Wednesday, March 02, 2011

In desperate attempt to garner more support Mike Huckabee throws out raw meat to the Birthers.

(If video does not play, please click here.)

Not to correct the amazing Lawrence O'Donnell but in  fact the Huckabeee camp released a somewhat more wordy, but no less lame response:

"When the governor mentioned he wanted to know more about the president, he wasn’t talking about the president’s place of birth — the governor believes the president was born in Hawaii," Hogan Gidley said. "The governor would, however, like to know more about where President Obama’s liberal policies come from and what else the president plans to do to this country — as do most Americans."

That of course does nothing to explain Huckabee's misstatement.  No he did NOT say the President was born in Kenya, and no one is saying he did.  Of course the reason he gave for not making that particular accusation, which was also provided in this interview, was pretty inflammatory as well:

"The only reason I'm not as confident that there's something about the birth certificate . is because I know the Clintons and believe me, they have lots of investigators out on him, and I'm convinced if there was anything that they could have found on that, they would have found it, and I promise they would have used it," Huckabee said.

So apparently IF Obama had not run against Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primary, Huckabee would have openly accepted the idea that our President was not born in America.  But in Huckabee's eyes since Hillary is such an aggressive, take no prisoners bitch, Obama must be a citizen. Darn the luck!

But the fact still remains that Huckabee completely made up this "fact" about our President having been raised in Kenya, which is factually untrue and which somebody needs to confront him on.

However so long as he hides out at Fox News, Christian broadcasting stations, and Right Wing radio we will never hear an explanation from the man who presents himself as the more reasonable fundamentalist Christian alternative to Sarah Palin.

She lies about the President to attract support from ignorant racists, and HE lies about the President to attract support from ignorant racists.  The difference is barely discernible.


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I am every bit as much opposed to Huckabee as I am to Palin, and that's saying a lot.

    Both are self-righteous phonies and racists to boot. Neither of them have the intelligence and grace it takes to lead this country. Both will do or say whatever it takes to get their base all "wee-weed-up."

    Also, too, they are just plain hypocritical Xhristians whose espoused ideas are cruel, rigid and outdated. They have no real compassion and no real interest in evolving past their own restrictive views of the world.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Gosh, Huckabee is such a huckster.

    He is creating a truly slimey persona, a weasel that tries to insinuate lies into the discussion while denying he's lying at all.

    He is repulsive and dangerous. The more you learn about him, the most disgusting and scary he becomes.

    Our country would be seriously harmed should he ever gain power.

    He is only a hair's breath more honest than Palin which is sadly not saying much. Both will lie and deny their lies to get what they want.

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    This man has the gall to call himself a Christian or even remotely spiritual? Good grief, standards for morality have truly gone to hell.

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    This "mis-statement" was planned. Huckabee's just sending out the following not-so-secret message to his bigoted supporters: "It's ok to openly hate the black guy because he is a black guy."

    Huck's on the wrong side of history....again.

  5. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Disarming and charming, Huckabee makes you believe his gentle eyes and teddy-bear body envelop a gentle, kind and tender soul.

    He's a skeezy sum'bitch, just like any conservative that wear their faith and patriotism on their sleeve to make you believe that that alone gives them license to run all our lives.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I believe the truth is, their REAL problem with President Obama is nothing more than the color of his skin.

    And they're all too chicken-shit to admit openly to it!

  7. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Do you think Fox news viewers will notice or care?

    FOX DISCOVERY EXCLUSIVE: Palm trees growing in the Wisconsin Winter!

  8. Gasman12:53 PM

    Even if we give Huckleberry the benefit of the doubt and simply assume that he misspoke and said "Kenya" when he meant "Indonesia ," he still doesn't make any sense. President Obama spent four years - from age 6 to 10 - in Indonesia. Why do those four years trump the other at least 14 which he spent in the U.S.?

    Would it not be just as accurate to say that Huckleberry's childhood in the racist South shaped HIS worldview? Since he spent his ENTIRE childhood there - not just four years - that statement would be much more accurate.

    Huckleberry is either a racist birther or he panders to those that are. Either way, he's a boil on America's ass.

  9. Anonymous12:54 PM

    We should show some pity for Huckadoodle: until he got a job at Fox he was just another hapless fundamentalist hayseed from the backwaters.

    He owes his good fortune, and Florida mansion, to the great Satan- Rupert Murdoch- so the least he can do for his employer is tell a few lies. Huck quit the preaching bidness ages ago, so the good Lord don't mind none!

    He has a lot of obese mouths to feed, so it's only fitting that he should tell great big fat lies. God bless America!

  10. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Wait - what?

    I was born and raised in the Northeast. At 16, I went to the Expo 67 World's Fair in Canada. At 18, I went on a school trip to Italy. I haven't been out of the country since.

