Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Michele Bachman's big Teabagger tax day rally a "dud." Gee, really?

From Politico:

Michele Bachmann’s much-anticipated Tax Day rally on Monday was a "dud" that drew a paltry 300 people in Columbia, S.C., according to reports.

Bachmann met privately with South Carolina GOP Gov. Nikki Haley ahead of her speech to the small crowd in the Palmetto state’s capital.

The Minnesota congressman rallied the tea party supporters with a call to block Washington from raising the debt ceiling and an attack on President Barack Obama for being too close to Wall Street.

She told reporters after the rally that while she has yet to make an announcement on a run for president, she is looking forward to the opportunity to take on Obama, The Associated Press reported.

The rally's sparse attendance is attracing nearly as much attention as Bachmann's remarks.

Michele Bachman draws a crowd of only 300 today, and Snowdrift Snooki only drew about 650 on Saturday? Hmm it looks like the Tea Party express is starting to lose steam. 

Or maybe its just that the age group which makes up the majority of the Teabaggers can't get their scooters from the Scooter Store (Paid for with Medicare money no less.) up over the curbs on the way to these rallies without their oxygen tanks falling off the back.


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Speaking of the Sea O'Pee crowd, I saw this yesterday and wondered if it was relevant to their craziness.

    "Inability to detect sarcasm, lies, may be early signs of dementia"


    (Great pic of Bachman. Ugly through and through)

  2. London Bridges2:37 AM

    AZ Governor Brewer vetoed a proposed birther bill. Why would she do that? Gee, maybe Sarah was really born in Creston, B.C. and she got a call from van Flea, or even the grate one herself?

  3. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Is sanity finally returning to America?

  4. Michele must have been having a tough day when that photo was taken.

  5. cuppajoe3:28 AM

    No, THAT'S the kind of news I like to read with my first cup of coffee in the morning. Thanks, Gryph.

  6. Anonymous3:29 AM

    When Bachman and Haley acquire the ability to fart rainbows like Sarah.. then they will draw a crowd.

  7. Anonymous3:39 AM

    On Friday evening the mavericky Marco Rubio only drew a few hundred in Tampa. The baggers had setup at Raymond James stadium (where the bucs play, capacity 66,000) but it probably was due to the weather - about 80 degrees out.

  8. cuppajoe3:48 AM

    Now, THAT'S the kind of news I like to read with my first cup of coffee in the morning. Thanks, Gryph.

  9. Anonymous4:26 AM

    A friend of mine went through a small teabagger parking lot on his way to the protest in Wisconsin on Saturday and counted 8 Escalades.

  10. The Orange County rally had a dozen people. I think the teabaggers have run out of ideas for signs that don't include monkeys and swastikas. If they have to hide their racism and make the effort to spell correctly on their signs, it's just too much work. It was easy to be ignorant racist assholes in a big crowd. Now they aren't anonymous anymore because the crowds keep thinning.

  11. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Telling lies all the time sure shows on the faces of MB, and $p. Hard and empty.

  12. Does this woman spend any time at all working for her constituents? What does appearing at a Tea Bag rally in South Carolina do for the people in her district.

  13. jkarov5:06 AM

    Bachmann is another christian supremacist that would impose her biblical precepts on all of us, regardless of the 1st amendment.

    She's probably got more credibility than the Queen grifter, just because she's not a quitter.

    That does not diminish the insidious threat that these people represent to the rest of us.

    In the 1770's, there was a distinct awareness that America had to have a government without religious imperatives, which gave us the 1st amendment's wise injunctions.

    Bachmann, Huckabee, and Palin would all be perfect tools for the
    Koch's to usher in a perfect storm
    of extreme religious lawmaking in the US.

    The puppet masters behind the curtain, like Koch, Dick Army, Rove, Heritage foundation, Dobson, and many others are working hard to get this done.

    Their ultimate goal for 2012 is to elect the Sharron Angles for Congress, and get any religious right wing extremist into the White house. They could then seed the Supreme court with at least one more Scalia clone, and begin the final assualt on our bedrooms, health care, education, and what scant freedoms we have left.

