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Come to me my minions! Come and protect your Queen! |
The White House and Congress heard loud-and-clear that Americans don’t want cradle-to-grave government control of our lives. We don’t want government bureaucrats deciding what kind of lightbulb we should use, what kind of cars we should drive, and which doctors can and can’t care for us and our families. And we don’t want our President continuing to manipulate the U.S. energy supply. What we want are the freedoms and opportunities to make a better life for ourselves in this most exceptional nation on earth…
Now, you and I must fix our eyes on 2012. Our goal is to take back the White House and the Senate. We must take back control of Congress and the White House in order to undo the damage done by the disastrous Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda…
Can I count on your support as we look ahead to 2012?
Here let me translate that from Palin-speak to people talk:
Nobody is treating me like a viable candidate, and Trump and his alien hair have stolen the attention of the Teabaggers, Birthers, and lunatics away from me.
To make matters worse that "Rhymes with Harlot" Professor is getting people to pay attention to that ingenious lie I told back in 2008. (You know, the one that made all of you like me in the first place.), and THIS time people are actually scrutinizing my lies and looking at the evidence. Shit!
Now I am feeling very depressed, and feel another cold sore coming on, so I need all of you to quickly send me all of your money so that I can splash my face with it, and soak in the happiness that only your hard earned cash can bring me.
Prove your love for me so that I might rise again!
We have seen this pattern all too many times before. Palin feels under attack by people who insist upon using logic, so she releases a story that indentifies her as a victim, and then asks for "support" from the low hanging fruit which still adores her.
And the truly sad this is that apparently this still works to some degree.
If some enterprising young clinician wanted to make some real money in the near future he would start a 12 step program called "Getting Over Your Allegiance to Sarah Palin!" My guess is that in the next six months to a year they could make some serious money.
Assuming of course these poor bastards have any money left after Snowdrift Snooki is done with them.
Found on another site:
Posted on April 14 2011 – 1:24 PM – Posted by: Kelsey
Sarahcuda will lit the fire in the belly of the beast,Madison WI.
She will shred Obama’s budget to pieces and rip RINOs for
selling out and “compromise”.
Anyone want to take one for the team and go in protest?
God, here we go again. I'm so damned sick of this idiot and attention seeker.
ReplyDeleteSarah is planning a run, mark my words! Yeah! More popcorn!
ReplyDeleteObama hit it out of the park yesterday and the Baggers are about to implode! Note Bohner is caving!
She is way out of the league. Note I didn't say "her league." She runs in her own little league.
It seems nobody is really interested in the babygate conspiracy theories. Maybe it's not important?
"Now I am feeling very depressed, and feel another cold sore coming on..."
ReplyDeleteI, too, am depressed today and didn't think anything could make me laugh. And then I read this post. Bless you, Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteInterestingly some commenters at C4P are saying that they will not give SarahPac any more money until she declares her candidacy. So a few are finally wising up.
ReplyDeleteYou have to wonder how unhinged and deluded Sarah has become recently, after so much negative coverage in various media.
ReplyDeleteDo you think she has any idea whatsoever how bad an idea it is to go to Madison, Wisconsin - of all places - and now? Really, Sarah? Are you that disconnected, vain or masochistic?
Walker told Obama to stay out of his state's politics... can't wait to see the mess Sarah will make of this.
except that post you posted from c4p is exactly how mainstream america feels.
ReplyDeleteInside that beautiful exterior is a rotten human being. All of her core worshippers too -- fearful, small individuals. Personally, I'd love to see her try and run. Not because I think it would increase the chances of winning for anyone else, but because she would finally be brought down the way she deserves.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and try it Sarah. Your games only have a limited reach. Taking advantage of simple minds is easy. Try your shit on the rest of the country and see what happens. You will certainly be exposed for all to see who you really are.
Yeah, they don't want to be told what to do.
ReplyDeleteWho cares if:
We use up every last drop of oil?
We pollute the air with our autos?
We pollute the lakes & streams?
We kill every last wild animal?
We don't give every child the right
to an education?
We don't allow all those nasty people in our businesses because we don't like their color or
sexual orientation?
We bomb every other country
because they piss us off?
I have come to the conclusion that all these people are a bunch of spoiled brats. It is all about me, me, me. Who cares about the wounded in our society? Who cares if people have food to eat? I just want more, more, more.
