Monday, March 21, 2011

While in India Palin identifies China as new Republican bogeyman, suggests they might launch military offensive. In other words, BOO!

From the Daily Mail:

While in India yesterday Mrs Palin suggested China is preparing itself to launch a military offensive.

She questioned why the Far East country was stockpiling ballistic missiles, submarines and ‘new-age, ultramodern aircraft’ seemed unjustified when it did not face an outside threat.

‘What’s with the military buildup?’ She said. ‘China’s military growth can’t just be for defensive purposes.’

While our President is in South America using diplomacy to win hearts for America, while dealing with a very troubling problem in Libya, Snowdrift Snooki is spreading fear and distrust of what is rapidly becoming perhaps the most powerful nation on the planet.

If ever there were a starker contrast between what we need in a President, and what we should avoid at all cost, I believe this about sums it up.

And before the Republicans follow Palin's lead and start vilifying China, as they are apt to do when the Grizzled Mama identifies a target, they might well remember that currently America is China's bitch, and whose policy decisions made that possible.

George Bush started two unnecessary wars, with the full support of the Republican party, and charged the cost of those conflicts on a credit card issued by China. This effectively made our ability to deal with China impotent since we now owe them in excess of two trillion dollars. Saber rattling and empty threats do not work when directed at the country with the ability to repossess your saber.

Of course China is going to use their leverage to build up their military, which they undoubtedly feel they will need when they take their place as the world's newest superpower.   An eventuality that is certainly not out of the realm of possibilities, which is why it behooves America to deal with China in an honest and diplomatic manner while taking the opportunity to partner with them whenever it presents itself.

After all countries are far more likely to take advice from a nation they respect and have alliances with than from a potential enemy they no longer fear. (By the way China has increased their spending to around 90 billion while America now spends a whopping 661 billion annually.)

Which is yet another reason to keep a Republican out of the White House as long as possible, especially a war mongering, foreign relations ignoramus like Sarah Palin.

Update: By the way for those who have been asking, Palin's trip to India and Israel WAS funded by SarahPAC. I heard Norah O'Donnell report as much this morning.  No surprise really, but what do these people really expect to gain by sending their hard earned money to this fraud so that she can go on vacation overseas?


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    bullshit. Clinton fuckedus over royally with China. Bush did not start it

  2. Chenagrrl8:09 AM

    She needs to read "White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga. It would educate her on India, as well as its relationship with China. Where did she think she was visiting? We can only hope the group she spoke to is the equivalent of the Wasilla chamber of commerce and state fair committee. Let us pray that the only reason the Kama Sutra gang wanted her was for a look at the push-up bra. Sad.

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    What country has the largest stockpile of OFFENSIVE weapons?

    Why it's the good ol' US of A. If I was China, I'd be stockpiling too.


  4. Anonymous8:24 AM

    That's right, Scara, flash a little thigh at your audience. *Sigh* She is SUCH an embarrassment.

    As for China, they don't need to attack us, they already have us by the balls.

    Scara and people like her will always need an enemy to justify their own hatefulness.

  5. Anonymous8:28 AM

    ‘What’s with our great nation's military buildup?’

    To preventively attack any country that might possibly be thinking of doing something that doesn't please us!

    O.K. -we're broke, but that's another story.

  6. molemann8:30 AM

    No shit, Rick @8:18.
    And Anon @7:59am, learn how to write. While you're at it, try reading a real history book. You know. The one that doesn't have Kool-Aid drooled all over it.

  7. I'll admit, China gives me the willies. From honey bees to dog food to children's toys, all fingers point to ... China ... And doesn't Rupert Murdoch have some vested interest in their success?

    MSNBC is reporting this morning that Sarah Palin took a nasty swipe at Obama while on her Grizzled Tour of the Orient, and the only two words that come to mind are: DIXIE CHICKS

    Too bad we can't BAN HER from the radio for dissing our President.

  8. Anonymous8:32 AM

    You just can't fix stupid, and Sarah is really stupid and a know nothing blowhard.

