Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Geoffrey Dunn thinks perhaps Meghan McCain's criticism of the "Game Change" movie might be somewhat self serving.

From the Huffington Post:

Poor Meghan McCain. Daddy's little girl knows that the portrait of her and her family coming out in HBO's adaptation of John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's 2008 campaign chronicle Game Change isn't going to be pretty, given what's in the book.

In a posting for The Daily Beast this week, McCain expressed her concerns that her family and Sarah Palin will be "nothing short of crucified."

Ya think so? Maybe it's the passage on page 279 where her father, U.S. Senator and then-Republican presidential nominee John McCain, screams out angrily at her mother, Cindy McCain--and I quote precisely from the text:

"Fuck you! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!"

Click the link to read more. Geoffrey certainly does NOT pull any punches in his condemnation of the platinum princess.


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    She's got a foul mouth just like her daddy.

  2. I dunno, maybe McCain was just channeling King George VI trying to overcome his stutter and practicing for his speech?? :-)

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Can you imagine even having the McCain or Palin families near the White House? Thank God, they lost the race and we have President Obama and his family representing us.

    Both families (McCain and Palin) are disfunctional as can be.

  4. Questioning8:44 PM

    Meghan McCain is an honest straight talker who tells things as she remembers them in the moment. Her book was basically a stream of consciousness, honest portrayal of the campaign. I really don't think she's afraid of how hacks from Hollywood will portray her.

    But when you think about the awful movie W and the upcoming movie about the Kennedys, that has been criticized by hollywood and the family, Game Change the book and pending movie becomes even more of a joke.

    It will most definitely be more propaganda for Obama, she's write on that point. Dem who still support him have nothing notable to say about his policies of experience so they have to stoop to repeating immature, snarky rumors about his opponents. That is the liberal way no? When one has no principles, one has no sustenance.

    People may be hating that unions are being busted, but at least republican leaders are making tough decisions that need to be made.

    I only wish people would stop being so hypocritical and saying ONLY the GOP is scandalous, immoral and filled with atrocious lying fools. This description basically fits most politicians no?

    Now on Palin. I just finished looking at pictures and reading articles from the Valley womans repubs club thing and seeing Sarah's participation with it. She and her kids attended several meetings in the first few months of 09. Does anyone in that area sense a growing civil war between anti palin ppl and pro palin ppl? Because there are probably an equal number. On one side, the people who actually know Sarah and see her consistently don't engage media. Others tend to regurgitate rumors based on hearsay. And why do I read here that Wasilla is generally afraid of the world. People I found are generally proud of Sarah and love her and the family. At the iron dog, all I heard was "Sarah's so beautiful and petite. So friendly and genuine"

    I'm not trying to start a blog war. I really would like to know how rumors evolve in Wasilla and if it's different than most small towns. When I was in high school, I went on a date with a friend and 3 days later, there were rumors I was pregnant (idk it still confuses me) My point is, people are idle and stupid. And bored with life. I really think liberals are jealous of conservatives because they live life to the fullest with no regrets or worry. The people at c4p (in person and on the blog) seem so much happier than commenters here and at PG and PoG. Just an observation.

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    " she's write on that point."

    Ah, Brooklyn, don't ever change. It would be easy to think that your multiple personalities are different people if they ALL didn't have the same horrible spelling and punctuation.

    Meghan McCain has never had a real job in her life. She coasts by on her mother's money. I'd respect her opinion more if she had ever done anything on her own to deserve respect.

  6. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Hey questioning,
    If you took your head out of your arse
    you might be able to see a little clearer

  7. Discusser9:28 PM

    Questioning-- you had me until this line: "I really think liberals are jealous of conservatives because they live life to the fullest with no regrets or worry. The people at c4p (in person and on the blog) seem so much happier than commenters here and at PG and PoG. Just an observation."

    I don't go to c4p, but I know that in these posts, we can't be perky and chipper, "By the way, my kid made honor role!"

    Conservatives don't live life any more fully than liberals, and they like to squash libs while having their secret dalliances and vices on the side. Look how many harshly conservatives have come out of the closet after passing anti-gay legislation, prohibiting the rights of their own kind! They are in love with the power.

