Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tennessee lawmaker introduces bill to demand long form birth certificate from potential Presidential candidates. Yet has no flipping idea what one of those looks like.

From Mother Jones:

It's a far-fetched goal, and it turns out that Beavers, who recently discussed her bill on Reality Check, a radio show devoted to debunking birther legislation, still has some research to do. From the transcript:

RC: What are the specific requirements in the bill?

MB: That they have to have the long form birth certificate.

RC: What is the long form birth certificate?

MB: Now, you're asking me to get into a lot of things that I haven't really looked into yet.

The host then asked the obvious follow-up: why put a term into the bill, if you don't know what it means? Beavers responded, "Well, we are following some of the bills that have been filed in lots of other states, and you know how it is, you file your bill and, you know, you prepare before you go to committee."

File first, understand later?

You know I think it would be hysterical if it turned out that NONE of the GOP candidates had a "long form" birth certificate. Don't think that could not happen.

As yourself do YOU have a "long form" birth certificate?  Because I don't, and I am still living in exactly the same state where I was born.

These idiots have absolutely NO idea what they are even asking for and are simply going along with the flow ridiculous barely understood information filtering through their brains like hot water through a teabag.

Yet even with all of this panicky preparation there is really nothing the GOP can do to stop President Obama from sailing to a second term. Let's face it there is so much infighting right now among the Republicans that they will almost certainly have a badly weakened candidate going into the 2012 election.

Sucks for them.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    "Reality Check"...very funny.

  2. mommom2:39 PM

    When we had to get copies of our BC from NJ for casino licenses,the only options are certified,with a stamp or just a copy that had no value.No such thing as long form,just extra fee to get a certified stamp.

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    When voters elect ignorant fools, this is the type of moronic bill that should be expected. You get what you elect.

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Sarah started a crazy epidemic and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Where I live, our birth certificates are (were) stored at the County Recorder's Office. Some states may not be as populated as my state, and they might be able to do this on a state basis. Here, marriage licenses, birth certificates, death certificates, deeds of property are at the County office.

    Today, our records are digitized, and I can order my birth certificate on-line, by mailing in a form with payment or show up in person and wait in line at the County Office. In any case, I will get a photocopy, never the original document, and the proof that it is authentic is an embossed seal of the county. There is no long or short form; there is only one document. That's it.

    For the nut cases who demand the original, they will never get the original any more than they will get their own original birth certificate. It always remains on file in the office of records, and the best that one can do is get a copy with the county or state seal.

  6. Does anyone have a long form birth certificate? I have seen them in dusty files in a Board of Health office but they were from the 1920's and 1930's. If you count four generations in my family, I have never seen a long form.
    President Obama should be thankful that he was born after 1960 when Hawaii was granted statehood. The level of ignorance and racism in this country astounds me.

  7. Forgot to add, the long from in the 1920's and 1930's would label the child a Bastard if he or she were born to an unmarried mother.

  8. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Typical ignorance from the teapublicans.

    Even birth certificates can be wrong. My mother is a triplet all three girls. All three have birth certificates with different dates, times and years. Granted these are very old and the system has improved over the years but to have three triplets born all on the same day to have birth certificates showing different dates times and years is a bit much.

  9. One question to ask the idiot birthers is what about all the other Hawaiian citizens born around the same time as Obama? Are the birth certificates they've received from the state ALSO not valid? Or is it only the black guy's?

    I haven't seen anyone ask or answer that question and it seems to cut to the chase really quick.

  10. By the way, that "legislator" looks like every teabagger and birther rolled into one.

    And that's NOT a complement!

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    When Hawaii was under tsunami watch a couple of days ago, I thought how ironic it would have been if the office of public records would have been washed away (God forbid....this is just a hypothetical "what if" scenario!)....what would the birthers have done then? Sons of bitches...that's what they are.

  12. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The bill will contain a requirement that the long form certificate contain a portion of the placenta, stamped by a notary seal. Some righties are having great difficulties with this requirement, as they are confusing notary seals with otary seals. ;-)

  13. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Georgia's jumped on that bandwagon, too.

  14. FJ DANDY3:14 PM

    So, if President Obama's name is not on the voters' ballots, what does that mean to his re-election? Could someone enlighten me?

