Monday, March 14, 2011

Palin may have gone too far and bitten a big chunk out of the Fox News hand that feeds her.

Before Sarah Palin posted her infamous “Blood Libel” video on Facebook on January 12, she placed a call to Fox News chairman Roger Ailes. In the wake of the Tucson massacre, Palin was fuming that the media was blaming her heated rhetoric for the actions of a madman that left six people dead and thirteen others injured, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

Palin told Ailes she wanted to respond, according to a person with knowledge of the call. It wasn’t fair the media was making this about her. Ailes told Palin that she should stay quiet.

“Lie low,” he said. “There’s no need to inject yourself into the story.”

Palin told Ailes that other people had given her that same advice. Her lawyer Bob Barnett is said to have cautioned her about getting involved. The consensus in some corners of Palin's camp was that she faced considerable risks if she spoke out.

But, this being Sarah Palin, she did it anyway.

To read how Ailes felt about that, and to get the rest of the story, please visit  New York Magazine:

I have suspected for some time that Palin would eventually do something so self destructive, or so embarrassing to Fox news, that they would have no choice but to terminate their dealings with her.  I know that bar is set pretty high considering the crap that Glenn Beck does on his show day in and day out, and the kind of ridicule it attracts to Fox News, but never underestimate Palin's ability to fuck up a good thing.

However I kind of agree with the author of this article that right now the Grizzled Mama is undoubtedly on double secret probation, and that they are biding their time until she finally throws her hat in the Presidential ring so that they can, at least temporarily, wash their hands of her. That is, of course, until her campaign inevitably self destructs.

But don't believe for an instant she won't be back.  Because she will.  Where else will she have to go?

Of course THIS time she may find herself relegated to playing the ditsy one on the couch feeding straight lines to Steve Doocy on Fox and Friends.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    "But don't believe for an instant she won't be back. Because she will."....Gryphen

    Are you saying that this low life imbecile is indestructible? Even after all the so-called iceberg revelations & accusations that have been, or will be, leveled against her, you still deduce that she will return. Have you thrown in the towel, Gryphen?

  2. Anonymous4:20 AM

    How did this story get out? Do you think Ailes let it get leaked so that he has an excuse to kick her "arse" to the curb without losing his viewers?


  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    One has to think Ailes leaked this to let her know she is on the wane.

  4. Anonymous5:42 AM

    At some point, she will have to announce or become irrelevant. No one will care what she says if she is not running, once most of them announce.

  5. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Fuck you Sarah... enjoy your crash and burn.

  6. I figured something like this would happen too. I actually thought same would happen on her TV show, but I guess the producer let her have more say in it than I thought there would be, so probably the worst was avoided. Anyway, isn't this exactly what we've seen before, excatly what has been documented before, like in "Game Change", where she insisted to the people running the campaign that she make a statement about AIP and they said leave it alone and she go really pissy about it? She doesn't Play Well With Others, she won't take advice, and isn't that exactly what a President has to do? Listen to others' opinions BEFORE just making decisions?

    Probably over at C4P they'll think she's all rogue-y over this, but had anyone else done it, it would be "you do what the boss tells you or your fired".

    Makes my head spin.

    Anyway, if Roger had asked me before she was hired, I would have told him he was going to have trouble with her, sooner rather than later. Bill O'Reilly is none too happy with her and his disrespect of her is barely kept under control. I wish I could go back to some of my comments from when the deal was first announced, but I think I prognosticated that she'd be gone in a year. Looks like I underestimated, but whatever else happens, I wouldn't be surprised if old Roger does not renew her contract, just for this reason.

  7. Fox will keep Palin as long as they make money off of her.

  8. Palin seemingly hears and makes everything all about her. I heard discussions about rhetoric primarily on the news. Palin shoes her true colors with her blood libel mee me I am the victim video. Palin is incapable of guilt, remorse, shame, compassion or empathy. In her twisted mind she is what she says not what she does. Not once has she ceased slandering or accusing people of crimes including child molestation even when people are duped willing to murder her targets.

