Friday, March 11, 2011

That crazy cat lady from next door is on the Hannity show! Oh wait, that's Sarah Palin. But you can understand my confusion right?

Part One of the crazy.

War with Michael Moore?  As of this post I don't believe that Moore has even realized that Palin is trying to get attention by going after him yet. 

You can't really have a war if you are the only participant. That is just martial masturbation.

By the way don't you hate it when mom shows up on TV in her bathrobe and bed hair?

Is she comparing this Wisconsin power grab to the Health Care bill?  The same Health Care bill that Obama desperately tried to get the Republicans to help craft before they put their fingers in their ears and started to yell,  "We can't hear you!  Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah?"

Death threats?  Who is receiving death threats this time? With Palin somebody is always receiving death threats, yet there is never a shred of evidence.

And no I have not heard that Palin's kids have returned to school as of yet. (But hey if any of you REAL Palmer or Wasilla folks know anything different, please let me know.)

Part two of your order of word salad, with a side of nuts.

Now I asked my daughter, who is a union member working on films up here in Alaska,  about this story of Michael Moore not hiring all union workers for his film "Capitalism: A Love Story." And she essentially said that mixing both union workers and non-union workers on a film was common practice.  She also said that there are a lot of positions, especially on documentaries where the union does not have the right people to fill the various openings.

She also said that it would be VERY uncommon for the producers of the documentary to provide health coverage to its non-union members, since production would only last for a handful of months, but that there would of course be workman's compensation for anybody injured on the job.

Essentially this appears to be a non-story that the Conservatives are fanning in an attempt to damage Moore's character. Go figure.

Don't you love it when Palin talks about things she simply has no connection with?  You know like reality?

I am not surprised that Palin is going after NPR.  They tend to deal in facts and the Grizzled Mama has a long standing grudge against things she cannot bend to her will.

Update: Well I stand corrected, there were death threats aimed at the Wisconsin Republican lawmakers.

Well at least one anyway.  There  may have been more I guess, but apparently this one is the only one cited again, and again, and again.  Apparently there may have been some angry tweets as well, so you can imagine how frightened the Wisconsin Republicans have become of their single threatening e-mailer and a handful of pissed off tweeters.

Considering their typical abuse of power I imagine they will call in the national guard to start confiscating cell phones and laptops.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Sorry, but I'm not masochistic so I won't be watching these videos.

    Seeing her is enough. That jacket or whatever it is looks like something she stole from a Wasilla theater production of MacBeth. And the hair? What's going on there? The further she spirals toward irrelevancy, the higher her hair goes? Works for me!

  2. I'm not listening to that. Makes my hand itch. Has that woman ever looked in the mirror after Jessica did her hair? Does she realize how stupid that hairdo looks? I hate to say it, but Bristle got it right with the prom hair remark. And that purple thing should have been burned long ago. As usual, when this woman opens her mouth, nothing comes out but stupid, so all I have to focus on is her dumb hair and her ugly clothes. Hey Sarah! We can't hear your word salad over the screaming of your hair!

  3. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Hey Sarah, 's going to be a nice day to take the family to the beach. Hurry on down,eh !

  4. wakeUpAmerica4:25 AM

    OMG!! Not the fugly purple tarp? Please somebody help that woman!

    Don't you just love the smug smirk as she makes her ignorant, catty remarks?

  5. Anonymous4:27 AM

    I have to watch her on mute, but what struck me is how even after her plastic surgeries to lift her eyes, she looks like she can barely keep them open. It's like all the enthusiasm as drained away. She looks smug, self-satisfied and dis-interested. She is just going through the motions, doing the minimum to earn her FoxNews check

  6. Anonymous4:29 AM

    She really needs to get those dead animals out of her closet. The people she is talking to doesn't listen to NPR or like Michael Moore, she is just pandering to her zombie followers. what a douchebag.

  7. Anonymous4:30 AM

    (I put some of this comment on your other post but meant to have it with this one.)

    At least she was smiling. She must have read our recent comments about her sour puss. Too little, too late. So much for doing things her own, unconventional way. At least she knows where to place the blame for taking a great jumping-off point following the VP run and having it take off like a lead balloon. She did manage to make a lot of money, though. It's important to have your priorities.

  8. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Mixing union and non union is standard, as non union workers get paid signif less and film shoots etc require lots of people.

    It looks like she's back to one of her favorite jacket things.

    Piper is in school. The same one McKinley attends. Thats all I know

    Michael Moore, like any wealthy person from CA, speaks and acts purely for entertainment purposes. They don't care about shit and definitely don't understand reasons behind political decisions.

    And it is true (and obvious) that non union doesnt receive the same health coverage etc
    All in all, it's up to the casting agency (big projects) to decide who gets hired. If more people are needed, yes, non union is the way to go (cheaper, they're desperate for a job and their card). They typically are warm bodies, not in shots and not featured in any way. It's slightly hypocritical for Moore (if his feelings are genuine) but this isn't something easily discussed, as any job growth is good

    NPR probably won't be in existence much longer, as it should be. Job losses? Yes, but if you work for NPR, you probably won't have a problem creating a job for yourself elsewhere. The truly innovative and independent are never jobless.

  9. FJ DANDY4:36 AM

    Gryphen: What the hell is she hiding in that pointy hair? Has she morphed into a Conehead??? The housecoat is ugly, probably one of her dad's cast-offs.
    She knows nothing and demonstrates this truth every time she opens her yap.
    Delusional much?

