Friday, March 25, 2011

Stupid (and last) Sarah Palin quote of the day.


"Nobody ever promised life was going to be fair," she continued. "And politics really isn't fair, the scrutiny, the double standards, and all that. I'm dealing with it I guess in a different way than others who want to bring more light to it and demand that Bill Maher apologize." As for NOW? "I need NOW's defense like a fish needs a bicycle."

She needs "NOW's defense like a fish needs a bicycle?"

This from a woman who brags about how important the Title IX Education Amendment was to her ability to play basketball just like the boys?

This from a woman who became the first female Governor of the state of Alaska?

Just who does she think was responsible for blazing the trail that allowed those opportunities to present themselves for her to take advantage of?

The National Organization for Women that's who!

Pardon my bluntness ladies, but that just makes Sarah Palin the very definition of the ungrateful bitch.


  1. Olivia6:53 PM

    As a card carrying female, I agree that she is a dumb twat. I am not always thrilled with Bill Maher but he has this one nailed.

  2. GA Peach6:54 PM

    $arah, forever and always delusional.

    Bless her heart.

  3. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Soooo......she stopped whining about the "LSM", She then did a MAJOR whine about the media and Bill Maher, she threw NOW under the bus, and she made an ASS out of herself while doing all of the above.

    I think Bill got it wrong. She is not a dumb twat.....she is a ignoramus who also is a total twat. No offense to twats. (I'm female, btw....) Really, she should just fade away and enjoy the the ill-earned $$$ that she has grifted.

  4. she's a fraud, folks7:08 PM

    Palin wants an apology?

    Good golly, she's the one who needs to apologize to the world for being a lying, hypocritical, cowardly FRAUD!

    Palin is the biggest hoax in US political history.

    Palin really is a twat.

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM

    If only it were her last stupid quote ever. But God placed the joyfully ignorant on the earth to teach the rest of us patience. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

  6. Anonymous7:10 PM

    $arah Palin always wants people to apologize to her. Always playing the victim. When is $arah Palin going to apologize to her victims? And, didn't she insult N.O.W. in one of her ghost-written books? Called them "radical," or "extremists," or something? Now she wants them to rush to her defense? Palin is a two-faced bitch.

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Oh, how I wish NOW had said, "Yes, we're against all forms of sexism, including when Sarah Palin talks about men's cajones, men being limp and impotent, and men who hide behind women's skirts."

  8. She always has been an ungrateful bitch. She has no idea.

  9. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Whoa there Missy Palin . Whats the matter ? Is everyone picking on you ? Huh ? Hahahahahahahahahhahaha .

  10. Anonymous7:32 PM

    If Sarah has such thin skin, she will never last through a rough and tough political campaign. It has nothing to do with being female. It has everything to do with the fact that Sarah remains uneducated, and has chosen to spend the time since she quit to earn as much money as possible-- instead of buckling down, studying issues and really learning politics, history, economics and some other important lesson.

    Sarah is the one who has chosen to wear tight short skirts, excessive make up, high high heels and then complains that people don't treat her with respect. She should take a look at what professional women wear in the workplace, in Congress, in the Senate, on TV. Clothes shouldn't be an issue, but the white camping jacket at a religious site in Jerusalem was inappropriate. Of course it gets a comment, the same way that people notice if a Christian wears a Jewish star. Inappropriate.

    Sarah has been getting by on minimal knowledge, long winded sentences, an "I dare you attitude," and personal attacks. Suddenly, she can't take a joke. Comedians will continue to make jokes about Sarah as long as she acts like a joke. And, she is going to have to gone some distance to top the whoppers that Michele Bachmann has been saying.

  11. Anonymous7:34 PM

    She NEVER chooses to be an adult when she can just be a childish whiner.

    Just keep talking Sarah. There are a few people who have not written you off just yet and they only need to hear a few more complaints coming out of your mouth before they realize they really just want you to go away. Or sit down and STFU.

  12. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Sarah always says she calls it as she sees it. Well allow me to do the same, as a woman well beyond Simple Sarah's years...Sarah Palin you are an ungrateful, despicable, disgusting, vile, putrid, massive BITCH. And I'm not going to apologize, ever.

