Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Bye, Bye, Beck. Fox drops show due to low ratings.

From Yahoo News:

Glenn Beck's talk show is being dropped by the Fox News Channel after sinking in the ratings and suffering financially due to an advertiser boycott.

Beck was a quick burn on Fox News Channel. Almost immediately after joining the network in January 2009, he doubled the ratings at his afternoon time slot. Fans found his conservative populism entertaining, while Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert described Beck's "crank up the crazy and rip off the knob" moments.

He was popular with Tea Party activists and drew thousands of people to the National Mall in Washington last August for a "restoring honor" rally.

Yet some of his statements were getting him in trouble, and critics appealed to advertisers to boycott his show last summer after Beck said President Barack Obama had "a deep-seated hatred for white people."

Beck said that he went to Roger Ailes, Fox News chairman and CEO, in January to discuss ways they could continue to work together without the daily show.

"Half of the headlines say he's been cancelled," Ailes said. "The other half say he quit. We're pretty happy with both of them."

If Ailes is happy with the story that Beck's show was cancelled, that pretty much means it was cancelled. Don't you think?

Well if Fox has decided to start clearing out the crazy, how much longer can Sarah Palin expect to retain her "consultant" gig?

P.S. When I read this the second thing I asked myself, after thinking that Palin's pink slip is also probably in the mail, is "What does Olbermann think about this?"

So I went over to FOK News to find out:

The confirmation today that the man who can’t tell the difference between a socialist, a fascist, and an altruist is leaving his daily show on Fixed News, is a great moment for the collective intelligence of American discourse.

I do have to say that after the initial jabs in the opening paragraph, Keith is pretty gentle with the fragile, and possibly suicidal, giant man-baby.  I would have thought that he would be doing some version of a Michael Flatley Riverdance all over his soggy pathetic ass, but Keith decided to take the high road.

Hopefully Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert won't show such restraint.


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I keep up my hopes that even the DUMBEST Americans will sooner or later wake up to how they've been hoodwinked.

    (The latest news from Wisconsin indicates that the sheep who were bleating along with the BECK / FOX "NEWS" chant of "SCREW THE WORKING MAN!" finally heard their own echo, and thought: "Hey...wait a minute...that's ME!")

    To find out that one of the biggest jerks around, in terms of pulling the wool over the eyes of his fellow Americans, may no longer be heard, is a real blessing, and possibly the start of an awakening of the masses.

  2. Politicalguineapig1:52 PM

    Gryph: Some of this post seems to have been chopped off. Just a heads-up.
    I am kind of sad that Beck is being dropped-there goes Jon Stewart's best material. Maybe they'll ask Beck to host Saturday Night Live.

  3. meena1:56 PM

    Champagne time!

  4. Virginia Voter1:57 PM

    Oh, happy day...Beck has gotten exactly what he deserves.

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Sarah Palin emailed Beck for his advice during her screw ups and her participation of the Arizona shootings and deaths.

    With Beck gone from FOX, what is a HOE to do?

  6. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I wonder what Time Magazine thinks of their "Most Influential Man in America" now?


  7. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Wait a minute, he wasn't fired, he's quitting so he can make a bigger contribution to the American people.


  8. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Couldn't have happened to a more deserving fellow?
    Although Laryngitis would have given us all a break...
    M from MD

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM

    so do people really believe palin pre-nom was better than PArnell. it sounds like it. and i believe it

  10. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Great news! He was getting loonier and loonier...I was expecting to see him carted off to the insane asylum.

  11. Anonymous2:23 PM

    interesting no?

    There was that Alaskan family featured on SPA that named their son Palin. The boy was born around the end of 08.

    And Bristol, Willow, PIper names have increased.

    I smell stupid people

  12. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I like that Ailes has said he is looking forward to working with Beck outside Fox.

  13. Anonymous2:25 PM

    He's got enough money at this point, though he'll need bodyguards for the rest of his life. Way to take one for Team Sh*thead, Glen.

    He'll land somewhere with that BS on cable.

    Funded by the Koch Bros.

  14. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The collective national IQ will go up 5 points once this douche bag is off the air.

  15. laprofesora2:51 PM

    What GREAT news! They can spin it all they want, but he is OUT. We can only hope Quittypants is next. She is probably wetting her pants right now, "TAWD! Bring me some dry ones right now!"

    Wow, the Dem wins the election in WI, Becky is's either the end of the world or this country is finally coming to its senses. Scary either way.

  16. Anonymous3:03 PM

    What I can't understand about people who are "end of times" believers is why are they so bent on making money?? If the world ends, why do they need all that money they keep begging the sheeple for?

  17. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Maybe he is a runnin fer pressinent.

  18. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Glenda is nuts, he needs to be in a mental institution. Mrs Todd Palin needs to be admitted also too.