  9. I think this story got out accidentally on purpose. This is a Rovian move. I think that Sarah is finally finished. The only media that is left for her will be twitter and facebook. I bet she is on the rampage as we speak!

  10. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I believe grypen is saying, No, she's that stupid. You know. like the child that goes for the fire, the child that walks off the dock,the child that puts it's wet figer on a metal object.

  11. "Before she responded, she was making herself look like a victim."

    Do they really think with all that uproar she was a victim?
    What a world they live in.
    She was not 'winning' she was being told the truth. She didn't like it and she ignored(AGAIN)advice and made things 100 times worse.

  12. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Biting the hand that feeds her? Hmm, maybe...but I bet it's more just that Ailes personally dislikes her and allowed this little story to leak. I don't think anybody continues to like Sarah Palin once they have to deal with her for an extended period, even those who share her same insane ideology. So I have doubts about the whole "Ailes gave her advice not to go with blood libel and got irked that she didn't follow it" angle. If anything, her victimhood schtick is perfectly aligned with Fox's false messaging that the rich and the rightwing gun obsessed violent maniacs are the downtrodden among us.

  13. Anonymous6:08 AM

    "Where else will she have to go?"

    Sarah Icarus is a sow's ear and is about to crash into the sea. If she's to have even a short-lived come back, it will require some groveling.

    I used to think that her next stop would be the 700 Club. But with the polish coming off her marriage and her unpleasant demeanor always showing through, I don't think that will happen. And she is not young enough for FOX for be interested in renewing her contract if she is not relevant politically, which O'Reilly has pretty much shown to be true. She'll keep farming herself out for speaking engagements, but they will pay less and less as time goes by.
    Maybe she'll go back to running the family fishing business with Todd and the kids.

  14. Anonymous6:09 AM

    " they are biding their time until she finally throws her hat in the Presidential ring so that they can, at least temporarily, wash their hands of her. "

    ROFL - when I first read this - I thought it said "so that they can, at least temporarily, wash her HAIR!"

  15. Anonymous6:09 AM

    If she doesn't run (and win) the grifter is just another has-been cable tv personality. Why then, would Fox viewers be interested in her inane ramblings?

  16. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Whats Ailes current relationship to msnbc? A Chair?

    This man gave ll the left and right crazies jobs on tv. Sarah is definitely one of a kind. Im starting to think she doesnt mind being fired. back in 09, i think maybe she wanted to be impeached so the quitting wasnt in her hands.

  17. majii6:14 AM

    Palin can't make the claim now that Nicole Wallace, Steve Schmidt, and the other McCain/Palin campaign advisers were lying about her inability to take sound advice!!!

  18. Dinty6:15 AM

    One of Ms. Palin's primary failings (and I would argue a fatal flaw) is her inability to trust anyone who doesn't kiss her ass. This incident is proof of this, further backed up by her turning the cold-shoulder on once-trusted aide Richard Bailey after he pushed back during troopergate.

    The result is she only really listens to sycophants like Rebecca Mansour who aren't really advising her (nor are they in any way qualified to), they're just kissing her ass and telling her that whatever harebrained idea she has is great.

    Hence "The Rogue". Her rogue behavior is not really her bustin' barriers, having a deeper wisdom than conventional wisdom, or being willing to do what's right despite what her colleagues want, it's her making what are in some cases spectacularly bad choices because noone with proper advice or experience can get through to her.

    I think at one point Todd may have served as an effective counter to some of this behavior, but if the rumors are true, he's probably not being listened to now.

    Her type is not unique, especially in politics, it's just that most of the others are more competent overall, and are better at making decisions than she is.

    That, and I think she believes God has pre-ordained her to be president. That is why she doesn't do her homework, because, hey, why bother when God has already said "make it so".

  19. Anonymous6:15 AM

    haha. oh sarah

    btw im now avoiding all media outlets. they play race cards for attention. everyday they prove sexism is alive and well. they lie for the president and always have. they twist everyones words. they just suck. any of them. all of them

  20. Dinty6:18 AM

    Oh and yes, there is no way this would have leaked without Ailes' approval. This is a pre-cursor for Fox to cut her loose I think.

