Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Sarah Palin tweets complete ignorance of the First Amendment.

Today the Supreme Court upheld the right of the Westboro Church to wave disgusting homophobic signs in the faces of those attending military funerals.

Westboro addressed matters of public import on public property, in a peaceful manner, in full compliance with the guidance of local officials. It did not disrupt Mathew Snyder's funeral, and its choice to picket at that time and place did not alter the nature of its speech. Because this Nation has chosen to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that public debate is not stifled, Westboro must be shielded from tort liability for its picketing in this case.

In response to this ruling the Grizzled Mama tweeted the following:

Common sense & decency absent as wacko "church" allowed hate msgs spewed@ soldiers' funerals but we can't invoke God's name in public square
6 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

As much as it pains me to admit, I absolutely agree with Sister Sarah's disgust that these people are allowed to display their hateful homophobic poison in front of children grieving for their dead military parents.  (BTW I feel the same way about those Right to Life wackos who put pictures of a dead fetus on display in their booths right next to the cotton candy stand during our State Fair. Which, by the way, Palin supports completely.)

However Palin needs to understand that the same right that she enjoys to make up lies about our President also protect these crazed lunatics.  It is right here in the very first amendment to our Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And if Palin can get through that paragraph without getting bored, or having to stop and ask for somebody to explain it to her, she might also notice that it explains WHY there is a separation between church and state in this country.

Here let me highlight it for her: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

But all that means is that government officials cannot inflict their religions beliefs on the masses, you know like the GOP has been trying to do for decades. However the RIGHT to practice that religion is protected as well in the very same sentence: "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Nobody is saying that people cannot practice their religion, or worship their God as they see fit. All that is being limited by this amendment is the right of government, or government run facilities (Like public schools for instance) to force their religious beliefs onto others.

And just for clarification, God's name is invoked in the public square all of the time.

In many schools the day starts with the Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." (By the way "God" was NOT part of the original pledge.)

The Congress opens with a prayer

Our President recently hosted a Prayer Breakfast.

And even the Supreme Court itself begins each session with a religious invocation: "God save the United States and this honorable court."

So as anybody can plainly see, God is omnipresent in our public square. And as we can also plainly see, and this should come as no surprise to any of us, Klondike Kardashian is completely wrong. (I bet you didn't see THAT coming!)

Since Keith is no longer popping up on my television screen daily to state the obvious, I will do it for him. "That woman, is an idiot!"

However since this is my blog, and in no way controlled by the FCC, I will expand on that thought: "That woman, is a FUCKING idiot!"


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Sing it, Gryphen!

    Seriously, one of the first of many WTF Palin moments was when she "feared for her First Amendment Rights" during the 2008 campaign when some journalists noted the hateful tone of her rallies.

    I could not believe that ANYONE in politics did not understand the First Amendment. I was wrong.

    (Hat tip to Miss Christine O'Donnell for turning to her Dem opposition candidate during their public debate to say "that's the First Amendment???" when he read aloud some of the sentences.)

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Holy shit! She looks terrible. Is that a current picture?
    I hate to concentrate on her looks, but since she trades on them, why the hell not!

  3. angela4:36 PM

    Ah yes, Sarah the moron who squeals more hate speech than a Klansman on crack is whining that hate speech is being upheld. If they had not upheld those effing bastards from Westboro's right to make sick asses of themselves I would truly be worrying about our country. And I mean that.

    Read a book or the Constitution Sarah--you poor excuse for an uneducated asshat.

  4. Anonymous4:36 PM

    LMAO. You have brightened up many of my days with your truthful words about the Klondike Kardashian! This lady does not know how to shut up and get educated. She just is roling with her audacity boldness.

    Unfortunately when you do not know how to rein in the boldness it catches up to you sooner or later. You cannot live a life of total audcity it just does not work when you don't have the skills to back it up with.

    I am putting my feet into the blogger arena. If you need any help down in SoCal let me know.
    Here is one of my blogs:

  5. She knows free speech when she sees it.

  6. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I say she is not an idiot but a practiced liar who seeks people believe her lies.

    Are we not to believe our lying eyes and ears of Palin and Beck's (New Jesus) festival in DC?

