Monday, March 07, 2011

Sarah Palin still pissed off that people do not believe she gave birth to Trig. Update! Updated again! And again! And yet again!

The BBC caught up with Palin at the beginning of the Iron Dog. two weeks ago and managed to get one of the few interviews with Klondike Kardashian that is not from Fox News.  Oooh I wonder what she will say?

This exchange is between BBC reporter Jackie Long (JL) and Palin (SP).

JL: What are the criticisms that have hurt you most? One of the big ones that's thrown at you is that you're not intellectually capable. Does that sting?

SP: Who said that?

JL: Lots of criticism about the interviews you have given, the ability to get your head around foreign policy.

SP: Well, how about the idea of perhaps what some of the media has chosen to portray. Let's take a couple of examples - and I don't really want to have to talk politics on one of the best days of our life here in Alaska - but I'll give you one more answer. Things like, that are misconstrued regarding rumours out there that are still in the media because reporters don't do their homework, too often, and they don't set the record straight - though I think it's their job to set the record straight - rumours like I didn't know that Africa was a continent, that's still out there, that's a lie. (BTW Frank Bailey's book absolutely confirms that Palin had no idea that Africa was a continent.  As well as a number of other gaps in her knowledge base.) Things like I censored books when I was a mayor up here in Alaska, that's a lie.

[Governor Palin begins to walk away]

SP: So again if I decide to run we know that we have to put up with a lot of the BS that comes from the media but ... It's not all of you guys but some of you still claim that Trig isn't my kid. I think that's an indication of screwed-up media.

JL: You were saying, your favourite from the media? Which one is that?

SP: Is that trig is not my child, which is still out there in the media.

JL: How offensive is that? How do you deal with that?

SP: Would you be offended if someone said you're child wasn't your child? It's offensive. OK, you know what, I'm really really trying to enjoy one of the best days of our lives.

Now first I think all of you should reach around and give yourself a pat on the back, because when Palin says this story is "still out in the media" she is talking about this blog and others like it. In reality, until just recently, ALL of the MSM has refused to contemplate that she is not Trig's birth mother. The only reason this story has not died completely is because WE have refused to let it die.

And knowing that it still gnaws at Palin that the truth about the birth might still be revealed to the general public, who are NOT reading these blogs, definitely warms the cockles of my heart.

If Palin decided to run, and I am currently very confused about whether she will or not, THIS issue obviously scares her the most, which is why she keeps bringing it up and attempting to play it off as ridiculous.  Of course, as any thinking person knows, if Trig really is her child she could have easily put the rumors to rest with a birth certificate over tow years ago, yet STILL refuses to do so.

Now this Jackie Long also interviewed Palin's parents about their safety concerns for Sarah and the rest of the family. (You can see video of it, as well as video of a portion of Long's interview with Sarah, by clicking here.)

However during this interview Chuck Heath makes the allegation that the so-called Palin stalker, Shawn Christy, was caught in Anchorage by the FBI "last month" which, since this interview takes place in February, would have been in January of this year.

But here is the thing, I have been communicating with Christy for over a month now, in anticipation of setting up an interview, and he has NEVER indicated that he was ever up here or that he had any recent problems with the FBI.  (There was ANOTHER allegation that Christie had traveled up to Alaska in 2010, but his father said that was completely untrue.)

Currently other news outlets are taking this story and running with it, but I have very serious doubts about its veracity.  Like I said I have been in communication with Christy as late as February 24th, and at that time he was talking about how busy he was at work, and mentioned NOTHING about having recently been in Alaska, or having any trouble with the law.

Another point that makes this story seem unbelievable is that Heath claims that "the FBI was on top of it and sent him home."  With a restraining order out against him, I do not believe the FBI would simply "send him home."  They would immediately place him under arrest and I have a lot of difficulty believing that the Palins would not have contacted the media within about ten minutes to start playing the victim.

It also might be wise to keep in mind that it appears the ONLY source for this story is Chuck "I was there when he popped out" Heath.  Who it should also be remembered was the source of the original "leaking amniotic fluid on the way back from Texas" wild ride story.

So is this yet another lie coming from a Heath/Palin family member? Or did Christy actually sneak past me and get arrested in Alaska, only to be sent home with a slap on the wrist, without any reporter catching wind of it until Chuck spilled the beans?

Update: Here is the text of the full interview with Chuck and Sally Heath. Here is verbatim what Chuck said about Christy.

CH: The only thing that worries us most is her safety. Because she is, I won't say lackadaisical, but she was raised in a very small town, small family, and there's too many kooks out there, she's beginning to see it, people threatening her through the mail, we help handle her mail. There are some weirdoes. We have pictures posted in our house here of people who have threatened her, even, then have even been in Anchorage.

JL: And people have threatened her life?

CH: Oh yeah, oh yeah. And her kids too.

JL: In what way, what are they saying?

CH: A good example is one guy from Pennsylvania. He sent us and other people copies of a gun he'd bought, copies of a receipt for a gun he bought, copies of a one-way ticket to Anchorage. We kind of laugh it off, we got a restraining order on him, and lo and behold last week he showed up in Anchorage, from Pennsylvania, and fortunately the FBI was on top of it and sent him home.

JL: You say you laugh it off, but what does Sarah say about it? It must be terrifying.

CH: Well, she has good security when she goes places but here in Wasilla she doesn't have that good of security, other than family, friends and things like that. Not only Sarah has been threatened but her whole family has been threatened. We sleep with the guns.

I am currently working on getting verification that the FBI did not pick up Christy in Alaska.  I will provide an update if and when I get that confirmation.

Update 2: I just got off of the phone with the U.S. Attorney's office, and after the guy finished laughing, he told me that the story is not valid.  He also said that if the FBI had apprehended this young man he would have been put in jail, and that if it happened in January, his trial date would be fast approaching.

So it should not be a surprise to any of us that Chuck Heath made the whole thing up.  What IS a surprise however is that the BBC ran with the story without first confirming its validity with local officials.

Update 3: Well as it turns out I am both right and wrong.

In fact Christy DID fly up here on February 11 of this year, stayed 30 hours without once leaving Anchorage, and then flew back according to the Frontiersman. It also appears that he had clearance from the law enforcement before making the trip.

However Chuck Heath's story is still mooseshit because while Christy was here he had NO contact with either the FBI or the APD as reported by Politico:

UPDATE: An Alaska State Troopers spokeswoman also says they have no record of arresting Christy. A spokeswoman for the Anchorage Police Department, Anita Shell, also said her office had no record of contact with Christy.

However, as many of you have pointed out, the false story of Christy's arrest in Alaska is still spreading across the Internet like a wildfire.

Update 4: Here is Andrew Sullivan addressing what I at first thought would be the biggest story to come out of this interview:

I know of no one in the MSM who has claimed that Trig is not biologically Palin's child. I certainly haven't. The NYT ran a front-page story based on the premise that the rumors were nuts. Other MSM reporters made a decision to slime other journalists for even asking the question. To the best of my knowledge, no reporter (outside the ADN) has ever directly asked her to provide easily available evidence, which is odd given the many bizarre parts of the story. This the Dish has - of the McCain campaign. It is my quixotic belief that it is the duty of elected officials to clear up genuine, empirically resolvable questions about their past. Obama rightly produced his birth certificate - however offensive the insinuation that he was ineligible to be be president. Palin refuses to produce any medical records - however offensive the question understandably is.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    JL: What are the criticisms that have hurt you most? One of the big ones that's thrown at you is that you're not intellectually capable. Does that sting?

    SP: Who said that?

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Interesting she never says the false rumor is that she did not give birth to Trig. She just says rumor is he is not my child. Sure he is her child, but that does not mean we believe she birthed him.

  3. Great post Gryphen! Sarah won't show her medical records because it will prove things or abortion...tubes tied...trig is not hers and that she has herpes from her "family valued" affairs! You know...that kind of stuff!

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    That's the biggest accusation that she has problems with??? Why is that? I guess because it is her BIGGEST problem.

    How about the one that she had her tubes tied before Trig was born?

    BUT the accusations are NOT going away, as much as SHE REEEALLY wants them to. I AM glad that she wants the reporters "to do their homework... and ... set the record straight", though.

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I love how her first response, knee-jerk reaction to these questions is "WHO SAID THAT?"

    She's not even subtle about her mental hit list of people she wants to ruin, is she.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    She could and SHOULD prove once and for all, that Trig is her biological child, for the good of the family and for Trig, if she really cared about the rumors.

    But she can't.

    This can all still be private. Two reporters could come to her home, see everything, photos, birth cert, ID bracelets, whatever, and then they could verify, without the public being shown anything.

    But she can't.

  7. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I am wondering how the bots will spin this BBC interview into "It was the BEST she has EVER done! BOOM! Taste her nightstick!"

    No, I don't believe the FBI story - not one bit of it.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    From Sally Heath:

    SH: But the local police will do whatever we ask. They will drive by her place and they'll keep an eye on things. They're concerned.

    Newsnight interviews Sarah Palin's parents

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I've talked to Shawn Christy, when he requested my facebook friendship when he saw my name on a fan page. The dude is nutso and obsessive.

  10. Olivia7:03 AM

    I have said before, Chuck may be not be lying when he said he was there when Trig popped out. He didn't say WHAT Trig popped out of. Could have been a duffel bag after being brought into the hospital.
    Just like poor Sarah being so offended that people say Trig isn't her child. NO ONE says Trig isn't her child. What they are saying is that she didn't give birth to him.
    These people spin words to make themselves believe that they aren't the LIARS that they are.

  11. Anonymous7:05 AM

    If you read the whole article, notice that she begins to walk away when she's asked to address criticisms about her. Nothing's changed. She still can't keep her composure and address confrontation with reason and rational thought. Of course, that's because they can't be defended with such (and because she's not able). She always resorts to bullying. "You can't say those things because I don't want you to."

