Friday, March 11, 2011

Rachel Maddow is about to make you very upset this Friday morning.

Rachel Maddow is a very nice person, I even got to meet her once, but this segment will probably have you pulling your hair and screaming at your monitor.

If, that is, you are a Democrat.  If you are a Republican, or somebody without a conscience (There is a difference right?) this will make you quite happy.


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I love Rachel! If only other journalists did have the homework she did. Seriously though this is the exact same thing Hitler did in the 30's.

  2. laprofesora7:25 AM

    It's to the point now that I hate to miss Rachel for the valuable information she provides. She reports on things you certainly don't hear anywhere else, unfortunately.

    It would be interesting to know what Democratic governors are doing to balance their budgets; or are Republicans the only ones with crises?

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Pretty obvious that there is a fascist takeover in progress from the Rethugs.

    They hate everybody, even themselves.

  4. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Democracy in name only is no longer real Democracy.

  5. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Well at least now I know who we should really be at war with. We need a good civil war to rid this country of these dumbshits. They are holding back this country.

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM


    they want us all to be their slaves. Get the part where Rachael talks about what the new Republican governors have done in Michigan, Peen & Maine? THey make Scott Walker look like an ameteur.

  7. Gawker has an interesting post up..
    Bristol Palin's boyfriend likes to call people nigga and jokes about having sex with overweight women with downs syndrome..wonder how Sarah feels about!!5780668/bristol-palins-boyfriend-likes-to-call-people-nigga-mock-kids-with-down-syndrome

  8. Anonymous8:21 AM

    laprofessora- my Democratic governor has proposed a combination of increased taxes and budget cuts. No one wants to pay more taxes, but everyone relies on state services even if they don't realize it. I'm amazed at how many of my students think their measly tuition pays their way through a state college.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Wow, the "FOX Gestapo." Whod'a thunk it?

  10. I must be misunderstanding you post. Why would this piece make republicans happy. It shows all the tricks they are trying to pull. It appears you are disappointed with Ms. Maddow and I am not sure why that is.

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Off topic, but interesting:!5780668/bristol-palins-boyfriend-likes-to-call-people-nigga-mock-kids-with-down-syndrome

    Maybe that explains why "Gino" and Bristol are no longer friends on Facebook? He likes jokes mocking people with Down Syndrome and he laughs with his friends who call Sarah Palin an idiot.

  12. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Reince Priebus meets with 2012ers' representatives

    Officials from candidates all-but-declared like Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney were there but so were aides to Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, neither of which have begun taking steps toward presidential runs. Notably not there: anyone representing Mitch Daniels (a Daniels adviser indicated that they were focused on the increasingly messy Indiana legislative session).

  13. @812, Britt:

    Thank you for the lovely link to Gawker - I passed it on to a bizzillion of my closest friends already.

  14. Yup, it's true. Because in Texas, it's common knowledge that Democrats BUS IN UNDOCUMENTED, ILLEGAL MESSKINS to vote for their candidates. Literally. I was told this by a friend of my (R) State Representative who is pushing this bill down in Austin.

    What this law will do is make Democrats who are worried about outstanding tickets or expired licences STAY HOME on Election Day. And that's just what they want.

    Sick Sick Sick

  15. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Grypen, you can't be serious. Go back and listen to Rachel Maddow again. This is ALL about getting more Democrats to vote. Rachel is one of the great outspoken defenders to Democrats and this rant is no different. Be more careful next time.

  16. betsy s9:17 AM

    Hillary was right--there is a vast right-wing conspiracy...

  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I'm a big fan of Rachel. She does real news reporting. She's like a female Walter Cronkite and she tells it like it is.

  18. Anonymous9:41 AM

    How do these people sleep at night? That guy in NH basically said college kids who vote democrat are too young to vote. What's next? Raising the voting age? Charging registration fees for democrats only? They're very blatantly stacking the deck and think they're totally justified in doing it.

  19. I am sorry was this post confusing in some way?

    What I was pointing out is that the INFORMATION in this segment about how the Republicans are trying to keep Democratic voters from participating in the next elections. Not that Rachel was pointing that out.

    The information made angry at the facts, not that Rachel presented those facts.

  20. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I agree . . . though Rachel is oft a bit whimsical in her delivery, she is clearly pointing our the "master plan" now underway that Koch's rethugs are employing to try and again steal the White House.

  21. Anonymous10:07 AM

    tewise, I half agree with you. Gryphen does kind of sound like he's shooting the messenger. More likely he was so angry at the message that it just came out wrong.

    But the repubs don't care who knows they play dirty. They seem to believe the ends justify the means.