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Amazing isn't it that she nails her self to the cross of free speech about once every week and gets paid $10K's to repeat same. But she is fine if other people's free speech is taken away.

    She has been so quiet lately I had hoped her new trainer had gotten a metal leash for the rabid griz, but apparently she finally gnawed through even that and got loose to release this totally unselfaware statement.

    Guess what Sarah.
    A lot of us Christians find the version of Christianity you constantly yammer about as offensive as we find the Westboro group.

    You both preach as religion that is hate based but at least they have the grace to not run for high office.

  8. GA Peach5:00 PM

    Wait a minute.

    $arah talking about common sense & decency being absent?

    Bless her heart, isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?

  9. I swear she is weird!

  10. I swear she is weird!

  11. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I'm gagging as I write this but I mostly agree with Sarah's post. I agree that Westboro Church is wacko. I do not agree that there should be no separation of church and state.

    The constitutionality of this case was in question and that's why it found its way to the Supreme Court. I didn't know which way the ruling would go since it seemed like the father had a persuasive argument. Turned out to be a sad ruling for those family members and friends who lost loved ones and then had to endure deplorable behavior by Westboro.

    Chalk this up to being one of the downsides to living in a free society that is steered by the US Constitution.

  12. Anonymous5:08 PM

    also to: "Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity. Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes...etc.",,id=163395,00.html

    I do so enjoy your blog. "Sing it, Gryphen!"

  13. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Thanks Gryphen! I agree totally. That woman is completely out of her league, she doesn't know shit and, yes, she is a complete fucking idiot!!!! Oh, I feel better now. I wish someone would do a comprehensive interview with her on the First Amendment. I would pay megabucks to see that.

  14. angela5:18 PM

    Anon 4:39
    I believe she is an idiot AND a practiced shit starter and liar. ALL of it to keep her name in the news. Except she only continues to look ignorant. And everyone is becoming exhausted at the idiocy.

  15. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Anon@433p, my thoughts exactly. I hate the way people focus on the looks of accomplished women, when nobody ever fussed that GWHB (for example) had wrinkles. But Palin has transformed into a crone before our eyes, in the span of 2.5 years. Weight loss accounts for some of it, I expect. But one is left wondering, what exactly has she been taking?!

  16. I think from now on we need to refer to this group of hatemongers, bigots and homophobes as the Westboro Political Action Committee. The 100 member church consists almost entirely of members of Fred Phelps family, many of whom are lawyers. You don't think this is a tax dodging scam? I'm not saying they aren't also talibangelical nutjobs looking to promote christian sharia law. I'm just saying this so called church was formed primarily to circumvent the tax process. As a church they're tax exempt. Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again. When the church sticks it's nose in politics it's no longer a religious organization and no longer entitled to tax exempt status. And that goes for ANY priest, minister, pastor, rabbi or Imam that spews politics from the pulpit.

    As for Phelps and his sheeple, that is hate speech. And the minute someone acts on it and it can be directly linked to their hate speech, I want them in prison, charged as accessories in and inciting a hate crime and slapped upside the head so hard that their teeth rattle and fall out.

    And please, God, call Fred home...within 1000 yards and then stick a "Satan, come and get it sign" on his @$$ with a staple gun or hot glue. Or both. Make sure to include a lot of hair.

    I'm just waiting for Karmageddon to land real hard on Phelps and Co.

    Church my ass.

    Why haven't the Baptists sued Phelps to have the name Baptist removed from his church?

  17. Anonymous5:56 PM

    She has been taken to task AGAIN, over one idiotic tweet. She cannot get anything right. Not one damn thing. I always wait for that one moment of clarity from the idiot, and it never ever comes.

    I weep for the smart, capable people of this country who never get a chance, while this absolute waste of space is out there. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

  18. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I would prefer that all references to God be absent from all government activities, everywhere in the world. But as long as it remains simply a general "God" reference, or a simple non-denominational prayer, I guess that squeaks by, even as I strongly suspect that Fundie Christians in the US take this reference as solely attributed to a Judeo-Christian notion of God, not a universal one.

