Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bill Maher on Letterman last night.

The Sarah Palin portions starts at the 4:45 mark, but the whole thing is worth watching.

I actually am with Letterman in this discussion.


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen! I needed that laugh.
    Sure would love to see Trump or Palin debate Pawlenty or Romney or anyone who had even a smidgen of intelligence about real issues.
    OBAMA 2012

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    great interview and it is worth watching the whole thing. The part near the end when he "can't quite put his finger on why they hate Obama so much" really good.

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    A Voyage Into The Racial Code Words Used To Attack Obama’s Americanism

    The birther movement is not about whether President Obama was born in America, but that he is not American because he is Black. When the teabags preach returning to the Founding Fathers’ intentions for the country, it is not because they are Constitutional ideologists, but because the Founders were white. There is a dysfunctional thought-process in many Americans that refuses to believe America is not a white Christian nation, and the thought of a Black man in the Oval Office is intolerable. Birther devotees are able to say Obama is not one of us because he is not American, but their real message is the he’s not American because of his race, and Republicans are using that race-hatred to their political advantage.

    Donald Trump is riding the birther sentiment for all it’s worth because although the man is a carnival freak show, he knows that racism is alive and well in America. Trump has demanded to see President Obama’s birth certificate every time he opens his mouth regardless that it has been in the public record since before the 2008 elections. Trump’s response as of late is that the president is hiding something as if he is a criminal. The implication that President Obama is illegitimate or an alien who is sitting in a place he doesn’t belong is not lost on Americans who harbor racist sentiments, and Republicans are dancing around the birther issue to keep the racial divide intact.


    30% of Americans Aren’t Sure That Donald Trump Was Born in America


  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Who do you think will be the eventual nominee?

    Mitt Romney – 21.4%
    Mike Huckabee – 8.3%
    Donald Trump – 7.3%
    Newt Gingrich – 4.9%
    Sarah Palin – 4.1%


  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Sarah Palin's one-time future son-in-law, Levi Johnston, reportedly just signed a book deal for a tell-all memoir on the Palin family. Johnston, the father of the GOP star's grandson, has a rocky relationship with the Palins, and his book "will have good
    stuff," says his manager,
    <>. "He isn't leaving anything out."

    But when Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs comes out in the fall, it won't be the only Palin exposé on the shelves: At least three more are slated to come out first. Here's a look at the upcoming crop of anti-Palin tomes:


    How TV created, then destroyed, Sarah Palin

    Palin's political downfall is inextricably linked to her initial appeal as a made-for-television politician.

    ...The series had many memorable moments and scenes, but what lingered – and obviously had an impact on Republicans – was the unsubtle undermining of Palin’s assertion that she and her family are “normal, average Americans.” A salmon-fishing trip for the kids involved using a private bush plane to fly to a remote wilderness lake. Palin asserted that such a trip is “an everyday thing” in Alaska, yet any fool watching at home knew the cost had to be in the many thousands. A mountain-climbing trip to Mount McKinley was presented as a trip in the family RV, yet viewers were gobsmacked to find that the vehicle was more like those giant, luxury tour buses used by rock bands.

    Television is not kind to blatant hubris and hypocrisy and the series amounted to an epic failure to enhance Palin’s status as the genuine voice of authentic America. Television is flow, not content, and in politics, TV is not a problem to be managed but an instrument to be played. (Marshall McLuhan told us so and it is true.) The flow of Sarah Palin’s Alaska amounted to a river of platitudes and patently insincere assertions. Palin failed to play television as an instrument.

    The medium that gave her exposure and heft as a figure representing everyday reality, and ordinary people’s views, finally diminished her fatally. After succumbing to the temptations of a reality-TV series, Palin was exposed as overexposed.


  6. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Levi Johnston is the master of the art of trolling. It appears his sole aim in life is to annoy supreme pencil neck, Sarah Palin, ’til she reaches the point of explosion. Of course, when she finally KABOOMS, the sky will be thick with impotent rage and garbled words spelled out like the sky has been attacked by a dyslexic skywriter.