  15. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I've said this all along - there is no "long form" BC. I have my originals with the seals and that's it.

    A laminated wallet size copy was given to me also. No seal though.

    Everybody knows Birthers are idiots...except I want to see Trig's BC. I know he was not born on April 18, 2008. SP, if she were a decent mom, would have used it to prove she was Trig's mom long ago instead of pretending that Bristol was pregnant AGAIN.

  16. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Somebody send Beaver Brain this link.
    Hawaii "Long Form" birth certificate similar to Obama's from a lady (white) born one day after Obama in the same hospital.

    Stupid crackers....

  17. Firecracker3:21 PM

    I don't know where my original certificate is and it may have well burned up in my mother's house fire when I was a teenager. When I needed it last time I ordered a copy from Illinois and they sent me a stamped form. It looks very similar to the one President Obama has provided. I don't recall that I had a option to get a short-form or long-form when I ordered mine.

  18. Anonymous3:22 PM

    You have to understand Hawaii. It's a very laid-back state. It's not at all like anyone else's state. So, back when Obama was born in the 1960's, they took a person's word for where/when they were born.

    "Certifications of Live Birth were given to people who were born at home, or to people who were born overseas and whose parents brought them back to the islands. If his parents were U.S. citizens, or if one parent was a U.S. citizen, as was the case with Obama, the family would apply for a Hawaiian birth certificate when the parents came back from overseas. That's normally how you would have gotten on [a Certification of Live Birth] in the 1960s."

    WND has reported that in 1961, Obama's grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, could have made an in-person request at the Hawaii Department of Health for a registration of a Hawaii birth, even if the infant Barack Obama Jr. had been foreign-born.

    In the past few days, Abercrombie has represented that there is a registration of Obama's birth in the state archives.

    But the state registration of birth in 1961 theoretically could prove only that the grandparents had registered Obama's birth, even if Obama was not born in Hawaii.

    Similarly, the newspaper announcements of baby Obama's birth do not prove he was born in Hawaii, since the newspaper announcements could have been triggered by the grandparents appearing in-person to register baby Obama as a Hawaiian birth, even if the baby was born elsewhere.

    WND has documented that the address reported in the birth announcements published in the Hawaii newspapers at the time, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, was the address where the grandparents lived.

    WND has also reported that Barack Obama Sr. maintained his own separate apartment in Honolulu at an 11th Avenue address, even after he was supposedly married to Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother, and that Ann Dunham left Hawaii within three weeks of the baby's birth to attend the University of Washington in Seattle.

    Dunham did not return to Hawaii until after Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in June 1962 to attend graduate school at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

    It's possible the yet-undisclosed birth record in the state archives that Abercrombie has discovered may have come from the grandparents registering baby Obama's birth, an event that would have triggered both the newspaper birth announcements and availability of a Certification of Live Birth, even if no long-form record exists.

    Read more: Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate

  19. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Mae needs to go home, bake a pie,and quit wasting her state's taxpayer money.

  20. Anonymous3:27 PM

    There is a site that has a woman from Hawaii who had twins the day after President Obama was born, and has MIMEOGRAPHED COPIES of their original long form birth certificates. She believes that because the file numbers are earlier than President Obama's, and her children were born after him, this proves that his birth certificate is a fake. NO! This means that his was FILED after her daughters were born. And are they implying that everyone has a mimeographed copy of their "Long Form" birth certificate? Mind you, the publisher of the web-site does not have a copy of his own.

    I CANNOT believe we are still talking about this shit.

  21. angela3:27 PM

    I swear to all that lights the world these people need to roll off their cousins and STFU. . . . .

  22. AKRNC3:29 PM

    I have a copy of my birth certificate that is 43 years old but just for the hell of it, I sent for another one to see what I would get. It was almost identical to what the President has shown. I asked the country registrar's office if there was another certificate on file, they said yes, but it was not accessible to the general public. If that was lost, there would be no proof of my having a birth certificate and that is why it was never released. It's just what the President's attorneys have said all along and yet these idiots are still asking for something which is not even available. I can't believe this woman who filed this bill actually came right out and admitted her stupidity so readily!