    She's probably on 2 strikes at this point. It will be interesting to see what happens on her next appearance, she may screw things up on purpose.

  21. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I dont think a Palin pres campaign would self-destruct. The family now knows exactly what they can expect; before they had no clue. Being on ANY Pres campaign is like throwing oneself into a wild fire. Tempers will flair, your employees/aides/managers will come and go, meltdowns, confusion, feelings of being lost will no doubt happen.

    Sarah's no dumbass. She may have been naive in 08 about what to expect from the media, from the staff members, from her emotions, but this woman is resilient and she learns fast.

    So no, self destruction, not possible. However, to say it won't be an epic fail as far as campaigns go, that is still a perfectly acceptable scenario. The good news is, she had first hand experience at how badly one campaign was run and how stupid aides can be, how backstabbing and devious they can be.

    She's right to keep herself guarded. Politics is ALL about saving your ass because the stakes are high and one wrong move, you may never work again.

    Hello, Ms Lewinsky.

  22. Anonymous6:28 AM

    That's our Sarah, thin skinned.

    Have you noticed during times of stress that Sarah looks like she is about to go over the deep end? Look at her eyes.

    How can she handle any public office when she can't even handle being accused of the Arizona shooting?

    How can she handle the 3am phone call when she is stroking out over something personal?

    How can Sarah handle being a Senator from Arizona when she is getting blamed for her marriage breaking up and Willow getting pregnant?

    OH LAWWWWD I just thought about what's going to put Sarah in the looney bin! You want to see Sarah go crazy? Wait till the HBO movie comes out above her and wait till Bailey's book is published then you'll see Sarah's eyes glass over and roll back into her empty skull.

    That's why Todd has not left that retard. Why leave now and get a monthly check from her when he can wait a few weeks or months till she gets her stroke and then Todd will get control over everything because all Sarah can do is suck oatmeal through her bendy straws.

  23. Anonymous6:31 AM

    at 555, bad analogy. Kids aren't stupid for doing those things. They don't know better. Sarah knows better. She really isn't wired to be normal. We know this. That may be one honest thing she's said. She will always refuse to go with the flow. ALWAYS. While that is exactly what DC needs, it's sad that this psychotic woman is the only option right now.

  24. Anonymous6:33 AM

    She loses the Faux News gig, and then she has lost the platform to her "Pullin' for Palin demographic. They're going to have a hard time jerking off to nothing but tweets and Facebook rants.

  25. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sarah the Retard can always go on DWTS for a quick buck.

  26. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Perhaps this accounts for the "relative quiet" we've all enjoyed?

    Maybe her punishment was fewer minutes to spew on Faux.

  27. Dinty6:50 AM

    @Anonymous 4:15 who said:

    "Are you saying that this low life imbecile is indestructible? Even after all the so-called iceberg revelations & accusations that have been, or will be, leveled against her, you still deduce that she will return. Have you thrown in the towel, Gryphen?"

    Politico has a great piece up entitled "She's becoming Al Sharpton, Alaska edition":

    Whatever icebergs and gaffes come I think she will always have a dedicated group of followers, but her role in American politics will become increasingly relevant with each one. It will be a telling point when she Tweets and posts bile on Facebook and the media doesn't breathlessly cover every single syllable, and I think we are getting there.

    Unfortunately, yes, I think she will always be there, just like herpes. Thanks for the herpes, John McCain.

  28. Anonymous6:50 AM

    LOL, "But this being Sarah Palin, she did it anyway."

    Her penchant for shooting the messengers, anything media related that isn't glowing of her - also too involves those that don't come to her defense.

    Remember how angry she was at the McCain campaign for not defending Todd's AIP membership? She wanted the campaign to out and out lie (a Palin m.o.) about the alliance and was so offended that Schmidt wouldn't do it.