    I am a practicing Christian, I teach Sunday school. But nothing irks me more than a government, ANY government, invoking the special power and reference to a universal Creator as an intimate relationship. I also respect non-believers and doubters and find it repugnant that the influence of a governing power is utilized to ram belief in God down their throats as some sort of accepted "catholic" enterprise. Not the place of the government to do this. The government does not rule our hearts or minds. It is a highjacking of religion for base human purposes by the government when this is done.


  19. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I'm also not sure she understands the difference between we the people speaking in a public square and the government's expressions in said square.

  20. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Sorry but i agree with Alito: this is meant to incite anger and is therefore not protected. The 1st amendment protects us from congress making laws to limit free speech. It doesn't say anything about allowing hate to be spewed in a vile fashion for vile purposes.

  21. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Really good post. Thanks for putting her outrageous tweets into the context of reality. Unfortunately too many people just hear the outrage and join the chorus.

  22. Anonymous6:04 PM

    For one fleeting second, my hopes were uplifted that Sarah might start making sense after all. But of course she is incapable, as my hopes were dashed by the second part of the message. People who proclaim such nonsense, insinuating that the constitution has been misinterpreted in an effort to stop individuals from worshipping are either stupid, or banking on the belief that WE are stupid. Which is it with you, Sarah?

  23. Anonymous6:06 PM

    She's a fucking retard. What did u expect her to say?

  24. I agree with the previous two posters! She has lost major weight in the face! All that politickin' (AKA book tour, fear mongering, wannabe punditry) sure sucks the years outta people fast.

  25. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Damnitt! I agree with her - it is indecent and wacko to protest the way they do and where they do. How could she be right???? How??

  26. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I swear, if I ever have the misfortune of seeing Sarah Palin in person, I will simply point at her and laugh.

  27. Anonymous6:29 PM

    5:07, every time I read someone's comment saying they do not believe in the separation of church and state I worry - a lot.

    Religious or spiritual faith is best when it is personal, as a guide to living your own life, not dictating to someone else how to live theirs.

    No one knows what is true or not. Saying that a sacred book says it is the only truth does not make it so. Almost all sacred books say that. Unless you have studied many different religions in depth, how do you know yours is best for everyone? It may be best for you, but that doesn't mean it is best or true for someone else.

    Your faith is as valid as someone else's even if his or her faith differs in practice or attitude.

    Your faith is no better or worse than the faith of anyone else unless you decide that yours is somehow superior - which is a matter of pride, of arrogance. It is saying that you know best. What if you are wrong?

    Our country, in principle, allows everyone to believe or not believe as each of us chooses.

    Would you want to have to give up your faith to live by the dicta of someone else's faith. I bet you wouldn't.

    If government and religion are formally bonded, then only one faith can dominate. What if the official faith isn't yours?

    Better to live and let live.

    Why not encourage everyone to live as compassionately and decently as they can and not worry about whether or not their personal beliefs are carbon copies of yours?

    Read some history. Countries that decide which religious faith should dominate or countries that decide against any religious faith at all have not fared well. Concentrating sacred and secular power has a dismal track record.

    The best we can do regarding issues of faith is decide what floats our own boat. We do not have the right to demand that others believe as we do because it is all guesswork anyway.

    That's why they call it religious faith - not fact.

  28. Anonymous6:31 PM

    a very worthwhile read >>>

  29. slowhand6:37 PM

    Gosh, if Palin had her way, and the Constitution allowed us to outlaw offense speech . . . we would start with most of what Palin says.

  30. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Oooh, she must be so conflicted. She loves to praise the troops, but she also hates teh gays.

  31. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The American President (1995)

    President Andrew Shepherd: For the last couple of months, Senator Rumson has suggested that being president of this country was, to a certain extent, about character, and although I have not been willing to engage in his attacks on me, I've been here three years and three days, and I can tell you without hesitation: Being President of this country is entirely about character. For the record: yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU. But the more important question is why aren't you, Bob? Now, this is an organization whose sole purpose is to defend the Bill of Rights, so it naturally begs the question: Why would a senator, his party's most powerful spokesman and a candidate for President, choose to reject upholding the Constitution? If you can answer that question, folks, then you're smarter than I am, because I didn't understand it until a few hours ago.

    America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free".