  13. Anonymous7:42 PM

    When is Sarah going to apologize?

    When is going to admit that she has lied?

    When is Sarah going to forgive anyone - any one at all?

    She has a huge chip on her shoulder and it's called her head. What a blockhead.

    BTW, I too, am a female. She is making us all look badly.

    If she is going through menopause, she needs to retire to the sidelines until she is through the bitch phase. Not everyone experiences mood swings, but she seems stuck in a particularly unpleasant one.

  14. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Calling Sarah a dumb twat is an insult to dumb twats.

  15. Techgnome7:47 PM

    I'm always surprised that men who are proud of their daughters can throw around sexist terms like "bitch" like it was just Mardi Gras beads.

  16. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Statement from NOW dated March 22nd, 2011

    This part is directed at "right-wingers":

    As usual, you're looking for any way to discredit NOW. You claim we care and work only for liberal woman, but that's a LIE. We have defended Sarah Palin and other conservative women from sexist attacks. Maybe not on your schedule, but we've done so. And by the way, all those laws we advocate for -- we don't ask that they include a clause saying only certified liberal women can benefit from them. Conservative women benefit from them, too! Just because we don't open up a Palin wing on the NOW website doesn't mean we don't think that every single woman -- right, left and in-between -- deserves equal pay, full reproductive rights, justice in the courts, etc. So knock off the facetious whining that right-wing women are not represented by NOW's work.

  17. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Such an uninformed person ... she doesn't even know how foolish she appears when she has no idea in the world what NOW is and what it does and has done. She hasn't a clue which side she is on half the time. I guess she thinks of herself as a gender all unto herself ... there are males, and there are females, and then there is something called a Sarah.

  18. Anonymous7:53 PM

    That should be our rallying cry.

    "America needs Sarah Palin like a fish needs a bicycle."


  19. Anonymous7:54 PM

    OK... What's the deal here? Why is she so thoroughly decompensating? Why is she on the warpath more than even usual, for her?

    'Cause that trip was a disaster? 'Cause the GOP has completely sidelined her and she is finally realizing she can't make a credible run?

    Or is it that book (books?) soon to be published? Or something else?

    Shrill much? Yikes.

  20. Anonymous7:58 PM

    lmao at anon 7:43! Bwahahaha.

  21. Olivia8:00 PM

    As a card carrying woman who has a mother and a daughter and many sisters, I will tell you that the word "bitch" is legitimate and appropriate in the proper context,of which there are many.

  22. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Quit dithering, Sarah. We're still waiting for YOU to apologize for using demeaning terms to regularly insult men: lacking cojones, limp, gutless, jerks, impotent, creepy, rapist, haters, old boys, porn stars, effete, nasty, voyeurs, pedophiles, whack, inappropriate, put on your man pants, sick, man up, un-American, whiners, palling around with terrorists, cowards, knuckle-draggers, WTF. The list goes on and on.

    And, your kids! Don't get me started on their foul mouths.

  23. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I have to take issue, at least partly, with Bill Maher's comment that Sarah is a "dumb twat". She is dumb of course, but she completely lacks the depth and warmth of a twat. Dumb hemorrhoid or dumb herpes blister is more like it.

  24. Anonymous8:11 PM

    **I'm always surprised that men who are proud of their daughters can throw around sexist terms like "bitch" like it was just Mardi Gras beads.**
    >>> Techgnome said...@7:47 PM
    Could it be there is a big difference between Gryph's daughter, and the §P who is a first-class, A-#1, full-time, vicious, vindictive, bad-mouthing, etc., "Beyatch"!!!!!

    That may be one of the nicest words to describe her these days and for the past 2½ years.

    Nuff said!

  25. Anonymous8:15 PM

    7:47 PM,

    Then what should we call $arah Palin? She clearly has serious problems with her temperment, and she's not a nice person.

    Will $exist $arah stop calling men "limp" and "impotnent?" Will she stop accusing men of hiding behind women's skirts? Will she stop talking about our male president's cajones?

    Sexist or not, she's a bitch.

  26. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I'm eager to watch Bill Maher tonight...want to see how, and if, he comes after Palin with her comments this week. I hope he nails her ass! She is a'twat',an idiot and has the biggest ego of anyone I know with no reason for having it.