  12. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "How would you feel if people were saying your child is not really yours?" How would you feel if people were saying you were not really American or Christian? How would you feel if people kept makin' stuff up about your citizenship, religion, family, motives, etc.

    She gets far less flack and hatred aimed at her than the President of the United States. How does she plan to handle it? Certainly not as graciously as Pres. and Mrs.Obama have, time and time again.

  13. Anonymous7:08 AM

    JL: What are the criticisms that have hurt you most? One of the big ones that's thrown at you is that you're not intellectually capable. Does that sting?

    SP: Who said that?

    Any of them, all of them (besides Fox News).

  14. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Sarah claims to know plenty about foreign policy, such as the fact that Africa is a continent, not a country. Yet, in a recent interview that she gave to Greta, she claimed that the cause of the problems between Pakistan and India is the Taliban. It is not the Taliban! Among many militant groups, it is the Kashmiri Militants who were blamed for the bombing in Mumbai (Bombay) two years ago. They have also blown up buildings and trains, killing many people.

    Obviously Sarah reads this blog because anything written here seems to get to her. Ever since Pakistan and India were partitioned into two countries, there have been tensions over Kashmir going to India when it is predominantly Muslim. I don't think that Sarah knows any three things about the country she is scheduled to visit, other than the fact that they handle our tech support, eat curry and speak Indian. (That's a joke).

    Huffington Post has a good article about how Sarah is upset with the humor coming from Kathy Griffin. With such thin skin, it's going to be fun to watch Sarah run for president when the media might actually do its job.

  15. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I'm sure I won't be the only one to point this out, but I don't think anyone has claimed that Sarah isn't Tri-g's mother.

    We are saying that she did not give birth to him. (I will add that personally, I do not believe he is legally adopted either.)

    Of course, it is possible that she's stupid enough to think giving birth is the only way one becomes a mother.

    As far as Christy goes, the fact that he didn't mention anything about the FBI to you doesn't mean he wasn't in Alaska. It means he didn't mention it. But the Palins are such liars that the fact that they claimed he was, supports your statement.


  16. London Bridges7:12 AM

    Sarah did not say she gave birth. She said Trig is her child. Trig is a child and belongs to her. Had she said "believing that I gave birth to Trig." Thus she has not lied here.

    The immaculate deception continues!

  17. Anonymous7:17 AM

    You know it is another lie.

  18. TwoBlueJays7:18 AM

    "Who said that?"
    What an idiot.

  19. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I don't think anyone has said that TriG isn't Sarah's child - although there is a bit of "it depends on how you define 'is'" or kids saying oral sex isn't "sex." I've not heard anything that suggests Sarah isn't the legal mother of TriG. I do have questions, but I suppose an adoption could have been performed quietly.
    the only suggestion I have heard is that Sarah is not the birth mother.
    Of course both of these questions could be easily answered with a couple of documents.

  20. Anonymous7:21 AM

    What a perfect slice of PalinWorld is captured in this exchange with the BBC.

    BBC "are you intellectually capable"?

    SP: Who said that? (Instead of addressing the concern, wants to add someone's name to her enemy list.)

    BBC: "ability to understand foreign policy"?

    SP: The media lies! Top three lies 1. Africa 2. Censored Books 3. TriG

    My god. This woman is STILL in the mind-space of the November 2008 campaign.

  21. Anonymous7:24 AM

    according to the script, scarah says that she's annoyed that people are saying that Trig is not her kid. She's did say that she's annoyed that people are saying that 'she didn't give birth to Trig'.


  22. Molly7:24 AM

    Sure, Sarah, Trig is your kid, by hook or by crook.

    Hey Sarah? I thought we we all supposed to ignore the bloggers, and only watch Fox News, so we are not accidently exposed to the truth. Right? Are you worried?

  23. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sarah... make us all look like idiots...

    all you have to do is release the birth certificate for Trig.

    oops.. you can not do it because you are not the birth mother.

  24. Palin wants to terrorize and destroy another young man to further her agenda.

    Looks like Murdoch's power could increase which is real scary.

  25. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I think if I were Sarah, I'd be MOST pissed that people figured out that she named him after his genetic condition. She thinks she's so damn smart and I bet she can't believe someone figured it out.

  26. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Ahhh, thanks Sarah. You have provided MORE to the mounting amount on evidence. You have confirmed:

    a) that you read these Blogs

    b) that the Trig story is your biggest worry and may be what gets in the way of your run.

    We may have some members of your family to thank for their part in keeping you out of running for any more offices. The consequences of being independent were not only theirs to bear. (Of course, you did most of it yourself with your continued demonstration of incompetence.)

    And this interview was done before the recent "tubal" flurry. She must have become even more worried since then.

  27. Beldar7:34 AM

    Hey, Dipshit! The attacks on you arent from the media! You're simply reviled by a solid majority of thinking Americans who despise your word-salad gibberish and your delusional fantasy that you're somehow a viable presidential candidate when you are absolutely not.

    All is not lost, tho, as you'll always be loved by the non-trivial number of mouth-breathers that can't see you for what and who you are. Please, take their money and run, also, too!

  28. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Note her wording: She's still using the "people say Trig isn't my kid" line. No one is questioning whether he is her child, but whether she gave birth to him and whether she faked the pregnancy. Why won't she just say: "I gave birth to Trig"?

  29. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Let's be specific: Tell her to please answer:

    Sarah Palin, did you GIVE BIRTH to Trig and can you provide definitive proof?

  30. Anonymous7:37 AM

    sarah is throwing gorilla dust. ¨Trigg is my baby¨ keeps reporters from asking her about getting on the plane after her water broke, etc.... She keeps running away with her tail between her legs because it is so easy to call sarah out on her lies about Trigg´s ¨delivery.¨

    G. Beck to s. Palin: ¨No one bothers my children.¨

  31. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Sarah Palin, did you not tell numerous people that you could not do the car pool/other activities because you had your tubes tied? How could you have gotten pregnant with Trig? Please be specific.

  32. angela7:39 AM

    No one ever said Trig wasn't her son.

    People say he isn't her "birth" child. Notice how she doesn't put that part in? And when the press did try to do their job , , , When the editor of the ADN said she should do a blow up sized birth certificate for Trig and humorously shut all the naysayers up ---she never spoke to him again.

    Jeez, Sarah has got serious tells. If she's lying about something she can't help but obsessively talk about it.

    And exactly what kind of disorder does that word salad emanate from anyway? She must have scared the poor British reporter to death with that crazy crack talk.

  33. JL: What are the criticisms that have hurt you most? One of the big ones that's thrown at you is that you're not intellectually capable. Does that sting?

    SP: Who said that?


  34. Anonymous7:48 AM

    How does one go about verifying the FBI story? And wasn't the protection order done in Alaska, why would the FBI be involved, wouldn't the Alaska law enforcement be responsible?

  35. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Gryph? Can you find out if Chuck Heath made that up about Shawn Christie being apprehended in Anchorage? Because Chuck is being quoted in stories, as if his word is good enough to prove this fact. Really, I think some sort of confirmation from law enforcement is in order. I would think that if this is true, that a Sarah Palin Stalker was apprehended in Anchorage and sent back to Pennsylvania, that would have merited a press conference from somebody official, not the elderly dad of the "victim".

  36. Anonymous7:52 AM

    There is absolutely NOTHING that is gracious or mature about Sarah Plain.

  37. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Well, I have to admit the brisk Alaska air is doing sarah´s complexion some good. I haven´t seen her look this healthy in ages. Too bad I can´t say the same for the old hag in sunglasses next to her, though.

  38. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I've never actually heard Palin claim that she "gave birth" to Trig. It's starting to be noticeable. And I was never a Trig Truther, though I'm starting to lean that way!

    Perhaps Sarah gets her tendency to fabricate facts from Chuck, or maybe he believes what she tells him and is just repeating her lies. It seems like it wouldn't be too hard to prove if the guy was up here or not. Have you called his employer?

    At this point, if she were a seriously contemplating running for President, wouldn't she once and for all scotch this "rumor" with hard evidence so that she doesn't have to deal with it for the next 20 months?

  39. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Your headline says "... gave birth to Trig". She is upset that people don't belive that "Trig is my child". I can't remember if she has ever said that she gave birth to Trig. If she adopted Trig, then he is her child. She always spews word salad and carefully avoids using the words "gave birth".

    I was always taught that in effective communication, an interviewer should ask a question, then follow-up with another specific question to clarify/confirm. Nobody asks the next question that would get specific to "giving birth".

  40. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Love it! I consider myself a news junkie and outside of this blog and a few others, I've not heard one member of the MSM say anything about Trig in months. If anything, the MSM focuses on nothing more than this dipwad's asinine tweets and FB posts. So how exactly is the MSM pushing this rumor Stupid Sarah? I wish the reporter would have pressed her more on that.

    Also too, I thought it funny that she accused reporters of not doing their homework. If I recall correctly, didn't ADN attempt to 'do their homework' to quash the 'nutty' rumor that Trig wasn't borne of Stupid Sarah. Didn't Stupid do everything in her power to stonewall the ADN at every turn so that the reporter who tried to help her ended up walking away empty handed (and probably with even more questions as to why this woman behaved so wackily about something so easily provable -- if she truly had given birth)

    She's so ignorant and mentally ill it's not even funny. As I've said before, sociopaths HATE having their loony realities questioned.

  41. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Just a tiny hint to Sarah Palin. Knowing the landmass that constitutes Africa is not exactly what you should be proferring as foreign policy experience.

    Global economics, socio-political background, religious-territiorial-historical issues, infrastructure, environment, competition for limited resources... these are some of the many subjects of foreign policy debate.

    A total of 2-4 days in Hong Kong and India for speechifying are foreign policy kindergarten.