  10. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Interesting tidbits: Bristol's getting ready to take a road trip (I think to some place in AK)

    Piper is in school

    Bristol is not facebook friends with Gino, her old acct or new acct

  11. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I could picture her wearing purple fuzzy slippers under the desk where she was sitting. Palin is a hick. I say it unapologetically. She is an unsophisticated hick. What's so astonishing is how many people in this nation have made her their "voice". We deserve so much better than her in the United States.

  12. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Does this woman not own a mirror? That is the most hideous thing I've ever seen so early in the morning....oh and the outfit is awful too.

  13. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I love it when Sarah wears her Barney halloween costume... she looks so purdy..

    She has Marge Simpson hairdo, but forgot to use the blue coloring in it.

    She is 100% "Presidential"

  14. Jeanabella4:54 AM

    I listened as long as I could and still can't undo the knots she tied around the truth while trying to look informed on WI workers. She wanted it both ways as she put herself and toad with the union workers cause they have union cards??? But she blames the "thug" union bosses??? Howdy Doody made more sense.
    Her taste in clothes is awful, even after being exposed to people who do know how to dress. Someone needs to clean out her closet and get her to a stylist if she's going on tv, even if it's Hannity the buffoon!

  15. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Is the grifter worried that, once she chickens out of running for POTUS, she's going to get canned at Fox?

  16. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Make it stop....the stoooopid, it hurts!

    Did she just smoke a fatty? Looks kinda stoned to me.

  17. I didn't listen to the video's because I just can't stomach hearing her voice this early in the morning but I did looks like Sarah is doing her own hair and wardrobe again. She must be running out of money or people stupid enough to work for her! Seriously the woman is really looking like something from the Munsters!

  18. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I was at the protests and you, Mrs. Palin are as ignorant as ever. There were no union 'thugs' there. There were low income to lower middle income citizens and workers galore. Wonderful people. What I like to refer to as real "Real Americans". The people I met and stood with for many days were kind, welcoming and peaceful. They were concerned for children, public schools, fellow employees and their state. Many were students. Many had loud voices. None of us were led by thugs, however.

    The teabaggers were rill mercans, while teachers, nurses, police, and firefighters are characterized under the title of 'union thugs'. You are a stupid woman yammering right wing talking points out of your ass and from the large cone on the top of your head.

    Unfortunately, I am equally disgusted with the fact that we seem to have lost the message again. Walker is out spouting how he saved the middle class, yada, yada, yada. How the dems let this happen time and again is beyond me. We did the same thing with health care. Instead of a noble thing to do for the citizens of this country, it has been presented as an evil beyond all others.

    By the way, the news media couldn't assist the right any more than they already do. When the tea baggers were protesting, they were given the full attention of the media. When workers protest, Walker is given all the coverage.

  19. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I like Micheal Moore. He has been pointing out what the Corporations NRA and others have been doing since where's Roger Smith".( hope I remember that right) Anyone who shows the wrongs problems greed the Corps hate. So I guess she's in their pocket too. I thought she said she was with the workers ( only if they caved in) SARAH, most want the same healthcare,that has and is available to your children and grandchildren, for the rest of the country. Most just want to make a decent living wage, have insurance and a pension to look forward to. How come you and all republicans tea partiers seem so against that, anyone that profess to love god, talk to god, have god in their heart, not work their tush off for that outcome ?? Same with Hucabee- The bible says "you will know them by their works" notice all the hate spewing from these so called christians.

  20. Anonymous5:27 AM

    This woman is so crazy. She never says anything that makes any sense. Her followers are as dumb and mean spirited as she is.

  21. womanwithsardinecan5:32 AM

    The commenter who mentioned coneheads is right on. That's what comes to mind for me. Marge Simpson has style. Sarah does not.

  22. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Funny, we all do the same thing.... watch her without the audio. Just can't take the fingernails to the board anymore. It used to be amusing, now it's just grating.

    BTW- She gives unconventional a bad name. Being unconventional can be good, her kind of unconventional is half-baked.

  23. Anonymous5:40 AM

    NPR hasn't done anything to her, so her grudge against them is based soley on "team politics." She's received the FAX or the email blast with her talking points.

  24. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Urggghhh!!! Purple is my fav colour as well!!! Thanks Sarah.

    What the hell is she wearing? lol...

  25. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Jesus! She talks about "union turmoil" in Wisconsin as if it's just happening out of the blue, rather than in reaction to this horrendous bill.

    She talks about how surprising it is that unions "benefit Republicans" too - duh, lady; unions benefit the WORKERS THEY REPRESENT, no matter what party they are.

    And that's just 15 second into it.

  26. Anonymous5:50 AM

    The union that Moore didn't use was my union IATSE. So I am not minimizing the concern here. I read in the linked article that the IA and Moore are in talks.

    However, I certainly did not see the IATSE bug displayed in the credits of "Sarah Palin's Alaska."

  27. Molly5:52 AM

    I can't watch. However one comment:


  28. Anonymous5:56 AM

    she says arts and humanities are frivolous and should be on the chopping block, stfu purple bathrobe wearing bitch!

  29. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Did she seriously say that the union bosses should turn down their rhetoric before someone gets hurt?! She keeps topping herself in the extremes of her hypocrisy.

  30. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Love the hypocrisy. People come here to complain about Sarah and her supporters negativity and "cruel comments" and in doing so, show incredible immaturity and crassness by demeaning her and them. You all are jokes. Her supporters are good people actively working to better the country. They are more successful as 20 yrs old than you all are at 50. And yes, a good number of them are in their 20s and successful/ambitious. Some of them also know the family and constantly are in contact with the kids. Sane people have the ability to set aside politics and see people for whom they are as people.

