Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gawker introduces Professor Scharlott's research to an even wider audience. Update!

This is filed under "conspiracy theories" but at least the evidence is presented to a new, and even wider audience. Gawker uses the article in the Business Insider as a jumping off point, which also demonstrates that they read Scharlott's paper unlike some people we could mention.

From Gawker:

Professor Bradford Scharlott of Northern Kentucky University has looked into this story in detail and written a long academic article about it. He concludes two things: First, that the "conspiracy theory" is likely true—Sarah Palin staged a huge hoax, and, second, the American media is pathetic for not pursuing the story more aggressively.

Professor Scharlott has done what none of us could seem to accomplish, which is to get the babygate hoax scrutinized by many, many people who had NEVER heard it before. With more people made aware of the details, there is little doubt the number of "Trig-Truther" will grow exponentially.

So how does the Grizzled Mama, with all of this renewed scrutiny on perhaps her BIGGEST lie, react?  Why she plays the victim of course, and claims that somebody wants to rape her daughters.  (Really, you did not see that coming?)

Update: The Mail Online has combined both of these stories into one article.  So much for distracting the media Sarah!

Update 2: Here is an interview that Professor Scharlott did with reporter Laura Novak.  And the ball just keeps on rolling.

Update 3: Sarah Jones from Politicususa has also done her part to bring this story the attention it deserves..


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Check this out!!!

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I had trouble posting this comment over at Gawker, so thought I'd try it here:

    Sarah Palin Had her tubes tied after the birth of her last child, Piper. It was well known at the time, especially among the other moms with whom she carpooled her older kids. In fact, she made such a big deal out of her surgery that it was memorable if for no other reason than that it was just another time she shirked her carpooling turns.

    That's one of the main reasons she only provided a letter, somewhat suspect in its own right, the night before the election in November 2008, saying then and later that she had actually provided her "medical records".

    Furthermore, a simple comparison of her own statements in interviews, speeches, and her two books provide more than enough inconsistencies to raise the doubt of any reasonable, thinking person.

    Add to that the very odd facts regarding the hospital's lack of NICU, etc and there is no question that something is, well, hinky at the very least.

  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    The thing is, they can now talk about Scharlott's paper, which is seen as so much more respectable than talking about the fake pregnancy rumor. That's what the professor has done for us.

  4. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I hope that you get some calls for interviews. G.

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Read the comments on the Gawker article....Looks like Becky Mansewer was up all night claiming the article was about the disabled child.
    Gryph...thanks for all your hard work...she's going down.

  6. Dinty6:28 AM

    For any of you having trouble posting at Gawker, use, it's there site before the shitty redesign.

  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    What I find fascinating is how when you bring up babygate, people don't respond by saying all the reasons what you're telling them isn't evidence, they tell you to stop, you'll look silly. Don't, it's a smear on the poor baby. Or 'what kind of person asks something like that'. They want to shut you up rather than discuss why or why not it's valid. Yet people love discussing Obama birtherism. I don't get it, it's about the lie for political gain. You'd think the press would be all over it.

  8. Anon @6:06, good point. Thank you.

  9. Anonymous6:34 AM

    EXCELLENT piece over at Politicususa

    "As Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney can only sit and watch in astonishment, the Republican primary field has transformed from a political contest to a reality TV death match. Forget Romney versus Huckabee. The 2012 GOP field has become the political equivalent of Snooki vs. Kim Kardashian.

    This isn’t about politics. This is all about fame, baby, and nobody plays the fame game better than The Donald."

  10. DaleinSanAngelo6:39 AM

    I'd love to see the proof of the threats, given her history of lying.

  11. Anonymous6:39 AM

    6:00- Leave it to foreign media to have the courage to cover this story. Maybe they can be seen as unbiased?

  12. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I notice the media doesn't pay much attention anymore ro Sarahs dramatic victim stories. She really has become old news. Something must be going on because she didn't tweet madly about the Presidents wonderful speech last night. She's so boring you can imagine what she would say. Obama doesn't get it. It's appalling and so on.
    It's very gratifying to see that most of the country and media don't care much about what Sarah thinks or says.
    And it's all because she was so desperate for attention, she overexposed herself.

    I have been wondering why she has been so quiet.
    Perhaps she's in a depressed mode at home.
    If she's silly enough to still run for office she better be able to deal with babygate. Because she can't run from it anymore.

  13. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sullivan just launched another broadside against Sarah and the fake birth..

    We all owe the Professor for his release of the article to the press.

    He has begun a tsunami of bad press for Sarah..

  14. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Her fake pregnancy is never going away and she will fade into obscurity because of it. She won't run.

  15. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I'm glad to see the TriG hoax has made the news finally.

    I don't believe he was born on April 18th and SP has never proven that he was. Where's the birth certificate Sarah? Why won't you show it? Is it because you KNOW he wasn't born in April?

    Why won't you travel with him when you go to Canada? or anywhere?

