Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Will any of the Palin family testify on Jeremy Morlock's behalf?

As many of you know all too well, one of the soldiers that is on trial for murdering helpless Afghans, is a Palin family friend.

Jeremy Morlock was a hockey buddy of Track's, and his mother's twin sister even dated Todd for several years back in Dillingham before they both moved to Wasilla. 

Morlock's court martial will begin Wednesday for his part in the murders, though he has taken a plea deal that will reduce his sentence and also make him the key witness against the other soldiers who participated.

His mother, and Palin family friend, is blaming the military for turning her son into a murderer:

Morlock's mother, in an interview with The Seattle Times, blames much of her son's plight on a failure of Army leaders to oversee the platoon's behavior and actions.

"I think the government is just playing these guys as scapegoats. The leaders dropped the ball. Who was watching over all this?" Audrey Morlock said.

I am certainly not going to suggest that Jeremy was a killer before he went into the military, but I do know that he had some difficulties controlling his anger and possibly some substance abuse issues as well. Which should not come as a surprise considering he is the product of his environment.

Apparently to help create sympathy for Jeremy the defense is calling in some character witnesses from Wasilla to stand up in court and provide testimony on his behalf.

During the court-martial's sentencing phase, the defense is expected to bring to the stand Alaskans who can offer a different perspective on Morlock.

As mentioned before Track was a very close friend to Jeremy when they were kids so it is certainly possible that he would be called as a character witness, and Jeremy's sister April Morlock is still extremely close to Bristol, so the eldest Palin daughter would be a viable candidate to call as well. I would imagine that Todd also might be on that list, since it seems he often handled the bulk of the parenting duties.

And of course there is one other.

Hockey also was Morlock's passion. He played for years on a tight-knit youth team that included a childhood friend, Track Palin, son of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who volunteered as team manager.

Now if it were me, and I had the opportunity to call the ex-Governor of Alaska to testify on my client's behalf, I would not hesitate to do so.  I cannot guarantee that has occurred to Morlock's defense team but, if they are worth a damn, it has to have at least crossed their minds.

However the question is how hard would Sarah Palin work to keep herself, and her family, as far away from this embarrassing spectacle as possible?

Especially after images like this have recently turned up on the internet, of Jeremy taking joy in the death of another human being. (Beware image below is quite graphic!)

Sarah Palin's whole bullshit mythology is wrapped around her image as a hockey mom from a small town, who is a huge supporter of the military, and a defender of Bush's decision to invade both Iraq and Afghanistan.

How damaging would it be to her credibility, and her image, if she  had to appear on the witness stand to testify that a man who did what Jeremy Morlock has admitted doing, was just a regular kid from her small town (The town in fact she was once the mayor of.), who she drove to and from hockey practice, and who engaged in these atrocities while participating in a war that SHE supported?

Doesn't exactly match Palin's version of the quaint small town life that she has been painting these last two and a half years now does it?

No I have to imagine that the Grizzled Mama wants to stay as far away from this horrible incident as humanly possible.  And that goes for her family as well. However if she were asked by the defense team, and she turns them down, would we ever know?

Well I for one would certainly like to. Wouldn't you?


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    She will run away and deny any direct involvement with this killer and his family as fast as her naughty monkeys can take her.

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    lou $carah's a chicken shit lying fraud, and in this situation I'm sure $he'll be nowhere to be found

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    This is what we get when we have people (& you know who you are and I know you couldn't care less) talk about Muslims, Mexicans, and whoever they don't like. They are talked about like they are the scum of the Earth.

    When someone isn't looked at like a human being then it is easy to laugh or gloat when you've killed someone. Even though SP only kills animals (we can only hope) this is the look that she has on her face with the kill.

    I do feel sorry for him because he is young. It is not his fault he grew up in that environment. Personally, I think they should put his family & anyone else he got this from in jail with him.

    This really PISSES me off! They don't want women to have abortions because they think it is so bad yet they do this to other humans and gloat about it. It makes me sick!

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    No one in the Palin family will support this kid.

    Does this behavior/person have any connection to the email that shutdown AlaskaWTF a while back? The behavior suggests a familiarity to abuse and violence as well as lack of social consience.

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The MSM in avoiding bringing up this association. But as you know, Sarah says associations DO matter. As for Mr Morlock, this is a perfect example of why we need to stop criminals, teen or adult, from entering our armed services. I am offended as a mother of a combat vet, that served honorably for 14 yrs and saw multiple tours, that Mrs Morlock is blaming the armed services. The timeline by Jeremy's age would indicate that he and his buddies started hunting HUMANS very soon after hitting the ground. Not enough time to have developed nor for a PSTD incident to have occurred. While I do realize the images of war can have lasting effects, todays wars see very little contact battles so to speak. Just like their friends the Palins, apparently the Morlocks are perpetual victims and not responsible for their actions. Is this common in independent Alaska?

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    We should all post the fact that the Palins are friends with the Morlocks!

  7. SME13112:39 PM

    Palin wouldn't testify on behalf of her own kids or family members much less someone elses if it meant admitting in public she associated with those she NOW sees as beneath her and tarnishing that already tarnished image.

    Sarah would sell her own kids souls before knowingly admitting to an association. She can't sell her own soul..... she doesn't have one.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    This evilness has no proper name for it. It is beyond despicable, unconscionable, gravely heartless. I guess it is no surprise that that family found kinship with the SP/TP clan.

  9. Anonymous12:44 PM

    As a veteran and a wife of a soldier with over 20 years on active duty I can tell you what his mommy is saying is PURE BULLSHIT. I hope they fry those assholes.

