supporters are happy. The onlypeople I see who seem to be perpetually pissed are the people who frequent blogs. Sad life.

    DWTS has seen bigger controversy than Bristol Palin. It is still around. Though this season may prove to be incredibly boring if Kirstie exits early.

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    To the second 1:48 - People like Bristol???



    Who? Other barely literate, unwed mothers or guys who want to knock her up? Gees, she is not someone who speak in complete sentences without a script.

    Wow, Gryphen, the trolls are really active on this one. As I write this, there are four posts - three by trolls and one by someone with independent thought processes.

  7. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Toad won't be following the mincing and prancing Tom Delay onto the show?

  8. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Rigging elections is what the Palins and Palin pals like Joe Miller do. Fraud, deception, and greed are their mantras.

    Palinbots, as much as you'd like to make a sow palin into a president or even just a good dancer, you're delusional. You're backing losers.

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    heh heh, the first 3 out of 4 comments authored by the flying monkey bots. Things must really be getting orwellian over at the sea-0-pee

  10. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It's too little, too late. Because of last years fraud, DWTS will never be viewed in my household again. They went for the cheap ratings, so now they get what they paid for.


  11. Anonymous2:12 PM

    OMG that girl was not a good dancer!!!!!! I could not believe it when I watched she was the worse one. The proof is in the pudding, wouldn't have changed anything if there wasn't a problem with the voting Just can't stand the so called tea baggers were caught cheating.

  12. Anonymous2:13 PM

    DWTS should make Shailey Tripp a contestant on the show. I wouldn't miss it!!

  13. Anonymous2:15 PM

    More difficult, perhaps. But with so many "on the fly" free email providers available, individuals can still register with ABC hundreds of times. Maybe ABC will get smart and block those types of domains from registering. They haven't yet.

  14. FloridaDem2:16 PM

    Whatever happened to her stomach? I guess we can assume that with her chin surgery she had liposuction. There's no other way to get rid of that lump, unless she gave birth to it.

    Just an average twentysomthing single mom, right? Plunks down cash on a house and throws cash at the plastic surgeon.

    BTW I think both Bristol and her mother look horrible with plastic surgery and will only look worse with time.

  15. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Gee, is it Bristol, or Willow leaving the troll comments? Or both?

    They need to get a life. They're fixated on this blog.

  16. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Surrrrre, she deserved those high dial tone scores. How many of you little trolls were bragging on the See of Pee about the multiple votes you were putting in?

    Too little, too late, DWTS. Bet the ratings tank this year.

  17. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Gryphen, it looks like some trolls were just waiting to jump on your post. I especially like "people like Bristol." Now THAT is funny! I guess if you are fond of library paste that is true. Also, clueless @1:48, it doesn't take a LOT of people, it just takes people gaming the system. Why do you think they changed the voting process? Of course DWTS was gamed in Bristol's favor. She can't dance. It was obvious to anyone with a brain, Oh, but wait, we are talking about Palin supporters here, you know, like 1:48... never mind.

  18. Oh boy ... did you touch a nerve, push a button with this post or what? A bot was first up with a comment! Go Gryphen. Truth hurts, eh, little bot?

    They managed to practically destroy (we will have to see how this season fairs on DWTS) a show that I actually thought was a good idea; I never got to watch it due to my work hours, then lost interest as they had some of the bygone almost forgotten celebrities on, but Bristol was the straw that broke the camel's back; I was glad that I was not a regular viewer; I would have been so pissed off.

    Bwahahahahahaha. DWTS: can you recover? Too bad if you can't. So sorry .... NOT. You asked for it.

  19. FloridaDem2:28 PM

    "The Palins are happy. Their supporters are happy."

    Sarah didn't sound like a happy person during or after the election. Do happy people quit their jobs? She doesn't sound happy when she's perpetually pissed at Obama or a dozen other people on a regular basis. Do happy people have to medicate themselves? Do happy couples throw canned goods at each other? I don't know of any.

    Bristol and Willow didn't sound happy during their facebook rants, they sounded angry and bitter.

    Bristol didn't seem very happy anytime she talked about Levi. Again, angry and bitter.

    Track looks so unhappy it's scary. Piper looks depressed.

    And Todd? Circling teachers and guys at airports menacingly is happy?

    I think I could describe this family a lot of ways, but I don't think "happy" is one of them. Maybe happy to have money, yeah I'll give you that. Bristol is thrilled about that. But happy, well-adjusted 20 year old girls do not rip open their faces to remake themselves. Sorry, you can't convince me of that.