  7. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Playgirl model and father of at least one “Palin baby” Levi Johnston is about to add another accomplishment to his resume: literary sensation. Levi, who became famous for impregnating one of Sarah Palin’s children, is the author of the forthcoming Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs. C’mon, Levi, those are just surveyor’s marks! The book will have a bunch of crazy stories about Sarah eating Taco Bell and saying that thing about her baby that is a very bad thing to say, unless Sarah or Rush Limbaugh says it. We will buy this book right away!


  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sad Sarah Palin Begging Blogs To Cover Her Squirmish-y Speeches

    Squirmish-y grifter Sarah Palin isn’t getting noticed enough by the media she pretends to hate! This is why the multi-millionaire human fraud and political quitter is begging the Huffington Post to please, please, please keep her in the blog-news cycle. It’s one thing to be a gleefully ignorant demagogue to a bunch of unemployed housebound white people on Twitter clicking the ‘puter until their electricity is shut off again, but how does Sarah get money from that? She needs those $100,000 checks for squeaking out some half-baked bigotry, and in order to be “worth the money” (to billionaires), she’s got her press aide sending these desperate tweets begging the blogs and television networks to cover Sarah’s latest spill of word salad. Because when the media coverage of vapid human oddity Sarah Palin stops, the $100,000 appearances stop. There’s just one problem: Even the media is tired of Sarah Palin, the most reliable clown of the past three years. What’s Grandma Palin gonna do now?


  9. I love them both! What great senses of humor they have, but more importantly, what COMMON SENSE they have, too!

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Awesome clip. Thanks G

  11. Anonymous9:44 AM

    They are just so full of BS and bluster, aren't they?


  12. Anonymous9:52 AM

    ABC is saying that Bristol will be on Dancing with the Stars tonight, April 26. Since they are announcing this, she will probably be doing more than just sitting in the audience.

    There is a special Dancing show tonight in addition to the usual Results show. The special is on at 8 pm Eastern time, and the Results show is on at 9 pm Eastern time. I have the impression she will be on the special show but I am not sure.

  13. Anonymous10:08 AM

    What a sad state of affairs we have, that a majority of Americans are so wrapped up in the non-acceptance of a Black man as President, that they don't even notice what is happening to them.

    Their healthcare is under attack...the education system is being dismantled...their social security safety net will soon be stolen from them. Police and fire department crews will soon be available only as privately contracted services for those rich enough to afford them.

    In other words, everything they love about the country, is being pickpocketed away from them, by a Republican squad of corporate thugs, determined to see only the very rich enjoy life in the United States...while their attention is being diverted to non-issues such as abortion, gay rights, and racial baloney like Muslims and Mexicans taking over the county, urged on by a foreign-born President.

    The rest of the world is laughing at Americans for being THAT easily fooled.

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Time for Sarah to pose nude in order to get the media to do a story.

  15. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Well there it is. The most respected newscaster at the most watched and dominant cable news network has weighed in on the controversy surrounding Barack Obama’s citizenship (and legitimacy as president of the United States) and has found for the president. “Fox News can confirm the president of the United States is a citizen of the United States,” said Fox News Shep Smith, adding for dramatic effect, “Period.” Next!


  16. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Have you seen the article by Megan Carpentier in the Guardian. It's offensive and needs to be answered IMHO.

  17. I have my concerns about a Mormon candidate, but I don't think the underwear should be part of jokes. Other religions have special clothing. Let's stick to how a religion will affect the political action of a candidate.

  18. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Great Letterman/Maher segment!!

    Anon 9:19

    I have to give the Canadians credit for so many having Palin's 'number' from the get go. With the fake French President phone call, the comedian at her book tour which was hilarious too and the various articles like the link you posted.

  19. @10:08 AM

    Perfectly stated. Accurate, also too.