  27. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Anon Rock @ 7:53 pm

    That should be our rallying cry.

    "America needs Sarah Palin like a fish needs a bicycle."

    * * * That's a great rallying cry, Rock. I suspect that the fish has much greater use for the bicycle than America has for the likes of Palin.

  28. 10catsinMD8:23 PM

    Rock@7:53pm - Completely agree.

    That should be our rallying cry.

    "America needs Sarah Palin like a fish needs a bicycle."

    She is also an exceptionally dumb and dumber twatterling. Not really a full twat, but she's getting there trying.

    She could probably give Sasquatch a scare.

  29. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Truth is Gryphen was being kind when he called her a bitch. His respect for his female readers is apparent, since us women out here know a nasty, low life C*NT when we see one and she is that and more. I do not use the 'C' word lightly, but it fits Ms. Quittypants like a glove.

  30. Techgnome8:31 PM

    At the very least pejoratives like bitch and twat imply that there's something wrong with being a woman. They say that there is something inherently wrong with having a vagina. Using these words in this context helps Sarah Palin because it supports her argument that people don't like her because she's an uppity woman.

  31. Anonymous8:34 PM

    NOW DEFENDED scarah, simply because she had a vagina. NOW endorsed her in 2008 - that is when I gave up my 20 year membership in the organization - NOW was bought and paid for by sarahPac - read it and weep. And this is how SP repays them - I wonder if NOW learned their lesson.

  32. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Did $p's NOW supporters throw her under the bus? I do not consider the women from Now who supported $p to be feminists, but they were chasing the $$, like $p and did support her. The information is all on record. Names and all.

  33. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I was just thinking yesterday why do some (very few now) people still worship her?

    She hasn't contributed anything in any way in years, if ever. Someone else has always done the hard work for her. No ideas, no solutions, no charity work, no volunteering, no intelligent political debates, nothing substantial, not even writing her own books herself -- a journalism major who can't even write about herself. Big, tough, woman, even needs he daddy to hold her gun for her despite being a "experienced hunter", I'll bet she thought she could shoot better than anyone in the world that day, too.

    There are things Sarah can do pretty well, but whining, lying, begging, self-promotion, and complaining for a living isn't productive in achieving anything constructive to anyone.

    Why would anyone follow such a person so blindly? A person that doesn't contribute to society in any way any more than some jerk down the street who complains about the weather every day and he could do a better job than the current meteorologist -- or the other jerk down the street who complains about the NFL coach and says he could do better coaching, but he has no ideas for a scoring play.

    Sarah is nothing more than an ignorant jerk complaining about something she doesn't know anything about and thinking she could do a better job.

  34. Anonymous8:45 PM

    No Techgnome, there is nothing wrong with being a woman. There is however something wrong with being mean, spiteful, and vindictive, like $arah Palin.

    And, no this does not "help" $arah Palin. In case you haven't notice, she has been sinking like a rock.

  35. Anonymous8:46 PM

    8:34 PM,

    I thought N.O.W. endorsed Barack Obama in 2008. Of course, I could be wrong.

  36. WakeUpAmerica8:50 PM

    There is one more name to add to the "People Sarah Palin Hates" list. NOW will be be in good company.

  37. Anonymous8:51 PM

    TWAT = Too Whiney All the Time

  38. KatieAnnieOakley8:54 PM

    I responded to a PalinBot yesterday on Twitter that used that same, exact expression. Could she have lifted someone else's thought / tweet and appropriated it for herself?

    Nah. She'd NEVER do ANYTHING like THAT.


  39. Olivia8:58 PM

    Bitch and twat do not imply that there is something wrong with being a woman or that there is something inherently wrong with having a vagina. Those words merely describe a woman who uses the fact that she is a woman to try to manipulate people to do her bidding. I can honestly say that I have never called a woman a twat until now and the few women I have referred to as bitches deserve the title as does Palin.
    The words might possibly have a different impact and meaning when spoken by a man but I will tell you that when spoken by a woman, there is no insult to women in general,the insult is only to the woman being referred to.