    Where is he now? Has he been returned to his mother?

    It's classic Sarah to use the RAPE lines regarding her daughters. It's a red flag alert that most likely SP was abused as a child. I wouldn't look any further than her immediate family.

    She's said MANY times that her daughters were nearly raped or assaulted. That's not what boozing it up and participating in orgies means.

  16. Anonymous6:43 AM

    As hard as she tries, there's no way she can address ALL the evidence against her being pregnant with Trig and plug up all the holes. But I'm sure that she and her circle will wrack their brains trying.

  17. Anonymous6:45 AM

    If Palin were to run for President against Obama, there would no doubt be a lot of dog-whistle language reinforcing the "black man rapes white woman" narrative. Because you just know the flying monkeys really hate interracial sex.

  18. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Just curious as to what Shawn Christy's response is to her current claims that he called threatening to rape her daughters. Is there evidence that he did, indeed, do this?

    As Devil's Advocate, if he did call, there should be phone records, voice messages or something to prove this other than Sarah saying it is so. Someone should pay for the young man to get a good attorney, fly to Alaska and defend himself if the accusations are false. I think Sarah realizes that he can't appear in court so she can claim anything!! This is how restraining orders work in court. If the alleged stalker doesn't show to refute what they state, they get the restraining order.

    By the way, Shawn called my family and threatened to rape my daughter AND SON AND GRANDMA and GRANDPA AND MY BISCHON. The guy is vile, but the judge just told me to get out of his courtroom since I had no evidence to support that he threatened me. Go figure!

  19. Anonymous6:53 AM

    It is actually a brilliant plan that Sarah hatched against Shawn.Sarah is actually safe to claim anything she wants about Shawn Christy since she knows he won't be able to afford an attorney or a flight to Alaska to defend himself. If the alleged stalker doesn't appear in court when the restraining order is considered to refute her claims, the courts will typically allow the restraining order. It is a win-win for Sarah unless Shawn can find an attorney who will defend him.

  20. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I am glad that Mail Online is out there with the story but they say that Christie was arrested by the FBI in Anch. last month and I thought that turned out to be false info?
    Makes them less creditable.

  21. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Has Palin offered any proof this time that her daughters were threatened?

    It is really frustrating that many of the commenters on Gawker are saying "Who cares, Palin is so yesterday." They don't seem to care that a woman who could have been the VP would act in such an impulsive, irrational way when faced with the challenge of a pregnant teen-aged daughter. This is not a case of a loving mother trying to protect her daughter, claiming Trig as her own, and then quietly going about her life raising him out of the spotlight. They don't care that Palin made her fake pregnancy the center of her political identity, dragging Trig all over the country to sell books, lying repeatedly in speaking engagements and in her book about her pregnancy. They don't care that as Palin carried out this hoax, her influence was growing and growing, and the press completely ignored the inconsistencies and unanswered questions about her pregnancy and her reckless behavior during the "wild ride."
    It absolutely matters that Palin, a candidate for national office, would live such a huge lie in such a bold fashion and that the press would let her get away with it.

  22. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Every time she opens her mouth to whine about Trig Truthers, the media simply needs to say...
    "Clearly, this is upsetting to you and your family. If so, why don't you SIMPLY provide the evidence that would forever silence their claims?"

  23. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I love that Gawker practically posted the whole paper. Here's hoping other sites pick it up!

  24. Memeorandum now has Business Insider Palin story link

  25. Anonymous7:07 AM

    That picture in the article is of Willow, not Bristol as captioned. I tried to post a comment for them to correct it but too many hoops to jump through.

  26. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Good. I want most people in America to know that by her own admission, after realizing she was beginning premature labor with a special needs baby, pro-life Sarah Palin proceeded to give a speech, take a long plane trip, then a long car drive, bypassing numerous hospitals that had the proper facilities for such a birth, to deliver at a hospital that did not.

    Even if Trig is her baby, she put him at a very grave risk.

    Why? All we know from her is because "a fishpicker can't be born in Texas."

    Uh huh.

  27. Anonymous7:10 AM

    only error in daily Mail article is it saying the FBI arrested the sick stalker kid in Alaska.

    Other than that.. they slammed home the fake birth story.

    Sarah.. how you liking all the press lately?

  28. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Anonymous 6:03 "Sarah Palin Had her tubes tied after the birth of her last child, Piper. It was well known at the time, especially among the other moms with whom she carpooled her older kids. In fact, she made such a big deal out of her surgery"

    I first heard this awhile ago on this blog. If some of these other moms would start talking about it, then maybe SP would finally be exposed as the fake we all know she is. This is a powerful piece of evidence!

  29. Anonymous7:14 AM

    She WILL run, because she wants the attention, the speeches, the drama, crowds of admirers. It has nothing at all to do with BEING the president.
    IF she were to be elected, she'd decide then if she really wants the job.
    And of course she would, because they always have that photo op where she'll stroll across the White House lawn to the waiting helicopter, just like the Kennedy family.