  22. Enjay in E MT10:15 AM

    I feel like we, Democratic voters, are pawns in a chess game, getting sacrificed & moved off the board.

    Consider how this is being played-
    the GOP removed ACORN funding prior to finding out it was based on "creative editing" by someone misrepresenting themself.

    I believe its 3 of the top 10 political donations come from Unions, - now states are removing those unions from "the board".

    States are making it more difficult for citizens to register & vote. Change Voting locations, more distance, shortening hours... Another couple Pawns out of play.

    Extending voter in-elegibility after conviction - another pawn removed.

    I don't want to believe in a conspiracy theory - but it's looking like a one sided game to me.

  23. Anonymous10:19 AM

    It is the next obvious move.
    The Republicans know they would take a serious hit in the next election cycle. So they are going to prevent the next election cycle.
    That's just common sense.

    If they can get the demonstrators to act violently or to if they can create fake violence they can declare martial law and prevent elections even national ones If there are ot voting booths and not ballots how do we vote? That is all run out of a county clerk's and state office.

    Remember the story I told yesterday here about hearing two republicans on a radio talk show discussing amending the Constitution after Nixon's reelection, removing term limits and electing Nixon president. for life?
    I didn't make that up.

    If a night watchman hadn't noticed tape on the locked of a side door of the Watergate hotel, that is what would have happened. Nixon had a huge majority and the Republicans reigned across the country, like they do now

    I and others have been calling theRpocons Nazi for years, This is their move to burn the Reichtagand this is their Blitzkrieg against the Dims.

    Wake up Dims.

  24. Is there some Democrat registered to vote somewhere who doesn't already know this stuff?

    It is hair-tearing, but really nothing new. It's one of the reasons why Obama's successful campaign is all the more astonishing.

  25. To the troll[s] who keep trying to divert attention here from real political problems by inserting Little Big Hair's life stories? Cut it out.

  26. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Punkinbugg- but as long as those illegals have gun permits they can vote, right?

  27. Erica from Dallas10:45 AM

    In Texas we have been dreading this bill for some time.It is expensive to implement (millions of dollars) Although mail-in ballots have been a problem,we just don't have claims of voter fraud here.
    Rachel Maddow is right.Some of the id/drivers licence offices are open part time and could be located 200 miles from from the voter's home.Also the cost of id/licence is somewhere between $16-$28.Remember poll tax? Educating people will be a nightmare.As a clerk at the polls,I dread telling people that come in with the old form of id to vote that they can't vote that day.
    Also Rachel commented on the abortion bill.The sonogam is a invasive vaginal probe not the kind of sonogram we think of.The house passed a 24 hour waiting period between sonogram that the woman is forced to watch and hear the heart beat.The law makes the doctor follow through even if he doesn't want to.The cost of the sonogram and explanation will be passed on to the woman. Implementing this and policing this will cost the state millions.
    This is crazy.They are bringing up these bills so fast we don't have time to educate the population.
    Also in Texas the legislature is taking vast amounts of funds from public education.We were already 43rd the the country for spending in schools.Tomorrow morning we are staging a huge and march rally in Austin.I'll let you know how it goes.
    All I can say is write, email or call your elected officials about these issues.

  28. Anonymous10:49 AM

    that Koch's rethugs are employing to try and again steal the White House.

    No, it's more than that. They are trying to steal the country.

  29. In Arizona, we have a permanent Early Ballot list. We get our ballots and can vote several weeks before Election Day. We can mail in our ballot, take it to an Early Ballot site, or deposit it in a locked container at the polling place on Election Day. Now Governor "Death Panels" and her master, Russell Pearce are trying to pass a law to require voters to have those early ballots notarized before submitting them. Great news, as Rachel would say, if you are a Republican.But many of us who are Democrats are elderly, ortoo young to want to go to all that trouble etc.

  30. I'm glad I'm no longer a Floridian. That guy is a crook!

    Gee, when I was a kid (in Florida), I was a Republican. I was a RINO until I officially changed parties in 2007.

    Back when I was a kid, the Republicans were fiscally conservative (not a bad thing), but still had hearts and souls. They left me behind with their anti-choice, anti-women party platforms, among other things.

    In my current state, when I was registering voters in 2008, I was pleased to inform potential voters that as long as you were no longer on parole, etc. you were welcome to vote. No waiting. I liked the smiles I got. Seems fair--you've paid your "debt", why shouldn't you be able to vote?!

  31. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Nothing is wrong with the wording of your post.

    The voter fraud issue has been promoted for years by the Republicans. It was part of the explanation of why Bill Clinton won. The lie works for Republicans. It was partially responsible for the US Attornies firings by the Bush administration.
    Really every vote for someone other than a Republican "proves" there is something wrong. What did Karl Rove used to say about a "permanant Republican majority"? They are still working on it. So is Karl.