  42. Anonymous8:02 AM

    To the person who thinks the media will begin to do their job when/if she runs for President--why would they do that now when they failed to do that when she ran for VP. It's like they are part of the conspiracy to present her as a viable candidate and their past is out there for anyone to see... They no better than the politicians at admitting they were wrong.

    I loved the "Who said that" and he angrily running away when the questions got a little tougher. Good find, Gryphen!

  43. Anonymous8:02 AM

    My, my, Palin's little sociopath brain seems to have locked onto the problem of establishing the identity of Trig's birth mother. But Palin is too stupid to control her mouth, so BBC get's a dose of Palin whine.

    If Palin continues on her current trajectory, she's going to inflate and magnify the Trig tale to the point where even mainstream media can't ignore the anomalies.

  44. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I just have to pop in and say that, as an adoptee myself, my birth certificate says nothing about my birth father, just my adoptive father (my mother remarried and my step father adopted me). This is why it is so difficult for people to find their birth parents. Looking at Trig's BC would only show other parents if he were NOT adopted. And I'm sure he was. The adoption records are likely sealed, too.

  45. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "This can all still be private. Two reporters could come to her home, see everything, photos, birth cert, ID bracelets, whatever, and then they could verify, without the public being shown anything."

    Very, very few doctors have assisted at the birth of a baby with Down Syndrome born to a sitting governor. Any doctor who did so would certainly remember the event. She could ask the doctor to make a public statement, verifying that he or she did so on thusandsuch a date at thusandsuch a location. (Date and location necessary because we'd immediately start digging into the nature of the doctor's practice and location on that day.)

    Heck, I'd pay for DNA studies to be performed anonymously... one of these samples is from a woman; the other is her child. Please verify. I bet I'm not the only one who'd do that, either! Only I'd insist that the samples be handled like "chain of evidence" signed from one person to another.

    If Sarah really was all that annoyed by these ongoing rumors she can't shut up about, she could easily put an end to them.


  46. Anonymous8:06 AM

    If that doesn't smell of "nothing's behind the curtain so don't bother to look", I don't know what does. (That's called "covering the scent" in hunting terms, Sarah. Actually, it's "lying through your teeth").

    And, yes, she did just say that this story IS worth investigating! At this point, she figures, she has nothing to lose by continuing the lie and everything to lose by having the truth come out. Of course, she could just drop out of the public's eye and have this story die, but her self-interest will not let her, in spite of what it may mean to her family. She's willing to take that risk. Her top priority is herself and will do whatever it takes to reach her goals.

  47. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Sarah Palin in "Going Rogue" detailed a pregnancy with a Down Syndrome infant. That is an undoubtedly a claim that she "birthed" Trig (ger).

  48. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Run Sarah Run! Away from the reporter, LOL

  49. when is the last time I saw anything in the mainstream press about Trig not being hers? that would be the first of Neveruary. Unless this is the press she speaks of! BTW she is on the cover of the NE under the headline of divorce rumors!

  50. Virginia Voter8:10 AM

    Here's the sentence that gets me:

    "It's not all of you guys but some of you still claim that Trig isn't my kid."

    What mother talks like that? Who refers to her toddler as "my kid".It has absolutely no warmth, nothing maternal about it. Sarah even sounds like she's referring to someone else's child when she refers to Trig like that.

    I use the term in the plural sense, like "I'm taking my kids to get a haircut today", but I never refer to each of them individually as my kid, more like my son.

    For ANY doubters out there, this interview should prove, once again, that Sarah did not give birth to Trig. NO ONE in the mainstream media is discussing this AT ALL, and I challenge you to prove otherwise. Who exactly are the "some of you guys" besides Gryphen, Palingates, and the handful of other bloggers you are referring to? Not even the NE went there.

    Sarah obsessively reads these blogs, and this proves it. So Sarah, go ahead and give us the big middle finger and prove that you GAVE BIRTH to Trig....we've been waiting for over two years, and you've had plenty of opportunities...two books, countless Fox interviews, Oprah show, Barbara Walters, but so far, crickets.

  51. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Here's the link with the only instance I've seen of Palin stating she gave birth to Trig. It was in an email exchange with Pat Dougherty, editor of ADN:

    Why she wrote this to him, but doesn't freely confirm she gave birth to Trig now is a mystery.

  52. emrysa8:15 AM


    strapping on an empathy belly and faking a pregnancy = INSANE!

    naming a kid after his birth defect = cold-hearted INSANE skank.

  53. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Now first I think all of you should reach around and give yourself a pat on the back, because when Palin says this story is "still out in the media" she is talking about this blog and others like it. In reality, until just recently, ALL of the MSM has refused to contemplate that she is not Trig's birth mother. The only reason this story has not died completely is because WE have refused to let it die."

    The poor dear, why is she worried about
    bloggers and anonymous gossips? Why does
    she read/care what is said?

  54. Anonymous8:17 AM

    To nitwit Sarah, no one said Trig wasn't your son, he is, you, however never "popped" him out of your womb...big difference.

  55. Anonymous8:18 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    JL: What are the criticisms that have hurt you most? One of the big ones that's thrown at you is that you're not intellectually capable. Does that sting?

    SP: Who said that?

    6:31 AM"

    I think SP meant: Who hasn't said that?

  56. Anonymous8:20 AM

    JL: What are the criticisms that have hurt you most? One of the big ones that's thrown at you is that you're not intellectually capable. Does that sting?

    SP: Who said that?

    JL: Everyone in the whole wide world. You are the laughingstock of the planet, "Governor." Even on FOX they mock you (c.f. O'Reilly, Bill. "Collected Interviews of Sarah Palin on FOX: 2008- 2011").

  57. Anonymous8:26 AM

    JL: What are the criticisms that have hurt you most? One of the big ones that's thrown at you is that you're not intellectually capable. Does that sting?

    SP: Who said that?

    JL: Charlie Sheen. Winning. Duh.

  58. Sarah has yet to perfect the art of Shutting Her Own Mouth. That's both a blessing and a curse. In this case, you think she'd realize the less said the better. But that would take logic.

  59. Anonymous8:35 AM

    UM. "We're so concerned about her safety that we're going to tell an international news reporter about all the safety precautions she doesn't take and how vulnerable she is at home."

    ??WTF, Chuck?!

  60. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I think the Frontiersman ran something recently about Christy being in AK. I remember seeing an article somewhere but there wasn't any reporting of it.

    Palin can push all the "threats against her" but she will never be able to get away from the fact that many feel her rhetoric played into Gabby Giffords shooting and the shooting of all the others that day.

  61. Anonymous8:39 AM

    The Mainstream Media won't touch the Trig story. The only place that it exists is on several blogs that have regularly put up photos of Sarah Palin, taken a week or so before she claims to have given birth to Trig. In the photos, she has a model slim figure, and she does not look like a pregnant woman, let along a pregnant woman at 7 1/2 or 8 months.

    The question that always comes up is how someone who claimed to know that she was expecting a special needs DS child would risk her health and his by flying to Texas to give a speech. That trip involved two four hour flights with a layover. According to Sarah, labor pains (and maybe leaking) was serious enough to warrant a 3 AM (or was it 4 AM?) call to her doctor in Alaska.

    Sarah gave a speech while in labor, leaking fluid, carrying a special needs child. She had a history of two previous miscarriages. Yet, she chose to fly back to Alaska to give birth in a small community hospital with no neonatal facilities, using a doctor who had delivered only 3 babies that year.

    Sarah passed up larger, better equipped hospitals in Texas, when she changed planes (Seattle?) and when she landed in Anchorage. She did not request a police escort to or from the airport, easily done when you're the governor. Not one flight attendant noticed Sarah's pregnancy, in spite of frequent seat belt checks. The new born baby shown in a photo with his proud grand parents (great grand parents?) was plump, pink and rosy, not 7 1/2 or 8 months gestation.

    And, Sarah wonders why we question this story. Either she is telling the truth and she put a plane load of people, herself and a special needs baby at risk by flying or the story is too fantastic to be believed. She could have easily put an end to those nasty internet rumors by holding a joint press conference with Dr.CBJ, granting the doctor permission to describe Sarah giving birth to Trig. By now, she has had time for anyone to photoshop a birth certificate. I'm surprised that no one has been able to grab some DNA samples to put an end to the story. Of course, now that Chuck has told us that they sleep with the guns, that's pretty dangerous.

    People wonder how Chuck could be there "when Trig popped out." Well, Sarah thought that Trig was sound asleep, wrapped in his little blanket. But then Trig woke up, pushing aside the blanket, and "he popped out." You see, everything does have an explanation.

  62. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Palin -vs- Stewart

    RAM's at it again:

    Asked for comment, Palin aide and unofficial spokeswoman Rebecca Mansour emailed The Huffington Post, claiming that Palin "doesn't recall being invited on Jon Stewart's show" and that no one at her political action committee, SarahPAC "remembers seeing an invitation," adding that the former governor's Fox News contract precludes her from appearing on other networks without approval.

    When it was suggested that perhaps she and the other holdouts were afraid to go on the show, Mansour emphasized: "She is certainly not 'afraid' to go on his or any show. Sometimes she chooses to avoid a show, such as David Letterman's, because she doesn't want to give it a ratings or publicity boost. But afraid? No way."

    In a follow-up email, Mansour was more vehement: "She's not afraid of his show. She doesn't think about him all that much. Neither do I. However, I do recall that he's been rather vicious in his coverage of her, so I'm not sure why she would even want to appear on his show to give him a ratings boost. If you continue to imply that she's afraid of appearing on a comedian's satire news show, then you're just plain wrong. She's stared down big oil companies and won. Jon Stewart isn't all that intimidating."