  19. Anonymous3:27 PM

    What you want to bet that the Queen Whore Snooki gets passed on to Beck 'A 'Land.

  20. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I recall a palin FB post implorimg her supporters to watch Beck.

    Poor little sarah, plucked and boiled.



  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Hallelujah, justice at last!

    Of course we won't be rid of him, but at least he'll have to stay on the fringe where he belongs.

    Now what about the notion of Donald Trump as GOP POTUS candidate? Apparently he is popular among Tea Party candidates? Now isn't that a marriage of convenience! It may be the best thing that ever happened to the Dems.

  22. Anonymous4:05 PM

    We must give props to Van Jones and the Color of Change for mobilizing. They received thousands of signatures to petition Beck's advertisers.

    Stop Glenn Beck's Race Baiting

    UPDATE: Glenn Beck’s daily show will drop from the Fox News lineup. ColorOfChange Executive Director James Rucker responds here and here.

    Fox's Glenn Beck recently said President Obama is "a racist" and has a "deep-seated hatred for white people." Beck is on a campaign to convince the American public that President Obama's agenda is about serving the needs of Black communities at White people's expense. It's repulsive, divisive and shouldn't be on the air. Join us in calling on Beck's advertisers to stop sponsoring his show.

    One down, many more GOP nutz to go.

    Hey Sarah, that hopey changey thingy is working out just fine lol!

  23. Maybe he won't need vicks vapo rub to bring tears to his eyes over losing his "job"...

    good riddance...

  24. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Those names aren't surprising to me @223. I'm sure there's probably a Kardashian Smith or a Snooki Jenkins running around in the world.

    People are incredibly silly sometimes when it comes to naming kids after celebrities (fake or otherwise -- and there ain't none more fake than Stupid Sarah, et al)

  25. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Don't let the door hit ya where your stupid chalkboard split ya!

  26. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Thank dogs!! It is time to break out the frozen snickers bars, play my favorite dance tune, and skip around the house with joy.

    That fact-free nutjob has been frightening my mormon relatives half to death with his "the world is ending" crap.

    Maybe without the daily toxic dose of his babbling, they will come out of their atom bomb shelters.

  27. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Get out your blackboard and chalk and write in big block letters: "Glenn Beck" and "Fired, Crazy-Ass, Fetid Boil on the Butt on Humanity". Draw a firm line between the two.

  28. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I can honestly say I helped bring Beck down...year before last. I campaigned for Color of Change and made phone calls to Beck's advertisers. I left some impassioned messages from the heart, about Beck's racism, let me tell you!

  29. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I'm really sorry to see Glenn go. Jon Stewart's impressions of Beck were brilliant TV. Now, Stewart will have to imitate Rush, Bill or someone else who isn't nearly as colorful.

  30. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Maybe that clears the way for Glenn to run for president on the Tea Party ticket. Please! please!

  31. Anonymous5:12 PM

    That asshole, Limbaugh, should be the next to be shut down by boycotting his sponsors. He is almost worse than Beck with his rhetoric. He rants on and on daily about President Obama and says horrid things about include being racist.

  32. Anonymous5:16 PM

    GOOD RIDDANCE! Although, we probably are nut lucky enough to have heard the last from this batsheet blackboard buffoon. Maybe he'll go run his clown college, or rule Glennbeckistan.

  33. A lot of credit should go to the people who fought hardest to get the word out on Beck, and to those who campaigned against his programs to its sponsors, or who campaigned directly against the sponsors themselves:

    The Color of Change
    Eric Boehlert and David Brock at Media Matters for America
    and last, but not least - spocko at firedoglake.

  34. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Look at that picture and the whirlwind of damage that fucking idiot has done preying on those of lesser intellect. I hope he dies an extremely slow and excruciatingly painful death. He has earned nothing less.

  35. I saw this earlier, and I think a key point is that they say Beck's company will still be "producing media" for Fox. I think one can expect to see a lot of Beck "specials", perhaps as a counter to a daily deluge of wankery that probably tires out even his most ardent viewers. I just have a hard time believing Fox would let him go when he still brings in such a huge audience regardless of his losses.

  36. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I just tried to leave this comment about your Meghan McCain post: "There's a literate troll on duty tonight. Someone's bumped it up a notch. Must be they're in high-alert mode at the Palin-patroll." but all of a sudden, the post on Meghan has disappeared from your blog. Hope it's just a glitch.

  37. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Good riddance, asshole.

  38. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I think they canceled him so that he wouldn't be too attached to the candidates that they are running for POTUS. It's too easy to say "I can't vote for Newt Gingrich, he worked for Fuk Newz like Glenda, and Glenda's nuts just like Newt." Too easy to call them birds of a feather. Glenda maintains his role as "Producer", and that's not for nothing.