  20. TNbluedot2:33 PM

    Wow! Enough paliban hanging out here? Must be nothing happening at the C-o-P today. Their posts here beg for comment, but I'm going to refrain from wallowing in their mud. Palinbots wouldn't understand an intelligent response anyway.

    Re DTWS: Sad that ABC allowed last season to ruin the show. I used to enjoy watching it until Kate G's cycle. When they kept her around way past her expiration date it wasn't pretty, or fun to watch. But, they totally blew it with Brisdull's cycle. Way too obvious it wasn't about talent OR personality, since she doesn't have a shred of either - just another pathetic palin!

  21. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Hey, 1:47pm.
    Last season WAS damaged. Obviously you don't have a grasp on the technical side of life. Simple software programs abound. As an example, there are numerous programs you can install on your wittle laptop that will have your PC robo dialing 10,000 calls an hour.

    It can even be done directly from a server. Hunnerds a thousands o' fraudulent calls, all fer Bristol, alla time.

    Get IT, yet?

    Btw, I certainly don't wish ANY misguided, poorly raised, unwed teenage mom more embarrasment or hurtfulness. Not even Bristol Palin. Life is tough enough for kids that age.

    I simply believe that even 2nd rate TV shows featuring B-grade celebrities (or worse)still OWE us viewers HONESTY and FAIR RESULTS when there is a voting process.

    We most certainly did NOT get true results in Bristol's case. The fix was in and if you are so blinded by Palin worship that you can not admit it, I must ask what is wrong with YOU?

    Bristol was woefully outclassed by almost every other dancer. At best, week 4 should have been her goodbye.

    Again, nothing against this girl, but when you seek to expose yourself on a national tv show, you should expect to be analyzed from head to toe. Just like every other dancer on the show.

    My applause goes to those unfairly ousted contestants who danced with skill, beauty and grace. Bristol exhibited very little of that. She was stiff and awkward, forgot her routine...(Shrug) Dancing is just not her forte. Grin and bear it. Lord knows...the unfairly ousted contestants she fraudently beat out had to do just that.

  22. angela2:41 PM

    Wow--look at the flying monkeys!

    DWTS was damaged. It is true everything the Palins touch turns to shit. Bristol looked like a giant blueberry in that dress and I feel sorry for whatever she spawned.

    Of course the Palin's don't need DWTS now. They've been palling around with Morlocks. An even worse disaster.

  23. emrysa2:41 PM

    lmao at the bots. only LOSERS defend brisdull "middle finger" palin. birthed 2 kids before she was 18, no education, no talent, no brains, big entitlement mentality, lied under oath... and now sportin a seriously fucked up chin. hahahaa yep LOSER.

  24. Anonymous2:42 PM

    1:47 PM,

    Bristol Palin was also the only one in the final three who never got a 10, or a perfect score, from the professional judges. Oh, and the still LOST. Hahahahaha!

  25. Anonymous2:47 PM

    1:48 PM,

    Who likes Bristol? The same old Tea-bagger farts who sniff her mother's panties? There are not enough people that "like" her, because she still didn't get enough votes to win! FAIL.

  26. Anonymous2:53 PM

    You touched a nerve because you posted this with the baby bump photo.

  27. Virginia Voter2:54 PM

    And, right on cue, the always anonymous Palin fairy tale trolls show up to sprinkle their pixie dust on Immoral Minority readers in their desperate attempts to convince us that the most dysfunctional family in politics are shiny, happy people holding hands ( cue the REM song)

    Sing it fairy tale trolls. Shiny, happy, people holding hands!

    People like Bristol, OMFG, that's a good one...

  28. Floridadem: Bristol and her mother (you know who) will soon look like Joan Rivers and Melissa (I think that is the daughter's name) only in much less time!

  29. And it is too late to undo the plastic surgery, because that will take more plastic surgery and on and on ....

  30. Anonymous3:02 PM

    1:50 PM,

    There was REAL rioting and outrage during the Bush Presidency, which the media ignored. These so-called astro-turf Tea Party "riots" and manufactured "outrage" since Barack Obama got elected are 99% partsian. Just a bunch of pissed off republicans, who throw temper tantrums, every time a democrat is elected president. Most of them racists, who can't accept having a black guy in the White House.