    Liberals want to let consenting adults have the same rights as everyone else. We haven't forgotten the fights of the Industrial Age for workers to be able to unionize, we remember why Margaret Sanger, a dedicated mother, fought for the rights of women to have birth control and even abortions-- she saw women around her getting killed by child birth and living in squalor with too many babies that they couldn't afford to raise.

    Sure, we have jerks who run the unions, just as conservatives have jerks who run corporations, but I'd rather my money go to someone who fights to make sure I don't have to work 14 hours a day than to someone who sees me as a life support system for a machine so he or she can live in a bigger house.

  8. Anonymous9:36 PM

    lulu at 8:44

    You said: "this description basically fits most politicians, no"

    I say: No. You are wrong.

    It is clear that you are living in fantasy land. Perhaps you should watch/read something other than right wing news.

    Unlike the ex-governor, our president does not spend any time personally attacking those who do not agree with his polices or ideas.

    Sarah Palin has made people who do not agree with her views her enemies. If you agree you are a real American and if not you are a hater. She has the emotional maturity of a 10yo.

    She who dishes out meanness and hatred (and her supporters) better be able to take it.

    Have a nice day!

  9. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I respected Meghan for a while...her efforts to get young people involved in the GOP, her being anti-Palin. Woo hoo but now that the shit hits the fan in her own back yard....she sees her own personal ship sinking. Hey Meghan (and your father), you lied down with dogs - you wake up with fleas. The Palin flea specifically. Nasty! Your family will FOREVER unfortunately be linked to a ditzy woman who made you lose your respectability. Yeah, well that's what happens when you don't vet your choice of VP. Live with it. America has had to. Palin did NOTHING ZERO NADA to help heal this country. All of those hundreds of thousands of dollars in clothes, makeup, silk underwear for Todd did not fool America. You get what you paid for. Don't be a whiner like the Palin family & you might get a speck of respectability back before it's too late.

  10. aj weishar9:44 PM

    I'd like to thank Ms. McCain for a new, accurate observation on Sarah Palin. She does have the same temperament as Charlie Sheen. And she doesn't have drugs or alcohol as an excuse.

  11. Gasman9:49 PM

    Hey Questioning,
    Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You are a posturing moron simply shoveling shit by the ton. I'll stake the record of liberalism against that of conservatism any day of the week. Name a single time in U.S. History when conservatives turned out to be on the right side of history. Just once. I'll bet you can't. Why? Because at its core, conservatism is all about ever decreasing liberty while liberalism is about expanding it. Name a conservative stance on any major issue throughout our history and you can bet that it is about restricting or even eliminating someone else's liberty.

    Today's GOP is no different. Big Orange Boner proclaimed that the 2010 election was all about jobs and the economy and has done nothing but revisit past conservative failures regarding unions, gay rights, abortion, and public broadcasting. If the GOP isn't trying to occupy every uterus in the land then they are trying to bust teacher unions. Where are all those jobs Boner promised?

    Fuck you and your moronic claims that pus filled conservatives are living "life to the fullest with no regrets or worry." The conservatives I see are all a bunch of bigoted, fearful, hate filled, diaper clad asshats who simply cannot accept a black man in the White House who isn't bussing tables. They are filled with worry that a successful black president will undercut all of their racist hyperbole. The only time they stop bitching about socialist handouts is when they go to cash their Social Security checks and file their Medicare claims.

    Why don't you next tell us all how Reagan single handedly ended Communism for all time, balanced the budget, and invented moveable type printing.

    Has anyone ever told you that you're an asshole?

  12. Anonymous9:49 PM

    What you see is what you get. From your responce all I can say is birds of a feather flock together.

  13. Anonymous9:55 PM

    To Anonymous who said "The people at c4p (in person and on the blog) seem so much happier than commenters here and at PG and PoG. Just an observation.
    8:44 PM"

    It's obvious you are a c4pee-er. The people there are "so much happier" because they wear blinders and live in la-la land where they believe that the next president will be Queen Esther aka Sarah Palin, the next coming of Christ.