  30. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Sarah claims that somebody wants to rape her daughters. Well Sarah is married to a pervert who reportedly has a love child and pays prostitutes for sex. Could the perverted stalker be someone close to the family? Maybe a family member?

    I'm not saying the stalker is Todd, but if Sarah were to give Todd some action every once in a while, maybe Todd would leave other women alone?

    Again I'm not saying Todd is a stalker, but if you constantly go after women for sex other than your wife, is that a form of stalking other women?

  31. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Look who is linking to IM:

    You can find the paper here on Scribd, which is where, I feel compelled to add, I have more than 81,000 reads of my New York Times articles, essays and novel chapters. I also have about 45,000 subscribers and I know it to be a social media site where every manner of document is available for reading, commenting and sharing.

    Dr. Scharlott’s paper is 29-pages-long. Three of those comprise the bibliography. It contains photos of Sarah Palin either appearing pregnant, or not. But more importantly, it has ignited a firestorm of criticism, discussion, and indignation.

    Laura Novak's bio:

    Career journalist-debut novelist. Bona fides include New York Times, ABC & CBS News; Graduate School of Journalist at Columbia and Barnard College. My novel is: FINDING CLARITY - A Mom, A Dwarf and A Posh Private School in The People's Republic of Berkeley. I am now at work on the Clari Drake mystery series.

  32. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Her life is a Lifetime made-for-tv movie. Scary to remember that this nutjob was almost #2. Shame on John McCain.

  33. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Maybe Sarah putting out the assault/rape rumors again so she can spin the Trig story..we as a family wanted to keep it quiet but one of my daughters was raped and we decided it would be best to cover for her and the baby by saying he was mine.. mark my words she is going to spin this to gain sympathy AGAIN!

  34. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The gravy-train hasn't pulled out, yet. By trademarking her name, she will be able to get royalties from a fake-pregnant Barbie, complete with empathy pillow and lots of scarves.

  35. Anonymous7:27 AM

    "Sarah Palin Had her tubes tied after the birth of her last child, Piper"?

    I thought Sarah had her thingy shortened so Todd would feel like a man and bottomed out in her thingy when he poked her with his little 4 incher?

  36. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Sarah will never be happy with just RTOs, what Sarah really want is her very own Secret Service detail, that's what Sarah wants.

  37. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Rape Bristol? I thought all a guy had to do was buy her a bacon/double cheeseburger and large fries??

  38. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I don't get it. Sarah went to a judge to get a Restraining Order against some guy who said something about one of her daughters. While she was there, why didn't Sarah get RTOs against the prostitutes in Alaska for stalking and having sex with Todd? Sarah going to court any way, might as well stop these women from harassing Todd.

  39. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Remember Celebrity Deathmatch, on MTV? Man, would I love to see a smackdown between claymation Klondike Kardashian and the Donald!

  40. Anonymous7:47 AM

    America should get restraining orders against Sarah for inciting violence with her cross hairs on people and her comments about reloading. People actually got shot and killed by her rhetoric.

    Sarah is worried about her daughter getting raped? What about the parent of the child who was killed in Arizona?

  41. Anonymous 6:06 said, "[T]hey can now talk about Scharlott's paper, which is seen as so much more respectable than talking about the fake pregnancy rumor."

    Yes, by asking whether there is a spiral of silence, they circumvent the ban on discussing the silenced topic.

    Prof. Scharlott not only recognized the teachable journalism issues in Babygate but also knows that "journalists" love nothing more than to "report" on journalists and make them the story rather than the real subjects of the story. Thus, at a least a few, however uninformed (like Tim and Justin), are now mentioning Babygate.

  42. Seriously? She's dredging up and combining the stalker and rape themes? Dayam, she's disgusting!

    Later today, she'll be back on the 'Women of Joy' circuit -- this time in Oklahoma City. The Trig story is the gem of her xtian group appeal so tonight could be interesting. I wonder if she'll be chomping down on her right or left foot.

  43. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Ok now Sarah/Bristol s brand to be approved.Total crap,so they can cover their asses?

  44. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Am still shaking head after 2-3 years of this story.

    If this is the hoax of the century, consider how much audacity a human could have scheming a pregnancy hoax: At the Governor's meeting in Texas, she would have had to lie and act out a pregnant role to Gov. Rick Perry and his staff. Todd would also have had to lie and act out as a dad-in-waiting. They would have had to tell someone she was having contractions, tell them she had to leave early because of early signs of labor. How many of us could seriously do that? Lie with a wink and a smile to colleagues, and peers, with absolute unubashed unashamedness?

    What is obviously disturbing about this, is that possibly the Palins went beyond the facade of protecting their daughter from being shamed; they went beyond hiding a daughter's pregnancy and claiming it as their own.