    Take a lesson

  31. Anonymous6:05 AM

    My god you are right she looks like she just woke up & threw on a bath robe. What is wrong with her?

  32. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I for one am glad that there are politicians who are actively concerned about making important decisions that will change the status quo. I applaud Wisconsin in this manner

  33. Anonymous6:07 AM

    dont'cha know purple is the color of royalty and Sarah wants to show she is a royal pain in the ass!

  34. lilly lily6:09 AM

    Conehead? lol...

    Marge Simpson? only the hair.

    Marge is a nice woman. Palin is not a nice woman.

    Who listens to her anymore? I never could. I can't even watch that smug, self -satisfied witch. Dumb, dumber or dumbest? Take your pick.

  35. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Exactly, 5:48 AM.

  36. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Someone's gotten new lower choppers! This lady just keeps messing with her face. She's going to become Joan Rivers if she's not careful.

  37. Anonymous6:18 AM

    That purple sweater is a native garment. Real sensitive guys

  38. Anonymous6:18 AM

    "Crazy cat lady" is a good descriptor. But in reality, the Palins don't have any pets that I've ever seen. And for that, dogs and cats everywhere are grateful.

  39. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I think she wore her bathrobe for you and Frank Bailey, Gryphen. We're all lucky she had a pj top on underneath. Hahaha

  40. lilly lily6:20 AM

    She is wearing her Queen Esther getup.

    Why not a crown while she is at it? The hair is ideal for a crown.

    And a sceptor?

    Maybe Prince Charming will come along and put the glass slipper on her little footsie.

    The woman lives in her own fairy tale world.

  41. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Anon 5:56 I think Palin needs to demonstrate her integrity returning their credits for her reality show to their state for her arts tv show.

    Sure, let's close down theaters, museums, parks, eliminate music scores from tv, prohibit culture and records of civilization (the arts), after school clubs, cancel music band any orchestra. Hmm... Sounds like communist history to me!

  42. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Well I for one am going to write KAKM a check right now. So fuck you Sarah Palin.

  43. Anonymous6:25 AM

    People are not afraid of her anymore:

    See Syrin's Blog

    No surprise there, it was just a matter of time.

  44. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Okay, that is NOT Sarah's bathrobe. It's obviously Todd's, leftover from when he played one of the Wise Men in the Wasilla Christmas pageant. Sarah can't resist wearing it because of the regal colors (purple and gold), and because it was once associated with the word "pageant." I mean, doesn't her hair look all ready to set a tiara on???

  45. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I for one am glad that there are politicians who are actively concerned about making important decisions that will change the status quo.

    Me too, Anonymous. That's why I voted for President Obama. Too bad the Republicans are blocking all the good things he's been trying to do.

  46. @ Anonymous 6:18 AM
    That purple sweater is a native garment. Real sensitive guys

    What tribe would that be? Perhaps the tribe of Goodwill shoppers?

    First off no native American / Alaskan tribe had any means to make purple dye or glass sequins.

    Second Palin is not a Native American and it is probably more offensive for her to wear Native outfits than to make fun of them.

    I think this woman is stuck in a 1960s old lady mode... At least we have a first lady that has some real style and fashion over this bimbo whose taste is all in her mouth.

  47. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sarah Palin, you are profoundly uncool. Appalled that Obama won't use the Justice Department to break up gay marriages; appalled that ordinary workers would take to the streets for their right to have a place at the table; appalled that Julian Assange would release secrets about the government you profess to hate, and I could go on and on.

    The upshot is that you and your scooter drivin' fanbase pick the most calcified positions of the past, every. single. time.

  48. Anonymous6:53 AM

    What's up with that jacket?

    Who shot the couch?

  49. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Anonymous at 6:18 said, "That purple sweater is a native garment. Real sensitive guys"

    IF that top is actually a "native garment," as you say, given her total disregard of native Alaskans, it is completely insensitive of her to wear it, ever!

  50. She has worn that purple sweater/jacket for many years. If she wanted to be taken seriously, she should dress seriously for TV--authoritative colors, tailored styles, no fluff and prom hair--and save clothes like this for when she's not pretending to be an News Analyst.

    How she presents herself emphasizes the glaring fact that she talks a lot and says and analyzes absolutely nothing. Furthering someone's Macbeth description, we see "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing."

    BTW, Gryphen, any chance the Palin camp has some unfavorable news to release while the Japanese disaster dominates the news cycles? Bet Newt wishes he had held off on his true confessions for a couple of days.

  51. Anonymous6:58 AM

    WTF Is this her answer to Todd saying she's always walking around with her night gown open?

    Sarah Palin is a special kind of crazy.


  52. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I am tired of the lies. the Affordable Health Act was posted on the interntet and available for the legislature to read even on paper. If ANYONE could read it before the vote.
    The people of the USA want the collective barganing rights for unions. And, Miss Conehead, Walker wanted to remove any and all rights for union discussion not as you say to negotiate parts.
    Do not go away there are just 5% of the population left who do not have enough information to judge your competance.

  53. laprofesora7:01 AM

    Small correction, Gryph: in order for Paylin to have cats she would have to have compassion towards animals and other living things, and of course we know she only cares about herself.

    She's still trying to be Ivana Trump with that hair; she needs to update her role model.