  14. Anonymous10:03 PM

    The c4p people must feel really threatened by you Gryph. Look at all the attention you are getting from have become very important in their eyes. It drives up your ratings on google. Every click helps in getting out the truth about your phoney baloney queen palin! Thanks for playing sea of pee. LOL

  15. Anonymous10:18 PM

    And then there was the time when he referred to Cindy as another four letter word beginning with c . . .!
    Lovely man.

  16. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Questioning, write? lol

  17. When I read Game Change, the portrait of McCain was the one thing that surprised me the most. Like most fans of Immoral Minority, I was looking for Sarah Palin dirt (not to worry--there's plenty of ore in that mine), but the McCain stuff was just shocking.

    What really struck me was the attitude of the hardcore GOP shock troops in the Bush White House, in 2008 when the economy (Lehman Brothers, et al) was "cratering" (in McCain's phrase). All of the Bush commandos didn't like Senator Obama--until there were a series of bipartisan meetings in the White House. One of Henry Paulsen's chief lieutenants, Jim Wilkinson, was so angry at Senator McCain's antics, Wilkinson said he even wrote to the McCain campaign, demanding the return of his $500 campaign contribution.

    If you're interested, here's my write up on Game Change: Hick on a High Wire: The Sarah Palin of Game Change

  18. I always love me a good Gasman post. Hahaha.

  19. Anonymous11:29 PM

    She should be happy that her Daddy's biggest secret is hidden in his sealed military records.
    I guess it pays to have a Daddy cover up for you when you collaborate with the enemy.

  20. Anonymous11:31 PM

    If John McCain was my father I'd be worried about the movie too.

    The basic problem for Meghan and the McCains is that either Sarah Palin somehow fooled John McCain, or John McCain bought what Sarah was selling. Either way it was a disaster of epic proportion.

    John McCain has a history of misjudging the character of people he associates with. Sometimes he just makes poorly considered decisions. Maybe there is a scene in the movie where some Presidential wannabee shouts

    "Fuck Fuck I don't give a Fuck. As long as she has nice legs and shows some cleavage I don't give a SHIT! So fuck you and your fucking vetting. She's the Governor, and we are going to win if she is the V.P. All the women Democrats will vote for her instead of Hillary. Plenty of horney men will too you dipshits. Shut the fuck up and get her on the phone right now. Dumb shits. I make the decisions."
    Even if it never happened, that's what scriptwriters do.

    How about reenacting the scene where he parties with the Keatings?
    Long before the 2008 run, but his biggest mistake before the Palin mistake.

    Think about what will sell a movie. Butts in the seats and buzz in the media. Reveal the real John McCain? Or reveal the real Sarah Palin?

  21. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Dear questioning,
    Maybe the rumors started that you were knocked up in HS were because you were a whore?

  22. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I hope for the rest of Meghan McCain's life, her children's life (if she ever has any) and her children's children's life that they will be reminded of the awful thing John McCain did to America. All he wanted was a vagina for VP and he did not care about all the rotten baggage that came with Palin. Fuck John McCain, Sarah Palin and her family. So who gives a shit about Meghan’s father and Palin getting crucified.

    Meghan, a while ago you were asked what did you think about Sarah Palin during the campaign and you said something about you won't comment on her. What does that tell us? You yourself had nothing good to say about Palin and was too chicken and dishonest to tell America what you really thought. So screw you too!

  23. This ubiquitous "Lacy" troll cracks me up!

    "Game Change is not respected…"
    "Game Change will be disastrous…"
    "Game Change was met with much scoffing…"

    She really tries hard to sound earnest!

    The reason the campaign reads like a badly-crafted soap opera is because it was chock full of insane and jealous divas and divos!

    Read Dunn's piece and weep! Meghan is a first-class jerk, and it's her OWN BOOK that reveals as much. She's as much of a narcissist as SP… "how dare you paint a portrait of me using my own words!?" "Look at me! I'm Meghan fucking McCain, the fucking candidate's daughter! I blog and write books and I'm all over the TV, now leave me alooooone!!!"

