Saturday, April 02, 2011

Keith Olbermann calls conservatives "stupid" during Q & A at Cornell University.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

You know I would be far more sympathetic to this young man's point if he were not using Ann Coulter's talking points to bolster his argument. Essentially that sort of makes Olbermann's argument for him.

And if conservative do NOT want to be seen as stupid they need to stop sucking at the teat of Fox News, and get out there and learn something that is not predigested and fed to them for the sole purpose of keeping them uninformed and responsive to the Pavlovian tactics of the Republican party.

I am just saying.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Keith is a good guy, I hope he did get a nice speaking fee. And he has a bright future. best of wishes to KO.

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    KO- one
    stupids- zero

  3. honeybabe11:04 AM

    hear hear....really i want to hear more from keith!

  4. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I'm such a big liberal, but I can see the justification for some of the basic tenets of conservativism. Governments can be inefficient and sometimes red tape hampers business and people. But these nutballs aren't really conservatives. They're fascists. They're racist facists. They go beyond the realm of decreasing government and taxes and have crossed the line into the realm of insisting that everyone has to be like them or they're wrong. If you're not a straight, white Christian who likes guns, then you're not a valid human being. That's Facism. That's what we're up against, Facism, pure Facism disguised as a desire to lower taxes.

  5. angela11:20 AM

    Sadly what Keith said is now true. The few conservatives who aren't stupid don't exactly go out there and start a parade.

    On one hand they talk about getting Gov. off the backs of americans and in the next one they are trying to get into your bedroom, uterus and religious affiliation.

    Stupid is stupid.

  6. Not all conservatives are stupid. Some are just plain selfish.

  7. Anonymous12:06 PM

    That really is like a pot calling the kettle black. Keith isn't respected by mainstream america and I'm sure it ticks him off

  8. Anonymous12:22 PM

    At this point in time, stupidity and conservative thinking seem to go hand-in-hand. Money and the church seem to have corrupted their party. It may become extinct in the very near future.

  9. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Anon at 11:09:

    I'm in total agreement with you. I'm conservative in my personal spending habits, but that doesn't make me a fascist, either.

    It doesn't matter if they exactly understand fascism or not--their intentions are perfectly clear, and therein lies the danger for the rest of us. And they must be stopped.

  10. Molly1:37 PM

    What a mini-blowhard that conservative is, trying to sound all smart and using big words like "substantive" (which he blows, and making the conservative mistake that using many many words will make up for lack of substance. I LOVE that Keith just answers the big huge wordy question with a quick "because most conservatives are wildly stupid"....and then just walks away. Loved it.

  11. Anonymous1:38 PM

    We're not all stupid.

  12. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Keith is right.

    The Republican Party has gone into wingnut territory; they aren't dealing with fiscal issues; their take on social issues prove they're fascists.

    They want less government, but they want to legislate their brand of morality using government.

    Sick. They must be stopped, in the electoral sense.

  13. Anonymous2:04 PM

    The only thing more stupid than calling ALL conservatives stupid is believing Sarah controls Bristol or Levi will amount to great things in life or Mercede is a good girl with god intentions.

    Thats just silly

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    We have full coverage of Keith's visit at the Cornell Insider.

  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    What you said.

    "They" are so easy to identify by their talking points.

    Not to mention who they look to as their heros and heroines.

  16. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Pundit said...
    Not all conservatives are stupid. Some are just plain selfish.
    11:50 AM

    Most Americans are a nice mix of liberal, conservative and a wide variety of other ideologies.

    That's healthy. It when a group closes their minds and adds hatred of others, and then gets control of the government thatitgets ugly.

    My personal opiion anyone who belongs any political party has already cut themselves off from analytical thinking to a greater of lesser extend.

    OTOH the RepoCons Are evil and the baggers Are stupid. Unfortunately there is very big money promoting and electing the stupid and the evil.

  17. Patrick DeBurgh2:42 PM

    Just calling stuff the right says and does "stupid" is, I believe, ineffectual. What must be done is to precisely calibrate the level of stupid they are operating on for any given act/utterance. The standard levels of stupidity ie cretin, moron or idiot should suffice. We can also throw in some colloquialisms such as "dumb as a piece of wood", "dumber than a box of rocks", "devoid of any connection to reality" and so forth.

    The whole thing will be for our own personal entertainment, for obvious reasons, expecting the right to understand their nature would be for them to deny that which really defines them. For all they have to deal with on a daily basis, to saddle them with a logical conundrum would just be mean.