  20. Hmm Gryphen, you say you were with Dave on this. I thought he was a bit nervous or squirmish about Bill's comments. Surely Dave has caught Real Time once or twice and could have expected Bill wouldn't pull his punches. Love them both (and you too) and was surprised that the segment felt just a twee bit edgy-ish.

    Dave wasn't that uncomfortable when Ben Affleck's wife recently described being pressed up against Russell Brand's genitals for hours.

  21. Point of information: the Boston Tea Party was not a "tax revolt," Mr Maher. The issue was the price of monopolized tea, made possible through a tax subsidy extended to th East India Company by the Crown.

  22. Anonymous11:29 AM

    diz, Letterman is only 'squirmish' because he wants to have the opportunity to book a few of those politicians on his show during the election season!!

  23. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Have you seen the article by Megan Carpentier in the Guardian. It's offensive and needs to be answered IMHO. 10:39 am

    I agree. Ms Carpentier dismisses the entire story without having done any research. That much is clear because she has so many basic facts completely wrong. Had she done the barest investigation, she would be aware of Audrey and Regina. And if she spent any time at all on the blogs, she'd know many, if not most, commenters are mothers themselves, as I am. And being mothers, we were able to catch on to this appalling fraud.

    It is also clear that her response is emotional. The idea that a WOMAN would be questioned about such deeply personal WOMANLY things is so outrageous to her. Personally, I find it outrageously sexist that a woman could hide behind what makes her female and not be called out on it.

    Moreover, her assumption that those who seeks to uncover this hoax are the flip side of Obama birthers is fairly ameturish. Good heavens, what kind of journalist comes to such a conclusion because there is a birth certificate involved in both cases?

  24. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Boy, Levi and company must have really had to scramble once they found out all the competition they will have on the bookshelves with Dunn, McGinniss, and Bailey's books hitting the shelves. Levi's material will be cold and stale by then. Too bad. This kid could have had THE blockbuster if he had only had the balls to surround himself with brains.

  25. Have you seen this article yet - asking if this theory has been debunk yet is Trig the son of Track and his girlfirend


    It is nicely done I think - doesn't accuse or attack, just lays out the situation and the questions, and that there is nothing wrong with asking questions - which is what good journalism should do - just the facts please!

  26. Laura Novak12:16 PM

    Sarah Palin & The Professor: A Conversation, Part 4 is now up:


    Brad Scharlott and I discuss the media, our memories, my moments with Rush Limbaugh and yes, a h/t to Gryphen!

  27. Keith Olbermann announces new show - awesome! can't wait - miss that guy


  28. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Thanks for the review of "SP's Alaska", 9:19am.

    The most satisfying thing about her show, is that she had editorial control over how everything was pieced together from the film that was shot. These clips represent her IN THE BEST LIGHT POSSIBLE.

    I sincerely hope some lowly clerk has made copies of ALL the dailies.. and in some future, we get to see all the out-takes.

    P.S. Bill M and Letterman are sane persons. Of course both Quittypants and The Donald will run... for about 10 minutes - just so they can say "I was a presidential candidate!"

  29. Anonymous2:14 PM

    They are BOTH so, so good! Love watching both of their shows.

  30. onething7:34 PM

    Well that was just great. And I totally agree with Maher that the media is to blame for this current charade of treating Palin like she was a valid anything.

    Also, from time to time I read in the media that Palin is such a draw, garners so much interest and publicity. Well, I'm calling bullshit on that. I think most people are turned off to her and would happily ignore her but the media keep putting her back in our faces. And that means someone has an agenda.
    Question is, who?

  31. sandra, what's so wonderful about the prospect of the "magic underpants" guy winning the repugnican nomination is that those very same underpants will put the average american off of voting for him, whether you think that's fair or not. yes, many religions have their special clothing, and no, no one who belongs to one of them is going to get a big pass from the american electorate. there's just something a little too "culty" about it. so--yay--romney 2012!

  32. Thanx 'IM' for this link. Two of my favorites. Letterman used to bag groceries for my grandmother, read the weather on my hometown TV.


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