    I was a solid evangelical, Republican until I started noticing things about Reagan that didn't jive with my understanding of Christianity. I've been on the quest for learning about politics, economics, religion, and science ever since.

    Now I'm approaching senior citizenship - an atheist, and a liberal Democrat. I'm more liberal than Pres. Obama.

    I wonder how Huckabee explains me?

  11. Anonymous1:00 PM

    ...about that "iceberg" steaming toward the Titanic...
    Anything new and interesting? We've all been veeerrry patient and good.

    New stuff for Shailey - nuthin'. Apparently has decided not to answer questions after all.

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Huckabee's singing to his racist choir. Like Sarah Palin, Huckabee is a false prophet cowardly hiding under the American flag and an unopened Bible. "Rill" Americans treating Americans like shit. Maybe Michele Bachmann's call for an investigation of anti-Americanism should be directed at Huckabee and the Palins.

    What barbaric scum bags!

  13. Anonymous1:24 PM

    We need to ask, "What's wrong with growing up in Kenya?" Because there are actual human beings, many of them now Americans, who grew up in--close your ears--Kenya! How dare anyone have the nerve to grow up anywhere in Africa or in Canada, or even in Arkansas. I want to see Huckabee's birth certificate. I suspect he's an alien who actually grew up on Mars, which explains his issues with food. Illogical? Exactly.

  14. nancy1:28 PM

    His son is a unrepetant dog killer and Huckabee has visions of turning America into a theocracy.

    He's slicker than Palin because he appears to be able to hide his contempt behind a happy go lucky veneer (and he can string together a semi coherent sentence), but he is just as dangerous.

    Neither one of them should be anywhere near a position of power.

  15. nancy1:30 PM

    Hi anon. 12:51 isn't that amazing? (Palm trees in WI) When they issue their wishy washy "apology" several days down the road, they'll blame it on a "technical error."

    The fox propaganda network knows no shame.

  16. Someone should ask Huckabeee about his magic underwear.

    I'm more nervous about his crazy world views than I am of anyone who was raised anywhere.

  17. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Huck is pals with Jim Bob Duggar. Both are wackos. Enough said.


  18. Huckabee was just regurgitating crap from Dineesh D'Souza's book, but D'Souza did not suggest Obama grew up in Kenya. That's Mike's own jewel.

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Huckabee - no longer a closet birther.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:10 PM

    I just heard Mike Papantino describe the ultimate result of a "private" education system, should this actually be allowed to happen. It's a phrase I hadn't heard in years, and describes the TeaTards, their "leaders," and their upside-down, bogus Xtian beliefs to a tee:

    "Garbage in...garbage out."

  21. Anonymous2:12 PM

  22. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Every time Huckabee's Tv ade on repealing the healthcare bill. He just lies about it being ramed through in the middle of the night and there was no debate. I think some "christian". What christian would not want healthcare for everybody. Seems like these christians hate more than anything.

  23. angela2:22 PM

    Huckabee is disgusting.

    He pardoned a serial killing rapist who went on to kill and rape again because the man claimed to be a born again christian AND because one of the man's victims was a Clinton cousin (and Huck seriously hates the Clintons).

  24. London Bridges2:35 PM

    Use this political cartoon when you can!

  25. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Huckabee is an ass! As is Palin! I've heard him on his radio show and he tells lies even though a minister of the cloth. Like I've said before, anyone tells me they are 'christian' and I immediately go on the elert as to anything they say.

  26. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I don't know if this was actually the pre-thought out, jaded, purposeful misrepresentation that Lawrenc O'Donnel believes it to be.

    After all, previous to the Kenya Thing, Huckabee also said:

    “I think all this talk that, oh, he's a one-term president — people tend to forget that only one time since 1868 has an incumbent president been taken out who ran for reelection, and that was when Jimmy Carter ran in 1980. Every other time, a president may have taken himself out of the running, but you don't beat presidents easily.”

    When I heard that I immediately thought "Hello, what about George Bush Senior?". In addition to Bush and Carter, we've had Herbert Hoover (1932), William Howard Taft (1912), and back in the late 1800's, Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland.

    So you see, it could have been a malicious lie on Huckabee's part, or perhaps he's a masculine version of Sarah Palin, and just doesn't know what the hell he's talking about most of the time.

  27. Anonymous2:48 PM

    If you check into the birthers, you'll find they generally glom onto any conspiracy theory. For example, Dr Kate, one of birtherdoms lesser lights, but a prolific blogger has shifted gears to worry about chemtrails.

    When you suggest that if Pres Obama were not a natural born citizen of the United States, eligible to be President, someone - Hillary, McCain, Romney, the RNC, the FBI, the CIA, the Congress, the NSC, Pres Bush, Cheney, Bill Kristol, name anyone in authority - would have found it, it simply enforces their idea that there's some grand conspiracy afoot and the entire establishment is in on it. Why weren't conservative constitutional lawyers would have been lined up before the election to challenge the President? Why is it the best they can do is an online attorney, a 9-11 theorist and an ambulance chaser to pursue their birther cases? Huckabee knew exactly what he was doing.

