Friday, April 29, 2011

Now that Obama has shown his long form birth certificate more and more Americans are demanding the same for Trig Palin. After all, fair IS fair.

From NY Magazine:

It's not my bailiwick, but I want to say I'm on board with Andrew Sullivan and others who want to see Trig Palin's birth certificate, especially now that President Obama has put his own "birther" controversy to rest. No, I'm not suggesting that Trig is not Sarah Palin's kid; I really don't know. It's just that, given his ties to Alaska's First Family, Trig could well turn out to be our first U.S. president with Down Syndrome, and showing that birth certificate now would guarantee that he doesn't have to endure all this trauma down the road. It's for his own protection!

That is a little tongue in cheek but you have to agree that his point is valid.

Don't think so?  Well then perhaps you need to hear it directly from the "mouth that roars."

Look that is from the Queen of the Teabaggers herself.

What I get from what she is saying is that we should not denigrate "people who are just curious" about the documentation that proves people really are who they say they are, were born when they say they were born, and gave birth when they said they gave birth.

After all if, like Sarah Palin says, it is not appropriate to call the people who demanded to see President Obama's birth certificate "Birthers," then how is it okay to call people who want to see evidence to support Sarah Palin's last pregnancy and the birth of her fifth child "Trig Truthers?"

And since the sitting President of the United States felt it was appropriate to respond to the requests of "people who are just curious," then surely it is just as appropriate to demand that same kind of transparency from a woman who constantly positions herself as a potential GOP candidate for that same extremely important position.

Don't you think?


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.

  2. Yes, I agree. But Sarah Palin has never let hypocrisy, irony, or reality get in the way of her deluded blatherings.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    She likes to make us all think she has 'balls', but she is the biggest fraud (and chickenshit) that ever showed their face in Alaska and to the USA citizenship.

  4. Well, we want to see Sarah's birth certificate as well, her medical records and her college grades.

    1. Born in Canada ???

    2. Tubal ligation ???

    3. Mental health services ???

    4. No degree from colleges ???

    The American people who are curious want and need to know.

    Also, how many babies has Bristol birthed?

    Does Willow have any babies?

    Does Piper and Willow ever go to school?

    Also very important too, is Todd really a single stud boy now?

  5. shes's a fraud, folks12:57 PM

    Hello Sarah.

    You wimp. You weak little coward.

    Prove definitively that you gave birth to Trig Palin on April 18, 2008.

    We dare you.

    If you are so sure of yourself and Trig's birth, go ahead and file a lawsuit claiming defamation and libel. What could be easier than proving that you gave birth to your own child?

    It's a certain court victory for you if it really happened as you say.

    We dare you.

    Then again, you really are a complete coward and fear the real truth about Trig getting out.

    We know, Sarah. We know.

  6. Mittens Romney's father was born in Mexico and John McCain was born in Panama. No one gave a damn cause all involved were WHITE.

    Yes, racism is very alive in America especially with teabaggers and rethugs.

    Sarah has been given a pass cause she is white and has an R teabagger after her name. Of course Sarah is such a nasty girl with a mean streak so I say we keep kicking her skinny white ass. No pain no gain, eh Sarah.

  7. angela1:07 PM

    Palin has absolutely no self awareness.

    She CONSTANTLY spouts crap that could be turned on her, she has no brakes to just STFU. She lives in the minute with no plan. Living in her head must be like a meth nightmare. She should have stayed completely away from the birther mess and her devoted monkeys would still have loved her. But Sarah being Sarah, she had to put her incredibly overused foot right into shit that would come back to be smeared on her.

    She never sees the bigger picture nor does she practice forbearance or class. Crazy assed woman.

  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I love that this is getting more and more attention in more and more places. The more people hear about this the better. I want everyone to hear the story of the wild ride and think about the judgment of a woman who would act in such a way. As I've said before, this is a lose-lose situation for Palin. Either she's crazy and faked a pregnancy, or she recklessly and selfishly endangered her unborn child, and everyone else on the flights she took. Either way, she looks repulsive.

