Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Daily Show's take on our military mission in Libya is a must see.

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Nobody points out the absurdity of Pentagon double talk quite as well as the Daily Show.

I m such a fan of Aasif Mandvi by the way.


  1. Doublespeak Gryph, Doublespeak...

  2. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I never understood why Obama, who promised change, and is extremely intelligent, surrounded himself with conservatives and Republicans since the Republicans and Conservatives have lots of other avenues to make the WH hear their opinions.

    Rather, he could have surrounded himself with advisors who would have the opposite voices and refuting facts and data to the ones of his opposition.

    He sees big business lobbyists, and listens to conservative advice all the while the Republicans and Tea Baggers are screaming the same things from outside the WH that he hears inside the WH.

    He has willfully, and either foolishly, or arrogantly or duplicitously cut himself off of the other voices, the ones of the people who put him into the WH.

    There is no balance in the information he is being fed and there is not balance in the points of view he hears. There is little or no opportunity for his supporters to refudiate Republican lies.

    I think he just proven that he is not interested in the voices of his supporters, or of the law, or the Constitution, or his party when he does not even bother to consult Congress or the leaders of his own party on a decision to put us into a fourth illegal war that does more to show our biases and hypocrisies that it does our nobility.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    This was a real stretch for Jon. A UN approved coalition action is a far cry from the WMD lies to promote Iraq.

    Jon tried too hard to be "balanced." He should just stick to truth.


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