Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kathy Griffin's stand up act: "Can we talk about the Palins, just for a minute?"

We have heard some of this before, but there is a whole lot more that is brand new to me.

Very funny!

(BTW do I have to tell you that you probably don't want to watch this with the kids around?)


  1. Anonymous3:19 AM

    India...hides in her room.

    Reno.....changes hotel to avoid Kathy G.

    Media attention going to Michele Bachmann.

    I see a very public meltdown in the future..very near future.

  2. MC30313:29 AM

    BWAH! I love her! She is so entertaining and I often feel like she's just hanging out chatting with us. :)

    And how funny that she was in the room the "Gov" was supposed to be in. hahahahah

    Love it.

  3. Anonymous4:10 AM

    The timing of you posting this is perfect...for me anyway. The deep South town I live in has just REFUSED to allow her to perform here! (article in our local paper just this morning) The "powers that be" will not allow it because they find her "too polarizing" and not fit for a "family-friendly" city such as Pensacola, FL. It will be interesting to see if she talks about that in future shows.

  4. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Great, my kids will love it.

  5. London Bridges4:19 AM

    Sarah called in this request this morning! Watch the whole thing to get the full message. The lip synching was necessary to enable RAM to be able to get a few words in, too, also!

  6. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Oh lardy, this has got to be one of my favorites from Kathy. I laughed the entire way through!!!

  7. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I had to put off drinking my first cup of tea for the whole 9 minutes, but it was the best caffeine deprivation experience ever.

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Hilarious! I would love to see Kathy's show live. What a coward Palin is, changing hotels like that. She really is the most cowardly politician ever!

  9. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Oh, dogs! Mrs. Todd Palin is such a candy-ass. She talks tough but turns tail and runs from a female comedian that she MIGHT have had to briefly share a hallway or hotel lobby with.

    Gryphen, you might put an "update" on this post of the clip that in which WGE tells Kathy to come up to "Allassska". Like she wouldn't run and hide under her bed at the prospect. "Toad, DO something! She might say something snarky to me! Boohoohoo!"

    Probably Mrs. Todd Palin has been manipulating others to get their hands dirty on her behalf for a long time. It's all about plausible deniability. As Chuck Heath once said "she's good at not getting caught". Yeah, well not so much lately, huh?

    In a sort of way, it's too bad McCain asked her to be his VP candidate, and her ego couldn't let that opportunity pass.

    Had she stayed in Alaska, she could have had a long life, boldly grifting the heck out of the Alaskan people and excepting bribes under the table from the oil and mining companies.

    Now with the public eye on her, she has to be much more careful.

    I hope she is burning through her millions like the Rapture is tomorrow. I think it is significant that once she was denied VIP status in India, that she didn't hire her OWN limo and security. Was she broke, just too cheap, or having an existential breakdown at glimpsing how large and diverse the world is?

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Love Kathy !! Can you image the Air Force One fuel costs alone if $aint $arah was President? Chickenshit Palin would be in the skies all the time avoiding any controversy, whether real or imaged. Since her 'list' is longer than Santa Clause's, and her paranoia is profound, there will be allot of flying time foreseen for poor old Air Force One(s). She would have to confiscate and monopolize the jet fuel in the country just to support her cowardice. Several new Air Force Ones would need to be commissioned just to be rotation in order to give time for maintenance on the others. And let's not talk of the costs for her entourage, including her expansive cabinet as well as the shadows, along with family $ friends. I also foresee bringing back those 'Where is Palin' signs. Thus we can't have a Palin as President, for she will be just too damn expensive. ...

  11. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Any person with the name Griffin attached must make SP's head spin. I'm sure she thinks it's a conspiracy.

    Hail to the Griffins!!! They speak the truth!

  12. dizipoo7:28 AM

    Kathy G is fearless and funny. She does to Mrs P what Mrs P does to others, particularly the President of the United States. It provides a small sense of satisfaction that $P has to take a dose of her own bitter medicine once in a while. Not that she'll ever 'get it' but those of us watching her little charade do. Just imagine to what level paYlin would go if no one was keeping her in check by exposing her lies and innuendo.

  13. Anonymous7:44 AM

    In earlier posts, Gryphen has described Sarah's (Rebecca's) long face book calling out the media, attacking Bill Maher and invoking the old saying about not picking a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel. It's too bad that she doesn't realize what that phrase really means.

    Sarah has been responding to jokes made by David Letterman, which fueled Dave's monologues, and made Sarah look thin skinned and immature. Bill Maher will continue to make jokes about how dumb Sarah is because she is dumb enough to respond. Kathy Griffin's entire act is built around making fun of other people. So when Sarah changes hotel rooms or invites Kathy to visit Alaska, Sarah is just pouring kerosene on an already burning fire.

    Most politicians do not respond to the late night jokes. If Sarah needs to respond so badly, maybe there was some truth in them to start with.

  14. Lynne9:02 AM

    Wow, Kathy is just awesome! I laughed all the way through it. An A List comedian! And every 50 year old woman would love to look that good...even some almost 50's who shall remain nameless (don't we wish). Thanks for posting that.

  15. GrainneKathleen9:15 AM

    that was hilarious!!!!
    love you kathy griffin! wonder if she left any surprises for sarah in that hotel room? who has the "still spine" now?

  16. I've heard Kathy in interviews, but this is the first time I've heard her on-stage material. Oh, she is hilarious. I cried through her reading of the tea-party letter. Thanks for the pick-me-up (in bed with the flu :(

  17. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Sarah Palin IS the definition of a tough-talking blowhard.
    M from MD


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