These people make me sick!
God, she's so nasty.
ReplyDeleteOT - but a MUST see video from Rachel Maddow's blog (it's only a minute long) -
ReplyDeletethis needs to go viral! **three chears** for Rep. Joe Crowley - his 1 minute "speechless" speech speaks volumes!
(link is to post with video)
Anon 11:03 - if I lived in Madison I would go protest!
Translation "Send me money.Need more Botox injections. I have not decided if I will run yet, but the more money I get the less likely it will be that I will"
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin will get the E! True Hollywood Story treatment on April 21
I'm so tired of her bullshit. The government doesn't decide what doctors we can see the INSURANCE COMPANIES DO! And what is the crap about light bulbs? What a bunch of morans, yeah we don't need no stinkin' gubmint doin' things like checkin' our food, and our medications and making sure air traffic controllers aren't allowed to fall asleep on the job, right?
ReplyDeleteThe stupidity is just infuriating.
A wonderful world.
Last night on the Daily Show-Moment of zen: Palin dismisses internet rumors
She feels neglected in her name being quietly forgotten. She begs for money in order to funnel it around to her speeches and family.
ReplyDeleteQuite pathetic is the Palin family.
Sort of OT, but I loved this line from Sarah Jones PoliticsUsa article today: "Meanwhile, apologists are still defending Palin from having to answer questions, claiming she has been attacked in the media, while she lobbed unilateral lies from the safety of her Facebook bunker and whines about blood libel post Arizona massacre while others were murdered in an unspeakable national tragedy."
ReplyDeleteSo Sarah is leaving her daughters alone to be stalked and raped maybe while she flits over the country rhis week-end.
ReplyDeleteSarah just proved that she does NOT give a damn about her kids.
Has Trig reconnected with his birth mother? No, not the Bitch Sarah.
My latest Paylin fantasy: Scarah calls a press conference and no one comes. She's standing on the shores of dead Lake Lucille screaming, "I'm running for Presssident, I am, I am!", and no one cares. Ahhh, I really like that one.
ReplyDelete11:24: And you know how "mainstream America" feels because . . . ???
ReplyDeleteThere's a great thread going at Democratic Underground regarding Professor Bradford Scharlott's article. Some of the comments are spot on and VERY entertaining.
ReplyDeleteThat web-site and the posters, for the most part, "GET IT".
Sarah, honey, bless your little heart, but you're going down..(bitch).
I found this page while searching to see exactly who had already signed up for the 5/5/11 debate:
Be sure to vote in the poll concerning which candidate you would like to see in the debate. So far, the only candidate Palin has beaten in this poll is Other!
Sarah hasn't been getting enough attention lately so she's headed to Wisconsin where she can be assured some headlines.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the link below. It was provided by Anon@11:12. Americans for Prosperity is busing people in and word is that the Koch brothers are involved.
At least the people who showed up to protest Walker's union busting bill was grassroots, people didn't have to be bused in to inflate the size of the crowd.
Gryphen--whatever else you do, please stop using photos of this woman that are leftover from the 2008 campaign (like the one atop this post) sporting her Nieman Marcus wardrobe, tastefully selected jewelry and proper grooming. Using these photos perpetuates what needs to be exposed--the "creation" of her as the RNC message delivery system. Surely you've an archive of photos of the real Palin whose been spotted more recently. (The Belmont photo, with the black bra, ridiculous falsies, and white see-though T-shirt (!), of course, should be the go-to backup). :-)
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin Going To Wisconsin To Rally Tea Party Supporters
She's attaching herself to yet another crazy asshole.
So how many times has Mrs. Todd Palin gotten a restraining order against this young man? I count 3 times, how many do you guys count?
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is Sarah lets her daughters run around in other states but apparently she has no concerns about them. Sarah just flys here and yonder while her daughters are in danger?
Sarah definitely would never make a good mother, he leaves her kids everywhere and her and Todd take off without them?
Do you think Sarah worries about her kids? No, she only worries about the almighty dollar and her mug on tv and RAM tweeting and posting for her.
The Tea Party has yet to hear loud-and-clear that Americans don’t want cradle-to-grave capricious and arbitrary morality laws micro-managed by their idea of a free government for the people.