    To those who applaud Walker's actions: do you really think YOU will benefit from busting the unions? You'd better wake up. The Republicans have one goal in mind, and that is to line their own pockets. To hell with their supporters and anyone else. You get nothing out of this.

  54. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sarah has already lost and she knows it. She is just saying anything that pops in her head to get attention.

  55. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sarah Palin retreated in order to avoid civil debate and to do her job. She needs to be reminded that if your cause is worthy and just, if it's worthwhile, than you should have the ability to defend it, You shouldn't just retreat and duck and cover.

    With all the turmoil going on in this country and in the world... The last thing we need is someone like Sarah Palin trying to rachet up the rhetoric and PANIC in the electorate..

    F**k that bit*h. God have mercy on her sick soul.

  56. I wouldn't be surprised if that threat came from a 'bagger that was either a union member or had Badgercare/Medicaid.

    But they won't report that.

    Just because a Republican got a death threat that doesn't mean it came from a Democrat. Republicans eat their own.

  57. Anonymous7:05 AM

    So union bosses can insight violence by leading their members down a road.....
    I thought everyone was responsive for themselves and that rhetoric was okay even if it is colorfully violent.

  58. Anonymous7:12 AM


    Is that a Palin? Success at 20 isn't laying all over a dance floor and making money. Success would be getting an education. Money isn't success. There are many teachers, nurses, firefighters, police, etc more successful than the Palins will ever be. Respect in a profession is success whatever that profession may be.

    Respect is seldom spoken in the same breath with the word Palin. Every time Palin makes a foul mouth comment she brings shame to her "Family,Faith & Flag."

  59. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Another clip from that same appearance showed Palin's reaction to Julianna Moore playing her in "Game Change." Since Sarah tried to trademark her name and image, she can't stand the idea of anyone portraying her, especially after SNL and Tina Fey. Palin's response was that Moore show give Sarah some of the money that she receives, profiting off of Sarah's image, to pay for braces for one of Sarah's kids.

    I thought that the Palins had top notch health care under Todd's native heritage. That must mean that one of her kids doesn't carry Todd's native blood. Following that line of thinking, each time that someone writes, says or even thinks the name "Sarah Palin" (not yet trademarked), they will have to kick into the "Send my kid to the orthodontist" Fund. I wonder if there's a dentist in the Menard Family who would give Sarah a discount?

  60. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Palin on Hannity last night:

    My daughters are enjoying the tutelage of some of the best public school teachers in the nation as they are in their classrooms today.

    Todd and I both have union memberships throughout my career.

    1) I wonder how many lies are in these two statements?

    2) Tutelage - does this mean the girls are being tutored?

  61. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Those republicans in Wisconsin didn't get any real death threats. They are making shit up. Again. It's part of their plan to make the protesters in Wisconsin look extreme like the Tea Party thugs.

    For weeks the republcians have been hoping to catch evidence of violent thuggery coming from the Wisconsin protesters. Since the republicans have had no such luck, they have been making up shit. Like the video of "Wisconsin" protesters with the palm trees in the background. Or, the Fox News "reporter" who lied about being punched by a union protester, only to have video evidence prove that the protester only tapped him on the shoulder. Eric Cantor's lies about his office being shot at, backwards "B" girl, from 2008. The list goes on. They are crying wolf, again. Some tea- bagger sent the "death threat."

    It's amazing how they can only cite one death threat. The republcians are trying to make the proesters seem like radical extremists, just because they were shouting, "SHAME!" The Wisconsin protesters are peaceful, compared to the well documented thuggery of the Tea-Party assholes who stomp on people's heads, and show up to political events armed with guns.

  62. Anonymous7:23 AM

    OMG.....this moronic, big-mouth, know nothing, Marge Simpson look-alike simpleton is annoying beyond all comprehension!!!! National Endowment for the Arts "frivolous"? I suspect so to someone who spent thousands upon thousands of tax-payer dollars to decorate her 'professional' office like a bordello and likely has framed moose pictures painted on velvet hanging in her bedroom. It would be SO refreshing to see Michael Moore verbally slap her down big time.

  63. Anonymous7:23 AM

    " and your scooter drivin' fanbase pick the most calcified positions of the past, every. single. time."
    6:43 AM

    More of Sarah's ideas of how to do things DIFFERENTLY in Washington (change we don't believe in). Looks like no one's going to ask her to step to the plate. Guess she'll just have to take one for the team and sit the bench.

  64. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Michael Moore sets Twitler lies straight:

    And 900 laid off at HP/AOL.

  65. Anonymous7:37 AM

    "They are more successful as 20 yrs old than you all are at 50. And yes, a good number of them are in their 20s and successful/ambitious....Sane people have the ability to set aside politics and see people for whom they are as people."

    So, you don't know any of our ages or careers but somehow can tell that we are over 50, our kids are delinquent drop-outs and none of us have professional lives. Hum? Who's not seeing people for who they really are? It might help to set aside your politics, it's blocking your vision.

  66. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Poor Sarah. There she was home sick with the flu in her fuzzy 'Barney' robe and FOX news forces her to go on the air at gunpoint.

  67. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Can someone please pull the poor kitty out who is hiding under her wig?

  68. Anonymous7:51 AM

    6:03 AM,

    $arah Palin and her monkey-thugs aren't doing shit to better the country. Palin is a bad person, and so are her suppoters. They are reactionary assholes, and most of the country sees that. Most people don't agree with her, and can't stand her.