    This woman would destroy what is left of America by trashing Americans and our President. She needs to be tried for treason.

  9. Gasman8:34 AM

    She's making it VERY clear to the rest of the world that if she gets elected POTUS, the rest of the world is pretty much screwed. She is a hair trigger hyper reactionary imbecilic asshole with a deep seated sense of insecurity who would bring America's nuclear arsenal into play over perceived slights she read on blogs.

    This nitwit would personally try to initiate the sequence of events in the book of Revelations, so clearly told to her by other people.

    Her co-mingling of arrogance and ignorance in fairly equal proportions would be fatal to our nation and planet if she ever achieved ultimate power. Look what happened during W's time in office - an illegal war, wholesale violations of our constitutional rights, torture, lies by the ton. As stupid as Bush is, he is DEMONSTRABLY smarter than Palin.

    There is no fucking way that can allow this nitwit anywhere near the keys to our nuclear arsenal.

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Hurry up, IRS, FEC.


  11. Gasman8:35 AM

    You could have stopped your post after the first four words:

    "She needs to read."

  12. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Punkinbugg - great comment

    Isn't it amazing what happened to the Dixie Chicks cause while out of the country they said they were ashamed of Bush? They were almost tar and feathered by the Republicans.

    But now stupid Sarah goes screeching about President Obama and lying while out of the country while we are involved in wars and the lame-brain media and Republicans just put a rag in their months and sit on their asses and say nothing.

    Sarah is a traitor and a lying stupid bitch and the Republicans and the media better start reporting on her utter nonsense and hateful rheotric. She is stiring up the crazies in this country and could cause further harm to others besides what the idiot help cause in Arizona.

  13. Anonymous8:43 AM

    OT alert

    Thom Hartmann reads email from disabused R retired teacher. Appaled by Wi.

    Very articulate letter well worth the listen.

    Gryphen you choice whether to post since is OT

  14. Anonymous8:48 AM

    New skirt? THis one actually comes to her knees when sitting! Is this supposed to make her babble make sense?

  15. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Does she cross/uncross her legs from that position, like Sharon Stone, or a fox commentator?

  16. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I won't comment on her comments because they are, as usual, worthless.

    However, I will give Sarah a suggestion regarding presentation: hire a competent stylist, woman!

    You are looking dowdy, tasteless, and tired. Your age is showing as is your lack of style. Of course, that seems to coordinate well with your lack of sense and smarts.

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Sarah Palin is praying at the Western Wall and visiting Benjamin Netanyahu. Dan Ephron on why the journey won’t help her much with American Jews—and what the real game plan is.

    At a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, she was expected to distance herself from the position of some fellow Tea Partiers—chiefly Congressman Rand Paul—in favor of cutting aid to Israel.

  18. Anonymous9:01 AM

    She is a dangerous asshole.She really needs to be careful about opening her ugly mouth. I'd say she's made a lot of dangerous enemies this weekend alone.

  19. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Does she forget that China as a sovereign nation, like the US, has the right to defend themselves and protect their resources?

  20. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Todd was sarah´s stylist on this trip. It was his duty to fine tune her before she stepped on stage. He was sitting in the audience admiring his handiwork and thought ¨BOOM! Taste my ugly stick.¨

  21. Anonymous9:22 AM

    How much longer will we have to be embarrassed by the execrable SP travelling circus? (The ultimate absurb circus at that!)

    Sad that we are at the point where a controversial, under-educated agitating expert-on-nothing (excepting media spotlight, making money and trouble) can globe trot and make discomfiting, disconcerting, and disturbing, statements, and basically remain unchallenged by the major media outlets. All the while this pro-war scam artist is using the trip as a means for photo ops, grandstanding to her xtian base and boosting her unfavorable image (after all the negative press coverage regarding the Tripp affair, etc.) and as a means to appear as some expert on foreign policy--no experience or credentials necessary.

    She is shameless and she cheapens and degrades the national political discourse, not to mention her laughable masquerade as some great knowledgeable foreign policy rep. How humiliating for this country!!!