  63. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Can one of you technically gifted people put together a video of all the times (in camera and in print) where Sarah Palin has used a variant of the phrase " when people say Trig is not my child" or "...the rumour that I am not Trig's mother"...etc?

    Because I have to tell's driving me absolutely, padded-wall bonkers that not one media outlet has taken note of the beyond obvious and transparent manner in which Palin sidesteps saying that she "gave birth" to or "delivered" Trig.

    I mean come on now, this is insane. You've heard of the "elephant in the room"? Well this is an entire three ring circus in the room. The tigers are jumping through rings aflame, human canons are whizzing overhead, brightly painted clowns are performing...

    And everyone is acting like we can't see any of it.

    Why doesn't ONE of these enterprising journalists, upon hearing Palin say something about the "ridiculous" rumours that "Trig is not my child", say "Well then, show them you mean business- look into the camera right now and say 'I GAVE BIRTH to TRIG and I defy anyone to prove otherwise!'..."?

    With ALL the media and reporters that have had access to her, not ONE of them recognised her asinine sidestepping for what it is. I seriously feel this frustration could drive me mad.


  64. Gasman8:45 AM

    One of the immutable character traits of Sarah Palin is that she can NEVER ignore any jab, no matter from what source or no matter how seemingly insignificant. So when she is confronted with those who are calling into question as to whether or not Trig is her biological child, there is simply no way for her to ignore such a challenge. When it would be in her best interests to shut up, she will simply bring up the issue on her own. She really is her own worst enemy.

    As for her or Chuckie lying about Shawn Christy getting arrested by the FBI, remember that Palin alleged that there had been death threats made against her children and she didn't report these "threats" to either the school or to the police. Palin also alleged that liberals had criticized her for not aborting Trig, but conveniently never backed up the claim with any evidence.

    Actually, how DO you abort a baby that you were never pregnant with?

    Palin and Chuckie have simply told so many lies for so long that they no longer can keep track of them all. Besides, up until now, they've gotten away with it. With the BBC interview, we may have just witnessed the first water over the dam regarding Palin's pregnancy scam. It has now been covered by legitimate media, so it is now fair game for all.

    If you think Palin has been batshit crazy before, wait until she starts getting peppered with these questions.

    And a birth certificate ain't gonna' do it. She needs to provide DNA evidence that she is Trig's biological mother.

  65. SP: “....reporters don’t do their homework, too often, and they don’t set the record straight - though, I think it’s their job to set the record straight.”

    She’s begging for the media to ask the Who, What, Where, When, Why questions about her seventh ‘pregnancy’ and the birth of Trig and then insist on receiving sufficient documentation to verify her answers.

    When interviewing slippery Sarah, the media should use a script crafted from her own criticisms of them and simply hold her accountable to her own standards for them and others.

    This, of course, doesn't apply to Gryphen who deserves great honor and appreciation for doggedly keeping the fake pregnancy questions alive, and giving Sarah the jitters. With the Shailey Tripp interview, the questions are no longer based on rumor and speculation but on a quote from Sarah herself saying and documenting that she wasn't pregnant.

  66. Anonymous8:46 AM

    And now Palin is being upset enough by someone she herself calls a 50-year-old has-been comedienne that she makes a news issue out of it. She has no idea what is important in the world and what is not. All she knows is every day she needs to wake up and fight someone, anyone. Talk about a bully.

  67. 10catsinMD8:50 AM

    Interesting Gryphen. Christy lives just south of where I do my famy geneology research. Pass the town on my way up there. When his name came up recently, I was about to drive and see if I could contact him.

    Just might to that and see what's going on.

    If Palin reads this blog. Hope she reads this, cause i have law enforcement friends in PA and can do some checking also.

    Lies, lies, and more lies. Let AlJazeera interview her.

  68. Anonymous8:51 AM

    News reports out there that Shawn Christy was arrested when he arrived in Anchorage.

  69. Anonymous8:53 AM

    So how does it work when someone lies during an interview? Does the BBC add a disclaimer to the broadcast or can they just run it as is? I can't think of an example of this happening and how it was handled. I am really surprised the BBC didn't verify Heath's claim. It seems a very easy thing to check.

  70. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Oh Sarah, you have the nerve to ask the reporter "Who said that?!" when the 'media' is always asking you for specific examples of lies made up and being reported by MSM. You speak in maddening generalities because you are sooo freaking lazy!

    It doesn't happen anyway because you are so busy trolling the blogs and gossip mags that make up you reading list beyond Prayer Warrior emails kissing your ass.

    That's the Heath and Palin m.o., be casual with the truth. Demand it from others but take liberties with it to make themselves look more heroic or sympathetic - depending on the subject matter.

    You have nothing to be concerned about Chuck, the only Wasilla weirdo's you would have to be concerned about are the ones you see reflected from the mirror. Check out Mirror Lake on your next family outing.

  71. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Sarah's stalker was in Alaska?

    Are you kidding!....if that had happened, the occasion would have been pure gold for Sarah and we would have heard her screaming "down here" with or without the press.

  72. Anonymous8:56 AM

    LOL, not intellectually capable. I LOVE the BBC!

  73. I absolutely love this post! It says so much about Sarah Palin ... she can't answer the reporter's question; she brings up the one story that can bring her down herself; she is worried and distracted. I love it. Keep it up Gryphen. And thanks for checking on Chuckie's little story because we know he "makes things up" all the time and he taught his daughter well - how to lie.

  74. Anonymous8:58 AM

    HILARIOUS that she asked "Who said that?" about the criticism that she's not "intellectually capable". As if it were one person! Seriously, does she live in a cave?

  75. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I think it's about time for Lt. Dave (the Calvinist) Parker to release a non press release stating "there isn't one scintilla of evidence that Christy was in Alaska" and while he's at it he might as well say there isn't a scintilla of evidence that Sarah gave birth to Trig. C'mon APD, step up to the plate!

  76. Dinty9:00 AM

    Ms. Palin doesn't do her homework, which is why she sounds so stupid. Why bother to do homework when you believe in your heart of hearts that God has decided you should be president?

  77. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Seems he was there but FBI had nothing to do with him while he was in Anchorage.

  78. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Re: the update. Great catch, Grph. Seems like lying is in the Heath family genes. I hope this is picked up by other media outlets, especially those that have been quoting Chuck without comment. I would think that Christy could sue for defamation. Given the rabid nature of Palinbots, it seems like Chuck's lies about Christy are as equally dangerous (if not more dangerous) than any threat Christy might have posed to Palin.

  79. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The Heaths have always bent the truth for Sarah, including being complicit in her lies.

    In her early myth building Palin frequently told a story about her and Todd "eloping" to save her parents the expense of a wedding.

    On August 29, 2008, in Dayton, McCain announced it was his 72nd birthday. Palin announced it was her 20th anniversar­y.

    AlaskaCour­tRecords show Track (Palin's first born) was born on April 20, 1989, or about 6 weeks "early."

    The NY Times did a small story about the elopment lie and this.

    "The Palins eloped on Aug. 29, 1988, and their first son, Track, was born eight months later, a fact that Maria Comella of the McCain campaign, declined to elaborate on. “They were high school sweetheart­s who got married and ended up having five beautiful children together,” Ms. Comella said."

    Palin's parents were married in a Catholic church in Idaho in the summer of 1949, and their first born was born in February.

    With the great teenage role model Bristol,we have 3 generation­s of "knocked up" .

    ps The only celibacy practiced by the Palins: intellectu­al celibacy.

  80. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The Heaths have always bent the truth for Sarah, including being complicit in her lies.

    In her early myth building Palin frequently told a story about her and Todd "eloping" to save her parents the expense of a wedding.

    On August 29, 2008, in Dayton, McCain announced it was his 72nd birthday. Palin announced it was her 20th anniversar­y.

    AlaskaCour­tRecords show Track (Palin's first born) was born on April 20, 1989, or about 6 weeks "early."

    The NY Times did a small story about the elopment lie and this.

    "The Palins eloped on Aug. 29, 1988, and their first son, Track, was born eight months later, a fact that Maria Comella of the McCain campaign, declined to elaborate on. “They were high school sweetheart­s who got married and ended up having five beautiful children together,” Ms. Comella said."

    Palin's parents were married in a Catholic church in Idaho in the summer of 1949, and their first born was born in February.

    With the great teenage role model Bristol,we have 3 generation­s of "knocked up" .

    ps The only celibacy practiced by the Palins: intellectu­al celibacy.

  81. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Will she run? Palin suggests a key question is whether voters will be ready for someone “unconventional” who “calls it like she sees it.” Anybody in mind?

  82. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Chuck Heath "...but here in Wasilla she doesn't have that good of security..."

    Wow!!! So Sarah Palin's security in Wasilla isn't that good. Nice thing to blab to the world about your daughter, Chuck.

  83. Anonymous9:16 AM

    7:02 AM,

    "I've talked to Shawn Christy, when he requested my facebook friendship when he saw my name on a fan page. The dude is nutso and obsessive."

    Uh, yeah. So is $arah Palin.

  84. Anonymous9:16 AM

    From the start I have felt it is not what Sarah Palin says that is important. It is what she doesn't say. In her tome, she had every opportunity to put some of these rumors to bed. She could have said she was pregnant when Todd married her. She could have disclosed Trig's certificate. What Sarah Palin does not say is far more important that what she says and adds to the rumors continuing.

  85. I just googled the tall tale of Shawn Christy in Anchorage/FBI.

    It is being reported as a FACT, just because Chuckie said so! We are doomed if the media continues to report the outrageous Palin lies as truth.

    How lazy can the Press be? One or two calls to law enforcement and they would know that Mr. Heath lives in an alternate Universe - a planet where his daughter flies through the air for 10+ hours while leaking amniotic fluid.