    I love your hypocrisy. $arah Palin's too. $arah Palin is famous for being crass, a hypocrite, incredibly immature, cruel, and for demeaning others. That's why she's the most divisive political figure in America. Duh!
    $arah Palin is a joke! She's a fucking punchline! $arah Palin is a bad person, and so are her supporters! So there!

    Nice try trying to make us believe that $arah Palin has a large following 20-something's. Bullshit. I'm sure Palin has some brainless 20 year olds who admire her, but the huge majority of $arah Palin's fan-base are old, white, males. The same demographic that tuned in to watch her stupid show. Most young people like Barack Obama. Not bee-hive Palin.

    Who gives a fuck about whether or not Palin-bots know Palin and her family, and are in contact with them?

    "Sane people have the ability to set aside politics and see people for whom they are as people."

    Oh, shut up! Can $arah Palin do that? Has she done that? Will she do that? Nope! Take a lesson: Fuck off!

  69. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Love the Purple Robe of Freedom. Is she
    aiming for a SC nomination? She'll rock
    the court with her Tina Fey glasses, fancy
    pageant walkin', and cutting-edge fashions.

    I saw a gal with a beehive going in McDonald's
    a few days ago. I tell ya, that hive was a good
    10" tall. Sarah's hive pales in comparison.

  70. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Someone at c4p said that her purple thing is a "yupik eskimo sweater, very popular in the villages and probably some elders handmade it for her"---honestly is this a joke? I lived in Alaska 50 years and NEVER heard of this sweater?! has any one else heard of this? Or is it c4p just making things up again so Scarha doesn't look stupid?

  71. Anonymous8:14 AM

    @6:18, oh, so sorry! We should've known, as Sarah Palin has always been so supportive of and such a fan of Alaska Natives!

    Are you fucking kidding me?

  72. Anonymous8:14 AM

    So according to $arah Palin, her violent rhetoric doesn't lead to violence, but non-violent rhetoric from unions does?

    And, also too, What ever happened to "people are responsible for their own actions?"

    Whatever. Palin still can't face the reality that her intentional violent rhetoric may have contributed to shooting deaths in Arizona.

  73. Anonymous8:15 AM

    anon @ 6:18 "That purple sweater is a native garment. Real sensitive guys"

    Which makes it even worse! Do you think the people she left starving a couple of years ago are proud of her? Oh that's right they must have loved the cookies & visit from Franklin Graham WEEKS after it came out that they needed help.

    Thankfully the AK bloggers helped get these people some help. It was NOT your queen.

  74. Anonymous8:18 AM

    It is about time to bring up the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford, and the deaths, including a nine year old child, of citizens who had gone to meet Rep. Gifford in Arizona. The media claimed to take a month $p break. Was that in hopes people will forget? Well she is back, and we need to go back to the deaths in Arizona, and the shooting of Rep. Gifford.

  75. Anonymous8:19 AM

    How will they turn the grace and beauty of Julianne Moore in to the screeching, idiotic, shapeless, tasteless witch from Wasilla?

  76. Anonymous8:21 AM

    If Sarah Palin would wrap that purple bathrobe around her hair, we would have Marge Simpson!

  77. Anonymous8:25 AM

    "Sane people have the ability to set aside politics and see people for whom they are as people."

    Your argument has a fatal flaw: The Palins are obnoxious assholes. It's obvious and in-your-face. They could be raging liberals and I'd still think they're assholes. Sorry.

  78. Anonymous8:28 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Or is it c4p just making things up again so Scarha doesn't look stupid?

    8:13 AM"

    I think this is correct.

  79. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Funny she's accusing Moore of doing just what she does every time she opens her mouth publicly. Getting people stirred up and calling them to action is what this tart is all about. Ridiculous as usual.

  80. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Oh oH!! White precious boyfriend lets his true colours slip on facebook!

  81. Anonymous8:40 AM

    6:18, I, too, noticed that Sarah is wearing the same outfit from the Gov picnic in 2009 that some have said is an Alaska native outfit.

    HOWEVER, Sarah Palin's complete disregard for the plight of Alaska natives is the reason the outfit is not recognized as such.

    Sarah Palin wearing that outfit is a mockery of its meaning.

  82. Anonymous8:45 AM

    7:13, how very ironic of Sarah to demand money from an actress portraying her in a movie, when Sarah, who offers no new ideas, is profiting from attacking the ideas of others.

  83. Anonymous8:46 AM

    7:17, "tutelage" is Sarah's word-of-the-day.

  84. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Can Scott Walker and other repub govs be recalled?

  85. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Her eyes show no life or joy! As said by many - she is not the woman she wants everyone to think she is and lives a complete lie. Hence no spark or liveliness to her. She's nothing but evil and physcially shows it.

  86. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I maintain that Palin WAS and IS responsible for what happened in Tucson - many think she was. She put up the crosshairs data...she has called for violence many times since she has been on the national scene. She is also a racist - which has been proven on videos. (Alaska natives and black folks)

    She has her place in hell waiting for her!

  87. Anonymous9:12 AM

    6:14 I like Joan Rivers. She is elderly and still continues to work her butt off. Plus, she has a terrific sense of humor. I'd love to be around the woman where I absolutely would not even cross the street (or watch a video) to see evil sister Sarah.

    Palin has absolutely no sense of humor or personality AND she doesn't work - doesn't even know what the term means.

  88. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Did she just smoke a fatty? Looks kinda stoned to me.

    sure does. Pretty sure that's what she was doing when she hid in her bedroom after coming home from work at noontime. Then she would come out and make the kids get her crunchwraps because she had the munchies.