  22. TwoBlueJays9:24 AM

    There WAS a story on HuffPo's front page re her Israel trip but it dropped off earlier this morning...presumably due to lack of interest vis-a-vis comments. If so, all I can say is keep up the disinterest! If only it was so easy to make her disappear in real life...

  23. Anonymous9:25 AM

    She looks very thin, again. Maybe it was just jetlag or maybe other stresses are taking a visible toll?

  24. Anonymous9:27 AM

    ‘What’s with the military buildup?’ She said. ‘China’s military growth can’t just be for defensive purposes.’ All I can say is RAM really screwed up this time - didn't she tell Sarah the Stupid that India and China fought a war in 1962, and that China provided military support to Pakistan during the 1999 war with India.....unbelievably stupid.

  25. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Actually, her questions about China aren't necessarily out of the realm of reality, it's just that other people have been asking these questions for years. As usual, she's just ripping off what others have stated.

    What I'm surprised isn't being covered more is her sickening praise for India for "breaking union's grip on industry." That's a backhanded way of stating her support for outsourcing that has drained this country of millions of jobs. I would really like to see more bloggers jump on such an astounding comment coming from a politician who is supposedly "just one of the working class!"

  26. Anonymous9:30 AM

    As much as I am embarrassed by her behavior, appearance, words and actions - I am gratified that these little "pageant-walkin'" trips of hers showcase her stupidity to such an extent that folks on the right like Frum speak - finally. She is headed for a rude wake-up when they really unleash to dogs to stop her. It's just math: she can win the nomination but will lose the general election, ensuring an Obama landslide!

  27. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Gryphen: "No surprise really, but what do these people really expect to gain by sending their hard earned money to this fraud so that she can go on vacation overseas?"

    What do they expect to gain? The vicarious thrill of making someone else rich since they never will be themselves. I know, it sounds impossible that anyone could be so mentally unhinged as to willingly fork over their money for such a purpose, but these people have allowed themselves to become thoroughly brainwashed, similar to cult members who give up all their possessions to the cult leader.

    In fact, Sarah Palin uses many of the same tactics on her followers that cult leaders use...convince the group that it's them against the world, that the cult leader is "one of them" and the one strongest enough to save them from their perceived enemies. Works like a charm, apparently.

  28. Randall9:39 AM

    Sarah states with conviction that we don't criticize our President when on foreign soil...

    And then in the next breath criticizes our President while on foreign soil - accusing him of poor leadership because of his "dithering."

    ...and then in virtually the next breath, dithers on whether or not she's running for election in 2012.

  29. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Gasman said...

    She's making it VERY clear to the rest of the world that if she gets elected POTUS, the rest of the world is pretty much screwed.

    I thought her popularity with voters was in the toilet. If that's the case, how in blue blazes could she ever hope to win the Presidency?

  30. Anonymous9:42 AM

    hey uneducated retard @ 7:59....try going back to tricky dick nixon to see who started the door open with china if you can, doubt you're capable but give it a whirl anyhow

  31. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:43 AM

    Gasman @ 8:34am:

    X2. There are times I'm afraid that her Fundie ma$ters have convinced the Delusional One that she holds the fate of the world in her bony paws, and they'll see to it that she gets "elected" to fulfill her/their mission. Only thing that pulls me out of that funk: most rational people sense that this dingbat couldn't govern her way out of a greasy Taco Bell wrapper.

    Hope that iceberg hits before a POTUS nomination, regardless...

  32. Randall9:47 AM

    ...and ya know...

    If someone wanted to make a bunch of money really quickly - they could manufacture SarahPalin "hats".

    A really cheap, combination of bumpit-and-wig that one can slip on just before going out.

    You know; don't hafta wash yer hair, just comb down the bangs and slip on the ol' "SP-Hair-Hat" and yer good to go - you betcha!

    Only comes in one color: road-kill brown.

    Call it "the Sphailin" or somethin dontchaknow.

  33. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Is she wearing her bathrobe? WTH is that red thing she's trying to wear?