  10. That photo is absolutely sickening, the smile on Morlocks face made my blood run cold and then made it boil. One can't help but wonder if the dead boy was also raped, as his shorts had been removed and then placed over his bare buttocks.

    And his mother is trying to place blame on military authority? Since when does the military have complete control of conscience or the lack thereof?

    Military training can only go so far, I don't think it changes the basic fabric of a masochistic sociopathic personality, which is what this Morlock boy seems to be, given the photograph.

    A picture speaks a thousand words... this one appears indefensible.

    Watch the Palins run like rats from this debacle. Can't we already hear the denials of friendship laced in the political wind.

  11. Anonymous12:51 PM

    That is a frightening photo there is no doubt. Why are the man's pants off him? There is more to this photo than the fact he was killed...something much more demeaning. I hope the killers rot in jail and hell.

  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Wonder if he was one of the school-bus-brake-cutters.

  13. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Sarah's a coward about this, about anything. I've never seen a more pathetic, hypocritical woman. She's also too cowardly to run for president. She's all talk, incomprehensible talk.

  14. Anonymous1:04 PM

    The ADN says:

    "Since his imprisonment last spring, Morlock has become a father. His daughter was born in December."

    Remember his sister, April, was in LA with Bristol during DWTS?

    Just wondering if any of this set off an alarm with anyone else?

  15. Anonymous1:10 PM

    An evil person enters the military and learns only more ways to manifest what is already inside him.

    Audrey Morlock doesn't want to face the fact that her son is evil.

  16. Anonymous1:11 PM

    According to Sarah each act of terrorism begins and ends with the perp, so she might end up testifying for the prosecution.

    “'Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own,' Ms. Palin said..."

    The boy's mother is partly correct, who ever their superior officer is either is as guilty as they are or is guilty of failing his command responsibility.

    However, the military has only one true purpose and trains for only one goal, to kill and destroy as much as it possibly can of the enemy and the enemy's support and supplies, and to break their spirit.

    But there are rules and those rules are taught and retaught, and obedience to those rules is taught and retaught.

    Looking at that photo it looks like the dead man was pretty much dead center in his back, there is a little blood from that wound probably an entry wound and a pool of blood below his chest probably where a much larger wound of exit is.

    That will make it very difficult to argue that this was not the execution of an unarmed prisoner.

  17. Anonymous1:14 PM

    This is just awful.

    His mother needs to get her head screwed on straight, she's in denial, big time.

    I hope the association is made in the media! This is who the Palin's pal around with. Associations do matter.

  18. emrysa1:15 PM

    well you know it is absolutely accurate to say that THE PALIN'S ARE PALLIN' AROUND WITH MURDERERS!

    bwaahaha eat your filthy words, quitter.

  19. BP in OR1:15 PM

    Let's see, he has the brain the size on an English Walnut, a short fuse on the temper front, and an affinity for drugs and the military trained him to kill? Gee really?

  20. Anonymous1:20 PM

    We all know what kind of mother Sarah Palin was/is. I can only imagine what shitheads her kids and their friends were/are, thinking they were untouchable and could get away with murder, literally. I know TONS of these people, they are everywhere! Cocky little bastards who think they're shit doesn't stink! And the parents are the same way. No way is Sarah Palin going to touch this with a nine foot pole!

  21. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Have you seen that Shailey is selling emails from Todd on Ebay! And a list of 9 clients Todd referred to Shailey.

    Get the word out! It's only a three day bid.

    Highest bidding starts at $500.00 for two of the emails.

    The "list" bidding starts at $250.00.

    If you have contacts in the media get this info to them.

    I also think Shailey is having trouble with her Ebay account and settings, if anyone is familiar please offer assistance.


  22. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Part of military training is desensitivation to killing.

    Sometimes it works; others not at all; others too well.

  23. To me there is nothing anyone can say at this point. The documentation of this war atrocity and I assume there are others seals the deal. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! The horror...

  24. Anonymous1:27 PM

    When American GIs committed atrocities in Vietnam, we didn't want to hear it. We blamed it on the Viet Cong.
    When the Iraqi and Afghanistan people get stories out that Americans are doing crazy things, we don't want to hear it. We blame the Taliban. And we hate Iraq and Afghanistan, anyway, right? They blew up the World Trade Center. They deserve it.

  25. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I'm going to cut the mother a break--she is probably in deep denial.

    Palin will run away from this.

    The Morlock's will probably ask her and her family to help out--they won't--and then the Morlocks will have a falling out with the Palins.

  26. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Whatever Jeremy experienced as a child/growing up in Alaska has nothing to do with his war attitude and actions. War changes people. Those other boys did not grow up in AK/Wasilla yet they committed the same actions. Once again, there are people trying to tie a politician in with something they had nothing to do with.

  27. Anonymous1:39 PM

    We should all post the fact that the Palins are friends with the Morlocks!

    12:38 PM


    Dude, You are crazy. One has nothing to do with the other. Neither the Palins nor the Morlocks led crazy, abnormal lives. They had normal childhoods with normal family functions, they grew up together and support each other. Don't speak about what you dont know

  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "His mother, and Palin family friend, is blaming the military for turning her son into a murderer"

    I thought it was just the Palins, but do all Wasillians blame others when thing do not go right for them? Is there something in the water or are they just following Sarah's lead and blame everybody?

  29. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Why are you offended at her blaming the armed services? The military has been guilty of crazy shit regularly and there's probably a reason why his mother blames the service. War is dangerous to the psyche. There's a reason why so many kids go awol, yet are then jailed for it and treated like lowlives. That is not humane. My friend went awol. They caught him outside a BP station. A couple men slammed him into the ground, cuffed him and took him away.

