Saturday, April 02, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell reveals that the Donald's decision to wear the "King of the Birthers" crown has earned him the love of the Teabaggers.

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Like myself, Andrew Sullivan cannot help but notice the amazing hypocrisy of the Teabaggers:

I have no issue in principle with a public demand for a birth certificate. But once Obama provided the proof, the game is over.

And this is the key difference between "Birthers" and "Trig Truthers". There is evidentiary proof that the Birthers are completely wrong. We have no proof of the maternity of Trig Palin - and no journalist has ever asked her to explain the circumstances of her fifth alleged pregnancy. And it would be as easy to provide as a birth certificate.

Yeah what about that Sarah?  Our President showed you his, when will you show him yours? (Okay, well technically it would be Trig's, but you get the point.)


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Just so you know, an ammended birth cert would have the adoptive parent's name on it as the birth parents.

    Show med records and the birth cert. 1 would show she did indeed give birth and the other when said birth occured.

  2. Anonymous7:19 AM

    yes - an adoptive BC would show the Palins as parents. It would ALSO show his real birth date, and she couldn't explain that since he was born before she announced her pregnancy.

    I don't believe she even adopted Trig. She borrowed him from the Loudons or some other agency.

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    It isn't the maternal name on the birth certificate that's significant; it's the date, time, and place of birth which many posters say cannot be changed even when the baby is legally adopted. So Scarah has to produce a certificate not only with her name on it, but also the rest of the information to match at least one of the versions of the miracle birth story.

  4. Anonymous7:48 AM

    So why won't she show it? Of course, she's never offered proof to back up any of her 'innocence' claims. What Sarah says is to be taken as truth.

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Bill Maher Finds Sarah Palin’s “Birth Certificate,” Says She Was Born Pregnant

    Of course, one of the "certificates” Maher examined was that of Sarah Palin (or, at the time, Sarah Heath). Of course, there was a hunting joke involved. But more noteworthy was Palin/Heath’s listed condition on the “certificate”:

  6. She'll get something forged if she is forced to produce a certificate.

    I want DNA.

  7. Anonymous8:43 AM

    These tea baggers make me sick. A movement started by rich people to trick the others. How do they know anyone's birth certificate is legit? It was commom practice not to record births years ago, sometimes for months. My mother-in-law only had 1 baby born at hospital and 4 at home. My mother had to have a birth certificate made up from her baptismal record. after she was grown. Don't those Mormons that have multiple wives record their own births? That is all they can use against him, without bring race into it. Sarah would not release complete medical records, and that should have not been permitted. That to me means she's lying about something that they sure can't let get out in the public. NO other predident has had so much scrunity about his birth certificate, unbelievable. The cards should be turned on these tea baggers and investigate them, it would be very enlighting.

  8. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "A movement started by rich people to trick the others."

    Absolutely perfect description of the modern GOP (since Ronnie) has never been penned. The tea baggers are just the latest manifestation of the running con job that is the GOP.

  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah Palin and the Dozen Dwarfs

    The tea party effect: no Republican who can win the general election in 2012 can be nominated.

    There are those--I won't name them, they know who they are--who have taken to calling the slate of Republican presidential hopefuls "Sarah Palin and the Seven Dwarfs." That's unfair.

    There are way more than seven GOP politicians ready to run. I put the list right now at about 12, give or take a dwarf.

    And there'd be more except that John Thune withdrew from the race a month or so ago.

    Most of the rest of the GOP gang showed up in Washington a few months ago to try out their acts at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Generally speaking, the candidates spoke with one voice--for God, guns, and Ronald Reagan. They were uniformly against health care, taxes, and Barack Obama. (Have I mentioned that the conference was about a quart low on new ideas?)

  10. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Move over Sarah: "You're Fired!"

  11. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Trump is making Palin appear sane. That man is an idiot.

    Back to the subject of an earlier posting, there was a call after 9-11 for American Muslims who are NOT crazed suicide bombers, to step forward and rally those who do not support murder and mayhem.

    I remember at the time wondering why no one heeded that call (that we heard about in the media).

    NOW, after the terrible news of retaliation for the asinine behaviour of some supposed "christians"-- the call needs to ring out for someone of real CHRISTIAN leadership, to reign in the same insanity occurring HERE.

    SILENCE on this issue, indicates that religious leaders in America condone the same kind of idiocy as the extreme Muslims practice.

  12. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Like I have said before, The Chump and scara should run together or at least do a comedy tour, we would all likely die from laughter.

  13. Anonymous9:30 AM

    For a supposedly smart and savvy person, The Donald, by taking this kooky route of clueless & confused individuals has lowered his intelligence factor immeasurably. He will never be taken seriously again.

  14. Stiiiiiill waiting for tea baggers to demand proof that George Bubblegum Bush showed up for National Guard duty in Alabama.

  15. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Fox is so intent on their Obama hate that they royally screwed up!

    On Fox and Friends, guest Laura Ingraham kicked off FNC’s Easter attack on Barack and Michelle Obama by suggesting that Obama is full of ego for handing out autographed commemorative Easter eggs as part of the White House Easter Egg Roll. Ingraham claimed that Laura Bush never did this….Only the Obamas would be so arrogant as to give away autographed Easter Eggs to the kids.

    In fact, the tradition of handing out autographed Easter Eggs at the White House event began with…….Ronald Reagan (“Autographed eggs were hidden in the Egg hunt for kids to find during President Ronald Reagan’s reign. By affixing signatures to the commemorative egg, President George W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush became the first to do so”):

  16. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I keep asking this.