  89. Anonymous9:18 AM

    That purple sweater is a native garment. Real sensitive guys

    What tribe would that be? Perhaps the tribe of Goodwill shoppers?

    First off no native American / Alaskan tribe had any means to make purple dye or glass sequins.



    what a maroon and a fat liar the bobblehead is.

  90. Gasman9:29 AM

    As to Moore hiring union or non-union people, Palin clearly has her head up her ass, AGAIN!

    I'm a member of the AFM, the American Federation, of Musicians, local 618, and when feature films or TV shows shot in Hollywood use music, they have to hire AFM members from local 47 in L.A.

    Documentaries are treated differently, as Gyphen's daughter attested to, and films shot in the jurisdiction of other locals are treated differently. The contract is with the local, not the national union. That is the main reason so many films are shot outside of Hollywood; other AFM locals have much lower rates in other parts of the U.S. and Canada. My dues are about half of what they pay in local 47, but so are my wages. I'm sure it is similar for other unions in other professions. Thus, Palin's charge is wholly without merit.

    Palin is trying to create a conflict where none exists. Gee, when have we ever seen THAT behavior from her before?

    I've said it before, I'll say it again: Palin is a fucking moron.

  91. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Co-signed @ 7:51 AM!

  92. Anonymous9:43 AM

    @ 8:18 AM Let's wait and see what Gabrielle Giffords has to say when she's ready to talk about it. I suspect, given her past demonstration of grace and humility (two things that SP has no idea about!) that she will most likely not go there about connecting Tuscon to SP, because she will know that sane thinking Americans have already made that connection.

  93. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Speaking as a lifelong Alaskan, er, um, I really don't know what kind of outfit that is.

    If it's Native, they used a very untraditional design, color, and type of fabric. The only thing kind of "nativey" seems to be the gold braiding down the front, but again, it's in a rather untraditional spot.

    I'm not saying that it wasn't sewn by an Alaskan Native, but if it was, it was like no Native kuspuk or parka that I've ever seen before.

  94. TruthSeeker9:45 AM

    Anon @ 6:18 am "But in reality, the Palins don't have any pets that I've ever seen."

    Thank you for that information. I've been curious about their supposed puppy ever since, many months ago in the first batch of the Palin e-mails that were released, there was a reference to either picking up or delivering a puppy.

    Then a few weeks ago Gryphen had up a photo of Sarah,Todd and in between them the infant Trig, with the label "My Puppy" on the baby's cap.

    Guess "puppy" to the Palin's mean something different than to the rest of us.

  95. 10catsinMD9:46 AM

    At times, I try to imitate her expressions, eye blinking, and headmovements to see what emotions come up. Bizarre, I would never do what she does in presenation. Even in regular conversation.

    She is weird and just plain crazy! Too bad no more mental hospitals. I know just the place where she would have fit in.

  96. Anonymous9:50 AM

    6:18 where in the he!! did you get that information?? Just because you read it at c4p doesn't make it a fact.

  97. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I can't listen to her because I am in sensory shock from that ungodly fun fur wrap that she has on.

  98. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Is that a scarf she's wearing? Is she pretending to be pregnant again??

  99. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Good laugh! what 20 yr old has is more successful than a 50 yr old. Bristol? Someone who's has made a living and fame off of having a child out of wedlock,sold pictures & stories that weren't true to mag. worked maybe 3months or so, quit when mother got her a gig with dws (she was lugged around the floor.) Who would trust the advice of a 19-20 yr old political consultant? That is someone who has had everything (even her child's health care) handed to her. The sucessful 50 yr old had gone to school, got job stayed there maybe 20 yrs or so and still does their very best, and doesn't forget to vote.

  100. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Everyone keeps likening SP to Marge Simpson, but really I think she's more like Peggy Hill, "conservative common sense" and all!

  101. Anonymous10:05 AM


    Anonymous said...
    Love the hypocrisy. People come here to complain about Sarah and her supporters negativity and "cruel comments" and in doing so, show incredible immaturity and crassness by demeaning her and them. You all are jokes. Her supporters are good people actively working to better the country. They are more successful as 20 yrs old than you all are at 50. And yes, a good number of them are in their 20s and successful/ambitious. Some of them also know the family and constantly are in contact with the kids. Sane people have the ability to set aside politics and see people for whom they are as people.

    They are more successful as 20 yrs old than you all are at 50

    This has to be Hubristol or Willow. If by successful you mean good at grifting money and getting ridiculously rich on no talent, then yes Barstool is being a fame/money whore.
    Most educated people define success as...well... getting an education, doing good work that propels humankind forward, raising their children to be DECENT human beings.
    Keep drinking the koolaid honey.

    Take a lesson

  102. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Some of them also know the family and constantly are in contact with the kids. Sane people have the ability to set aside politics and see people for whom they are as people.

    Take a lesson

    Best retake English class as you are murdering the language with these sentences.
    It actually hurt my brain to read this. This has to be Barstool or Pillow. Ouch!!

  103. Anonymous10:07 AM

    My god you are right she looks like she just woke up & threw on a bath robe.

    Thank goodness she remembered to close the robe

  104. TruthSeeker10:08 AM

    Anon @ 6:03 am "Sane people have the ability to set aside politics and see people for whom they are as people. "

    I sincerely hope you are writing that bit of wisdom specifically for $arah. SHE is the one who needs to have it imprinted upon her heart.