  28. Anonymous2:54 PM


    What a drama queen the Huckster is.

  29. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Such irresponsible and hateful words about our President coming out of the lying mouth of Mike Huckabee. Huckabee could never become President spewing this filthy garbage. Obama should sue the heck out of Huckabee for slander.

  30. In need of a laugh, here's a Sarah Tabloid story you might enjoy.

  31. Anonymous3:37 PM

    AMAZING! And I just used THIS video TODAY with my students who are learning about propaganda techniques. BTW: students correctly identified Testimonial, Transfer, Fear, and Glittering Generalities as propaganda techniques in this commercial.

    Leopard does not change spots! Once a bulls*tter always a bulls*tter.

  32. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Hucksterby, Palin and Joe Miller. All cut from the same cloth. This statement was no accident.
    The attempts to explain it are laughable.

    Couple of things- Didn't Hucksterby say something about Obama not coming 'to the mainland United States until after highschool'? in this same clip? Or maybe on CBN?. I am pretty sure that was on one of the MSNBC shows last night- maybe O'Donnells?

    Cause there is something that might disqualify Palin- if they weren't just making up this sch#t as they go. All this really is is push the TeaTard buttons. Good for votes and donations.

    The other thing is that Hucksterby was a big supporter of Joe Miller.
    Even fundraising for Miller after election.

    November 16, 2010 - 04:47 PM
    Fighting For Joe Miller
    by Mike Huckabee
    Much media attention has been paid to the lame duck session and the incoming freshman class of elected officials. While political pundits express uncertainty over the future of our nation - in Alaska, Joe Miller's future is also uncertain. You may not know, but Joe's race for U. S. Senate is still not decided. Alaska's Republican nominee for the US Senate, is STILL in the race of his life and needs our immediate help....
    To make a donation directly to his campaign please click here.

    And it is still going on.
    Joe Miller failed to get the government job he applied for. He may have burned his employment bridges also. In any case times are hard and money is short for the Millers. They need help. They want desperately to go on a 'Christian based' cruise. Joe Miller apparently wants someone else to pay for it. As he hasn't found a government program that will, the hand is out for money.

    A Facebook message sprayed across the ether by one "Amy Walker" invites us all to contribute money to buy Joe and Kathleen Miller tickets on the big "Christian-based . . . Alaska Freedom Cruise" headed for Southeast in June. That's the one featuring "Special Guest Host Gov. Mike Huckabee"

    "Christian based"! "Freedom Cruise"!
    And to make the dream of meeting Mike Huckabee in person Joe and wife just need to be blessed with some benjamins. Really. At least 35 of them will be needed.

    Walker appears to be a Miller activist currently involved in something called "Team Huck." Her pitch was addressed to people "who want to bless Joe & Kathleen Miller."

    Some words come to mind: they are NOT "Help Joe Miller."

  33. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I imagine we'll hear more of this kind of stuff from him. He, and the rest of the right wingers, have learned if you say something controversial, you get more press--and Huckabee has today. Straight out of Palin's playbook.

  34. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Granting that he has introduced a new lie into the birther idiocy, and that he stupidly set up the scenario, in which he assures us the Clintons would have found out, had Obama had been raised in Kenya by his father and deceased grandfather, apparently having been transmogrified to the time of the Mau Mau rebellion which had ended in 1960 (BO was born in 61) - (taking a deep breath) but - just how much more mileage do the puppet masters think they can get out of this gig?

    I mean the puppet masters spent a year convincing the puppets that Obama was born in the foreign country of Hawaii to and nonamerican father and was raised by a non American grand mother in the foreign country of Indonesia.

  35. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    .... Like I've said before, anyone tells me they are 'christian' and I immediately go on the lert as to anything they say.
    2:37 PM

    Me also too

  36. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Being from AR and knowing Mike, he only did this to raise money from the birthers.... this is not the Mike Huckabee who was our governor, that Mike is long gone, this is the Mike who needs money in the coffers, so he can run....

    Shame on you Mike Huckabee, this is way beneath Mike and I am sick for him.

  37. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Just one more comment, he would never be as bad as Palin because this really isn't what he belives or how he governs, he has some smarts, she doesn't.

  38. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Surprise Surprise Surprise!
    The Hucksters alter ego Gomer Pyle was on Charlie Rose last night.

  39. Anne In DC12:09 PM

    Huckabee is a mealy-mouthed hypocrite whose gee-shucks persona makes him even more dangerous than Palin. He knew exactly what he was doing, because he was appealing to the worst elements of the hard right in order to garner political support. In addition, I don't believe for one moment that he doesn't privately believe this nonsense. Both he and Palin give Christianity a horrible name, because they reek of rank hypocrisy.


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