Monday, March 14, 2011

Teabagger response to the devastating earthquake in Japan.

What a classy bunch of Twitards.


  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    I wish I hadn't seen that.

    Following their "logic" makes one wonder what's in store for the U.S. for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


  2. My god Gryph do we even need to point out how stoopid they are. Ok anyone who was a part of attacking Pearl harbor raise your hand.Seems to me the only respondents need a nurse to hold their hand up.

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:35 AM

    Looks like a certain subculture got their scripts from the Freedom Foundation (or whatever patriotically-named Koch/Armey sock puppet group). All the wretched comments are so similar, but my fave so far (verbatim): "Those damn krauts deserve to be hit by a earthquake tsunami for nuking Pearl Harbor."

    And yet these TeaBrains are the first who would cry "Woe is me!" if struck with a disaster.

  4. AKinPA2:54 AM

    Wow! How I wish I had such a selective memory! When the Japanese attacked Pearl harbor, they destroyed a military operation during a war. To end that war, we blew the civilian populations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to smithereens with the atomic bomb. And those unlucky enough to survive experienced "Death in Life." If this earthquake was Japan's payback for Pearl Harbor, what hell is awaiting us for Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Oh I get it. Today's GOP and the Tea Baggots ARE our payback.

  5. Ripley in CT2:57 AM

    my favorite? the one who calls the Japanese "krauts that nuked Pearl Harbor". What is wrong with these people? Thankfully, they do not represent a majority of our society. Unfortunately, they get the press. Idiots.

  6. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Palin crossing Ailes..pass the popcorn..

  7. Anonymous3:12 AM

    holly cow...looking at the devastation that didn't even come to my mind...sad people

  8. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Palin continues to be toast in her own party..

  9. Anonymous3:22 AM

    i like to add
    death toll Pearl Harbour:
    . The overall death toll reached 2,350, including 68 civilians, and 1,178 injured.
    death toll Hiroshima:
    . It has been estimated that 130,000 to 150,000 persons had died by the end of December 1945

    I think the Japanese paid more than enough.

  10. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Ugghh. I think japan paid for Pearl Harbor via Hiroshima, Naga saki nuclear bomb attacks..Aas has every generation since due to the radiation damage. (Oh, and do some research into the foreknowledge FDR had about Pearl Harbor. )
    These teatards are subhuman.
    Some of them probably are nearly orgasmic thinking that this puts them one step closer to the rapture prior to THE END OF THE WORLD.

  11. Anonymous4:02 AM

    My God, can they get any more callous? We are all people, all created by God or happenstance. Japanese people are no better or worse than people born in America. Tis is what is wrong with the GOP in general. It's always "us against them" with America somehow better by virtue of accidental birth. Meanwhile, they spout off about being Christian. Right. If that's an example of Christian thinking, no wonder we are hated by so many. I couldn't even read all those comments...they feed off each other. Pitiful.

  12. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Pearl Harbor = Japan earthquake/tsunami?

    Everyone in the USA better hope not. Because we've got Hiroshima, Nagasaki, No Gun Rei, Afghanistan, Irag -- babies, children, elders, the violent deaths of innocents in the name of 'exceptionalism' and manifest destiny.
    Karma? Maybe - but that means our pay off is down the road.

    Beware the devil you call on. He may reach back to you.

  13. Struggling here, to think of a comment that isn't somehow nearer their level. They don't know they're at the bottom end of the bell curve of human behavior, and while on one hand the Internet is the best thing ever for shedding light on evil and stupid, I sometimes long for the days when these idiots would just have these conversations while sitting on a log behind a gas station somewhere and leave the rest of us alone.

  14. Anonymous5:19 AM

    These people disgust me. Now we are somehow even for Pearl Harbor? Yeah, I am sure all those children that have been killed in this tragedy had anything to do with Pearl Harbor.

    How could you be so dumb? Not only that they have the compassion of a blade of grass. How could you see these photos & have such a hard heart?

    I guess when they see all their christian leaders standing up and saying that other tragedies were because of gays, etc., I shouldn't expect anything else.