    THAT is not humane. Kids enter the service for many reasons: with friends, expecting something great, for college, whatever. NOTHING in their lives prepares them for what they experience. So fuck you for trashing this young man

  30. Anonymous1:43 PM

    What a sad, disgusting photograph. Jeremy Morlock is obviously a very sick soul.

    As to her - I wish $he'd get served a subpoena the minute $he steps off the plane from Israel.

  31. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I think atrocities such as this should not shock anyone who has been aware of the lowering of standards to get enough soldiers into the Army. Bush-Cheney spread us out too thinly and the brass decided it had to lower standards to accept kids busted on drug and violent crimes. I am not saying the military is directly responsible for this grizzly crime, but we shouldn't be surprised if they are taking in people who had no self-discipline in the first place. Some of the new recruits were well on their way to being murderers before joining.

    I know if I had a son or daughter of an age to join, I would discourage them - not only because I tend towards pacifism but because I would want to keep them away from daily contact with these kinds of brutes.

  32. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Somehow there is always a Palin involved when there are problems in Wasilla. Since Todd dated Jeremy Morlock's mother's sister for several years, could Jeremy be Todd's son? Todd has a sexual addiction so I would not put it past him to screw somebody elses sister.

  33. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Stop with the school bus story. Track was wrongly associated with it and now you're dragging another young man into it with no facts. STOP IT! Unless you personally speak with a direct source who saw with his eyes, shut the fuck up and stop creating rumors.

    Do you know Jeremy? Do you know any of the people you trash daily? Gryphen has literally created an outlet for lowlives to vent their personal frustrations through the degradation of others. And he very rarely has actually proof. Shame! Shut it!

  34. Anonymous1:48 PM

    A "close friend" of the Palins posted "recent photos" of Bristol back home in AK with her "BFF."


  35. Enjay in E MT1:48 PM

    I have to believe our military does its best to "weed out" those prone to undesireable behaviors; rape, murder, theft and such. With any large organization - some deviants will slip through the
    screening process, often due to deliberate deception.

    Morlock & his cohorts belong in prison for a very VERY long time. They not only did the killing of civilians - they celebrated it (with pictures). Those Afghan families didn't get a chance to plead mercy for their loved ones....so his friends or family opinions shouldn't carry any weight.

    If it was up to me - I'd send them unarmed back to Afghanistan - and let the "locals" determine the punishment.

  36. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Palling around with killer hillbillies?

  37. Anonymous1:56 PM

    He was doing "God's Work" dont'cha know.


  38. Anonymous2:05 PM

    His sister was with Bristol when she was on dwts.

    Bristol used to date him, maybe he is the father of one of her kids. Maybe Levi was just a paid stand in for campaign of Sarah and McCain.

    There is a story behind the connections, you betcha, yes there is.

  39. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Will the Palins testify on Morlock's behalf? Well, they do so love to blame others and avoid taking accountability so they are just what Jeremy needs. And, according to some comments here, Jeremy might be related. These reasons, along with the guaranteed publicity, must be pretty tempting to Sarah. I'll bet the Palins are at least considering testifying, not for Jeremy but for their own self-interests.

  40. Anonymous2:10 PM

    1:48pm.....hey numbnutz,(aka briskitt) watch the blood pressure or you might just tip over prematurely, that and fuk off eh?

  41. Anonymous2:12 PM

    1:39pm...yeah we know, they're all in bred cousin phuckers

  42. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Kind of fits the Rambo, kill 'em all and let God sort them out, "nobody can tell me what to do" Valley values.

    There's more than one Valley so called Christian who sees nothing wrong with what these guys did.

  43. Sounds like his mother is part of his problem. She probably let him do whatever he wanted. And I'm wondering if Sarah plotted to get her "hockey mom" creds all those years ago. I'm thinking she was about 12, and her asshole dad, Chucky, told her one too many times that she was stupid. She sat down and wrote out this whole plan about taking over the world. Sure, her stupidity has messed up her plan a few times, but her grudge against the world and her determination to tell her dead father's corpse, "I'm so flippin' much smarter than you, daddyO,and richer too, also," has taken her pretty far. When you don't care who you step on to get what you want, it is much easier to obtain celebrity and wealth.

  44. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Remember, they lowered the standards for these wars because they weren't getting enough recruits and were taking guys with criminal records. You get a few of those bad apples in there and it's easy to ruin a whole bunch more. The army was more interested in warm bodies than with high morals.

    None the less, we are all responsible for our actions. Watch the video of Morlock's confession. He talks as if what they did was no more of a big deal than eating a sandwich. He wasn't bothered by what he did a bit. An empty vessel.


  45. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Enjay @ 1:48: Yes... you have it in "a nutshell".
    I thank you for your wisdom.

  46. Anonymous2:20 PM

    The military trains these boys to be killers. Then they absolve themselves of any responsibility when the killers go rogue. The military seems to appreciate the "gung ho" killing machine when it suits their purpose. Some take it too far because they have mental issues that are not taken into account when every young body is accepted into "the troops" without proper mental evaluation. With all of the conflicts that America is engaged in, warm fighting bodies are a requirement. Some of those willing to enlist and go to war are not suitable candidates, but with now 3 (maybe 4 if we count Pakistan) arenas of conflict that America is engaged in, the attitude seems to be "beggars can't be choosers" and "we take what we can get". Sometimes the troops end up with a Morlock as a member. So sad for those civilians that were caught up in his rage.

