Monday, March 21, 2011

Want to cure somebody of being gay? There's an app for that.

A controversy is erupting around a new application for the iPhone that claims gay people can be "cured," and that gay kids should be put through therapy to "fix" their sexual orientation.

Believe it or not, Apple is providing Exodus International -- an organization that promotes "conversion therapy" to try to brainwash gay people into turning straight -- a platform on iTunes for their homophobic iPhone app. This, despite the fact that Exodus believes that LGBT people should be confronted with "spiritual warfare," and that "freedom from homosexuality" should be a societal goal.

Worse, Apple has given the Exodus app a 4+ rating on iTunes, labeling the app "non-offensive," even though the group tells gay kids that their sexual orientation is "immoral," "satanic," and in need of a cure -- factors that contribute to teen suicide.

Apple has been a strong ally to the LGBT community for years, even donating $100,000 to defeat California’s Proposition 8, the state’s ban on marriage equality. Just a few months ago, Apple actually removed another app from iTunes that labeled same-sex couples "immoral sexual partnerships" following pressure from members and others.

Exodus International’s "ex-gay" app deserves to be pulled from iTunes as well. "Conversion therapy" has been universally condemned by every major medical and scientific organization around the world. The American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, and American Counseling Association have all rejected "ex-gay" therapy, saying that it results in catastrophic damage to the mental health of its victims.

If you find this as offensive and small minded as I do you can click here and sign the petition to ask Apple to removed the "ex-gay" phone app.

Personally I am surprised that a company as progressive and cutting edge as Apple would allow this sort of thing to be promoted using their product.


  1. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I just signed the petition. I can't believe they would say that bullshit is not offensive!

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    In my youth, I thought there was a "cure" for being gay. That it was "abnormal"-- but... I went to church back then. When I got out into the world, so to speak, I had friends who had friends who were gay. My analytical mind and curiousity started to take over. I became acquainted with gay people. Now some of my best friends are gay. I love them like I love other compassionate, kind, wonderful people. - I suppose the uneducated can think there is a "cure" - because some gay people seem to flip flop. But, it isn't about curing some behavior. One in thousand babies are actually born with genitalia from both sexes (like testicles and uterus). The parent and doctor make a decision at their birth, which sex they are to be. As this child grows up, they have conflicted hormonal things going on, because they have both hormones. It takes years of confusion, heartache, medical intervention for this individual to work all of this out. It's a huge decision ("coming out of the closet") for people born with such a dilemma, as their hormones dictate their gender. Friends and family, and the community need to be gentle and supportive. - Christians who are on the fence about gender identity, should read Bishop John Spong.

  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I signed the petition last night. This is getting beyond ridiculous. They're infiltrating every aspect of our lives. And we need to keep speaking out against every attack.

    Thanks Gryphen!

  4. Anonymous6:13 AM

    You would think with all the advancements we've made in science that we could finally put this debate to rest! Once and for all, being gay is not a choice! It is not something that someone can change! My mom knew my older sister was a lesbian from the time she was a little girl! Ask anyone who is gay and they will tell you they've known forever, it's just who they are! How about an app for curing stupid, apple? Oh, yeah, I forgot, SP is our proof that you can't cure stupid.

  5. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Yeah, my gay son LOVES his Apple computer. Wonder how he will feel about this? I am hopeful that Apple will take care of this & remove it.

    The funny thing though is that one of his college friends got a job there after graduation (college). He is gay as well & said they are a good company to work for.

    Exodus Int'l - Believe me I know that they are absolutely evil. Many of the people who worked with them and were "cured" ended up leaving because they couldn't stay cured. This is why I am sure Ted Haggard and all the other pastors have affairs with men, etc. Can't be a Christian unless you buy the bull & hide.


  6. womanwithsardinecan6:48 AM

    I'm thoroughly offended and I signed the petition.

  7. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Hey- watch this- Transgender singing contestant.

  8. The problem is, if the app itself doesn't contain their usual attack rhetoric, there's not much Apple can do to kick out the app. The KKK could put out a recipe app, and if the app didn't contain their usual racist crap, it would pass Apple.

    As it is, neither the article nor the petition make any mention of the actual content of the app, only the usual message of the developers.

  9. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Social conservatives are absolutists. They rally behind two causes that are sacred to them: ¨life¨ (which must be saved from abortionists) and ¨family¨ (which must be saved from gays).