    I'm sure she fully expected FOX news to defend Sarah 24/7 - when they didn't, she was incredulous. Why isn't Roger, et. al, defending her? I can appreciate how nightmarish it was to be associated with a shooting she had an arguably tangible connection to, but the way she attacked the smear hurt her just as badly.

    When you call for advice Sarah, take it. When your best instincts hit your gutteral knee-jerk sweet spot, just ignore it. I know it is hard cause that's the way you roll with your thick skin and swinging balls and minimal critical thinking skills telling it like it is, but you are your own worst enemy. It ain't us haters.

  29. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Well, now we know who is telling Palin to sit down and shut up.

  30. Anonymous7:03 AM

    bet Roger Ailes knows if Sarah is a spitter or a swallower.

  31. @Anonymous 6:27

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ah. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Damn, my sides hurt. Thanks for a good laugh.

  32. Anonymous7:10 AM

    6:15 AM,

    What the hell are you talking about? Who's playing the "race card?" You mean $arah Palin, and the other assholes at Fox News who tell white people everyday that the black president, including the First Lady are in cahoots with the Black Panthers, and have a deep hatred for white people?

    The media doesn't lie for any democratic president. They constantly lied for the previous president, however. The media always twists Barack Obama's words around. A media that tells America almost everyday that Barack Obama is in "incompetent" is not hardly carrying water for him.

    You are mad because the media doesn't play the race-card enough. You're mad because the media doesn't constantly talk about the racist bullshit conspiracy theories that you want them to talk about. Oh, boo-hoo! The media won't call Barack Obama a muslim! The media won't demand that Barack Obama show his birth certificate! The horror! The media won't talk about Barack Obama's ties to the Black Panthers, and ACORN! Nooo!

    There is hardly any sexism when it comes to $arah Palin. That idiot deserves the criticism she gets. The media has been far easier on her than the president. The media fucking sucks because they won't call out $arah Palin and Tea Party thugs like you, for you really are!

    "What racism? Racism is gone! It's O.K. to be racist, but not sexist!" Typical Palin-bot. Chastise people for sexism, while condoning racism. Just because Barack Obama got elected president doesn't mean racism isn't still alive and well. People like you, are the living proof. YOU are playing the race-card. Nobody here said anything about race, you asshole. Fuck off, you bitter, racist piece of shit!

  33. nancy7:12 AM

    Ailes asked her to do the impossible by saying "don't inject yourself into the story."

    It's physically impossible to ask a narcissist not to respond to a real or imagined slight because THEY are the story.

    Also (too), Palin is incapable of exercising restraint of any kind in any situation. She is simply not emotionally or mentally equipped to do so.

    When Ailes throws you under the straight talk express, it's time to fold up the tent with your grizzly tail between your legs and go home.

  34. Anonymous7:19 AM

    In your post, you actually gave the explanation why Sarah responded to the Arizona shootings, despite warnings from Ailes. You reported that he said, "Lie low." All that Sarah heard was the first word, so she went out there and lied.

  35. Anonymous7:20 AM

    6:27 AM,

    Lol. Palin is a dumb-ass. If she's such fast learner, why is she still hiding behind Fox News, Facebook, and Twitter, then?

    Someone who keeps themselves "guarded" by running away from real reporters, has no business running for president. She's not ready for prime-time, and never will be.

    If Palin can't take the heat, she needs to het lost. Palin can take a problem, and make it into something much worse. "Blood libel." Idiot.

  36. I have this vision of Ram going home at night and saying how she is hanging in there for the money, but she is amazed at how stupid her boss is and that she doesn't know how much longer she can stand it. I am intellectually intuitive...these common sense things just come to me. So funny.

  37. Anonymous7:27 AM

    6:31 AM,

    No, Washington, DC does not need $arah Palin. She may not go "with the flow," but she would make things worse. And, no. Palin is not an "option." $arah Palin is more unpopular than most D.C. politicians. That is pathetic, and more proof that Washington doesn't need that idiot. Get a clue.