  86. Anonymous9:20 AM

    She is nuts. Why can't she understand that she cannot control what every single person in America believes simply by her or a reporter "setting the record straight"? She would be angry if only one person in entire world had an opinion contrary to her own and would obsess over that one person and why she couldn't make them accept her "truth". Even God doesn't expect that level of obedience.

    Imagine if Obama spent even a fraction of the time she does ranting about every rumor about him out there. She's losing it over rumors discussed only on a few blogs and he's ignoring ones believed by 50% of the Republican party. So which one of these people is fit for high office?

  87. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The BBC story on the alleged stalker is date-lined today, 2011/03/07.

    What is the date of the Heath interview?

  88. Anonymous9:24 AM

    SP: Who said that?

    Well in so many words: George Will, Karl Rove, Rick Santorum, John McCain, Joe Scarborough and even your beloved Bill Kristol.

    SP: Well I'm not going to call them knuckle-dragging, limp, sexist, impotent, soft, girl-men pedophile neanderthals. . .

  89. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Sure, Sarah Palin would love to take this opportunity to feel victimized and relevant! Thanks for asking! (What a half-been.)

    We’re not sure how acting in a fictional teevee show depicting the origins of worldly musical group Rockapella equals being mean to Trig. But this woman is going to have to find a new way to feel slighted if she expects her celebrity to survive a whole presidential season.

    Also, regarding “50-year-old adult bully”: It’s rather sad that Sarah Palin took the time to look up Kathy Griffin’s precise age on Wikipedia. It’s sadder that she can’t realize she’s also almost 50 and is also acting childish.

  90. Anonymous9:28 AM

    And people keep asking about icebergs?

    What do you call this- where possibly the first time the BBC reporter hears about the Trig Birther coverup conspiracy- is when Sarah brings it up?

    Apparently making up a fake arrest story- involving the FBI??

    That's a big WTF? Whose brilliant idea was that?

    It makes the FBI look incompetent. Their official statement will follow shortly. Will they confirm what Chuckie said? LOL

  91. FEDUP!!!9:33 AM

    Well, he *IS* her child - just not her *BIOLOGICAL* child...

    Interesting that she has nothing to say against the intellectually capable criticism... :P

    Also, too, Gryphen, why don't you contact JL at the BBC and set the record straight regarding that 'lame canard' of the stalker?

  92. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The trig issue is her being a mama grizzley. Its all out of protection. And she's winning because whoever rats her out (big if) will be called heartless

  93. Anonymous9:34 AM

    7:02am. LOL. He's obsessive! You're a member of a Sarah Palin fan page and he's obsessive. Why don't you provide a bit of proof regarding this allegation, RAM?

  94. Anonymous9:35 AM

    'President Palin, Tripoli just fell to the rebels, what do we do?'
    'Who said that'($P)

    'Pres. Palin, the stock market just dropped 6000 pts, what do we do.
    'WTF' ($P)

    'Pres. Palin, there are food shortage riots in China, what do we do?
    'Spudnik??? Why are you always picking on me, go ask somebody else' ($P)

  95. from Politico:
    FBI: No arrest in Palin stalker case
    "But Eric Gonzalez, a spokesman for the FBI's Anchorage field office, said the stories were utterly false.

    The Anchorage office "has not arrested or had any contact with Mr. Christy," he said."

  96. Anonymous9:38 AM

    For me the proof is in the ears. Trig has had the same ear construction since the triggybear pics. There is one trig. Its too risky for there to be 2. Too many people see him daily.

    Sarah, todd, piper, trig and tripp all have similar ear structure. Trig also resembles sarah, todd, track, bristol, willow and piper. Not saying sarahs the bmom, just pointing out the obvious

  97. Enjay in E MT9:41 AM

    Am sure there are threats against Palin (& family ) - unfortunately, that is the nature of the beast when spewing hatred across the country [telling ppl they aren't real Americans, that those who disagree with her are domestic threats - 2nd Amendment remedies, and visuals of sniper targets on people etc].

    Those who play on a public stage (actors / authors / religious leaders and even politicians) are subject to stalking, threats, and paparazzi by someone who want to make a statement or name for themselves. Bobby Kennedy, JFK, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon, Dr. Tiller and many more paid the ultimate price without saying half the divisiveness Palin does.

    Remember Sarah - words are powerful; they can hurt or heal, they can promote change or stifle growth, they can empower & encourage people - for good or bad, those listening can cause great harm or produce great works. The hatred you promote against people in this country from the public arena - does have consequences - Tucson?

  98. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Why does shawn christy matter when she and family does indeed receive huge threats? Shawn is just one person who's slightly unhinged. There aremany more who comment here and elsewhere.

    The definition is insanity is attacking sarah palin for every little thing she does or says (and construing what one wishes) and ignoring the gaffes and lies of other politicians.

  99. Anonymous9:42 AM

    It is apparent that Palin is a victim of her father. I think her mental illness is a direct link to him. She is definitely cut from the same cloth. And now her children are victims of her.

  100. Anonymous9:45 AM

    OMG. Front page story on Huffpo. Sarah Palin not afraid of Jon Stewart.

  101. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "Not only Sarah has been threatened but her whole family has been threatened. We sleep with the guns."

    Excuuusssseeeee Meeee!

    I thought Tawd only slept with Shailey and other ladies in Alaska and I don't think there was much sleeping going on.

    We sleep with the guns, ya right.
    I don't think Tawd sleep with guns and if you beleive SP's Alaska, Sarah does not know how to shoot a gun or sleep with a gun.

  102. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The truth about trig will never bring her down.

    Here's a thought though. If bristol were pregnant before tripp and some teens knew about it, why was mercede in the dark? It doesn't shock me that levi tells her nothing since he's not close to his family in the least but seriously? There were rumors of a previous pregnancy and mercede had NO idea? She's also changed her tune completely, saying bristol absolutely wasn't pregnant before and then saying "I have no idea if"

    Whatever. Bristols past is none of our business. Life for her is good. She's happy. They're all happy. I'm starting to think the "haters" are just extrememly jealous.

    One does say awfully critical things or try to sabotage someones career unless jealousy is the root of the problem.

  103. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Mem's political scrapebook said it all. take your pic. one or all. I kind of lean to all. that's why no medical record was ever released.

  104. Anonymous9:50 AM

    The WaPo is also running this story as a fact with no attribution to LEO sources. In fact, no sources mentioned at all, except for a month's old interview with the fleabag attorney.

    Very very odd. I hope the kid sues the shit of Chuck if this turns out to be a fabrication.

  105. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Chuck said the Palins sleep with guns. I don't think Bristol has room in her bed for a gun with all those boys that visit her in her bed.

  106. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Update 2: I just got off of the phone with the U.S. Attorney's office, and after the guy finished laughing, he told me (to paraphrase)'some one is making sch#tt up!'

    So it should not be a surprise to any of us that Chuck Heath mad the whole thing up. What IS a surprise however is that the BBC ran with the story without first confirming its validity with local officials.

    Why should the BBC need to confirm this arrest with local officials?
    Why should they expect a prominent wannabee politician's wildlife exterminator father to make up a story like this? Who makes up a story that can so easily be proven false?

    But if you really want a chuckle: (paying attention Lou Sarah?) maybe the BBC decided to handle it like they did for a reason. If the BBC had any reason to suspect that they might be misled or lied to, the BBC may have just reported everything said as the first story. Someone gave them 'wrong facts' about this arrest? Now they may have to report a retraction concerning statements now proven to be false in the previous reports they made.

    Good reporters always fact check. If they find a significant deception once, they may check carefully for other deceptions.
    Bringing up Trig may have been
    big mistake. The BBC is not Fox.

  107. Anonymous9:51 AM

    As a response to such a clearly articulated question, "Who said that?" is the rhetorical equivalent of "Huh?"

    Ouch! What a way to validate the charge!

  108. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Gryph, You should call Heather Resz at the MatSu Frontiersman. She interviewed Christy in Anchorage.

  109. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The idiots just don't stop giving comedians new material. This time Jon Stewart. Over the weekend, it was Kathy Griffin. Always David Letterman! Such absolute idiots! Have they seen Stewart in action? Such mental midgets dealing with the most respected and trusted news person in the nation! I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE WHAT JON DOES WITH THIS!

    From the front page story on Huffpo...
    When it was suggested that perhaps Palin and the other holdouts were afraid to go on the show, Mansour emphasized: "She is certainly not 'afraid' to go on his or any show. Sometimes she chooses to avoid a show, such as David Letterman's, because she doesn't want to give it a ratings or publicity boost. But afraid? No way."

    In a follow-up email, Mansour was more vehement: "She's not afraid of his show. She doesn't think about him all that much. Neither do I. However, I do recall that he's been rather vicious in his coverage of her, so I'm not sure why she would even want to appear on his show to give him a ratings boost. If you continue to imply that she's afraid of appearing on a comedian's satire news show, then you're just plain wrong. She's stared down big oil companies and won. Jon Stewart isn't all that intimidating."

    Palin's reluctance is perfectly understandable to Richard Parker, lecturer in public policy at Harvard's Kennedy School. "If I were Sarah Palin and remember what Katie Couric did to me, I can't imagine what Jon Stewart would do to me," he said.

  110. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Success doesn't necessarily come from just higher education. And higher education guarantees jackshit. One needs street smarts and a day by day approach. Sarah is a perfect example of carving a successful life from nothing. She's raised strong kids who don't take shit or put on facades. That's refreshing for a politician

  111. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The trolls have elevated their involvement on your post since the rumors of the tubal developed. I think you have the magic bullet!! Hee Hee

  112. Anonymous9:57 AM

    ella said...
    from Politico:
    FBI: No arrest in Palin stalker case
    "But Eric Gonzalez, a spokesman for the FBI's Anchorage field office, said the stories were utterly false.

    The Anchorage office "has not arrested or had any contact with Mr. Christy," he said."