    I've known Bob Rumson for years, and I've been operating under the assumption that the reason Bob devotes so much time and energy to shouting at the rain was that he simply didn't get it. Well, I was wrong. Bob's problem isn't that he doesn't get it. Bob's problem is that he can't sell it! We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you, Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family and American values and character. And wave an old photo of the President's girlfriend and you scream about patriotism and you tell them, she's to blame for their lot in life, and you go on television and you call her a whore. Sydney Ellen Wade has done nothing to you, Bob. She has done nothing but put herself through school, represent the interests of public school teachers, and lobby for the safety of our natural resources. You want a character debate, Bob? You better stick with me, 'cause Sydney Ellen Wade is way out of your league.

  32. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Let me promise you, if we could ban obnoxious religious fanatics, $arah would be at the top of my list.

  33. wakeUpAmerica6:41 PM

    A quick fix to the recent Supreme Court insanity is for the families to have the funerals on military bases and posts. The military can and will determine who is allowed to attend.

  34. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Nothing she says makes sense but we automatically translate the word salads in our heads.

    A true Palinbot, r'il Merican from the heartland or the Valley, don't need any filters to understand Sarah, she speaks their speak.

    This is especially difficult to parse, WTF is she saying?

    Don't worry about doing US a favor Sarah, do yourself a favor and STFU.

  35. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Gryph, I had a bad day at work. You make me happy, fucking happy. Thanks a lot. I mean it.

  36. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Yikes! Look at her grit her teeth. She looks so hard. Yet flabby. The deep lines from the nose to the lip, the splotchy, caked makeup, the hard lip line, the drooping jowels, all showing a deterioration of what was once a soft, attractive face. She's past her prime. The inner ugly has taken a toll on the outer physicality.

  37. Anonymous6:50 PM

    This is a tough one. . .who is the most offensive: Sarah Palin, the GOP, the majority of the SCOTUS or Westboro church?

  38. nancy7:02 PM

    oh GOD, I am so sick of this woman's stupidity. She still doesn't have a clue what the First Amendment is all about. Why for the love of GOD does the press report on her ridiculous tweets? She should be forced to go on a real news network (not the fox propaganda one) and have an actual question and answer interview which requires more than a 140 character response.

    But we all know why that will never happen. Because she took the question "what magazines do you read" as a personal assault on her character and to this day still imagines it was a trick question.

    Please sit down and shut up Alaskan Khardashian, we've had enough of you to last two lifetimes.

  39. TruthSeeker7:05 PM

    "Common sense & decency absent . ."

    That's right S'errer, common sense & decency absent, just like they were absent from your disgusting cross-hairs map.

    Yet you didn't complain about common sense & decency when you posted that map, did you?

  40. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Palin sure has succeeded at "crone" yism

  41. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Common sense & decency absent as wacko "church" allowed hate msgs spewed

    Preach it $ister $arah!

    If anyone should be able to recognize "wacko "church" allowed hate msgs spewed" it would be you.

    Just watch out for mirrors. Watch out also too for hypocrisy.

    Calling karma. If there ever was a time

  42. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Where does that stupid moron get the " public square" idea from? It's a very odd thing to say and certainly not her words. It makes me sick that she can't just say the ruling seems unfair without bringing God into the whole thing. Also too, who gives a damn what Sarah has to say about anything.

  43. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sarah Palin tweets complete ignorance.

    There. I fixed it.

  44. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Sarah Palin is incapable of understanding this.

    She can't possibly grasp the issues involved with this First Amendment case.

    To be able to discuss this case one needs to understand some previous decisions that establish which factors are balanced in cases like this. One also needs to be able to read at an appropriate level and comprehend the material.

    She can't.

    No need to list all the things she can't do. WTF can she do other than parrot talking points and show some leg?

    You are capable of discussing the issues involved here. That shows in the post.

    She can't. That shows EVERY TIME she opens her mouth.

  45. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Ah, yes. As distasteful as the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church are, they are within their rights under the Constitution. As soon as we allow their rights to be taken away, we have also allowed our own to be taken away, so we must defend their rights as we would our own. I have no idea what Alito was thinking, but clearly he wasn't thinking about the precedent his decision would set for others.

    As you have already pointed out, there is no prohibition against invoking God's name in the public square, and it is done with some frequency. However, Ms. Palin has been consistent in her refusal to let facts or her total cluelessness stop her from spouting off and making a total fool of herself. Let's just sit back and enjoy the popcorn while she continues to implode, shall we?