    Here is something Rachel Maddow will have on her show tonight. When there is a disaster warning or prevention system, Republicans want to reduce funding or eliminate it. Like tsunami warning systems. Really. Just google tsunami warning Republican cuts.

    This is just as stupid as Bobby Jindahl talking about 'wasting' funds on volcano monitoring and warning systems. Crack smoking monkeys would do better than these Republican azzhats. Crack smoking monkeys might randomly vote for something that makes sense.

  32. With every move the GOP makes they are subconsciously admitting they are scared to death of the 2012 elections, whether it's the changes in the identification needed to vote, the attempt to remove the influence of the unions and of course, the Citizens United case which proved our Supreme Court Justices to be guilty of accepting bribes in the form of a payment for golfing, meals, airfare and a "conference" that the Koch Bros. sponsored. Yet all I hear is the Democratic party is afraid of Palin, LOL! Her own party knows that she is an idiot even if her crazy followers at the PeeZoo are unaware. They are so delusional yet there's no pity for them when they tell one lie after another in each of their so called "editorials" they print. They use previous stories they wrote to back up current stories as if that gives them any credibility.

    I wish there were other journalists who were as thorough as Rachel. She also has the ability to admit when she has made a mistake and has apologized for doing so. I have hope for Lawrence O'Donnell but not unless he stops these idiotic stories about Charlie Sheen. He is not news! What the GOP is trying to do the country is news and it is being ignored by most of the media and of course, Fox doesn't ignore it, instead they do their usual and lie about the situation.

    For the first time in my life, at the age of 48, I can honestly say that I'm truly worried for the future of our country. The GOP has proven there is no low to which they won't stoop in order to achieve what they want. There is no lie they won't spin, and no member of the GOP they won't stand behind despite their past or present reprehensible behavior, as in Vitter or Ensign, and of course, there's Gingrich who's out there trying to hold himself out as the role model of a family values man. Do they question any of them? No, they reinforce their lies and then try to find a Democratic member of Congress to go after instead. Things have to change and it looks as if the GOP feels the same way. However, if the changes go their way, we really won't recognize our country in ten years. It's damn frightening at this point and I've never been one of those people who jumps on the conspiracy theory bandwagon or thinks that "this is the end" or some other similar type of nonsense.

    The Democratic party needs to find their voice and use it, loud and clear, to send a message to all Americans. The GOP walked all over us in the 2010 election because there was no cohesive message being sent to the Democrats around the country. We can't let it happen again.

  33. djthefreethinker12:35 PM

    Mr. Gryphen,

    Excuse me while I rant. And no, this isn't about race, it's about 1) a repeat of my history in the US with a much bigger tent, 2) the realization that old, rich white men do not want to be in a country where they are the minority and not in control of the government, and 3) witnessing in real-time how people let their emotions and ignorance set them up for failure.

    I'm torn on how I feel about this whole Republican take-over, union-busting, take away your right to vote thing. I'm a minority so my window pane has a slightly different tint than white America.

    After experiencing the tail end of the Civil Rights movement in the South up to the current nightmare President Obama is still going through, what I don't understand is why people are blaming the lack of a Democratic message as the reason why Republicans won in 2010. When people say they were waiting on the Democrat's message, I'm trying to figure our why were they waiting on someone to do the thinking for them. No, I didn't see Democrats make a stand last year either but I also know that he who has the money controls the message and not to trust anything "they" said. Everyone has watched and heard enough of FOX News lies to make up their own minds. However, for those who bashed this President for working with the heap of shit that was already in Congress, even after he repeatedly showed that he was trying to do what's best for this country, I just don't understand how anyone had great expectations of him being able to produce any results. That man has produced many great achievements in his short time in office yet, his achievements are constantly minimized the moment he makes them. It was laziness and a mistaken sense of a "surely they won't win" attitude that let Republicans win. Obama only governs. He can't tell people that are voted into power what to do in Congress.

    So, forgive me if I say, "Screw you!" (the Republicans and Independents that suddenly feel jilted and lied to by the Tea Baggers and Republicans and the Democrats that stayed on their lazy asses and didn't vote in 2010). You're getting exactly what you deserve. If you send shitty people to Congress, don't get mad when you get shitty results. Now we're all seeing the consequences of how Democrats and Republicans let the race-baiting smoke screen of the Koch Tea Party & their Sarah Palin tool jack up the entire voting system of the country. The sad part . . . As a minority, it looks like the majority of America is finally getting what America has always felt we deserved. Welcome to my world. Now poor, young, uneducated white men, women and their children are blatantly aware that they have always been considered part of the minority population in America especially since it's you that make up the majority of groups that rely on social services in America (food stamps, medicaid, etc.).