  34. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Sarah-related, but off-topic;

    I'm really bothered by a post up at Alaska WTF providing aerial photos, addresses and other contact info for Palin, her father, and other people in her orbit as a response to her 'fears' of her stalker finding out where she lives. Granted, it is public info, and her 'fears' are mostly in her head, but how does this differ from baiting some crazy to shoot Giffords? Her contact info was also public. Despite that, we all believed that Palin providing a handy map (complete with target) for a nutjob was reckless and we strongly condemned it when a nutjob actually took the bait and Giffords was shot. Why is it okay (based on the comments at WTF) for someone on the left to do essentially the same thing?

    This sort of thing completely dilutes any effort the left makes to distinguish themselves from the mean, violent, petty right. When something is wrong, I hope the difference for us is that we will say so and not let dangerous, juvenile ideology silence us into condoning the unacceptable.

    No matter how I look at this, it seems just plain wrong. That's not 'moralizing,' it's trying to live by the standards we set for others. I'd be interested to hear feedback from others on it.

  35. Anonymous9:59 AM

    To the dumbass at 7:59...

    So now everything is either Clinton or Obama's fault, huh? So all of the crap we're facing now has nothing to do with the guy who just served two terms??? No only did Bush not cause it, but there was nothing he could do about in 8 years, right? How about some personal responsibility, or is that just reserved for blaming Democrats? You sound just like your queen...Obama sure has messed up her family and political career, hasn't he?

  36. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Obama has a policy that it is OK to assassinate an American if it is necessary for our security.

    The word rendition or disappear also come to mind.

    Would Todd object?

  37. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Lieberman still around reminding us not to forget about his beloved Middle East!

  38. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "..seemed unjustified when it did not face an outside threat."

    Somewhere in China at that very moment a Chinese politico wearing the same red shorty bathrobe, was saying those exact words (in Chinese) about the United States.

  39. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Gawker has published the pics of Jeremy Morlock with his "kill".


    Nice friends, Bristol.

  40. Anonymous10:44 AM

    We can see that Sarah really meant it when she declared that the arts are a frivolous waste of money.

    She clearly lacks any coherent sense of style and/or taste,so she has absolutely no understanding of aesthetics.

    The only period where she appeared appropriate and seriously tasteful was when the campaign dressed her.

    She would come off better if she appeared totally uninterested in style, rather than come off like a trend-conscious teenager who can't figure out who she really is.

  41. betsy s10:51 AM

    OT, here, Gryphon, but the NYTimes has the article from Der Spiegel with the photos of Jeremy Morlock and his victim. Has no one questioned SP about her knowledge of this incident, the apparently close connection of the families, specifically Willow and the vandalized house owned by the Morlocks in Wasilla?
    Morlock is planning a plea deal to name other rogue soldiers to avoid the death penalty for murder.

  42. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Anonymous at 9:30 A.M.

    What I'm surprised isn't being covered more is her sickening praise for India for "breaking union's grip on industry." That's a backhanded way of stating her support for outsourcing that has drained this country of millions of jobs. I would really like to see more bloggers jump on such an astounding comment coming from a politician who is supposedly "just one of the working class!"


    YES! And furthermore the host at the India talk/interview clearly got her to voice her approval of the U.S. outsourcing jobs to India. This was near the beginning of his sit-down with her. I'm surprised more haven't brought it up.

    What would her avid baggers think of this? You know, the great majority of them who do NOT own businesses, but depend on Americn JOBS?

  43. To quote Keith Olbermann, "That woman is an idiot!"

    Even President Obama's ten year old daughter Sasha had the smarts to request some help with her language skills in Mandarin Chinese from China's leader when he visited the White House last month.

  44. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Hey Rick, i agree with you asked the same question.

  45. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Palin quits on Bethlehem:

  46. Anonymous11:05 AM

    "She looks very thin, again. Maybe it was just jetlag or maybe other stresses are taking a visible toll?"

    addicts often look thin - meth addicts look thinner than most.