  24. Gasman, you are hilarious!


  25. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Questioning @8:44 Expound on the impact of the Republicans Plan for Prosperity. You seem to put your faith in the GOP. I'ld like you to explain their policies and the potential impact of their plan on your life, the lives of people in your community, state, and America in general. I'ld like to understand both what you value, and how you feel the Republicans best represent your values.

    What principles are you referring to in your estimation that liberals so clearly lack? Can you explain the relationship between principles and sustenance...I don't understand the point you are attempting to make. Do you consider liberals to be a monolithic group?

    I have enormous admiration and trust in President Obama. I base my trust on his track record and how I see him conduct himself, tirelessly, day after day, crisis after crisis for the benefit of the American people. I've also done alot of research. I'ld hope you would be willing to tell me what it is you know and understand about his background, accompolishments and experiences.
    His record as a Illinois State Senator in itself is very impressive. His list of experiences is quite long, I wonder what experiences you feel are essential to prepare an individual for the Presidency.
    Hope you'll bring your facts and opinions to the table. It would be really great if more Americans would attempt to better understand each other, learn to discuss issues and steer away from the politics. The cynicism of our politics is wreaking havoc on this country. What are you interested in.....making progress or pissing matches?

  26. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:19 AM

    Gee, think the trolls are doubling down recently? Something making them nervous, perhaps? Or have the Koch boyz raised their comment pay ahead of the 2012 race?

    BTW, some months ago, I thought Meghan was kind of coming around to a more centrist view--she was being objective in her assessments and commentary. I had some hope that she was breaking away from Grampa--er--Daddy. I guess $omeone got to her. The Neos need a talking head to appeal to younger voters, and after the rigged DWTS appearance, it just ain't Bristol.

  27. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Discusser at 9:28

    Last 3 paragraphs - Bravo!
    Very well said.

  28. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Seriously believe that John has mistreated Cindy, she has had many injuries and wore casts.

  29. Anonymous3:28 AM

    8:44 pm

    You have shit for brains and can't spell worth shit. You are using the wrong words for many things you wrote, get an education.

    "Palin is beautiful & petite, talked about at a race." How totally stupid & shallow you are, twat.

  30. Barney3:37 AM

    Gryphen, some dumb fucks are trying to camp out here that live in cardboard boxes over at C for Pee.

    Better call the exterminator, those dumb fucks are causing bedbugs here.

  31. Anonymous3:40 AM

    @ Questioning....write much? Try using the right word the next time you attempt to sell us your sick bill of goods. You might as well be honest and tell everyone that the very sick cult at the Cee of Pee have been fighting for the past few days. It seems TheTotalconservative had taken over your sick group with the truth. We all know that your sick cult cannot deal with the truth, therefore, all of you are doing everything you can to get TTC banned. It's really sad, he's the only cult member who actually thinks for himself.

    As soon as all of you accept the fact that the quitter is not running for anything, you can move on and accept the truth about her. She's nothing but a lying con artist who sucked you into her lies.

  32. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Ha, that is hilarious. I wouldn't buy Meghan McCain's book in a million years and had forgotten about it, so it's great to read these snippets. What an entitled moron.

    Why, exactly, does she have a column at the Daily Beast? Is it so she can say that a movie that will be critical of her family is bullshit? Are there any editors over there at the Beast?

  33. Anonymous3:45 AM

    @Questioning, you say: "I really think liberals are jealous of conservatives because they live life to the fullest with no regrets or worry."

    This is a claim that I've seen made more than once by "conservatives". Not sure where you get that idea, because your party's M.O. is to gin up fear and hate. No worry? Please. Sell your fairy tale somewhere else.

  34. Anonymous3:51 AM

    9:32 VERY well said. McCain is a little, oportunistic, money grubbing, ugly (inside and out) little troll. Horrible little man. Read the Rolling Stone article about the REAL McCain. Thank God he lost, and it wasn't Palin's fault, he was sinking fast she just gave him a little rise in the polls by stirring up the racist loons. Meghan should get off the stage, go do some charity work, help others. Wait - she is a McCain, like the Bush family they do not help people other than themselves.