ReplyDeleteWe don’t want Tea Party government bureaucrats deciding what kind of husband or wife we should have, when to have sex or what kind of Doctor's appointments to make. And we don’t want our President continuing to manipulate the U.S. energy supply when she clearly knows nothing about energy.
What we want are the freedoms and opportunities to make a better life for ourselves in this pretty good nation on earth. Which is round. Assholes.
Bristol Palin by Ted Vincent http://www.rooftopcomedy.com/watch/BristolPalin
ReplyDeleteThe grifter ain't running! Is it now official?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's family WAS working class. Now she goes around being a Corporate Whore.
ReplyDeleteAfter she goes down in flames, I say we check up on her in a few years to see how much money she is grifting in government benefits.
FYI - Similar to the GOP - Bagger split in the party, I was reminded today that Canada experienced something similar starting back i 1987.
ReplyDeletePreston Manning formed the Reform Party in 1987. His chief policy adviser was Stephen Harper, a student at the University of Calgary and now the Prime Minister of Canada. Harper designed the Reform Party's 1988 campaign platform. The Reform Party was a combination of fiscal conservatism and populism, though aspects of social-conservatism grew, branding the party as "very right-wing." All of the Reform Party's candidates were defeated in the 1988 federal election."
"With Reform's emergence, however, Manning fragmented the conservative vote into two parts - Reform and the weakened PC Party. Additionally, Reform was seen as too extreme for the liking of many voters east of Manitoba. As it is nearly impossible to form a government without substantial support in both Ontario and Quebec, the result was political domination by the Liberal Party.
"Manning knew there was little hope of dislodging the Liberals as long as the right remained divided. He turned his attention to reuniting the two conservative parties under his leadership."
The above is from the wiki page of Manning should you be interested.
Stephen Harper, of the Conservative Party has been elected Prime Minister in a Minority Leadership capacity since 2006. (I wonder why!!!) He again finds himself presently in an election which he is again whining/begging he needs majority. He is leader of the first government in Commonwealth history to lose the confidence of the House of Commons on the grounds of Contempt of Parliament. I believe this is now 4 federal elections in 7 years.
The two wiki pages provide a pretty good outline of a party break in 1987 and the merger in 2003. The parties 'recreated' themselves a few times between '87 to 2003 to get to their merger and minority elections, where Harper should stay - better yet, to turf him but there is no choice of NONE OF THE ABOVE on the ballot so a minority is the way to go until they change party leaders as Harper doesn't get it, 3 minority elections should tell you - They really aren't into you!!
Michael Ignatieff, is the leader of the Liberal Party, the 2nd strongest party. He's a joke. As my friend says - as useless as a tit on a bull. The 3rd strongest party leader would spend the country into debt beyond debt (New Democratic Party (left of left). 4th is Bloc Quebecois (sp?) Quebec only party but holds standing in Parliament to vote on all Canada policies, etc.(that's not fair). The Green Party wasn't invited to the Debate.
So many wish they would add a line at the bottom of the ballot - NONE OF THE ABOVE!!
I write this so you realize, Canada has experienced something similar to what the US has now as far back as 1987 and they're still finding their way back!!! My friends see the present leaders as Stunned & Stupid!!
The Psychotic Bitch from Wasilla is basically begging for attention & $$ now that Broke Back Trump is stealing the spotlight. That's why she's going the Wisconsin.
ReplyDeletePyscho must have not been paying attention, because Dems and Republicans who opposed the budget in Wisconsin outnumbered the Tea Tards.
Of note...the Cee of Pee has banned any mention of the word birther. They're actually saying that Palin has made it clear...Obama was born in Hawaii. That's not how I interpreted her discussion regarding "The Donald". My guess is...they know that any talk of birther will bring babygate to their own front porch. I think we should all go over there and leave a comment about babygate. I have been banned before, I'll probably get banned again..so what...it's worth it to leave a babygate comment.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I have been reading this blog for a while and I just now made the "flying monkeys" connection. Good one.
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot to mention. America's for Prosperity is hosting Tea Tards' Rally in Wisconsin. They will be busing in the Tards like they did during during the Health Care Debates.
ReplyDeletePsychotic Bitch from Wasilla speech and bus in Tards will not make a difference. The Recall is on it's way and people are sick of Republican obstruction .
I have to ask -- what happened in Wisconsin?? Is there something in the water?