  46. Anonymous7:49 PM

    also, too, the Westboro Baptist Churh people? the ones that the opinion was about? the opinioin that says they can do what they do despite how sick it is? yeah...they invoke GOD in the public square, every time they show up. ...God hates fags is the whole point of their Constitutionally protected message.

  47. just as Wuck Falker's union busting has increased union memberships.... Westboro's hate speeching has been and continues to be a teaching tool and a catalyst for acts of love. Remember the Wall of Love at Elizabeth Edwards' memorial service?

  48. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Free Speech is exactly that: Free Speech.

    Why is it so hard for Sarah Palin to understand that?

    Oh, that's right, she really is a Fucking Retard.

    And she proves it every time she opens her trap or types her crap.

  49. Anonymous8:08 PM

    You know what's really fascinating?

    George Tiller- Wichita, KS
    Koch Industries- Wichita, KS
    WBC- Wichita, KS

    I could swear there's also something else fascinating going on there, but I cannot think of it off the top of my head. (Maddow was there, I cannot remember what for, though.)

    I swear there's something in the water!

  50. Anonymous8:09 PM

    You're on the wrong side of this one. You can't limit people's rights to protest on the grounds that it will hurt somebody's feeling. Your supreme court obviously got it right but it's not surprising that Alito did'nt. Not surprising that Palin got it wrong too. Just what rights would she limit on the grounds that the freedom to protest would hurt somebody's feelings?

  51. Anonymous8:17 PM

    As much as I am disgusted by what the people of that church are doing, I recognize that it is their right to do so. A number of states have produced legislation to keep them a certain distance from the funerals.

    If Snowbank Snooki is allowed to continue to disgorge her rotten rhetoric on the public, then NO one should be constrained in their right to voice an opinion.

    If we could only ignore it when the twit tweets maybe she would slide silently into oblivion?

  52. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Your worship and your prayer, like your orgasm, are things you should do in private. -patience

  53. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Man... She looks like CRAP!


  54. Anonymous8:49 PM

    True story: someone I know sat next to Palin on an airplane recently. I told her that if it had been me, I would have squeezed out every last fart molecule possible. I would have crossed over in front of her and just let fly. She would have needed to clean off her fake glasses when I was through.

  55. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Check out this picture of Garrison Keillor.

    Notice how his glasses refract the silhouette of the right side of his face? Notice how Palin's glasses do not? Fake glasses. I think it was Ashleigh Banfield who first appeared on the scene wearing glasses, and everyone thought she looked so intelligent. Maybe if Palin were a mute with no thumbs (to work her Blackberry), but those glasses just have too much stoopid to overcome.

  56. Anonymous9:00 PM

    As much as I dislike the Westboro group, I'll say this for them: They at least have the balls enough to put their brand of idiocy on the line. The same, however cannot be said of Palin who comes out, says the dumbest things, and then backpedals as some hapless victim of her own ill intentions, using the full protection of the Constitution she chronically decimates and misinterprets for cover.

  57. As usual, a facebook post is needed to explain the tweet but I don't think it's possible this time.

  58. Anonymous9:12 PM

    That Twat loves to Twit. Good for her... at least she's trying doing SOMETHING to fill the vacancy of the soul she sold to the Grifter's God who forgives everything unless "some law tells me I'm wrong". (paraphrasing mental LaLaLand Grifter). Poor thing.

  59. Anonymous9:21 PM

    As distasteful as the Westboro Church is, the SCOTUS got it right. The SCOTUS decision also included leeway for state and local governments to dictate to a certain extent how this type of free speech can be exercised.

    If the KKK and NeoNazi groups have protected free speech, why not the Westboro slugs? Is it because the Westboro church is protesting our heroes, "the troops?" Are the KKK and white supremacy groups less outrageous because they're going after people of color or Jews? The thought of such hypocrisy is abhorrent! The people who are outraged at the SCOTUS decision had better take some time out and do a tad bit of reflection here.

    Free speech is for everyone. If the government starts making exceptions on free speech because it hurts other people's feelings, who's to say that the next crop of government officials voted into power wouldn't come after anonymous bloggers? I have little doubt that if Palin or her ilk had their chance, that's exactly what would happen.

