Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do the Young Turks have the goods concerning babygate?

All of this activity took place on Joe McGinniss's Twitter account last night:

Rumors fly that Young Turks will have webcast re Sarah Palin & Trig birth tomorrow. New info? Or trashing Truthers?
1 hour ago via web

YoungTurk@TimOnAir sez "SarahPalin is a dirty liar and we'll be proving that tomorrow on @TYTNow. TRIG IS NOT HER SON." "Proving it?" Hmm.
1 hour ago via web

Will YoungTurk Mihalsky keep promise to prove tomorrow at Trig is not Sarah's child? Hmm,I wonder
1 hour ago via web

@billmaher, MT @TimOnAir, Wow @SarahPalinUSA is a dirty liar & we'll be proving that tomorrow on @TYTNow. TRIG IS NOT HER SON #babygate #p2
57 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Well I don't know about all of you, but I am going to have to get myself up early and see what the hell this is all about.

I am not holding out a lot of hope that they can PROVE anything yet, but just getting people to talk about it is putting a spring in my step.


  1. Anonymous1:18 AM

    BTW Why can't I access Joe's blog stories? It always defaults to his profile page.

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:06 AM

    Fingers crossed...!

  3. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Maybe the Professor did just enough to reopen this can of worms..

    Maybe Sarah going birther helped put Trig question back in front of MSM...

    Maybe it will be a very good day for Trig truthers and one VERY BAD day for Sarah..

  4. angela2:34 AM

    I have a feeling YT will just be rehashing what bloggers have known and talked about for the last two years. Its amazing how shocked people are when shown any real political or personal truths about Sarah.

    The MSM has indeed done a shitty job of absolutely no reporting on Palin's political record, to say nothing of her constant lies.

  5. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Especially since things like this typically make her ACT!

  6. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I am listening now and he has mentioned a few things coming up in the first and second hours, and Palin has not been mentioned.

  7. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Watching YT right now... no mention of SP yet.

  8. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Glad to hear it. Add another to her list of "enemies".

  9. Anonymous4:02 AM

    I'm thinking it's a publicity stunt for the first broadcast. Hope I am wrong, it's well past the time that SOMEONE in the sort-of MSM takes on the babygate hoax.

  10. Anonymous4:04 AM

    shannynmoore Sheesh, why did @SarahPalinUSA have to get stuck in the Birther Canal? Now, I have to write about her birthers. #ugh! #fok #p2

    Hi Everyone, I'm an American expat living in Asia. Above is a copy and paste from Joe's twitter acct. Can some fill me on the details of Shannyn More. She's obviously an intelligent person.

    I've seen her interviewed on Maddow which leads me to believe she want's to be taken "seriously".

    Maddow or MSNBC and many of the so called progressive blogs won't touch the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and examine the horror of what's going on in Gaza and the West Bank. PEPs (progressive except
    for Palestine). Anthony Weiner anyone?

    I don't want to derail here as may main focus of this comment is insight into what's the deal with Ms. More.

  11. Anonymous4:20 AM

    anon 1:18AM - links to Joe's blog posts are on the right side of his profile page...

  12. Anonymous4:23 AM

    @1:18, you have to click on The Rogue Blog tab at the top. Gryphen, you might want to change your link to go directly to the blog? Or maybe you want people to see the full site. You choice, of course :)

  13. Anonymous4:25 AM

    anon 4:04, Ever try Google? Moore, not More, here's a link to her blog-

  14. Anonymous4:28 AM

    @Anonymous 1:18. Have you tried clicking on The Rogue Blog across the top of the profile page?

    @Anonymous 4:04. Shannyn is Alaska journalist who opposes Palin but, along with Jeanne of Mudflats, believes the Wild Ride and thinks we Babygate people hurt the cause.

  15. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Please excuse my bluntness, but as far as Shannyn Moore and Sarah Palin's pregnancy fraud go: Shannyn Moore won't touch it because she's too chicken shit. She is exactly the type of journalist that Prof. Brad Scharlott is talking about in his paper about the media's lack of reporting on the pregnancy.

  16. Kimosabe4:37 AM

    So many "nails in the coffin", so many "icebergs".

  17. Anonymous4:45 AM

    I think the taxpayers are owed an explanation about the tax used to pay for her continuing political ad, SPA. How much did she get, Toad, Chuckles, Chuckles Jr. the Palin delinquents. How much in equipment like the luxury Travel Trailer? Surely the IRS should investigate, since I doubt this tripe is what the tax credits were meant to be used for.