  40. Anonymous9:00 PM

    She is right politics isn't fair, what is fair about a system that let's a bitch like her jet around the world on PAC money?

  41. lwtjb9:03 PM

    A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. That's a very old feminist phrase. Sarah stole it at the same time she is trashing the women's movement. How can we get rid of this sorry excuse of a woman?

  42. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I am so sick of her bullshit. She is a twat (love that Olivia) and I really really really want her ass to get kicked in the primary!

  43. Anonymous9:09 PM


    Sarah throws another supporter under the bus. She won't quit until she has insulted every person who has ever supported her. That's just the way she is.


  44. Anonymous9:12 PM

    @8:46 - yes, on a national level NOW supported Obama, but CA President stood with SP. It created a huge riff in the organization.

  45. Anonymous9:17 PM

    An insight into the cocoon, where her own multiple lies are immune from scrutiny because the media is biased. And the irony of this sentence is lost on her:

    "Even though it often seems like I’m armed with just a few stones and a sling against a media giant, I’ll use those small resources to do what I can to set the record straight."

    Palin has a home-studio and salary from the biggest cable news network; her books have been published, without any fact-checking, by Harper Collins, one of the biggest publishing houses in the country. TLC gave her a reality show. She is, by now, a multimillionaire, based on barely two years in office and John McCain's impulsive Googling. She could get booked on CNN or MSNBC or ABC at a moment's notice. But she is beleaguered and alone against media giants?

  46. Anonymous9:18 PM

    OMG. N.O.W. did NOT endorse $arah Palin in 2008. They endorsed Barack Obama.

    “Obama also won the support of the National Organization for Women, which said it has not endorsed a candidate for president since Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro shared the Democratic ticket in 1984. Ferraro was the first female major-party vice presidential candidate.”

  47. Anonymous9:20 PM

    World English Dictionary
    twat (twæt, twɒt)

    — n
    1. the female genitals
    2. a girl or woman considered sexually
    3. a foolish or despicable person

    I'm guessing Maher was going with #3.

  48. Anonymous9:22 PM

    She's no bicycle.

    - Ben in SF

  49. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I remember after her speech at the RNC and my brother (strong Repub) was so impressed with her. I also watched the same speech and he and I definitely did not get the same message. Most women saw thru her that night! My thought when she finished - she is one tough, cold, bitch. My distrust was not misplaced and it has only grown the more we have been exposed to Sarah Palin.

    She would be a danger to our country as well as the world with her religious agenda and willingness to start a war with anyone to further her end time games.

    My brother now - it's hard for him to admit he saw what she wanted the men to see but to hear him say that he would not vote for her now says it all.

  50. Anonymous9:41 PM

    ...and a woman who has tammy bruce, a former NOW president, in her back pocket begging for a sniff?

  51. Anonymous9:56 PM

    though i did not vote for her on account she's always pegged my bullshit meter but to this day i still can't believe this absolute no nothing white trash fraud bitch was elected guv to this state

  52. Anonymous10:04 PM

    the pic of the dumb ass fuktard $carah at the top of this thread has always implied a brown shirt adi hitler bent in my eyes

  53. Anonymous10:12 PM

    No need to apologize Gryphen. You just call them as you see them and I agree.


  54. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Got to thank Sarah for her ungrateful bitchitude because it's causing her free fall. If she hadn't been so naturally twatterous, she coulda been a contendah and we'd be in grave danger now. We dodged her badly aimed bullet. Her political future is just spilling into the gutter.

    So....much thanks, Sarah, for being you.

  55. dizipoo10:31 PM

    No double standard Mrs P. America has long cast a dim eye toward allowing avowed grifters and snake oil salespeople to run their government whether they are male or female. Choosing to emulate Nixon while professing to be the almost 'worser' Reagan was a poor decision to make while many Americans were still around to remember their dity tricks. Adding the screechy harpy touch is about all that distinguishes you from your role models.

  56. Anonymous10:35 PM

    8:09- I LOVE this comment. You are right about twats! That can be warm and comfy! LOL That's certainly NOT how I'd describe Sarah Palin.

  57. Anonymous10:37 PM

    @8:21- I'm waiting for the talented person to come with the graphic of a fish on a bike. Then let it go viral- it will piss Palin off to no end!