  18. Informed Alaskan2:44 PM

    I'm sorry to be random but was this discussed? Because this is exactly the Levi I've known. He's selfish, a braggart, and shifts blame to avoid taking any responsibility.

    Remember, this is a boy who really has never been parented and is immature to the max. He has also never heard the word no from girls. So when Bristol dumped him on her own volition, the only thing he knew to do was blame everyone else instead of seeing the situation through clear eyes.

    I don't understand how he ever thought the relationship was stable. He and Bris dated for a total of what, 10 months? when she got knocked up. The whole time she was in charge and he was her lackey. I feel bad for them because they had to essentially make up an approved love story so they both wouldn't be treated like horny teenagers who accidentally got pregnant which is exactly what happened. Bristol regrets Levi everyday obviously cherishes life. I'm positive Levi has no regrets because with the Palins, he'd literally be flipping burgers, still with no degree of any kind.

  19. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Was that kid high?

  20. Oberman can call Conservatives stupid, but that doesn't change the fact that since Ronald Reagan was elected, the Democrats have been playing catch up.

    If the left is so much smarter, why are we being so stymied by such 'stupid' people? If we're so much smarter, why have we allowed the 'stupid' to get so powerful? If we're so much smarter, why are they winning the propaganda war? And why are they able to prevent the Liberals from getting on with their program? And how did they manage to get Obama to continue all their wars?

    A partial answer is that there are different kinds of smarts. (And different kinds of stupid.) It might be useful to figure out which smarts Liberals and Conservatives, respectively, have more of and how that affects access to power.

    But calling Conservatives stupid in the face of their beating Liberals in elections, in Congressional maneuvering, in swaying the masses, in economic power, etc. is its own kind of stupidity. It may make Liberals feel superior, but it doesn't change the fact that Liberals are on the defensive in DC, in Wisconsin, and all across the country.

  21. @ Keith Olbermann - Word.

  22. emrysa5:38 PM

    man olbermann blew him off at the end, didn't he? I totally understand though because anyone who is going to name coulter really isn't worth responding to - it's pointless. she's a nutcase who only speaks for shock value.

  23. Poor sparky spent all night memorizing his little tirade, only to get squished by the windshield of reality.

  24. emrysa6:07 PM

    steve @ 3:03 pm sez:

    "If the left is so much smarter, why are we being so stymied by such 'stupid' people? If we're so much smarter, why have we allowed the 'stupid' to get so powerful? If we're so much smarter, why are they winning the propaganda war? And why are they able to prevent the Liberals from getting on with their program? "

    because it comes down to this: smart people use their rational conscious to arrive at decisions, whereas stupid people use the irrational subconscious to arrive at decisions. those who regularly rely on their irrational subconscious are motivated by fear, and the fearful tend to be the loudest and most active.

  25. Anonymous6:34 PM

    John Stuart Mill said, "Not all conservatives are stupid, but all stupid people are conservative."

  26. Anonymous7:40 PM

    steve @ 3:03 pm sez:

    "If the left is so much smarter, why are we being so stymied by such 'stupid' people? If we're so much smarter, why have we allowed the 'stupid' to get so powerful? If we're so much smarter, why are they winning the propaganda war? And why are they able to prevent the Liberals from getting on with their program? "

    Demographics.The older generation(of which I am a part) is closer to death and is afraid.Afraid of death,afraid of those not like them selves,afraid of change.It makes them easy prey for the manipulations if populist doom and gloom naysayers,like Beck,Coulter,Hannity,Palin,etc,who preach on tv to a captive audience that grew up believing that if they saw it on tv,it must be true.They grew up with news programs that did just that,reported the news,and cannot understand the entertainment news shows are not truth.And then they go and vote.They are the largest demographic of voters.We have to make sure that young people and those of us oldsters who have not allowed the rot to set into our brains get to the polls every election and make their voices heard .

  27. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Conservatives politicians and these fake news programs are just like successful salesmen. They carefully select the vulnerable and fearful to preach to.

    But AZZHATS can go too far. Governor Walker in Wisconsin is the illustration of that. The lies and misleading are exposed. This will be hard for the teabaggers to deal with. A right wing government conspiracy to jam a monster corporate tax giveaway right up their teabagging asses.

  28. It's wonderful that Keith is now free to speak his mind without censure or hesitation.

    If the conservatives don't want to be called stupid, they need to stop using the Rush, Coulter, Beck, Hannity, etc. talking points as if they were original thought. In fact, they need to have some original thoughts.

    Just because you got an engineering degree from Cornell doesn't mean you know squat about politics or economics. It means the bridge you build better not fall down because you misplaced a decimal. (This actually happened.)


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