  9. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Game on, Lou Sarah.

  10. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The President responded because he had nothing to hide.

    This does not apply to Paylin. Besides she gets more attention when she teases and plays hard to get.

  11. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Barns/Yarns - YOu got it! Scarah needs to prove that she was actually born in the USA and not Canada. SHow us your long form birth certificate, Palin!

    We also want to know if you graduated from college: where are the transcripts, Palin.

    And yes, proof that you are Trig's birth mother with a birth certificate and DNA.

    :) only fair.

  12. Hahaha - and just like that she's back in the news! She won't release the BC, then it's all over. Good publicity, bad publicity, whatever, as long as people are still talking about her...

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Yes, the birth certificate should suffice, as long as it is that all important 'long form' everyone demanded of Obama.

    I want to see the date & time of birth and the location. And I especially want to see the name of the doctor that delivered him.

  14. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I also want to see his birth weight.

  15. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Oink-flap, oink-flap, oink-flap...

  16. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Amen, Barns/Yarns. PRIMARY SCOURCES! No more "whatevers" for Palin graduations, marriages, births.

  17. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Sarah's said she already produced Trig's birth certificate. She lied. Why would she make up a story like that? Is she using her magical thinking again?

    Narcissistic traits:
    An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges;
    Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships;
    A lack of psychological awareness;
    Difficulty with empathy;
    Problems distinguishing the self from others;
    Hypersensitivity to any sleights or imagined insults;
    Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt;
    Haughty body language;
    Flattery towards people who admire and affirm her;
    Detesting those who do not admire her;
    Using other people without considering the cost to them of her doing so;
    Pretending to be more important than she is;
    Bragging and exaggerating her achievements;
    Claiming to be an "expert" at most things;
    Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people; and
    Denial of remorse and gratitude.

  18. Anonymous1:25 PM

    So where is the screechy idiot hiding out now? Is she hiding out in one of her 4 homes in Alaska or hiding in the rented mansion in Arizona paid for by her grifting from unsuspecting sheep?

    Us real Americans are curious, eh Sarah.

  19. Anonymous1:28 PM

    You know one more little flawed detail about Tri-G's birth: Sarah claims over and over that she "found out" about the Tri-G through the amniocentecis...but CJB says the amnio was ordered due to some earlier tests that showed something was amiss - she said so in her election eve letter instead of medical records "disclosure."

    If it is true that Sarah scours babygate blogs - (Hi Sarah! love what you've done to your face! Just a couple a more nips and tucks, too, also, and you'll look really great!) - you have to wonder what she is afraid will be revealed or discovered...

  20. Anonymous1:33 PM

    My bet is that she is NEVER going to respond.
    But if she does, she will just have one printed.
    Perhaps we should ask for a sworn statement from Dr CBJ notarized and videotaped and a DNA test.
    But I still say she won't provide anything ever.
    Why should she ( in her mind?)

  21. Anonymous1:38 PM

    No, the point is that the MSM did not do their jobs in 2008. Many aren't doing their jobs now.

  22. Anonymous1:48 PM

    About time for the RAM to show her silly hand, she needs to tweet something to show support for her girl Sarah. Eh Bekky?

  23. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Be careful what you say because the slithery one is probably scouring the blogs for usable/useful information that will enable her to be one step ahead of any plan to expose her.

  24. Anonymous1:54 PM

    1:25 PM, I think Sarah's hiding out in Arizona. Lord knows we Alaskans want that quitter to stay the hell out of our state. She's contaminated it enough.

    Also-too, it makes sense that she's begging for more SarahPAC donations. She could use the money to move herself to Arizona for a political future there. (Hey, maybe she's already living there!) Opportunist that she is, I predict that she'll soon be claiming an "Arizonan Heart".

  25. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Hell will freeze

  26. Deer in the Headlights:

  27. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Comment from previous thread on sarah being bears repeating, if it's true. if it's true it's making me giggle that Gryphen is pulling her chain this way and that she is helpless to do anything about it. suck it sarah!