  47. I have to agree that I was also uncomfortable with seeing the Palin addresses, etc. posted like that. It was inappropriate to say the least and no better than the right wingers who have done it to the left. I realize WTF rarely (if ever?) takes the high road on these things, but I thought it was offensive and creepy.

  48. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Chuckie must'a told Scary that the only reason she lost in 2008 is because she was not "the top of the ticket". She is so delusional, she actually believes it to be true.

  49. Anonymous11:10 AM

    plea deal or not - he better go to jail for a LONG TIME. He was Bristol's prom date....maybe he's the father of her 2007.

    doubt if she knows who the father is because it could have been one of dozens. She was EZ PZ hard to PleZE.

  50. Anonymous11:26 AM

    By banning the media from all her events she is effectively keeping herself out of the public eye during her recent trips. So far, there has been very little written about the trips. How refreshing. I can only hope that this trend of disinterest continues.

  51. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I want this fucking woman locked up - wish to God they'd go after her for the illegal things she and Toad have done in Alaska.

    She better hire more protection when she returns to the USA.

  52. Anonymous11:33 AM

    This retard likes to warn and scare people.

    I wonder if Palin ever warned people that her kid sells drugs?
    I wonder if Palin ever warned people that her kids cut school bus brake lines and endanger other people’s kids?
    I wonder if Palin ever warned people that her daughter does not use protection and the chances are high that their son will impregnate her?
    I wonder if Palin ever warned people that her kids may break into their house if they are out of town?
    I wonder if Palin ever warned people that her husband solicits prostitutes?
    I wonder if Palin ever warned people that her child makes money talking to other kids and she has no training or education?
    I wonder if Palin ever warned people or countries that if you pay her for a speech today, she’ll talk about you tomorrow?

  53. Anonymous11:34 AM

    9:48 Hate to say this, but I think it is time for the left to get as nasty as are the Republicans. They are horrible at what they say and want to do to the middle class, plus the fact they love being at war, no matter what the cost!

    I've been reviewing this crap for over two years now and get madder and madder each day. I'm not going to be nice any longer and polite. Forget about it!

  54. Be prepared to have your day, or your week, or the rest of your life changed if you go look at the Jeremy Morlock pictures at Gawker. I'm sorry I did...

  55. Anonymous11:36 AM

    betsy s said...
    OT, here, Gryphon, but the NYTimes has the article from Der Spiegel with the photos of Jeremy Morlock and his victim. Has no one questioned SP about her knowledge of this incident, the apparently close connection of the families, specifically Willow and the vandalized house owned by the Morlocks in Wasilla?
    Morlock is planning a plea deal to name other rogue soldiers to avoid the death penalty for murder.

    10:51 AM

    Maybe this Wasilla boy will make a deal like Track Palin did when Track cut the school bus brake lines. Maybe this kid can avoid jail time by joining the Army too?

    Oops I forgot he is already in the Army.

  56. Anonymous11:40 AM

    betsy s said...
    OT, here, Gryphon, but the NYTimes has the article from Der Spiegel with the photos of Jeremy Morlock and his victim. Has no one questioned SP about her knowledge of this incident, the apparently close connection of the families, specifically Willow and the vandalized house owned by the Morlocks in Wasilla?
    Morlock is planning a plea deal to name other rogue soldiers to avoid the death penalty for murder.

    10:51 AM

    I wonder what Sarah Palin thinks Jeremy Morlock punishment should be? Remember the kid who read her emails? Sarah wanted him in prison just for guessing her password, so I'm sure she would want the death penalty for this Wasilla kid's crime.

  57. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Poor Sarah she probably thought she was heading down to Epcot center to brush up her foreign policy.

  58. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Actually we probably on spend about 90 billion as well. The other 571B is skimmed off in fraud and waste

  59. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Sarah is so stupid. Rebecca Mansour and other people around her must be also. THEY ARE ALL TRAITORS TO THE USA. Any time you go to a foreign country and talk bad about you president you are a traitor. Remember the Dixie Chicks. This woman is a thousand time worse. She need to be jailed as a traitor to her country.