ReplyDeleteScott Walker
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus aka RNC PR BS
Does anyone watch V? You know Anna the evil queen? Sarah Palin reminds me of her.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Madison extremely blue right now? Didn't Walker declare Madison enemy number one? Hahhahaha!
ReplyDeleteGryph, Are you going to comment on the latest threat Sarah is claiming from Shawn Christy? Some articles are again stating that he was arrested by the FBI in Anchorage awhile back. He was not! and I've always thought it was weird that The Frontiersman went to Anchorage to interview/photograph him and reported that his visit was uneventful. It was such an odd article. I'm sure Sarah is using this kid for attention. Weren't you in touch with him or his parents in the past?
ReplyDeletePuppet Palin is a paid whore for the Koch Bros. She will do ANYTHING David tells her to do--ANYTHING. Of course she's going to WI. Walker is in trouble!
ReplyDeleteShe's running out of time to grift money from the flying monkeys.
ReplyDeleteIf she doesn't declare soon and she won't with her belly bumpit fake pregnancy still in the news, those flying monkeys will realizle paying for her plastic surgery won't help themselves at all.
Sarah RELEASE THOSE MEDICAL RECORDS like you promised over two yrs ago. Or are you too afraid for your bots to see your abortions, tubal ligation and mysteriously NO PRENATAL appts.
Palin is a moronic lying sack of shit. What freedom has been denied her or any of her flying monkey's since Obama took office? If Palin hadn't noticed, you couldn't necessarily see just any doctor you wanted BEFORE Obama was president. Fucking moron.
ReplyDeleteFor all of her hyperventilating, bitching, and moaning, there is not a single freedom of hers - or anyone else's - that has been taken away, diminished, or abridged since Obama was sworn in, yet to hear Palin you'd think the transports to the gulags were well under way.
Palin is a simpering buffoon.
Teabaggers beware, Sarah is only running to the nearest bank, she is just dialing for dollars, you fools.
ReplyDeleteWill Scarah take the big chin with her when she goes teabagging?
ReplyDeleteGuess Piper, the diaper, is not in school as she is going grifting for dollars with the Mamma idiot.
Why do the idiots call her Governor Palin? Doncha know she quit, she's just a grifter now.
ReplyDeleteSo the Koch brother called
ReplyDeleteSarah and told her she has to earn her keep!
Hey Sarah: Fuck off already, you are sooooooooooooooooooooo yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:24- YOU ARE WRONG! Mainstream America does not agree with Sarah!! They believe in the American values of caring for our most vulnerable citizens by not destroying Medicare and social security. Mainstream America middle class and does not like seeing all of the tax breaks corporations and the very rich get.
ReplyDeleteThe teaparty does not speak for mainstream America and neither does Sarah Palin. Sarah would throw the elderly, disabled and poor into poverty with her ideas.
Since you are so out of touch with reality, I'm sure you don't read much. But 80% of Americans believe in preserving Medicare and social security.
Sarah and those like her want a selfish and souless America. That is not mainstream. I am mainstream and you do not speak for me and Sarah and the extreme right wing only care about the very rich. If you don't see that you are an extremely stupid person!
Fuck the GOP, the Koch tea parry fakes and Sarah and fuck you for thinking you speak for the majority when you don't.
I live about 50 miles from Madison, but would not waste gas to go see this useless bitch. Her screeching will probably be heard down here anyway. Anyone who actually believes in her needs a mental evaluation. Paris Hilton has more "depth" than Palin.
ReplyDeleteWriting from Wisconsin. The last tea party rally was made up of a whopping 200 people. There were thousands for the protests of the governor. This will be a huge fail--even if, as I expect, they bus people in.
ReplyDeleteWisconsin is also responsible for McCarthy.
ReplyDeleteMadison? Really? Just when you think the bitch couldn't be more Stupid, she outdoes herself again. Olberman has always had it right. Clearly this woman is an idiot!
ReplyDeleteTo 11:20 am who asked:
ReplyDelete"Do you think she has any idea whatsoever how bad an idea it is to go to Madison, Wisconsin - of all places - and now? Really, Sarah? Are you that disconnected, vain or masochistic?"