  38. Anonymous7:28 AM

    To Sarah it's the My Way or the Highway mode to anyone and everyone. Her sense of entitlement to all these deals and offers never molded her into an appreciative, thankful person. She expects these perks and more, and expects unconditional loyalty no matter what poison she utters out of her mouth.

    This may be Fox's way of letting her go. They won't break contract with her, and if they could legally in some cases, they know they'd lose her minions'
    viewership - she really has squeezed herself into a corner by her own brash doing.

  39. Anonymous7:38 AM

    To the responses that, to keep her rabid right-wing xtian fan-base paying her for queenly sound, fury and terror, sayruh cannot divorce tawd:

    she may feel she has only to rid herself of him... watch out, tawdly!

    (and there goes his 'he said', to her 'she said', also too)

  40. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "To be sure, Palin is still valuable to Fox as a ratings magnet; on Monday she will appear with Lou Dobbs to launch his new Fox Business Channel show."

    It doesn't look like she'll be on tonight or tomorrow night... did Sarah cancel or did Roger/Lou cancel her??
    (see Lou Dobbs Tonight Calendar)

  41. 10catsinMD7:42 AM

    Over two years later, Mac Donald, a scholar at the Manhattan Institute, said of Palin: “She is living up to the most skeptical assessment of her.”

    Read more:

    From the Politico article about her. They are calling her more Spiro Agnew then Ronald Reagan.

    Love it. Agnew had to resign because of corruption.

    They call her the perenial victim. Like the article. She is toast. It's only time.

  42. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Fox and Co always put money before almost anything else, so Sarah will always have a job there because her diehard fans are big Fox "News" watchers and she pulls them in. The only thing that might screw her is if she is caught on tape making some anti-Semitic remark. That's why the "blood libel" gaff hurt her so badly there, because like it or not, Murdoch and Co are Jewish and they took offense at her comparing what she was going through to that historic tradition.

    Sarah is predictable. Anyone who really wanted to get rid of her could set her up for a fall because she will always, always respond viciously to anything and everything.

    And yes, she does have bad advisors, but that's because anyone with any sense doesn't stay around.

  43. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Sarah and her groupies mix up her hair-brained, arrogant, my-way-or-no-way attitude with being tough and going rogue. No one else does but you guys go ahead and keep doing things your own way and posting rude comments on websites about how everyone is jealous and scared of Sarah. It seems to be workin' out just fine.

  44. Anonymous7:50 AM

    ... and widow sayruh gets pity (no need to even 'interpret' the word of gawd, plus poor, poor pitiful meeeeee: all to the good), whereas divorced sayruh would cause contention in her loyal followers (it is riten wimmen are to not divorce there spouse no matter wut...)

    I have always seen her on the throne of a megachurch, stirrin' an' preyin'(yes I know) an' bein' prayed over...

  45. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Does this mean Roger Ailes is now going to get hate mail from the Palinbots?

  46. Mika Brezenski said flat out on Morning Joe that Ailes is going to dump her.

  47. Gasman8:12 AM

    Ailes already kicked Santorum and Gingrich out allegedly for contemplating runs for POTUS. Not that Ailes actually HAS much credibility, but after booting Santorum and Gingrich, Ailes seems to be hard pressed to keep Palin and HucKKKleberry who both yearn to be president.

    I find it hard to believe that the release of this info is accidental. I suspect that Palin is on her way out at FauxNews and that this story is but preparing the soil.

    Palin doesn't bring ratings - she does not have her own show - therefore, she doesn't bring in revenue. If she's goin' rogue, why would they keep her on air?

    Oh, that’s right. Palin brings to FauxNews a level of gravitas, intellectual heft, and a command of world events.

    Silly me.

  48. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Return of the conehead, regurgitating her talking usual points:
    Rhetoric turned up high, someone's going to get hurt
    Democrats who retreated
    Union Thug Bosses
    President disengaged

    Is this true?
    Palin recalled the full-page ads union bosses took out against her when she transitioned pension plans away from cost-prohibitive defined benefits.

    Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano (3/11/11)

  49. Anonymous8:19 AM

    She is finally suffering the consequences of her short-sighted "my way or no way and if you don't like it too bad" ways. They worked for a long time but she's at a dead end now that the American people have had more than enough opportunities to see her for what she was all along: unfit.

  50. The PeePot is losing its collective (albeit small) mind over this! Haha!

  51. Anonymous9:03 AM

    anon 6:27,

    OMG you are too funny! SHE is the one who has caused all of her problems.

    It also cracks me up how people claim that they know what they are "getting" with her. You are kidding me right? Do you know her personally? My god if we had her in office she would have bombed half of the Middle East by now. That is NOT what I want my president doing.

    Open your eyes and stop drinking the koolaid. I don't like her because of her. It isn't the stories that people tell. There is not a video clip/interview or whatever that she has not made herelf look like a fool. If she didn't do these things then nothing would be said about her.

  52. emrysa9:05 AM

    it's going to be funny when sarah turns on faux after they dump her. all that time she spent telling people to speak on faux and that faux was the only true news channel. hahahaaa it will be good.

  53. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Roger Ailes told Sarah not to issue Blood Libel statement.

    That article begins...
    "Before she responded, she was making herself look like a victim. She was winning."
    The person who wrote that statement (RAM?) has no soul, not one shred of humanity.

    No Sarah did not look like THE victim, or even A victim.
    The people who got shot and got shot at and their friends and families looked like the victims.

    They still do.

    Sarah still doesn't

    She wouldn't even if she hadn't shown such horrible and heartless and narcissistic meanness. The mean girl became the mean girl on steroids.

    If she had issued a statement of sympathy that actually sounded sympathetic, and then STFU like we keep telling her to, she would have at least given the appearance of a person who has some goodness in their heart and perhaps, just perhaps, a person with the common sense to use the moment as a learning experience to be more foresightful and Christian about what she says.

    But no Sarah reloaded her shit gun and blasted away.

    Sarah showed heartlessness, mean spiritedness, and bad judgement throughout that episode.

    She always does.

  54. Anonymous9:23 AM

    anon 6:27 am: "Being on ANY Pres campaign is like throwing oneself into a wild fire. Tempers will flair, your employees/aides/managers will come and go, meltdowns, confusion, feelings of being lost will no doubt happen."

    Actually, aides don't necessarily "come and go." Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann both have a reputation for going through their staff. I believe Bachmann has had something like five chiefs of staff now in just a few short years. And of course, no one that works for Sarah Palin now was on her staff when she was governor, and when she was governor, no one was on her staff who was when she was mayor.

    Take that as a big red flag. People who can't hold onto their employees for very long don't tend to ratchet it up many accomplishments when all is said and done. They're just good at giving the impression they are accomplished. Not the same thing.

  55. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Let me edit my above statement.

    "But no Sarah reloaded her fully automatic shit gun and blasted away."

  56. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I think everything Nicole Wallace said is coming true.

    "I believe that if she were on the cusp of becoming the nominee for the Republican party a whole lot of people... would talk about some of her more troubling deficiencies," Wallace said. "Her incredible cynicism, her bitterness, her aggressive attempts to claw anyone that points out an area for her to work on, I think these things will continue to reveal herself and the people that love her will continue to love her, but the people who are not so sure about her will, I think, formulate harder opinions and more clarity about her."

    "No one's gonna cut her off at the legs," Wallace claimed. "Only Sarah Palin can beat Sarah Palin, and let me tell you why no one will take her on. Her defenders and supporters, the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity -- people I admire -- are so powerful on the Right that nobody wants to anger any of those people, nobody wants to end up in the crosshairs, and nobody wants to look like they are unwilling to let her do her thing."

    Wallace continued: "Just let her do her thing, she is going to be exposed enough to the American public that she will reveal what her nature is. I think her nature has been revealed lately as very prickly, very cynical."

  57. Anonymous9:38 AM

    One of the problems that Sarah is already facing is that she was running,effectively,solo with no opponent in 2008. After all neither Obama nor Biden were running against Sarah. In the primaries she, personally, will be strongly opposed.