    <<sarah is wailing and gnashing her teeth over IM. Cold sores are in full bloom across her lip lines. She is addicted to this blog and cannot stop reading. She is standing by helplessly as all her secrets are revealed. The people she thinks she can trust are betraying her as I type. The people she thinks she can trust are making fun of her behind her back. Some of them are keeping secret journals that they share with friends and family.

    sarah walks with Lucifer.

    12:03 PM

  28. Anonymous2:20 PM


    Sometime back there was a link that you could generate a birth certificate I believe from Kenya. I think around the time of Orly and her batshit crazy stories she had found O'Bama's.

    If someone recalls the link if it's still live, Gryphen should general a cert for Trig and post it for all to see!!! ROFL!!!

    Palin would be P.O'd!!!!

  29. Anonymous2:21 PM

    There was a nice Op-ed piece in the NY Post saying Obama now should release his Transcripts if only to set the precedent that future candidates would have to submit theirs. Imagine seeing Sarah's College transcripts, or Bachmans, or Newts or Huckabees or Becks or a dozen others....

  30. Anonymous2:30 PM

    For his next act, Donald Trump will put on a pointy white hat, and burn a cross on the White House lawn.

    You keep wondering at what point REAL AMERICANS will show some patriotism, and come to the conclusion that making their duly elected President "dance" like this, is not only in terrible taste, but could be construed as treason.

  31. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Eligibility to hold the office of president of the US is a set of legal requirements set out in the constitution. President Obama's eligibility has been established by the courts. The presentation of his birth certificate was entirely at his discretion. There was, at present, no legal reason for him to do so.

    Trig Palin's birth certificate also is, at present, not required to meet a legal requirement.

    But it sure would be interesting to see.

  32. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Sorry, it was the NY Daily News.
    "Obama, show your smarts: The anti-Trump case for the President to release his transcripts"
    by Thomas Chatterton Williams

    Read more:

  33. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I actually would not trust or believe a birth certificate if she did produce one, as she and her small..and growing smaller every of followers could easily falsify one.

    I need to see her FULL medical white outs...and also DNA tests of all of her children.

    From what I have read, it's fairly certain that Track is not Todd's and there is a lot of doubt about Piper too.

    Heck, while we are at about the new baby that seems to be living with Track and his girlfriend. We saw pictures of her not that long ago and she was not they have a baby. One more child born out of wedlock in the Palin family?

    What a good, Christian, family they all are.

    Speaking of that...where are the pictures of them all attending church on Easter Sunday together? Surely they attended services?

  34. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anon 2:30

    It looks like Trump already owns and has worn a 'White Hood' for years. Read this link about him being sue for discrimination. HE LOST!! and LOST AGAIN!!

    The buffoon opened a can of worms on himself! Love it! They are diggin' the dirt on him and there's lots out there.

  35. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Andrew keeps track of the on again, off again article in the UK on the Palin Baby Hoax.

  36. onething3:01 PM

    I do!

  37. Anonymous3:13 PM

    It's almost as if the Donald is actually TRYING to help the Dems.

    He did support Democrats at one point, apparently.

    I can just see Karl Rove tearing his hair out over this guy.


    He won't make it to any real announcement, but on the off chance that he does, it will be a gift.

  38. Anonymous3:19 PM

    2:51 PM, uhh...say what about Track?!! Did I read correctly that Track might be a father? Does anyone bother to get married in that family?

  39. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Did Sarah and Todd really get divorced late March?

  40. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "Hell's no" @ 3:47 (WTF???)

    Palin on Baier today:

    super hyped up - check

    Star of David necklace - check

    no wedding ring - check

    teenager lipgloss - check

    nasty hairdo - check

  41. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Oh oh, is the Donald pulling a Palin on America!