    This kid wanted to play GI Joe since elementary school. He got there and then became afraid and then his mental unsuitableness took over and he became a "fighting machine" because he never had the mental ability to grasp who was the enemy and who was not. To a person of Morlock's mental acuity, all of the citizens could be the enemy. It's much like what happened in Vietnam. The lower echelons of our society got drafted into Vietnam; it's happening again in the Middle East. These kids think they know what war is about, then they get there and it is an entirely different reality. Some can handle it and some get broken.

    The military is providing jobs for those that would otherwise be unemployed and perhaps unemployable due to their lack suitability for furthering their educations or entering the domestic workforce with only their High School Diplomas. Sometimes a kid has no other choice but to enlist. Some of those kids are angry and mentally deviant. Morlock is a fine example of this type of enlistee.

  47. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Poor Bradley Manning! He exposed the truth.

  48. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I tried to post a comment on the Daily Mail's
    story abut his family & the Palins being BFFs.
    and it was never posted. Fuckers! Cowards!
    They have to defend this POS & her associations
    at all costs because they want to fuck the
    stretch marks off the old bat!

  49. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Another sociopath out of Wasilla. I bet Mrs. Todd Palin doesn't think that (HORRIFYING) photo is so bad; but all the same she will distance herself.

    Donald Rumsfield lowered the standard for those entering the service; how did he think domestic abusers would behave when given guns and sent overseas??

    Female service members also saw an increase in abuse from fellow soldiers because the Army started allowing criminals to join up.

    I am so ashamed these lawless thugs represent America abroad.

  50. Anonymous2:26 PM

    1st @ 1:39pm.....brisdull, get a job. also are y'all as inbred as you seem to be ?

  51. Anonymous2:29 PM

    1:48pm - That you Brisket? We know all about those school bus little problems that you brother created. How did he like being a "driver" in Iraq for a very short service period, no combat?

    Brisket, John McCain helped Track out there, didn't he?

  52. Anonymous2:31 PM

    That picture is absolutely heartbreaking. I see something like that, and knowing that a person who is barely out of childhood is not only responsible for that murder, but grinning over it, and I just about give up hope for humanity.

    The only thing that stops me from completely giving up hope is because I know that if it's snuffed out in too many people, we really will be screwed for good.

    But I am scared for my country's soul. I seriously am.

  53. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Anon 1:48pm, from your delirium, I take it that these comments are hitting too close to the truth for comfort.

  54. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Yes, this is the same grin over a dead human body as a hunter might grin while posing over a dead animal.

    How can adult Americans send our children over to such an immoral, godforsaken war? This is the result, and it's certainly not helped by neocon military worship that wants to pretend this sickening kind of thing isn't happening. It IS, and it's NOT a rare isolated event!

  55. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Take it from me Lou Sarah, that none of the Palins have ever met any of the Morlocks.

    and them Morlocks never lived in Wasilla

    It is all just Lame Stream Media lies.

  56. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Don't you just love it when Willow and/or Bristol come and post such lovely advice for the rest of us.

    Those two have had no upbringing at all, have they?

    I find this whole story very sad..and the picture is chilling. That young man clearly is loving every moment of this brutal act. Now he is going to be allowed to weasel out of it?

    And...all comments from Willow/Bristol aside...was this boy with their brother when he committed a federal offense by cutting brake lines on all those school buses? I still can't believe he got away with it. Frankly, every picture I see of him...he looks like he would be kneeling right beside his friend if his mommy dearest hadn't gotten him that cushy job. How can any child of those sick people be anything else?

    I used to have "visit Alaska" on my bucket list..but have removed it. I have no desire to visit anymore.

    Gryphen...can you check the IP's of that post? It would be fun to keep track of how often they respond to posts.

  57. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Put that pic of Morlock holding up the dead man's head next to the pic of Sarah with the caribou. Same look on their faces. Morlock's treating that man just like a dead caribou trophy. Sickening. That boy learned his disrepect for life at home, not in the army.

  58. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "Looking at that photo it looks like the dead man was pretty much dead center in his back, there is a little blood from that wound probably an entry wound and a pool of blood below his chest probably where a much larger wound of exit is."

    nope - there are other pictures that show the torturers carved a "Z" in his back like the Zorro signature.

  59. Anonymous3:05 PM

    1:35pm...you've obviously never been to wasilla

  60. emrysa3:08 PM

    @ 1:48 pm: track was not wrongly associated with the school bus story. nice try.

  61. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Sarah Palin only cares about Sarah Palin. It's all about her image and she nor her family will step forward to help Jeremy Morlock even though the Morlocks didn't sue her family for the break-in and destruction to their home by Willow and friends. You would think the Palins would help out a friend but they won't. As for Jeremy Morlock I hope he gets a long prison term for his horrific deeds.

  62. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Must be a hockey mom thing if your kids do something wrong it is someone else's fault

  63. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I have intentionally avoided these photos when shown on tv news. When this issue is mentioned on the web, there is always a warning about graphic photos.

    You should not have shown this and I believe you owe your readers an apology for not warning them that this disgusting photo was posted here. You failed to use your good judgment on this.

  64. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I hope the media reporting on this case will bring up Palins association with the Morlocks. I don't think Fox will be covering THIS story.

  65. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Does anybody know if this boy or his relatives are associated with the Alaskan militia or one of Joe Miller's goons?