  60. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Wouldn't it have been better for Lou $arah (formerly known as Sarah Palin) NOT to bring China into the discussion at this point? Maybe wait until AFTER she's actually been to China? If memory serves, this trip to India was the first time she's even set foot in Asia, correct? I love how her first stop was an upscale shopping mall. Her hero, Ivana Trump, must be so proud.

  61. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Her crossed eyes are very obvious in that photo. Looks like RAM is picking out her (gawd-awful) clothes now. That jacket is really fugly.

  62. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Waiting for Dorothy: The unbearable quiet of Hadas Fogel
    By Bernie Quigley - 03/21/11
    The Hill

    "As Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and their parents, Ruth and Udi Fogel, were stabbed to death by terrorists in their home in Itamar, and 3-month-old Hadas had her throat slashed, France’s Sarko urged Obama to open fire on Gadhafi. These were parallel events, although we on the far perimeter of the world’s four corners might not have noticed what was going on in the center of the world. Nor did we notice when Palestinian militants in Gaza fired 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years."

    China, what, Sarah? I think she'd better get Todd to read her some newspapers...

  63. Anonymous12:16 PM

    "Update: By the way for those who have been asking, Palin's trip to India and Israel WAS funded by SarahPAC."

    This is a form of money laundering. Sarah is trying to use up SarahPAC's money before she admits she is not running for POTUS.

    By the way, why is SarahPAC paying for Todd and Sarah's trip to India and then on top of that India is paying Sarah? Is this legal or did Sarah commit another crime?

    Double dipping?

  64. imnofred12:21 PM

    This is also unrelated but I happened to see part of a Kathy Griffin show and she was talking about the death threats that she has got from the bots. I guess if you don't give praise to the Queen, off with your head!!

  65. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Another fail... amateur hour continues.

    Sarah Palin aborts visit to Bethlehem

    Sarah Palin has emerged at the centre of a potentially embarrassing mystery when she abruptly aborted a visit to Bethlehem just yards from an Israeli checkpoint guarding the entrance to the city of Christ's birth.

    Israeli military officials declined to comment on why Mrs Palin may have turned back, but the country's defence ministry confirmed that she had made no formal request to visit the occupied West Bank – standard protocol for any foreign dignitary.

    The oversight could prove embarrassing for Mrs Palin's advisers, who are unused to planning for foreign visits and have a reputation for being poorly organised.

    It is unclear whether Mrs Palin and her team failed to realise that Bethlehem lay on Palestinian territory rather than in Israel, a mistake often made by foreign tourists, though not so often by visiting politicians.

  66. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I read that Sarah took her advisor with her, would that be Rebecca Mansour - RAM - Bekka?

  67. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Anon. @ 11:54 - you are forgetting her first paid speech in Hong Kong.

  68. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Its like saying the sun comes up every day. Palin just has no clue. To negotiate with, let alone get along with another country, you don't have to like them ,but you have to appreciate their interests and concerns. Palin doesn't even appreciate the interests and concerns of her own family. She might start with some knowledge of China's recent history. Let's just forget the invasion by Japan during WW II. Just how well would we be getting along with Mexico if fifty years ago, Mexico had occupied a third of our country and killed tens of thousands of our citizens. Forget that. Just think about the near-constant state of conflict with the former Soviet Union along the Mongolian border and India along the Himalayan border. Add in a shooting war between India and Pakistan just off their southwestern border and that little matter of North Korea. I'm no fan of China but they have absolutely no reason to trust anyone, especially the United States. Palin doesn't care. She just wants a platform to criticize Obama.

  69. Virginia Voter12:56 PM

    How can Sarah justify using PAC funds for her "for profit" paid screechifying?

    How can Sarah justify paying her neocon advisers and speechwriters out of PAC funds for her for personal profit?
    Things that make you go hmmmm...

    Anyone who gives this dumb bitch a dime needs to have their head examined.