    Everytime $arah opens her mouth, she resorts to snarly, snide, condesending, juvenile, self-serving comments. Never once have I heard her say anything that was positive, constructive, encouraging, uplifting, or of leadership wisdom.

  105. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I just checked to see if Palin made that list of 150 Outstanding Women in the World and it doesn't appear she did!

    Finally! That makes me happy!

  106. Anonymous10:11 AM

    She wore the purple thing on the first book tour. It's just an embellished fleece jacket from Nordstrom's tacky middle-aged lady line. Traditional Native Sweater! BWAHAHAHAHA!

  107. Anonymous10:18 AM

    What is with that hair do? And yes your are right, that is her bathrobe. LOL

  108. Anonymous10:31 AM

    OMG! LOL! She's stoned!

  109. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Jammies and a purple robe, this woman is nuts.

  110. I don't usually get angry by Palin's stupid Fox statements, but today I've had it. Just once, just once, somebody should say: prove it. Find any quotations/footage/reporting of union bosses behaving like "thugs" and using "inflammatory rhetoric." Oh, and another thing: isn't accusing people's rhetoric of leading to violence "blood libel"?

  111. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I have been through pages of Google Images, looking at every kind of native Alaskan costume, and there is nothing that looks like Sarah's purple outfit. Someone suggested that it is Yupik, so here are some Yupik costumes:
    That isn't exactly what Sarah is wearing. Here is a typical costume:
    This one is my favorite:

  112. OH NO!!! Sarah killed Barney. She must have left the meat of the creature to the native buzzards and skinned him with her teeth. I'll bet that is Alaskan gold she spun into thread too. Wow what a water walking wonder witch.

  113. Anonymous10:39 AM

    6:18 am - Purple garment is native?

    Yeah right, drink some more tea, you silly willy.

  114. Anonymous10:42 AM

    What I love about the hair is it is exactly as drawn by Ann Telnaes. Her cartoon drawings are intended as a stylized exaggeration.

    Sarah is getting better an parroting back "answers" that are fed to her by her fox prompters.
    Of course the prompters are giving her more extensive feeds to help her know what she is supposed to be taking about.

    Sayiny "yes" to the person who is asking for a "comment" on a specific topic is a pretty dead giveaway that she has just been fed the answer.

  115. Anonymous10:48 AM

    That purple thing is an outdoor jacket.
    Why is she wearing it indoors?

    Yeah, it does look like a fuzzy robe over a night gown.

    Grated her hair is not scraggly like it usually is, but she still looks unkempt, the jacket is crumpled and Sarah still doesn't know what to do with her hair.

  116. Anonymous10:49 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Oh oH!! White precious boyfriend lets his true colours slip on facebook!

    8:39 AM"

    Of course her boyfriend is trash, who else
    would have her? Birds of a feather! Judge
    people based on who they date, and you'll
    weed out a lot of losers.

  117. SME13110:52 AM

    Notice how she is not at all bothered that O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity all belong to a union.

    She really needs to hire someone to keep track of what she is for or against on any given week.

    And No, I seriously doubt she even registers on Michael Moore's mind and if she does it is just to laugh.

  118. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    6:18 am - Purple garment is native?

    Yeah right, drink some more tea, you silly willy.

    10:39 AM"

    If you enlarge the screen, it appears to be
    polar fleece. Maybe they call polar fleece
    native wear up there?

  119. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Well, well, well. How much money is Sarah paying Gino to be the pretend boyfriend and family guy to Tripp and Bristol? I have no doubts that Gino, the italian stallion, was doing the nasty with Bristol but there is a difference between being a rod for Bristol and a christian family guy.

    The Palins just pay others to be models in their mixed up crazy life and everything they tell is baldface lies.

    Those girls are not enrolled in school, Sarah LIES again.

  120. Anonymous11:16 AM

    She is wearing a robe because of what you posted several days ago about how she walked around with an open robe at home, and the many windows in the house. She loves you.

  121. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Todd and I both have union memberships throughout my career.

    Wait, wasn't she IBEW when she first worked for the power company? Unless she's AFTRA because she's working for Fox, she hasn't held any union represneted job since then.

  122. Anonymous12:08 PM

    On the road kill atop her noggin - Pinnochio's nose grew when he lied, maybe $arah's conehead just gets taller? And needs more road kill to cover that fact? Lies and talking points are all that exit her mouth.

    The incessant smirk must be her way to 'smile' instead of making faces that can be used on blogs to show her real self. OR maybe the plastic surgeon slipped and made it impossible for her mouth to do anything else?

    I couldn't listen to the majority of it, but IMO, the word salad is getting more tossed every time she opens her yap. 90% lies, with a dressing of innuendo.

    That video is why I choose never to use a webcam...

  123. Anonymous12:09 PM

    From last night's Hannity transcript:

    Courtney Cox or Demi Moore -- are you shittin' me, Sean?

    HANNITY: All right. So, how do like the idea that Julianne Moore will be playing you in an HBO upcoming movie? Your thoughts.

    PALIN: Well, I'm all about job creation. And I guess I could provide some of these gals who pretend like they are me some job security. I would ask, though, if they're of the mind of spreading the wealth around, that perhaps they want to spring for one of my kids' sets of braces or something as they capitalize on pretending to be me.

    HANNITY: She doesn't really look -- I mean, she's a good actress. I thought Courtney Cox, Demi Moore, might be a little bit more -- a little closer look, no?