  60. I'm guessing here, but I'll bet that lots of us are appalled by this decision.

    Next time there is a National election in your district, US Senate or US President, please remember it's the Supreme Court at issue.

    As we can see now it's not about jobs. The most important legislation for the US Senate and the US President is appointment to the US Supreme Court.

  61. Anonymous10:54 PM

    "I swear, if I ever have the misfortune of seeing Sarah Palin in person, I will simply point at her and laugh."

    This reminded me of that last SP article in VF about the guy & his wife in a Wasilla store (Target, Wal-Mart).......he sees SP in the store and says to his wife "Look, honey, it's Tina Fey!" I crack up every time I remember that little story. ROFLMAO

  62. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I'm guessing here, but I'll bet that lots of us are appalled by this decision.

    No Shit! Appalled doesn't even begin to describe the horror of being subjected to yet another idiotic tweet on an important subject. Sarah Palin on anything; it's word salad nonsense. That woman is a fucking idiot! One day she'll realize she needs to keep her fingers still unless the thought is a competent one. Also too, the think before you speak phrase has some merit if one is able to think.

    Next time there is a National election in your district, US Senate or US President, please remember it's the Supreme Court at issue.

    Yes indeed! No Shit again!
    Thinking that the nation had escaped the Bush the dumber judicial appointment nightmare suddenly to have the Palin clan rearing their heads and coming in the airspace of the U.S. Department of Justice-horrifying!

    Todd and Bristol helping Sarah pick justices for the U.S. Supreme Court- words fail. It wouldn't have taken McCain long to have a stroke with that woman near him. Probably before the inauguration.
    Maybe the first time he saw her use her palm prompter. Fortunately she fucked up the already faltering McCain campaign and the campaign was flushed away by a rising tide of stupidity and proto TeaBaggery.

    As we can see now it's not about jobs. The most important legislation for the US Senate and the US President is appointment to the US Supreme Court 9:36PM.

    WTF? Jobs? I thought it was all about shafting the thug unions and borrowing money to give tax breaks to the wealthy? Corporate welfare for those corporations not paying any taxes. Not to mention impeaching the president ASAP-and getting the government shut down. Get with the program.

    People are too busy teabagging and watching Fux Nuze to have time for a job. Don't forget they've told us that pollution is good, and we need to get busy having more of that too. Jobs my ass.

    One more thing and it's another WTF? I get suspicious when those posing as experts fuck up and use the wrong words. Which is what your comment does. U.S. Supreme Court Justices are appointed by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Using the wrong words like this means maybe you should be posting this crap somewhere else. Like the sea of pee.

  63. Anonymous11:57 PM

    KO said it best. That woman is an idiot.

  64. dancingthroughlife1:56 AM

    One of my favorite Aaron Sorkin quotes, from "The American President":

    "America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"."

    Sarah Palin could never understand that quote. She STILL doesn't understand the First Amendment, and it's been what, almost 20 years since she was elected to her first "office" (City Council)?

  65. Anonymous2:59 AM

    She's not only stupid and ignorant, but AMAZINGLY so.

  66. Anonymous3:05 AM

    anon@8:08, The BTK killer.

  67. Anonymous3:08 AM

    When Westboro staged a protest across the street from a Jewish synagogue in NYC, the Rabbi had the congregation come out and thumb their noses at them. This, I think is the appropriate response.

  68. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I am tired of reading about Palin books and other PR and Sarah's tweets, Face Book posts and interviews where she slams other people. I'm through with HuffPo, Politico and anyone else that thinks that stuff is worth writing about EVERY day. Right now, I need to stick to blogs like this, MSM, Rachel, and Comedy Central to lower my frustration levels.

    Thanks for helping put news about Sarah in perspective and packaging it in a way that I can handle, usually with a laugh. It makes the medicine go done so much better.

  69. Anonymous4:19 AM

    I forgot to add that, if HuffPo or Politico start following the REAL stories about the Palin family, I'd love to come back.

  70. indy_girl4:38 AM

    Takes one wacko to know one, Sarah!

  71. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Palin belongs to a wacko church too.

  72. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Anon 6:13 #2 Please read the post again so you understand the point Palin is not correct stating "we can't invoke God's name in a public square".