  23. laprofesora3:36 PM

    Does anybody in the GOP bother to think before they open their big yap?

  24. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I have no idea what a long form BC is. I do know that it took me awhile to get an official birth certificate needed for things like passports etc. Before, I had always used a court copy (I'm adopted)

    So I have full sympathy for those who are put in an awkward place about BCs.

  25. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The opposing "team" (today's repubs) always tries everything to better its position for the next national election. But historically speaking, the incumbent president always wins a second term.

    All our congressmen and senators can do is continue to combat the ridiculously expensive and inane legislation this administration attempts to push through. All we can do. Compromise is ideal but forgetting principles is just plain wrong.

    We can't let Obama break the country

  26. Could they possibly be talking about the form that is issued or used to be issued by the hospital? Baby footprints and thumb prints of the mother and signed by hospital administration. BTW, I was born in late 40's. I have never seen a "long form" even for the birth of my son in the late 70's.

  27.'s about an IQ Test for these ppl...

  28. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I'm not sure Obama was born in Hawaii but I do believe he is a citizen born here. That said, even if he wasn't, no one's gonna care. Americans are too into their lives to care about crap like that. People typically don't care about others' drama. We all have it. We all live insane lives. I just discovered my stepmom has been having sex with her teenage stepson. My grandfather is a devout racist in TX. It's terribly hard to break a status quo, even today, when that's all you've seen and heard all your life. There's a very real reason why homophobia is prevalent in the south and rural areas (incl alaska). Those people aren't evil. It's all they've ever known. But when (if) they start to experience other parts of the world, they tend to open up. b\But if they don't, they are not to be demonized. Gays don't want that. Good people don't demonize others just because of differing beliefs.

  29. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Anon 2:48 "Sarah started a crazy epidemic and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger"

    I can't agree with you more. Sarah brought out the worst in America.

  30. A few thoughts.

    I find it odd that none of these birthers ever got upset that there is no paper trail to prove that George W Bush showed up for National Guard duty in Alabama, or that nobody has ever come forwarded and stated they saw him show up for duty.

    My father is a drunk, and in college I decided I wanted nothing more to do with him, so I changed my name. I do not know if the procedure I went through is the same as the one women go through when they change their names. Part of it was getting a new birth certificate. I think my original was destroyed and replaced by the new one. Would my new BC count under these laws?

    And where did the term "long form birth certificate" come from anyway? I never heard of it until January 21, 2010.

  31. Anonymous3:52 PM

    My birth certificate looks exactly like the one produced by President Obama. It was good enough for my driver's license, my passport, entrance into school and a tourist visa to the Soviet Union back in the late 1980s. I was able to travel to Bermuda and Canada with it before I had a passport.

    These people might want to try and get their own 'long forms' and see how successful they are before they pass a law to require something no one can get.

    Funny, I don't remember anyone ever asking to see John McCain's birth certificate, long or short version. I don't seem to remember it ever being posted online either.

    Hmmm...wonder why not.

  32. 10catsinMD3:55 PM

    The "long form" is issued when you are born, I think. I had one and misplaced it. When I got the other one, my state of birth did not issue a long form, just minimal information and seal to verify birth. Saves time, money, etc. Also has something to do with privacy laws.

  33. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The election is going to be closer than anybody wants due to several Governorships and State legislatures going red last November.

    If the economy and unemployment improve you will be right.

    If they don't you will be sweating bullets like everybody else wishing you hadn't talked out of your ass 20 months before the election.

    For now you should stay with wishing you could figure out how to make Sarah sit down and shut up.

  34. angela4:00 PM

    Anon 3:22
    Fucking Birther . . . . .please go shit elsewhere.

    Anon 3:41
    Lack of functional reasoning from assholes like you is breaking our country.


  35. These people are really not too bright. About 10 years ago I realized that I had lost my birth certificate somehow. I contacted the State of Missouri and they sent me one that is just like Pres. Obama's, a Certificate of Live Birth.

  36. The very saddest thing is that smart people really believe they aren't quite smart enough to be elected anything and really stupid people are just too stupid, no matter what their education is, to believe they are not up to the task. These people grew up in tiny bubbles where they were told by their mothers and fathers that they could do anything, mainly, because their parents were stupid also.

