Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wounded Iraq war veteran gives his purple heart to Gabrielle Giffords.

From KGUN9 in Tucson:

Al Lee, a Sierra Vista resident, was awarded the Purple Heart after being injured in Fallujah, Iraq, in September 2003. He suffered a traumatic brain injury and other wounds in the blast of an improvised explosive device. On Wednesday, Lee presented his Purple Heart to Giffords staffer Pam Simons, who was also injured in the shooting rampage that wounded the congresswoman.

Lee noted that as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Giffords has been a strong advocate for veterans and active-duty members of the military. For that reason, Lee said he believes that Giffords was wounded "in the line of duty."

Rep. Giffords' staff members will present the Purple Heart to her this weekend in Houston, where she is currently undergoing rehabilitation.

Wounded "in the line of duty."  Of course she was.

I don't really have anything clever or revelatory to add to this, I just thought it was very touching and decided it needed to be shared.


  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Thank you, it did.


  2. Wow. Clear definitions by example of "in the line of duty" and "patriot", all in one post. There's a bitter tea bag to suck on...

  3. A J BIllings5:12 AM

    We all know that Ms Palin sticks her ignorant nose into everyone's business. That seems to be a trait that some bossy Christians display, since they know so much more about everything than the rest of the great unwashed masses, and especially more than an unrepentant apostate like myself.

    However, I have to wonder if Queen Esther will be PROFOUNDLY STUPID enough to criticized or comment on the purple heart medal story.

    Would even Palin be so stupid as to criticize this? What's typical
    among the group that includes Cheney, G. W Bush, Wolfowitz, Feith, and their ilk is that they NEVER served in the military, or if they did, they made damn sure they were never in combat.

    Sarah Palin is another one who likes to talk tough and wave the flag of American military supremacy over the whole world due to our Chosen Nation status by G*D.

    The Bailey book can't come out soon enough!

  4. Anne In DC5:59 AM

    This is an extremely touching and heartwarming gesture, from one true patriot to another. He's right in saying both of them were injured in the line of duty, because he got hurt fighting in a war for the country, while she got hurt in the act of actively addressing questions and concerns of her constituents. It's such a touching antidote to the jingoistic nonsense that Palin and her ilk spew, in the form of meaningless bumper sticker slogans.

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Thanks, Gryph, for sharing this beautiful story, of the very thoughtful gesture by 'Al Lee, a Sierra Vista resident' .

    Thanks also (too) for your keeping us informed and up-to-date on everything. You are a 'gem', and so very appreciated!!

    Have a good one.

  6. yukonark6:35 AM

    Wonderful story, Gryphen. Gabby's continuing recovery transcends the myopic barriers of politics and is a tribute to the resiliency of the human spirit.

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    After a day of Quitty's nonsense this was just what was needed. Thank you G.

  8. Anonymous7:45 AM

    These are the heroes. No one can take away the fact that they gave everything for others. Even a wounded veteran who gave, gives away his "trophy" (purple heart) to another. No media attention, no $100,000 speaking fees, offers for radio hosts, DWTS, magazine promos, million-dollar book deals, just GIVING, like a servant with a SERVANT'S HEART.

  9. Anonymous9:32 AM

    That noble honor provides a glimmer of hope for the nation . . .


  10. Anonymous11:45 AM

    When Representative Giffords returns to work in Congress, I hope she calls out the hate speech that Palin and others have used to create an environment of violence in political discourse.

  11. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Beautiful. It did need to be shared. You are making me cry a bunch today.

  12. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Two quality and generous humane beings.
    Pity there are so few.

  13. carrieoki1:48 AM

    "Amen" to all preceding comments. Thanks, Gryph.


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