  58. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "Nobody ever promised life was going to be fair"

    So Sarah finally admitted that her over weight big ass gut lazy non star - non talented daughter Biscuit Palin made it to the DWTS Finals and it was not fair. The true hard working dancers who deserved to be in the finals were cheated of their rightful spots due to tea bagging followers of Sarah Palin.

    Like Sarah said, "Nobody ever promised life was going to be fair"

  59. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Has anybody noticed that when Sarah is competing against men, she takes on the helpless female taking on the limp impotent good old boys and that women should back her. However when she was mayor of Wasilla, it was every woman for themselves. You get raped, oh well, you want a rape kit? Fork out the dough sister!

  60. dizipoo10:42 PM

    To Katie Annie Oakley --

    If you mean the 'fish on a bicycle' comment, it's been around on tee shirts since the '70's. I probably still have mine in a box somewhere. What more could one expect from Mrs P. other than spouting catch phrases gleaned from others that she tries to pawn off as her original thought.

    To Gryphen:

    you the man!!!! Another recycled but sincere catch phrase.

  61. Techgnome11:14 PM

    So, If Eddie Burke or some other idiot with a microphone said that Hillary Clinton was a bitch or a twat or something equally offensive you're only going to argue about whether or not she fit commonly accepted definitions of those terms and you're never ever going to say anything about what the use of those terms says about him? Gryphen and some of the rest of you have certainly written off those arguments.

    I can understand why some of you want to remain anonymous. At least Gryph doesn't have that luxury.

  62. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Oh c'mon! Go all in. Rhymes with "Plum hunt".

  63. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Twat is to women what prick is to men. It's descriptive slang. If it bothers some here, maybe we could just use the gender neutral 'asshole', that fits her, too.

  64. Andrea12:43 AM

    I'm late to this party, but oh well! Surprisingly, nobody here has pegged that "fish/bicycle" quote to the original owner. It has historically been linked to the great Womens' Rights leader, Gloria Steinem... but she herself offers the rights of that phrase to somebody else:

  65. Anonymous12:51 AM

    The fact of the matter is, Twitler hates being a woman. Daddy wanted a boy, after all, and she's never quite lived up to his expectations. Face it, Twitler, the kind of boys you hang out with aren't going to let you play no matter how many "Basic Instinct" shots you give them.

    BTW, here's a great graphic of the phrase, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle":

  66. Anonymous1:15 AM

    dude NOW and modern day feminists are the purest definition of the work retarded.

    question thats been bugging me: does anyone remember what outlet Levi told that one of the girls found Sarah's pregnancy test in her room and confronted her with it?

  67. $arah is not stable or mature enuff to be PTA president.

  68. Anonymous3:02 AM

    "Truth is Gryphen was being kind when he called her a bitch. His respect for his female readers is apparent,"

    For real. I have read women saying they love and want to marry G.

    It isn't sexist because men can be bitches too.

  69. Anonymous3:12 AM

    "At the very least pejoratives like bitch and twat imply that there's something wrong with being a woman. They say that there is something inherently wrong with having a vagina. Using these words in this context helps Sarah Palin because it supports her argument that people don't like her because she's an uppity woman."

    Are you for real? Are you kidding? "Uppity" Are we suppose to go down to her level and spew vile, mean-spirited, vulgar childish word salads? I think not madam. You are uppity for writing that piece of fiction.


  70. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Mrs. Todd Palin is a nasty twat and should be quarantined at home or in a mental institution.

    She leaves a huge scar on America and her daughters are following in her footsteps. They are as nasty and lying as she is and Todd needs to put a stop to all this now.

    I see Sarah's future in a jumpsuit in jail or a mental institution.

  71. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Fine, Sarah, you are not a twat. Just a dick.

  72. FloridaDem3:37 AM

    Maher tried to be cute with the twat word, using it to say SP is stupid, but aware of the sexual connotation as well. Overall, I have to fall on the side of protection against sexism, but at the same time, where's the outrage over insults against other women besides Sarah? These people and their newfound sexism awareness is like Sarah and her newfound feminist moniker, and both are disingenuous.

