Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What if Bristol Palin and the Candies Foundation practiced truth in advertising?

From Care2Care (talking about the Candies Foundation):

On their site, they claimed that in a recent "independent survey" of 1,000 teens, "twice as many teens (57% vs. 27%) said Bristol's PSA 'got my attention,' three times as many (41% vs. 11%) said it was 'powerful,' and more than twice as many (38% vs. 16%) said it was 'memorable.' Thus they are justified in spending all of their money on celebrity spokespeople rather than organizations that are actually giving teens the resources and education to prevent pregnancy.

The fact that teens found the PSAs memorable does not mean that they gained any useful knowledge from them or altered their behavior accordingly. A TV show illustrating the "devastating consequences" of teen pregnancy might be as "memorable" as Palin's PSA, but there's no reason for the Candie's Foundation to start handing out checks to the producers of The Secret Life of the American Teenager or Glee.

And frankly, if Bristol Palin is truly dedicated to "preventing even one girl from getting pregnant," she will personally redistribute her enormous paycheck from the Candie's Foundation. It's one thing for her to get paid for her speaking engagements - but it's absurd for the Candie's Foundation to spend seven times on their celebrity speakers than on actual teen pregnancy initiatives.

After all, Bristol Palin may be able to speak to the experience of teen motherhood, but as the daughter of a powerful political figure, she is certainly not typical, something that she admitted in a Candie's PSA last year. The money could be well spent on the other 750,000 American teenagers who get pregnant every year, many of whom rely on these clinics and health centers for counseling and prenatal care. It seems as though Candie's - and maybe Palin herself - are more interested in their public image than actually preventing teen pregnancy.

It looks like the author of this post has Bristol Palin, her mom, and the Candies Foundation figured out pretty well.

(H/T to The Nomadic View.)


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Tripp looks just like Grandpa Chuckles, poor kid. Where is Levi, has he had a DNA test yet?

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Rumor has it...

    Bristol is in the FBI witness protection program.

    Willow is in drug rehab.

    Piper has been adopted by Romanian Gypsies.

    Track is replacing deceased Capt Phil on "Deadliest Catch"

    Todd is in Thailand looking for young prostitutes.

    Sarah is lost in space

  3. How stupid I was.

    I got good grades in school, went to college and got a bachelors, then a teaching credential and then two masters degrees. I've been teaching for 32 years and I only take home $68,000 a year (before taxes).

    If I had known I could make over a quarter of a million a year I would have dropped out of high school and gotten pregnant.

  4. In one of the articles I saw where Candies was defending their payout to BP they mentioned how "most" celebrities turn around and give the money they are paid back to Candies to be used to help others. Naturally being a Palin she did NOT give back a cent.

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    The Church of Palin, they act like they've cornered the (Free) Market on servant's hearts, family values and hard work - but demonstrate none of the virtues in their actions and behavior.

    There is nothing holding them back from showing another side to them, donating a portion of their own personal wealth rather than other peoples money via SarahPAC or the Fund Trust or BSMP, LLC or Rouge Couge or whatever the hell shell companies they form to line their own pockets with their own money.

    Since we can't hold them accountable, we'll never know what happens with their personal new-found wealth laundered through bogus operations.

  6. angela3:52 PM

    Poor Baby. For all eternity he gets to be the kid who made his mother a statistic . . . . and a whole lot of money.

    Boy can those Palin women pimp their ability to procreate.

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    That newly redone poster of Bristol is PERFECT. I hope it goes viral, because to have her be the "voice of abstinence" makes my blood boil.

  8. Whoever produced the opening ad forgot to mention that she is also too shacking up... ummm, kind of important given the headline dontchya think?

    are we to infer that because SHE is shacking UP that no sex is involved?


  9. London Bridges4:10 PM

    That's an old picture of Tripp and Bristol, right?

  10. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Very powerful.

    This deserves a great deal of attention.

  11. Anonymous4:27 PM

    If it's now ok to talk about my daughter so much then is it ok to talk about Obami's daughters and who they are humping? YOu people are sick.

  12. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Love it! So simplistic even their dippy fans and hangers-on will get it!

    Once again bots, what exactly has B-ride done to deserve any of the riches she's been given -- other than being born to a media whore and spreading her legs? I await the responses!

  13. Candie's has sold teenage "hooker shoes" and clothing for many years. They made lots of money capitalizing on the "anything goes" era for young women. Like the execs at Bravo shoveling the "Real Housewives" horseshit at us, I don't know how they sleep at night. I'd like to see people vote with their pocketbooks and put all of these bottom feeders to shame. Our country deserves and needs better. And, parents who pay the bills for this Candie's soft-porn paraphenelia ought to be ashamed. Yes, sexism is still alive and well as young women continue to be targeted as a captive audience for easy profits.