    9:38 AM

    Hi Anchorage Police Dept, I'm one of Sarah Palin's lawyers and she wants me to call you to see if you can send an unofficial APD press release stating that what her father said about some stalker coming to Alaska and picked up by the FBI really happened. No that's okay she does not want it posted on your official website. No that's okay, Sarah just wants the unofficial press release to be sent only to Politico. Thanks you so much and she said she will see at church next week.

  113. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Once again Scarah shows her ass: when she describes Kathy Griffith as a "50-year-old has-been" it pretty much sounds about right in describing herself. Projection much?

  114. Wouldn't you think she would take a few English classes so that she did not sound like a very badly educated 7th grader?

  115. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Let me see if I have this right. Rather than worry about issues facing Americans in the last few days, this dimwit has picked a fight with Kathy Griffen over Glee, had her father tell a helluva a lie regarding the poor kid that has been painted as some stalker just arrested by the FBI so she can appear the victim and had stupid ass RAM get heated about Jon Stewart being mean to Sarah. REALLY?

    These idyuts couldn't find their ass with both hands.

  116. Anonymous10:06 AM



    Please sign the petition to STOP Rupert Murdoch from expanding his empire media fox BS in the UK.

  117. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I don't believe that the FBI or any law enforcement agency (except maybe a child protection agent on behalf of the victim or that type of thin)can get a restraining order, since they are not the victim or potential victim.

    If an Alaska judge issued a restraining order it presumably is a matter of public record, or at lease would show up on the court's calender record.

  118. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Great post by Andrew Sullivan regarding the BBC interview...

    My favorite line: "You have to address stuff regular folks never have to. But she was the one who demanded physical evidence of a marriage license from her first political opponent, because his wife kept her maiden name. And that was a race for Wasilla mayor, not president of the US."

  119. Anonymous10:13 AM

    FYI: This is really messed up - even the Washington Post's website is reporting Chuck Heath's lie as fact and now it's showing up on the main page of Google News -- talk about absolutely bullshit:

    But it DOES make my point, which I cover elsewhere, about how frickin corrupt and clueless the media is.


  120. Anonymous10:13 AM

  121. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Thanks for the link.

    Before traveling to Alaska, Christy said he verified with law enforcement and legal authorities in Pennsylvania that his trip to Anchorage would not violate the protective orders,

    So this probably wasn't the trip Chuckie was talking about? Unless Chuckie was confused. or something. How long will this story remain viewable at the Frontiersman?

  122. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Anon: 9:49: Interesting: So you are confirming the truth about Trig hasn't come out? Also, are the Palins really happy to be sleeping with guns?

  123. Anonymous10:14 AM

    So Gryphen,
    WE all know that some of the MSM and other "news" outlets are reading your blog, might you consider a blog post that deals with Sarah's tubal? Put it out there where it would be picked up a little easier than surfing through your blog's comments section. If there are women in Wasilla that know this to be true, and have stated as such in the comments, then you can count on Sarah not taking legal action to quell this hot tidbit that would certainly rattle her cage. I'm just saying...but, also, too, hoping you will give this some thought.

  124. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Non-american press tends to not care about verification, especially British press. Headlines are typicallynot unlike national enquirer headlines. But then again, since the beginning of reporting and newpapers, sales and sensation has always been what media people care about most. Everything is business. Personal scandals enveloped even our founders lives, though most weren't true and were told out of jealousy or thrill or power and sabotagw. People are genuinely pretty evilminded and selfish. When something threatens them, they fight back. They "cut a bitch". This is why "scandalous rumors" will not bring down sarah. She is no different from anyone with power. People who hold power will always have lackeys milking their name for big bucks. And those people are forgotten pretty quickly.

  125. Gasman10:25 AM

    Anon @ 9:52,
    Where is your evidence that Palin has street smarts, or indeed any kind of smarts at all? She is a simpering buffoon who indeed could not distinguish between North and South Korea and did NOT know that Africa was a whole friggin' continent.

    As to your contention that Palin has "raised strong kids who don't take shit or put on facades," have you not actually seen her freak show progeny? How many unwed teen pregnancies and brushes with the law does it take for you to acknowledge that Palin sucks at being a parent more than she sucked as governor?

    Simply saying shit doesn't make it true. However, when shit is all you have between your ears, I guess that distinction is simply beyond your ken.

    Run along now and make sure that you hold an adult's hand when you cross the street.

  126. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I'm totally confused and don't know who to believe re. Sarah's stalker.

  127. This is from for Anon @ 8:51

    A spokesman for the FBI's Anchorage field office denied British press reports that a stalker against whom Sarah Palin was granted a restraining order was arrested in Alaska.

    The Mirror and Daily Mail reported, vaguely citing Palin family sources and in the wake of a BBC interview in which Palin's father complained of threats, that the stalker, Shawn Christy, had been arrested by the FBI after actually traveling from his Pennsylvania home to Alaska -- which would have been a scary escalation to correspondence that already included receipts of guns purchases.

    But Eric Gonzalez, a spokesman for the FBI's Anchorage field office, said the stories were utterly false.

    The Anchorage office "has not arrested or had any contact with Mr. Christy," he said.

    UPDATE: The British press reports appear to be an exaggeration of something Palin's father, Chuck Heath, told the BBC -- which was also contradicted by the FBI:

    We kind of laugh it off, we got a restraining order on him, and lo and behold last week he showed up in Anchorage, from Pennsylvania, and fortunately the FBI was on top of it and sent him home.
    UPDATE: An Alaska State Police spokeswoman also says they have no record of arresting Christy.

  128. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I guess the liar doesn't fall far from the tree.

  129. Anon 7:57am - "I can't remember if she has ever said that she gave birth to Trig."

    She doesn't usually use the 'birth' word but has a few times. One instance was in her Jan '09 interview with John Ziegler:

    "Uh...quite absurd is-was my interpretation of what was being said especially about my own pregnancy, having given birth to Trig four months prior..."

  130. Anonymous10:34 AM

    From the BBC interview the reporter says:

    Yet both the critics and supporters of Palin that I met while in Alaska told me that she should never be underestimated.

    Who were the critics the reporter met? The real question is whether anyone knew the BBC was coming to ambush a thick skinned sow grizzly at the start of the IronDog..

  131. Anonymous10:34 AM

    In REgards to Palin and Jon Stewart: SO RAM why don't you tell us Alaskan's all about Palin staring down the big oil companies! Please! We are dying to know all about this!

    Sounds more like a scene straight out of a Sharon Stone movie.

    Truth is Paylin is fighting desperately to keep her name in the news.

  132. Anonymous10:34 AM

    What pisses me off is that instead of Sarah the multimillionaire hiring private security while in Wasilla, she relies on our local police force to provide security. (as according to Sally Heath from the comment posted by Anon @7:00am)

    So, she's still grifting off our community even though she's at most a very part-time resident.

  133. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Looks like Heath was right. Kid's been arrested in AK.

  134. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Google Fail:

    Google Palin Stalker arrested and see how high the Politico DEBUNKING is. You know where to click.

  135. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Anon @10:13 You're welcome. Something stinks about this Frontiersmen interview and Chuck Heath's statement about the FBI. I've read that one of Sarah's sisters called Shawn Christy before the restraining order was extended. I'm wondering if this kid was set up "somehow" to allow Sarah to play the victim once again...especially because she was taking so much heat after Tucson.

  136. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hey Chuck a lot of house holds sleep with a gun close by. Welccome to rill 'murika.

  137. Anonymous10:41 AM

    When Keith Olbermann used to be on MSNBC, he devoted a full news segment to the premise that when the Bush administration needed for us to take out eye off the ball and be distracted, they raised the level of security threat to Oh-my-God-we're-going-to-get-blown-up! Keith showed that each time corresponded to an unfavorable news story that we weren't supposed to notice. He also pointed out that when the NY subways were supposed to be the latest target of some fictional plot, neither the police chief nor the mayor of NYC were told about it.

    Every time that Sarah Palin wants to avoid the subject, she play the victim card. She always has a full deck, no matter how many cards she plays. She has even given some of the wild cards to the Joker, I mean, Chuck Heath. McGinniss was spying on her and Piper. The Lame stream media is writing about Trig. Who says those terrible things? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

    When Sarah (and RAM) had no good excuse for not accepting Jon Stewart's invitation to appear on his show, they claim that they never received the invitation. It's a good thing that Sarah is constantly being stalked and her emails are always hacked, otherwise she would have to respond to some of the real questions.

  138. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I think the replay of the Gina Gershon as SP video on MSNBC, really got to her.

  139. Anonymous10:43 AM

    you've got to try and get this mainstream gryphen.

  140. Anonymous10:49 AM

    O/T: Gryphen, My Wisconsin Governor is sounding a lot like your former governor.

    Here is a filed complaint against Walker:


  141. Anonymous10:51 AM

    The Truth hurts, doesn't it Sarah? Certainly, all that your "favorite" blogs possess is circumstantial evidence that weighs most heavily in favor of Trig NOT being your natural son. In a court of law often times circumstantial evidence has been enough to both convict and exonerate the accused. If, in court, you were defending your claim that you birthed Trig, the fact that you changed your story multiple times, and in multiple books and interviews, would certainly weigh heavily against you and give the jury reason to find in favor of those who are not convinced that you birthed Trig.

    Only one person has the power to put this to rest and leave the "Trig Truthers" wiping egg from their faces. Only you, Sarah Palin, can shut us up. You too only present flimsy circumstantial evidence that you birthed Trig. Only you and Trig possess the physical evidence that you "popped him out".

    As much as you get off on punishing your detractors and making them look stupid, you would have put this to bed, if you could. But you can't, so I'll stick with the Truthers on this one. You can't prove you birthed this "kid", plain and simple. If you could you would but you haven't so you never will.