    Where were the repubs when a Hillary supporter asked "how can we beat the bitch" on national television? Or when someone demanded Hillary iron their shirt, or make fun of her laugh and call it a "cackle?"

    Here's an msnbc article, believe it or not, that actually gets away with saying Hillary has a self-rightous cackle. Yet no one objects. None of the male candidates had cackles, they had laughs. All except when Dean ran, they feminized and emasculated him by calling his yell a "scream" which is of course what whiny women do, not men.

    I have little sympathy for Sarah on this issue, for various reasons. Besides, Sarah herself has used somewhat sexist terms, as posters pointed out. N.O.W. eventually came out to condemn Maher, and probably it's good they did. It lowers the bar for all of us, and we need to be vigilant of that. Because today, it's Sarah, then tomorrow it's ok for a real female candidate. But I'm not wringing my hands over the event. Sarah is not a declared candidate, and so she'll get a lot of well-deserved barbs her way. It's the same reason India and ridicule her, and everyone makes fun of her. She's private citizen Sarah, she's not declared, and she doesn't get the motorcade or special treatment.

  73. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Those women also paved the way for her to have her "white out" choice. Ungrateful bitch indeed!

  74. Anonymous3:51 AM

    politics really isn't fair, the scrutiny

    Sure Sarah, let's just let any ole psychopathic narcissistic illiterate
    fraud govern us.

  75. Anonymous4:03 AM

    She's in a panic alright, and that always takes her back to her default setting. Backed into a corner (endures any scrutiny whatsoever) she cowers like a "victim" OR she lashes out indignantly. What a pathetic excuse for a woman.

  76. Anonymous5:12 AM

    This is SOOO ironic. I bought a poster of a fish on a bicycle when I visited the WOMEN'S RIGHTS HISTORIC PARK in Seneca Falls, NY about 10 years ago. It says:

    "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."

    I don't see a future for Sarah. After the '12 speculation is over, what will she have? She has an ugly personality and not many people are going to want to deal with that, it's not worth the little money she might bring in. Even the comedians will move on.

  77. Anonymous5:28 AM

    The "fish needs a bicycle" phrase is from a NOW t-shirt from the 1970s that went, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle". Trust Scary Pay-me to screw it up and get it out of context.

  78. Anonymous5:31 AM

    What a tool! Did she really just go after another comedian? Maher could take her down so easily and not spend a great deal of effort doing so.

    Can you imagine a President who acted in this manner? Comedians have been making fun of politicians for years and none of them have been stupid enough to go after the comedian. Only Palin.

  79. Naturally, Palin used someone else's quote and gave no credit:

    "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. ~Irina Dunn, 1970.

    I've known this saying since the '70s and, indeed, always thought it was from Gloria Steinem, but here's the wonderful thing about the 21st century. In less than one minute of searching, I found the quote and the correct attribution.

    Surely, even Sarah could put that minimal effort into her rants? No?

    Well, isn't she a dumb and lazy twat.

  80. Ungrateful, stupid and ignorant woman.

    I wish that men would stop calling her offensive names.
    That only gives cause to complain and she is right. It will always be offensive and why should women have to put up with it?

    If everyone would start demanding she talk about policy and demand that she answer questions, she would GO AWAY.
    She exists in a vacuum. If she has nothing to complain about, she really has nothing to say.

  81. Pursang5:52 AM

    Dear Sarah,

    What's it like having your panties in a bunch all the time?


    A Concerned Citizen (Well Not Too Concerned)

  82. Randall6:05 AM

    Sarah has being snotty confused with being informed.

    Sarah has a vacation in a four-star hotel confused with foreign policy experience.

    Sarah has being in charge confused with being a bitch.

  83. Techgnome6:33 AM

    Those who follow Andrew Sullivan should find this Yglesias quote a little ironic.

    "But the term is a pure contentless gender-slur. It’s like you’re saying “I disagree with what you’re doing and also you’re a woman which is a bad thing to be!!!!!!!!”

    Even if a woman is doing something legitimately bad, it’s no more appropriate to insult her with that term than it is to break out a racial slur just because a guy you have a legitimate beef with happens to be black. That’s the issue here."