  66. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hey 1:48 et al: this "young man" has already admitted committing murder and sadistically mutilating the dead. He is worse than trash; he is the scum of the earth, a vile twisted human being from which anyone with any decency should recoil in horror. The army didn't make him that way; he's a sociopath. His family and the Palins were and are close friends. This tells us something important about the Palins. Sick people hang together.

  67. "who was watching over all of this?"

    Who was watching out for the Afghan men women and children who have been murdered by these soldiers.

    And if her son earned a medal instead of a a murder accusation, I'm sure 'mom' would not be asking where the army was.

    If palin says anything, she will blame POTUS Obama and the armed forces.

  68. emrysa3:22 PM

    also at 1:48 pm:

    compliments on the irony:

    "Gryphen has literally created an outlet for lowlives to vent their personal frustrations through the degradation of others."

    go talk to jeremy morlock about the degradation of others.

  69. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Well, anon at 1:39 : Have you ever heard of 'payback is a b*tch'?
    What was it that Palin accused Mr. Obama of?
    Oh, yeah, it was of 'palin around with terrorists' - even though he had barely met that 'terrorist' who was none!

  70. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sorry to go against the grain here, but the psych theories and research suggest that even an initially "normal" guy could be desensitized by military life to such an extent as we see here.

    I dont for a moment condone these horrible actions - but it is necessary to dehumanize the enemy to some extent in order to cope. (remember that all but one guy in this unit went along with it all, even posing in their own pics)

    Again, I am not saying it is ok. Not at all.
    But it doesnt necessarily mean that Morlock started out a sociopath or psychopath...probably started out just a douchebag.

  71. Anonymous3:32 PM


    It's ugly, isn't it? Disturbing? Why would you not want to see whole truth and nothing but? Do you live your life in a cave of nothing but niceness and prettiness? You should be aware of the atrocities that are happening at the hands of Americans overseas, engaged in conflicts that affect the lives of civilians that are just going about their daily activities, much as you do in your own life. Not pretty, but you looked and now you know.

  72. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I hope Sarah does not become POTUS, she'll probably hire this kid to head up her security detail or make him Secretary of Defense.

  73. Anonymous3:36 PM

    That pose Jeremy did with the murdered civilian looks like the same pose Sarah had with a dead moose she posed with. Is this something they teach in Wasilla?

  74. Anonymous3:41 PM

    3:12 Get a life...you didn't have to view the photo or this blog if you didn't want to.

  75. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Track should be thankful McCain or somebody got him that cushion job of driving officers around in the Iraq safe zone. That picture could of easily been Track.

    If that would of been Track, Sarah would of used SarahPAC money to hire Vanflea to get him off the charges like he did for Willow when she got caught breaking and entering.

  76. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Looks like some people from Wasilla who are defending Jeremy Morlock are blaming the military. As for Track, if he wasn't involved with the school bus incident than why not post his police record to clear his name? It's definitely ok to name the Palins association since Sarah Palin said it's not mean-spirited to call out someone for their associations.

  77. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Take back Obama's Nobel peace prize
    And impeach him for Libya

  78. Anonymous3:50 PM

    3:31pm...another one who's never been to wasilla

  79. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Palin wanted life in prison for the kid who read her emails.

    I wonder what Palin thinks Jeremy deserves?

    A pardon from her buddy President Obama?

  80. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I hope NO ONE testifies on his behalf... and that many testify AGAINST him, Palins or not.

    He's scum... taking that much pleasure in murder is indefensible.

    Very sickening.

  81. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Gryphen, email yer reply on this. I live in Sycamore, Il. Turns out our local grocers' kid started his own grocery in....Wasilla!!!! His name is Stephen R.C. Brown. Here's the weird part, when the '08 race was on, this whole county was filled with magoo/palin signs. It struck me as odd, until today. Now it all makes sense. Check into this guy, and the whole mid west might be exposed. BTW start with Browns County Market, and click on history

  82. Anonymous3:53 PM

    This story needs to be put in the national media...the association w/the Palin family is typical as so many other things have been proven in Wasilla, Palmer and Alaska.

    The Palins are a corrupt family and the world needs to know it.

  83. Anonymous4:02 PM

    "Posing with a dead afghan is bad enough. Posing like a hunter with a trophy kill is another thing entirely. Is it the result of hunter/killer philosophies of a trophy kills like those symbolized by conservatives like Sarah Palin? Or is it a sign of the insanity brought on by the horrors of war?"


    I wonder if Sarah will defend herself again and come out with another "Me Me Me" video in front of a fireplace next to an American flag and bring up Blood Libel again?

  84. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hey Sarah if somebody from the US of A apologizes for what your pal Jeremy did, would you consider that a sign of weakness for President Obama or First Lady Michelle Obama?

  85. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Gryph-You should make some kind of "Troll-O'-meter" graph? so we can see how many pee-bots are out in force when you post these hot-button topics that are linked with any Palin stench!

    These 'men' are responsible for their actions: End of story. NOT the military, maybe some parenting or lack there of, problems but not the military...

    OK media. Are YOU done? Can you cover some real news and quit covering Scarah's (I mean RAM's) asinine tweets and fb rants?

    WHY WHY WHY do you keep letting these assholes have a platform to whore themselves out on? WHO EFFING CARES if she keeps pretending to run for POTUS.

    She serves no purpose to the USA; she serves only herself.

  86. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Has Jeremy Morlock ever been in Sarah Palin's house?

  87. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anon 1:35- the same way Palin said Pres. Obama palls around with terrorist, Barack wasn't involved with the bombings either..but Sarah said it anyway. Funny how things come back to bite you in the ass.

  88. Dinty4:16 PM

    The mother is blaming the military from not stopping her son from doing these horrible things.