  35. I actually like Meghan McCain, and c'mon - it's her family. Yes, yes, they're in the public eye, fair game, etc. etc.

    Doesn't mean she can't be uncomfortable about seeing it on the big screen.

    How many of you would want your family's dirty laundry shared for all to see?

    I'm not saying the movie is bad, or wrong, or that I don't want to see it (because I do), I'm just saying I can sympathize with her. It's her father. Misguided as he may be, as she may KNOW he is, he's still her dad and she still loves him and it will still hurt her to see a negative portrayal, no matter how true it is.

  36. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I used to have a tiny sliver of respect for Meghan McCain, but it has become clear that she is cut from the same cloth as her dad: foul tempered, self-serving and with a huge sense of entitlement she has not earned.

  37. Anonymous4:54 AM

    That was the funniest/saddest anonymous Bristol-FB-BFF comment yet! So many wild ridiculous statements, so little time.

  38. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Interesting turn of events at IM recently: the trolls are becoming more entertaining and fascinating than Palin herself!

  39. Anonymous5:27 AM

    'Questioning,' - Obviously, the majority of commenters here don't
    view Palin, or her older children as you do. Her hypocrisy is awe inspiring! As someone on the ADN commented re Palin, 'lots of wrapping paper, but the box is empty.' The
    people on c4p appear to have given themselves over to idol worship -
    have you read some of the comments there, 'Questioning'?

    Sharon TN

  40. Seems like this sort of young man would eventually father a daughter like Meghan McCain:

    The claim has been made:

    "Surviving crewmen and those who investigated the USS Forrestal fire case reported that McCain deliberately 'wet-started' his A-4E Skyhawk to shake up the guy in the F-4 Phantom behind his A-4. 'Wet-starts', done either deliberately (the starter motor switch allowed kerosene to pool in the engine and give a wet start) or accidentally, shoot a large flame from the tail of the aircraft.

    "134 sailors were killed on the USS Forrestal in 1967.

    It is believed by many crewmen and investigators that John McCain deliberately 'wet-started' his A-4E to shake up the guy in the plane behind his A-4. 'Wet-starts' shoot a large flame from the tail of the aircraft.

    In McCain's case, the 'wet-start' apparently 'cooked off' and launched the Zuni rocket from the rear F-4 that touched off the explosions."

  41. Anonymous5:55 AM

    "People may be hating that unions are being busted, but at least republican leaders are making tough decisions that need to be made."

    Yeah, you better be questioning - your own sanity - not to mention your inability to write coherently. English, much?

    First reTHUGlicans made those decisions to cut taxes fro the wealthy. Then, so that necessary subsistence and "teach a man to fish" social programs could be funded, the U.S. was forced to borrow heavily. SO the "debt" crisis was not just caused, but artificially manufactured by those reTHUGlicans - who have failed at trying to straight out attack those programs just on their merits since the New Deal -because Americans know those programs are valuable and necessary.

    The debt crisis is a Republican manufactured crisis caused by their insistence on not raising taxes on the rich and corporations.
    Shout it from the rooftops, folks.

  42. Anonymous6:07 AM

    "I only wish people would stop being so hypocritical and saying ONLY the GOP is scandalous, immoral and filled with atrocious lying fools. This description basically fits most politicians no?"

    NO, it doesn't. It's mainly the positions on the right that cause them to lie and/or to be hypocritical.

    If someone takes a stand that what is done in the privacy of one's bedroom between consenting adults is a) just fine and b) one's own business, and if what is done there is somehow made public, what's the lie? What's the scandal?

    On the other hand, if someone runs around telling others that they shouldn't do x, y, z, etc, and that x,y,z, are wrong, immoral and that someone even tries to make it illegal in everyone's bedroom, and then it's found out that that same someone was doing x in their bedroom - by default and definition, THEY ARE HYPOCRITES. And there is usually a period of time where they lied about it too. Sanford was hiking the Appalachian Trail before he was screwing the Brazilian, remember? Newt and McCain are all about the sanctity of the marriage vow -including that in sickness and in health part, all about that loyalty ideal, while both fooled around and then treated their dying and disabled lives like shit as they divorced them for younger prettier women, remember?