  18. Anonymous5:05 AM

    @anon 4:28

    On the contrary, Jeanne Devon(the Mudflats)and Shannyn Moore (Just a Girl from Homer)were among the first Alaskans to extensively cover and publicly debunk Sarah Palin's 'wild ride' fairytale in the blogs, on television and on radio talk shows.

    You can find links to these original posts still on their blogs.

  19. @Anonymous 5:05. They believe the Wild Ride and believe it makes her look unfit for office. They believe she gave birth to Trig and think we add a tinfoil hat aspect that helps Palin.

  20. Anonymous5:43 AM


    I beg to differ:

    Bloggers are not journalists. They are bloggers. That's not to say they don't do research and try to get facts straight. They do.

    However, journalists tell the story; bloggers tell the story they want to tell. An example of this is at Mudflats. There was a post saying Joe Miller lied about attending Harvard on a merit based scholarship because Harvard Law School doesn't give out merit based scholarships.

    Now, I have fifteen years in post-secondary financial aid and scholarships experience, so I commented and pointed out that it could have been a privately funded merit-based scholarship.

    To which I received a "well, we did mention that maybe he did . . ."

    But did you call his offices and ask what specific scholarship he received? No, you did not, because you just might have been told he went to Harvard Law on XYZ Foundation scholarship, and that wasn't the story you wanted to tell. You wanted to call Joe Miller a liar, and he is a liar about a great deal, but that post is indicative of why bloggers are not journalists.

    Journalists tell the story. Bloggers tell the story they want to tell.

  21. cuppajoe5:45 AM

    " far as Shannyn Moore and Sarah Palin's pregnancy fraud go: Shannyn Moore won't touch it because she's too chicken shit."

    4:31...and you're nuts. Time and again, Shannyn Moore has stuck her neck out on a great many reports against Palin. She has more cojones than you do, "anonymous", since she is lives in Alaska, and she's willing to put her name to her work. How much have YOU done to spread the word about Palin's lies and deceptions? The only thing that's chicken shit here is your hatefulness against Moore.

  22. Well the Turks did nothing on this story, unless I missed it.

  23. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I just hate it when I'm an EXPAT in ASIA and I can't access information about a well known Alaska blogger...

  24. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Any and EVERY amount of Media interest in babygate is a good thing. Gryph, please don't try to rain on this?

  25. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Please excuse my bluntness, but as far as Shannyn Moore and Sarah Palin's pregnancy fraud go: Shannyn Moore won't touch it because she's too chicken shit. She is exactly the type of journalist that Prof. Brad Scharlott is talking about in his paper about the media's lack of reporting on the pregnancy.

    4:31 AM

    I remember there was a time when Shannyn Moore was very vocal against Sarah Palin and I used to listen to her and read her blogs, but now she does not comment or cover the Palins and I do not pay attention to her anymore. Please correct me if I am wrong. The station she works for was bought out by FOX and that's about the time Moore stopped reporting on Sarah. Shannyn was the one person who stood up for Alaska against the Palins and since she stopped doing this, Gryphen has picked up the torch for Alaska and continued our fight to reveal the truth about the Palins.

    So I wonder if her now station owner, FOX, ordered Moore to stop talking about the Palins.

  26. Anonymous6:04 AM

    cuppajoe said...
    " far as Shannyn Moore and Sarah Palin's pregnancy fraud go: Shannyn Moore won't touch it because she's too chicken shit."

    4:31...and you're nuts. Time and again, Shannyn Moore has stuck her neck out on a great many reports against Palin. She has more cojones than you do, "anonymous", since she is lives in Alaska, and she's willing to put her name to her work. How much have YOU done to spread the word about Palin's lies and deceptions? The only thing that's chicken shit here is your hatefulness against Moore.

    5:45 AM

    There was a time when Shannyn had cajones, but somebody clipped them. Somebody got to her.

  27. Anonymous6:05 AM @ 8:30 AM PT

    press play in top right corner of screen

  28. Anonymous6:11 AM

    From what I read last night, it wasn't going to be on Young Turks broadcast. It was going to be a radio interview on an L.A. station.

  29. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Blogger Gryphen said...