    Remember Sarah said she raised a combat vet and it was revealed Track was not a combat vet and for some reason Track was in Iraq for a short period of time. When he finished his short “sentence” in Iraq, he just got up and went home to Wasilla and was never reassigned to another Army base (interesting). Was Track really in the Army or some kind of program for troubled kids? It was if Track was in some kind of “Scared Straight Program” for delinquents and spent his time in the Army and was sent home like he was released from jail or something. I don’t know if his time in the Army was related to the school bus incident where the brake lines of school buses were destroyed? Who knows, but after his short stint in the Army, he left and just stayed home for some reason and never went back. I thought he was AWOL or something, just can’t figure it out. Oh well, that’s just another “Gate” for the Palins. Nothing is ever normal for that family.

    Well in Donald’s case, he claims his Vietnam draft number never came up and if you read below and visit the website, it seems as if somebody is not telling the whole truth like Sarah did.

    “Earlier this week, Donald Trump said during an interview that he avoided being called to serve in the Vietnam War because he "got lucky" and "had a very high draft number." The Smoking Gun reports, however, that appears not to have been the case.
    According to the website, Selective Service records tell a different story:

    By the time his number (356) was drawn during the December 1, 1969 draft lottery, Trump had already received four student deferments and a medical deferment, according to military records on file with the National Archives and Records Administration. An extract of Trump’s Selective Classification record, seen here, was provided in response to a TSG records request. “

  42. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I am going to have to disagree on this one. It makes it about Trig, vs. his crazy-assed mother.
    HER actions need to be scrutinized, and it is simple:

    She either fakes a pregnancy (see square pillow pictures) and used an innocent baby to bolster her pro-life credentials OR

    She (by her OWN words) endangered her baby by flying through the air after going into labor.

    Her OWN story (the latter example) is horrifying - even WORSE than a hoax. It is about HER, not Trig.

  43. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I think that there is much more behind the closed doors of SP than we care too expose. The control drama queen has nanny a moon dancing about to her own little tune.

    Like a moth to a light, began her plite. She showed well and made the rounds. Moved up quick as technology surrounds, the media, the world, and the land lords.

  44. Anonymous3:50 PM

    She has revealed herself to be as much of a thin skinned, blow hard carnival barker as Trump - and both are just in it for the ego strokes and money.

    Both harass Obama to show his birth certificate; yet Palin won't show Trig's to clear up an issue, and Trump won't show his for reasons yet unclear.

    Sure, he showed the hospital document of his birth (listing his mother's nationality as Scottish), but not a New York state certificate, and NY is the only "official" that can provide such a thing. Wonder why he just doesn't have NY provide his short form, or to be on par, his long form official birth certificate? Like he says, it is a simple thing to obtain, so why does he refuse, as does Palin?

    Because with both Palin and Trump, where there is smoke, there is fire.

  45. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Sarah is not a normal person, you can't take her for her words and this is very sad for a person who was a mayor, a governor and now a paid public speaker.

    With Sarah you have to listen to what she says, then you have to examine what she said and then you have to decide what is it that she is really saying and then figure out what is she trying to get away with.

    Sarah says she birthed Trig! Trig is her son!

    "Sarah says she birthed Trig!":
    If you or I said this, it means you gave birth to Trig, plain and simple. With Sarah, you have to figure out what is it that she trying to get away with.

    So when Sarah said she gave birth to Trig, that could mean she was in the delivery room when Bristol actually delivered Trig. So how can Sarah say she gave birth to Trig? Well, Sarah was in the delivery room and was there to help with the birth. So technically can Sarah can actually say without lying that she gave birth to Trig. I think Sarah probably thinks she did help give birth to Trig in her little warped mind.

    Now Sarah says, "Trig is her son!":
    With Sarah, if she legally adopted Trig from Bristol, Sarah is actually telling the truth that Trig is hers.

    We all remember Sarah wanted to adopt Tripp from Bristol and Levi and no one would of been any wiser. This woman Sarah is sick and devious.

    So I ask you, is this the type of politician we need?

    Is this the type of person you want to pay $150,000 to listen to?

  46. PALIN is officially OBSESSED with Obama..

    From fox news today

    $cara please get rid of that awful necklace...