    Hmm, you know they wouldn't have to stop him if he was raised in a manner that prevented him from having the desire to do such horrible things in the first place, or am I wrong?

    I want nothing but the best for the men we put in harm's way (whether I agree with the premise and justification for putting them there in the first place or not), but they have to understand that when they are abroad they represent the United States, and they should act accordingly, or face the consequences.

    Desecrating bodies is not acceptable under ANY circumstances, I don't care how evil or terrible the person was in life. You just don't do it.

  89. Anonymous4:17 PM

    What I want to know is who took this poor victim's pants off? I hope Mr. Morlock gets the same treatment in prison.

  90. Anonymous4:22 PM

    3:48 You are fucking nuts and don't know what you are talking about...do some research on the Libya matter and you'll see that what President Obama is doing is within the law. You idiot! Just spreading what you heard from a specific Republican in Congress is all you are doing.

  91. Morlock's mother does have a point. The army functions better with those who have weaker personality characteristics. They want those who just do what they are told and don't question the morality of what the military is doing. People like Manning cause them problems due to ethics/morality. Those leading are mostly to blame. The military is so desperate they are taking kids with active addictions, questionable mental health and certainly immaturity. They are put in an organization where guns and killing are glorified. They then give many of them PTSD on top of everything else, these kids have not even had a chance to become adults able to make their own moral choices yet. In the case of kids like Morlock who come from backgrounds of prejudice and hate, where guns are seen as a solution to feeling powerless bad things can happen.

  92. Anonymous4:40 PM

    from aljazeera...


    I get the impression that Morlock and Holmes look at this killing as some type of entertainment for themselves. It's distressing that there are 4000 photos/videos in which the military was trying to stop their release related to this and possibly others killings. This may be much bigger than just these 12 'soldiers' involvement. I hope to hell that this gets investigated but won't hold my breathe that the US Military will be forthcoming with the results.

  93. 10catsinMD4:41 PM

    Under the bus. What else?

  94. Anonymous4:43 PM

    What would "Wanna Be POTUS" Sarah Palin do in this situation regarding Jeremy Morlock?

    Any comments?
    No Facebook rants?
    No tweets?

    Ya gotta have an opinion? You always do!

    She probably has to check with her advisors about what her opinion should be.

  95. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Saying that the military can completely change a person into a psychopathic, predatory killer is insulting to all the men and women who served with dignity and follow the (albeit gruesome and questionable) rules of combat.

    What you see in this picture is a kid who started out with a tendency toward the macabre and inhuman. The military gave him the opportunity and maybe a little emotional and psychological push.

    I have no doubt that a look at his past will uncover acts of cruelty and viciousness that, in hindsight, served as signs of things to come.

    For example:
    "Morlock has a history of criminal charges, the Tacoma News Tribune reported Monday: his wife sought a domestic-violence protective order against him two years ago; he was charged with assault and disorderly conduct against his wife and found guilty of the latter charge last year."


    Yet we are supposed to believe he was just a normal, innocent kid? Nope, he was some kind of phenom wife beater. No wonder his parents are doing everything in their power to shift the blame away from themselves and their precious, violent son.

  96. Anonymous4:46 PM

    How funny, Sarah fakes rages against David Letterman, authors of books against her, the First Family and others, but she is as quiet as a mouse when it comes to her family friend who is in trouble for murder.

    What is a hoe to do?

  97. Anonymous4:55 PM

    @4:23 I don't buy it. I was making moral decisions at 12..do I steal that lipstick like my girlfriend did? Do I return the extra change I got from the clerk? I never stole, and never will. If a boy doesn't have a moral code by 18, the military is no place for him. I'm sure they do psychological testing...how did he get in? Regardless, he is responsible for his actions, and no one else.

  98. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The Troll Bowl has begun again - on this thread and others. Signs of desperation from Camp Palin.

  99. Anonymous5:06 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    How funny, Sarah fakes rages against David Letterman, authors of books against her, the First Family and others, but she is as quiet as a mouse when it comes to her family friend who is in trouble for murder.

    What is a hoe to do?

    4:46 PM"

    What can she do? You know she'd do the
    same thing if she had the chance. Look at the
    way they went after that teacher with the sign,
    any doubt they would have assaulted her
    if they weren't in public? She doesn't
    have the integrity to say anything--and if
    she does say something, I'm guessing she'll
    portray herself as the victim, same as with
    the Gabby Giffords shootings.

  100. Anonymous5:13 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    The ADN says:

    "Since his imprisonment last spring, Morlock has become a father. His daughter was born in December."

    Remember his sister, April, was in LA with Bristol during DWTS?

    Just wondering if any of this set off an alarm with anyone else?

    1:04 PM"

    Ugh. Why are ignorant degenerates always
    so fertile? Warped genes from generation
    to generation...

  101. Anonymous5:15 PM

    "Morlock's mother said she has spent more than $50,000 on legal fees for her son's defense. She is bitter at what she said were misleading statements by investigators who initially indicated to her son that they were after higher-ranking soldiers, not him."

    Read more: http://www.adn.com/2011/03/21/1768596/morlocks-mom-blames-the-war-army.html#ixzz1HNdS4SCh

    My position is that as rich as Palin was right after she quit her job as governor and was paid for her book, she asked and collected money from strangers to pay her legal expenses for her crooked dealings as governor of Alaska. I feel that since she is now richer than before, Palin should offer to pay for all of Jeremy Morlock's current and future legal defense and expenses since she has the means to do it and since she was his team manager.