  37. johnie2xs4:14 PM

    [" they will almost certainly have a badly weakened candidate going into the 2012 election."]

    And since this will undoubtedly be the case, the Rethugs will have to go on name recognition alone if they are to have a chance. And since Palin's name has seeped beneath every rock in the contiguous United States,(and then some), they'll be stuck with her.
    Sucks to be them, don't it.

  38. majii4:22 PM

    Here in GA, a right-wing legislator had planned to introduce a birther bill, but had to withdraw it when he discovered that states cannot pass laws that are in conflict with the Constitution. A liberal blogger made him and his co-signers aware of it, and over 20 of them began to remove their names from the list of those endorsing the bill. After this happened, the birthers went ballistic, so he issued a statement that he'd re-write the bill. It couldn't have helped that the House majority leader said that the legislature shouldn't be spending its time on a birther bill, either. These birther bills show how much of a threat the republicans think that President Obama is to them. They'll never give him any credit for anything in public, but I bet they've discussed it in private. I'd really like to see them abandon this nonsense, develop a platform, run on it, and let the voters decide in November 2012, but this is not the plan. Wrecking the economy, birther bills, privatizing state agencies, using raising the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip for budget cuts, destroying collective bargaining, and using Fox as a propaganda tool are some of the tactics they plan to use to try to win in 2012.

  39. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Some of these people are incapable of writing their own bills. Mae Beavers might be one of them. She is a Republican.

    Among other bills introduced by Mae Beavers (lol- is she another of Dan Sullivan's favorites?) is one on voter id.

  40. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I have my original long form birth certificate oddly enough. It came in handy when I needed to prove to my right wing nut-job father that religion is not listed on it. He claimed that(religion) was the real reason why Obama would not produce his. Sigh.

  41. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I don't have a long form birth certificate. My Pennsylvania birth certificate says "Certificate of Live Birth" and is one page . . . just like President Obama's Hawaii birth certificate. Are these teabaggers trying to disenfranchise me?

  42. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Her eyes are a little too close together. Inbred much?

  43. Anonymous4:48 PM

    The Repubs are showing themselves as absolute idiots in no matter what level of government they are serving these days. They disgust me!

  44. FEDUP!!!4:54 PM

    Who or what is a 'long form birth certificate'??? Does that spell out how many hours the labor was, and what interventions the mothers needed for the birth?
    I thought there was ONE form, and ONE ONLY...

  45. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Why don't they just come right out and say what they actually mean:

    "We don't like having a 'black man' as President, so we are going to pass a bill that says all future Presidents must be 100% Caucasian".

  46. Dear Anon BAGGER @3:22:
    Your head MUST be up your ass because your post is so full of shit!!!
    Back in the day (like the 40's), if you were born at home, someone would go down to the Dept. of Health to register your birth.
    I was born in 1954, and I DO NOT have a long form. Maybe it's because I was born in a small hospitaql on the Big Island. My husband was born at KAPIOLANI HOSPITAL (SAME AS OBAMA) IN 1954, and he has a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH.
    You cannot just register a child today even if that child was born at home. You still need the attending doctor or midwife to verify.
    We may be a laid back State but, we are NOT as stupid as YOU would like us to be.
    Newspapers DID NOT print birth announcements because someone told them about a birth. That information came from the Dept. of Health. No WAY that Obama's birth was "planted".
    I have cousins born in the 60's and they have NO idea what the hell you ignorant birthers are talking about when you keep asking for this long form BC.
    Quit making up shit. I suspect you like to posts your lies just to give other birthers wet dreams or for you to get off on.
    Get a Life. Birthers have to be the lowest form of baggers out there.

  47. Anonymous4:58 PM

    To the ding dong at 3:41 (not Gkes), the Right broke this country long before Obama came along. Wake up.

  48. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Here are some comments from some very disturbed Palinbots!!!!!!! Or perhaps ManSour wrote these.

    I hope everyone here responds. Gryphen you would be a perfect person to respond to the false I formation they are presenting about Sarah.