    The ruling is based on the Constitution as it should be. When it serves Palin she holds decency above or as a tool to ignore the Constitution. Then she is an attack dog falsely accusing those who uphold the Constitution twisting via her nonsensical yet intentional lies to perpetuate divisiveness. In this tweet her intentional lying message is THEY can and WE can't which is irrational, absolutely
    a lie. This is done purposefully to demonize a THEM versus us mentality and practice to deceive followers they are having their freedoms taken away by the anti Constitution villains also falsely labeled without decency and void of common sense. The bonus perk is to foster fear manipulating anxiety to terror of the confabulated demons. The greater the fear manipulated on people the easier it is to control them, brainwash them to believe the BS in perverse pleasure of power. It is similar to sick kicks someone gets torturing an animal.

    Palin damns people they don't, damns them if they do and is going to damn them no matter what they do. This maintains her image, controls her fraudulent persona regardless if the topic is the Constitution, dessert, breast feeding, guns, mentioning God's name, education, special needs etc etc. It's an adult pathological of demonizing targets to con people the depraved person is the saint.

    Facts, accurate understanding and truth have no use to a master manipulator. Bearing false witness is their MO and they have no conscience.

  73. the westboro baptist church came to my alma mater, rutgers university, where my mom still works, and boy was that a mistake. they rode all the way from bumblefuck only to turn around and get right back on the bus when confronted with a huge counter-protest. it was organized mostly by the lgbt society, Jewish clubs, and other interested campus groups on campus (WBC has a record of anti-semitism as well), so when these freedom lovin' amurikan haters got off the bus and found gays (and a couple guys in full-length leotards), lesbians, transsexuals, jews; gay, lesbian, and transsexual jews; and hundreds upon hundreds of other protesters there to support keeping hate groups of any kind off the campus, what did these brave (cowardly) souls do? they got right back on the bus and kept chugging to their next destination for harrassment. what did they expect from a liberal, very politically active university?
    i do stand up for their first amendment rights, as despicable as what it is they are saying, and as close a line it is they walk with intolerable hate speech. i think the best way to handle them is the way rutgers did, and the way they were blocked from elizabeth edwards' funeral by concerned people holding hands to shield the mourners from the lamentable behavior this "church" represents.
    i do think their tax exempt status might be questionable, though. i wish someone would look into that...

  74. Anonymous6:30 AM

    She doesn't bother to inform herself about anything she spouts off about. If she did, she'd realize those hate messages being spewed DO invoke God in the public square:

    "God Hates F**s", "God Hates America", "God Blew Up the Shuttle", "God Hates F** Enablers", "Thank God for Dead Soldiers"...

  75. SusieQ6:58 AM

    I think her idiocy is the least of her problems.

  76. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Well...she did opt for a journalism degree instead of a law degree;) Keith is and always was right ~ This woman IS an idiot!

  77. Anonymous7:31 AM

    If this is a recent picture of Alaska's greatest mom she looks like she is anorexic.

    The (T) bags under her eyes show the wear and devistating effects of her recent scandals with the "horney toad".

    The tension and lines of grimacing around her mouth and jaws look like she has been chewing nails. {or having one screaming tizzy fit after another of throwing cans}

    Did she have lipo done on her face? Is that why her skin is hanging loose under her chin. Noticed that in previous photo of her with the toad at the races as well.

    Too bad someone doesn't tell her to wear higher necklines like turtlenecks to cover up her crepe skinned, blotchy neck.

    It must be hell being "daddy's little beauty queen" and watching yourself turn into your mother at an accelerated rate.

    This photo should be titled, "If Looks Could Kill".

    Could it be that she is trying to look like the other boney hate mongering repugnastican queen, Ann Coulter?

    Old Sarah is going to have to do something totally outrageous and soon, Charlie Sheen is hogging all the spotlights and interviews. LOL

  78. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I do not agree one bit with the Westboro "church" stance on picketing funerals, but many of my relatives died to make sure they could. They also died so Palin could make an ass out of herself, yet again, on her Twitter account.

  79. Love your comment, MicMac @ 5:57.

  80. Lot of folks might disagree, but I think the Supreme Court got it right on this.


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