  142. Anonymous10:52 AM

    anon: "I've never actually heard Palin claim that she "gave birth" to Trig. It's starting to be noticeable."

    What do you mean? She's given us every intimate, gross detail of her pains and leaks and stretch marks and wild rides. All of it lies, of course, but it amounts to claiming that she gave birth to Trig.

  143. Anonymous10:53 AM

    If TriG is not a Palin by birth then he is not legally eligible for free health care unless Tod legally adopted him. Is there a public registry of those Alaskans who are eligible for indigenous free health care? Probably not but may be tghere is.

    My point being, if TriG is getting that health care presumably there is some state required criteria of proof that a person is legally eligible. For TirG that would be some legally recogized statement of adoption by Tod, or Bristol, but not Sarah as she is, in her own right, not eligible.

  144. Anonymous10:54 AM

    What is wrong with her mouth in that video?
    She looks so......different. Is she getting old fast,
    or is she having plastic surgery?

  145. Gasman10:56 AM

    Anon @ 10:14,
    You are confusing the BBC with Murdoch's ass wipe tabloids. There IS no comparison. The BBC engages in actual journalism that makes our own MSM blush.

    As to your contention that because Sarah Palin is rich and famous, she can NEVER be brought down by scandal, have you ever heard of John Edwards? His plight shoots your argument to hell.

    If incontrovertible evidence emerges that Palin did indeed fake Trig's pregnancy, she is toast. People will begin examining her record with a fine tooth comb. How much do you want to bet that she would be investigated for criminal charges? Has she EVER said or done anything regarding the fictional pregnancy that could constitute fraud?

    If you doubt this give John Edwards a call and ask him how his first term as president is going.

  146. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Palin says Jon Stewart is vicious, what
    she means is "the truth hurts."

  147. Anonymous10:56 AM

    From The BBC interview. SH= Sally Heath.

    SH: But the local police will do whatever we ask. They will drive by her place and they'll keep an eye on things. They're concerned.

    From the local newspaper-

    Wasilla Police chief sacked

    Published on Saturday, March 5, 2011 3:45 PM AKST
    WASILLA — After 10 months on the job, Mike Hughes, chief of the Wasilla Police Department, was let go on Friday.

  148. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Anon9:49 "Here's a thought though. If bristol were pregnant before tripp and some teens knew about it, why was mercede in the dark?"

    Who said anything about Bristol? Sarah not giving birth to Trig doesn't mean Bristol did. But nice try.

  149. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Alaska Dispatch has more details about the BBC in Alaska. More to come!

  150. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'm thinking the one sure way to get proof of her giving birth to Trig, when she defensively asks why she should have to produce a birth certificate, is to casually remark that well, gee, the President produced his. Then shrug and wait for her head to explode.

    I remember reading somewhere that date and place of birth cannot be changed on an adoptive birth certificate. So she couldn't show Trig's birth certificate, even if she has legally adopted him, *unless* he was born exactly when and where she claims. What are the odds of that?

  151. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The WaPo is now retreating from this story faster than Chuck Heath can re-load. There is hope, yet!

    I do hope the Christy's are able to make a buck from this lie. That would really be a treat, Christy v. Palin in a civil suit. Pass the freaking popcorn!

  152. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Stalker Christy was in Alaska just prior to the start of the Iron Dog. He was "encouraged" to return home. While in Alaska he was carefully watched and never left the area near Anc Intl.

  153. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "She's stared down big oil companies and won."

    Yeah, and Cotton Hill killed 'fiddy' men.

    RAM is so loony. Does this crazy chick really think there is anything worth holding on to in Palin? Is there such a thing as mental illness by proxy?

  154. Anonymous11:12 AM

    WTF? Why do they think they can spew lies and nobody will fact check it? While there are some lazy cheerleaders most in the media would confirm the story before airing it. David Weigel also has the truth on Slate.

  155. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I looked up the fare from Pittsburg Pa to Anchorage and it does run about 350 each way.

    He was in Anchorage. The FBI sending him home has to be verified. But he only stayed from Friday to Sunday and didn't rent a car.

    Whatever his reasons, he may simply want to prove he can do what he wants to. It is a free country.

    The Palin camp sure didn't worry about the congresswoman in Arizona when they put her in their crosshairs. And we know what happened and her response.

    Sad to say, Palin can dish it out, but can't seem to take it.

  156. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Dear Sarah,

    We don't doubt that you adopted Trig and that he is your legal son. We DO DOUBT that you gave birth to Trig. Big difference. And, we notice you never proclaim to have given birth to Trig.

    Where's Trig's birth certificate?

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  158. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Can air passenger lists be checked? That would establish if and when this kid flew to Anchorage.

    Chuckie, you might want to learn about fact checking before you make stuff up.

  159. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Why keep bringing up the birth certificate, as if that would prove that Trig was really Sarah's? If your whole premise is that she faked the birth, and presumably the doctor was in on it, how hard would it be to also forge a birth certificate?

  160. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "One does say awfully critical things or try to sabotage someones career unless jealousy is the root of the problem."

    Well this doesn't make a bit of sense taken at face value (grammar much?) but if you're saying this discussion is about jealousy you are so mistaken. It's about saving what's left of our country from misinformed politicians who sell out to the highest bidder and ignorant citizens who vote against their best interests.

  161. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Better to believe she didn't birth Trig than to think she'd put herself and her unborn child in danger on the stupid "wild ride."

    Sarah Palin would never put herself in any real danger!

  162. Anonymous11:37 AM

    8:06 AM,

    "Sarah Palin in "Going Rogue" detailed a pregnancy with a Down Syndrome infant. That is an undoubtedly a claim that she "birthed" Trig (ger)."

    "Going Rogue" was also a ghost-written book, that was supposed to help clean up her image. $arah Palin has given more than one version of the events leading up to the "birth." The "Going Rogue" version of events is the one that got her "official" stamp of approval for her biography.

    Not to mention the numerous people who didn't even realize she was pregnant, and her fluctuating belly, and other strange things. It's still not proof she gave birth to the youngest child. It just raises more questions as to why she would lie/change her story about the day the child was born. She didn't really give birth to him, that's why.

  163. Anonymous11:39 AM

    “reporters don’t do their homework, too often, and they don’t set the record straight - though, I think it’s their job to set the record straight.”

    Ya mean like checking with the FBI about arresting a stalker before publishing your father's lies about it? You betcha $arah, reporters SHOULD be doing that homework and setting the record straight.

  164. Anonymous11:44 AM

    This is the link with the email exchange between Palin and Dougherty of the ADN. In it, she says she told him she gave birth to Trig.

    This might be why he appeared to completely discount the rumors.

    Why Palin has stuck to the "Of course Trig is my kid" wording in every other instance is a mystery.

  165. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Who said that? Priceless!!!!

    Many have suspected all along that Daddy P might be the original crazy, disconnected from reality, pathological liar of the family. Looks like we will have some evidence on that soon.

  166. Punkinbugg11:46 AM

    This security threat was just reported as fact on MSNBC, so naturally I navigate over to IM, and to my surprise, there's a story about the BBC (!!) and Babygate (!!!!).

    Of couse she felt safe yammering at a British reporter, hedging her bets this woman would not ask her a follow-up question about TriG. And she was right!

    This Stewart/Griffin/Security "chaff" is hitting the MSM airwaves, so the other incident will be totally obscured.

    Keep up the yammering, babe. As Gasman said, you are your own worst enemy.

  167. If she was so upset by questions of maternity (and paternity) regarding her children, specifically Tri-G, she could easily silence them.

    Independent DNA testing on herself and Tri-G.

    Unfortunately, nothing will help that old unqualified, too stupid to hold public office complaint. Short of her shutting up, avoiding the media and never running for office or granting any interviews every again. And that's not gonna happen.

    Wow. Best Day Ever? You mean there is no other day in her life that was better? Not the birth of any of her children? Not even her wedding? No day better than THAT day?

    Wow. I guess that not intellectually capable criticism does hold water, huh?

  168. Anonymous11:47 AM

    AZ police decided many times that Jared Loughner was a harmless stoner wacko.

  169. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Sarah- You are not intellectually capable. Who said it? Everyone has said it and you know it.

  170. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Stop asking for the birth certificate - it will prove NOTHING - when a child is adopted the birth certificate will have no clue whatsoever about it.

    About the best you can hope for is that she lied about Trigg's birthdate - which would open a big can of worms, but when it comes to Sarah and her blind followers I'm sure what ever odd ball reasoning for it that she came up with they would swallow it whole and love her even more.

  171. Anonymous12:00 PM

    9:34 AM,

    "The trig issue is her being a mama grizzley. Its all out of protection. And she's winning because whoever rats her out (big if) will be called heartless."

    No, Palin doesn't win if someone rats her out. $arah Palin will be seen as heartless, if people find out she lied and exploited a child with downs syndrome for political gain.

  172. Anonymous12:01 PM

    People get upset because the media does not investigate her....but why would they? Until she announces a run, they have no budget in the newsroom to investigate.

    If she runs, the floodgates will open and if I wanted to make a name for myself, I might try to break the Trig story. So just wait.....

  173. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Am I the only one who looks at this photo:

    And sees Sarah's face in Trig's? Am I? Am I?
    Half the time he looks like Sarah, and half the
    time he looks like Levi (especially @the Reagan
    ranch). Was Levi porking Sarah?

  174. laprofesora12:10 PM

    Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace must be laughing their asses off!

  175. time for the media walkback. Now, while yer at it, dig deeper into the bullshit message the paystubs convey.

  176. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I've talked to Shawn Christy, when he requested my facebook friendship when he saw my name on a fan page. The dude is nutso and obsessive."
    7:02 AM

    Hello, kinda like the nutso and compulsive $P?