  49. TNbluedot5:02 PM

    Sadly, there's multiple pieces of ridiculous birther legislation in the TN legislature at this point. Wish the idiots would work on something that matters! Of course, I've told them what I think - my Senator agrees with me, but I haven't heard a word from my idiot tea party rep.

    Bottom line: who thinks the Clinton machine didn't check that all out during the primaries?

  50. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Get over it you birther assholes.President Obama is an American same as everybody else.

  51. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Angela. On the mark.

  52. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Update from Wisconsin. Lots of protesters and protests everywhere.
    The recall petitions are underway.
    State Senator Randy Hopper (Republican Fond du Lac) is one of the senators that may face recall.
    As a Republican he is a family values kind of guy. Protesters at his house got a surprise recently.

    But protesters outside the Hopper house this week in Fond du Lac were met by his wife who reportedly came out and told them: Hopper no longer lives there, but with his 25-year-old mistress in Madison.

    Numerous updates to this, she was apparently a former staffer and recently employed by a rightwing lobbying firm. This update was ROTFLMAO:

    Two sources in Fond du Lac close to the recall effort say the Hopper maid has signed the legal-sized recall sheet. The maid reportedly said it's likely Hopper's soon-to-be-ex wife will also sign the recall petition.

    Mistress? Scorned wife! (Randy Hopper (unfortunate name) filed for divorce in August 2010) Maid!!
    Schtupping a 25 year old former staffer/lobbyist?? The apparent mistress was recently working for a right wing lobbying firm ( Persuasion Partners)!! WTF.
    Randy cancelled his plans to march in the St. Patricks day parade with his family.

  53. Anonymous5:31 PM

    My kids are around Piper Palin's age, and I did not receive any sort of "long form" birth certificate to document either birth. For each child, I had to go to my local town hall to get a printed certificate showing their names, dates & location of birth, parents' names, all with a lovely raised seal. It was good enough to get them social security cards and passports, so hopefully it is good enough for this yahoo lady.

  54. Anonymous5:57 PM


    Everything will be OK as long as they promise to vote R for Reck the country.

  55. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Ok, I have a "long form" birth certificate from Canada. It is an original with seals and all. It tells me my name, the date I was born, my parents name, and my sex.

    It doesn't say the hour/minute I was born, the doctor who delivered me, or the hospital where I was born.

    This document was accepted in Canada for my passport and in the US for my application for citizenship.

    This legislator and all those who she is following are pretty dang stupid!

  56. Anonymous7:03 PM

    There is an invasion of privacy issue with releasing the long form, especially in this era when a couple of those bits of information could allow some one with the right internet knowledge to hack into just about every account that person and their entire family have.

    Also too, once the original is scanned or photo copied and released it could be photo shopped to say just about anything and so would be just as useful in its presence as in its absence.

  57. Anonymous7:10 PM

    OMG I knew our state was messed up. I find it odd that when Arnold first was made Gov of CA so many rep wanted to change the lawso he could run for president and his father was a nazie. I've had to get 2 birth certificates for my g/son to play sports and both were short form. If it's legal and they accept it for passports and everything else it should be good for the presidency. Anything they can do to take him out . It is outright racism.All of a sudden it's making it harder to vote. Don't want students to vote. Tn has so many other problems, to worry about such stupid things. My mother got a birth certificate when she was grown, there was none. The state had to make her up one from her baptismal record. Does that mean she was a citizen? We are supposed to be so broke and they waste time and money on this nonsense NO JOBS

  58. Anonymous7:17 PM

    The long form birth certificate is a form filled out at the hospital that lists date of birth, names of mother, physician, witnessing nurse, has foot and probably palm prints, gender, race, hospitals name name of city, state, etc.
    It is delivered to the State Department of Records in most states and is never removed.

    What the parents at get from the hospital is a keepsake and is not a legal document.

    A certified BC is issued by the Department of Records and is the "legally" recognized BC anywhere in the US.

    In most and probably all states it is against the law to release information on the long form other than what is included on the certified BC, as the additional info. is considered legally private.

    If state's start making exceptions to that law, then it won't be long before no one's birth information would be legally protected and anybody willing to pay the fee could get all the information from the long form,and use it any way they wanted.