None of the above. But she probably IS on the Koch payroll, and this probably is her latest assignment. I do not believe she is going without back-stage money – in big amounts. And because the Kochs are funding Scott Walker, I believe they are also funding her, as their emissary. I predict she will sow discord, hate, strife, anger, and bigotry, and do everything possible to spit on middle-class, hard-working Americans while she is there – and I am betting that she is licking her chops at the opportunity to do just that. It's like an Ayn Rand moment for her: another scene-stealing day of being the dominatrix, of grabbing attention away from the President.
LOL: The US is One Moron Down!!
ReplyDeleteSheen's in Toronto for shows Thurs & Friday!!
11:24, you are funny. Nice try.
ReplyDeleteIf, however, you believe that, please send Sarah more money. By all means!
Bumpit/Tribble 2012!
ReplyDeleteBuy one third rate reality show star and get one free!
I saw something funny in a comment on another blog:
ReplyDeletePalin/Trump 2010: You're fired!/I quit!
I think this would make a fabulous bumper sticker! hahahahaha
Simple Sarah is starving for the attention she thinks she is entitled to. That's why she's going to Wisconsin to support her fellow dolt, who is in a world of trouble there due to his own actions. As always, I expect her to be an epic fail in this endeavor as others. Both her ratings and Walker's are in the toilet, where they belong with all the other shit.
ReplyDeleteChris Matthews is not my favorite pundit, but my husband watches his show. I just about fell off my chair when I heard Chris say - not once, but at least twice, though in different ways - that Sarah is a has-been.
ReplyDeleteSee if you can catch a clip of the show. It was wonderful. I believe it was in the segment discussing Trump. Wonderful!
"She's gone." "She's nothing."
Hey, Sarah has-been Palin, how does that feel? Do we hear a tweet steaming and screaming in Chris' direction?
Anon @ 11:03 ... I already planned on being at the 'counter-protest' on the capitol square in Madison on Saturday (the teabaggers had their rally planned for awhile). Currently, I'm desperately seeking an air horn (or more) to drown out Palin's screech.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that our peaceful, yet sometime loud, protests are about to get kind of ugly with her presence here.
My favorite caption for that picture was "Three Invisible Dicks."
ReplyDeleteO/T: extent to which the Kochs are organizing to get boots on the ground in Madison:
It sounds to that Palin is using the same old take back our country meme to enlist donors and supporters to fund her PAC. The few times I have visited C4p the posters there are committed to Palin becoming President. I doubt they will provide funds for Palin to make her living giving paid speeches and money making schemes playing her fans she is a serious candidate. Nor promote Bristol as they slowly realize the Palin's were pretending about pursuing office. It clearly has been the possibility that Palin might run that kept her reported on on the news. The "servant's heart" persona is crumbling.
ReplyDeleteI believe the majority heard and saw enough of Palin concluding she is not a viable candidate. I predict her roll of the dice to play people again for personal fortune is going to fizzle out. Her mistake was arrogance people would not notice or swallow her bait that she is a rogue diverting attention away that she is as ignorant, uninformed, habitual liar who intentionally invents dramas to be divisive conning people she shall save them from demons she invents. She is as dumb and conniving now as in 2008. She O's a con not unconventional.
I have empathy for people she fooled to betray.
I am disappointed Palin omitted the government is going to ban s'mores and take control from parents ordering what their children can eat. Frankly I laugh at what she says. Lightbulbs? Really? ROFL
ReplyDelete"Now, you and I must fix our eyes on 2012. Our goal is to take back the White House and the Senate. We must take back control of Congress and the White House in order to undo the damage done by the disastrous Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda…"
ReplyDeleteBLAH! BLAH! BLAH! So what's your PLAN you dumb fucking shithead?!? What "agenda" must you undo? Making the rest of America smarter than you and your 17th century drones?
Just fuck off already.
I hope Paylin gets a serious protest crowd in Madison. That's a town she wouldn't like because it has too many intellectuals, old hippies,
ReplyDeleteand thinking folks. Not enough churches, or "real" Americans.
Sarah's type of people are just like "Dan C" over at c4p, who recently penned this startling missive:
Dan C [Moderator] 1 day ago in reply to exodus2011
"If I trust Sarah with nuclear weapons as President, then I trust her to make the correct decision on announcing"
Gee, that's comforting isn't it?
As President, the can throwin harpy would be able to attack Iran, bomb North Korea, and start World War III.
The hard cold truth is that I bet Sarah is afraid to run for Prez.
I think $arah needs to lay off the wacky weed...