  47. "Anonymous said... Did Sarah and Todd really get divorced late March?
    3:24 PM"


  48. She needed to have Obama provide a "real" one, so the people that are going to forge one for her, will know what a real one looks like...

  49. Anonymous4:44 PM

  50. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I have also wondered why no one seemed interested in the story of Track serving such a short time in the military. Everyone I ever knew had to serve at least 3 or 4 years it one ever just got to quit when they came back home.

    Do you remember when his group came home, there were no pictures of her greeting him. She spoke to the group, but no Track to be seen.

    Do you think that maybe he really wasn't there? Maybe he was in jail or something instead? With her dear friend running the prison system in Alaska, anything would be covered up.

    There is something so very very suspicious about the whole "combat veteran" story.

    I am told that it is a federal offence to cut the brake lines of a school bus. If that is the case, how could she get him off?

    Geez...yet one more "gate" for someone to figure out. HOW does this woman get away with all the lies? The MSM really really has given her a free ride for years.

  51. EX Cat4:58 PM

    Sideshow sarah claims an Alaskan Heart, but everybody knows that there are no snakes in Alaska. What a joke.

  52. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Watching that vid:

    The ultimate stupidity, baseless racism and parroting the most stupid of the internet conspiracies is the AYERS WROTE HIS BOOK.

    This, needs to be more highlighted. I am so sick of this racist shit trying to somehow someway denigrate the black POTUS.

    I am really really sick and pissed. I'm not alone.


  53. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Her word salad goes so fast sometimes, but didn't she say something like "...Bill Ayers, or whoever wrote his biography...". She just can't avoid being mean. Definitely management material (NOT!!!). Presidential? No way. She is so obsessed with people she doesn't like. How could she possibly exist on the world stage given the diversity of cultures and the ill feelings that some countries have towards us?

  54. OT - At the White House Correspondents' Dinner, Bristol will be sitting at the People Magazine table along with Chris Colfer (Kurt from Glee).

    I think it's safe bet that this is why the story was 'leaked' that Bristol's is now pro-gay.

  55. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "I am really really sick and pissed. I'm not alone.


    No you're not alone. I won't rest till he face is covered with mud.

  56. Anonymous5:28 PM

    eSkaeP said...
    She needed to have Obama provide a "real" one, so the people that are going to forge one for her, will know what a real one looks like...

    4:43 PM

    Are you talking about Todd's 4 incher? She needs to see Obama's?
    Please clarify.

  57. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I have also wondered why no one seemed interested in the story of Track serving such a short time in the military. Everyone I ever knew had to serve at least 3 or 4 years it one ever just got to quit when they came back home....

    There is something so very very suspicious about the whole "combat veteran" story....
    4:44 PM

    I have friends and neighbors who joined the Army who stayed in the service for 3 to 4 years like you said. When they went to Iraq and returned home, they were ordered to serve another tour in Iraq. They just did not go home and hide in their mother's room. I don't get it?

  58. Anonymous5:37 PM

    If journalists would do their job, they'd see that Mat-Su hospital does not have an NICU for newborns, only an ICU unit for adults.

    However, Alaska Regional Hospital in Anchorage does have an NICU. On the ARH's home site, it states, "When a baby is born with medical problems, the baby is immediate passed from the Labor and Delivery room to the adjacent NICU." - "Our specialized neonatal staff provide round-the-clock personal care and monitoring for babies who require constant medical attention". - "Our NICU has been precisely designed to promote your baby's growth and development through the use of subdued lighting, noise control and the provision of maximum rest."

    But, Sarah's unborn child was not that important that day, because she chose not to go at ARH. Is this reality going to sink in?

  59. Earmark Ulu5:38 PM

    Trig is a Kenyan?

  60. Anonymous5:50 PM

    She is a leader of the Birthers. If Birthers are to gain respectability, then they must live up to the standards they set.

    By the way, so far, no one is denying the citizenship of Obama's white mother. That Obama had a parent who was an American citizen is all it takes for him to be an American citizen. That the sovereign state of Hawaii acknowledged he was born here is all it takes for Obama to be a citizen.