    PAY IT FORWARD self described Hockey Mom. Don't turn your back on your family friend. Open up your palms and release some of that money ya got. What else are you going to do with your money? If you give it to Todd he'll just spend it on prostitutes and hand massages <=B if you know what I mean. :D

  102. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Is one of these Bristol?
    On the right? What has she done to herself???

  103. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Strange thing is that Jeremy looks like he could be Todd's son. I am talking about the picture of Jeremy with the white top on, he just reminds me of Todd, lover boy.

  104. Anonymous5:21 PM

    This is BS her blaming her son's sick twisted behavior on the military. Maybe she should take a good look at herself. As I understand it her son has been a bully all along and having dumbass hockey coaches along with dumbass parents allowing the 'boys will be boys' antics probably went along way towards shaping this turd's attitude.

    I can attest to the fact that there is a culture of bullying in the Mat-Su Valley and the Palins are just one hockey family that enjoys the sport of pushing others around. I once saw Track tell his dad to fuck off for approaching the bench in an attempt to reprimand him when Track was acting like a fool during a high-school game.

    Figure it out people. Mean kids make for mean adults and usually the turds don't fall far from the assholes. It's just a vicious cycle really :)

  105. Anonymous5:39 PM

    anon at 1:43
    Morlock is a confessed murderer of civilians! He and he alone is to blame . FUCK YOU for blaming anyone but this scumbag for his actions. I hope he enjoys Leavenworth, real soldiers won't be treating that scumbag very well at all.

  106. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I haven't read the comments yet but why is the murder man shirt pulled up, his pants off and laying on his stomach?

    He is a loser. This is what happens when we go into illegal wars with low iq troops.

    He has just increased al Qaeda numbers.


  107. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Gryph, funny to read the comments in support of Jeremey. I wonder what kind of punishment they feel is appropriate for him. Obviously, they think killing innocent civilians is ok as long as their skin is brown. It makes me wonder what he thought of the native Alaskans while growing up in Wasilla and how he treated them. If he is a wife beater also makes me think he has a low opinion of women in general...not a nice person to say the least.

  108. Anonymous5:56 PM

    This guy was unbalanced before he joined up. It didn't take much for him to crack and taking drugs didn't help either. He certainly added more notoriety to Wasilla and the Palin family. The Palins may defend him anonymously but won't come out publicly to defend him...what chicken hearted shit they are.

  109. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Strange thing is that Jeremy looks like he could be Todd's son. I am talking about the picture of Jeremy with the white top on, he just reminds me of Todd, lover boy.

    5:19 PM

    No telling who is related to who in Wasilla. Who is Tripp's real daddy? Who is Trig's real daddy and mommy? Who is Track's real daddy? Your guess is as good as theirs.

    Todd said he does not know how Sarah gets pregnant which leads people to believe that Todd is not the father of Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper or Trig. I hope I did not leave anybody out.

  110. Anonymous6:01 PM

    When did Rev. Wright kill innocent civilians?

    palin is palling around with a murderer.


  111. onething6:02 PM

    It is bound to be the case that some of the personalities who sign up for war, especially the modern American version in which our side has only a small amount of danger to face, are doing it for the chance to kill, hunt, and bully other human beings. There are always a few such people among the population.

    If the "man in charge" (ship captain, dictator) orders to have people flogged, tortured or killed, they have to have servants who are willing to carry out such orders. If doing such a thing makes you absolutely sick, you just aren't going to have that job. But some people will gravitate toward such a job.

  112. Anonymous6:04 PM

    We can not reward bad behavior, can we?

  113. Gryphen,
    I am now actively trying to get my WHOLE story out there. Right now I am selling EMAILS and a client list on E BAY. http://shaileytripp.yolasite.com/blog/e-bay-up-now-for-3-days

  114. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The psychological community suggests that animal abusers ( was he an animal abuser?) often become human abusers. Might it not follow that those brought up in an environment of killing animals for pleasure and posing for photos with the carcasses, more easily take that further and do the same to humans?

    That is not an excuse, but a possible partial explanation. Morlock is fully responsible for all he did in Afghanistan. His parents and the part of the community that so honors killing animals for pleasure can be held responsible for a childhood that might lead to such atrocities.

    Some people above have said that the military is desperate for ANY warm bodies and does little screening. Same thing happened during the Viet Nam war. Warm bodies to put out there as targets.

    War is wrong. From that grows all the other wrongs...

  115. KatieAnnieOakley6:27 PM

    Gosh, to hear Jeremy's mom tell it, the army allowed her son to go all animalistic against those Afghan citizens. It's the military's fault.

    It was their job to "watch" him, instill morality and to develop his sense of conscience.

    Children learn what they LIVE, MOM... you need to look into a mirror to see where the seed of the behavior came from...

    AGAIN: Children Learn what they LIVE.

  116. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Birds of a feather?



  117. onething6:38 PM

    "I'm going to cut the mother a break--she is probably in deep denial."

    I'm sure she was also in denial as he was growing up. There are parents like that. They raise criminals.

  118. Anonymous6:51 PM

    4:15pm...better question would be has lou$carah ever been in warlock morlock's pants ?

  119. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Is the Morlock/Palin connection a coincidence? There are none.

  120. DetroitSam7:09 PM

    I sure hope that this guys attorney isnot dumb enough to call Todd and/or Track as character witnesses. If he does I hope that whom ever is handling the case against Morlock is allowed to bring up the past actions of T & T to demonstrate their character.

  121. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Wasn't it Palin who loudly proclaimed that who a person associates with is fair game? Does she associate with the Morlocks, doesn't her kids associate with the Morlicks? Isn't Jeremy Morlock now on trial for murder?