    Where the envelope was pushed, was when a First Couple of the State of Alaska continued on the journeys, traveling to high-profile media-present meetings, hob-knobbed with high-profile politicians. SP, as Governor, didn't stop making herself seen or observed. She just marched right out with hubris, not worrying, not pricked in her conscience. A normal couple faking a pregnancy for their daughter would go into hiding, or at least the mother wouldn't parade out in the limelight, smiling and seemingly enjoying perpetrating the hoax.

    If this is proven to be a hoax, then this spells serious mental issues. Any woman who could have the energy and determination to go put herself through such a rigorous exercise, and parade herself during that exercise and lie, then go home and be a pleasant normal mom to her other kids, registers that she would be nuts, and not fit to lead anyone.

    One more thing, if this story can be proven true, try to imagine the effect this lying scheming couple might have on their kids at home. What values would that teach their kids at home. The whole family is would need psychiatric care.

  45. emrysa7:58 AM

    "Christy also made phonecalls to Mrs Palin's home"

    according to brisdull and the quitter in their sworn testimony, the palin's don't have a landline.

    how transparent - this story is obviously put out there to distract from babygate getting more media play at the moment.

    will the media investigate how this guy calls their home when they don't have a landline, or give the quitter another pass?

  46. Anonymous7:59 AM

    6:24: Yes, those comments do sound exactly like RAM. Her strident and hysterical tone sounds just like her words on the Tammy Bruce radio show (I can hear them now): "we never, ever, EVER intended it to be gun sights!!!!"

  47. Anonymous7:59 AM

    "Sarah claims that somebody wants to rape her daughters. Well Sarah is married to a pervert who reportedly has a love child and pays prostitutes for sex. Could the perverted stalker be someone close to the family? Maybe a family member?"

    I'm not saying the stalker is Todd...."

    Your post does make sense.....but I think you're looking at the wrong generation of the Palin/Heath family.

  48. Lynne8:01 AM

    She's only a step away from "Aliens ate my baby". I can see the headlines now.

  49. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Carpool Moms---

    Get together and come out to tell the world the TRUTH.

    You can either do it because it is the right thing to do, or you can do it to make some money. Either way, JUST DO IT!

  50. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Rape Bristol? I thought all a guy had to do was buy her a bacon/double cheeseburger and large fries??

    7:39 AM

    Well Bristol was not too happy, she was promised a vanilla milkshake with her meal and it wasn't what she thought it was going to be. Stop complaining Bristol, at least it came with a straw.

  51. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Sarah... why do I doubt Professor Scharlott will be on your Christmas card list?

    He has started a firestorm that will finish you off your chance to be President...and

    he is shooting holes in the grifting gravy boat you have been riding..


  52. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Once again, La Palin responds to violent threats against her family by . . . releasing a press statement.

    Like it's MY business. Like I care.

    Do what you gotta do, Sarah, but could you leave the rest of the fucking country out of it for once?

  53. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Sarah explained to her daughters what rape is. So now the Palin girls knows what the difference between sex and rape is.

    Sarah said sex is when you give it away for free to boys live Gino, Ben and Levi. Then Todd jumped in and added that it is not rape when you pay for it.

    After the Palin family sex talk, Sarah and Todd asked the girls if there are any questions and Bristol responded with "If the boys promise you a prime rib dinner after sex and they only give you a Happy Meal, could that be considered rape?"

  54. Anonymous8:20 AM

    7;27- Was that really necessary??

  55. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Even if she is Trig's mother, all the
    gossip and speculation about him makes
    her look like a tabloid queen & makes
    it so that she remains a comic figure.
    She'll never be taken seriously, even if
    she quits talkin' stupid.

    Carry on.

  56. Anonymous8:23 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    I thought Sarah had her thingy shortened so Todd would feel like a man and bottomed out in her thingy when he poked her with his little 4 incher?
    7:27 AM"

    You HAVE to be a Republican mole.

  57. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Does anybody know if Sarah got RTOs against Curt Menard, Todd's ex business partner and Todd before she had to elope and get married to Todd?

    Did Bristol get RTOs aginst Levi, Ben and Gino?

    Did Sally Heath get a RTO against Chuck Heath before she had to elope and get married to Chuck?

    Alaska must be the Retraining Order capital of the world?

  58. Anonymous8:32 AM

    The Palin Saying:

    If you missed your period, plan on getting married.

    If you got a movie, a bag of buttered popcorn and a bottle of sody pop out of it, consider it courting.

    If you missed your period and you did not get a bag of popcorn or a sody pop out of it and it was a cousin, then considered your self raped.

  59. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The Daily Mail has changed their photographs and captions.

  60. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Anon @ 6:55 a.m. Yes, it's about why it is important to expose the hoax, not about how little power Sarah Palin has anymore.

    It's what she did to get so close to the White House with no credibility and a mind-defying ploy to get on the VP list in the first place. And the GOP tried to pass it off and cover it up for her. They were complicit. Doubtless.