  59. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I am guessing that at this point the thrust of this effort is to maker sure "brown" people don't get to vote if they don't have a long form.

    If the Retros can get these laws passed then the next logical step would be to pass laws restricting citizen ship to only people with the long form.

    It is just a backwards way to required a national id.

  60. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Maybe she should show hers first before introducing the legislation.

  61. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I wonder if she's aware that states decide what form of birth certificate is issued in each state, and the process for issuing later-requested copies? I'm guessing not. There is no uniformity. But a birth certificate is a birth certificate, and states must recognize a certificate from another state. It's called the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the U.S. Constitution.

  62. Anonymous7:37 PM

    1. If Pres. Obama wasn't born in the US, the Clintons would surely have uncovered the truth and used it against him during the election.
    2. Even if he wasn't born in the US (which is was), his mother was a US citizen, so therefore, he is a US citizen. So it doesn't even matter WHAT kind of BC he has.

  63. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Anonymous FJ DANDY said...
    So, if President Obama's name is not on the voters' ballots, what does that mean to his re-election? Could someone enlighten me?
    3:14 PM

    There is no guarantee with the current Supremes but I doubt they would allow the states to refuse to list one candidate and list the others.
    Equal rights, equal protection, right to vote, national supremacy to hold a national election for P and VP as required by the Constitution. etc.

    The stinker would come if the Supremes said that all major party cantidates must appear on the ballot, and come election day, say in a swing state, only has ballots that do not have Obama's name.

    OMG it's a mistake,a misprint but its election day so we have to use these ballots. Then would the Supremes force that state to redo the election.

    I don't think there has ever been a reelection ordered in the US before even when egregious errors (think Calvin Green's miraculous 60K votes in the primary.)have obviously occurred and could potentially have effected the results.

  64. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Tenessee has no "long form" and "short form." Here's what they do have: A certified photocopy of the original record may be obtained at a fee of $15.00 and a certified copy produced by computer is also available at a fee of $8.00. I wonder if this idiot lawmaker even knows that her state has nothing called a "long form."

    Hawaii has only a "certified copy," as we all know from this ridiculous "controversy."

    In Idaho, where I was born, birth certificates are legally confidential in Idaho for 100 years. You can only request a "certified copy."

  65. slowhand8:07 PM

    You know what is hilarious about all this? John McCain was born in Panama.

  66. Gasman8:51 PM

    Apparently to be a legislator in Tennessee you don't actually have to have a functioning brain.

    This goober is so laughably imbecilic. Her bill would be tossed out of court simply because it is so ridiculously vague. Do all states even have "long form" birth certificates? I'd never heard the term until it came up in regards to Hawaii's form. She has no idea what her bill means, but she's filin' anyway. What a moron.

    I frequently hear the teabaggers complain because they all get tagged as a bunch of inbred toothless cousin humpin' peawits. Then we get a story like this that pretty much confirms it. It's bad enough that this simpleton proposes such idiotic legislation. However, it's the fact that the teabaggers DON'T object to the bill's inanity that tars and feathers them all as cretinous yahoos. The teabaggers not only come up with this seemingly endless supply of batshit crazy ideas, they don't have anyone amongst their ranks with enough sense to recognize that these ideas ARE batshit crazy.

    Ergo, teabaggers are ALL shitheads.

  67. Anonymous9:37 PM


    Palin ticked off Ailes with the 'blood libel' speech.

  68. I was born in Michigan (Osceola County). The official copy of my "birth certificate" is a 5.5 x 8.5 piece of paper, that has EVEN LESS information than what's on President Obama's birth certificate. There is no such thing as a "long form" birth certificate, or a "federal" birth certificate.

    Despite the complete absence of pretty much anything on my birth certificate (other than "William Carl Abendroth was born here"), I was able to use that piece of paper to get in & out of Canada, get my Oregon driver's license, and my US Passport.

  69. melissa1:34 AM

    My father is a retired small arms engineer for the US military (he's a civilian). He has worked with the CIA and had high security clearance. After he retired he went back to work as a contractor on a US military base. He does not have a long form birth certificate and it has NEVER been an issue for him!