    This really brings out my inner schoolmarm. "Candie's"? Really? What an innocent metaphoric image.

  14. Anonymous5:04 PM

    We have another parody artist among us.

  15. OT - Actual Headline at C4P...

    CNN Poll Shows that Governor Palin Probably Leads If You Take Huckabee, Trump, and Bachmann Out of the Poll
    Posted on April 12 2011 - 12:58 PM

    Delusional much?

  16. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I this is how the Palins do it. Sarah's Mom and Sarah were knocked up out of wedlock so no big deal about Bristol. More of a "when" not an "if." I am sure that there are really nice children and families in Wasilla. Why do we always have to hear about these little Palin cretins?

  17. Anonymous5:52 PM

    @5:38 - yeah, c4pers: if there is no one else in the GOP, she's a shoe-in. Hilarious!

  18. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Wasn't Chuck once caught shoplifting some little girl underwear at Fred Meyers? Or was it little boys...? Check the State Police Report. I thought that was where it was reported.

  19. Anonymous5:56 PM

    That is an old picture of Brisket. Now she is more of a heffalump with a BIG chin. I guess when you have that kind of money, you can afford the biggest chin in town. So screw you, all you people that said her chin was worn down by too many tea parties.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:06 PM

    Tinfoil hat on:

    The Banana Republicans need lotsa future wage slaves/serfs, so it's important for hapless young girls to continue to become preggers, just like their wealthier-than-thou idol, Bristol.

    Tinfoil hat off.

    Anon @ 3:21pm--

    "Sarah is lost in space"

    Yup, and unfortunately for us, there's no robot wildly swinging his arms and shouting "Danger! Danger!" whenever she opens her mouth.

    Now I'm dating myself! ;-)

  21. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Sarah, why does your grandson look sooo much like your daddy????? You Palin people sure know how to keep it in the family!! so to speak...

  22. Anonymous6:25 PM

    That little one sure looks like Sarah's Dad. Poor kid!

    This entire thing w/Candies Foundation was the biggest farce I've ever seen. Advertising to teens to wear slutty clothes, but to not have sex!

    Give me a friggin break!

  23. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Sarah, those girls aint humpin nobody because they have a little thing going on called family values and education. I know that these are foreign terms to you cause your parents didnt grasp none of that elite stuff either. Dont worry. You have bigger things to think about, like why Bachmann is prettier than you. Maybe you should spread a rumor about her, like you did with Mayor Stein, saying that he was Jewish.

  24. Anonymous6:46 PM

    to 6:16, that is uncalled for. But sadly that comment is exactly whatI expect from a democrat

  25. Anonymous6:47 PM


  26. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I was telling my brother-in-law, who was the editor or a large city newspaper at one time, about this disgusting piece of information. In the middle of our conversation he had to get up and google Candies because he was so appalled by it. He came back out with such a disgusted look on his face. I couldn't believe that was the first he heard about it. I think there are many people who are in the dark about this, even those who do read current events every day. Hopefully, slowly but surely, the truth will become more common knowledge and people will make a stand and call out these lowlifes for who they are.

  27. Anonymous7:30 PM

    "We have another parody artist among us.

    5:04 PM"

    Meh.. I give it a 4 on a scale of 10. Nothing egregiously misspelled, mis-usage of the words an educated adult would know, and it actually knew how to use an apostrophe in it's. Way too obvious to be a member of Klan Palin .

  28. Anonymous7:33 PM

    to 6:16, that is uncalled for. But sadly that comment is exactly whatI expect from a democrat

    6:46 PM"

    But, the Quitter Queen says it's good to question things like people's parentage and ask to see their birth certificates and stuff.

  29. Gasman7:42 PM

    The Candies Foundation is nothing but a bogus make work scam for ignoramus Bristol Palin, who is apparently too stupid to do anything than sit on her ass or lay on her back - if you know what I mean.

    If they are a 501(c)(3) then they have to have a certain level of transparency. It appears that well over 90% of their money goes for Bristol's salary and advertising. Virtually nothing actually goes to any effective program to limit teen pregnancy.

    They pay an ignorant slut a quarter of a million dollars per year to pretend to be virtuous, making a mockery of the very message she was ostensibly hired to deliver. All while doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she was preaching. AND Bristol is the ONLY person that Candies pays. THAT sounds like a scam to me.