  70. Looks like Karaoke night in a seedy Filipino bar!

  71. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Anon at 11;43,

    I agree that the left can't be passive any more. What is posted at WTF has nothing to do with being 'polite,' or 'nice,' though. There is a difference between being tough and being evil. Purposely inviting crazy people to physically harm someone is not bad manners, it is evil. This is where the justifications from the left go off the rails. It's not okay because 'they did it first.' Would you accept that reasoning from one of your kids?

  72. Anonymous1:37 PM

    SarahPAC paid for Palin’s trip to India? If Palin ever became POTUS, is this what her administration’s policy would look like?

    President Palin boards Air Force One for a trip to India, Germany, Brazil, Japan and Mexico and was personally paid $150,000 per speech at each country and on top of that collected her president‘s salary and charged the American taxpayers for Air Force One and Secret Service protection then went home to Wasilla for a month and charged America per diem for staying at home.

    Sounds like something Palin would do.

  73. Anonymous1:38 PM


    Palin is as unethical as hell and was proven so by our State Legislature in Alaska when running for office w/McCain - although she denied it.

    Lying sack of shit too!

  74. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Gasman, I agree with your description of the Quitter: "She is a hair trigger hyper reactionary imbecilic asshole..."

  75. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Why must she wear such god awful shoes?

  76. Alaska WTF is not "the left" nor is it a progressive blog. It is a gossip site designed to generate controversy. No one other than Alaska WTF bears ANY responsibility for "wtf" (really, their name says it all) that blog publishes. They are the Perez Hilton of Alaska blogs. Why complain about them here?

  77. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The media, and everyone else should shun her. That will work. I do not believe the Indian people respect this sorry excuse for a woman. The Indian people have met President Obama, and his family. The contrast between a good man working for his country, and a bitter, whining, quitter, sore loser is apparent to all. If legal action is not taken against her for going on foreign soil and slamming the POTUS. then a blackout of all she spouts should start now. She should have listened to Mrs. Barbara Bush.

  78. Anonymous3:00 PM

    This treasonous bitch should be arrested as soon as she disembarks on US soil.

  79. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Chris Matthews was a howl today - his guests and he were laughing over Stupid's claims in India re: "I wasn't the top of the ticket."

    He also went on to explain that any time her name comes up, it's going to be comic relief because she is a joke.

    Yay Chris!

  80. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Anon at 9:48am, and Anon at 1:29pm:

    Alaska WTF was way out of line, soliciting violent actions. They did this before, when they put a gunsight graphic on Sarah's face.

    The only question to me is: should IM continue to link to Alaska WTF?

    The answer is clear: NO.



  81. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Open note to Sarah: crack open that BlackBerry of yours and note how much of its componentry comes from China.

    There's your "bogeyman." It's YOU you consumerist clown.

  82. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Mrs palin is playing a dangerous game . She may get away with her BS in this country .
    She is not savvy in the ways of the world . She is not respectful of other cultures . I am pretty sure that the individuals that she has had contact with so far , have seen her for what she really is .They are not going to bad mouth her in order to save face .
    Her total lack of respect and distain for POTUS is transparent .They will see that she is not to be trusted and will humor her .My sense is that they will want to be shed of her as well . She is certainly a conniving blank blank .She can be bought .She will sellout to the highest bidder .

  83. the padded jacket is to help disguise how gaunt SP is. Women lose weight from the top down yes?

  84. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Good Heavens, is anybody else here as shocked as I am by Sarah Palin's inability to shut her own mouth, especially when opening it could have such a disastrous effect on our country?

    The FBI needs to have a chat with her as soon as she lands.

  85. Hey, 7:59 am -- BUSH STARTED THIS! THIS ALL STARTED LONG BEFORE OBAMA BECAME PRESIDENT! Where have you been? Oh, yeah, you're one of those people who is like a room in a house -- the lights are on but the room is empty! Give me a break! Don't you remember when Clinton was president, the republicans were in control of congress!

  86. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Maybe this Wasilla boy will make a deal like Track Palin did when Track cut the school bus brake lines. Maybe this kid can avoid jail time by joining the Army too?

    Oops I forgot he is already in the Army.


    WAS in the army - he was kicked out - they don't want him or his problems.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.