    To make it through to the nominating convention she will have to face very stiff, and experienced Republican opposition.

    Her bitchy mean girl arguments against respected Republicans will not carry the weight with Republican voters as they did with Obama as the target.

    She can move the discourse to the right by screeching to the TeePeers, but I don'tsee her being able to carry the majority of life long staunch Republicans.

    If she can't carry the first couple of primaries by large convincing margins running on a truly Republican platform, (which would mover her toward the center) I don't see how she can actually carry the convention.

    On the other hand who ever the Kochs pick will likely win, the Kochs have money and they cheat.

  58. TruthSeeker10:14 AM

    Anon @ 9:24 am "Let me edit my above statement.

    'But no Sarah reloaded her fully automatic shit gun and blasted away.'"

    Loved your edit. Your original line was great too, but your edit was priceless.

  59. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Many years ago I was associated with mega superstars in the country music industry. I watched these people get their egos so inflated that after the best of everything they could possibly want (best sex partners, best drugs, etc) that soon enough they were constantly looking for their next high - whatever it was.

    After having the 'best' and getting bored with it, they became extremely depraved human beings. It was incredible to watch. I had to leave the industry - I couldn't take seeing America's country music 'heroes', household names at that, spiral into the pits of utter depravity.

    Whether it's music, sports, politics, whatever - when a person such as Sarah is promoted to the top, you can bet her ego is in the ionosphere. No talking 'common sense' with these people - they are gone, gone, gone. Their millions of dollars and fame will never be enough.

    Now we will see Sarah implode - so enjoy the show.

  60. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Once she's gone...she's gone. Why would Ailes feel he must bring her back once she has failed in her ridiculous "presidential" bid. Ha! Lost? Oh so sad...and simply too bad for ya sarah...bye now.

  61. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sarah is several sandwiches shy of a picnic basket and will take no advice from anybody even Ailes.

    The stupid just never quits with her and of course, you have her chief mouthpiece Rebecca Mansour, who would tell Sarah to go play in traffic on the interstate highway if it would get her picture on tv.

  62. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Even Ailes is bright enough to know that way to get Palin to do something is say NO, DON'T DO THAT.

    Palin is as predictable as your friendly local 2-year toddler in full meltdown.

    Now, G, your mission is to steer Ailes into the ultimate Palin intervention. If Ailes says, "don't address the trig origin stories", Palin will blow babygate wide open all by her little egotistical self.

  63. Anonymous1:43 PM

    9:38 Don't forget that she is horrible in debates (doesn't even know how to do it effectively), does not answer questions (as we've seen for years in Alaska and now on Fox News), is not smart, etc. She is a proven liar, cheat, unethical (found so by the Alaska Legislature, even though she denied it while campaigning when McCain ran for President)and known in Alaska, not to be a hard worker.

    Should she decide to run, she will have a very difficult time in the primaries...the Repubs and Dems will bring out all the dirt they have found on her and her thin skin will not be able to handle it. She listens to no one - has an ego that outsizes even John McCain, etc. She's an epic 'fail' - check her history in Alaska and on the national campaign w/McCain - she was a disaster in that regard too.

  64. Anonymous2:23 PM

    6:27 am -

    Hello, Bekkky

    Knew you would jump on in as soon as Gryphen typed the word Palin. Hope you are enjoying all those checks from SarahPac while you advise Sarah to do totally ignorant and childish things to keep her name in the news.

    RAM, AnninCa, Bekkky, Rebecca Mansour has developed a lovefest with Sarah and both are true grifters out for any money they can get sent to them. These two should be locked up together on an island and see how long their affair would last cause these 2 are truly the sludge at the bottom.

    RAM, when you fall, try not to fall too hard.

  65. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Nicole Wallace spent a fortune (of GOP funds) and used every human means possible to try and make Palin seem intelligent and capable during the 2008 campaign. She failed.