    Why keep asking for a birth certificate? The assumption is that Palin's doctor was in on the whole faking of the pregnancy. Therefore, how hard would it be to forge a birth certificate too?

  17. Anonymous9:41 AM

    OT but we should know: Palin endorsing tea partier in Wisconsin judicial race.
    I received an email today stating the following...

    Here's what's at stake: The fate of the bill stripping collective bargaining rights for public workers in Wisconsin will be decided in the courts. Right-wing conservatives currently hold a 4-3 edge on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which means they will likely uphold the the law -- unless we can flip the balance of power on the court.

    This Tuesday, April 5th, one of the most conservative members of the court is up for re-election. He is in real danger of losing too, as polling shows the race nearly even.

    Let me be clear, incumbent David Prosser is the Republican in the race. He's as right-wing as they get. When he was in the state legislature he voted 95% of the time with Scott Walker. And Prosser has said repeatedly he will "closely mirror" Walker's views on the court.

    That's why, yesterday, Sarah Palin endorsed his campaign and called on Tea Party supporters to vote this Tuesday. The good news is we can beat them if we get Democrats out to vote.

  18. honeybabe9:47 AM

    ooooh! dna! love it. one of these days someone will have to get it from trig and test it just for fun.

  19. Ripley9:50 AM

    Forget birth certificates... let's see Palin's college diploma.

  20. Anonymous9:57 AM

    "She'll get something forged if she is forced to produce a certificate.

    I want DNA."

    Should Sarah remain in the public eye--either politics or celebrity--and the care an upkeep for Trig becomes a burden, rather than an asset, she will divest herself of him. She'll say he's no longer her responsibility, or his needs are better served elsewhere, or her broken heart bowed to his difficulties, or....fill in the blank.

    We'll never see a birth certificate for him. This will be a footnote 35 years from now when someone tells his real story.

    Another sad product of the Palin union---whatever that really is.

  21. Anonymous10:12 AM

    He will never be taken seriously again.

    Did anyone ever take Donald Trump seriously? I thought he was pretty much always a joke.

  22. sallyngarland,tx10:19 AM

    OT-Don't know where to put this.

    Palin is speaking for this group in April and look at the Obama poster.


    "A new Chicago billboard featuring Obama’s face, another in New York with a young black girl—both with pro-life messages and part of an antiabortion front group’s attempt to tie its cause to the civil-rights movement."
    Heroic Media founder Brian Follett previously told The Texas Independent that his organization was planning an event with Palin in the Washington, D.C., area, and that 20 percent of the proceeds would go to “African American outreach in the inner city.”
    The whole Daily Beast article is worth a read. Since when has Palin ever cared about any inner city African Americans? It is a scam by Swift-boater Follett and Palin.

  23. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "Back to the subject of an earlier posting, there was a call after 9-11 for American Muslims who are NOT crazed suicide bombers, to step forward and rally those who do not support murder and mayhem"

    They were scared they'd get the shit beat out of them like many seemingly Arab people did in the days after 9/11. I'd have hid under a rock if I'd been Muslim back then. Just look at the left over hate spewed by nearly everyone (left and right) towards the supposed 9/11 Mosque in NYC.
    Christians have NO excuse to keep quiet except that they have always done that whenever one of their nuttier constituents has lost their mind. The fundies get a tacit nod from the more mainstream religious sects since they take make them look sane.

  24. There seem to be two big themes emerging from the Tea Party, two big pillars of self-identification:

    1) I'm ignorant as hell and damn proud of it.

    2) I like to be used.

    Sure sounds like a tea bag to me...

  25. Speculate away but the Trig issue will only be resolved when Sarah Palin is forced to release a doctor's note and her medical record next time she runs for public office, and judging from how that looked last time, it probably won't be resolved even then.

  26. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Sullivan is mistaken. A journalist HAS asked SP to explain the circumstances of her alleged fifth pregnancy. It was the Anchorage Daily News (I don't recall the reporters name), in a story about why the rumors about it just wouldn't go away. SP didn't answer, but just threw a hussy fit. To me, that exchange is the strongest evidence that the alleged pregnancy was, at the least, not how SP described it.

  27. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Just so you know, an ammended birth cert would have the adoptive parent's name on it as the birth parents.


  28. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Her medical records are the only documents that would settle the Trig question. They'll never be released because they would reveal she'd had a tubal ligation after the yougest daughter's birth. Personall, I think
    somehow or other she will keep Trig
    within her own family & not place him in any group home, because that would destroy her credibility. For some reason, her sisters seem willing to
    donate their own lives to raising her kids. She probably makes it well worth their while financially. But their husbands must be doinks to allow it.

    Sharon TN

  29. Anonymous2:21 PM

    With the birther myth now into its third year and the Repubs having come up with not scintilla of evidence, I feel like thinking conservatives and moderates are going to be really sick of the birthers in increasing numbers.

    And that's good because it means they are thinking, and will be put off by Repubs who are birthers.

  30. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Trig very probably is the baby of someone in the extended Heath-Palin family but definitely is not Sarah's baby. She also has never adopted him, he is just a useful tool for her for the religious right. She doesn't give a damn about the baby.

  31. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Mrs. Todd Palin with white-outs and tubal ligation is not showing her medical records. Also too, what about mental health issues she has been treated for in the past?

  32. nswfm5:23 PM

    How did Tri-g get out of the hospital so fast?

    Collusion and lies would be my guesses.

  33. @11:53 AM:
    SP didn't answer, but just threw a hussy fit.

    I have heard the term "hissy fit", but not "hussy fit". Was this a typo? Or was it intentional? Even if it's a mistake, it seems fitting.

  34. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I'd rather see some sort of proof that she graduated from College!


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