  61. Anonymous8:43 AM

    As Sarah and her daughters sat in court, the judge wanted to clarify if all the names of the boys and men on the lists are being accused of threatening them with rape?

    They all looked at the lists and said the boys on sheets 4 and 5 are the ones we want RTOs against. The fellers on sheets 1 thru 2 never paid us for sex and the fellas on sheet 3 got it for free.

  62. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Remember that the burden of proof to get a temporary restraining order is minimal. Whether or not she can present actual evidence (phone records, etc.) for the permanent one is another story. I hope, for the sake of justice, the alleged "stalker" does have an attorney and does present a defense. Either he called and made those threats, or he didn't.

    Also, I thought there already a restraining order against him? Maybe it's expired, but she did get one against him in Sept 2010. They are generally good for a year. That leads me to believe this claim is bogus. Why would she need another restraining order? The news should be that he violated it and will be charged accordingly. That isn't the case.

  63. Lynne8:46 AM

    If Sarah and Bristol get their name trademarks approved, I guess we'll just have to refer to Sarah as the worst quitter ex-halfterm governor ever, and Bristol? Well, I'm sure something creative and appropriate will come up.

  64. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Anon @ 7:58 a.m.

    If this is proven to be a hoax, then this spells serious mental issues. Any woman who could have the energy and determination to go put herself through such a rigorous exercise, and parade herself during that exercise and lie, then go home and be a pleasant normal mom to her other kids, registers that she would be nuts, and not fit to lead anyone.

    YES. Not Fit to LEAD! If she had stayed in her Wasilla House as a no-name housewife, we could let it be. But she seeks to rule over our own bodies. She is not fit to be a wife, mother and human being. She is scum.

  65. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I just want to thank Bill McAllister for helping to get Professor Scharlott's paper the public attention it needed.

    Bill... good job!!

  66. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The boys in Wasilla should get RTOs against Sarah and Bristol.

  67. Anonymous8:51 AM

    There is no babygate, its socialist imaginationgate because thats the only place it exists. in socialist heads.

  68. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Is that why the town of Wasilla started charging women for Rape Kits?

    It got too expensive, everytime Sarah and Bristol went on dates, they accused their dates of rape.

  69. Anonymous8:59 AM

    7:58: The thing about your concerns is that they don't jibe with Palin's own statements. She said in her book that they didn't tell anyone in Texas she was in labor -- they just left early, walking of the stage with a wave, while the speaker/host was saying the event wasn't done.

    She also says she hid her pregnancy from her own children until she announced it at 7 months. Yes, it's astoundingly bizarre. But it's what she claims.

  70. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Man! Sarah has her lawyer on speed dial, the Anchorage Police Dept on speed dial and now she has the Anchorage judge on speed dial.

  71. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Going to court to get Restraining Order for the Palins is like going grocery shopping.

    When they go to court they can't use 15 or Less RTO Express Line.

  72. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I guess that means broke millionaire Sarah Palin will be aking for donations from her hill billy trailer park fans or SarahPac or her other scam trust funds to pay her lawyer fees to get this Restraining Order.

  73. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The young college set who are my friends on Facebook are spreading this Gawker story like wildfire. YES!!

  74. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The Novak interview is now posted posted at Business Insider.

    It's to be continued.

    Check out what Novak and Sharlott say!

    Temperature is rising.

  75. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Palin is a lying sack of ca ca. She used that 'rape' thing in Juneau about her girls and it was proven to be a the police were never contacted by the Palins (and she was then Governor) nor the high school.

    This stuff gets old, Mrs. Palin. Hopefully, people realize it more and more in the lower 48! We, in Alaska are sick and tired of it.

  76. Gryph...I have not followed all of this from the beginning as you in Alaska have...

    My what-ifs...

    1.When the baby was first either shown to the public/first discussed was he introduced as a Downs baby?

    2.What if an adoptive mother was at Mat-Su, not the at the closest hospital?(Where was Bristol at this time?) Then the Palins would have gone to Mat-Su in a hurry in order to be presented with a newborn...thus the "Wild Ride".

    3. Now the Palins have adopted a baby(or now have their grandchild as their own) maybe they did not know had a genetic issue.

    As time goes by on this, more ??? than answers!

  77. The problem I have with the Cristy story is that it has been going on for a while, the kid was apparently arrested by the FBI a few months ago in Anchorage (anybody actually confirm this?), and all we hear is about a restraining order. Here is a link to the description of Alaska's stalking law. If Sarah is telling the truth (yeah, I know, fat chance), then Shawn Cristy should already be in jail on a stalking charge. Why isn't he? Does it have something to do with pants on fire? Certainly something is going on with that kid, as we saw in the first round quite a while ago. But something does not add up.

  78. wow that last update with Ms. Novak article is awesome. It was written very professional with her and the Dr. Yup I think this shit has backfired on Mr. McAllister (sp)and company.