    Well the Turks did nothing on this story, unless I missed it.

    5:52 AM

    Why would the Turks pull this kind of a stunt. I don't get it. Don't they realize that it hurts their credibility?

  30. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Anon at 4:25, Thanks for catching my spelling error. I can't speak for any other posters but I personally would appreciate your corrections of any spelling/grammar errors you find in my posts. I'll have to check this "Google" thing you've recommended. Sounds interesting.

    Given what she wrote in her Twitter post she doesn't sound like a happy camper regarding the latest chapter of this saga.

    Shannyn Moore:

    "Now, I have to write about her birthers. #ugh!fok #p2"

    Anon at 4:25, you seem pretty internet savvy and a good speller to boot. I can't find the word "fok" in my dictionary. Can you help me out?

    I'll check out this "Just a Girl from Homer" site and see if there's any updates.

  31. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The MSM has indeed done a shitty job of absolutely no reporting on Palin's political record, to say nothing of her constant lies.


    Welcome to the world of liberal media. Go for the jugular and ignore ANY truth in reporting on ANY politicians political past. Do you really think Bush or Obama would have been elected if American's knew the shady details of their political past? In fact, most former Presidents wouldn't have seen the inside of the White house.

  32. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Remember, it was Shannyn who called out Gross as a climber and liar. And that's what he is. It's articles like that VF one that gives reporters a bad name. It's men like him that caused the decline of print media. However, VF is nothing more than a vanity magazine, no substance, all fluff.

  33. Anonymous6:41 AM

    The reasons there are so many bloggers is because people want to feel as if their opinion matters. People blog to feed a political agenda, inform like-minded peers, vent, or for whatever reason. People can print whatever they choose and because blogs are typically opinion based, no one can sue and win. That's why the NE still exists, no matter what slander they print. They're incredibly crafty when wording things that it's used as propaganda and solely for money.

    One has to think to oneself: What kind of person does it take, lost soul rather, for him/her to sit in front of a computer blogging about rumors, lies and hateful rhetoric he/she has no actual way of proving?

    "What sort of person does that?" Not one I want my children to meet and become friends with that's for sure.

  34. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sure Trig could be her "son" if an adoption took place - BUT - the key phrase "natural born son" is hardly, if ever, used.

  35. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Anon at 6:41: And . . . thanks for sharing your OPINION about bloggers. Nice that you could have a place to do so, eh? In my opinion, bloggers are the people's journalists. (And why would you want your children to be friends with a grown man, anyway? That's more than a little weird. Unless your "children" are adults, in which case, it's odd that you would mention them -- I'm sure they can choose their own friends.)

  36. Rationalist6:56 AM

    Anon at 6:41 -

    I want you to know that what you are hearing as "hateful" is the frustration that comes from two years of watching a vice presidential candidate's wild claims go un-investigated. No one here hates Palin's children or anything like that. We want this outlandish story to be proven for what it is: the most heinous hoax ever perpetrated on the American electorate.

  37. Anonymous6:57 AM

    To anon at 6:41,

    Sarah Palin blogs, and you've just read a blog and took the time to comment. So how stupid and lost are YOU right now.

  38. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Oh it's not that Shannyn Moore is " chicken shit." it's that she is SO SO SO above it all!! She's very concerned with her reputation and career. I used to read her blog until she critcized Gryphen and us publically as tin foil hat wearers.
    She could have just chosen not to talk about it instead of being a judgmental snob. Just my opinion.

    Please don't bring the middle east conflict here. The reason it's not being discussed is that there are two sides. Your choice of words shows your bias so please not in the middle of the Trig story finally being talked about!

  39. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Maybe the Turks got a phone call from Van Flea Bag??
    Or a check from Sarahpac ( kidding)

  40. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I don't think they'll "prove" anything. From their website: "Slated for tomorrow: @TimOnAir is presenting the case for Trig not being Sarah's kid and @tinadupuy and @elliottjustin will judge."

  41. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Anon at 4:25, Wow this Google thing you turned me on to is amazing!

    When I saw Moore more than a year ago on Maddow she certainly appeared to be an adult woman so I was bit confused when I heard about this "Just a Girl from Homer" site.

    Well I just checked it out and there staring back at me was what appeared to be a strikingly
    beautiful adult woman, certainly not what I would consider "just a girl.

    Anon at 4:25, given your internet savvy I'm sure your aware of a site called Wikipedia. I did a search for our girl.