    She knows that SP can turn on the charm for a short "honeymoon" period, but anyone who tries to work with her for an extended period of time will soon see how petty and self-centered she is.

    "But don't believe for an instant she won't be back. Because she will." - I agree with Gryphen's statement. While she draws a breath, she will use any trick or lie to 1. Promote herself 2. Make money. Her focus is absolute.

    I expect after she fails at politics, she will try to be a pastor of her own broadcast tv church. Once she is caught with her hand in the till or having an affair, she might try hawking wigs.

  66. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Is it me, or have these recent comment posts been hijacked by one very articulate and intelligent person? You needn't disguise yourself by writing shorter paragraphs, or throwing in a few curse words for momentum. Your insight has become invaluable.
    Write on!

  67. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Palin has no inner resources to draw
    from. Being emotionally stunted,
    She's a drain on those around her, like she was on the '08 campaign staff. Her 'qualities' are slyness, paranoia & anger, & she appears less stable now, then she was in '08. Hard to imagine any campaign team worth their salt wanting to be in the constant, close proximity to her that a presidential run would entail.

    Sharon TN

  68. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Think of all the people Palin has surrounded herself during the past recent years who have subsequently fallen by the wayside (under the bus - which is the term used most often!) Toad will be in that category in the not too distant future.

    Let us being with Meg Stapleton who was called Meg "Staplemouth", from Anchorage. The young woman turned into one ugly mouthpiece (we have an abundance of video of her verbage here in Alaska during her sojourn w/Palin) after having had an OK career (changed jobs frequently) here in Anchorage.

    I cannot help but wonder how much Palin paid her to keep her mouth shut once Meg moved on to a non-descriptive, quiet life back in Anchorage.

    Sorry to say this, but Meg, by going w/Palin, ruined her reputation in Alaska for the rest of her life. One idiotic decision can destroy a person, as sad as that is to say.

    And, now we have the new mouthpiece and she is getting even worse negative 'national' press than did Staplemouth. But, part of that is due to time having passed and more accurate informataion coming out about Palin. Her lies, deceit and unethical ways have been proven time and time again. She's no longer putting anything over on the American population. Thank God!

  69. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Think of all the people Palin has surrounded herself during the past recent years who have subsequently fallen by the wayside (under the bus - which is the term used most often!) Toad will be in that category in the not too distant future.

    Let us being with Meg Stapleton who was called Meg "Staplemouth", from Anchorage. The young woman turned into one ugly mouthpiece (we have an abundance of video of her verbage here in Alaska during her sojourn w/Palin) after having had an OK career (changed jobs frequently) here in Anchorage.

    I cannot help but wonder how much Palin paid her to keep her mouth shut once Meg moved on to a non-descriptive, quiet life back in Anchorage.

    Sorry to say this, but Meg, by going w/Palin, ruined her reputation in Alaska for the rest of her life. One idiotic decision can destroy a person, as sad as that is to say.

    And, now we have the new mouthpiece and she is getting even worse negative 'national' press than did Staplemouth. But, part of that is due to time having passed and more accurate informataion coming out about Palin. Her lies, deceit and unethical ways have been proven time and time again. She's no longer putting anything over on the American population. Thank God!

  70. Anne In DC10:32 PM

    Palin predictably injected herself into the Tucson affair, because she is driven by her narcissism which induces her to follow her own mistaken instincts instead of sound advice.

    Anyway, she came off looking even worse with her Tucson speech, which highlighted all her negative qualities. Her screeching, self-pitying, and tone-deafness to the real victims were on display.
    They all exposed the ugliness of the inner Sarah Palin to such a degree that it would take a huge dose of denial and self-deception not to see it. That's a feat that only the most ardent Palinbots are capable of.

    In any case, she has been vetted throughly the last 2 and a half years, partly through her insatiable need for attention and partly through the media itself which can't seem to get enough of her epic stupidity and ignorance.
    Through that vetting, she has proven to be every bit as inept,
    inane, and ignorant as she was back in 2008. If she does run, she will be soundly defeated either in the primaries or the general election.


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