    The "riots" and "outrage" started before he had even done anything. The same "riots" and "outrage" happened during the Clinton presidency. Barack Obama did not fuck up America, republicans did, which is why America took their outrage to the polls and handed republicans their asses in 2008!

    You need to grow-up. Try backing up your stupid right-wing talking points, other than simply whining," Barack Obama fucked up America!" HOW didn he fuck up America?

    If Barack Obama is re-elected in 2012, that will mean that most Americans don't believe the right-wing crap about him fucking up America. You will eat your own ass, dipshit!

  31. laprofesora3:02 PM

    Now who says the Paylins are limp and impotent and don't have an effect on the world?

    BTW, the 'bots were sitting on the refresh button waiting for this one, Gryph! (Do you think they know we're laughing at them?)

  32. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "Or are you still bitter that you lied to your faithful followers and got them to believe Bristol was recently pregnant?"

    her pregnancy is obvious in the photo as well as the fact that she GAINED 20 pounds during the show.

    Palins are soooo stupid.

  33. Anonymous3:06 PM

    1:54 PM,

    "The onlypeople I see who seem to be perpetually pissed are the people who frequent blogs. Sad life."

    You mean "perpetually pissed" people like you, and $arah Palin and the other troll-bots who frequent blogs? What are you doing here, then?

    Go away.

  34. Anonymous3:06 PM

    obviously the bots gamed the system that's WHY the voting process was changed. They admitted there was cheating and Bristol was on far longer than she would have been if not for the repetitive votes.

    The Sea of Pee bragged about their multiple votes - people have copies of those posts.

    Bring it on Palins....AH's all of you.

  35. 10catsinMD3:09 PM

    Yes, you can have multiple email addresses. I have about 4. But they all originate from one IP address. That never changes. One response email to one IP address. Get it?

    Go for it Gryphen. Trolls are out in force today.

  36. Anonymous3:11 PM

    did you notice the troll posts were made after Anchorage and Juneau signed in?

    ROFL Palin bots strike again or is it Bristol and Willow AGAIN.

  37. Who are these crazy people posting? Hilarious! I do not know anyone anymore, not even my conservative friends who are unaware of the Palin family dysfunctions. They could have kept all of that quiet and "in the home".

  38. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "There's no other way to get rid of that lump, unless she gave birth to it."

    it's why she was in AZ.

  39. Anonymous3:20 PM

    The Gorilla suit she wore pretty much made the the statement. What a friggen Joke... Poor girl .... think she did that willingly?

  40. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I agree with Daisy Dem, Gryphen, you really hit a sore spot. If there was nothing wrong with the voting procedure, and Bristol won fair and square, there would be no reason to change the system.

    I love that picture of Bristol. I wonder how she gained so much weight dancing every day, while everyone else lost pounds and pounds. What ever happened to that round Bristol belly???

  41. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Really, they haven't fixed it so people can't vote hundreds of times -- the voters just need to sign up for numerous free email accounts like Hotmail, etc.

    DWTS allows numerous votes from a single computer. On the rules they say, "9. Other members of my house would like to vote. Can they?
    Sure! Just make sure to log out after you finish voting, then have your other household members log in with their Facebook, Twitter or accounts. It's perfectly fine to vote on the same computer." Until they fix that, they will still be wide open for voting fraud.

  42. Anonymous3:26 PM

    1:47 pm - commenter

    Gryphen did no lying, we all said Bristol was pregnant while dwts and she was. What happened to the little baby? Was it given away?

  43. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The Palins cheat at everything to try to win, that's just how they roll.

  44. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Palin has tried to break America, President Obama is a patriotic American and very experienced.

    Palin is patheticly stupid.

  45. Anonymous3:31 PM

    1:54 pm -

    Well, here you are, you dumb sad little troll Bristol Palin visiting blogs. Bristol, go take care of your children and quit screwing around.

  46. Anonymous3:32 PM

    People like Bristol??? Sure the boys do when they are screwing her everywhere, Bristol really must like the guys. Her family might like her but not many friends, so wake up.

  47. Anonymous3:33 PM

    For all the bots: these blogs coordinated and pushed the multiple votes. It was proven by their comments.

    C4P, PalinTwibe, TeamSarah, MotivationTruth, Hillbuzz, PalinPromotions, etc, etc. on and on and on. Bots can wish it true that Bristol was popular but the bots cheated alot of better dancers out of their rightful place and a lie is simply a lie.