  30. Gasman7:52 PM

    Anon @ 6:46,
    Has anybody ever told you that you are a shithead?

    Yours is the kind of post I would expect from a teabagging sycophant Palin ass kisser.

    Palin is a moron.
    You are a devoted Palin follower.
    Ergo, YOU are a moron.

  31. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Two years from now Bristol will tweet:

    ¨Piece loving Muslims. Be real. Be RAW! STAB my loins! Please call me.¨

  32. Willow :)8:37 PM

    Bristol Palin is a SHITHEAD!

  33. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Sarah, if the unlikely ever happens and Obama's daughters start humping random boys, doing drugs, chugging alcohol, and destroying the property of others, well I suppose we'll talk about them too. Until then, you'll just have to deal.

  34. Anonymous8:46 PM

    2emptynest@5:38, wow that's a whole new dimension of denial.

  35. Anonymous8:49 PM

    6:46, really? Cause incest is what I expect from uptight ultra conservative hypocrites.

  36. Anonymous10:46 PM

    NO amount of $$$$ will ever make Brisket feel any better about abandoning her first born. She will be an unhappy snippy bitter old maid her whole life.

  37. Anonymous12:59 AM

    OT this is too funny - love this bumper sticker for Trump/Palin 2012 lol


  38. Anonymous3:33 AM

    What if Bristol hadn't been a hoe and had been a good girl?

  39. Anonymous3:35 AM

    4:27 pm

    Hello Bristol!!!

  40. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Incest in the Palin family?????

  41. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I am sorry but the only students that would have thought she made a positive influence (who were surveyed) must have been surveyed at a Christian school or at church.

    Half the teenagers I know don't even know who she is the other half think she is a joke.

  42. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Bristol is not who she says she is. She is not an advocate for anything. Bristol is like Bob Barker's old show, she'll say anything as long as the Price Is Right. Bristol is like her mother a phony, a fake, a liar, a charlatan, a hoe!

  43. I am Master Gardener volunteer.
    Whenever we do a survey to find out if our programs are worthwhile to continue, we always ask, how did you change your gardening habits AFTER learning what you did.
    To ask if it is memorable is nothing.

    The appropriate question to ask these teens is;
    Did you change your sex habits after seeing Bristol speak?

  44. Gasman8:19 AM

    So, the standard that Candies has set is to have a memorable ad. Not effective, but memorable.

    If that's the standard, I think they could do much better than they have.

    It would certainly be memorable if they had Bristol Palin flat on her back at center ice bonking an entire hockey team in sequence. Would it be effective as an anti teen pregnancy message? Hell no, but it WOULD be memorable.

    I don't think that any of Candies/Palin ads have been demonstrably much more effective.

  45. Anonymous1:06 PM

    The lack of a large number of comments about Bristol demonstrate that her fame (good or bad) is falling. She better get the money while she can and keep it out of her mommy's hands.

  46. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Brisket got to be the spokesperson as payback to failin Palin on her lame brain stirring up the nasty.

  47. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Bristol has been in la la land since she had a wild ride also too. Which hospital did she deliver her little bundle of joy in this last time?

  48. Anonymous2:21 PM

    You are a fraud and an idiot. Who lined up Bristol on the stage in 2008?
    You hate towards the president is unbelievable.

    Look as a proud mother of college none knocked up daughters, I say "NO" to Sarah/ Bristol nosense message to my teen daughters.By the way no Obama daughter has been knocked up, so leave the president and his family alone.
    Sarah you are Rascist and hater

  49. Anonymous3:08 PM

    We have seen what Bristol got for making this ad...but does anyone know what Tripp was paid to do it? From previous reports, we know that if they use his picture, he gets paid too. It would be great if they are putting it into some kind of a trust fund for him...normal people would put it into a college fund, but we know what these mental midgets think of elitest college people....but he should be able to have something to show for being prostituted out as a baby. His mental health bills will be huge when he grows up and reads what a huge burden he was to his poor poor mother. I thought there were laws that protect kids..after some of the old time stars like Mickey Rooney got old enough to figure out how they had been screwed. We all know, however, that no one makes the Palins abide by any laws.

  50. AKRNC3:34 PM

    Gryphen, can you ask Mercedes if this $262k paycheck was revealed during the custody and support hearing they had back in January 2010?

    I find it difficult to believe that even Bristol would dare to sit on the witness stand and complain about how her "entire paycheck" went to diapers, formula, & other baby things each week and that she was having a tough time making ends meet, if she was also admitting to a $262k paycheck from Candies' for the same time period.

    Can you find out if it was revealed during their hearing?



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