    Miscarriages, aka ¨God´s quality control,¨ aka spontaneous abortions, and all the gay insects and animals in God´s Kingdom are conveniently ignored.

    Isn´t ignoring God bad?

  10. Erica from Dallas7:59 AM

    As an American I believe we should be able to openly love who we choose.
    When straight people fall in love they can share this love with their friends family ,co-workers and church.They can celebrate and grieve.
    As a gay person they have to hide this important part of their life.
    I just can't imagine in 2011 gay people are still considered to be less-than in any way.
    Shame on Apple!!!!

  11. Signed and emails sent to others requesting they consider signing as well. Thanks for the heads-up.

    - ks sunflower

  12. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Phooey. This app will be a big fail, and I bet the primary downloads will be gay men who will mock it for the next decade.

  13. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Fuck Apple.

  14. Lynne8:44 AM

    Here's a link for anyone interested in gender identity or families who are raising gender non-conforming and transgender children.

    I'm proud to tell you the producer of this website and the annual conference/workshops is my son.

  15. Anonymous9:21 AM

    This is silly. Pitching this hissy fit is going to guarantee the app doesn't get lost in thousands upon thousands of unknown apps and gets front page publicity. People who never would have even seen the app will know download it just to satisfy their curiosity. Top 25 Download list, here it comes!

    Nice going. Sarah has taught y'all well. Make a big stink out of something to insure everyone knows about it, then bitch about everyone knowing about it.

  16. Gasman11:22 AM

    All it takes to de-gay someone is an iPhone app?

    Who knew?

  17. laprofesora11:25 AM

    All we need now is an app to take the stupid.

  18. (I guess my first try on this didn't make it from my computer to Gryphen, so here goes again.)

    For anyone interested in transgender issues or for families raising gender non-conforming and transgender children, here is a link that will give you a lot of information on the subject.

    I'm also very proud of my son who is the producer of the annual workshops/conferences referred to on the website and has been a dedicated gender activist for many years.

  19. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I don't think Apple rates the apps. They are rated by people who use the apps which can include the company of course.

  20. Lynne1:41 PM

    Hey, Gryphen, was there something about my comment and the link you don't like? Why isn't it posted?

  21. laprofesora1:44 PM

    I meant to say "to take away" the stupid. Guess I could use one of those apps.

  22. Lynne2:28 PM

    I must be suffering from impatience today...sorry.

  23. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "All it takes to de-gay someone is an iPhone app?"

    Sure thing, buckaroo. Just stick it up your butt. Violà -- cured! Hah!

    Everyone has to live their life as best they can according to what drives them. All of these people that feel a need to "change" people need to just mind their own damned business.

  24. Anonymous8:49 PM

    "Conversion therapy" has been universally condemned by every major medical and scientific organization around the world. The American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, and American Counseling Association have all rejected "ex-gay" therapy, saying that it results in catastrophic damage to the mental health of its victims.

    What would this be called? "Conversion therapy"?
    A former youth pastor arrested in Iowa on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation allegedly told teenage boys he was trying to help them gain "sexual purity in the eyes of God."

    Just to be clear this was pray the gay away while molesting.

    Court documents show Girouex told investigators he had sexual contact with a teenage boy 25 to 50 times over a four-year period, starting when the boy was 14-years-old. He allegedly told investigators that it was his duty as a youth pastor "to help [the teen] with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with him."

    More information and commentary about this church here.

    The web site of Victory Fellowship Church in Council Bluffs, Iowa, has much in common with conservative evangelical churches that host fraudulent “ex-gay” ministries:

  25. Anonymous10:08 PM

    This falls under the 'want to make money, spread fear and ignorance through an app for that' - what year Is this?

    A relative returned from Ecuador, where the state legitimizes de-homosexualization treatments in rehabilitation clinics for addicts.

    The therapy should be directed towards those who cannot handle their existence.

    Artikulacion Esporadika, along with other collectives produced a calendar. Proceeds went to promoting public action that can give them the power to denounce oppression exercised against them, to make their struggles visible in order to transform the social context surrounding them. -quoted from the calendar

    On the cover: 'somos las existencias que el estado no quiere nombrar - no nos vamos a callar!'

    We are those who exist that the state refuses to name - and we won't shut up!

    The calendar has some strong images. They aren't going to play nice in the face of state sanctioned discrimination. This, from those living in the surrounds of Quito, Ecuador and its jungles.



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