    The Wiki on this word is fun:

    Generally, the term is still considered offensive, and not accepted in formal situations. According to linguist Deborah Tannen, "Bitch is the most contemptible thing you can say about a woman. Save perhaps the four-letter C word."[8] It's common for the word to be censored on Prime time TV, often rendered as "the b-word." During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a John McCain supporter referred to Hillary Clinton by asking, "How do we beat the bitch?" The event was reported in censored format:[9]

    On CNN's "The Situation Room," Washington Post media critic and CNN "Reliable Sources" host Howard Kurtz observed that "Senator McCain did not embrace the 'b' word that this woman in the audience used." ABC reporter Kate Snow adopted the same locution. On CNN's "Out in the Open," Rick Sanchez characterized the word without using it by saying, "Last night, we showed you a clip of one of his supporters calling Hillary Clinton the b-word that rhymes with witch." A local Fox 25 news reporter made the same move when he rhymed the unspoken word with rich.

    Rick Sanchez of CNN went on to comment: "...a horrible word that is used to do nothing but demean women... Obviously, the word that's used here is very offensive."

    The Wiki article mentions Queen Latifag's use of bitch in one of her songs. You see a video of the song here. The impression I get is that she doesn't exactly approve of the word.

    More fun with the 'B' word here:

    It's sad to see this blog stoop to this level.

  84. LOL At fish on a bicycle... Perhaps she has never seen the guiness commercial:

  85. FloridaDem6:44 AM

    Techgome quote: "At the very least pejoratives like bitch and twat imply that there's something wrong with being a al."

    For some reason your post got panned, but I understand it. I would place qualifiers on some of it, perhaps, but it's important for people to realize that insulting a man and insulting a woman are two different mechanisms. Insults to a man tend to be in the vein of respecting his manhood. With Rush limbaugh, what was he called, a pig, a cokehead? Like he's losing sleep over that. "Yeah I'm a pig," he laughs as he shoves another cigar in his mouth. Women are insulted to the core of their being. There are words exclusively reserved for them which are designed to humiliate, objectify, and degrade. That's the difference.

    For example, the phrase whore. Where's the male equivalent to that? There is none. The word c*nt. What's the equivalent, dick? So what, guys call themselves that all the time. Even the word bitch, which has become an accepted urban term in some circles, is a female derogatory word implying not just witchiness but weakness and unworthiness. The counterpart to that word you would think would be bastard, but it's not because the meaning is completely different, and bastard is a stronger word, anyway. "You bastard" is almost an admiring phrase, whereas "you're my little bitch" means I'm going to punk you, rape you, beat you in sports, etc, meaning you're a lesser person. Calling a woman a bitch insinuates she is not just mean, but out of character with the values of true womanhood, and in the workplace, true leadership. A bitch cannot have allies, or truly lead, the way a man can.

    Take George Bush, he was often selfish, inconsiderate and mean. But what words were used to describe him? Words like cowboy, cockiness, swaggering, arrogant. NONE of those words are powerless words. In fact, they're the opposite. This is exactly why the GOP uses feminizing, degrading words to describe Democrats, because male words are not effective enough to ridicule. It's why they described Dean's yell as a womanly, screechy screechy scream, and why they described Kerry as less manly than Bush. THAT is what harms, that is the shit that sticks to the wall.

    A lesson for all of us, and yes, while we dislike Sarah both personally and what she stands for, we still have to be mindful of the culture we create. And personally, as a woman I feel more comfortable hearing another woman call Sarah out, call her a stone cold bitch, than a man. Just as blacks can call someone a dumbass N*gg*r but will not stand for a white person doing that.

  86. Anonymous7:09 AM

    There was a leader of NOW who was a pro Sarah Palin supporter. Wonder what she has to say now.

  87. Anonymous7:32 AM

    anon 12:04 AM ... 10 up fists for you my friend! Love your arbitration approach.

  88. Anonymous7:44 AM

    fish on a bicycle

  89. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I thought she wasn't going to waste any more of her "precious" time on this (after her rambling FB post). How long did that last? An hour?

  90. Is it obvious to anyone else that "Techgnome" is RAM -- on psychotropic medications to moderate her usually nasty (can I say BITCHY?) moods?