  15. California Dreamin'5:29 AM

    Wow...I guess it wouldn't do any good to explain to them that most of the people who perished had nothing to do with bombing Pearl Harbour. The stupid is so thick sometimes!

  16. Anonymous6:28 AM

    And Palin describes this as "a beautiful movement." Yeah, that's the ticket.

  17. Gasman7:10 AM

    What a bunch of lowlife simpletons.

    I think the massive ass whooping we meted out - including the nuclear annihilation of two major cities - in WW II was repayment enough for Japanese militarism. Nothing like the enlightened hatred of these ignorant shitheads to make Americans look like morons.

    I am reminded of Gandhi’s words:
    “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

    I’ll bet all of these folks consider themselves good Christians. I wonder if Christ does?

  18. yukonark7:20 AM

    We can all take solace in the fact that you can't outrun a tsunami on a hoveround. (h/t to Wonkette)

  19. These are not tea partiers, just a bunch of stoopids too young to even know anything about the subject of Japan and Pearl Harbor. They're all playing copy cat and acting out how tough and AGAIN how stoopid they are in public.

    It appears someone did a google search of "pearl harbor" to get all these tweets and facebook comments.

    They're horrible and tone deaf to be certain, but not tea partiers.

  20. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Those people were disgusting. Looking at their profile photos most of them are young kids. THIS is why a good education is important.

    I shouldn't be surprised by the stupidity in this country but I was ashamed and annoyed at their lack of humanity. True Americans they aren't.

  21. Gasman8:03 AM

    I don't follow your logic that these folks aren't teabaggers. If they look like teabaggers, they sound like teabaggers, and act like teabaggers, I'm not sure why you claim they aren't.

    THIS is the kind of idiotic bullshit that is a dead giveaway for being a teabagger: idiotic and bigoted.

  22. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Is there a new Commandment for these 'American Christians' that's is being kept under wraps which says one must hate and wish harm to anyyone who is not like them as well as those may have slighted them for at least 10 generations removed? Repulsive!

  23. Anonymous8:19 AM

    If you think those are bad listen to this crazy bitch. She says the "Christians" prayed for God to wake up the atheists and this quske was his way of doing so.

  24. @Gasman

    Wrong demographic. Young with a lot of minorities. Tea partiers are generally older white folks.

    Just my opinion. YMMV

  25. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I don't know, by looking at the pictures of these twits I doubt all of these folks are actual "teabaggers" at least in the political sense :) but they are a bunch of insensitive assholes. Like Heroshima wasn't tragic enough.

  26. BTW, they are disgusting and totally ignorant of history but I thought I made that clear in my first comment. However, disgusting and ignorant and yes rascist doesn't always a tea partier make.

  27. Anonymous9:05 AM


    Not teapartiers? Have you seen/heard the teabaggers demonstrate and spew? If not, do so, then try to convince me these Palinbots are not mimicking the signage, verbage and actions of the teabagger leaders and $P.

  28. The only thing missing from this Lunatic Fest is someone blaming OBAMA for the earthquake/tidal wave.

    I'll bet our pal Rush Limbaugh will find a way to tie in the President...I recall him doing so, over the Iceland volcano.

  29. Lynne9:35 AM

    I was amazed that minorities actually got on that site and made such nasty comments. They are beyond clueless. I had the same reaction when I was passing through Southern California (visiting a retired friend in Leisure World) and saw one young black woman with a bunch of sign carrying McCain/Palin boosters. I wanted to open my car window and say something to her (not something mean), but mostly I just wanted to get all of them out of my sight. (They weren't too crazy about my Obama bumper sticker either).

    And I totally agree with Gandi's assessment of so-called Christians. I would never blame Christ for the awful mess Christianity has become. I personally know some wonderful Christians, but they aren't out there acting like Teabaggers.

  30. Not teapartiers? Have you seen/heard the teabaggers demonstrate and spew?

    Yep and I hate them and what they are doing.

    I just don't happen to think this particular group of idiots fits into the demographic for teabaggers which is mostly older white people.