    Whatever your religious beliefs, we must not let this happen or the US is doomed.


  14. Anonymous5:18 AM

    The whole narrative that Fox and co are so desparately pushing - that the so-called tea party is some sort of mass American awakening - is total bullshit. Nothing but the scared, bigoted fringe of the Republican party.

  15. Anonymous6:16 AM

    UH oh, Bachmann is looking her age - give it a year or two more and she'll be hitting Jan Brewer territory. Bye, bye Bachbitch.

  16. I don't appreciate the reference to motorized wheel chairs and oxygen tanks. I am of an age when I know several people who use these to have some enjoyment in life. At least they are showing an interest in the outside world.

  17. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Hysterical images of that 'huge' event that wasn't. Do take a peek, the guy on the steps is so indicative of the entire Tea Party as far as I can tell. So funny, and pathetic.


  18. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Bachman's "Botox Gone Bad" face!

    Or maybe that's where she store her drugs!

  19. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Rachel Maddow had a lot to say about this last night on her show:



  20. The Olympia WA tax day tea party rally had about 300 people. In the previous two years, they attended in force, with 3,000 to 5,000. The momentum of the tea party movement is clearly waning.

    Yet GOP leaders and candidates continue to talk about it as if this movement is the driving force behind their proposals and actions. Rachel Maddow is one of the few journalists telling the truth about the impending inevitable demise of the tea party idiocy.

  21. Beldar "Minnesota Fathead" Conehead8:40 AM

    Another once attractive lady on the precipice of The Rapid Aging Slippery Slope. Maybe hate just sucks the pretty right out of them like tapeworms.....

    Good job finding these repulsive pics, Gryphen. Captures their 'inner ugly' very effectively.

  22. Anne In DC9:11 AM

    Bachmann is just another loon like Palin, and it has to be bothersome that any love affair the Teabaggers once enjoyed is ending once people see what their policies entail. Scott Walker in Wisconsin, Rick Snyder in Michigan, and Rick Scott in Florida are Tea Party governors who are doing incredible damage to their states. I can't think of a more deserving person to go through the experience of having his/her "movement" being a dud unless it's Palin. As for 2:14 a.m.'s remarks, the ugliness of the interior women is now showing up on their not-so-gracefully aging faces.

  23. lwtjb9:35 AM

    Medicare doesn't pay for scooters.

  24. honeybabe9:36 AM

    as the fat lady tunes up behind the curtain!

  25. They're all home busy doing their taxes.

  26. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Right on the nose, as usual Gryphen.

    Regarding scooters and oxygen tanks; yup. My dad, a white elderly southern gentleman has a big "Sarah Palin" sticker on the back of his minivan. He is clinging to the hope "the Kenyan" will be declared not a citizen of the United States.

    Do I argue with him about his absurd beliefs? No, I do not.

    I know the facts will not change his mind, and it will not be many years before it is his time to cross the rainbow bridge.

  27. Gasman8:33 AM

    If this is the best that 'Bagger Bitch Bachmann can do in the batshit crazy teabagger bastion of South Carolina, how the hell is being a teabagger supposed to be a viable strategy for running for POTUS?

    Let's look at the embarrassingly low turnouts for the last few teabagger rallies. That last one on the Mall in D.C. drew literally DOZENS of people. There were as many reporters there as teabaggers. Look at the flop teabagger Palin rally in Madison. Even with the Koch brothers' money and Dick Armey's Army of Dicks they were badly outnumbered. Now this.

    The steam has gone out of the teabaggers. They are long past their high water mark. These pallid, toothless, diaper clad, moribund, cave dwelling cousin fucks are on life support. Any GOP politician that is looking to this flaccid pack of incontinent losers is about as moronic as the teabaggers themselves.

    Why did/does these peawits think that being a fucking ignoramus is a GOOD thing? Nature does not favor the dumbest, least adaptive representatives of any species, so why do these imbecilic clods think that nature will make an exception in their case?

    These infuriating little piss weasels are starting to annoy me.


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