  43. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Wow questioning - you must have a very, very small circle of acquaintances - and in a small town, everyone spouting the party line so that they're not ostracized and because they don't now who is friend or foe isn't surprising.

    I've by chance run into two Wasillians in different parts of the world that is not Alaska. Both almost immediately confided in how much most of their circle of acquaintances despise Palin as mayor and governor.

  44. Anonymous6:18 AM

    per anon 8:44:

    "at least republican leaders are making tough decisions that need to be made".

    You and your ilk are unable to form thoughts that are not verbatim repetitions of the empty phrases you hear on Fox News. It's really pathetic.

  45. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Liberals are jealous of conservatives!? Lol. When I read something like that all i can think of is what a stupid person!
    Truly you are so shallow, ignorant and dense I don't know why we all respond to you. I mean you are nuts and I doubt you know any liberals.
    Get a life!!! WTF are you doing here. You make Sarah and her bots look more stupid and small minded then you already are. People who generalize like you do are not very well educated as far as traveling and interaction with all kinds of people. If all Americans or ALL conservatives even were like you, America would be in serious trouble.
    Luckily there are intelligent well read conservatives and they shudder in embarrassment when they hear Palin or those like her.

  46. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Bill Abendroth: nice article. Thanks for linking it.

  47. Anonymous6:28 AM

    HOly fuck!! must be tough learning your daddy really should have been court martialed and faced a firing squad - in which case your own existence never would have come about. Lot's of guilt there for the 134 families that lost actual or potential fathers - Meghan got to be, while the children of those 134 other men simply never happened. Feel guilty about the air you're taking up yet Meg?

  48. DaleinSanAngelo8:02 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:44. If that's how you feel, trot your happy ass back over to c4p. In case you hadn't noticed, they do not allow ANY opposing comments or discussions. I posted once and since been blocked from the site. Open your eyes, there is a big beautiful world out there.

  49. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "In McCain's case, the 'wet-start' apparently 'cooked off' and launched the Zuni rocket from the rear F-4 that touched off the explosions."

    5:31 AM"

    AND THEN he left the ship without permission and flew to his daddy in London for the cover up to begin.

  50. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I have a secret:

    I loved McCainblogette.

    I thought campaigning looked so exciting
    and glamorous. I'd love to travel the county
    that way--and have a fancy tour bus and
    not worry about gas prices. It killed me
    when she took all the photos down, because
    I'd go back over the posts on occasion...

    I didn't vote for her father, nothing she
    said or did would make me do that, but I
    thought her blog was fun. Now she just
    seems like a spoiled bimbo.

  51. Anonymous6:06 PM

    "I really think liberals are jealous of conservatives because they live life to the fullest with no regrets or worry."

    Really? Most republicans I know are angry,
    gun-toting cowards. They are afraid of the
    gays, and the blacks, and the browns, and
    the foreigners. They quake in their boots
    at the thought of women being allowed to
    do as they please, unless it is a republican
    woman, then whatever she does is OK,
    because God forgives them. They are
    even afraid of animals--that is why they kill
    them. The only thing republicans aren't
    afraid of is global warming, and that is
    just because Jesus will be back before
    anything "bad" happens to good people.
    Republican men are heavily armed sissies.
    Republican women are hiding a lot. If
    republicans are happy, it is because they
    think God is going to punish everyone
    who doesn't think the way they do.

    If republicans were brave and happy they
    wouldn't feel compelled to call Democrats
    names. That is what these happy people
    do--they find out you are a Democrat and
    they spend 20 minutes telling you how
    stupid you are, how evil you are, and that
    you should go find another country. Happy
    people say live and let live. Calling someone
    a Demoncrat isn't going to make them
    vote the way you tell them, but that is
    what republicans do.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.