Friday, April 01, 2011

It looks like Donald Trump was only PRETENDING to want to run for President in order to get a gig on Fox News.

Clearly Trump saw that the fastest way to get some air time on Fox was to fake interest in the GOP nomination. Hey it worked for Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and Newt Gingrich!

Knowing the kind of people who run Fox I imagine he was a shoo in the  minute he started asking about Obama's birth certificate.


  1. Anonymous3:40 AM

    At least Fox won't have to give Trump the answers to the questions like they do Mrs. Todd Palin.

    Of course, the Donald and the Stupid Mrs Todd Palin can compete for the worst looking hair of the day.

    Trump is a birther and so is Mrs. Todd Palin. Both would say or do anything for attention or money.

    The difference between these two is that Mrs. Todd Palin is "stupid" and the Donald just acts stupid on tv.

  2. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Ho hum. Just more fakery at Faux News.

    What else did we expect?

  3. Olivia3:57 AM

    Sarah is only pretending too.

  4. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Got to love this, it seems that FOX has EDITED the word squirmish out of Monday's interview!!! Unbelievable...

    "If Palin should ever be elected President, and gets the call at 3:00 am, she might need to be sure Fox News is available in the early hours to make sure they can edit the tape of her saying “nook em”."

    Enough with the gaffes! Sarah does not know what she's talking about, EVER. All she ever does is pretend she does. It's all she knows how to do and it's all she ever wants to do.

  5. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Doesn't this just about sum up the situation for the GOP?

  6. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Anyone who has to state, "Look, I'm a smart guy; I did well in school" raises a red flag. People who are truly intelligent (like our President) don't go around telling you how smart they are. As recent events have proven, you don;t have to be smart to make lots of money, in fact, lying works even better.

  7. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Trump is only being a "teaser bitch" by trying to get the other dogs excited. He's not running for anything.

  8. nancy5:13 AM

    You're probably right. Pretty soon he's going to start jamming a bump it under his comb over.

  9. Anonymous6:05 AM


    This is why the douche went on the View to spew birther crap.

    More hype for his FAKENEWS SHOW.


  10. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Trump is a cheap whore...and not a very good one at that.

  11. Anonymous8:23 AM

    The pink haired TRAMP is delusional! He thinks those young plastic gold diggers marry him for love and his handsome, manly prowess! LOL

    Without his money he couldn't get a BJ from a sick hooker in Hong Kong.

  12. AKRNC3:01 PM

    There is no way Trump would ever open up his financial dealings to the American voter's review. How to explain all those questionable transactions with those "foreigners"? How to explain going bankrupt but as Donald puts it, it was a good move, all businessmen do it. If he means all businessmen screw the people whom they owe money to, he's probably accurate on that account but don't think the American people are going to agree with him. Nor will they feel sorry for someone who screwed his creditors out of millions while spending millions personally. He never planned on running for President, it's a big joke to hype the ratings for The Apprentice.

  13. FloridaDem6:10 AM

    I agree with everything AKRNC said. And btw, he's a horrible businessman.

    And Sarah is probably pulling a Newt, and won't run, but will collect huge sums of money from people expecting her to run, then never give back the money. Politics has always been a big scam in this country, but now it seems like you don't even have to actually run in a race to pull off the scam.

  14. Anonymous8:02 PM

    FOX is covering all long shots in case one of their Repub news announcers wins and then FOX will have access to the White House.

    In this case of FOX's looser Rupubs, FOX should listen to Las Vegas odds makers and "BET ON BLACK"


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