  39. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Glenn Beck isn't simply insane entertainment or fodder for comedians. He is very dangerous, actually. If one could stomach one of his rants, one saw a man using extremely powerful propaganda techniques in order to sustain his mouth-frothing audience. A deeply fearful audience which he himself created, one that just might have been inspired to do bad things.

    I would literally get sick to my stomach watching some of his shows. No amount of paranoia was too much, in his mind. He is clearly unbalanced and needs help. Watching him is exactly like watching Charlie Sheen. These are men with mental illness. The difference is that Charlie Sheen is not plugged into polarizing political activity, God bless him.

    Race baiting is right. Glenn Beck wants people to believe that the "other" is responsible for their life frustrations and difficulties.

    1930's Germany all over again, and we know what happened there.

    Glenn Beck will show up somewhere, he will continue his "work". But if he is not doing it day after day on TV, well that's something.

    Thanks to all who helped get him pushed off, truly!

  40. WakeUpAmerica8:12 PM

    I'm sick of looking at the cry baby's face. Don't you have any other news, Gryphen? That picture of Beckerhead is enough to gag a maggot.

  41. Anonymous8:17 PM

    My oh my. I honestly never thought I'd see the day. Thanks goodness there is some semblance of sanity over at Faux News.

  42. Anonymous8:24 PM

    The first time I saw Beck was when he was on CNN, my first impression was "he has no soul". I was right.

    He is the modern day Father Charles Coughlin who ran a smear campaign on Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt back in the 30's and 40's. What finally brought him down was his anti-semitic remarks and he was making alot of money from his radio program, while he had taken a vow of poverty.

  43. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I understood that he will be working behind the scenes. Which means the potential he has to do damage becomes more insidious. I think he is pond scum, that fact that he will no longer be exposed to the light of day makes me uncomfortable.

  44. Gasman9:17 PM

    The only arrow in Beck's quiver was to be increasingly batshit crazy every single day. Even the teabaggers start to weary of the incessant Chicken Little routine. In Becky's case it's more like Chickenshit Little.

    Every damn day he would breathlessly proclaim that the country was going to die and that Obama was sending out his FEMA/ACORN storm troopers any minute now to start rounding up those on the right. Problem is, if Obama were really going to do that, wouldn't Becky be the first one to go? Even the moron teabaggers had to have begun to realize that NONE of Becky's bullshit claims have come true. Not only that, but Becky's garbage was so batshit crazy that even the other on air talking baboons at Faux News would not pick up on his nonsense. He was the most moronic dipshit on Faux News. Quite an accomplishment.

    Beck was his own worst enemy. He has no talent so he goes for race baiting, fear mongering, and insane conspiracy theories that nobody else on the right would endorse. He simply isn't any good at what he does so he substitutes shock and fear for talent and professionalism. He got exactly what he deserved.

    Fuck Beck now and forever. May that odious little turd rot in hell.

  45. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Well, it all came down to money and not intelligent thought, but hey whatever it takes.
    This is really funny great news.
    Hope he flounders. Better hide the pills from him again.

  46. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I can honestly say I helped bring Beck down...year before last. I campaigned for Color of Change and made phone calls to Beck's advertisers. I left some impassioned messages from the heart, about Beck's racism, let me tell you!

    5:00 PM

    Thank you!!!!

  47. Anonymous3:18 AM

    The difference is that Charlie Sheen is not plugged into polarizing political activity, God bless him.

    A few years ago Sheen was a very outspoken 9/11 truther. He has since stopped publically speaking out a few years ago, probably to have his job for awhile....I hope he does NOT re-engage the truth movement because with his craziness now he will not help matters at all.

  48. Anonymous6:51 AM

    anon @ 7:41 pm

    Spot on assessment. When Beck first started his program on Fox whether you agreed with him or not, one could easily follow the thread of his logic. He used one chalkboard. The evolution of his madness has been, for me, interesting to follow. His assessments were no longer based on what little research he did but rather his increasing paranoia theory. Research was replaced with his own interpretations of history and events. MOre chalkboards, sometimes as many as 6 per show. Increased physical agitation and exaggerated hand and facial expressions. Frenetic scribbling and disjointed thought processes. What used to be easy to follow became impossible. There was no logic to his theory and his increased paranoia and end times rambling paints a picture of a very disturbed man who appears to be in the midst of a breakdown. Whereas I think Beck was likely considered entertaining and informative to a certain degree by most Fox watchers at one time, he became his own worst enemy and lost viewers by the droves.

    It was only a matter of time before Fox got rid of him. The fact that the plug is pulled before the contract is up says much. As far as his continued influence at Fox...I'm guessing that won't happen. He was far more dangerous when he actually made sense! He's about ready for the rubber room now.


  49. Punkinbugg10:17 AM

    It's always about the money.

    Low ratings --> low ad revenue = Beck gets cancelled.

    It's ALWAYS about the money.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.