Monday, April 18, 2011

Here is a little educational video for you to show to your homophobic friends.

Take notes all my gay friends out there, because believe me this will be information you will need for the rest of your life.


  1. Very well done. Thanks for posting this G.

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I know a few hundred people I'd like to invite to watch that film. A few years back there was a rumor of a gay bar opening up in town. Tempers ran hot because, as everyone knew, there weren't any of "them" in our fair town and "they" weren't wanted because, well, you know, it wouldn't be safe to walk the streets and "they" multiply, somehow.

  3. Obviously, leaders of the Catholic church need to see this video too. Their egregious attempt to blame priestly pedophilia on the victims by falsely claiming it was merely a matter of consensual gay sex and groping brought about by curious adolescents has to be the most outlandish attack on gays yet. Donohue offered no explanation for those male priests who were raping little girls. I presume he is still trying to find a way to blame those sexy little school uniforms they wore.

    Gryphen, my supreme thanks to you and other dedicated bloggers who continue to shine a bright light on the lies and rewriting of history that further the cruel agendas of the power mad in our society.

  4. Anonymous5:43 AM

    O/T Simon and Schuster imprint, Howard Books releasing "Blind Allegiance"
    May 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm almost sad I don't have any homophobic friends to show this to.

  6. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Thanks for posting this Gryph. I'll definitely be linking to it.
    The sad thing about it, is that you can't use logic with a certain contingent of people.

  7. Anonymous6:34 AM

    5:52 - Wow are you lucky!!!!!

    5:30 - Donahue is a first class asshat. I cannot stand this man (I know - like he cares). He is just like SP - a fame whore. He can come up with a million stupid comments just to be on TV. I am not sure why anyone ever has him on. He is just some idiot commenting on mostly stupid stuff.

    Thanks Gryph for pointing out another great video;)

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I waited for "Christian" to bring up how it says in the BIBLE that homosexuality is not right.

    Of course, the word of some ancient person whose main job in life was to herd sheep, or a catch fish, should carry LOTS of weight, in modern times, when it comes to psychological theory, right?

  9. Anonymous8:59 AM

    "We're still gay." BAAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA! That was great!

  10. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It's quasi-science with a bias. The simple test is to look carefully at the parents of homosexuals to understand what went wrong. This is not to bash on homosexuals or gays, it's to face the truth.

    The best thing gays could do for themselves is stop taking part in the debate and just accept who they are. It's their business and nobody else's. But homosexuals can't let it go because they all understand that the debate has credibility. They know themselves better than anyone else what made them homosexuals. Or gays, if they prefer that term.

  11. Thanks for posting this Gryphen.

    To Anon @ 9:36. Look to the parents to see what went wrong? What do you mean by this?

    And just because someone is homosexual, why do you assume something went wrong?

    If anything is wrong, it is the brain-washing that the church does to it's congregation. And the damage and persecution that it inflicts on the gay and lesbian community.

    I agree there shouldn't be a debate. A person's sexuallity should not have to be something that has to be fought over to be allowed equal rights as an American citizen. They should not have to worry about being fired over it or to be ostracized from their families. They should not have to worry over being bullied, beat up, attacked or even killed over, but, they are and they do.

    Unfortunatly, until we grow up as a nation and realize this, they will continue to have to fight this horrible fight.

  12. onething6:17 PM

    Anonymous at 9:36--

    I'd really like to hear more from you. What sort of parental things can go wrong to create homosexuals?

    And, I was not aware that most homosexuals had an opinion as to something making them that way. Most of them say that in childhood they just knew, or perhaps in adolescence.

  13. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Next Chapter, You are essentially right about most of what you say. I'll repeat, the homosexuals should not take part in the debate but they do for a reason. They themselves know that the issue is not settled.

    Nobody likes to think that they are not normal and so that is why the homosexuals need to continue to pursue the issue. They will never win the debate. But it doesn't matter, they are who they are. But they do continue to raise the issue, as Gryphen has here, and the issue will continue to be debated. That's what Gryphen wants. A debate on behalf of the homosexuals or on his own behalf as a homosexual. We need not ask the question, nor should he have brought it up.

    Family influence will nearly always be found that contributes to the abnormality. A missing father or an overbearing mother, but not always those two. If you're interested you could learn more about the issue.

    To discount Freud is just plain silly. It's about on the level of the 6000 year old earther Kristyuns in my opinion.

    Do homosexuals (gays) enjoy the debate? I believe they do. they will always try to win the debate in their favor and in doing so will just encourage more homophobes to pick up the debate. The attention they get is just as good as their gay pride parades!

  14. Anonymous8:16 PM

    onething, genetics is a factor but not the only factor. It accounts for a lesser % of homosexuals than nurture. Educate yourself, then come back and initiate the conversation. Gryphen will obviously be more than happy to get it going again. He would like it settled once and for all.

  15. Anonymous10:09 AM

    So Gryphen, do you know now why you are a homosexual in need of continually trying to prove that you were born that way?

    Silly boy, can you leave the issue alone for more than a week?


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