  79. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:29 AM

    Ah, the paid trolls are out in force on Gawker. The latest meme (besides a major attempt to redirect the thread to focus on special-needs children) is "How would a pregnancy or a child determine a woman's ability to govern?" Several commenters, of course, are pointing out that it has nothing to do with the child, but everything to do with the LIE.

    Remember how we all used to comment on "one" iceberg? I think there are actually several and while they may look insignificant on the surface, they're huge, craggy and deep. There's a wall of them dead ahead of The Good Ship Esther now, and her backers are very, very nervous.

    Thanks, Professor. Thanks, Gryphen!

  80. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The thing that some dont get is not that she may have been covering for someone else, but the fact she faked a pregnancy and it is the cornerstone of how she wants to world to perceive her.. supermom etc.

    They could have just adopted the baby in a closed adoption and she would have had people admiring her for doing such a wonderful thing... but to go thru an actual fake pregnancy and labor , baby showers etc. shows that she used it to further her agenda.

  81. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I wonder if Sarah has this guy, the stalker, on some sort of retainer.

  82. Anonymous9:48 AM

    You must be Redneck presidential candidate if:

    Every week you or your family is accusing somebody of rape, as a state government employee using Yahoo email to avoid getting caught committing crimes, firing people because they don't kiss your ass, having love children, property tax evasion, grifting, having multiple babies without daddies, pregnant, fake pregnancy, babies without marriage, charging tax payers to fly your children to places when they have no business being there, representing the state looking like a billboard for snow machines, vandalism, health insurance fraud, in charge of building hockey rinks on private property without permission, don't know what you read, writing talking points on your palms, have to pay somebody to write a book for you, wearing falsies, claiming to ride a bus across the country while actually flying on a Leer jet, stealing campaign clothes, going to California and asking to get your passport stamped, charging per diem to stay at home, having houses built with stolen materials, publicly talking about men cajones, hunting and fishing without permits, hiring unqualified friends for high paying jobs, no birth certificates, no birth control, claiming to be a public servant while charging $100,000 to say that, requiring unofficial police statements, require lawyer statements, join the Army to avoid jail time, missing school and being a finalist with no dance skills to name a few.

    And that was just last week!

  83. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I am unaware of anyone posting these very serious alerts for any pregnant woman whose bag of water ruptures before she is in labor in a medical facility:

    INFECTION - the fluid is a conduit for bacterial entry which can harm unborn infant and/or mother

    PROLAPSED CORD - the umbilical cord can drop through the cervix and compromise the infant's oxygen delivery

    No doctor, with a valid license would suggest a pregnant patient, leaking amniotic fluid, use a public toilet, (pardon the graphics) wipe with toilet paper, or SIT after the rupture of membranes for any length of time for fear of extraordinary complications due to compressing a cord, or other issues promoting infection in that "petri dish" the amniotic fluid furnishes.

    Within 24 hours of a ruptured bag of waters, without an infant being delivered, there must be intervention to deliver the baby to prevent further hours of bacterial growth in that amniotic fluid leaking out the vaginal opening, thus creating a pathway from outside the body and internally in the cervical canal for infections.

    All this banter and the diatribe about $P being pregnant and her doctor giving permission for her to continue her "scheduled" activities is totally bogus for those of us with a basic knowledge of obstetrics - and I mean even the ancillary staff assisting the professional nursing staff knows better than to swallow the crap handed out by the pbots and $P.

    Probably the lies emanating from $P's mouth over this is the biggest pile of unbelievable "dog mess" I have ever encountered in 50 years in the professional medical field.

  84. Anonymous9:52 AM

    McAllister was on his new job in Anchorage - Channel 11 the other night and I thought he looked uncomfortable.

    People need to contact the management at the station and indicate their displeasure of seeing him employed by them. He left Channel 2 in Anchorage (after covering Palin for them when she was our part time governor) and went to work for the Palin Administration.

    Everyone is fine in taking a new job or what might be thought to be a 'better job' (he goofed big time w/Palin!), but they need to be upfront about doing so, and he was not to the Channel 2 management.

    I'm delighted this babygate is finally making the news and it needs to. Thank you Mr. McAllister for bringing it to the attention of so many w/your response.

  85. Anonymous9:53 AM

    In the comments on the Novak interview, identified as "Billl McAllister":

    It's interesting that Professor Charlatan thinks he can speak for every citizen of Kentucky. But that's not even the point. The point is that he accuses me of being involved in a hoax, without the slightest shred of evidence. I might have to investigate whether that amounts to libel. In any event, it certainly is immoral.

    Also, Laura Novak's comment:

    Now, I am going to re-read the paper and prepare Part 2 of this dialogue. Thank you all for reading and maintaining open minds.

  86. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Anon 7:58 am: "If this is proven to be a hoax, then this spells serious mental issues."

    If it's not a hoax, how she endangered her baby still spells serious mental issues. A hoax makes it serious mental issues on STEROIDS!