    Turns out she's, at least according to Wikipedia, forty years old. Turns forty one June,12th this year.

    According to Wiki she is working for a Fox affiliate. Blogging for Huffington/AOL Post as well.

    Women have a hard enough time being taken seriously without referring to themselves as girls given Justin Elliot's post at Salon and Dave Weigel's recent post on the topic of BabyGate.

    Oh, by the way, no updates yet on BabyGate at "Just a Girl from Homer"

  42. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Anon6:04---AGREE!! Something or someone shut them up.

  43. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Its just going to be a youtube video, and they will post the link on twitter when they are ready.

    There are already a bunch of babygate youtube videos. Its not going to make its way to the msm.

    Excitement over nothing

  44. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Tweet from Young Turks:
    TimOnAir Tim Mihalsky

    @KatieAnnieOakly it's not live. it'll be up on @TYTNow on youtube later today and, trust me, I'll be tweeting the links!!

  45. Okay I don't know why this suddenly became a conversation about Shannyn Moore, but that is enough.

    Shannyn and I are friends, we have a difference of opinion on certain issues, let's leave it at that.

    If anybody finds anything about the Young Turks talking about babygate, THAT I am interested in hearing.

  46. Anonymous7:25 AM

    As I was thinking back about the fake pregnancy, I thought of something else that I personally have not heard brought up or maybe I just missed it.
    How could SP's staff not be aware of her pregnancy? She would have had appts for normal prenatal care, multiple ultrasounds ( to diagnose the DS) most likely appts about the DS fetus with specialists. All these would be normal and fairly hard to cover up. Any woman that has been pregnant knows how many appts they had during a pregnancy. I know , I know....there is no need to visit a Dr for a fake pregnancy.
    Sarah will never run for any national long as the Trig issue is floating around too many people will demand ALL of her medical records be released.

  47. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Well Gryphen I've liked Cenk in the past but don't forget he is now in the employ of billionaires with a product to sell........ as is your friend.

    We shall see. All the best.

  48. carrieoki7:38 AM

    "In spring of 2010 Tim moved The Block to it’s current home and flagship, 540AM KRXA Monterey/Santa Cruz." SOURCE link is

    The link to radio station, KRXA 540 AM. From there, navigate to their "listen live."
    Looks like "The Block" is broadcast at 1 AM to 3 AM, Pacific time.

  49. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I found this on their fb page:

    "TYT Now" is an online news show hosted by columnist Tina Dupuy and radio personality Tim Mihalsky. Produced by Lucas Lillieholm. It's a spin off of The Young Turks, filmed in the original studio in LA.

    [Couldn't find a link to the actual show but it premiers today]

  50. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I don't bother reading Shannyn Moore any longer after she completely misconstrued the Micheal Gross Vanity Fair piece.

    Having read Shannyn's email to Gross, which was posted on Slate, It is clear that for one, Shannyn was mad about how she was portrayed. I guess she wanted to be written as the Alistair Cooke of Alaska.

    Second, she was mad that Gross (accurately) quoted Colleen Cottle and it got Colleen in trouble with her son. Apparently, Colleen's grown son was pissed that his mother's honesty got him in hot water with Todd Palin, town bully. Colleen's grown children then, according to Shannyn, threatened to stop speaking to their mother unless she recanted. Funny how Moore never diputes the accuracy of the Cottle quote--only that it was printed. Seems to me that Shannyn's anger was misplaced. It should have been directed at the Cottle children who appear to have more fear of the Palins than respect for their own mother.

  51. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Shannyn may be your friend, Gryphen, but she is a participant in the spiral of silence, which, by the way, only keeps you on the fringe. Didn't you once post that you had been mocked by the other Alaskan bloggers, all because you don't shy away from the Trig Lie?

  52. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Anon 6:34 AM

    May I ask, where are you an EX-PAT from? MARS?

  53. KatieAnnieOakley8:19 AM

    It's not a live broadcast, it is being videotaped RIGHT NOW and will be posted as a video to their YouTube account later today.

    Check twitter-feeds of either @TinaDupuy or @TimOnAir later this afternoon (AK time) for link.