    Just saying.

  122. onething7:33 PM

    You should not have shown this and I believe you owe your readers an apology"


    We can go to war but can't deal with the reality of it? Some guy loses his life and his family - how do you suppose you would feel if this was your own son who got killed and degraded like this? And the countrymen of the perpetrators are too squeamish to deal with reality? That is irresponsible!

  123. Anonymous8:45 PM

    7:33 We are in war, but not the kind that normally shows this American (from Wasilla, Alaska) asshole delighting in killing.

    It use to be that wars were shown nightly on the national news. We saw deaths, the caskets being brought back to the U.S., etc. Today, most Americans don't even connect with our being in wars because we are not directly connected to it.

    This particular blog had the balls to show the asshole from Wasilla delighting in killing and demeaning another human being with the photograph, one of which is being distributed nationally.

    This killer from Wasilla has a relationsihp w/members of the Palin clan and that has brought him even more to the forefront of news - especially here in Alaska.

    The Palin clan associates with evil people and it has been proven many times over. The American voters need to know more and more about the Palins and this story is a good one to have out there.

  124. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Palin will pretend the trial is not going on. She will ignore the entire story.

    The mother of Jeremy blaming the Army, "why weren't they watching?" BS, was that the ONLY unit the Army wasn't watching? But hopefully that was the only unit who took pleasure in killing innocent civilians. Who has to "watch" soldiers every minute to prevent them from committing atrocities? There has to be some assumption that just because a soldier has a gun in his hand, he won't kill innocent people.

    Another case of refusing to accept responsibility for actions.


  125. Anonymous10:22 PM

    So if Shailey sells Todd's emails and the client list Todd gave to Shailey on email, will that mean if the Palin's or their friends buy them that they won't be published? That wouldn't be good. I'd like to see them published.


  126. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I would like to ask Mommy Morlock if it was Jeremy's wife's fault because he beat her up? Did she make him mad? Who was supposed to be watching him then?

    Did the Morlock family attend the same church in Wasilla as the Palin family?

    My gawd, what a bunch of perverted, immoral people the entire Palin clan and their friends are.


  127. Anonymous11:01 PM

    KatieAnnieOakley said...
    Gosh, to hear Jeremy's mom tell it, the army allowed her son to go all animalistic against those Afghan citizens. It's the military's fault.

    It was their job to "watch" him, instill morality and to develop his sense of conscience.

    Children learn what they LIVE, MOM... you need to look into a mirror to see where the seed of the behavior came from...

    AGAIN: Children Learn what they LIVE.

    6:27 PM

    I blame Jeremy's mom for what happened. Why didn't Jeremy's mom get her son one of those sweet deals like Track received? I'm talking about signing up Jeremy for the Army's one year stay. On top of that she could of gotten Jeremy one of those deals where his job would be driving officers around and then she could claim her son was a combat vet even though he never left the safe zone.

  128. Here is the TRUTH from the Defense Ministry!

    Palin U-turns before entering Bethlehem

    "US politician backtracks before West Bank checkpoint, returns to Jerusalem. Defense Ministry claims Palin failed to request entry permission."

    Link is an Israeli News Site:


  129. Anonymous11:38 PM

    And these assholes wonder why Americans are hated so much...

  130. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Palin will throw the Morlocks under the bus, like she does everyone else.

    Mrs. Morlock should have taught her son right from wrong. And what he did was WRONG.

  131. Anonymous2:57 AM

    War and it's atrocities are a fact of life. But relishing the moment and treating another human being, as a trophy is unforgivable.

  132. Anonymous4:58 AM

    These libertarians from Sil'a also crow about personal responsibility and sovereignty - so now it is the responsibility of the government to micromanage the blood-lust and lack of compassion in these sociopaths?

    Sarah couldn't wait to buy (I mean, share) the socialist wealth with voters with her high consumption energy rebate with Alaskans because "[You] know how to spend it more than the government."

    So personal responsibility, fiscal, compassionate or otherwise, trumps government at every corner. And there should be consequences for bad behavior.

    Also too, why is that farmer's son naked from the waist down? What disgusting fun did these cretins have with an unarmed young man?

  133. Anonymous6:00 AM

    If you are old enough to serve in the military, if you are old enough to drive, if you are old enough to be a "baby-daddy", if you are old enough to drink, if you are old enough to purchase a vehicle, then you are old enough to know better than to kill innocent civilians, mutilate their bodies, and pose in obscene photos with them.

  134. Anonymous6:01 AM

    If he is in the military, then his is not a child. The only adults that need to be watched are those who are legally incompetent and criminals.

    Which one is Morlock?

  135. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I understood that she always bagged out on the driving duties for hockey, especially when recovering from the "tubal" she got after Piper was born.

  136. Anonymous1:15 PM

    So, Sarah Palin, and her beloved families, pals around with murderers.

  137. Anonymous11:58 AM

    "Lost his moral compass"?! yeah,right. his mother is in denial. Jeremy had brushes with the law (domestic violence arrest, drug charges, history of violent behavior before the military)-- probably the "wild west" atmosphere of war simply gave him the excuse and "safety" to act on his immoral tendencies that were present all along.

  138. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Just because you live in Wasilla doesnt mean we are all bad people. This kid has always been one of these kids and you cant blame our military for the actions he took. Yes somebody showed have watched over them when they were 5! not at 23. You are a adult act like it! You think politically the Palins would testify for a murder? You all are rediculious..


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It just goes directly to their thighs.