  124. Bristol Palin’s Boyfriend Mocks Down Syndrome

  125. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I couldn't get past the picture of the purple swami in all of her majestic glory. I thought Johnny Carson is amongst us again. But once I get over my laughing fit, I'll go back and read the article. BTW - I rarely comment on one's clothing, hairstyles, make up choices etc... for I have numerous flaws in those areas, but this is over the top. bwahahahahahaha...

  126. Anonymous1:45 PM

    "I maintain that Palin WAS and IS responsible for what happened in Tucson - many think she was. She put up the crosshairs data...she has called for violence many times since she has been on the national scene."

    surveyor marks....hehehe

    notice that creepy chuck has pictures of wolves with surveyor marks on them too, also, you betcha'!

  127. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Willow Palin is being home schooled

  128. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Ten baby polyesters gave their lives for that jacket...Chuck shot 'em.

  129. Anonymous2:09 PM

  130. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Hasn't everybody heard?

    The higher the hair the closer to God.

    That was our mantra in the 50s and 60s.

  131. Anonymous2:43 PM

    The jacket is popular in Alaska. It is a "Copper River Fleece" and folks in Alaska recognize the product.

    Folks in the "states" used to chuckle at the gold nugget or ivory jewelry as well

  132. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Re: death threats;

    Gosh, does anyone else think Republicans might use fake e-mail addresses to threaten themselves the same way Sarah used fake Facebook identities to compliment herself?

    Sadly, it's almost the first thing that came to mind.

  133. Anonymous3:27 PM

    She looks like a drunk amateur porn actress fresh of a "MILF" shoot.

  134. Anonymous4:47 PM

    9:43 AM, Rep. Gifford did indeed speak, on national television, about how words have consequences before she was shot. Her district was one shown in the cross hair of a rifle scope. Remember, the don't retreat, reload? Now who said that? Not a sane Christian I assure you. We must never forget.

  135. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Just saw an interchange between Billo and Chris Wallace about interviewing styles and the issue of interrupting guests. Billo used his interview with SP to point out how incredibly frustrating it is to interview a subject that refuses to answer a question when you only have 1 5 minutes window to get the material out. He spared no irritation in recounting the segment with Wallace.


  136. Anonymous5:18 PM

    The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power

    This title will be released on May 10, 2011.

    464 pages

    Based on more than two-hundred interviews---many of them with Republican colleagues and one-time political allies of Palin’s---and more than forty-thousand pages of uncovered documents, Dunn chronicles Palin’s troubling penchant for duplicity in grim detail, from her dysfunctional childhood in Wasilla through her contentious run for mayor and her failed governorship of Alaska. He also provides the shocking inside story of her betrayal of running mate John McCain during the 2008 presidential campaign and her self-serving resignation as governor in July of the following year. Dunn deftly places Palin in the American tradition of right-wing demagogues---from Huey Long to Joe McCarthy---and details her troubling obsession with Barack Obama as it fuels her own political ambitions and a potential run for the presidency in 2012.

    McGinniss' cover

  137. justafarmer5:37 PM

    Anonymous @ 6:03 AM

    I was successful at age 14 with my very first business back in the mid 1960s. I have done great things as a public official and a business owner than sarah an todd EVER did. STFU

  138. "Apparently there may have been some angry tweets as well, so you can imagine how frightened the Wisconsin Republicans have become of their single threatening e-mailer and a handful of pissed off tweeters.

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised if these alleged death threats were manufactured by some faker Neocon pretending to be a "commie liberal".

    If Sarah Palin can claim unsubstantiated death threats and "attacks" on her family, how likely are her claims and this e-mail death threat against the WI Repubs part of the same sleazy behavior as what Breitbart and James O'Keefe indulge in?

    In other words, part of the Repub Koch Bros/Rupert Murdoch playbook.

  139. I find it astounding that she is calling for racheting down the rhetoric, when the call for her to do so after the Tucson shooting fell on deaf, defensive, blood-libeled ears.

    The unmitigated gall of this woman literally brings bile into my throat.

    And it's the union BOSSES, THUGS if you will, that are the problem, not the good union members? WTF over? Don't the union bosses simply advocate for the desires/needs of the union members? They are the liasons so to speak? She makes no sense whatsoever and I am a teacher right here in Wasilla.

    And I can tell you for a fact that her teenage daughter is enrolled in no public school, unless it's correspondance- which is essentially homeschool. Can't speak for Piper, don't teach at that level.

  140. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I notice she always has the smokey droopy-eyed look when she goes on Hannity. She rarely looks manic on his show like she does on the others. She rarely acts it either. She likes to be sultry and sexy with her boy Hannity I think. C@ckteaser that she is.

  141. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Sarah Palin Slaughtered Uncensored!

  142. Gryphen; I say this with love. Making excuses for Moore does nothing for either your credibility or the lefts. Moore is not perfect and alot of things in his movies are biased and edited to give worse impressions although for the most part they are accurate. But he is undoubtedly a hypocrite and we shouldn't defend him. We can watch his movies and take the things he says with the grain of salt but embracing him and okaying his indiscretions does us no favours.

    We need to make it clear that he doesn't represent us. He is a bitter partisan and is as helpful to our cause as say Jim DeMint is to the conservative cause. Or Palin. We laugh at the stupider conservatives that embrace these two clowns because they are being their own worst enemy but we do the same thing with Moore. Admittedly Moore is better than these two but to conservatives he really is as bad as Sarah to us.

  143. Anonymous4:40 AM

    @ 8:38

    Link doesn't work; getting the message:-

    "The URL contained a malformed video ID."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.