    Bots will cost Palin any political office because of their argumentative ways and are probably a large part in her decline in her poll numbers.

  48. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Those Palins are about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

    So Palinbots, how is Bristol's best buddy Spurlock doing on his way to prison for life? Bristol dated him, remember?

  49. Anonymous3:44 PM


    Jeremy Morlock dated Bristol, not Spurlock.

    Jeremy posed with photos of the one he killed.

  50. Anonymous3:47 PM

    As a parent of two teens I am curious why the abstince spokesperson, Bristol Palin, iniatilly believed that it is unrealistic to expect couples to be abstinent and also what advice she gives parents about their responsibilities for their kids' sex education that helps in preventing teenage pregnancies.

  51. It's amazing how ignorant ABC is when they think they're being so smart. The new system will not prevent multiple email/abc accounts being used to game the system.

    But, who cares anyway? DWTS jumped the shark with Brisdull.

    It's doubtful anyone or group cares enough who wins to take the many hours required, which the peebots bragged about, to help someone win this time.

    BTW, the peebots didn't come up with the idea of multiple email accounts. It's been used by MLM marketers, spammers and others for marketing purposes for years.

    Bottom line, their unethical actions to keep Brisdull in the running which they were so proud of is not even original.

    So suck it peebots.

  52. Virginia Voter4:11 PM

    Hah, DWTS is on here now, and Mark Ballas seems alot happier with his partner this season.. he is paired with a cute, spunky thin young blonde from the Disney Channel.

    This girl can actually dance and is a professional performer, and looks like she weighs less than Mark, unlike the bulging Brisdull

  53. Anonymous4:32 PM

    10catsinMD, you were mistaken when you declared that "One response email to one IP address. Get it?"

    YES, that would be the correct way to fix the system. BUT, that is NOT what DWTS said. In fact, they clearly stated that they ALLOW more than one person to vote from an IP address.

  54. Anonymous4:36 PM

    You're back asswards as usual. ABC is making it easier to vote by Internet, not harder.

  55. Anonymous4:52 PM

    the nazi trolls are here! you can always tell when you've struck their nerve. great one gryphen!

  56. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Poor Mark had to endure trying to teach that fat assed Brisket how to dance and all she did each week was gain more weight for him to have to haul around!

  57. Anonymous5:03 PM

    1:47, if it wasn't damaged, ABC wouldn't go through the trouble of changing the system. Sorry, the Truth does not move on.

  58. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Oh, the Bristol bots are here.

    You people face it, Bristol is a has-been. A big, nasty, middle-finger waving, uncouth, racist, untalented ignorant dropout.

    What a waste of what could have been a sweet, pretty young woman.

    I feel sorry for her kids.

  59. Anonymous5:28 PM

    4:36, spinning as usual. If ABC were making things easier, there would be no need to jump through these new hoops.

  60. Wow, Rebecca, did you write that speech but not get to go on the trip and have to sit at home in the rain hitting Refresh on Gryphen? Bummer.

  61. Allow me to translate Anon 4:36 from Flying Monkey Speech: "NO, YOU!"

  62. Anonymous7:04 PM

    does anyone know where brisdull gave birth? alaska, california, arizona?
    did she move to az. where noone knows her to escape being seen with her newborn?

  63. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What exactly has turned to shit from the Palin touch?

    1:54 PM

    How about the Alaskan political system?

    Palin hired friend to be on the ethic board so that they can overlook all the crooked things she did.

    Palin started using yahoo email to avoid being accountable when there was a perfect secured government email system.

    How soon we forget Mayor Palin can't even manage a simple project as building a hockey rink without getting approval or buying the land from its rightful owners which put our little town millions in debt.

    Palin claimed to be the mother of a combat vet to score political points which was a crock of shit. Track never seen combat, he was hiding in the safe zone. She screwed up the legacy of real combat soldiers for her personal gain.

    What did Palin screw up you ask? Let's not forget that Palin lack of mayoral and environmental skills. We now have a polluted lake that even killed the fish. You know the lake, the Palin family swimming hole, the one that there is not one picture of them frolicking in the water. Yup that lake.

  64. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What exactly has turned to shit from the Palin touch?

    Well Palin has a reputation of fucking things up that even the Republicans do not want her endorsement.

  65. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I'm done watching DWTS since they put that fat turd on their show last year. If there is a dancer I want to see, I'll just wait for that dancer's video on Youtube.