    I will be happy with more attention drawn to the fact that a Vice Presidential candidate - a PRO LIFE candidate at that - chose to take a long plane trip back to the remotest state in America instead of checking in to the nearest hospital stat when she was in premature labor with a special needs baby.

  87. Anonymous10:04 AM

    She probably won't have to prove any threats. If I was the judge I would require a complete investigation including dates and times of calls.

  88. Anonymous10:05 AM

    After reading some of the responses to the babygate story I finally understand why journalists have been so hesitant to touch the story: Some of the angriest responses are from self-identified liberals and feminists, not conservative Palin supporters. They think it is sexist to delve into this topic at all because they see it as an intrusion into Sarah Palin's personal life or they see it as an embarrassing parallel to the birther theory.
    I am stumped why some people are not bothered by a public figure lying about giving birth to a child with DS and then using that child to increase their pro-life street-cred and advance their political career. Sarah Palin owes much of her success to her relentless promotion of herself as a supermom. Some feminists are defending Palin as a protective mother, but they conveniently neglect to mention her shoving her pregnant daughter into the natioal spotlight when she was tapped to be McCain's running mate. Supposedly pro-choice feminists are not bothered by a female politician lying about making the heroic choice to give birth to a child with DS in order to advance her career and simultaneously working to deny that choice for other women? Sarah Palin has consistently used her personal story as her central qualification for public office and no one is allowed to question that story because that is sexist? Had Palin actually developed some knowledge of policy and governing, instead of blurring the line between her personal and professional lives so completely I could see why some feminists are angry people are questioning her personal life, but she never did. Instead, she quit her office to make a fast buck and shine the spotlight even more brightly on her family.

  89. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Sarah..please help!

    Is this a war between you and the Trig truthers OR is it just a squirmish?

  90. Anonymous10:17 AM

    9:15- The other day quite a few of the Pee'ers were saying they will not donate to anything Sarah until she commits to running, then and only then will they start donating again..some of the long timers were not happy about it .

  91. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Looks like someone is headed to Wisconsin


    Check out this mini-interview with Prof. Scharlott and Laura Novak

  93. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The Obamas never had the problems the Palins have. Why is that Sarah?

  94. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Sarah's gig has always been that she's like one of us or at least someone we can relate to. I still remember the first things that we were told about her that fateful August. Hmmm, let's see.... was it her great credentials??? No!!! What we were told about Sarah was how she was so thrifty that she saved her parents $ by eloping (no word on being pregnant at the time, too), that she didn't need the governor's cook because her kids can make mac and cheese (boxed mac and cheese on a regular basis does not a healthy diet make. I always wondered if she pocketed the chef $ for herself), doesn't stay in expensive hotels (somewhere that changed along the way). But I have to say that I really doubt people can relate to a fake pregnancy or a husband who pimps his girlfriend.

    Many times I have imagined what some of the conversations at Palin household must have been like.

    "Can you believe that I'm going to be PTA prez?
    I'm going to run for councilperson.
    Can you believe I won?
    I'm going to run for mayor.
    Can you believe I won? Your mom's going to be mayor.
    I hate this job. One person can't possibly do this job. I need a city manager.
    I'm going to run for governor. Can you believe I won? I forgot to wear my empathy belly today and I had to use a pillow from the office couch. I thought I'd never get away with it, but I did."

    Boy, there's so much, someone could write a book, or two!! Can't wait to hear these stories get the attention they deserve, finally.

  95. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Fuck! Everybody is out to get the Palins.

  96. FireHorse6611:05 AM

    Good god, but that photo is HI-LAR-ious!

    Wonder if it was from the "interview" where O'Really dope-slapped her...

  97. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Here we go again:

    The lions are coming after the brave Christian gladiator named Sarah Palin, so she throws her children in their gaping jaws to protect herself.

    Can someone explain to me again why Palin's fans think she's spunky and courageous??? For pity's sake, she's a craven coward who's willing to sacrifice her children over and over to protect herself and her ambitions!

  98. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "Going to court to get Restraining Order for the Palins is like going grocery shopping.

    When they go to court they can't use 15 or Less RTO Express Line."

    Don't forget to throw in a few "My husband doesn't pal around with prostitutes" statements, too, for good measure. They always are handy to have.

  99. Anonymous11:07 AM

    LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn said...
    Ah, the paid trolls are out in force on Gawker.

    Anonymous said...
    The young college set who are my friends on Facebook are spreading this Gawker story like wildfire. YES!!

    That will work so well. The bozoid logic is now on display for the world to see. This starts to be a big problem for the Republican Party (Rove branch) very soon. Lots of people under thirty suddenly realize "These azzhats want to rule my country!??!".

  100. Anonymous11:16 AM

    ...And, here comes Sarah down the court dribbling out her career and... uh oh, players from LSM are trying to block her from shooting for the top...but Sarah's pulling out her infamous moves, "stalker prop" combined with "daughter rape", to divert her opponents. Wow, no quitting today. We haven't seen such misleading footwork since DWTS! Will this last ditch ploy work for Sarah? Let's watch....