    So all the Birtherism is a total crock of political Nazi PR.

    The problem is that the Democratic party, as they did with Clinton, Carter, and LBJ do not support their own Presidents because the last three were not white upper class New England Ivy League elites.
    And they have damn near destroyed the Democratic Party every time they have ended up with a popularly elected party member as President who is not snotty enough to satisfy the party's elite gentry.

  61. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Obama has once again played into Rove's hands.
    He chickened out. He blinked. And did it in a way that gives Trump and Sarah and other RepoNeanderthals tremendous validation.

    As long as the Birthers were losing favor, and they have been, and looking dumber every day and falling in the polls, why in the name of Magna cum Stupid, give in to them?

    Obama once again comes off as a whimp. He just lost that game, when all he had to do was ignore the drunk in the stands who was yelling insults and spilling beer down his collar.
    Trying to hold an intelligent conversation that that kind of low class trash talker is a fool's errand.

    Ignore, and walk away.

  62. Anonymous6:06 PM

    “ Anonymous said...
    I have also wondered why no one seemed interested in the story of Track serving such a short time in the military. Everyone I ever knew had to serve at least 3 or 4 years it one ever just got to quit when they came back home.

    Do you remember when his group came home, there were no pictures of her greeting him. She spoke to the group, but no Track to be seen.”

    4:44 PM

    Does anybody know if Alaska has a “Scared Straight“ program for juvenile delinquents? I’m thinking a juvenile gets into very serious trouble and then is offered to join the Army for a year with hopes the Army and the Scared Straight program can turn them around or get them to see that they may have a future in the Army? This program would be for kids without skills or without an education with hopes the delinquents finds something to look forward to. If the delinquent feels that he does not want to stay in the service, he is allowed to go home but has to remain on probation or house arrest. I’m wondering is this what happened?

  63. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Earmark Ulu said...
    Trig is a Kenyan?

    5:38 PM

    Trig could be Kenyan's or Levi's or Ben's or Gino's or Todd's. Who really knows whose Trigg's daddy is when you are drunk and partying with a room full of boys?

  64. Anonymous6:12 PM

    curiouser said...
    OT - At the White House Correspondents' Dinner, Bristol will be sitting at the People Magazine table along with Chris Colfer (Kurt from Glee).

    I think it's safe bet that this is why the story was 'leaked' that Bristol's is now pro-gay.

    5:21 PM

    So Bristol is now a switch hitter? She'll sleep with anyone.

    What does Sarah say about this?

  65. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Where is the outrage from all the 'family values' Palinistas over Trumps' disgustingly foul language in Nevada?

    And today it is proven that he is a draft dodger and lied about it.

    Another 'more power to him' from $arah?

    And yes, I spent my life in a military family and it is VERY suspicious that Track was out of the service in one year. The minimum is usually 4 years. More questions, more lies ....

  66. Anonymous6:32 PM

    There is a program in our Justis system which allows for first time minors that comment a crime to earn a no record rap sheet. Pre- Trial Intervention. I was in it at as a youth for steeling candy bars from a golf course refreshment stand with friends in the middle of the night. We tripped off a silent alarm going through the roof for the Hersey Bars.

    The hole experience scared me strait. Part of the program was going to a county jail for a tour with the most friendly inmates. Creepy. What was more sobering was the group of young directionless men that were on the tour with me.

    Track seems smart enough to stay out of his moms drama's.

  67. Anonymous6:33 PM

    OT -- and a little catty:

    Can we please put to rest the idea that Sarah DOESN'T wear a wig? I mean...come could tell that the hair on the top of her head was different than the hair in the back...

  68. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Finally, someone is taking on Sarah and asking her some real questions..... in FOX's interview with her today. And she DID NOT like it, one bit.

  69. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "no wedding ring - check"

    I think that's her way of letting Donald Trump know that she's available.

  70. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "There is a program in our Justis system which allows for first time minors that comment a crime to earn a no record rap sheet. Pre- Trial Intervention."

    That's only for misdemeanors.