  70. Anon at 3.22, thanks for the info, and the points you raise are informative and relevant.

    Don't be put off by the flames here, plenty of people are willing to read your post thoughtfully.

    To me, it is all about being willing to think outside the box. Challenge what we are told, and demand proof of those who just say "trust me." It is not unfair to ask Obama for the long form certificate - that is the detailed birth certificate listing parents names etc. Sarah Palin also must release Trig's birth certificate and put all doubts to rest. These people profit from being in the public eye. Therefore, they have responsibilities.

  71. phoebes in santa fe said...

    One question to ask the idiot birthers is what about all the other Hawaiian citizens born around the same time as Obama? Are the birth certificates they've received from the state ALSO not valid? Or is it only the black guy's?
    My son was born in hawaii in the 1980s. When we needed to order a copy of his BC, we received one exactly like the one the President has released. No one has questioned it in any way. Of course, my son is red-headed, blue-eyed, and freckled, with a European last name.

  72. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I don't have a long form certificate. I have the USA embassy notice of birth of a USA citizen abroad and a notice of live birth from the City of Pau France. I don't know what this stupid law would make of that.

  73. Anonymous5:23 AM

    OMG, these people defy logic. Any person in the government who does & says something like this should be fired immediately. Could you imagine doing this where you work. I would have been laughed out the room with a pink slip.

  74. Anonymous5:36 AM

    John McCain wasn't born in the US. He was born in the canal zone in Panama.

  75. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Anon @ 5:36AM -- "John McCain wasn't born in the US. He was born in the canal zone in Panama."
    That is true, and Ms. SWWNBN -- from all I have heard and read about for some time now -- was also (too) not born in the U.S.!! She was born in Canada!!!

    Will we get to see her B/C (long-form, please), as well as one for Tri-G (along with a DNA)?

    Just wonderin' -- :o)

  76. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I have one. So does my husband. (Both born circa 1961).

    I've had three children and I think only saw the long form briefly to check the names of my children. Or maybe it wasn't the "long form". I'd just had babies. Things are fuzzy. :)

    I've never recieved the long form for any of my children. I get the computer printout on security paper with the validation seal.

    I used to deal with birth certificates every day in my job as a financial aid administrator. They vary greatly, and even people born fifty years ago might present a computerized version because the state has migrated to computerized records.

  77. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Honestly, if some blue-eyed blond guy named Viggo Swenson ran for president, do you think people would be whining, "if you look into it, you'll find out that Swenson is really Swedish"? It's pure racism and ignorance.

    As McCain was born to an American mother, so was Obama. Nobody has questioned that. He is therefore a natural-born American citizen as he would be no matter where he was born- and all the evidence points to Hawaii.

  78. Anonymous8:51 AM

    First let me preface by saying that I have no doubt that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

    But just for instance, let's say he wasn't. It still doesn't matter. Section 8 of the 14th amendment spells out in detail what is considered a natural born citizen of the United States and therefore eligible to run for president or vice president.

    If one parent is an alien (Obama's father) and one parent is a US citizen as long as that citizen has lived in the US for at least 5 years, the child is a natural born US citizen.

    I fail to understand why there has been so much made of the birther movement and even dispute against it. According to our Consitution, he is a US citizen. That cannot be questioned. Especially for all of the "Constitutional Conservatives."

    What concerns me far more is that even 20% of the population thinks that Sarah Palin might be a good president. I have never seen a more narcissitic personality, ever. She is so openly so, that it is frightening. When did education and itelligence become "elitism?" What a sad state of affairs.

  79. DevinWI9:22 AM

    Therese, there is no long form in Hawaii, they have what they have provided, nothing more than that is even available. Good try trolls no one believes your right-wing propaganda!

    I have my bc from Minnesota (born in 1971), and guess what? My copy was notarized and stamped in 1984, it is a "certificate of live birth", So evidently Minnesota does not have a so-called "long form" whatever that is, either, so good luck Tim Pawlenty if he's born in MINN, ha ha ha.
    Everyone who lives in a state that has a Republican presidential hopeful for 2012, please post if you can get a "long form" in that state.

  80. Oh hell, Tennessee can't let Texas, South Carolina or Alaska have all the nuts!


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