  54. Anonymous8:55 AM

    But did you call his offices and ask what specific scholarship he received? No, you did not, because you just might have been told he went to Harvard Law on XYZ Foundation scholarship, and that wasn't the story you wanted to tell. You wanted to call Joe Miller a liar, and he is a liar about a great deal, but that post is indicative of why bloggers are not journalists.

    Journalists tell the story. Bloggers tell the story they want to tell.

    AP falls for hoax: General Electric is not donating $3.2 billion to the U.S. Treasury

    Turns out, it's not true -- and the whole embarrassment could have been avoided with a phone call.

    "All seven of our foreign tax havens are entirely legal," a fake media advisory, published to a website not affiliated with GE, claimed CEO Jeffrey Immelt had said. "But Americans have made it clear that they deplore laws that enable tax avoidance.

  55. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Shannyn concentrates on Alaska issues now. Her program constantly informs Alaskans of legislation that cossets big business, local political movements to curtail constitutional rights, and other Alaskan issues that are very important to Alaskans. Mrs. Palin is no longer an Alaskan issue. Hell, Mrs. Palin is no longer in Alaska enough to even count.

  56. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anon at 9:14 wrote:

    "Mrs. Palin is no longer an Alaskan issue."

    Ah, how so? Could you please expand on that theme.

  57. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I too think y'all are being too hard on Shannyn. AK was always a lot bigger than Palin, and now she's simply not relevant. I certainly can't blame Shannyn for wanting to give voice to and cover other issues affecting Alaska.

    I have no doubt that if anything really breaks on the story, or if she comes into new information herself, she'll deal with it. But it's not her job to cover Palin 24/7, regardless of whether or not there's anything to cover.

    TBH, there's really hasn't been any new information regarding this for some time. "Gosh, Sarah contradicted herself--again!" That's kind of a non-story.

  58. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Gryphen -

    Here's a link -

    I sat in both the music station and TYT's 7:30 to 9:30am pdt live feeds (and have the headache to prove it rofl!) with not hearing a single word about this topic.

    Went back and googled timonair which led me to twtnow which led me back to this @timonair twitter page - looks like it hasn't happened yet but I still can't find 'where' it is supposed to happen.

    Also - one of timonair's tweets makes me believe there's no new evidence - he's just a newbie to these blogs and thinks all tne posts are 'proof'. We'll see.

    If you can find when and where this big announcement is supposed to take place please share :)


  59. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I had a light bulb moment after sceptically dismissing babygate for more than a year. Maybe this is someone's lightbulb moment. Once it is lit it doesn't go out.

  60. Young Turks show on Palin was pre-recorded for later broadcast, I read somewhere else.

  61. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Ozmud said: "one of timonair's tweets makes me believe there's no new evidence - he's just a newbie to these blogs and thinks all tne posts are 'proof'"

    New evidence would be great but newbies willing to reach larger audiences with the compelling evidence that already exists is terrific, maybe better. Sarah basically seems to have flaunted a fake pregnancy to the public and been able to continue to get away with it. Lots of voices are needed if this story is ever going to break.

  62. Anonymous2:20 PM

    At least it sounds like they are convinced enough to sign their name at the bottom.

    The more the merrier.

  63. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Check this out! Finally, this story is getting out there:

  64. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I wish that photos, dates and the wild ride tape would be shown so people understand it was not some viscous "lie" by people to blAh blah blah attack Palin. Palin is highly suspect given her webs of deceit and given her non pregnant appearance that suddenly morons into a late term pregnancy.

  65. Anonymous6:12 PM

    7:25 Anon
    Great point on Palin's absence from work for OB appointments.
    Will anyone ever be able to see her official calendar ?
    In addition, most women are to rest for the remainder of the day after having an
    So, Palin should have had an unexplained absence around the 15 to 17 week mark.
    The amnio should have been done by an OB GYN experienced in this procedure ,
    so another MD should have been involved.
    I would be unusual for a Family Practice MD to perform the
    amnio .
    Did Palin's coworkers notice her feeling tired or having nausea or unusual food cravings ?
    Obviously not, since they were all shocked at the big news.

    Palin lied to talk show host Rusty Humphries on Dec 3, 2009.
    She told him she had released Trig's birth certificate to the media.

    "Hey, you know, that's a great point, in that weird conspiracy-theory freaky thing
    that people talk about that Trig isn't my real son.
    And a lot of people say,
    "Well you need to produce his birth certificate!
    You need to prove that he's your kid!"
    Which we have done. "


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.