  101. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Sarah is so shell shocked by all the Trig truther stuff... she has not yet sent out a tweet blasting Obama's speech...

    Sarah.. you getting rattled?

  102. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Good to see Piper will be with Sarah in Michigan...

    Was worried Piper was not getting enough time on stage lately and was not getting enough face time with cameras...

    Sarah..always take your props with you.

  103. Anonymous11:33 AM

    @Anon 10:05

    There's a difference between prying and asking questions.

    If I were running for office, it would be prying to ask me about my childbirths. Why? Because I've never publicly discussed them nor made them pertinent to my qualifications for office.

    However, Sarah is the one who broadcast the story of Trig's birth (multiple times), thus putting it out there for all to examine and discuss. She (and others) also made it a part of her qualifications for the job, i.e., I'm so pro-life I walk the walk.

    I can understand the MSM's reluctance to cover the story, but really, they barely looked at the uber-documented Troopergate, a story that had IMO HUGE implications for the campaign. No wonder they didn't look at something as far-fetched as a pregnancy hoax.

    It's not just that they ignored Babygate, they ignored a lot.

  104. Anonymous11:35 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    The Obamas never had the problems the Palins have. Why is that Sarah?

    10:57 AM"

    Because America totally ADORES black
    folks and can't do enough for them. Black
    people always get a free pass. They
    never get blamed for stuff the way whites


    Sorry, forgot to post the link to the Alaska stalking law.

  106. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    " Anonymous said...
    The Obamas never had the problems the Palins have. Why is that Sarah?

    10:57 AM"

    Because America totally ADORES black
    folks and can't do enough for them. Black
    people always get a free pass. They
    never get blamed for stuff the way whites

    11:35 AM

    WILLOW! Get off your computer and go to school. I don't care how big your belly is.

  107. Beldar Conehead11:50 AM

    Good job, Gryphen. Stay on the screechy wretch until she's nothing more than a bad Trivial Pursuits answer.

  108. To anyone supporting sarah because she is "pro-life," think again!
    She is NOT pro-life - check out this VERY conservative site that ranks politicians on their pro-life credentials:

    Just a reminder - Sarah ranks LOWEST score on being pro-life:

  109. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Where the heck has Levi been? And what about Mercede? When does her Playboy issue come on? An update would be nice.

  110. Anonymous12:11 PM

    So this makes 3 times Sarah has gotten a restraining order against that boy since last fall?

    Don't they ever have a court appearance?

  111. Anonymous12:11 PM

    If we are real lucky...

    maybe Professor Scharlott will write a paper on how two middle income folks, with four kids, can afford to build such a big house on the lake...

    Brad do a paper on Housegate... please

  112. Anonymous12:15 PM

    @ anonymous 11:35 AM

    The bad news: you're a flaming racist.

    The good news: the first step towards rehabilitation is recognizing your problem.

  113. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Off topic, but I was dismayed to see the grifter is headed to Wisconsin this weekend to hob nob with the likes of Scott Walker. I just scoured the internet looking for local WI articles about this and spent lots of time posting my 2cents worth in the comments. It makes me sick to my stomach.

  114. meena3:05 PM


    Our readers are aware that this site has a zero tolerance when it comes to the birther issue. We do not discuss it, advocate it, promote it, and we do not allow this issue to be discussed in the comments section. It’s silly and, frankly, beneath this site.

  115. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Probably mentioned before but this editor's blog from 2009, addressed to the then Governor includes the remark

    "I do not think it would be constructive to include Bill McAllister, but that's up to you."

    Is it the norm for Governors' to send personal emails to members/reporters/editors of the press?

  116. indy_girl7:38 PM

    Anonymous said..."The other day quite a few of the Pee'ers were saying they will not donate to anything Sarah until she commits to running, then and only then will they start donating again..some of the long timers were not happy about it"

    Love it. They've finally figured out her scam.

  117. Anonymous8:30 PM

    One incident that occurred just keeps cropping back up in my mind and I wonder if there isn't some significance to Trig - sort of like letting them know in code that the child was ready for pick-up.

    One of the e-mails that was released to MSNBC et al and found at the Crivella West website ( is dated 17 Apr 2008 and refers to a Chocolate Lab being offered for sale to the Palins and was ready for adoption on 15 April. It is one of those oddities as the Palins apparently went many years with no dogs, then suddenly they are going to acquire one, knowing a DS baby is being added to the household and will require massive care and attention.

    Apparently the Palins did have a dog at some point, but it didn’t work out and if I remember correctly, the dog went to the Menards. Whether it was the same dog that was offered in the email or not, I couldn’t say. The timing is just weird, DATED THE SAME DAY AS HER SPEECH IN TEXAS.

    Quite a coincidence if nothing else, but I do wish someone with the know-how could pursue checking out that guy that offered up the dog - is he legit and does he really sell Labs, etc.?



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