    Seems as if lying comes quite naturally to the entire Heath/$palin klan. It can distract from reality and make one always look the victim if done just right. Creepy Chuckles was able to get THAT through to his daughter. Anything worthwhile, not so much...

  177. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Oh--maybe Sarah never admits she "birthed"
    Trig because she WANTS people to believe
    she didn't? Maybe she is embarrassed by him.
    Ashamed he was born to her. She WANTS
    people to think he is Bristol's...Old Sarah's
    dried out ovaries and big ego produced a
    non-perfect baby & it kills her?

  178. Anonymous12:15 PM

    It looks to me like the only thing Shawn Christy is doing is trying to get the restraining order lifted. Whether he himself was in Alaska doing it, who knows? Obviously, Palin knows about it so she spins it to look like the victim yet again.

  179. Anonymous12:16 PM

    9:41 AM,

    "The definition is insanity is attacking sarah palin for every little thing she does or says (and construing what one wishes) and ignoring the gaffes and lies of other politicians."

    Yeah, I'm so sure the "threats" Palin and family have to deal with rank right up there with what the POTUS has to deal with. (eye roll)
    Palin wants to be president, yet she seems unaware that if she were president, the death threats would actually increase. (It comes with the job!) Oh, and the threats would probably be be real.

    I guess that means $arah Palin is insane, since she does nothing but attack the President for anything he says and does, and "construing what one wishes." No one is ignoring the gaffes, and lies of other politicians. Palin opens herself up to such scrutiny, because unlike the others, Palin is constanlty in our faces all the time, and draws even more attention to herself, by acting like a stupid, crazed, attention-whore, moron!

  180. Anonymous12:20 PM

    One of the criteria for President is to be a "natural born" citizen. Obama proved he met that cirteria.

    The biological parentage of a child of Sarah Palin does not violate the criteria for being president per se, so Trig's birth certificate is NOT going to settle whether Palin can run for president.

    BUT.... Sarah Palin repeatedly boasts of endangering the life of her supposed fetus en route from Texas. That disregard for human life disqualifies her for public office. Trig's valid birth certificate with date and place matching Palin's tale would just underscore her unfitness for office.

    On the other hand, if Palin believed she could fake a pregnancy while holding the highly visible office of state governor, then she is mentally unstable.

    Every possible scenario for the birth of Trig means Sarah Palin is unfit. Palin's puppeteers know that.

  181. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I am totally blown away that (Jackie Long BBC reporter) did not check her facts before publishing . WTF

    What is the best way to bring the facts to her attention from this particular blog ?

    This seems to be the way , certain media believes everything the palin and heath's tell them?

    How do you tell if a palin or heath is telling a lie? answer ;Their mouth is open .

  182. Anonymous12:31 PM

    @9:49 AM,

    "Whatever. Bristols past is none of our business. Life for her is good. She's happy. They're all happy. I'm starting to think the "haters" are just extrememly jealous."

    "One does say awfully critical things or try to sabotage someones career unless jealousy is the root of the problem."

    Oh, brother. Not this we're all "jealous" tripe, again. My feelings are sooo hurt. Not.

    Brisket's happy? They are all happy? Really? It doesn't sound like it. $arah Palin and her family always sound so angry and defensive. Why did Brisket want to give America a "big middle-finger" if she's so happy? Why did Brisket and Brillow viciously attack that guy with homophobic slurs on his Facebook page? Why is $arah Palin trying to pick fights with Kathy Griffin?

    $arah "half-term governor" Palin ruined her own career, and she has already brought herself down. Does Brisket even have a career, other than making money because she got knocked-up?

    Why would we be "jealous" of the Palins? I think Palin is the one with the jealousy problem. If I didn't know any better, I would think $arah Palin is trying trying to destroy Barack Obama's career, and run him out of office, because she is jealous that he is the POTUS, and she is not, and never will be!

  183. anon @12:06 you are not the only one. Trig does look like a palin.

  184. Anonymous12:49 PM

    9:52 AM,

    "Success doesn't necessarily come from just higher education. And higher education guarantees jackshit. One needs street smarts and a day by day approach. Sarah is a perfect example of carving a successful life from nothing. She's raised strong kids who don't take shit or put on facades. That's refreshing for a politician"

    Guess, what asshole? I'm not a college graduate. Palin is. But I'm still smarter than she is, and got far more street smarts, too. Palin did not "carve a successful life out of nothing." Palin was lucky. $arah Palin is an unearned celebrity, like Paris Hilton. If it were not for John McCain, (and her now fading looks) no one would have ever heard of her.

    Do you even know what "street smarts" is? It means a person who can survive in a hostile, or dangerous urban environment. Palin has no "street smarts." She grew up sheltered in rural Alaska, and she has proven time, and time again, that she knows nothing about the rest of the world. So how can she have street smarts? Palin can't even survive a dangerous and hostile environment that includes reporters asking tough questions.

    $arah Palin has raised a bunch of nasty, spoiled brats! There is nothing "refreshing" about $arah Palin. She is like a severe case of herpes!

  185. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Since Christy was in AK for a short time and had no official contact with law enforcement, did he have that kind of 'unofficial' contact that the Palins seem to order up? You know, like the APD press release denying the NE story of Todd's use of prostitutes and the FBI statement a couple years back that said there were no FBI investigations of the Palins underway??????

  186. Anonymous1:02 PM

    If there is something that really bothers me and I can easily put an end to it, I do.

  187. Gasman1:06 PM

    Anon @ 11:47,
    "AZ police decided many times that Jared Loughner was a harmless stoner wacko."

    And Alaska voters decided many times that Sarah Palin was just the person they should elect either mayor or governor.

    Looks like both the AZ police Alaska voters are capable of multiple errors.

  188. Anonymous1:10 PM

    @11:47 AM,

    "AZ police decided many times that Jared Loughner was a harmless stoner wacko."

    Nice try at your lame attempt to compare an e-mail hacker to a mass murderer.


  189. Anonymous1:12 PM

    He flew to Alaska on Sarah's birthday, stayed for at least a day, and flew back home? That's incredibly weird and slightly risky. He's obviously got some imbalance or issue going on but to take an expensive flight for a day for seemingly no reason?

    The boy is mental

  190. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "Who said that?"


    That is too funny.

  191. Anonymous1:13 PM

    When it comes out that Trig is actually Bristol's baby, I hope the media does a retrospective of Sarah's old clips where she's embellishing her wild ride story to wow her adoring fans. She did this at most of her speeches. The media should highlight the inconsistencies she told, how she exaggerated, and how she made the story less believable over time. Look at the clips - Sarah is not joyous because Trig was born but because the pro-lifers are idolizing her for her heroic saintly feat. She's basking in their love.

    Man, that lying quitter makes me so sick.

  192. Anonymous1:13 PM

    to 12:31, if you say so

  193. This comment has been removed by the author.

  194. Anonymous1:15 PM

    12:22, the media believing what people tell them is the same thing as us americans believing what the president (whomever) tells us. People evade the truth pretty naturally

  195. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "SP: Would you be offended if someone said you're child wasn't your child? It's offensive. OK, you know what, I'm really really trying to enjoy one of the best days of our lives."
    What is more offensive is Sarah 's above statement. Why can't she prove all her critics and put it to rest. If the president did it, she has to do it. She has put herself on public, and play as a spokes woman for policy,so she should only blame herself.You can not flirt with the oval office if all you do is lie lie lie to reach the top.

    Dear Sarah, rules should apply to all.I was asked to prove that one of my sons was my son by providing DNA.
    I provided my son's birth certificate. It was rejected. To screw me, all my original birth certificates were taken away. I was mad as hell, like almost punching somebody in the face. And because this Gov official was very sure that one of my kids was not mine,he insisted for the DNA testing. I paid $1200 for it, and proved myself right.
    To date, I am still waiting for one of those common sense people to use their common sense to send all my original documents back. To date they are still in the hands of public officials.
    So tell me why it is offensive for you to provide a birth certificate of of your son and DNA?
    I have a copy of DNA for my son and it was very resent, and I proved my case.

    Ms Ex governor lead by example, stop creating rules you can not follow yourselves.

    Prove to the world that you carried your son and gave birth to him by
    1. DNA
    2. Birth certificate
    3. All the first baby pictures with his ribbon on his hands and feet on the charts
    4. Altra sounds pictures

    If I was asked to provide all that, no exception. No crying victim here.

  196. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Is there a list of the videos and pictures from when S.P. was "pregnant" with "Trig"?

    I get confused. There are a lot of references I don't understand.

    Does someone have a top 10 list of these?

  197. Gryphen - A belated thank you for including Bailey's confirmation of Sarah's Africa gaffe. It adds just the right touch.

  198. Kimosabe1:35 PM

    Gryphen, do you think this clown christy is playing you? First it seemed he wasn't in AK at all, but now it seems he was. WHY was he there? And how did CP know it? There is more to this than meets the eye.

  199. Sarah's professed offense over the Trig rumors is way off-base. Since last September, she's used several speeches to deliberately list reasons why her 'pregnancy was questioned: she didn't announce it until she was 7 months along; she wasn't visibly pregnant because she hid it under layers of fleece; she had the baby 2 weeks (different time periods given in different speeches) after the announcement.

    She loves the quote 'trust but verify'. She had a questionable pregnancy, questionable labor, and a questionable birth and we just want her to verify it all. Add the recent rumor about a tubal ligation in 2001 and the eye-witness account that Sarah reported she was NOT pregnant around Feb '08 and only a fool would take Sarah at her word. She's backed herself into a corner if any of our media are willing to take her dare.

  200. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I talk to Shawn via Facebook and he WAS up here in Feb to do an interview with the Mat-Su Frontiersman. He was in Spenard for this albeit very briefly. He plans to return this summer hopefully. We're gonna take him bar hoppin. He's a good kid. Totally on the level. Palinistas are makin' stuff up...again


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