    She's a lot more polite than usual, and I doubt it's because she's a guest on someone else's blog.

  91. emrysa8:40 AM

    jeezus christ. techgnome, obsess much? since you seem to put so much weight on what celebrities say about the word bitch, I wonder - do you freak out when elton john's "the bitch is back" comes on the radio?

  92. Anne In DC8:57 AM

    I seriously doubt that Sarah Palin will ever run out of stupid things to say. That's why her approval ratings are sinking faster than a stone in quicksand. Like a lot of other Americans, she lacks respect for some of the very movements in this country that have so greatly improved the quality of life for so many. Does she seriously think that someone as substandard as she is would have had a ghost of a chance for a political career without the movement, when women of the past who were infinitely more qualified had to fight tooth and nail for even less than she has gotten? She is a beneficiary of the women's movement, whether or not she admits it, but her ascent is instructive as a reminder that merit is exceedingly important. She embodies everything the movement worked to overcome: being given a pass for being a female that has some looks, as well as for being hateful and clueless--rather than being respected for talent, intellect, and accomplishments. That has what has made her an outwardly disarming vessel for ideology that is truly dangerous and destructive to the well-being of this country.
    As much as I don't like the terms Maher used, he is spot-on in calling her dumb. Just the same, I don't feel sorry for her at all, as she has used terms deriding the manhood of male politicians like our president. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  93. emrysa8:58 AM

    now that the public has gotten to know the quitter over the past few years by HER OWN words and HER OWN actions, it's clear that she is pissed off because she thought she was going to be able to fool america the way she fooled alaska, and it hasn't worked. she's furious - she figured that by now the entire country would be demanding that she be our leader. and she blames the media because it didn't happen, lol. guess she and her staff didn't write enough letters to the editor in the lower 48 ghost-signed by rill americans.

    yeah that's right sarah, you're not good enough for america and you'll never be good enough for america.

  94. Anonymous10:00 AM

    FYI, it's the National Organization FOR Women.

  95. Anonymous10:03 AM

    That picture has Leni Riefenstahl written all over does Palin herself.

  96. Techgnome10:38 AM

    For those who think I'm RAM in drag: I can understand Palin going below the waist. She does it because she's an idiot with a poor command of the English language. Those of us who think we're better than her should pin her as neatly and cleanly as an entomologist placing a new bug in his collection.

  97. Yeap Man-sure is writing these lame jokes...stolen from the very movement she speaks ill about...and against.

    " As for NOW? "I need NOW's defense like a fish needs a bicycle."

    A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle
    This remark is now widely attributed to the American feminist Gloria Steinem (born 1934), but seems to have originated as an anonymous graffito (see quot. 1979).

    Sarah's stouter better STOP mixing 'the Gay' with 'the stupid'

  98. Techgnome1:44 PM

    I would like to publicly thank Gryphen for allowing me to post my thoughts on his blog. This is after all both his toy and his responsibility.

    I've mostly been reading this blog because I've been enjoying Sarah Palin's soap opera. It's the Beverly Hillbillies 2008. While I enjoy the soap opera, I don't want to be part of it. I drove by Gabrielle Gifford's office just a little bit ago while I was running some errands. I go by it at least once or twice most weeks. I still sort of see it the way it looked with the flowers and the candles and the teddy bears and people at all hours of the day and night. I'm well past the point where this is just abstract entertainment.

    I disagree with the music analogy for a number of reasons. In this instance context is everything. In the first place music should get below the waist at times. Politics--not so much. "The Bitch is Back" is a good example of using the word appropriately. Elton is clearly including himself in the term. I enjoy his music and I'll bet he can be fun to party with, but I bet he can be a bitch at times too. OTOH there's a lot rap and hip hop that sounds like it's using that word to say that women are inferior to my ear.

    There must be thousands of ways to say almost the same thing without using slap in the face offensive words or splashing mud on your friends. I'm hoping we all can be a bit more creative in the future.

    Thanks folks. I think it would also be fair to say that I've been bitching.

  99. Anonymous6:23 PM

    What you said Gryphen.

  100. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Bristol needs sex like a fish needs water.


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