  66. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    does anyone know where brisdull gave birth? alaska, california, arizona?
    did she move to az. where noone knows her to escape being seen with her newborn?

    7:04 PM

    Which one? Her first? Her second? Or third?

  67. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What exactly has turned to shit from the Palin touch?

    1:54 PM

    You may want to ask John McCain or Levi Johnston.

  68. Anonymous7:56 PM

    The trolls are defensive because as Palin supporters the believed and chose to game the system convinced it is ok to cheat to win. Then they boasted publicly of their cheating. That is a common trait they share with the Palin's.

  69. After what happened last year with the Palinbots voting for Bristol who clearly didn't know what she was doing on the dance floor, I have decided that I won't watch "Dancing with Stars" ever again. The producers of the show should have done something about it before she kept coming in the lead every week, especially when everyone could see that she was mediocre at best. I dislike the show now so its off my "list of what to watch".

  70. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Don't tell anybody, but I did watch DWTS. From last year, my DVR's timer was still set to record the show so I watched the recording.

    Not picking on Brisket, but Mark's partner's first dance looked a lot better than Brisket's last dance on DWTS. Mark looked like he was enjoying himself.

    My guess is somebody on the show must of felt bad for what Mark had to deal with last year and made it up to him by giving him a partner who wasn't afraid of hard work. I betcha Mark's new partner won't gain 40 to 50 lbs a week like Brisket did.

  71. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Bristol Palin is the Kim Kardashian of the right wing, but at least Kim has the sense not to talk evil mess in the media 24/7. But both got famous for the same thing.

    As for Sarah's Christianity, I'm a committed Christian. And the Palin's know Jesus like satan knows the Bible. He can quote it it for effect but he's not really into living the godly principles in it. You don't whine, complain and degrade when you're standing in the victory and power of Christ. You get up and do what you can to share positivity with a dying world. Oh. And you finish what you start when you take an oath to do so.


  72. Anonymous2:51 AM

    What a difference what a change for Mark. His new partner has talent, light on her feet and did you notice she didn't do one chest shimmy or stick her hand straight up in the air like Bristol repeatedly did last year. What a breath of fresh air she is. One more thing, you did not see his new partner's mother like ABC repeatedly showed that dumbass Sarah. One more thing, I doubt you will see Mark's new partner gain weight everyday.

  73. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Bristol & Willow, who's your baby daddy now?

  74. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I heard that Mark now has back problems and DWTS is making up for it by paring him with somebody who isn't a fat cow.

    Otherwise, he has a worker's comp claim that ABC can't afford to explain.

  75. Anonymous7:30 AM

    OK trolls, these are some of the facts that you are too chickenshit to admit.

    followers gamed DWTS voting system.
    can't dance.
    was treated like the slut that she is.
    moves were hidious and skanky.
    is ignorant.
    was really unnecessarly fat and sloppy looking.
    dizzy "mom" was booed.(People know)
    looked like a fool.
    sounded like a backwood, uneducated hillbilly,redneck.

    BTW -- Drinking game - how many times mark will pick up his new partner while dancing. rotf


  76. Anonymous7:49 AM

    "You're back asswards as usual. ABC is making it easier to vote by Internet, not harder."

    Troll has just admitted they cheat.

    What the hell is "back asswards?"
    It's bass ackwards.


  77. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Bring Bristol back for the next season...just to see how the votes compare to her first odyssey on DWTS Fake Edition.

  78. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I thought that Bristol Palin was the Paris Hilton of the all-you-can-eat buffet.

    Instead of saying "That's Hot", she kept saying "that sucks."

  79. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hope that Hat-trick has a good home.

  80. It's also pretty much Dancing with the D-listers now. Ralph Macchio and Kirstie Alley are about the only names you'd recognize. Unless you watch a LOT of reality TV. I don't consider people on reality TV to be stars. Not unless they are Chefs on Top Chef.

  81. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I guess Bristol ruined it for daughters of political reality idiots. ABC did not put any daughters of retards on this years show.

    Willow must be pissed, she was ready to go on the DWTS show after she gets her GED, now what is she going to do?

    Join the Army for only a year like Track did?
    Go back to breaking and entering?
    Write her memoirs like Biscuit is doing?
    Be an unwed mother like Biscuit did?
    Marry "Jeremy the Murderer of Wasilla"?
    Have conjugal visits with Jeremy Morlock?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.