  71. Marleycat7:39 PM

    I just watched Sarah the Racist's rant with Baier on Fox - again, she's drunk, tanked, smashed!!! Believe me - the slur of a drunk's impaired speech is easy to recognize. This seems to be happening with SP quite a bit lately. I cannot believe so much crap can be broadcast over and over - with impunity. I'm going to have to quit reading/watching the 'news'- it's just too hard to bear.

    Congrats on your daughter's studio and business endeavors - you must have done something right!!!
    You are lucky to have her with you.

  72. Anon 6:12 - Pro-gay as in supporting same-sex marriage. She's supposedly becoming more liberal - not gay.

  73. to 5:28

    She needed to see what a real birth certificate looks like, so she can make sure the forgery she is having made for Trig looks right...

    The idiots who think the one stamped by the hospital is the "official one"...have apparently never had to go to the state office for a real one, like when you need a passport. Maybe that's all Sarah had from her other kids and she found out those are not legit.

  74. Anonymous9:41 PM

  75. One final thought:

    Obama's place of birth was the question - birth certificate is the answer.

    Sarah's pregnancy is the question - DNA is the only definitive answer. Full medical records (not just hospital records) might be acceptable evidence. A birth certificate doesn't prove parentage, especially for Palin who has influence over every step of the process from the doctor to the officials in charge of the state birth records.

  76. Anonymous at 1:25:

    Where's the outrage now, Mrs. Don't Retreat, Reload! It's satire, you retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard retard, retard. Just check with your buddy Rush.

  77. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Someone wrote on another blog yesterday a rumor ( my word) that Willow is in a psychiatric hospital in the east somewhere. And that she had been pregnant. They implied she had a breakdown. The post was removed by the blog owner.
    I just wondered if Gryphen heard anything about this or a divorce!?
    I'm not saying it's true.

    Anon 5 pm you are not Aline. I despise Sarah and her treasonous comments. I hope she rots in a jail cell one day with out a wig to wear or makeup to wear and without Botox to inject in her plastic face.

  78. Anonymous11:07 PM

    New picture of Bristol?

    Jeepers. Creepers.

  79. Final thought, Part 2:

    A birth certificate is required to apply for the PFD and Trig is on the list for 2009. The assumption is that the Palins have a BC for Trig.

    Of course, Palin pal, Deborah Bitney, is the Director of the PFD Division. Did she put Trig on the list without a BC? Is she keeping a secret that his birth date isn't April 18 or he wasn't born at Mat-Su? Or do the Palins have a BC that meets the specifications of her story, either an original, adoption version, or a fake?

    (From the info I've seen, I'm convinced it's possible that he was born on April 18 at Mat-Su.)

    If the pressure on Sarah heats up, I hope it's made clear that she
    needs more documentation than a BC so we don't have a Birther-type scenario, making us look like conspiracy theorists.)

    If Gryphen KNOWS there CAN't be a BC dated April 18, is there any basis for an ethics complaint that could flush this stinking mess out?

  80. Smirnonn1:41 AM

    Fair is fair, indeed.

    That aside, WTF is with the fake wind blowing in serror's hair? So very 1980's.......

  81. Jeanabella5:35 AM

    To: anonymous 6:04

    President Obama showed the BC long form the day after Trump announced that there is "no bc" according to HI records. His investigators said to him that there is no evidence of a bc.
    Now after that huge lie,(donald got his info from the Globe Tabloid mag. and had no investigators paid by him in HI), the President had his lawyer fly to HI to request a copy of the long form which is not done by that state for anyone without special circumstances.
    Since our intelligent President did this, the percentage of people who now believe he was born in HI has risen sharply.
    It looks like he did the best thing all around and at the same time, calling out the "clowns" like Trump and Sarah as carnival barkers, which is just what they are.
    The media reality shows and right leaning radio has done its job and that is to "dumb down america". Fox news is the example I would use as proof!
    The right wing want to make it look like President Obama isn't a man, but a boy. That's so old racial it's almost unbelievable to hear it.


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