  31. These people are obviously incapable of remembering the history of WWII and the U.S. bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. To hear these idiots talk about something that happened 70 years ago and say they still haven't "forgiven" them for Pearl Harbor? Incredibly stupid is what these people appear to be no matter what age they are. Why is it that so called "Christians" believe that God only cares about the United States? Do the words "we are all God's children" not mean anything to them or do they think it was only for the U.S.? Their ignorance is overwhelming. I hate to think that people from around the world read these tweets and believe that many of us are like them when the reality couldn't be further from that idea. We are not all stuck in 1941 anymore than the Japanese are stuck in 1945.

  32. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Anyone says these young people are not Teabaggers U R Rong. No membership card need- just prove your stoopid. The only way these young people are not teabaggers if all the TeaBag hate and stoopid was just recently invented. Does anyone really think that all these TeaBaggers were intelligent and not racist prior to the 2008 election? The "Republican Southern Strategy" says Republicans know better. Since 1968.

    Grampy and Grannie TeaBagger didn't just start thinking TeaBag in 2008 to investigate birth certificates and mooslim infiltrators in the White House. That way of thinking just got a new brand name, and better advertising. Some of the sales staff work on commission. $arah is on the commission plan.

    How do all the little kids get to the TeaBagger churches? Grampy and Grannie Tea been busy raising more of the same. Now their kids are busy raising kids and the stupid goes on. With history consultants like Bachmann and Palin
    that is how you end up with facts like this at twitter.

    Find older teabag earthquake hate by adding Gay Blame to the search. That's where Gramps is hangin'. These twitters are just the 'hidden' teabaggers. Hidden in plain f*cking sight. Seen by everyone except the media.

  33. Anyone says these young people are not Teabaggers U R Rong.

    Maybe so, just my opinion and last I checked I am entitled to one.

    Maybe every ignorant racist idiot in this country is a teabagger.

    Maybe I'm done with this subject.


  34. Anonymous1:18 PM

    During the weeks before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, several teams of Japanese military officers and diplomats were trying to negotiate a surrender through Sweden and Portugal that would allow the emperor to remain as a figure head. The most serious initiative was to request the intervention of Russia, with whom Japan had a non-aggression pact. Soon after, Russia declared war on Japan.

    Japan was already defeated. The people were dying of starvation; there was no functional air force or navy. Japan was completely blockaded; they had had no oil since April 1945. Gen. Eisenhower said, in a book he wrote in 1963, "The Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing ... I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon." Generals MacArthur and LeMay both stated later that Japan was already defeated in April 1945.

    The Allies' refusal to allow the Japanese emperor to remain as a figurehead prolonged the war by several months and many deaths, military and civilian. In the end, the emperor was retained by the Allies as a symbol of power and co-operation.

  35. Anonymous2:13 PM

    It wasn't intended as an attack.

    To understand, one has to gather the facts and then analyze the facts. Just saying that if the news media is the source of the basic facts, then some failures can happen with the analysis.

    Some think much of the media tends to be rather clueless. Others have different explanations.

  36. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Palin is as ugly inside and out as is the Teabagger group (whom she has publically supported). Remember too - the majority of them are on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and they want their America back. They are idiots, assholes and takers. They make me sick and I'm sorry they are part of our America population.

  37. I agree with Ikala, there is no proof that these are Tea baggers. Just because they are ignorant pieces of shit, does not mean they are Teabaggers. I, more than anyone, would love to be able to lump ALL ignorant pieces of shit into one simple category and call them Tea Baggers, but unfortunately can't because it goes against everything WE are supposed to stand for. It is the same exact thing that the TEA BAGGERS do with Muslims and terrorists, black people, "illegals" and anyone latino, and lots of groups. Please take a step back and look at what you are saying and please just call these douches pieces of shit, cause thats what they are.

  38. @Mary

    You said it all :>)

    I really didn't think it necessary to lay it all out like that on a liberal blog. Guess I was wrong.


  39. @likala No prob... I just don't like being a hypocrite; there's enough of that in the douche bagger party already.

    All jets are airplanes, but not all airplanes are jets...

    Kind of the same thing applies here.

    Most tea baggers are pieces of shit, but not all pieces of shit are tea baggers...

    I have to say "most" only because I'm sure there are a few teabaggers that aren't complete pieces of shit (in theory), and I hate making hasty generalizations, so I chose to qualify mine.


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