    Pay attention! Turn off your reality tv shows! Use your brains! Get off your asses and vote for your best interests! Hint: It's not a Republican.

  34. Anonymous12:59 PM

    And let me guess. Right after these actions become law, THEN Obama will condemn them. Just like he waited until AFTER the travesty of the Citizens United ruling to condemn it, even though it had been on the SCOTUS document for some time and everyone knew it was coming.

    I'm sorry, I know he has fans on this site including Gryphen, but I barely have any support left for the man. He is watching the rightwingers pick off every group that votes Democratic, one by one, without barely saying anything and doing exactly nothing. It started with ACORN and now look what they're doing to unions and all their other devilish schemes as reported by Rachel.

    He's either a coward or a closet conservative, and neither is acceptable. Regardless, we can stop hoping for his leadership and just start hoping instead that he'll stay the hell out of our way.

  35. Anonymous1:49 PM

    People who either voted GOP in these states or didn't vote at all are getting more than they ever bargained for. I watch Rachel Maddow because she does her homework and is extremely informative. At times, it's bitter medicine to watch her show and listen to the shenanigans the GOOPERS are up to, but it's absolutely necessary in order to combat their transparent power grab.

  36. Anonymous3:18 PM

    These are things that Herr Walker is trying to get rid of in Wisconsin.

  37. It's fascism and I don't understand why the media that are brave enough and capable enough of calling a spade a spade aren't calling it exactly what it is.

    Fascism should be more accurately called corporatism since it is the combination of government and the corporate state. - Mussolini.

    Danger signs of fascism:
    1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
    2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.
    3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.
    4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.
    5. Rampant sexism.
    6. A controlled mass media.
    7. Obsession with national security.
    8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.
    9. Power of corporations protected.
    10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.
    11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.
    12. Obsession with crime and punishment.
    13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.
    14. Fraudulent elections.

    1.Instability of capitalist relationships or markets

    2.The existence of considerable declassed social elements

    3.The stripping of rights and wealth focused upon a specific segment of the population, specifically the middle class and intellectuals within urban areas as this is the group with the means, intelligence and ability to stop fascism if given the opportunity.

    4.Discontent among the rural lower middle class (clerks, secretaries, white collar labor). Consistent discontent among the general middle and lower middle classes against the oppressing upper-classes (haves vs have-nots).

    5.Hate: Pronounced, perpetuated and accepted public disdain of a specific group defined by race, origin, theology or association.

    6.Greed: The motivator of fascism, which is generally associated with land, space or scarce resources in the possession of those being oppressed.

    7.Organized Propaganda:

    a) The creation of social mythology that venerates (creates saints of) one element of society while concurrently vilifying (dehumanizing) another element of the population through misinformation, misdirection and the obscuring of factual matter through removal, destruction or social humiliation, (name-calling, false accusations, belittling and threats).

    b) The squelching of public debate not agreeing with the popular agenda via slander, libel, threats, theft, destruction, historical revisionism and social humiliation. Journalists in particular are terrorized if they attempt to publish stories contrary to the agenda.

  38. This is one of the reasons that rules governing elections should NOT be left to the states but should be standardized across the nation.

    If they can claim schools need to have national standards then surely elections are important enough to have them too.

  39. "Anonymous said... Punkinbugg- but as long as those illegals have gun permits they can vote, right? 10:32 AM"

    I would hope if you're illegal, then you don't have a gun permit, but then again... this is Texas.

    Molly Ivins said this 21 TWENTY-ONE years ago:

    "We have a President (Bush 41) who vetoed Congress' first effort to raise the minimum wage in 13 years, but suppors a tax cut for the richest people in the nation, and House Democrats are offended that anyone should introduce the notion of class-warfare politics into the discussion? ... A normal Democrat would kill for an issue like that .. (but they) recoiled in horror. What the hell do they think the Republicans are practicing --- MAH-JOHNGG?"

    Yet here we are, 21 years later, we are still stunned by the tricks and dirty, dirty things they will do. Molly would be appalled of the (R)'s but very proud of the (D)'s. Obama! Whoulda thunk it?

    For our primary in 2008, the Obama delegates were at my little voting precinct en masse and EDUCATED. They had brochures telling them exactly what to do with our weird two-tier primary system. (vote then caucus) I sure hope they are preparing for 2012 & plan to help as much as I can.

  40. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I understood where you were coming from, G --
    Frankly, hearing Rachel's report literally made me feel ill. It's sickening these fuckers can't EVER seem to win except by fighting dirty! Pisses me off.


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